
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 02:48:08

Why China Won't Attack Taiwan

It is extremely unlikely that China will invade Taiwan , much less succeed.


Although relatively muted in recent years, Taiwanis seen as the greatest potential flashpoint in U.S.-China relations. Indeed, U.S. defense analysts perceive China’s expanding Anti-Access/Area Denial(A2/AD) capabilities primarily through the lens of preventing the U.S. from intervening should Beijinginvade Taiwan.Consequently, the main concepts the U.S. military has developed for counteringA2/AD — namely, Air-Sea Battle and a blockade approach — appear to be based onthe assumption that a shooting war with China would break out over Taiwan.


* In many ways, the concern over Taiwanis well-placed. China covets the island far morethan any other piece of real estate, including the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. ForCCP leaders and many ordinary Chinese, Taiwan is one of the vast remainingvestiges of the country’s century of humiliation. Acquiring Taiwan wouldalso significantly enhance the PLA’s ability to project power outwardly.Despite improvements in cross-Strait relations in recent years, China hasrefused to rule out the possibility of invasion.


Besides having the motivation to acquire Taiwan, China seemingly is rapidlyacquiring the capability to take the island by force. In recent years, thecross-Strait military balance has rapidly shifted in Beijing’sfavor, and this trend is almost certain to continue so long as China’seconomy continues to grow. Today, Chinahas at least 1,600 ballistic missiles pointed at Taiwan,and Taiwan’s own Ministry ofDefense admits that Chinawill have sufficient military capabilities to mount a full cross-Strait attackby 2020.


This has led some U.S. analysts, particularly academics of theRealist persuasion, to argue that the U.S.should gradually cede Taiwanto the People’s Republic of China.For example, Charles Glaser argued in a controversial Foreign Affairs articlein 2011 that, given the risks of nuclear war between China and the UnitedStates, “the United States should consider backing away from its commitment toTaiwan. This would remove the most obvious and contentious flash point betweenthe United States and China and smooth the way for better relations betweenthem in the decades to come.”


Similarly, in a recent talk in Taiwan, John Mearsheimer argued that short ofacquiring an independent nuclear deterrent, Taiwan’sbest option is to pursue the “Hong Kong strategy” toward Beijing. Under the Hong Kong strategy, “Taiwan accepts the fact it is doomed to lose itsindependence and become part of China.It then works hard to make sure that the transition is peaceful and that itgains as much autonomy as possible from Beijing.”


Although the trend lines are undoubtedlyworking in China’s favor, itis ultimately extremely unlikely that Chinawill try to seize Taiwanby force. Furthermore, should it try to do this, it is unlikely to succeed.


Even assuming China’smilitary capabilities are great enough to prevent the U.S. from intervening, there are two forces thatwould likely be sufficient to deter Chinafrom invading Taiwan.The first and least important is the dramatic impact this would have on howcountries in the region and around the world would view such a move. Globally, China seizing Taiwan would result in it beingpermanently viewed as a malicious nation. Regionally, China’s invasion of Taiwanwould diminish any lingering debate over how Beijing will use its growing power. Everyregional power would see its own fate in Taiwan. Although Beijingwould try to reassure countries by claiming that Taiwanwas part of China already, andthus the operation was a domestic stability one, this narrative would beconvincing to none of China’sneighbors. Consequently, Beijingwould face an environment in which each state was dedicated to cooperating withothers to balance against Chinese power.


But the more important deterrent for Chinawould be the uncertainty of success. To be sure, China’smilitary capabilities are growing to the point where it will soon be assured ofits ability to quickly defeat Taiwan’smilitary forces.


A little longer down the road it will alsolikely be confident that it can prevent the U.S. from intervening in theconflict.


However, as recent U.S. militaryconflicts have adequately demonstrated, being able to defeat another nation’sarmed forces and being able to pacify the country are two different thingsaltogether. It is in this latter aim that China’s strategy is likely tofalter. Taiwanese are adamantly opposed to being incorporated into anon-Democratic China.These feelings would only harden in the aftermath of the invasion.


Thus, even if it quickly defeated Taiwan’s formalmilitary forces, the PLA would continue to have to contend with the remnants ofresistance for years to come. Such a scenario would be deeply unsettling forleaders in Beijing as this defiance would likelyinspire similar resistance among various groups on the mainland, starting firstand foremost with ethnic minorities in the western China. Should the PLA resort toharsh oppression to squash resistance in Taiwan, this would deeply unsettleeven Han Chinese on the mainland. In fact, the clear parallels with howImperial Japan sought to pacify Taiwanand China would be lost onno one in Chinaand elsewhere.


The entire situation would be a nightmarefor Chinese leaders. Consequently, they are nearly certain to avoid provokingit by invading Taiwan.The only real scenario in which they would invade Taiwan is if the island nationformally declared independence. But if Taiwanese leaders have avoided doing soto date, they are unlikely to think the idea is very wise as China goes stronger.


Thus, the status-quo in the Taiwanesestrait is unlikely to be changed by military force. Instead, Beijingis likely to continue drawing Taiwancloser economically, and seeking to disrupt the U.S.-Taiwanese bilateralrelationship. The hope would be that leaders in Taipeiwill ultimately conclude that they cannot resist being absorbed into China, something China itself can facilitate this byoffering favorable terms.


December 30, 2013 at 11:21
The best strategy for China is to actively encourage and endorse Taiwan’sstatehood. The result will be a pro-china state with credible power, a loyalmilitary ally and a staunch supporter of China for years to come. Itactually is the best strategy to maximize, and multiply, China’s interests and power at nocost.


December 30, 2013 at 11:44
I should add that, as outrageous as it mayappear to be, the most unthinkable strategy can be the best strategy, and themost unthinkable outcome needs not always be a pessimistic one. Fear can beovercome, even children do it all the time.


December 29, 2013 at 17:28
As the author did not use framework todiscuss this topic, Chinese and Taiwanese is more of a constructivist frameworkrather than realist.
The author considered military power as animportant consideration, and at times he also uses the consideration of balanceof power against Chinaas a deterring factor.
I would beg to differ on the points above,as viewed under a constructivist framework, the concept of One China andhistorically independence, has become very important concept.
How important is “One China Policy” ? Thesedays, we have started to see Chinausing their new maritime advantages to announce ECS ID zone over a small Diaoyu Island.For a country like China,one should not underestimate her desire for the taking over of Taiwan.
However, the Taiwanese has a radicallydifferent thinking as the mainland, just like other Overseas Chinese populations.Unfortunately, the mainlanders are emptying the islandof Taiwan and for survival, manyelites in Taiwanhas already switched side, and is not now on the permanent slide towardsunification.


Daimler Altschuh
December 27, 2013 at 19:39
PRC is highly unlikely to invade Taiwan unless Taiwanallows the USto set up a military base there, but the Taiwanese are smart enough not toallow that to happen. Taiwanand PRC are more intertwined than ever before economically and in blood ties.


December 30, 2013 at 23:03
Should the USestablish millitary installations in Taiwanit’ll increase the deterrence on China. The fear of nuclear war iseverybody’s fear even the Chinese. In the worst case scenario it will just endin a conventional warfare where Chinawill be humiliated.


December 27, 2013 at 03:38
Last night we went to a dinner party, amongthe guests were several Qinghua graduates (in their late 40′s to early 50′s) who came of age during the tailend of CR, came to the states for their engineeringgraduate degrees, stayed and work here in the SiliconeValley, and spent considerable timetraveling between the states/China/(and Taiwan for business). Since my wifeand I were the only ones from Taiwan;I asked them,
1. when is China ready for one-person-one-votedemocracy? The general impression I got from their responses: about 20-30years. The reason: the average Chinese is not ‘ready’ for democracy (i.e. theself realized altruistic responsibilities to make it work). Though thehardwares (i.e. infrasturctures) are there, the software (i.e. the quality ofthe people) has not caught up.
2. What then, in between now and in 30years? Their responses: elitetocracy (sic), or ‘democracy’ among the elites,much like CCP of today. Everyone of these Qinghua gradutates were invited andvetted by CCP to join. Not everyone joined, but CCP only asked and accepted thebest.
3. What’s their impression about Taiwanesewhen visited there? Their responses: polite, helpful, and not out to takeadvantage of the visitors.
My take away:
Taiwan(and Taiwanese) is a prototype-China showcasing what a democratic and civilChinese society can be like. That Chinese-in-Taiwan has been there, done that;therefore, so can Chinese-on-mainland.

1、中国打算什么时候开始一人一票的民主制度?我收到的回复给我的总体印象是:大约20到30年以后。原因就是:大部分的中国老百姓还没有做好“准备”迎接民主的到来(例如 自我意识中要有利他的责任感)。虽然硬件(基础设施)已经没问题,但是软件(例如人口素质)还没跟上硬件的发展。

December 29, 2013 at 15:11
Regarding CCP personal membership, I don’tknow. But one of them works for Huawei, which has heavy presence in both theValley (eating Cisco’s lunch) and San  Diego (eating Qualcomm’s) by out paying itsaforementioned competitors.
Well..it is basically like CCP-electronics(otherwise known as Huawei) throws down a gauntlet at the heart of the USelectronics/network industries, on US soil, and one tries to guess how much ofits US workforce are non-Chinese and non-CCP.
That horse (CCP check) left the barn (ICEwatch) long ago already.


December 26, 2013 at 08:38
Whoever use English and think in Englishcan’t understand 華人思維及文化。 it’s totally different and complicatethan you think. So don’t bother yourself and forget about how American can earn largest gain!Mind your own business and control your gun for not shooting your own children.


Tom F
December 27, 2013 at 07:52
Considering there’s not even a directMandarin translation for the English word ‘United’, I think that says it allabout the nature of China…. It should have been a ‘United’ Kingdom for all Chinese people, not CentreKindom …. centre of what? China’sneighbours.
Considering Chinasupplied guns to the worst genocidal regime of all time, Pol Pot, I think youbetter keep your advice, while you’re at it, please also stop supplyingoutrageously cruel terrorists in the Philippines as well.


December 26, 2013 at 04:15
US will sell F-35 and Osprey to every allyexcept Taiwan.What does it mean? There is no future for Taiwanas it already given that Chinacan and will reclaimed it.


Don Bacon
December 26, 2013 at 01:42
How could “Chinaacquire Taiwan” when Taiwan is a part of China? In fact, Taipeisees itself as the capital of China,calling itself to Republic of China.


Emelio Lizardo
December 26, 2013 at 01:27
Zack, is English your second language?
Beyond the cold war attitudes, theTaiwanese feel no kinship with Chinawhich has a wholly separate culture and history, the same with Tibet.
Moreover, China would be considerablyimproved and enriched without these territories.


9 dashes, 4 dishes, 1 soup
December 25, 2013 at 18:54
Unlike South Korea, the US bears some moral responsibilityfor the predicament of the Taiwanese. It should allow for peaceful resettlementof Taiwanese in the United  States — green cards.
The British set a good example with Hong Kong. America should pay heed.
Both South Korea and Taiwanare inside the blast zone when war comes. The US owes some consideration to theTaiwanese people.


December 25, 2013 at 17:02
What really matters is that China increasingly has the ability to invade Taiwan. But theimportant thing to note is that even the perceived ability for China to performsuch an action is a watershed moment for the current global order.
The fear of the inability to maintain thestatus quo is one that has been brewing for a long time.


December 24, 2013 at 23:57
If Chinainvaded Taiwan today, Japanand South Koreawould be nuclear armed by tomorrow.


Michael Turton
December 24, 2013 at 21:09
I’ve responded to this here.
http://michaelturton.blogspot.co ... -yes-of-course.html
Why do we see that same dopey picture of MaYing-jeou on so many Taiwanarticles? Feel free to pillage my flickr account for Taiwan pictures, no need to pay,just credit me. http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelturton/?details=1

http://michaelturton.blogspot.co ... -yes-of-course.html

December 24, 2013 at 19:35
Comparing Chinese invasion on Taiwan with USinvasion on Afghanistan and Iraq is likecomparing apple and orange. The Chinese in Mainland and The Taiwanese share thesame culture, languages and even surnames. The Americans and the Afghans andIraqis share nothing. Sure there will be opposition if, and that is a big IF, China invade and conquer Taiwan, but it will be much easier for China to pacify them, unlike the USeffort to pacify the Afghans or Iraqis.


December 25, 2013 at 08:49
Do they share the same heart?


December 24, 2013 at 15:56
One other point is that if China could effectively invade Taiwan, that might actually achieve the oppositeof what the author is suggesting and result in MORE countries bandwagoning to China.If China could occupy Taiwan and successfully deter the US, orkeep it from even entering the conflict, that would signal a massive collapsein the credibility of USpower. Many countries would simply assume it is safer to be on China’s goodside than bad side, especially if the relationship is already pretty good ortolerable. It would also have the effect of militarizing Japan, which wouldn’t necessarily be seenpositively by every country in the region and may further drive some countriestoward’s China’s sphere ofinfluence, even as other country’s shift towards what may become Japan’sgrowing sphere of influence. The simple assumption that every country wouldcollaborate against China isa naive one borne out of an ignorance of how contentious the relationships ofEast Asian countries can be not including China.


December 24, 2013 at 15:50
The author obviously have not spent a lotof time in Taiwan…
Taiwanese are adamantly opposed to beingincorporated into a non-Democratic China. These feelings would onlyharden in the aftermath of the invasion.
“Thus, even ifit quickly defeated Taiwan’s formal military forces, the PLA would continue tohave to contend with the remnants of resistance for years to come.”
This is a very naive statement and not atall based on reality. Most Taiwanese are complete cowards when it comes toresistance and the personal sacrifice that is required of resistance fighters.The Muslims that the United Stateshad to deal with in its wars in the Middle East had religious fanaticism todeal with – no such fanaticism exists in Taiwan today. Moreover, over 50% ofthe population, when push comes to shove, will admit to being Chinese.
A PLA takeover and suppression campaignwill not result in mass riots, resistance fighters, etc. The Taiwanese aresimply too cowardly to do this…


December 25, 2013 at 01:14
I’d recommend you do some reading on theresistance that the KMT faced in Taiwan, and the many deaths thatresulted from violent resistance to their rule.
It’s a dangerous thing to assume that apeople, any people, are weak and can be easily cowed. All empires assume this,and it frequently doesn’t work out their way.


December 26, 2013 at 09:12
The resistance the KMT during the take overin 1949 was short lived, and today about 50% of benshenren (go look up thatterm) actively support the KMT. This is a result of 70 years of brainwashinginto thinking they are, after all, “Chinese.”
You want proof that this is a weakpopulation? Here it is…90% of Taiwanese parents actively look for ways fortheir sons to dodge military service and the majority of Taiwanese ridiculethose who join the “martial” professions, i.e. military and police. This isbecause some idiot named Confucius said a good piece of iron isn’t use to makea nail just as a good man isn’t used to make a soldier…One recruit dies incompulsory military service and everyone freaks out.
You want further proof that this populationcan be easily cowed? Just look at the hard time the military is having tryingto develop into an all volunteer force. It can’t. A population that is not evenwilling to sacrifice in peacetime is less likely to do anything in wartime whentheir lives are on the line.
There is no sense of patriotism and nosense of nationalism on this island. Many say they want an independent Taiwan, very,very, very few are willing to sacrifice to achieve it. Most just “want” theAmericans to come and protect them; the remainder cling on to this illusionthat the Chinese will be democratic and it will be a peaceful union.
Here is what will happen in a PLA invasion.Initially, there will be a short resistance movement after the “formal”military forces have been rendered combat ineffective. Then the PLA/CCP willestablish rewards, much like the Japanese did, for those who turn in theirneighbors. Unlike Japan,who are clearly of a different ethnic group, the majority of Taiwanese willrationalise and fall back on their 70-years of KMT indoctrination that they areChinese, and start to turn in their neighbors who are part of the resistance as“troublemakers”, especially if there is monetary or personal gain involved. TheChinese aren’t stupid…the Taiwanese are cowardly and greedy – this resistancewill last about a day…


December 24, 2013 at 15:38
I found this article rather unconvincing.The author’s first rationale didn’t stop the US from invading Iraq, and theimpact of that will fade over time if the country has enough influence (whichChina will be accruing over time, not with the OECDs but with the developingcountries which aren’t as bothered by these things and will have increasingeconomic power). It will certainly unsettle China’s neighbors, but given thatthe Taiwan issue is further away from the fear of an imperialist China than saythe China Sea Island disputes, it’s unlikely they would let Taiwan permanentlyimpact their relationships (except Japan, who has an immense interest in havingTaiwan as a buffer between it and China). Furthermore, the assumption thatevery country would begin to bandwagon against China is simplistic and ignores thegreater complexity of the relationships between the countries in the region.Some countries in East Asia would certainly find itself in greater oppositionto and consternation with Chinaif China occupied Taiwan,but many won’t.
His second reason is better, but is noguarantee. For one, not every one in Taiwan would actively resist aChinese implemented rule. Many would simply go along with it. Of course,resistance would probably still be very robust with many sympathizers, andviolence would be frequent, but there is a way to manage this type of violencein society over the long term, even if it provides an element of instability.These include migration and gradual assimilation of the occupied population,control of education and propaganda, and harsh security measures (all of which Taiwan has experienced once when Chiang Kai-Shekmoved the ROC to Taiwan),especially since there is no ethnic divide, unlike the other separatist ethnicconflicts in the PRIC. Third, the Han population in Mainland China has a MUCH greater tolerance for that kindof unstable violence than the author presumes, especially if this was framed asforeign influenced separatists trying to tear China apart. The sentiment towardsa unified Chinaby the PRC’s population should not be underestimated.


December 24, 2013 at 10:30
Slowly fewer Taiwanese are opposed to China as itincreases its economical influence on the island. That is the way of battle Chinachose years ago and has been pursuing all the time.


December 24, 2013 at 19:18


December 26, 2013 at 04:49
The good-for-nothing DPP party that shoutedloudly for independence is losing popular votes like nobody business. Isn’tthis not proven?


December 24, 2013 at 09:39
Chinese are not knowing for naval or aircompetence; but they are known for using massive population and economic meansto absorb their neighbors, as witnessed in formerly non-Chinese Manchuria,nan-viet, Dali now called Northeast, Canton, and Yunnan


December 24, 2013 at 09:35
It is obvious that China will not attack Taiwan as long as the status quostands. There is no reason why they would want to do that to the benefit ofothers especially to those that would like to paint a grim picture that theywill do it to cause a certain degree of contention.


December 25, 2013 at 12:45
Taiwanese won’t show any willingness toabsorbed by PRC as long as the economic and social disparity between the twosociety exists. This means that PRC has to demonstrate that it is at least asadvanced and liberal as Taiwanis. Given PRC’s record of corruption, human rights abuse and pollution thisdemonstration will be long in coming.


Tiu Nia Sing
December 24, 2013 at 09:17
The west, mainly the US, is trying to drive a wedge between China and Taiwan. MIC doctrine, selling armsto make dineros.
The notion of one country two systems toembrace Hong Kong back into the fold of China, can be expanded by the lateparamount leader Deng Xiaopoing and he categorically said that we can have onecountry many systems before he passed away i.e. Taiwancan keep its arm forces and just admit outwardly that Taiwan is part of Chinaand may be one day the party from Taiwancan be part of the electoral system in which the whole of China can take part.
The Chinese is only interested principallyin developing the economies of both sides and political wrangling is not theway of achieving it. and both sides know that Chinahas no appetite to attack Taiwan,the two entities are divided by a common culture, common language, and a commonpeople, and a common political system will follow no matter how long it takes


Oro Invictus
December 24, 2013 at 08:18
Not too much to say here; I’ve held asimilar position for some time now, and anyone who feels so inclined can searchfor my past thoughts on the matter.
I will, however, say this: Taiwan is not the US’ to give, nor is it the PRC’s totake. It need not become independent nor need it be subsumed; its path is,singularly, the choice of the Taiwanese. Those who seek to infringe upon Taiwaneseself-determination are simply declaring to the world they care not about thepeople, do not believe them to be equals to themselves.


December 25, 2013 at 01:20
“Taiwan is notthe US’ to give, nor is it the PRC’s to take.”
That sentence doesn’t get mentioned inthese debates for some reason, when it should be one and only argumentpresent.. I agree completely, it is up to Taiwan to choose if they want to bea sovereign state or a province of the PRC.
Up to now, and in the forseeable future (inmy opinion), they will choose to be sovereign.



Why China Won't Attack Taiwan

It is extremely unlikely that China will invade Taiwan , much less succeed.


Although relatively muted in recent years, Taiwanis seen as the greatest potential flashpoint in U.S.-China relations. Indeed, U.S. defense analysts perceive China’s expanding Anti-Access/Area Denial(A2/AD) capabilities primarily through the lens of preventing the U.S. from intervening should Beijinginvade Taiwan.Consequently, the main concepts the U.S. military has developed for counteringA2/AD — namely, Air-Sea Battle and a blockade approach — appear to be based onthe assumption that a shooting war with China would break out over Taiwan.


* In many ways, the concern over Taiwanis well-placed. China covets the island far morethan any other piece of real estate, including the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. ForCCP leaders and many ordinary Chinese, Taiwan is one of the vast remainingvestiges of the country’s century of humiliation. Acquiring Taiwan wouldalso significantly enhance the PLA’s ability to project power outwardly.Despite improvements in cross-Strait relations in recent years, China hasrefused to rule out the possibility of invasion.


Besides having the motivation to acquire Taiwan, China seemingly is rapidlyacquiring the capability to take the island by force. In recent years, thecross-Strait military balance has rapidly shifted in Beijing’sfavor, and this trend is almost certain to continue so long as China’seconomy continues to grow. Today, Chinahas at least 1,600 ballistic missiles pointed at Taiwan,and Taiwan’s own Ministry ofDefense admits that Chinawill have sufficient military capabilities to mount a full cross-Strait attackby 2020.


This has led some U.S. analysts, particularly academics of theRealist persuasion, to argue that the U.S.should gradually cede Taiwanto the People’s Republic of China.For example, Charles Glaser argued in a controversial Foreign Affairs articlein 2011 that, given the risks of nuclear war between China and the UnitedStates, “the United States should consider backing away from its commitment toTaiwan. This would remove the most obvious and contentious flash point betweenthe United States and China and smooth the way for better relations betweenthem in the decades to come.”


Similarly, in a recent talk in Taiwan, John Mearsheimer argued that short ofacquiring an independent nuclear deterrent, Taiwan’sbest option is to pursue the “Hong Kong strategy” toward Beijing. Under the Hong Kong strategy, “Taiwan accepts the fact it is doomed to lose itsindependence and become part of China.It then works hard to make sure that the transition is peaceful and that itgains as much autonomy as possible from Beijing.”


Although the trend lines are undoubtedlyworking in China’s favor, itis ultimately extremely unlikely that Chinawill try to seize Taiwanby force. Furthermore, should it try to do this, it is unlikely to succeed.


Even assuming China’smilitary capabilities are great enough to prevent the U.S. from intervening, there are two forces thatwould likely be sufficient to deter Chinafrom invading Taiwan.The first and least important is the dramatic impact this would have on howcountries in the region and around the world would view such a move. Globally, China seizing Taiwan would result in it beingpermanently viewed as a malicious nation. Regionally, China’s invasion of Taiwanwould diminish any lingering debate over how Beijing will use its growing power. Everyregional power would see its own fate in Taiwan. Although Beijingwould try to reassure countries by claiming that Taiwanwas part of China already, andthus the operation was a domestic stability one, this narrative would beconvincing to none of China’sneighbors. Consequently, Beijingwould face an environment in which each state was dedicated to cooperating withothers to balance against Chinese power.


But the more important deterrent for Chinawould be the uncertainty of success. To be sure, China’smilitary capabilities are growing to the point where it will soon be assured ofits ability to quickly defeat Taiwan’smilitary forces.


A little longer down the road it will alsolikely be confident that it can prevent the U.S. from intervening in theconflict.


However, as recent U.S. militaryconflicts have adequately demonstrated, being able to defeat another nation’sarmed forces and being able to pacify the country are two different thingsaltogether. It is in this latter aim that China’s strategy is likely tofalter. Taiwanese are adamantly opposed to being incorporated into anon-Democratic China.These feelings would only harden in the aftermath of the invasion.


Thus, even if it quickly defeated Taiwan’s formalmilitary forces, the PLA would continue to have to contend with the remnants ofresistance for years to come. Such a scenario would be deeply unsettling forleaders in Beijing as this defiance would likelyinspire similar resistance among various groups on the mainland, starting firstand foremost with ethnic minorities in the western China. Should the PLA resort toharsh oppression to squash resistance in Taiwan, this would deeply unsettleeven Han Chinese on the mainland. In fact, the clear parallels with howImperial Japan sought to pacify Taiwanand China would be lost onno one in Chinaand elsewhere.


The entire situation would be a nightmarefor Chinese leaders. Consequently, they are nearly certain to avoid provokingit by invading Taiwan.The only real scenario in which they would invade Taiwan is if the island nationformally declared independence. But if Taiwanese leaders have avoided doing soto date, they are unlikely to think the idea is very wise as China goes stronger.


Thus, the status-quo in the Taiwanesestrait is unlikely to be changed by military force. Instead, Beijingis likely to continue drawing Taiwancloser economically, and seeking to disrupt the U.S.-Taiwanese bilateralrelationship. The hope would be that leaders in Taipeiwill ultimately conclude that they cannot resist being absorbed into China, something China itself can facilitate this byoffering favorable terms.


December 30, 2013 at 11:21
The best strategy for China is to actively encourage and endorse Taiwan’sstatehood. The result will be a pro-china state with credible power, a loyalmilitary ally and a staunch supporter of China for years to come. Itactually is the best strategy to maximize, and multiply, China’s interests and power at nocost.


December 30, 2013 at 11:44
I should add that, as outrageous as it mayappear to be, the most unthinkable strategy can be the best strategy, and themost unthinkable outcome needs not always be a pessimistic one. Fear can beovercome, even children do it all the time.


December 29, 2013 at 17:28
As the author did not use framework todiscuss this topic, Chinese and Taiwanese is more of a constructivist frameworkrather than realist.
The author considered military power as animportant consideration, and at times he also uses the consideration of balanceof power against Chinaas a deterring factor.
I would beg to differ on the points above,as viewed under a constructivist framework, the concept of One China andhistorically independence, has become very important concept.
How important is “One China Policy” ? Thesedays, we have started to see Chinausing their new maritime advantages to announce ECS ID zone over a small Diaoyu Island.For a country like China,one should not underestimate her desire for the taking over of Taiwan.
However, the Taiwanese has a radicallydifferent thinking as the mainland, just like other Overseas Chinese populations.Unfortunately, the mainlanders are emptying the islandof Taiwan and for survival, manyelites in Taiwanhas already switched side, and is not now on the permanent slide towardsunification.


Daimler Altschuh
December 27, 2013 at 19:39
PRC is highly unlikely to invade Taiwan unless Taiwanallows the USto set up a military base there, but the Taiwanese are smart enough not toallow that to happen. Taiwanand PRC are more intertwined than ever before economically and in blood ties.


December 30, 2013 at 23:03
Should the USestablish millitary installations in Taiwanit’ll increase the deterrence on China. The fear of nuclear war iseverybody’s fear even the Chinese. In the worst case scenario it will just endin a conventional warfare where Chinawill be humiliated.


December 27, 2013 at 03:38
Last night we went to a dinner party, amongthe guests were several Qinghua graduates (in their late 40′s to early 50′s) who came of age during the tailend of CR, came to the states for their engineeringgraduate degrees, stayed and work here in the SiliconeValley, and spent considerable timetraveling between the states/China/(and Taiwan for business). Since my wifeand I were the only ones from Taiwan;I asked them,
1. when is China ready for one-person-one-votedemocracy? The general impression I got from their responses: about 20-30years. The reason: the average Chinese is not ‘ready’ for democracy (i.e. theself realized altruistic responsibilities to make it work). Though thehardwares (i.e. infrasturctures) are there, the software (i.e. the quality ofthe people) has not caught up.
2. What then, in between now and in 30years? Their responses: elitetocracy (sic), or ‘democracy’ among the elites,much like CCP of today. Everyone of these Qinghua gradutates were invited andvetted by CCP to join. Not everyone joined, but CCP only asked and accepted thebest.
3. What’s their impression about Taiwanesewhen visited there? Their responses: polite, helpful, and not out to takeadvantage of the visitors.
My take away:
Taiwan(and Taiwanese) is a prototype-China showcasing what a democratic and civilChinese society can be like. That Chinese-in-Taiwan has been there, done that;therefore, so can Chinese-on-mainland.

1、中国打算什么时候开始一人一票的民主制度?我收到的回复给我的总体印象是:大约20到30年以后。原因就是:大部分的中国老百姓还没有做好“准备”迎接民主的到来(例如 自我意识中要有利他的责任感)。虽然硬件(基础设施)已经没问题,但是软件(例如人口素质)还没跟上硬件的发展。

December 29, 2013 at 15:11
Regarding CCP personal membership, I don’tknow. But one of them works for Huawei, which has heavy presence in both theValley (eating Cisco’s lunch) and San  Diego (eating Qualcomm’s) by out paying itsaforementioned competitors.
Well..it is basically like CCP-electronics(otherwise known as Huawei) throws down a gauntlet at the heart of the USelectronics/network industries, on US soil, and one tries to guess how much ofits US workforce are non-Chinese and non-CCP.
That horse (CCP check) left the barn (ICEwatch) long ago already.


December 26, 2013 at 08:38
Whoever use English and think in Englishcan’t understand 華人思維及文化。 it’s totally different and complicatethan you think. So don’t bother yourself and forget about how American can earn largest gain!Mind your own business and control your gun for not shooting your own children.


Tom F
December 27, 2013 at 07:52
Considering there’s not even a directMandarin translation for the English word ‘United’, I think that says it allabout the nature of China…. It should have been a ‘United’ Kingdom for all Chinese people, not CentreKindom …. centre of what? China’sneighbours.
Considering Chinasupplied guns to the worst genocidal regime of all time, Pol Pot, I think youbetter keep your advice, while you’re at it, please also stop supplyingoutrageously cruel terrorists in the Philippines as well.


December 26, 2013 at 04:15
US will sell F-35 and Osprey to every allyexcept Taiwan.What does it mean? There is no future for Taiwanas it already given that Chinacan and will reclaimed it.


Don Bacon
December 26, 2013 at 01:42
How could “Chinaacquire Taiwan” when Taiwan is a part of China? In fact, Taipeisees itself as the capital of China,calling itself to Republic of China.


Emelio Lizardo
December 26, 2013 at 01:27
Zack, is English your second language?
Beyond the cold war attitudes, theTaiwanese feel no kinship with Chinawhich has a wholly separate culture and history, the same with Tibet.
Moreover, China would be considerablyimproved and enriched without these territories.


9 dashes, 4 dishes, 1 soup
December 25, 2013 at 18:54
Unlike South Korea, the US bears some moral responsibilityfor the predicament of the Taiwanese. It should allow for peaceful resettlementof Taiwanese in the United  States — green cards.
The British set a good example with Hong Kong. America should pay heed.
Both South Korea and Taiwanare inside the blast zone when war comes. The US owes some consideration to theTaiwanese people.


December 25, 2013 at 17:02
What really matters is that China increasingly has the ability to invade Taiwan. But theimportant thing to note is that even the perceived ability for China to performsuch an action is a watershed moment for the current global order.
The fear of the inability to maintain thestatus quo is one that has been brewing for a long time.


December 24, 2013 at 23:57
If Chinainvaded Taiwan today, Japanand South Koreawould be nuclear armed by tomorrow.


Michael Turton
December 24, 2013 at 21:09
I’ve responded to this here.
http://michaelturton.blogspot.co ... -yes-of-course.html
Why do we see that same dopey picture of MaYing-jeou on so many Taiwanarticles? Feel free to pillage my flickr account for Taiwan pictures, no need to pay,just credit me. http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelturton/?details=1

http://michaelturton.blogspot.co ... -yes-of-course.html

December 24, 2013 at 19:35
Comparing Chinese invasion on Taiwan with USinvasion on Afghanistan and Iraq is likecomparing apple and orange. The Chinese in Mainland and The Taiwanese share thesame culture, languages and even surnames. The Americans and the Afghans andIraqis share nothing. Sure there will be opposition if, and that is a big IF, China invade and conquer Taiwan, but it will be much easier for China to pacify them, unlike the USeffort to pacify the Afghans or Iraqis.


December 25, 2013 at 08:49
Do they share the same heart?


December 24, 2013 at 15:56
One other point is that if China could effectively invade Taiwan, that might actually achieve the oppositeof what the author is suggesting and result in MORE countries bandwagoning to China.If China could occupy Taiwan and successfully deter the US, orkeep it from even entering the conflict, that would signal a massive collapsein the credibility of USpower. Many countries would simply assume it is safer to be on China’s goodside than bad side, especially if the relationship is already pretty good ortolerable. It would also have the effect of militarizing Japan, which wouldn’t necessarily be seenpositively by every country in the region and may further drive some countriestoward’s China’s sphere ofinfluence, even as other country’s shift towards what may become Japan’sgrowing sphere of influence. The simple assumption that every country wouldcollaborate against China isa naive one borne out of an ignorance of how contentious the relationships ofEast Asian countries can be not including China.


December 24, 2013 at 15:50
The author obviously have not spent a lotof time in Taiwan…
Taiwanese are adamantly opposed to beingincorporated into a non-Democratic China. These feelings would onlyharden in the aftermath of the invasion.
“Thus, even ifit quickly defeated Taiwan’s formal military forces, the PLA would continue tohave to contend with the remnants of resistance for years to come.”
This is a very naive statement and not atall based on reality. Most Taiwanese are complete cowards when it comes toresistance and the personal sacrifice that is required of resistance fighters.The Muslims that the United Stateshad to deal with in its wars in the Middle East had religious fanaticism todeal with – no such fanaticism exists in Taiwan today. Moreover, over 50% ofthe population, when push comes to shove, will admit to being Chinese.
A PLA takeover and suppression campaignwill not result in mass riots, resistance fighters, etc. The Taiwanese aresimply too cowardly to do this…


December 25, 2013 at 01:14
I’d recommend you do some reading on theresistance that the KMT faced in Taiwan, and the many deaths thatresulted from violent resistance to their rule.
It’s a dangerous thing to assume that apeople, any people, are weak and can be easily cowed. All empires assume this,and it frequently doesn’t work out their way.


December 26, 2013 at 09:12
The resistance the KMT during the take overin 1949 was short lived, and today about 50% of benshenren (go look up thatterm) actively support the KMT. This is a result of 70 years of brainwashinginto thinking they are, after all, “Chinese.”
You want proof that this is a weakpopulation? Here it is…90% of Taiwanese parents actively look for ways fortheir sons to dodge military service and the majority of Taiwanese ridiculethose who join the “martial” professions, i.e. military and police. This isbecause some idiot named Confucius said a good piece of iron isn’t use to makea nail just as a good man isn’t used to make a soldier…One recruit dies incompulsory military service and everyone freaks out.
You want further proof that this populationcan be easily cowed? Just look at the hard time the military is having tryingto develop into an all volunteer force. It can’t. A population that is not evenwilling to sacrifice in peacetime is less likely to do anything in wartime whentheir lives are on the line.
There is no sense of patriotism and nosense of nationalism on this island. Many say they want an independent Taiwan, very,very, very few are willing to sacrifice to achieve it. Most just “want” theAmericans to come and protect them; the remainder cling on to this illusionthat the Chinese will be democratic and it will be a peaceful union.
Here is what will happen in a PLA invasion.Initially, there will be a short resistance movement after the “formal”military forces have been rendered combat ineffective. Then the PLA/CCP willestablish rewards, much like the Japanese did, for those who turn in theirneighbors. Unlike Japan,who are clearly of a different ethnic group, the majority of Taiwanese willrationalise and fall back on their 70-years of KMT indoctrination that they areChinese, and start to turn in their neighbors who are part of the resistance as“troublemakers”, especially if there is monetary or personal gain involved. TheChinese aren’t stupid…the Taiwanese are cowardly and greedy – this resistancewill last about a day…


December 24, 2013 at 15:38
I found this article rather unconvincing.The author’s first rationale didn’t stop the US from invading Iraq, and theimpact of that will fade over time if the country has enough influence (whichChina will be accruing over time, not with the OECDs but with the developingcountries which aren’t as bothered by these things and will have increasingeconomic power). It will certainly unsettle China’s neighbors, but given thatthe Taiwan issue is further away from the fear of an imperialist China than saythe China Sea Island disputes, it’s unlikely they would let Taiwan permanentlyimpact their relationships (except Japan, who has an immense interest in havingTaiwan as a buffer between it and China). Furthermore, the assumption thatevery country would begin to bandwagon against China is simplistic and ignores thegreater complexity of the relationships between the countries in the region.Some countries in East Asia would certainly find itself in greater oppositionto and consternation with Chinaif China occupied Taiwan,but many won’t.
His second reason is better, but is noguarantee. For one, not every one in Taiwan would actively resist aChinese implemented rule. Many would simply go along with it. Of course,resistance would probably still be very robust with many sympathizers, andviolence would be frequent, but there is a way to manage this type of violencein society over the long term, even if it provides an element of instability.These include migration and gradual assimilation of the occupied population,control of education and propaganda, and harsh security measures (all of which Taiwan has experienced once when Chiang Kai-Shekmoved the ROC to Taiwan),especially since there is no ethnic divide, unlike the other separatist ethnicconflicts in the PRIC. Third, the Han population in Mainland China has a MUCH greater tolerance for that kindof unstable violence than the author presumes, especially if this was framed asforeign influenced separatists trying to tear China apart. The sentiment towardsa unified Chinaby the PRC’s population should not be underestimated.


December 24, 2013 at 10:30
Slowly fewer Taiwanese are opposed to China as itincreases its economical influence on the island. That is the way of battle Chinachose years ago and has been pursuing all the time.


December 24, 2013 at 19:18


December 26, 2013 at 04:49
The good-for-nothing DPP party that shoutedloudly for independence is losing popular votes like nobody business. Isn’tthis not proven?


December 24, 2013 at 09:39
Chinese are not knowing for naval or aircompetence; but they are known for using massive population and economic meansto absorb their neighbors, as witnessed in formerly non-Chinese Manchuria,nan-viet, Dali now called Northeast, Canton, and Yunnan


December 24, 2013 at 09:35
It is obvious that China will not attack Taiwan as long as the status quostands. There is no reason why they would want to do that to the benefit ofothers especially to those that would like to paint a grim picture that theywill do it to cause a certain degree of contention.


December 25, 2013 at 12:45
Taiwanese won’t show any willingness toabsorbed by PRC as long as the economic and social disparity between the twosociety exists. This means that PRC has to demonstrate that it is at least asadvanced and liberal as Taiwanis. Given PRC’s record of corruption, human rights abuse and pollution thisdemonstration will be long in coming.


Tiu Nia Sing
December 24, 2013 at 09:17
The west, mainly the US, is trying to drive a wedge between China and Taiwan. MIC doctrine, selling armsto make dineros.
The notion of one country two systems toembrace Hong Kong back into the fold of China, can be expanded by the lateparamount leader Deng Xiaopoing and he categorically said that we can have onecountry many systems before he passed away i.e. Taiwancan keep its arm forces and just admit outwardly that Taiwan is part of Chinaand may be one day the party from Taiwancan be part of the electoral system in which the whole of China can take part.
The Chinese is only interested principallyin developing the economies of both sides and political wrangling is not theway of achieving it. and both sides know that Chinahas no appetite to attack Taiwan,the two entities are divided by a common culture, common language, and a commonpeople, and a common political system will follow no matter how long it takes


Oro Invictus
December 24, 2013 at 08:18
Not too much to say here; I’ve held asimilar position for some time now, and anyone who feels so inclined can searchfor my past thoughts on the matter.
I will, however, say this: Taiwan is not the US’ to give, nor is it the PRC’s totake. It need not become independent nor need it be subsumed; its path is,singularly, the choice of the Taiwanese. Those who seek to infringe upon Taiwaneseself-determination are simply declaring to the world they care not about thepeople, do not believe them to be equals to themselves.


December 25, 2013 at 01:20
“Taiwan is notthe US’ to give, nor is it the PRC’s to take.”
That sentence doesn’t get mentioned inthese debates for some reason, when it should be one and only argumentpresent.. I agree completely, it is up to Taiwan to choose if they want to bea sovereign state or a province of the PRC.
Up to now, and in the forseeable future (inmy opinion), they will choose to be sovereign.


December 24, 2013 at 07:06
Comparing a Chinese invasion and occupationof Taiwan with the Americaninvasions of Iraq and Afghanistanleaves a lot to be desired and shows how completely oblivious many Westernobservers are to the big picture. “Well, America had a rough time occupyingsomeone! That must mean everyone will!”
China is unlikely to invade Taiwan because there is no need toright now. And if they did, comparing your average Taiwanese citizen with somePashtun hill tribesman is laughable. A Taiwanese resistance would have nowherenear the starting capital the Afghan insurgents did and being an island, itwould be incredibly difficult for any resistance movement to obtain arms orother supplies.


December 24, 2013 at 13:56
I dont know about some of that. They lostthe direct conflict, but the Tamil Tigers kept themselves in pretty good shapefor a long time while indiscriminately killing quite a few people, and theywere a violent insurgent group on an Islandwithout much experience when they started, which is what I believe you’rereferring to. The Provisional IRA is another example of civilians becoming verygood at killing and maiming the foreign occupiers as well as the other Irishparamilitaries on the side of the British.
There’s a lot of writing out thereregarding uncertainty as to whether the PLA could handle a counterinsurgency intheir current form. The Chinese haven’t really fought an intensive, modern counterinsurgencywith pissed off hardline insurgents who are hellbent on killing them for simplybeing there like Iraq wasfor the United States.
That being said, occupying Taiwan probably wouldn’t be like that at all forChinaif they played it intelligently. The people in Zhongnanhai are the samenationality and ethnicity as the people on Taiwan. Its not like a foreignoccupying power taking the place over at all. There will be some resistance butnothing like the LTTE, PIRA, Islamic State in Iraq, or Haqqani Militia.


December 24, 2013 at 18:26
FAlpha, The Tamil Tigers and the IRA hadtwo things the Taiwanese don’t: a different religion and a diaspora capable andwilling to support them. The Taiwanese are culturally similar to mainland China and the Chinese diaspora is just as likelyto support the mainland as Taiwan.
Another item of note is that you mentioned China has notfought a modern counterinsurgency campaign recently. Well, to be fair we’vefought three in the past forty years and lost them all. I doubt Chinacould do worse.
I doubt there would be any resistance. Taiwan has a hard enough time recruiting for itsmilitary and has no culture of gun ownership like the US or Finland does. The end result wouldbe a relatively easy occupation.


December 24, 2013 at 19:24
You seem to lack knowledge of the historyof resistance in Taiwan.True, guns and hand grenades are in short supply, but the Dutch, Spanish,Japanese and Chinese Nationalists all faced fierce resistance by the localpopulation, which resulted in these some of these occupiers having to commitmass murder and torture. Still, the locals persisted, and do to this day


December 24, 2013 at 06:26
“Taiwanese areadamantly opposed to being incorporated into a non-Democratic China.”
Thanks for getting to the heart of theissue.


December 24, 2013 at 04:47
this is the only way a trust can beestablished between china and the U.S.. without such trust, stabilityin the region, thus world peace is a joke.


December 24, 2013 at 04:06
Looks like someone is still stuck in theCold War era.


December 24, 2013 at 03:01
The USA should give up one of itsstrongest and oldest allies in the region to the communists?
What a complete joke.


December 24, 2013 at 19:42
That’s not a joke by any measurement. Weare going to year 2014 in a few days time and yet Americans are stuck in theirrigid and stubborn mindset that the world is still under the 1950s cold warera. Maybe of course Americawill like to suffer the same fate like what they experienced in Vietnam Warwhere they have to retreat with tails between their legs.



我的翅膀 发表于 2014-1-13 10:29

被美国抛弃也是理所当然的吧,就算统一了又如何,照样会 ...




我的翅膀 发表于 2014-1-13 10:29

被美国抛弃也是理所当然的吧,就算统一了又如何,照样会 ...




土豆警长 发表于 2014-1-13 12:06
“民主”是台湾的最后一块遮羞布了,等到他们捧着“民主”的牌位,开着“民主” ...

又是一篇带有强烈主观性的文章  美国宪法允许州享有脱离联邦的权利 怎么你们当初还南北内战?  大陆和台湾现在是什么关系? “入侵”一词真扯淡


vwvliu 发表于 2014-1-13 13:13

这就是西方的 ...

vwvliu 发表于 2014-1-13 13:13

这就是西方的 ...


月盈则亏,水满则溢,没有了外部的威胁和刺激  ,中国可能内部会出问题。

台湾,钓鱼岛 藏南  ,这些都是刺激体,让中国不敢再沉睡,促进了中国不断的进步。


所以从和平发展经济的需要 ,从保持觉醒和进步的需要。 兔子并不急于算总账。

vwvliu 发表于 2014-1-13 13:13

这就是西方的 ...
vwvliu 发表于 2014-1-13 13:13

这就是西方的 ...
rogerkkk123 发表于 2014-1-13 10:52
台湾是大陆的高丸,说得再正确没有了。被捏一下就会很疼,因为怕痛所以会经常做出一些妥协,但是谁会怀疑一 ...
10年前 可以怎么 说   

现在 就是 精神鸡肋