
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 00:29:05
作者:mm6fan 发表日期:2014-02-04


AIR CDRE Khalid, 一个经验丰富的F16飞行员,同时也是位于伊斯兰堡巴基斯坦空军司令部和位于Kamra.的巴基斯坦航空工业联合体进行的JF-17项目副总监。

AFM ,Airforces Monthly 英国空军月刊

AFM:很多西方世界的人都认为或者依然认为 JF-17 雷电战斗机最初是成都飞机制造公司研发的FC-1。当中国空军决定不接受它入役之后,看起来,它在经过若干本地改造之后,被提供或者说被塞给了巴基斯坦。这是事实么?或者说,是个错误的认识?

Air Cdre Khalid: 这是个关于雷电战机由来的错误认识。我们需要飞机更换陈旧的J-6/J-7/Q-5机群,同样的包括幻影战斗机,这些飞机开始过时了。由于我们已经研制了像Mushshak这样的轻型教练机以及和中国共同研制了“喀喇昆仑K-8”教练机,我们已经有了工业基础。 我们还能维修和大修我们自己的所有飞机。因此,开发一款符合我们特定需求的战斗机就成了一件合乎逻辑的事儿。我们有足够的知识和能力和中国方面从头联合研制一款战机。因此我们在1999年决定合作并签署了这个项目。合同基于联合设计、联合研发、联合取证。一大批巴基斯坦专家前往中国,两国团队一起工作。第一架原型机非常快速的完成了,从设计图到2003年9月首飞只用了2年半时间。制造了6架原型机用于航电、武器集成、疲劳分析等等方面。在所有雷电战机中,只有头9架是在中国制造并随后飞往巴基斯坦的Kamra工厂,那里是我们巴基斯坦航空联合体的基地所在。雷电战机的巴基斯坦本地制造从一个小批量开始,以便使我们的生产工艺更成熟并评估操作性能和微调战斗机。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的,一切都是两国联合团队的成就,雷电战机并不是中国提供给我们一个现成的最终设计。当然,中国是领导方,但我们很快就建立了一些设施和能力来研制和调整我们自己的航电,那将由中巴共同制造。根据最初的合同,巴基斯坦将制造雷电战机的58%,其他42%由成都飞机制造公司和他的供应商制造。首架服役的雷电战机在2007年完成,到2009年我们有10架雷电战机。从那时起,位于巴基斯坦Kamra的总装线的连续生产开始提速。在那里完成所有的飞行测试,而第一个雷电战机中队,第26中队,在2010年5月成型。


Air Cdre Khalid:整个项目是巴基斯坦空军司令部由控制的。我是项目的2号人物。我们分派任务给Kamra航空联合体,该公司除了一些直接为我们服务的小工厂之外,主要由巴基斯坦国防部控制。


Air Cdre Khalid:不。F-16C/DBlock-52引进的时候,我们已经拥有2个完整的JF-17中队,第三个正在成型。我们最终将拥有多少架雷电战机很难预言,但我们计划制造150到250架雷电战机,包括出口。总共16到20个中队,巴基斯坦空军则拥有其中7-10个中队。

Air Cdre Khalid:Kamra工厂的任务是双重的----集成新武器以及验证自主研发航电的实施,因为我们不断地为新批次集成新系统。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的。是KLJ-7V2雷达,但这也是和我们巴基斯坦联合研制的。现在他是机扫雷达,但将为未来的批次提供电扫雷达。这已经在准备了。

Air Cdre Khalid:就像我说的,是有一些更换现有雷达和早期告警系统的考虑和方案,但我们现在对于现有中国系统的性能很满意,没有计划用第三国的可选方案来替代。我必须强调,


Air Cdre Khalid:RD93是一款非常强健的发动机。我们曾经连续飞行7000小时没有一个问题。
AFM:迪拜航展这里展示的JF-17 是来自Block 1批次中队的战斗机么?

Air Cdre Khalid:是的,来自黑色美洲豹中队


Air Cdre Khalid:目前Block 1批次开始进入最后一段生产。 同时,我们正在讨论未来Block 3批次变化的计划,现在Block 2批次已经有了一个成熟的配置。 Block 3批次现在正在概念设计和任务需求清单的阶段,但在机载系统配置上还未有具体的选择。考虑到我们打算每50架就搞个提升性能的新批次,我们能容易地知道有Block 4批次甚至Block 5批次。每次性能改进都将在下一个新批次来临前准备好。这就是我们的信条。

AFM:Block 1战斗机的日常战斗配置是什么样的?

Air Cdre Khalid:当最初的型号服役的时候,他只能携带PL-5EII格斗弹和油箱,但现在可以携带SD-10中距弹,C-802A反舰导弹,早期预警吊舱、几种普通炸弹和精确制导炸弹。JF-17被赋予快速反应告警的职责。我们能径直起飞和攻击敌人。标准配置情况下,我们携带2枚PL-5EII空空导弹,2枚SD-10空空导弹,以及2个或者3个副油箱。雷电战机可以有能力携带4枚SD-10空空导弹,但我们决定维持现有配置。不管怎样,一个数字式武器界面可以有效利用所有挂架,给予我们很大的武器挂载灵活性。


Air Cdre Khalid:雷电战斗机最初只有基本的武器能力包括格斗弹和中距弹,C802AK反舰弹,500, 1,000 and 2,000磅普通炸弹。第二类,也已经完成集成、测试并且服役的,GPS制导滑翔炸弹,例如雷石-6或者类似的来自巴基斯坦和中国的GPS制导弹药。激光制导武器也已经集成好了。所有的气动集成,飞行测试和投放测试都由我们自己的专家和人员完成,没有任何中国的介入。巴基斯坦可以在世界军火市场上购买一种武器,并且自己集成到JF-17上。


Air Cdre Khalid:这是CM-400AKG,一种全新的武器(由中国航天科工设计研发),只在2012年11月的珠海航展上透露过。这是一款已经成熟并通过测试的反舰武器,是JF-17 Block 2批次制式武器的一部分。这不是一种概念武器,它已经服役--------这是一种高速导弹,难以被拦截,以超过4马赫的速度打击目标。它只凭动力冲击就足以摧毁任何高价值目标,比如说,一艘航母。

AFM:据我们了解,巴基斯坦空军正在开始在JF-17上集成一种具有核能力的“雷神”巡航导弹。这是Block 3批次的主要目标么?

Air Cdre Khalid:不。关于“雷神”巡航导弹和H-4制导炸弹,我们主要谈论修改Block 1和Block 2批次我们现有的接线, 我们即将完成或者服役,而不是在将来的Block 3批次修改中。这带来很好的效果,在所有的JF-17上完成这些接线工作。所有后续生产的战斗机从一开始都有这些修改过的集成,而不必再改型,那会导致长期的检修,并降低可用战机数量。


Air Cdre Khalid:并非必然。雷电战机上的“雷神”巡航导弹确实增强了我们的秘密进入能力。
基于巡航导弹的低截面,而且JF-17也确实是更好和更现代化的打击平台,关于这点,我们无需辩论。当JF-17实现了“雷神”巡航导弹的全部操作能力,幻影战斗机所扮演的角色当然就可以落幕了。 但这并不意味幻影战机就能退役了,它们能做的,远不止是只携带“雷神”巡航导弹。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的,充分自信。当开始维修,巴基斯坦空军有基层运作级、中间级、基地级维修,就像西方世界每个地方一样。由于JF-17是一种新飞机,还没开始基地级维修,但我们正在建立这个。

AFM:在中国的珠海航展上,能看到JF-17和成都J-10一起在天空演练。 JF-17当然是轻型战机,但你认为他能成为空战演习中的优胜者么?一个像J10那么巨大的三角翼或许在亚音速机动中没啥帮助?

Air Cdre Khalid:好的,JF17在航展表演中看起来是比J10更出色,但我知道成都飞机公司的设计者们在JF-17和J10项目上做的一样好。总的来说,J10当然是更强劲的战斗机,但我觉着JF-17赢得了观众,大概是因为我们优秀的飞行驾驶?严肃的说,我们对于不同战斗对抗不同类型的战机的复杂交战脚本有很丰富的经验。在和解放军空军的空战演习中,举个例子,巴基斯坦空军的JF17在多次遭遇战中起飞迎战中国的Su27侧卫战斗机,取得了很好的战果。


Air Cdre Khalid:我个人的想法?虽然这是由比我更高层的人来决定的,但是,依我看,FC-20之类的战机不会被巴基斯坦空军引进,至少在中期未来不会。为啥子?巴斯坦空军在组建JF-17中队群中,就在过去的3月,总统扎尔达里给超过30名空军准将、空军上校,空军中校和中队长授衔,奖励他们成功的将雷电战机引入巴基斯坦空军机群。在这个价位上,没有别的计划能给我们带来这么多的能力。雷电战机已经给我们带来超过1万次出击,接近50架战机已经交付,第三个中队正在组建。由伊尔76提供的空中加油已经完成。于此同时,我们引进了F-16 Block 52,配备古德里奇侦察吊舱。因此,这意味着我们拥有很好的快速战机资产,没有真正的需要去增加第三种战机平台,特别是J10只是我们已经拥有的4代+战斗机。巴基斯坦空军的计划和分析人员应该关心的是未来的第五代战斗机。但是,就像我说的,这事儿已经超乎我的日常事务和职责。


Air Cdre Khalid:不幸的是,我的想法无足轻重。但是,严肃的说,我能告诉你,我个人觉着JF-17非常容易飞,甚至比F16还容易。因此我们的飞行员不靠双座同型机就能完成训练。


Air Cdre Khalid:当然,我们在想法出口这个设计。这个项目是巴基斯坦重要的财务投资项目。但出口政策由我们中巴双方联合制定。雷电战机不存在独立的销售和市场营销。对于国际销售,我们和我们的中国朋友有联合的销售和市场营销团队。这不意味着我们需要每次会谈都坐在一起,但中国方面总是知道我们在谈的内容,我们也都知道他们在谈的情况。我们离不开他们的支持,他们也离不开我们的支持。但我们向客户出售这款战机,客户可以选择自己想要的武器和航电。然后我们中巴双方一起决定如何来应对这样或者那样的需求。如果我们能或者决心或者应对了各种各样,“必须”,“应该”的条件之后,我们就能准备好一份合同了。


Air Cdre Khalid(笑): 你的工作令人钦佩!是的,这些都是潜在市场,他们对我们表达了对雷电战机的兴趣。巴基斯坦也在一些阿拉伯国家中寻找出口订单,推销这款负担得起的、便宜的选择,单价低于3000万美元级别的战机。2012年我们把战机带到范堡罗、珠海航展,以及土耳其空军纪念日活动。我相信我们还会去2015年的巴黎航展。有几个国家对JF-17有兴趣,不过还没下达任何订单。我想这很大程度是由于中东目前的骚乱,有几个国家的采购计划因此中断。不过,我们认为这只是暂时的挫折。我们需要向市场进一步展示雷电战机和它的四余度电传系统有多可靠和安全。我们在战斗出击中只损失了一架战机,由于飞行员的错误。


Air Cdre Khalid:当然!JF-17步入正轨,并在未来的几十年内成为巴基斯坦空军的骨干力量,这是我们国家的骄傲。我们一开始谈到F-16,看看从它1976年作为一款轻型战斗机研发并首飞,已经过了多长时间?比较而言,雷电战机项目正处在它的整个预期使用周期的起点,如果你愿意,我们大概可以说,是处于类似F16的70年代。因此我们乐意看到这款战机将有相当多的改进,看看土耳其在过去几十年内用了多少时间改进他们的F-4和F-5机群。不过,不像他们,我们自己拥有JF-17的全部源代码,并且有很大的自由去研发和尝试新东西。建议的改进将是一个宏大的规模。JF-17将会像F-16那样飞行和表演,当它配备最新航电和西方武器,巴基斯坦空军创造的这款战斗机将不逊色于最新型的美国战机。我坚信,雷电战机将有一个光明的未来。http://bbs.wforum.com/wmf/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=257851
作者:mm6fan 发表日期:2014-02-04


AIR CDRE Khalid, 一个经验丰富的F16飞行员,同时也是位于伊斯兰堡巴基斯坦空军司令部和位于Kamra.的巴基斯坦航空工业联合体进行的JF-17项目副总监。

AFM ,Airforces Monthly 英国空军月刊

AFM:很多西方世界的人都认为或者依然认为 JF-17 雷电战斗机最初是成都飞机制造公司研发的FC-1。当中国空军决定不接受它入役之后,看起来,它在经过若干本地改造之后,被提供或者说被塞给了巴基斯坦。这是事实么?或者说,是个错误的认识?

Air Cdre Khalid: 这是个关于雷电战机由来的错误认识。我们需要飞机更换陈旧的J-6/J-7/Q-5机群,同样的包括幻影战斗机,这些飞机开始过时了。由于我们已经研制了像Mushshak这样的轻型教练机以及和中国共同研制了“喀喇昆仑K-8”教练机,我们已经有了工业基础。 我们还能维修和大修我们自己的所有飞机。因此,开发一款符合我们特定需求的战斗机就成了一件合乎逻辑的事儿。我们有足够的知识和能力和中国方面从头联合研制一款战机。因此我们在1999年决定合作并签署了这个项目。合同基于联合设计、联合研发、联合取证。一大批巴基斯坦专家前往中国,两国团队一起工作。第一架原型机非常快速的完成了,从设计图到2003年9月首飞只用了2年半时间。制造了6架原型机用于航电、武器集成、疲劳分析等等方面。在所有雷电战机中,只有头9架是在中国制造并随后飞往巴基斯坦的Kamra工厂,那里是我们巴基斯坦航空联合体的基地所在。雷电战机的巴基斯坦本地制造从一个小批量开始,以便使我们的生产工艺更成熟并评估操作性能和微调战斗机。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的,一切都是两国联合团队的成就,雷电战机并不是中国提供给我们一个现成的最终设计。当然,中国是领导方,但我们很快就建立了一些设施和能力来研制和调整我们自己的航电,那将由中巴共同制造。根据最初的合同,巴基斯坦将制造雷电战机的58%,其他42%由成都飞机制造公司和他的供应商制造。首架服役的雷电战机在2007年完成,到2009年我们有10架雷电战机。从那时起,位于巴基斯坦Kamra的总装线的连续生产开始提速。在那里完成所有的飞行测试,而第一个雷电战机中队,第26中队,在2010年5月成型。


Air Cdre Khalid:整个项目是巴基斯坦空军司令部由控制的。我是项目的2号人物。我们分派任务给Kamra航空联合体,该公司除了一些直接为我们服务的小工厂之外,主要由巴基斯坦国防部控制。


Air Cdre Khalid:不。F-16C/DBlock-52引进的时候,我们已经拥有2个完整的JF-17中队,第三个正在成型。我们最终将拥有多少架雷电战机很难预言,但我们计划制造150到250架雷电战机,包括出口。总共16到20个中队,巴基斯坦空军则拥有其中7-10个中队。

Air Cdre Khalid:Kamra工厂的任务是双重的----集成新武器以及验证自主研发航电的实施,因为我们不断地为新批次集成新系统。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的。是KLJ-7V2雷达,但这也是和我们巴基斯坦联合研制的。现在他是机扫雷达,但将为未来的批次提供电扫雷达。这已经在准备了。

Air Cdre Khalid:就像我说的,是有一些更换现有雷达和早期告警系统的考虑和方案,但我们现在对于现有中国系统的性能很满意,没有计划用第三国的可选方案来替代。我必须强调,


Air Cdre Khalid:RD93是一款非常强健的发动机。我们曾经连续飞行7000小时没有一个问题。
AFM:迪拜航展这里展示的JF-17 是来自Block 1批次中队的战斗机么?

Air Cdre Khalid:是的,来自黑色美洲豹中队


Air Cdre Khalid:目前Block 1批次开始进入最后一段生产。 同时,我们正在讨论未来Block 3批次变化的计划,现在Block 2批次已经有了一个成熟的配置。 Block 3批次现在正在概念设计和任务需求清单的阶段,但在机载系统配置上还未有具体的选择。考虑到我们打算每50架就搞个提升性能的新批次,我们能容易地知道有Block 4批次甚至Block 5批次。每次性能改进都将在下一个新批次来临前准备好。这就是我们的信条。

AFM:Block 1战斗机的日常战斗配置是什么样的?

Air Cdre Khalid:当最初的型号服役的时候,他只能携带PL-5EII格斗弹和油箱,但现在可以携带SD-10中距弹,C-802A反舰导弹,早期预警吊舱、几种普通炸弹和精确制导炸弹。JF-17被赋予快速反应告警的职责。我们能径直起飞和攻击敌人。标准配置情况下,我们携带2枚PL-5EII空空导弹,2枚SD-10空空导弹,以及2个或者3个副油箱。雷电战机可以有能力携带4枚SD-10空空导弹,但我们决定维持现有配置。不管怎样,一个数字式武器界面可以有效利用所有挂架,给予我们很大的武器挂载灵活性。


Air Cdre Khalid:雷电战斗机最初只有基本的武器能力包括格斗弹和中距弹,C802AK反舰弹,500, 1,000 and 2,000磅普通炸弹。第二类,也已经完成集成、测试并且服役的,GPS制导滑翔炸弹,例如雷石-6或者类似的来自巴基斯坦和中国的GPS制导弹药。激光制导武器也已经集成好了。所有的气动集成,飞行测试和投放测试都由我们自己的专家和人员完成,没有任何中国的介入。巴基斯坦可以在世界军火市场上购买一种武器,并且自己集成到JF-17上。


Air Cdre Khalid:这是CM-400AKG,一种全新的武器(由中国航天科工设计研发),只在2012年11月的珠海航展上透露过。这是一款已经成熟并通过测试的反舰武器,是JF-17 Block 2批次制式武器的一部分。这不是一种概念武器,它已经服役--------这是一种高速导弹,难以被拦截,以超过4马赫的速度打击目标。它只凭动力冲击就足以摧毁任何高价值目标,比如说,一艘航母。

AFM:据我们了解,巴基斯坦空军正在开始在JF-17上集成一种具有核能力的“雷神”巡航导弹。这是Block 3批次的主要目标么?

Air Cdre Khalid:不。关于“雷神”巡航导弹和H-4制导炸弹,我们主要谈论修改Block 1和Block 2批次我们现有的接线, 我们即将完成或者服役,而不是在将来的Block 3批次修改中。这带来很好的效果,在所有的JF-17上完成这些接线工作。所有后续生产的战斗机从一开始都有这些修改过的集成,而不必再改型,那会导致长期的检修,并降低可用战机数量。


Air Cdre Khalid:并非必然。雷电战机上的“雷神”巡航导弹确实增强了我们的秘密进入能力。
基于巡航导弹的低截面,而且JF-17也确实是更好和更现代化的打击平台,关于这点,我们无需辩论。当JF-17实现了“雷神”巡航导弹的全部操作能力,幻影战斗机所扮演的角色当然就可以落幕了。 但这并不意味幻影战机就能退役了,它们能做的,远不止是只携带“雷神”巡航导弹。


Air Cdre Khalid:是的,充分自信。当开始维修,巴基斯坦空军有基层运作级、中间级、基地级维修,就像西方世界每个地方一样。由于JF-17是一种新飞机,还没开始基地级维修,但我们正在建立这个。

AFM:在中国的珠海航展上,能看到JF-17和成都J-10一起在天空演练。 JF-17当然是轻型战机,但你认为他能成为空战演习中的优胜者么?一个像J10那么巨大的三角翼或许在亚音速机动中没啥帮助?

Air Cdre Khalid:好的,JF17在航展表演中看起来是比J10更出色,但我知道成都飞机公司的设计者们在JF-17和J10项目上做的一样好。总的来说,J10当然是更强劲的战斗机,但我觉着JF-17赢得了观众,大概是因为我们优秀的飞行驾驶?严肃的说,我们对于不同战斗对抗不同类型的战机的复杂交战脚本有很丰富的经验。在和解放军空军的空战演习中,举个例子,巴基斯坦空军的JF17在多次遭遇战中起飞迎战中国的Su27侧卫战斗机,取得了很好的战果。


Air Cdre Khalid:我个人的想法?虽然这是由比我更高层的人来决定的,但是,依我看,FC-20之类的战机不会被巴基斯坦空军引进,至少在中期未来不会。为啥子?巴斯坦空军在组建JF-17中队群中,就在过去的3月,总统扎尔达里给超过30名空军准将、空军上校,空军中校和中队长授衔,奖励他们成功的将雷电战机引入巴基斯坦空军机群。在这个价位上,没有别的计划能给我们带来这么多的能力。雷电战机已经给我们带来超过1万次出击,接近50架战机已经交付,第三个中队正在组建。由伊尔76提供的空中加油已经完成。于此同时,我们引进了F-16 Block 52,配备古德里奇侦察吊舱。因此,这意味着我们拥有很好的快速战机资产,没有真正的需要去增加第三种战机平台,特别是J10只是我们已经拥有的4代+战斗机。巴基斯坦空军的计划和分析人员应该关心的是未来的第五代战斗机。但是,就像我说的,这事儿已经超乎我的日常事务和职责。


Air Cdre Khalid:不幸的是,我的想法无足轻重。但是,严肃的说,我能告诉你,我个人觉着JF-17非常容易飞,甚至比F16还容易。因此我们的飞行员不靠双座同型机就能完成训练。


Air Cdre Khalid:当然,我们在想法出口这个设计。这个项目是巴基斯坦重要的财务投资项目。但出口政策由我们中巴双方联合制定。雷电战机不存在独立的销售和市场营销。对于国际销售,我们和我们的中国朋友有联合的销售和市场营销团队。这不意味着我们需要每次会谈都坐在一起,但中国方面总是知道我们在谈的内容,我们也都知道他们在谈的情况。我们离不开他们的支持,他们也离不开我们的支持。但我们向客户出售这款战机,客户可以选择自己想要的武器和航电。然后我们中巴双方一起决定如何来应对这样或者那样的需求。如果我们能或者决心或者应对了各种各样,“必须”,“应该”的条件之后,我们就能准备好一份合同了。


Air Cdre Khalid(笑): 你的工作令人钦佩!是的,这些都是潜在市场,他们对我们表达了对雷电战机的兴趣。巴基斯坦也在一些阿拉伯国家中寻找出口订单,推销这款负担得起的、便宜的选择,单价低于3000万美元级别的战机。2012年我们把战机带到范堡罗、珠海航展,以及土耳其空军纪念日活动。我相信我们还会去2015年的巴黎航展。有几个国家对JF-17有兴趣,不过还没下达任何订单。我想这很大程度是由于中东目前的骚乱,有几个国家的采购计划因此中断。不过,我们认为这只是暂时的挫折。我们需要向市场进一步展示雷电战机和它的四余度电传系统有多可靠和安全。我们在战斗出击中只损失了一架战机,由于飞行员的错误。


Air Cdre Khalid:当然!JF-17步入正轨,并在未来的几十年内成为巴基斯坦空军的骨干力量,这是我们国家的骄傲。我们一开始谈到F-16,看看从它1976年作为一款轻型战斗机研发并首飞,已经过了多长时间?比较而言,雷电战机项目正处在它的整个预期使用周期的起点,如果你愿意,我们大概可以说,是处于类似F16的70年代。因此我们乐意看到这款战机将有相当多的改进,看看土耳其在过去几十年内用了多少时间改进他们的F-4和F-5机群。不过,不像他们,我们自己拥有JF-17的全部源代码,并且有很大的自由去研发和尝试新东西。建议的改进将是一个宏大的规模。JF-17将会像F-16那样飞行和表演,当它配备最新航电和西方武器,巴基斯坦空军创造的这款战斗机将不逊色于最新型的美国战机。我坚信,雷电战机将有一个光明的未来。

AIR CDRE Khalid, a veteran F-16 pilot, is the Deputy Chief Project Director for JF-17 for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) HQ in Islamabad and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex in Kamra.

AFM:Many in the West had, or still have, the impression the JF-17 Thunder was first developed by Chengdu as the FC-1. When the PLAAF [People’s Liberation Army Air Force] decided not to accept it into service, it seemed to have been offered, or ‘given’, to Pakistan, with some local modifications. Is that the case, or a wrong impression?

Air Cdre Khalid:This is incorrect for what became the Thunder. We needed aircraft to replace our ageing fleet of F-6s, F-7s and A-5s, as well as Mirages, which were becoming obsolete. As we’d
developed light trainers like the Mushshak and co-developed a jet training capability with the Chinese around the K-8 Karakoram, we had an industrial base. We also maintained and overhauled all our aircraft ourselves.It was logical to go for a fighter aircraft to our specific requirements. We had the knowledge and capability to go for a co-development with the Chinese right from the start. So we joined together and signed into this programme in 1999. The contract was always based on co-design, co-development and co-qualification. A large number of our specialists went to China and both teams worked together.The first prototype was ready very quickly – in just two-and-ahalf years from the drawing board to the first flight in September 2003. Six prototypes were built for certifying the avionics, initial weapons integration, fatigue
analysis etcetera. In all, only the first nine aircraft were manufactured in China and then flown to
Kamra, where our Pakistan Aero nautical Complex [PAC] is based. Local production started with a small batch of aircraft to mature our production process and for the assessment of operational capability and fine-tuning of the aircraft.

AFM:So its parameters – the design shape and avionics – were a combined effort and not a preset Chinese one? Where is the final assembly line and what’s the tempo of production?

Air Cdre Khalid:Yes, everything is a co-team effort – it was not a finished design presented to us. Of course, China was the lead nation, but we soon established some facilities and capabilities to tailor and develop the avionics ourselves, which are manufactured by Pakistan and by China. According to the initial contract, 58% of the Thunder is from Pakistan and 42% imported from Chengdu and its suppliers.The first operational jet was ready in 2007 and by 2009 we had ten aircraft. From then on, series production in the final assembly line at Kamra has speeded up. There, all flight testing takes place and the first operational squadron, No 26, was formed in May 2010.

AFM:Is the plant at Kamra a private enterprise or government-controlled?

Air Cdre Khalid:The whole project is controlled by the air force HQ. I am number two in the project. We task the industrial part to the Kamra complex, which is all under the control of the defence ministry except for small, niche manufacturers who work for us.

AFM:How many JF-17s will the PAF have in the end? Will the introduction of the F-16C/DBlock-52s change or alter numbers in the Thunder programme?
Air Cdre Khalid:No. At the moment there are two fully operational JF-17 squadrons and a third is forming. An exact number of how many there will be in the end is hard to predict, but we plan to build between 150 and 250 airframes of the type, including exports. With 16 to 20 per squadron, that might give the PAF between seven and ten squadrons.

AFM:You mentioned there’s a flight testing establishment at Kamra. Is this just for post-production acceptance, or does it undertake ongoing development work, like an operational evaluation unit?

Air Cdre Khalid:Its job is twofold – to integrate new weapons and to validate the implementation of indigenously developed avionics, because we’re constantly integrating new systems for future blocks.

AFM:Regarding the avionics suite, the fire control radar is a key Chinese component – is that correct? It has a mechanical antenna?

Air Cdre Khalid:Yes – it’s the KLJ-7V2, but also co-developed with us. At this moment it is mechanically scanning, but in future blocks there’ll be an E-scan radar fitted. It’s under preparation.

AFM:So there’s no need to ‘Westernise’ or replace some electronics?

Air Cdre Khalid:As I said, there are proposals and considerations to replace the existing radar and
early warning [EW] systems, but at the moment we’re happy with the performance of the current
Chinese systems and have no plans to replace these with other third-country alternatives. I must
emphasise the KG300G EW pod [produced by the China Electronics Technology Corporation (CETC)] is a powerful and reliable system, no there’s no need to replace it urgently.

AFM:Are you happy with the Russian Klimov/Sarkisov RD-93 engine? What about the need
for a replacement in future blocks, such as the Chinese Liyang/Guizhou WS-13 or Western powerplants?

Air Cdre Khalid:First, the RD-93 is a very robust engine. We have flown it for 7,000 hours without a problem. Solid agreements are in place between the Chinese and the original Russian designers of the RD-93 to guarantee the supply of enough engines for our needs.Regarding the future, yes, upcoming improvements might demand a more powerful engine. We’re currently satisfied, but potential export customers may want another – like the EJ200, which is a good engine. If a customer wanted our design but with that powerplant, we would negotiate. If the new Chinese engine you mentioned is reliable and available, then fine.

AFM:Is the JF-17 on display here in Dubai a regular Block 1 squadron aircraft?

Air Cdre Khalid:Yes, from the Black Panthers Squadron.

AFM:How many blocks do you think there’ll be in the Thunder programme?
Air Cdre Khalid:Currently the last few from Block 1 are in the final stages of assembly. In
parallel we’re discussing the plans for the future Block 3 variant, now that the Block 2 model has
a mature configuration. Block 3 now exists in the form of a conceptual design and a list of mission requirements, but with no concrete choice in the configuration of the onboard systems.Given the consideration that we intend to go for a new block with enhanced capabilities after every 50 airframes, we could easily see a Block 4 or even a Block 5. Each time the modifications and capabilities should be implemented before the next block comes. That’s the philosophy.

AFM:What is the daily operational configuration of these Block 1 aircraft?

Air Cdre Khalid:When the type first entered service it only flew with PL-5EII WVR-AAMs [within visual range air-to-air missiles] and fuel tanks, but the aircraft is now flying with SD-10 BVR [beyond visual range] AAMs, C-802A anti-ship missiles, the EW pod and several types of general purpose [GP] and precision-guided bombs.The JF-17 is qualified for QRA [quick reaction alert] duty. We can go straight up and shoot at the enemy. In standard configuration we carry two PL-5EII missiles, two SD-10 missiles and two or three fuel tanks. The aircraft would have the capability to carry four SD-10 missiles, but we decided to stay to the present configuration. However, a digital weapons interface is available on all hardpoints, which gives us a lot of flexibility for the carriage of ordnance.

AFM:You said the Kamra test establishment undertakes constant weapons integration. Are all the
weapons and models you displayed in front of and under the aircraft at Dubai integrated? And did
you need the Chinese industry or Chinese engineers to achieve that?

Air Cdre Khalid:The aircraft initially had the basic weapons capability of a short-range AAM, a
long-range BVR AAM, the C802AK against shipping and GP bombs of 500, 1,000 and 2,000lbs. In a second category – also integrated, tested and available – are the GPS-guided, winged bombs such as the LS-6 or similar GPS-directed ammunition from Pakistan and China. The laser-guided weapons are integrated as well. All aeromechanical integration, flight testing and release tests are done by our own personnel and specialists, without any Chinese input. We can buy a weapon on the free market and integrate it on the JF-17 on our own. A customer comes along with a foreign weapon? Fine. It’s their job at Kamra to integrate it.

AFM:Under the right on the display aircraft wing is a mock-up of a large white air-to-ground weapon, the parameters of which remain rather sketchy so far – can you say more?

Air Cdre Khalid:This is the CM-400AKG, a brand-new weapon [designed and developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC)] and only revealed at the Zhuhai airshow in November 2012. It is a mature and tested anti-ship weapon that’s part of the operational weapon set of the JF-17 for Block 2. It’s not conceptual, it’s in service – a hyper-speed missile that’s very difficult to intercept, hitting its target at Mach 4-plus or above. Its kinetic impact alone is enough to destroy any high-value target, like an aircraft carrier.

AFM:From what we know, the PAF should have begun integrating its nuclear-capable Ra’ad ALCM [air-launched cruise missile] onto the JF-17. Is this a prime target for Block 3?

Air Cdre Khalid:No. Regarding the Ra’ad, but also the H-4 glide bomb, we’re primarily talking about [modifying] the wiring on Block 1 and Block 2 aircraft which are currently in, or about to enter, service – not just the forthcoming Block 3 variant. This makes good sense, to get on with the wiring as well as flight trials of these weapons on all JF-17s. All subsequent production aircraft will have these modifications integrated from the outset and there’ll be no need for retrofits that result in long downtimes and lower available numbers.

AFM:Does this mean the death of the PAF’s legacy nuclear deter rence platform, the Mirage V?

Air Cdre Khalid:Not necessarily. Ra’ad on the Thunder will certainly add to our stealthy ingress capability, due to the low cross-section of the cruise missile, and the JF-17 certainly is a better and more modern platform – about which there should be no debate. When it achieves full operational capability with the Ra’ad, that role will of course be withdrawn from the Mirages. But that doesn’t mean that they’d be retired; they do a lot more than ‘just’ carry Ra’ads.

AFM:How about maintenance – are you self-reliant with everything?

Air Cdre Khalid:Yes, fully self-reliant. When it comes to maintenance the PAF has operational, intermediate and depot levels, just like everywhere in the West. Since JF-17 is a new aircraft, there’s not been any depot-level maintenance yet, but we’re in process of establishing this.

AFM:At the Zhuhai airshow in China, one could see both the JF-17 and the Chinese Chengdu J-10
manoeuvring in the sky. The JF-17 is a lighter fighter of course, but do you see it being superior in air-combat manoeuvring? A large delta wing like the J-10’s is probably not that helpful in subsonic agility?

Air Cdre Khalid:Well, it may have seemed to have outdone the J-10 in airshow manoeuvres, but
I know the Chengdu designers who have worked on the JF-17 as well as the J-10. Overall the J-10
certainly is a more powerful aircraft, but it seems to me that the JF-17 had won the crowd, maybe
because of our superior piloting? But to be serious, we have very good experience in dissimilar
combat against different types of aircraft in ‘multi-bogey’ engagement scenarios. During air combat manoeuvres with the PLAAF, for example, PAF JF-17s were up against Chinese Su-27 Flankersin a number of encounters and achieved favourable results.

AFM:Is there the possibility of an FC-20 export version of the J-10 to Pakistan? Do you imagine that this could happen, maybe at the cost of the Thunder programme?
Air Cdre Khalid:My personal thoughts? Wishful thinking. But while this would be decided at a higher level than mine, from what I know or can see, an FC-20 or whatever will not be introduced into the PAF, at least not in the near to midterm future. Why? The PAF is amidst the build-up of the JF-17 squadrons – just last March, President Zardari honoured and awarded more than 30 air commodores, group captains, wing commanders and squadron leaders for the successful launch
of the Thunder into the PAF fleet.No other ’plane gives us this much capability at this cost. It’s
already carried out well over 10,000 sorties and, with towards 50 delivered, a third squadron is forming. In-flight refuelling from an Il-76 has been done. In parallel, the introduction of the Block 52 F-16s is happening, with systems like the Goodrich recce pod to master. So this means we’re
well served by fast jet assets and there’s no real need to add a third platform, especially when the J-10 is also a fourth-plus generation jet we already have, and our planners and analysts should be focusing on the future fifth generation! But, as said, all this is beyond my daily business or responsibility.

AFM:Earlier this year at Paris, and again here at Dubai, one could see a large model of a two-seat
FC-1 on the CATIC/AVIC stand. As you seem not to have needed a two-seater so far, would you
like to have some anyway?

Air Cdre Khalid:Unfortunately, what Iwould like is of low priority. But seriously, I can tell you myself that the JF-17 is very easy to fly, even easier than the F-16. So our pilot training is not dependent upon a two-seat version. We designed it with the concept that we’ll have a good simulation component, mirroring the three large displays and full HOTAS [hands-on-throttle-and-stick]. Not every type out there has, or needs to have, its own two-seater. However if some customer wants the twin-seat version, plans for production – as you saw at the
Chinese presentation – are at an advanced stage. But detailed questions you’ll have to address
to AVIC or CAC, since this is concerning what they call ‘Fighter China-1’ or ‘Fierce Dragon’.

AFM:You have mentioned customers several times –this creates the clear impression that you are here to present JF-17 to the export market. Are you allowed to do this? What weight do AVIC, Chengdu or CATIC have when it comes to export?

Air Cdre Khalid:Of course we’re trying to export the design – the programme meant a considerable financial investment for Pakistan. But export policy is made jointly by us together. There’s no independent sales and marketing for the Thunder. For international sales we have a joint sales and marketing team with our Chinese friends. It doesn’t necessarily mean we all have to sit together on every meeting, but the Chinese side will always know what we’re negotiating and we’ll always know what they’re negotiating. We don’t leave them behind, and they don’t leave us behind.When we offer this aircraft to a customer, he makes his own choice in what weapons or avionics he wants. Then we get together to decide how to answer this or that demand; and if we’re able or willing; or how we would answer various ‘must’ and ‘shall’ criteria.
Then a contract could be prepared.

AFM:I’ve heard your aircraft mentioned in context to Argentina, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Serbia, Venezuela and similar niche markets. I remember an interview you gave last March to a Croatian colleague. Are you specifically marketing to such ‘non-aligned’ nations or generally to a whole region, like here in the Middle East?

Air Cdre Khalid(smiling): Your intel is impressive! Yes, these are all potential markets from
where interest in the Thunder was expressed to us. Pakistan is also looking for export orders
from several Arab countries as an affordable, low-cost option, below the US$30 million class. We took the aircraft to Farnborough, to Zhuhai and also the Turkish Air Force anniversary show in 2012. I think we also should go to Le Bourget in 2015. Several nations are interested in the JF-17, but have not yet placed any orders. I think this is largely due to the current turmoil in the Middle East, which has put a brake on procurement plans in some countries. But we see this as only a temporary setback. We need to further show to the markets how reliable and safe the Thunder is with its quadruple FCS [flight control system]. We’ve only lost one aircraft in an operational sortie, due to pilot error.

AFM:So all in all, that means you foresee a bright future for the Thunder in Pakistan and abroad?

Air Cdre Khalid:Of course! The JF-17 is a matter of national pride with the aircraft on track to become the backbone of the PAF for decades to come. We talked about the F-16 in the beginning – look at how far it has come from what it was in 1976 when it first flew as the lightweight fighter study. Compared to it the Thunder is just at the beginning of this lifespan: if you like, we’re still in the F-16’s 1970s!Therefore we’re likely to see quite a few modifications on this aircraft. Look at how far Turkeys modernised F-4 and F-5 fleets have come over the decades. But unlike them, we ‘own’ the JF-17 with all the source-codes and have a lot more freedom to develop and try out new things. That suggests modifications on a far grander scale. JF-17 will fly and perform like the F-16, and when the latest avionics and some Western weapons can be fitted on it, the aircraft will be of no lesser value than the latest US aircraft in the PAF inventory. There’s a bright future for the Thunder, I am convinced.
发财加油  我们还是需要一款出色的中推力发动机的

austraveller 发表于 2014-2-5 16:45

AIR CDRE Khalid, a vete ...
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航电差距比机动性更重要来自: Android客户端

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巴巴羊也急着想从发财项目发笔大财,这样才能有更多的银子买粑粑国的F-16 Block 52
Aotobus 发表于 2014-2-5 22:49
如果枭龙现在就换上EF200,性能立刻会有非常大的提升,英国人应该也没有不卖的理由,反正竞争对手已经卖到 ...



openfireflly 发表于 2014-2-5 23:34
典型的中文网络茅坑系列yy文 放狗搜e文

airforces monthly JF17

说到AFM 2月份里面的内容有
"INTERVIEW: Thunder over the Desert
In an AFM exclusive, at the Dubai Airshow Georg Mader spoke to Air Commodore Mahmood Khalid of the Pakistan Air Force about current and future plans for the Sino/Pakistani FC-1/JF-17 Thunder fighter."

z893338865 发表于 2014-2-5 16:23
这有什么所谓,反正我们也不怎么打算出口这两机型,自己装备给自己都还忙不过来呢,哪还管别人怎么说,再 ...
巴铁的宣传还是比较靠谱  总觉得这个项目的发展每一步都走得很低调而扎实  当然  发动机始终是硬伤


langrisser 发表于 2014-2-5 21:01
Aotobus 发表于 2014-2-6 01:41



早期 说什么巴要250架.
现在人家实话了----包括出口在内, 预期150-250架.

JF16------------JF17 F16---f17

JF16------------JF17 F16---f17
franklian 发表于 2014-2-5 20:54

投入才是根本,没有花差花差的投入,当年的FC-1才是800万米元的机体 ...

This is the CM-400AKG, a brand-new weapon [designed and developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC)] and only revealed at the Zhuhai airshow in November 2012. It is a mature and tested anti-ship weapon that’s part of the operational weapon set of the JF-17 for Block 2. It’s not conceptual, it’s in service – a hyper-speed missile that’s very difficult to intercept, hitting its target at Mach 4-plus or above. Its kinetic impact alone is enough to destroy any high-value target, like an aircraft carrier.