
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 15:36:02
Who was first? Didier!

In fact, last weekend was not the first summit date of Everest this spring season; Didier had already been there!

After taking off from its base camp Lukla on May 14th, 2005 at 2,866 meters (9,403ft) Didier Delsalle onboard his Ecureuil AS350B3 reached the top of Mount Everest.

As required by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI - International Aeronautical Federation), the aircraft remained landed on ground more than 2 minutes on the top of the world before flying back to Lukla. This feat was renewed the day after.

"The magic of the place"

Stepping out of his helicopter, Didier Delsalle commented: « To reach this mythical summit definitively seemed to be a dream; despite the obvious difficulties of the target to be reached, the aircraft demonstrated its capability to cope with the situation (…), sublimated by the magic of the place”.

Jamie McGuiness of Project Himalaya first broke the news of the "Mystery chopper" and the Spanish Everest Valencia team shot a video of it short after, as the chopper was rehearsing above the South Col for the record (Check the newscast library) a few days before the record landing.

On May 14th, 2005 at 7h08 (local time; the chopper made it - at 7h08 (local time), a serial Ecureuil/AStar AS 350 B3 piloted by the EUROCOPTER X-test pilot Didier Delsalle, landed at 8,850 meters (29,035ft) on the top of the Mount Everest.

Achieved with a serial helicopter, this absolute World Record once more contributes to underline the unique qualities of the Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 as a multipurpose, reliable, quick and comfortable helicopter which emerges as the most performing aircraft in the world in the most extreme conditions.

During the trial period, Didier Delsalle and his Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 flew some rescue missions on behalf of the Nepalese authorities demonstrating the operational capabilities of the aircraft used to set the altitude landing and take-off World Record.

Test flights up to 10.211 meters (33.500 ft)

This feat has been achieved further to various flight tests begun one year ago with the Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 among which:

- Experimental flight up to 8,992 meters (29,500 ft) in April 2004 in Istres (France),
- “Time to climb” records to the heights of 3,000, 6,000 and 9,000 meters performed on April 14th, 2005 in respectively 2 minutes 21 seconds, 5 minutes 6 seconds and 9 minutes 26 seconds. These records smash the previous ones held by an Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B1 with respectively 2 minutes 59 seconds, 6 minutes 55 seconds and 13 minutes 52 seconds,
- Experimental flight up to 10.211 meters (33.500 ft) on April 14, 2005,
- Landing at the South Pass of Mount Everest at 7,925 meters (26,000 ft) on May 12th, 2005, establishing a new altitude landing and take-off record, previously held by a Cheetah helicopter - variant of the Lama - at 7,670 meters (25,150 ft).

Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS. The worldwide leader in aerospace, defense, and the associated services, EADS generated a turnover of 31.8 billion euros in 2004, and employed approximately 110,000 people throughout the world. The EADS Group includes the aircraft maker Airbus, the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter, and the world’s second largest missile company, the joint venture MDBA. EADS is also the biggest partner in the Eurofighter consortium and the lead contractor for the Ariane launcher. The Group is also developing the A400M military transport aircraft, and is the major industrial partner for Galileo, the European satellite-based navigation system.

All images courtesy of Eurocopter.

Who was first? Didier!

In fact, last weekend was not the first summit date of Everest this spring season; Didier had already been there!

After taking off from its base camp Lukla on May 14th, 2005 at 2,866 meters (9,403ft) Didier Delsalle onboard his Ecureuil AS350B3 reached the top of Mount Everest.

As required by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI - International Aeronautical Federation), the aircraft remained landed on ground more than 2 minutes on the top of the world before flying back to Lukla. This feat was renewed the day after.

"The magic of the place"

Stepping out of his helicopter, Didier Delsalle commented: « To reach this mythical summit definitively seemed to be a dream; despite the obvious difficulties of the target to be reached, the aircraft demonstrated its capability to cope with the situation (…), sublimated by the magic of the place”.

Jamie McGuiness of Project Himalaya first broke the news of the "Mystery chopper" and the Spanish Everest Valencia team shot a video of it short after, as the chopper was rehearsing above the South Col for the record (Check the newscast library) a few days before the record landing.

On May 14th, 2005 at 7h08 (local time; the chopper made it - at 7h08 (local time), a serial Ecureuil/AStar AS 350 B3 piloted by the EUROCOPTER X-test pilot Didier Delsalle, landed at 8,850 meters (29,035ft) on the top of the Mount Everest.

Achieved with a serial helicopter, this absolute World Record once more contributes to underline the unique qualities of the Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 as a multipurpose, reliable, quick and comfortable helicopter which emerges as the most performing aircraft in the world in the most extreme conditions.

During the trial period, Didier Delsalle and his Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 flew some rescue missions on behalf of the Nepalese authorities demonstrating the operational capabilities of the aircraft used to set the altitude landing and take-off World Record.

Test flights up to 10.211 meters (33.500 ft)

This feat has been achieved further to various flight tests begun one year ago with the Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3 among which:

- Experimental flight up to 8,992 meters (29,500 ft) in April 2004 in Istres (France),
- “Time to climb” records to the heights of 3,000, 6,000 and 9,000 meters performed on April 14th, 2005 in respectively 2 minutes 21 seconds, 5 minutes 6 seconds and 9 minutes 26 seconds. These records smash the previous ones held by an Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B1 with respectively 2 minutes 59 seconds, 6 minutes 55 seconds and 13 minutes 52 seconds,
- Experimental flight up to 10.211 meters (33.500 ft) on April 14, 2005,
- Landing at the South Pass of Mount Everest at 7,925 meters (26,000 ft) on May 12th, 2005, establishing a new altitude landing and take-off record, previously held by a Cheetah helicopter - variant of the Lama - at 7,670 meters (25,150 ft).

Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS. The worldwide leader in aerospace, defense, and the associated services, EADS generated a turnover of 31.8 billion euros in 2004, and employed approximately 110,000 people throughout the world. The EADS Group includes the aircraft maker Airbus, the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter, and the world’s second largest missile company, the joint venture MDBA. EADS is also the biggest partner in the Eurofighter consortium and the lead contractor for the Ariane launcher. The Group is also developing the A400M military transport aircraft, and is the major industrial partner for Galileo, the European satellite-based navigation system.

All images courtesy of Eurocopter.

[B]以下是引用[I]chrisxua[/I]在2005-11-26 0:43:00的发言:[/B][BR]我们的直11可以吗?

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-28 16:29:09编辑过]

老图帖子说的型号是 AS350B3 ,应该是B1的改进型号了,上珠峰完全没有问题。
直升机珠峰起降 尼泊尔人不悦  

风力与巨响引发雪崩 谁负责?
今年5月14日欧洲直升机公司(Eurocopter)制造的AS350B3型直升机,在世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰顶上成功完成起降的作业,创下直升机飞航及 起降高度的世界纪录,翌日再完成第二次飞航成功作业。但是这项创举后来引起尼泊尔当地众多靠着登山活动及山岳旅游事业谋生人士的反对。

尼泊尔山岳协会副会长布米拉日前在新加坡举行的亚洲山岳联盟(UAAA)会员大会与国际山岳联盟(UIAA)会员大会发表声明指出,欧洲直升机公司这项作 秀的商业宣传是不当的行为,不仅会影响尼泊尔当地众多靠着观光旅游事业维生人民的经济利益,更直接威胁到在山区攀登活动的各国登山家与尼泊尔协作员的生命 安全。
布米拉指出,欧洲直升机公司这项飞航作业纯属商业宣传,虽然说直升机有能力在这样的高度进行起降作业有助于执行山难救援任务,但是以后就有可能让许多准备 不够充分的商业登山队伍任意带客人上山,反正随时可以叫直升机来救援,这样反而会危害其他队伍的安全与攀登活动进度,因为依惯例只要山上发生意外或是要进 行救援任务,所有的登山活动都要停下来配合。





2004年,直升机降落喜马拉雅山的最高点是7670米。在此之前,用直升机营救遇险登山者的世界纪录,是由尼泊尔皇家空军飞行员在海拔6500米的高度创造的。 AS350B3“单星”是由欧洲直升机公司生产的2吨级轻型直升机,连同驾驶员可乘6人。该机最大起飞重量2250千克,巡航速度每小时248千米,爬升率每秒9.1米。这次它在珠峰峰顶停留时,高度表显示的海拔高度为8850米,由于山顶被冰雪覆盖,这个数据并不是珠峰的真实高程。据2005年10月9 日我国公布的珠峰新高程数据,珠峰高度为8844.43米。

奇迹的制造者:Didier Delsalle 供图/ExplorersWeb


  “Project Himalaya”公司的JamieMcGuinness是最早报道这件事的人,他从珠峰北坡发回了一则短消息:“尼泊尔当地时间5月5日8:30-8:52之间,一架直升机两次试图在珠峰峰顶着陆(其间有无补充燃料不得而知),它几乎已经成功了,但我们目前在7700米的位置看得不是很清楚,而且角度不佳。再重复一遍,我不能确认究竟是否着陆,但它离顶峰已经很近了!”

  开始人们怀疑这是印度空军珠峰远征队所为,因为先前是他们保持着直升飞机飞行高度的世界纪录,但随后远征队领队、空军司令Amit Chowdhury否认了这一猜测。所有人都在想究竟会是谁,并将这架直升机命名为“神奇直升机”。


  5月12日,Jamie发回了一则新消息:“尼泊尔时间早上7:25 -7:27,又有一架直升机尝试在珠峰峰顶着陆。当时我们身处大本营,由于距离实在太过遥远,无法拍到清晰的照片,因此也就无法确定它是否成功着陆,虽然这一次看上去依然很近。直升机似乎试图停留在尼泊尔领空。”


神秘来客 供图/ExplorersWeb


飞向顶峰 供图/ExplorersWeb

  5月24日,难以置信的消息传来:“2005年5月14日,早上7:08,由欧洲直升机公司‘极限测试’飞行员DidierDelsalle驾驶的一架编号为Ecureuil/AStar AS350B3的直升飞机成功着陆在海拔8844米的珠峰峰顶(尼泊尔境内)。”

  2005年5月14日,Didier Delsalle驾驶着他的EcureuilAS350B3直升飞机从海拔2866米的基地Lukla起飞,到达珠峰峰顶。根据国际航空联合会的要求,飞机着陆后又在峰顶继续停留了超过两分钟,然后返回基地。第二天,这一消息得到了进一步证实。

  走出驾驶舱,Didier Delsalle发表了自己的看法:“想要到达那神话般的顶峰,听上去无疑是在做梦。尽管着陆有着明显的困难,但我们还是证明了这架直升机的性能足以应付这糟糕的条件……,是珠峰的神奇魔力帮助我们成就了梦想。”



着陆瞬间 供图/ExplorersWeb


  研究珠峰历史的专家Jochen Hemmleb仔细鉴别了所有图象,得出的结论是:这就是珠峰,着陆点也肯定是珠峰的顶峰。













原帖由 jerrygen 于 2005-11-29 00:40 发表

[WARNING! WARNING!] http://www.explorersweb.com/webtv/movies/mysterychopper_player.swf
炎运宏开世界同 发表于 2015-2-3 06:24
中央电视台军事频道在1月31日晚的《军事报道》栏目中,独家揭秘了中国陆航试飞员试飞直升机的种种经历,其 ...
elzl 发表于 2015-2-3 07:09

炎运宏开世界同 发表于 2015-2-3 09:44
