论贞洁牌坊的倒掉——《今日俄罗斯》 :美国领导人再一 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 21:44:53
《今日俄罗斯》 :美国领导人再一次拒绝了民主
US leaders reject democracy, once again


美国白宫(法新社图/Saul Loeb)                                                                                       

In Crimea, some may be surprised by theUS’s blatant rejection of a clear democratic mandate for independence, asleaders in Washington constantly boast of being “defenders of democracy.”


Back in 2003, George W. Bush justified hisinvasion of Iraq by saying he was “bringing freedom” to Iraq and “removing adictator.” In 2011, Barack Obama justified sending cruise missiles to Libya bycalling Gaddafi a “tyrant.” The US currently gives material support toinsurgent groups in Syria, allegedly because Assad is a "dictator."

回顾到2003年,小布什(George W. Bush)总统仅仅凭借其“把自由带到伊拉克”和“打倒独裁者”的口号就入侵了伊拉克。在2011年,奥巴马总统也凭借“卡扎菲是暴君”的借口就向利比亚派遣了军队。美国也凭借着阿萨德是“独裁者”的理由一直在给叙利亚的反对派提供物资支持。

Children in the United States, from a veryyoung age, are indoctrinated to believe that the US fights for “freedom” aroundthe world, and enemies of the US are simply those who reject it. The nauseatingrhetoric of the US being “the greatest country in the world” is accompanied bya historical mythology that in each military conflict, from the conquest of thePhilippines in 1899 to the Cold War, the US government was motivated merely bya desire to “defend” and “spread freedom” and to fight against “dictators"and "oppressors."


This narrative is simply false. Anexamination of the world situation shows that the rejection of the popular willof Crimea is nothing new. In numerous instances, the US government hasconsidered popular leaders chosen by democratic elections to be illegitimateand worked to undermine them, and in many other instances, the US
backedunpopular and oppressive autocrats.

The2009 coup in Honduras


In 2009, the Honduran military removedPresident Manuel Zelaya, who had won in a democratic election. Afteroverthrowing the elected government, Roberto Michilletti,the general who led this violent coup was declared “Congressman for Life.”Since the coup, there has been a campaign of fascist violence in Honduras. Over30 journalists have been assassinated. Human Rights Watch reports that Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual and Transgender activists are also being exterminated, with 70 ofthem already targeted and killed.


The coup has resulted in economic horror.The World Bank reports that 59 percent of the country now lives in poverty,with the level of extreme poverty growing each day. Fifty-one percent of thepopulation is unemployed. Honduras now also has the highest murder rate in theentire world.



(法新社图/Orlando Sierra)

The US did not send in cruise missiles to“defend democracy” when Zelaya was overthrown. The response was the opposite.


Zeleya, the democratically-electedpresident, had dared to align with Bolivia and Venezuela. He had rejected therule of Wall Street and led Honduras into the Bolivarian Alternative for LatinAmerica (ALBA). When he was violently overthrown, the US embraced the militaryleaders who did so and has continued to align with them.

前民选总统塞拉亚,曾敢于与玻利维亚和委内瑞拉结盟。他拒绝了华尔街制定的规则并且加入了美洲玻利瓦尔联盟(ALBA)。当塞拉亚被暴力推翻后,美国接受了军队领导人罗伯托•米凯莱蒂,而罗伯托•米凯莱蒂 实际上继续与ALBA维持联盟关系。

What happened in Honduras in 2009 wassimilar to what the US did in 1973 in Chile. Salvador Allende, ademocratically-elected socialist, was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup. Thefascist regime of Augusto Pinochet was installed, and at least 20,000 left-wingactivists were rounded up and summarily executed. All across Latin America, theCIA has carried out coups, overturned governments and installed pro-Wall Streetautocrats.


Thedestabilization of Belarus


Aleksandr Lukashenko, the president ofBelarus, is highly popular. In the aftermath of the collapse of the SovietUnion, Lukashenko refused to sell off Belarus mines, forests, and factories.Eighty percent of Belarus' economy remains under public ownership. The CIAWorld Factbook confirms that while unemployment around the world hasskyrocketed in recent decades, in Belarus less than 2 percent of the populationis unemployed. Lukashenko's popularity is based on economic populism, standingup for the people, and refusing to allow the plunder of the country.


When Lukashenko was first elected in 1995,he received only a plurality of 45.1 percent of the vote. After his first termin office, when he ran for reelection in 2001, he was voted back into officewith 77 percent. Running for his third term in 2006, he received 82 percent ofthe vote. In the most recent election in 2010, Lukashenko won 79 percent of thevote. Each presidential election in Belarus is surrounded by violence andrioting staged by the anti-government minority in Belarus that is funded by theWestern economic powers, and cheered by Western media. The National Endowmentfor Democracy has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into anti-governmentgroups in Belarus. NGOs have been established. Following the 2010 presidentialelection, government buildings had their windows smashed. Belarus faceseconomic sanctions from the European Union.

当卢卡申科在1995年第一次参选总统时,他仅获得了45.1%的选票。但当他参加2001年的第二次总统选举时,他以77%的支持率高票当选。在参加2003年的第三次总统选举时,他的支持率高达82%。在他第四次参选2010年的总统选举时,他也收获了79%的选票。每次白俄罗斯选举总统时,被西方赞助的反政府少数派使得国内处于暴力和骚乱阶段,西方媒体却对此欢欣鼓舞。美国国家民主捐赠基金会(官方背景)(The National Endowment for Democracy,NED,)已经为白俄罗斯的反政府组织注入成千上万的美元。众多非政府组织(NEO)也已经成立。在2010年总统大选时,政府大楼窗户都被人砸破了。白俄罗斯面临着欧盟的经济制裁。

While Lukashenko is highly popular with thepeople of Belarus, and has been reelected with large majorities, the US hasworked very hard to destabilize Belarus and overthrow him. The fact thatLukashenko is supported by an overwhelming majority of the population has nothalted the "defenders of democracy" in Washington from trying toremove him, and calling Belarus "an outpost of tyranny."


LabelingChavez and Maduro ‘dictators’


Another example of complete US disregardfor democracy has been the treatment given to the late president of Venezuela,Hugo Chavez. Chavez was elected multiple times. Each of these elections wasobserved by the United Nations, the Carter Center, and the Organization ofAmerican States, who all certified their results as legitimate. Maduro,Chavez’s successor, has also been elected democratically, with over 170different foreign observers welcomed to Venezuela to oversee the votingprocess.

美国完全忽视民主的另一个例子是美国拒绝给(当时罹患癌症,生命垂危的)委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯必要的治疗。查韦斯多次当选总统,每次选举都受到联合国(UN)组织卡特中心(the Carter Center)和洲国际组织(the Organization of American States)的观察。它们都可以证明他们的观察结果合法真实有效。查韦斯的继任者马杜罗,同样以民主选举的方式当选。来自不同国家的,超过170个观察员被邀请监督委内瑞拉选举的整个过程。

委内瑞拉现任总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(法新社图/ Leo Ramirez)

In Venezuela, opposition parties not onlyopenly operate, but control most of the TV networks and media. Anti-Chavez andAnti-Maduro rhetoric is constantly spewed from Venezuela's television and radiostations. Rallies against the government by right-wing groups are everydayoccurrences. Venezuela does not have the death penalty, let alone torture,rendition or secret prisons.


Yet somehow, US officials and Western mediainsist that Chavez was a brutal dictator. John Kerry now speaks of sanctionsagainst Venezuela. No matter how much the Bolivarian forces in Venezuelaaccommodate the right-wing, US-funded opposition, the Western media andofficials in Washington insist on calling them "dictators."


The Venezuelan public has voted again andagain in favor of the popular reforms that began with Chavez, and continue nowwith Maduro. The Venezuelan public supports the economic empowerment of workingpeople, the changing of capitalist property relations, and the expansion ofpopular democracy, and has voted to allow the process to continue.


The US government and its allies areunconcerned about the popularity of the Bolivarian movement, or even itscontinued tolerance of the increasingly violent minority who oppose it. The USopenly works to destabilize and overthrow the popular Venezuelan government,and yet somehow declares these efforts to be "democratic."


WallStreet’s favorite autocrats


While many democratically-electedgovernments are subverted and threatened by the United States, there are manyopen unapologetic dictatorships that receive US support. All the tyrants, massmurderers and oppressive dictators who have received US funding and supporthave received it because they are obedient servants for Wall Street. With theirslaughter, they have kept profits flowing to the New York Stock Exchange, andthey have murdered those who would direct them otherwise by forming labor unions,establishing measures of economic protection, or demanding basic democraticrights.


Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Itconducts public beheading and floggings and has absolutely no notion of “civilrights” or “freedom.” Saudi people have no ability to vote against this regime,and there are no elections of any kind taking place in Saudi Arabia. Yet the USsends billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia each year. The blatantly autocratickingdom is the primary ally of the United States in the Middle East, afterIsrael.


In South Korea, it is a crime to makecertain political statements. Park Jeong-Geun was detained and jailed fortweeting. His tweets were not even meant as political statements but assarcastic jokes, but he was still locked up. The Unified Progressive Party, theprimary opposition party in South Korea, has been shut down, with its leaderssentenced to lengthy prison terms. Yet 28,500 US troops are stationed in SouthKorea to protect this regime, and it also receives millions of dollars in USaid and support.

在南韩,明确政治立场也是有罪的。朴正根(Park Jeong-Geun)因为推特言论被扣留和监禁。他的推特内容并不意味着他的政治立场而只是一个讽刺的玩笑,但他却因此关押。统一进步党(The Unified Progressive Party,UPP)是韩国的主要反对党,也已经被解散,它的领导人被判处长期监禁。在南韩驻扎有28500名美国士兵来保护这个政权,它还接受数百万美元的美国援助和支持。

The Gulf emirate of Qatar is so autocraticand repressive that it does not just ban opposition parties, but all politicalparties. People there have none of the "human rights" or"freedom of speech" the US claims to champion. In one example of theautocratic nature of Qatar, a poet named Muhammad Ibn al-Dheebal-Ajami was sentenced to life in prison for “insulting” a leader ofthe country. In October, his sentence was reduced from life to 15 years.Despite no notion of democracy existing, and life sentences being handed downfor political expression, the US still supplies Qatar with millions of dollarseach year.


时间:2013年6月23日   地点:卡塔尔首都Wajbah宫(法新社图/ Jacquelyn Martin)

The list of dictators and oppressors whohave been funded, armed and supported by the United States is very long. Itincludes figures like the Shah of Iran, Rios Montt of Guatemala and othermonsters who have tortured, murdered and killed.

被美国赞助、武装和武装的独裁者和专制者数目很多,包括:伊朗国王、危地马拉的里奥斯·蒙特(Rios Montt)和其他被虐待、谋杀的人。

Francisco Franco, the military dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975, rode into powerwith the aid of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and publicly executednumerous people by means of public strangulation. After World War II, he wasembraced by the US, who signed the "Pact of Madrid," promisingabsolute support to the fascist regime. US military facilities were set up inSpain and US President Richard Nixon toasted Franco, describing him as a “loyalfriend and ally of the United States."

西班牙的军事独裁者弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(1939年-1975年),在阿道夫·希特勒和本尼托·墨索里尼的帮助下执掌权政,并公开绞杀了很多人。二战后,他得到了美国的支持,他们签署了“马德里协定”,承诺绝对支持他的法西斯政权。美国在西班牙建立了军事设施,美国总统理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)与佛朗哥干杯,称他为“忠诚的朋友和美国的盟友”。

Though anti-Communist rhetoric from US leaders often includes references to "killing fields," the US evenbriefly supported Pol Pot in Cambodia, thinking him to be a helpful allyagainst the Soviet Union and Vietnam.

虽然美国领导人反共通常引用“杀戮场”之类的的言辞,美国甚至一度支持柬埔寨的波尔布特(Pol Pot),把他当作一个有力的盟友,用来对抗苏联和越南。

These historical facts are ignored by theaverage foreign policy analyst on CNN, or MSNBC, but many people around theworld have not forgotten them. Each time Obama, Clinton or Kerry begin tolecture us about the "human rights violations" of some leader aroundthe world, millions of eyes roll in disgust. The US has worked with countlesstyrants, oppressors and violators of human rights, and often has made no effortto conceal it.


A globalstruggle for economic independence


All across the world, countries arethrowing off the rule of Wall Street, the London Stock Exchange, the IMF andother institutions of Western imperialist economic power. These countries arenot political clones. Some are religious, some are secular,some are capitalist, some are socialist, some are led by Marxist-Leninistparties, others by committed anti-Communists; but all are united in a desirefor economic independence.


At this moment, the countries that the USseeks to overthrow and destabilize are all part of an emerging global alliance.They have all declared some measure of economic independence. They have soughtto reconstruct the economy to serve themselves, not billionaires in the US andEurope. US leaders, despite their rhetoric, do not care if there is massivepublic support for such regimes. Any country that refuses to bow before theeconomic hegemony of the West, whether it is China, Russia, People's Korea,Iran, Zimbabwe or Belarus, is targeted with subversion and attack.


In the New World Order declared by GeorgeH.W. Bush in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR, no country is allowedto develop independently. The world economy is to be controlled by thebillionaires on Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange, and all who demandindependence are to be threatened, sanctioned, bombed and destroyed. Thebombing of Libya, the invasion of Iraq, the attack on Serbia, all served tobeat down leaders and regimes that refused to accept economic domination by theUnited States.

在苏联(USSR)崩溃后,老布什(George H.W. Bush)总统宣布在世界新秩序中,没有一个国家可以独立发展。世界经济正由华尔街、伦敦证券交易所的亿万富翁控制。任何谋求独立的国家将会受到威胁、制裁、轰炸和摧毁。轰炸利比亚的、入侵伊拉克、攻击塞尔维亚,目的都是为了打倒那些拒绝接受美国经济主导地位的领导人和政权。

It is clear, however, that the will of thepeople, in every corner of the globe, is for independence and freedom. Theglobal setup of economic domination by Western powers is highly unpopular. Nomatter how many Cruise missiles are fired, sanctions are imposed, or terroristgroups are armed, the people continue to demand economic independence andnational liberation. Leaders like Patrice Lamumba, Mao Zedong, Hugo Chavez,Alexander Lukashenko, Hassan Nasrallah, and EvoMorales continue to emerge, and people continue to rally aroundthem. The prosperity, freedom and happiness offered by those promoting westerneconomic "development" has simply not materialized, and globally, thehuman race is rejecting the path offered by Wall Street and London.

然而,很明显的是,在全球各个角落,人民的意志都是寻求独立和自由。西方大国主导的全球经济非常不受欢迎的。不管有多少巡航导弹被发射,多少制裁措施被实施,多少恐怖组织被武装,人民继续要求经济独立和民族解放。诸如帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumumba)、毛泽东、乌戈•查韦斯、亚历山大•卢卡申科、哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah)、埃沃•莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)等领导人会继续出现,人们继续会团结在他们周围。那些促进西部经济“发展”并能够带来繁荣、自由和幸福的东西并不是可以物化的。在全世界范围内,人类拒绝华尔街和伦敦设计好的道路。

When Obama talked of a direct militaryattack on Syria, world public opinion pushed him back. Now a new poll from PewResearch shows that the overwhelming majority of people, even within the UnitedStates itself, say "we should not get involved” in Ukraine.


The Wall Street-run government of theUnited States is hostile to the sentiments expressed in popular democraticelections. It’s happy to embrace autocrats and tyrants, because humanity hasrejected what they have put forward. Only as the bankers are driven back, andthe oppressed countries of the world break free, we will begin to see a greaterlevel of democracy unfold.




Free_DrVojislavSeselj 25.03.2014 23:44     支持5
A good article exposing US rhetoric asnothing more than a lazy effort in propaganda. With a military presence in over105 countries and territories around the entire planet, USA is the greatestempire in world history. Articles by apologists desperately pointing out the USis not an empire in the classic sense are little more than exercises indementia, as imperialism is an evolving process as are its crucial elements;such as techniques and strategy in warfare. FWIW, 'classic empire' apologistsshould note that Christians & Lions have long since been replaced by CNN& footage of "interventions& quot;.


Miroslav Bakotic 26.03.2014 00:21   支持2
Never forget how many people die, how manysuffer because of US and EU doings ! One more thing they have good standard notbecause they have recourses but because they make standard on other countriessuffering and naturally they don't want to loose this standard.


Karl Schulze 26.03.2014 00:27   支持4
As noted, American "leaders" havebeen one of the greatest threats to democracy for over one hundred years.Beginning with the Spanish-American War, American empire building has been theAmerican elites' primary occupation - the welfare of their own people and othernations' sovereignty have ALWAYS been secondary.
But if you tell a lie often enough peoplebegin to believe it - especially if they are children or just plain ignorant.So today, most Americans believe that they still live in "the land of thefree and the home of the brave"! We are the "defenders ofdemocracy".

如上所述, 一百多年来,美国的“领导人”已成为民主的最大威胁之一。从美-西战争开始,美国的帝国大厦就成为美国精英的主要职业,而本国人民的福祉和其他国家的主权一直是次要的。

T K 26.03.2014 01:28   支持1
Very litle new information for me in thisartickle, but it helped me to organize thinks i knew in my head. Thank youautor for that!USA is the biggest empire ever been on this planet.Congratulations! But enough is enough. Dont push it.More and more people onthis planet starting to hate usa goverment for their lies and actions. Btw.Does usa only has democrats and republicans as political parties? Is their anyreal opposition in politics?


Mike Littlefield 26.03.2014 01:35   支持4
We did bring freedom to Iraq. Freedom fromlaw, order and security.
God bless this evil nation.


africaboy 26.03.2014 02:08   支持4
That is why the collapse of the SovietUnion was the biggest disaster of the last century. Today we are experiencingthe criminal behavior of those who call themselves the West. Whatwe should mention here the world opinions ( visit any forum online) you willnotice we are against the axis of devil ( US/EU). I am certain a revolutionwill be welcomed in America than any other country. Who willhave the courage to defeat the system. When the Bricks was formed they starttheir bullying campaign. Russia should never try tobe friend with UK ( the great devil) and America the great Satan.


Rostislav Babiak 26.03.2014 02:22   支持3
The nappy headed spear chuckerin the White House is going to get this country turned into a pile ofradioactive ash if he does not stop shooting his mouth off like some smacktalking crackheaded jungle bunny pimp on a street corner about Russia. What anembarrassment this primate and chief is.


David Labor 26.03.2014 02:25   支持7
I live in the US and I am a citizen.Everything I have read here is true. For the longest time I have referred to mycountry as the "big bully. We think that we are the greatest country onthe planet. We expect every other country that our way is the best way. Our wayisn't good enough for our own country.
Our founding fathers knew that what theystarted was a good thing. It may have been in the 1700's. They also knew thateventually could backfire. That's what has happened. The next war you will hearabout is the civil war in the US.


LarryHarry 26.03.2014 02:43   支持8
"I live in the US and I am a citizen.Everything I have read here is true. For the longest time I have referred to mycountry as the "big bully. We think that we are the greatest country onthe planet. We expect every other country that our way is the best way. Our wayisn't good enough for our own country.
Our founding fathers knew that what theystarted was a good thing. It may have been in the 1700's. They also knew thateventually could backfire. That's what has happened.
The next war you will hear about is thecivil war in the US"
Therevolution wont be televised

【回David Labor】这场战争将会现场直播

john doe 26.03.2014 03:38   反对5
BS article.


john doe 26.03.2014 03:39   反对6
This author must be on drugs


John Smith 26.03.2014 03:51   支持1
Great article.


Carlton AlexanderFree 26.03.2014 04:01   支持4
Very well put. Being an American, I ambeyond fed up with the United States and the compulsive lyingof the government and media. I ignore both and have decided to never listen tothem on anything ever again. The United States is clearly no longer a countrythat stands for freedom. It has practically descended into a police state andviolates people's rights everyday. Ideas such as Obamacare are big example ofthose violations.


Jay 26.03.2014 04:08   反对1
My favorite piece in this so called"Article" is: All the tyrants, mass murderers and oppressive dictators who have received US funding and support have received it becausethey are obedient servants for Wall Street.
What it doesn't say is that Putin and Russia receivedoutlandish amounts of financial aid and support from the US and the west afterthe Soviet Union fell. Convenient?


BRICSIAN 26.03.2014 04:13   支持4
This text needs to be printed in A4 paperand handed over to school and university students across USA.

这篇文章需要打印出来并交给所有美国的中学生和大学生好好看看。(评论完)《今日俄罗斯》 :美国领导人再一次拒绝了民主
US leaders reject democracy, once again


美国白宫(法新社图/Saul Loeb)                                                                                       

In Crimea, some may be surprised by theUS’s blatant rejection of a clear democratic mandate for independence, asleaders in Washington constantly boast of being “defenders of democracy.”


Back in 2003, George W. Bush justified hisinvasion of Iraq by saying he was “bringing freedom” to Iraq and “removing adictator.” In 2011, Barack Obama justified sending cruise missiles to Libya bycalling Gaddafi a “tyrant.” The US currently gives material support toinsurgent groups in Syria, allegedly because Assad is a "dictator."

回顾到2003年,小布什(George W. Bush)总统仅仅凭借其“把自由带到伊拉克”和“打倒独裁者”的口号就入侵了伊拉克。在2011年,奥巴马总统也凭借“卡扎菲是暴君”的借口就向利比亚派遣了军队。美国也凭借着阿萨德是“独裁者”的理由一直在给叙利亚的反对派提供物资支持。

Children in the United States, from a veryyoung age, are indoctrinated to believe that the US fights for “freedom” aroundthe world, and enemies of the US are simply those who reject it. The nauseatingrhetoric of the US being “the greatest country in the world” is accompanied bya historical mythology that in each military conflict, from the conquest of thePhilippines in 1899 to the Cold War, the US government was motivated merely bya desire to “defend” and “spread freedom” and to fight against “dictators"and "oppressors."


This narrative is simply false. Anexamination of the world situation shows that the rejection of the popular willof Crimea is nothing new. In numerous instances, the US government hasconsidered popular leaders chosen by democratic elections to be illegitimateand worked to undermine them, and in many other instances, the US
backedunpopular and oppressive autocrats.

The2009 coup in Honduras


In 2009, the Honduran military removedPresident Manuel Zelaya, who had won in a democratic election. Afteroverthrowing the elected government, Roberto Michilletti,the general who led this violent coup was declared “Congressman for Life.”Since the coup, there has been a campaign of fascist violence in Honduras. Over30 journalists have been assassinated. Human Rights Watch reports that Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual and Transgender activists are also being exterminated, with 70 ofthem already targeted and killed.


The coup has resulted in economic horror.The World Bank reports that 59 percent of the country now lives in poverty,with the level of extreme poverty growing each day. Fifty-one percent of thepopulation is unemployed. Honduras now also has the highest murder rate in theentire world.



(法新社图/Orlando Sierra)

The US did not send in cruise missiles to“defend democracy” when Zelaya was overthrown. The response was the opposite.


Zeleya, the democratically-electedpresident, had dared to align with Bolivia and Venezuela. He had rejected therule of Wall Street and led Honduras into the Bolivarian Alternative for LatinAmerica (ALBA). When he was violently overthrown, the US embraced the militaryleaders who did so and has continued to align with them.

前民选总统塞拉亚,曾敢于与玻利维亚和委内瑞拉结盟。他拒绝了华尔街制定的规则并且加入了美洲玻利瓦尔联盟(ALBA)。当塞拉亚被暴力推翻后,美国接受了军队领导人罗伯托•米凯莱蒂,而罗伯托•米凯莱蒂 实际上继续与ALBA维持联盟关系。

What happened in Honduras in 2009 wassimilar to what the US did in 1973 in Chile. Salvador Allende, ademocratically-elected socialist, was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup. Thefascist regime of Augusto Pinochet was installed, and at least 20,000 left-wingactivists were rounded up and summarily executed. All across Latin America, theCIA has carried out coups, overturned governments and installed pro-Wall Streetautocrats.


Thedestabilization of Belarus


Aleksandr Lukashenko, the president ofBelarus, is highly popular. In the aftermath of the collapse of the SovietUnion, Lukashenko refused to sell off Belarus mines, forests, and factories.Eighty percent of Belarus' economy remains under public ownership. The CIAWorld Factbook confirms that while unemployment around the world hasskyrocketed in recent decades, in Belarus less than 2 percent of the populationis unemployed. Lukashenko's popularity is based on economic populism, standingup for the people, and refusing to allow the plunder of the country.


When Lukashenko was first elected in 1995,he received only a plurality of 45.1 percent of the vote. After his first termin office, when he ran for reelection in 2001, he was voted back into officewith 77 percent. Running for his third term in 2006, he received 82 percent ofthe vote. In the most recent election in 2010, Lukashenko won 79 percent of thevote. Each presidential election in Belarus is surrounded by violence andrioting staged by the anti-government minority in Belarus that is funded by theWestern economic powers, and cheered by Western media. The National Endowmentfor Democracy has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into anti-governmentgroups in Belarus. NGOs have been established. Following the 2010 presidentialelection, government buildings had their windows smashed. Belarus faceseconomic sanctions from the European Union.

当卢卡申科在1995年第一次参选总统时,他仅获得了45.1%的选票。但当他参加2001年的第二次总统选举时,他以77%的支持率高票当选。在参加2003年的第三次总统选举时,他的支持率高达82%。在他第四次参选2010年的总统选举时,他也收获了79%的选票。每次白俄罗斯选举总统时,被西方赞助的反政府少数派使得国内处于暴力和骚乱阶段,西方媒体却对此欢欣鼓舞。美国国家民主捐赠基金会(官方背景)(The National Endowment for Democracy,NED,)已经为白俄罗斯的反政府组织注入成千上万的美元。众多非政府组织(NEO)也已经成立。在2010年总统大选时,政府大楼窗户都被人砸破了。白俄罗斯面临着欧盟的经济制裁。

While Lukashenko is highly popular with thepeople of Belarus, and has been reelected with large majorities, the US hasworked very hard to destabilize Belarus and overthrow him. The fact thatLukashenko is supported by an overwhelming majority of the population has nothalted the "defenders of democracy" in Washington from trying toremove him, and calling Belarus "an outpost of tyranny."


LabelingChavez and Maduro ‘dictators’


Another example of complete US disregardfor democracy has been the treatment given to the late president of Venezuela,Hugo Chavez. Chavez was elected multiple times. Each of these elections wasobserved by the United Nations, the Carter Center, and the Organization ofAmerican States, who all certified their results as legitimate. Maduro,Chavez’s successor, has also been elected democratically, with over 170different foreign observers welcomed to Venezuela to oversee the votingprocess.

美国完全忽视民主的另一个例子是美国拒绝给(当时罹患癌症,生命垂危的)委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯必要的治疗。查韦斯多次当选总统,每次选举都受到联合国(UN)组织卡特中心(the Carter Center)和洲国际组织(the Organization of American States)的观察。它们都可以证明他们的观察结果合法真实有效。查韦斯的继任者马杜罗,同样以民主选举的方式当选。来自不同国家的,超过170个观察员被邀请监督委内瑞拉选举的整个过程。

委内瑞拉现任总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(法新社图/ Leo Ramirez)

In Venezuela, opposition parties not onlyopenly operate, but control most of the TV networks and media. Anti-Chavez andAnti-Maduro rhetoric is constantly spewed from Venezuela's television and radiostations. Rallies against the government by right-wing groups are everydayoccurrences. Venezuela does not have the death penalty, let alone torture,rendition or secret prisons.


Yet somehow, US officials and Western mediainsist that Chavez was a brutal dictator. John Kerry now speaks of sanctionsagainst Venezuela. No matter how much the Bolivarian forces in Venezuelaaccommodate the right-wing, US-funded opposition, the Western media andofficials in Washington insist on calling them "dictators."


The Venezuelan public has voted again andagain in favor of the popular reforms that began with Chavez, and continue nowwith Maduro. The Venezuelan public supports the economic empowerment of workingpeople, the changing of capitalist property relations, and the expansion ofpopular democracy, and has voted to allow the process to continue.


The US government and its allies areunconcerned about the popularity of the Bolivarian movement, or even itscontinued tolerance of the increasingly violent minority who oppose it. The USopenly works to destabilize and overthrow the popular Venezuelan government,and yet somehow declares these efforts to be "democratic."


WallStreet’s favorite autocrats


While many democratically-electedgovernments are subverted and threatened by the United States, there are manyopen unapologetic dictatorships that receive US support. All the tyrants, massmurderers and oppressive dictators who have received US funding and supporthave received it because they are obedient servants for Wall Street. With theirslaughter, they have kept profits flowing to the New York Stock Exchange, andthey have murdered those who would direct them otherwise by forming labor unions,establishing measures of economic protection, or demanding basic democraticrights.


Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Itconducts public beheading and floggings and has absolutely no notion of “civilrights” or “freedom.” Saudi people have no ability to vote against this regime,and there are no elections of any kind taking place in Saudi Arabia. Yet the USsends billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia each year. The blatantly autocratickingdom is the primary ally of the United States in the Middle East, afterIsrael.


In South Korea, it is a crime to makecertain political statements. Park Jeong-Geun was detained and jailed fortweeting. His tweets were not even meant as political statements but assarcastic jokes, but he was still locked up. The Unified Progressive Party, theprimary opposition party in South Korea, has been shut down, with its leaderssentenced to lengthy prison terms. Yet 28,500 US troops are stationed in SouthKorea to protect this regime, and it also receives millions of dollars in USaid and support.

在南韩,明确政治立场也是有罪的。朴正根(Park Jeong-Geun)因为推特言论被扣留和监禁。他的推特内容并不意味着他的政治立场而只是一个讽刺的玩笑,但他却因此关押。统一进步党(The Unified Progressive Party,UPP)是韩国的主要反对党,也已经被解散,它的领导人被判处长期监禁。在南韩驻扎有28500名美国士兵来保护这个政权,它还接受数百万美元的美国援助和支持。

The Gulf emirate of Qatar is so autocraticand repressive that it does not just ban opposition parties, but all politicalparties. People there have none of the "human rights" or"freedom of speech" the US claims to champion. In one example of theautocratic nature of Qatar, a poet named Muhammad Ibn al-Dheebal-Ajami was sentenced to life in prison for “insulting” a leader ofthe country. In October, his sentence was reduced from life to 15 years.Despite no notion of democracy existing, and life sentences being handed downfor political expression, the US still supplies Qatar with millions of dollarseach year.


时间:2013年6月23日   地点:卡塔尔首都Wajbah宫(法新社图/ Jacquelyn Martin)

The list of dictators and oppressors whohave been funded, armed and supported by the United States is very long. Itincludes figures like the Shah of Iran, Rios Montt of Guatemala and othermonsters who have tortured, murdered and killed.

被美国赞助、武装和武装的独裁者和专制者数目很多,包括:伊朗国王、危地马拉的里奥斯·蒙特(Rios Montt)和其他被虐待、谋杀的人。

Francisco Franco, the military dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975, rode into powerwith the aid of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and publicly executednumerous people by means of public strangulation. After World War II, he wasembraced by the US, who signed the "Pact of Madrid," promisingabsolute support to the fascist regime. US military facilities were set up inSpain and US President Richard Nixon toasted Franco, describing him as a “loyalfriend and ally of the United States."

西班牙的军事独裁者弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(1939年-1975年),在阿道夫·希特勒和本尼托·墨索里尼的帮助下执掌权政,并公开绞杀了很多人。二战后,他得到了美国的支持,他们签署了“马德里协定”,承诺绝对支持他的法西斯政权。美国在西班牙建立了军事设施,美国总统理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)与佛朗哥干杯,称他为“忠诚的朋友和美国的盟友”。

Though anti-Communist rhetoric from US leaders often includes references to "killing fields," the US evenbriefly supported Pol Pot in Cambodia, thinking him to be a helpful allyagainst the Soviet Union and Vietnam.

虽然美国领导人反共通常引用“杀戮场”之类的的言辞,美国甚至一度支持柬埔寨的波尔布特(Pol Pot),把他当作一个有力的盟友,用来对抗苏联和越南。

These historical facts are ignored by theaverage foreign policy analyst on CNN, or MSNBC, but many people around theworld have not forgotten them. Each time Obama, Clinton or Kerry begin tolecture us about the "human rights violations" of some leader aroundthe world, millions of eyes roll in disgust. The US has worked with countlesstyrants, oppressors and violators of human rights, and often has made no effortto conceal it.


A globalstruggle for economic independence


All across the world, countries arethrowing off the rule of Wall Street, the London Stock Exchange, the IMF andother institutions of Western imperialist economic power. These countries arenot political clones. Some are religious, some are secular,some are capitalist, some are socialist, some are led by Marxist-Leninistparties, others by committed anti-Communists; but all are united in a desirefor economic independence.


At this moment, the countries that the USseeks to overthrow and destabilize are all part of an emerging global alliance.They have all declared some measure of economic independence. They have soughtto reconstruct the economy to serve themselves, not billionaires in the US andEurope. US leaders, despite their rhetoric, do not care if there is massivepublic support for such regimes. Any country that refuses to bow before theeconomic hegemony of the West, whether it is China, Russia, People's Korea,Iran, Zimbabwe or Belarus, is targeted with subversion and attack.


In the New World Order declared by GeorgeH.W. Bush in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR, no country is allowedto develop independently. The world economy is to be controlled by thebillionaires on Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange, and all who demandindependence are to be threatened, sanctioned, bombed and destroyed. Thebombing of Libya, the invasion of Iraq, the attack on Serbia, all served tobeat down leaders and regimes that refused to accept economic domination by theUnited States.

在苏联(USSR)崩溃后,老布什(George H.W. Bush)总统宣布在世界新秩序中,没有一个国家可以独立发展。世界经济正由华尔街、伦敦证券交易所的亿万富翁控制。任何谋求独立的国家将会受到威胁、制裁、轰炸和摧毁。轰炸利比亚的、入侵伊拉克、攻击塞尔维亚,目的都是为了打倒那些拒绝接受美国经济主导地位的领导人和政权。

It is clear, however, that the will of thepeople, in every corner of the globe, is for independence and freedom. Theglobal setup of economic domination by Western powers is highly unpopular. Nomatter how many Cruise missiles are fired, sanctions are imposed, or terroristgroups are armed, the people continue to demand economic independence andnational liberation. Leaders like Patrice Lamumba, Mao Zedong, Hugo Chavez,Alexander Lukashenko, Hassan Nasrallah, and EvoMorales continue to emerge, and people continue to rally aroundthem. The prosperity, freedom and happiness offered by those promoting westerneconomic "development" has simply not materialized, and globally, thehuman race is rejecting the path offered by Wall Street and London.

然而,很明显的是,在全球各个角落,人民的意志都是寻求独立和自由。西方大国主导的全球经济非常不受欢迎的。不管有多少巡航导弹被发射,多少制裁措施被实施,多少恐怖组织被武装,人民继续要求经济独立和民族解放。诸如帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumumba)、毛泽东、乌戈•查韦斯、亚历山大•卢卡申科、哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah)、埃沃•莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)等领导人会继续出现,人们继续会团结在他们周围。那些促进西部经济“发展”并能够带来繁荣、自由和幸福的东西并不是可以物化的。在全世界范围内,人类拒绝华尔街和伦敦设计好的道路。

When Obama talked of a direct militaryattack on Syria, world public opinion pushed him back. Now a new poll from PewResearch shows that the overwhelming majority of people, even within the UnitedStates itself, say "we should not get involved” in Ukraine.


The Wall Street-run government of theUnited States is hostile to the sentiments expressed in popular democraticelections. It’s happy to embrace autocrats and tyrants, because humanity hasrejected what they have put forward. Only as the bankers are driven back, andthe oppressed countries of the world break free, we will begin to see a greaterlevel of democracy unfold.




Free_DrVojislavSeselj 25.03.2014 23:44     支持5
A good article exposing US rhetoric asnothing more than a lazy effort in propaganda. With a military presence in over105 countries and territories around the entire planet, USA is the greatestempire in world history. Articles by apologists desperately pointing out the USis not an empire in the classic sense are little more than exercises indementia, as imperialism is an evolving process as are its crucial elements;such as techniques and strategy in warfare. FWIW, 'classic empire' apologistsshould note that Christians & Lions have long since been replaced by CNN& footage of "interventions& quot;.


Miroslav Bakotic 26.03.2014 00:21   支持2
Never forget how many people die, how manysuffer because of US and EU doings ! One more thing they have good standard notbecause they have recourses but because they make standard on other countriessuffering and naturally they don't want to loose this standard.


Karl Schulze 26.03.2014 00:27   支持4
As noted, American "leaders" havebeen one of the greatest threats to democracy for over one hundred years.Beginning with the Spanish-American War, American empire building has been theAmerican elites' primary occupation - the welfare of their own people and othernations' sovereignty have ALWAYS been secondary.
But if you tell a lie often enough peoplebegin to believe it - especially if they are children or just plain ignorant.So today, most Americans believe that they still live in "the land of thefree and the home of the brave"! We are the "defenders ofdemocracy".

如上所述, 一百多年来,美国的“领导人”已成为民主的最大威胁之一。从美-西战争开始,美国的帝国大厦就成为美国精英的主要职业,而本国人民的福祉和其他国家的主权一直是次要的。

T K 26.03.2014 01:28   支持1
Very litle new information for me in thisartickle, but it helped me to organize thinks i knew in my head. Thank youautor for that!USA is the biggest empire ever been on this planet.Congratulations! But enough is enough. Dont push it.More and more people onthis planet starting to hate usa goverment for their lies and actions. Btw.Does usa only has democrats and republicans as political parties? Is their anyreal opposition in politics?


Mike Littlefield 26.03.2014 01:35   支持4
We did bring freedom to Iraq. Freedom fromlaw, order and security.
God bless this evil nation.


africaboy 26.03.2014 02:08   支持4
That is why the collapse of the SovietUnion was the biggest disaster of the last century. Today we are experiencingthe criminal behavior of those who call themselves the West. Whatwe should mention here the world opinions ( visit any forum online) you willnotice we are against the axis of devil ( US/EU). I am certain a revolutionwill be welcomed in America than any other country. Who willhave the courage to defeat the system. When the Bricks was formed they starttheir bullying campaign. Russia should never try tobe friend with UK ( the great devil) and America the great Satan.


Rostislav Babiak 26.03.2014 02:22   支持3
The nappy headed spear chuckerin the White House is going to get this country turned into a pile ofradioactive ash if he does not stop shooting his mouth off like some smacktalking crackheaded jungle bunny pimp on a street corner about Russia. What anembarrassment this primate and chief is.


David Labor 26.03.2014 02:25   支持7
I live in the US and I am a citizen.Everything I have read here is true. For the longest time I have referred to mycountry as the "big bully. We think that we are the greatest country onthe planet. We expect every other country that our way is the best way. Our wayisn't good enough for our own country.
Our founding fathers knew that what theystarted was a good thing. It may have been in the 1700's. They also knew thateventually could backfire. That's what has happened. The next war you will hearabout is the civil war in the US.


LarryHarry 26.03.2014 02:43   支持8
"I live in the US and I am a citizen.Everything I have read here is true. For the longest time I have referred to mycountry as the "big bully. We think that we are the greatest country onthe planet. We expect every other country that our way is the best way. Our wayisn't good enough for our own country.
Our founding fathers knew that what theystarted was a good thing. It may have been in the 1700's. They also knew thateventually could backfire. That's what has happened.
The next war you will hear about is thecivil war in the US"
Therevolution wont be televised

【回David Labor】这场战争将会现场直播

john doe 26.03.2014 03:38   反对5
BS article.


john doe 26.03.2014 03:39   反对6
This author must be on drugs


John Smith 26.03.2014 03:51   支持1
Great article.


Carlton AlexanderFree 26.03.2014 04:01   支持4
Very well put. Being an American, I ambeyond fed up with the United States and the compulsive lyingof the government and media. I ignore both and have decided to never listen tothem on anything ever again. The United States is clearly no longer a countrythat stands for freedom. It has practically descended into a police state andviolates people's rights everyday. Ideas such as Obamacare are big example ofthose violations.


Jay 26.03.2014 04:08   反对1
My favorite piece in this so called"Article" is: All the tyrants, mass murderers and oppressive dictators who have received US funding and support have received it becausethey are obedient servants for Wall Street.
What it doesn't say is that Putin and Russia receivedoutlandish amounts of financial aid and support from the US and the west afterthe Soviet Union fell. Convenient?


BRICSIAN 26.03.2014 04:13   支持4
This text needs to be printed in A4 paperand handed over to school and university students across USA.



你干了我随意 发表于 2014-3-31 19:12
八月十五殺鬼子 发表于 2014-3-31 20:29
assdssa 发表于 2014-3-31 19:28
assdssa 发表于 2014-3-31 19:28


琅琊小史 发表于 2014-3-31 20:53
十年了,你是怎么记着密马的?随着年龄阅历的增长,年近四十了,本人从早年逢共必反的愤青,成长为今日之 ...
琅琊小史 发表于 2014-3-31 20:53
十年了,你是怎么记着密马的?随着年龄阅历的增长,年近四十了,本人从早年逢共必反的愤青,成长为今日之 ...
过了, 孙大炮只所以能葬在中山陵, 不是他会满嘴放炮, 夸夸其谈, 而是因为他往一潭死而发臭的水里扔了一块石头!!!
assdssa 发表于 2014-3-31 19:28