
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 12:34:16
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/0 ... =elisabethrosenthal

Kira Milas has no idea who called 911, summoning an ambulance filled with emergency medical technicians. Ms. Milas, 23, was working as a swim instructor for the summer and had swum into the side of the pool, breaking three teeth.

Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Joanne Freedman's two-block ambulance ride was billed at $900. "It was crazy. All they did was put a paper mask on me so I wouldn't infect anyone else," she said.
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Sam Hodgson for The New York Times
The bill for Kira Milas' 15-minute ambulance ride was $1,772.42.
Readers’ Comments
"We reap what we sow. I'm sure in many of these towns/cities, there were calls to keep taxes and municipal expenses down."
Hugo, NYC
Read Full Comment »
Shaken, she accepted the ambulance ride to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif. The paramedics applied a neck brace as a precaution.

A week later she received a bill for the 15-minute trip: $1,772.42. Though her employer’s workers’ compensation will cover the bill, she still was stunned at the charge. “We only drove nine miles and it was a non-life-threatening injury,” she said in a phone interview. “I needed absolutely no emergency treatment.”

Thirty years ago ambulance rides were generally provided free of charge, underwritten by taxpayers as a municipal service or provided by volunteers. Today, like the rest of the health care system in the United States, most ambulance services operate as businesses and contribute to America’s escalating medical bills. Often, they are a high-cost prequel to expensive emergency room visits.

Although ambulances are often requested by a bystander or summoned by 911 dispatchers, they are almost always billed to the patient involved. And the charges, as well as insurance coverage, range widely, from zero to tens of thousands of dollars.

“There are a significant numbers of patients who have no coverage for this, and the number of self-pay patients has climbed” since the recession, said Jay Fitch, president of Fitch and Associates, the largest emergency medical services consulting firm in the United States.

What is more, since ambulances companies typically collect only 30 to 40 percent of the amount they bill, they often try to charge more for patients with insurance and those who can pay, Mr. Fitch said.

Part of the inconsistency in pricing stems from the fact that ambulance services are variously run by fire departments, hospitals, private companies and volunteer groups. Some services are included in insurance networks, others not.

“There’s a saying that if you’ve seen one emergency medical system, you’ve seen one emergency medical system — no two are alike,” said Dr. Robert E. O’Connor, a vice president of the American College of Emergency Medicine and chairman of the department at the University of Virginia. Charges and payments, he said, “are all over the place.” Fire departments, which don’t charge for driving to fire alarms, do charge for ambulance runs.

In such a fragmented system, it is hard to know how much high-priced ambulance transport contributes nationally to America’s $2.7 trillion health care bill. And total out-of-pocket expenditures by individuals are hard to tally.

But Medicare, the insurance program for the elderly, does tabulate its numbers and has become alarmed at its fast-rising expenditures for ambulance rides: nearly $6 billion a year, up from just $2 billion in 2002.

That is true even though Medicare’s fixed payments for ambulance rides — ranging from $289 to $481 in 2011 — are far lower than commercial rates. Ambulance companies complain that Medicare rates do not meet the costs of running what are essentially mobile emergency rooms staffed by highly trained professionals.

In a recent study, the federal Health and Human Services Department’s Office of the Inspector General noted that the Medicare ambulance services were “vulnerable to abuse and fraud,” in part because there were lax standards on when an ambulance was needed and how the trip should be billed. The number of transports paid for by Medicare increased 69 percent between 2002 and 2011, while the number of Medicare patients increased only 7 percent during that period. In the last year, two ambulance companies have pleaded guilty or settled claims for overbilling Medicare.

The Affordable Care Act requires policies to include some coverage for emergency care as an essential benefit, including ambulance transport. But the ambulance ride and the care are billed separately. Many Silver plans — a lower-tier plan — require patients to pay an initial copay of $250 for the emergency room and $250 more for the transport, for example.

Every insurance plan evaluates ambulance rides differently for coverage, with many seeking to determine if the service was really needed — a true “emergency.”

That determination can be highly subjective. Some will grant coverage if the destination was an emergency room, regardless of the patient’s status, but others may require admittance to the hospital as evidence that the condition was serious. “Insurers will generally cover if you had good reason to believe there was a serious threat to your life or health,” said Susan Pisano, a spokeswoman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, an industry group.

But when an ambulance arrives, sick patients or injured people like Ms. Milas, often feel they have little choice but to get in, unaware of the potential price tag.

If an emergency call comes to 911, dispatchers decide which ambulance to send, depending on proximity. Most ambulance companies bill according to the level of skill of the team on board, rather than the medical needs of the patients they collect. A team capable of administering Advanced Cardiac Life Support costs more than one with only basic first aid training.

Distance rarely counts for much, although a small mileage charge is added to the fee. Some companies even charge hundreds of dollars extra if a friend or relative rides along with an injured patients.

This fall, Joanne Freedman went to an urgent care center near her home in New York City with a bad headache and a fever. The doctor recommended she go to a hospital for further evaluation and offered to call an ambulance.

“I could have walked, but I’m feeling crummy so I think, ' OK, why not?’ ” she recalled.

The two-block ride was billed at $900, and she has not yet learned what her insurer may ask her to pay.

“It was crazy,” she said. “All they did was put a paper mask on me so I wouldn’t infect anyone else.” Ms. Freedman had a spinal tap at the hospital and was admitted for a few days. Nonetheless, she said, for $900, the next time, no matter how ill she will walk up the hill or take a cab.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: December 4, 2013

An earlier version of this article misspelled the given name of a woman who went to an urgent care center near her home in New York City. She is Joanne Freedman, not Joann. An earlier version of a picture caption with this article contained the same error.

基拉·米拉斯(Kira Milas)不知道谁拨打了911电话,叫来了坐满急救医护人员的救护车。23岁的米拉斯今年夏天担任了游泳教练,她游到泳池边时,磕断了三颗牙齿。

尽管有所动摇,她还是答应乘坐救护车,前往加利福尼亚州拉霍亚的斯克里普斯纪念医院(Scripps Memorial Hospital)。医护人员给她戴上了颈托以防意外。




全美最大的紧急医疗服务咨询公司费奇合伙公司(Fitch and Associates)的总裁杰·费奇(Jay Fitch)表示,“很多病人的医疗保险不包含这笔费用,经济衰退以来,自掏腰包付救护车费用的病人数量持续攀升。”



美国急诊医学会(American College of Emergency Medicine)副会长、弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)急诊系主任罗伯特·奥康纳(Robert E. O’Connor)表示,“有种说法是,如果你看到一个紧急医疗系统,你就只能了解这一种——没有两个系统完全一样。”他说,收费及付款“混乱不堪”。消防部门不会收取火警救援的费用,却为救护车运送病人而收费。

基拉·米拉斯坐了15分钟救护车,收费达1772.42美元。 Sam Hodgson for The New York Times




在最近的研究中,联邦卫生及公共服务部(Health and Human Services Department)监察长办公室指出,联邦医疗保险救护车服务“容易受到滥用和欺诈的影响”,一方面是因为救护车服务必要性和行程计费方式的宽松标准。从2002年到2011年,联邦医疗保险付费的救护车服务次数增加了69%,而在此期间联邦医疗保险的参保病人数量仅增加了7%。去年,有两家救护车公司因虚报联邦医疗保险费用而认罪或进行赔偿。

《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)要求医疗保险把紧急医疗作为基本医疗服务纳入覆盖范围,包括救护车运送病人。但是救护车服务和医疗护理要分开计费。比如说,许多“银色计划”(Silver plans)——低档次保险计划——要求病人支付250美元的急诊室自付医疗费和250美元的救护车费用。


这种评估可能非常主观。无论患者的病情如何,如果救护车的目的地是急诊室,有些保险计划会支付这笔费用,不过有些保险计划可能需要入院记录作为紧急情况的证据。行业组织美国医疗保险计划(America’s Health Insurance Plans)女发言人苏珊·皮萨诺(Susan Pisano)说,“保险公司通常会支付这笔费用,前提是你有充分的理由相信,出现了严重威胁到你的生命或健康的情况。”




今年秋天,家住纽约市的乔安妮·弗里德曼(Joanne Freedman)因剧烈头痛和发烧,来到她家附近的急救中心就诊。医生建议她去医院做进一步诊断,并提出帮她打电话叫救护车。




作者ELISABETH ROSENTHAL2014年01月17日。本文最初发表于2013年12月5日。

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/0 ... =elisabethrosenthal

Kira Milas has no idea who called 911, summoning an ambulance filled with emergency medical technicians. Ms. Milas, 23, was working as a swim instructor for the summer and had swum into the side of the pool, breaking three teeth.

Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Joanne Freedman's two-block ambulance ride was billed at $900. "It was crazy. All they did was put a paper mask on me so I wouldn't infect anyone else," she said.
Enlarge This Image

Sam Hodgson for The New York Times
The bill for Kira Milas' 15-minute ambulance ride was $1,772.42.
Readers’ Comments
"We reap what we sow. I'm sure in many of these towns/cities, there were calls to keep taxes and municipal expenses down."
Hugo, NYC
Read Full Comment »
Shaken, she accepted the ambulance ride to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif. The paramedics applied a neck brace as a precaution.

A week later she received a bill for the 15-minute trip: $1,772.42. Though her employer’s workers’ compensation will cover the bill, she still was stunned at the charge. “We only drove nine miles and it was a non-life-threatening injury,” she said in a phone interview. “I needed absolutely no emergency treatment.”

Thirty years ago ambulance rides were generally provided free of charge, underwritten by taxpayers as a municipal service or provided by volunteers. Today, like the rest of the health care system in the United States, most ambulance services operate as businesses and contribute to America’s escalating medical bills. Often, they are a high-cost prequel to expensive emergency room visits.

Although ambulances are often requested by a bystander or summoned by 911 dispatchers, they are almost always billed to the patient involved. And the charges, as well as insurance coverage, range widely, from zero to tens of thousands of dollars.

“There are a significant numbers of patients who have no coverage for this, and the number of self-pay patients has climbed” since the recession, said Jay Fitch, president of Fitch and Associates, the largest emergency medical services consulting firm in the United States.

What is more, since ambulances companies typically collect only 30 to 40 percent of the amount they bill, they often try to charge more for patients with insurance and those who can pay, Mr. Fitch said.

Part of the inconsistency in pricing stems from the fact that ambulance services are variously run by fire departments, hospitals, private companies and volunteer groups. Some services are included in insurance networks, others not.

“There’s a saying that if you’ve seen one emergency medical system, you’ve seen one emergency medical system — no two are alike,” said Dr. Robert E. O’Connor, a vice president of the American College of Emergency Medicine and chairman of the department at the University of Virginia. Charges and payments, he said, “are all over the place.” Fire departments, which don’t charge for driving to fire alarms, do charge for ambulance runs.

In such a fragmented system, it is hard to know how much high-priced ambulance transport contributes nationally to America’s $2.7 trillion health care bill. And total out-of-pocket expenditures by individuals are hard to tally.

But Medicare, the insurance program for the elderly, does tabulate its numbers and has become alarmed at its fast-rising expenditures for ambulance rides: nearly $6 billion a year, up from just $2 billion in 2002.

That is true even though Medicare’s fixed payments for ambulance rides — ranging from $289 to $481 in 2011 — are far lower than commercial rates. Ambulance companies complain that Medicare rates do not meet the costs of running what are essentially mobile emergency rooms staffed by highly trained professionals.

In a recent study, the federal Health and Human Services Department’s Office of the Inspector General noted that the Medicare ambulance services were “vulnerable to abuse and fraud,” in part because there were lax standards on when an ambulance was needed and how the trip should be billed. The number of transports paid for by Medicare increased 69 percent between 2002 and 2011, while the number of Medicare patients increased only 7 percent during that period. In the last year, two ambulance companies have pleaded guilty or settled claims for overbilling Medicare.

The Affordable Care Act requires policies to include some coverage for emergency care as an essential benefit, including ambulance transport. But the ambulance ride and the care are billed separately. Many Silver plans — a lower-tier plan — require patients to pay an initial copay of $250 for the emergency room and $250 more for the transport, for example.

Every insurance plan evaluates ambulance rides differently for coverage, with many seeking to determine if the service was really needed — a true “emergency.”

That determination can be highly subjective. Some will grant coverage if the destination was an emergency room, regardless of the patient’s status, but others may require admittance to the hospital as evidence that the condition was serious. “Insurers will generally cover if you had good reason to believe there was a serious threat to your life or health,” said Susan Pisano, a spokeswoman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, an industry group.

But when an ambulance arrives, sick patients or injured people like Ms. Milas, often feel they have little choice but to get in, unaware of the potential price tag.

If an emergency call comes to 911, dispatchers decide which ambulance to send, depending on proximity. Most ambulance companies bill according to the level of skill of the team on board, rather than the medical needs of the patients they collect. A team capable of administering Advanced Cardiac Life Support costs more than one with only basic first aid training.

Distance rarely counts for much, although a small mileage charge is added to the fee. Some companies even charge hundreds of dollars extra if a friend or relative rides along with an injured patients.

This fall, Joanne Freedman went to an urgent care center near her home in New York City with a bad headache and a fever. The doctor recommended she go to a hospital for further evaluation and offered to call an ambulance.

“I could have walked, but I’m feeling crummy so I think, ' OK, why not?’ ” she recalled.

The two-block ride was billed at $900, and she has not yet learned what her insurer may ask her to pay.

“It was crazy,” she said. “All they did was put a paper mask on me so I wouldn’t infect anyone else.” Ms. Freedman had a spinal tap at the hospital and was admitted for a few days. Nonetheless, she said, for $900, the next time, no matter how ill she will walk up the hill or take a cab.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: December 4, 2013

An earlier version of this article misspelled the given name of a woman who went to an urgent care center near her home in New York City. She is Joanne Freedman, not Joann. An earlier version of a picture caption with this article contained the same error.

基拉·米拉斯(Kira Milas)不知道谁拨打了911电话,叫来了坐满急救医护人员的救护车。23岁的米拉斯今年夏天担任了游泳教练,她游到泳池边时,磕断了三颗牙齿。

尽管有所动摇,她还是答应乘坐救护车,前往加利福尼亚州拉霍亚的斯克里普斯纪念医院(Scripps Memorial Hospital)。医护人员给她戴上了颈托以防意外。




全美最大的紧急医疗服务咨询公司费奇合伙公司(Fitch and Associates)的总裁杰·费奇(Jay Fitch)表示,“很多病人的医疗保险不包含这笔费用,经济衰退以来,自掏腰包付救护车费用的病人数量持续攀升。”



美国急诊医学会(American College of Emergency Medicine)副会长、弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)急诊系主任罗伯特·奥康纳(Robert E. O’Connor)表示,“有种说法是,如果你看到一个紧急医疗系统,你就只能了解这一种——没有两个系统完全一样。”他说,收费及付款“混乱不堪”。消防部门不会收取火警救援的费用,却为救护车运送病人而收费。

基拉·米拉斯坐了15分钟救护车,收费达1772.42美元。 Sam Hodgson for The New York Times




在最近的研究中,联邦卫生及公共服务部(Health and Human Services Department)监察长办公室指出,联邦医疗保险救护车服务“容易受到滥用和欺诈的影响”,一方面是因为救护车服务必要性和行程计费方式的宽松标准。从2002年到2011年,联邦医疗保险付费的救护车服务次数增加了69%,而在此期间联邦医疗保险的参保病人数量仅增加了7%。去年,有两家救护车公司因虚报联邦医疗保险费用而认罪或进行赔偿。

《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)要求医疗保险把紧急医疗作为基本医疗服务纳入覆盖范围,包括救护车运送病人。但是救护车服务和医疗护理要分开计费。比如说,许多“银色计划”(Silver plans)——低档次保险计划——要求病人支付250美元的急诊室自付医疗费和250美元的救护车费用。


这种评估可能非常主观。无论患者的病情如何,如果救护车的目的地是急诊室,有些保险计划会支付这笔费用,不过有些保险计划可能需要入院记录作为紧急情况的证据。行业组织美国医疗保险计划(America’s Health Insurance Plans)女发言人苏珊·皮萨诺(Susan Pisano)说,“保险公司通常会支付这笔费用,前提是你有充分的理由相信,出现了严重威胁到你的生命或健康的情况。”




今年秋天,家住纽约市的乔安妮·弗里德曼(Joanne Freedman)因剧烈头痛和发烧,来到她家附近的急救中心就诊。医生建议她去医院做进一步诊断,并提出帮她打电话叫救护车。




作者ELISABETH ROSENTHAL2014年01月17日。本文最初发表于2013年12月5日。


体育老师 发表于 2014-1-18 06:49
看到这就不爽了?天朝的高速拖车起码不是多数且国家开始禁止,但是在美帝家里,这种东西不但合法,而且还 ...

体育老师 发表于 2014-1-18 06:49
看到这就不爽了?天朝的高速拖车起码不是多数且国家开始禁止,但是在美帝家里,这种东西不但合法,而且还 ...

63gjm 发表于 2014-1-18 06:24
去年夏天时候,孩子在小学操场里摔倒,小臂不能动了,学校护士马上给我 ...
Walter.Bishop 发表于 2014-1-18 07:42
还好还好,俺的医保可是每月交400刀的。话说回来,就1 mile,我就交了$150的车费,真心心痛
63gjm 发表于 2014-1-18 07:49
还好还好,俺的医保可是每月交400刀的。话说回来,就1 mile,我就交了$150的车费,真心心痛

美国的医保是个恶性循环,美国看病贵,外来移民多大部分不交医疗保险,生病了要不不去看,要不看了不付钱。这部分损失又导致交医保的看病费用增长,我朋友看了个手指伤口感染花了1700美元,自付40美元。来自: Android客户端

忽悠鬼 发表于 2014-1-18 06:40
haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...
忽悠鬼 发表于 2014-1-18 06:40
haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...
我孩子在美国上学,也有类似经历:  去年夏天时候,孩子在小学操场里摔倒,小臂不能动了,学校护士马上给我 ...
dlpllc 发表于 2014-1-18 05:11

我账号:工行 6222370031390989把你说的5美分打这账号,不谢!
忽悠鬼 发表于 2014-1-18 18:02
我账号:工行 6222370031390989把你说的5美分打这账号,不谢!
账户名哦 亲
账户名哦 亲
忽悠鬼 发表于 2014-1-18 18:29
亲 从哪转都需要账户和账户名一致的

haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...

haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...

haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...
亲 从哪转都需要账户和账户名一致的
央广网北京12月3日消息 据中国之声央广夜新闻报道,一边是医院 说急救车收费标准十多年没变、入不敷出,一边是急救车被骂“趁病打 劫”屡生争议。120急救车到底有没有明确的收费标准?面对跨区议价的 行规,患者是否有议价能力?一起来说说急救车的收费标准。

这两天,沈阳患者申请120急救,9公里路程被收1670元的消息引 起了大家的关注。

事情的经过是这样的。11月26日晚,马先生的奶奶突发脑血栓,出 现了呼吸困难、抽搐等状况。家人随即拨打了沈阳120急救中心的电话 ,将马先生的奶奶从沈阳市和平区胜利街新加坡城到苏家屯血栓医院。 从家里到医院仅9公里路程,急救过程竟有18项收费,费用高达1670元 。12月1日上午,马先生在微博上贴出了沈阳120急救中心的收费单, 引发大量转发和评论。

中国之声报道了该事件后不久,沈阳市120急救中心和平分中心承 认多收费,向患者家属退换了车费和全程监护费,并对相关责任人予以 处罚。

患者家属马先生出具的收据上可以看到,1670元的急救费中,一共 包含了18项收费,其中最大一项收费来自心电图,594元。另外超过10 0元的收费分别为全程监护费和救护车收费,各255元。

患者家属马爷爷:我看了看,这怎么要这么多钱啊!心电图就这一 项就594!

一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...
sarsbeside 发表于 2014-1-18 15:34
另补充扡车公司吊车吊上吊下全是单花钱的。如果你没保险那么第一时间叫亲朋打辆货车和吊车来。自己找吊车有 ...

haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 21:09
一个吊车台班费2000打底很正常,至于你 ...

haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 21:09
一个吊车台班费2000打底很正常,至于你 ...

enterpriseteam 发表于 2014-1-18 15:30
haha2001 发表于 2014-1-18 13:56
一台大型拖车(允许上高速的那种)大概在40W左右,允许使 ...