
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 04:39:34
转自 刘慈欣吧 龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

天在某个旮旯偶然看到一段节选翻译的国外作家对刚刚翻译完毕的《三体》第一部的评价,一路追着就追到Three Body Trilogy的非死不可上去了,淘出几段发在那里的评价,翻译并发来本吧。意译为主,不然翻译腔总觉得不舒服。顺便还查了下评价者的身份,个个都是有真货的啊不是什么无脑厨啊……


"THE THREE BODY PROBLEM deserves all of its plaudits. It's an exceptional novel, and Ken Liu's translation is both smooth and unintrusive."
- Mike Resnick

Mike Resnick【著名科幻小说作家。他曾获得二十八次雨果奖提名并拿下其中五次,十一次星云奖提名与一次星云,并在法国、日本、西班牙、克罗地亚、波兰等地获得许多其它奖项。1993年获得科幻小说终身成就奖“云雀奖”。其小说高度关注科幻中的太空殖民与异文明接触等内容。】

"THE THREE BODY PROBLEM is a first for North American readers: a science fiction novel that gets into the hearts and minds of people in the most tumultuous period of Communist China's history. Liu Cixin gives us a rare view of the Bamboo Curtain of the 1960's and combines it with a mysterious conspiracy in presentday Earth. The result is a story where each answer creates more questions."
- Derwin Mak

Derwin Mak【加拿大籍华裔科幻作家,在多伦多长大,曾主编《龙与群星——海外华人科幻奇幻作品集》,加拿大国家科幻小说奖得主,2006年“极光”最佳短篇英文小说奖。】

"Utterly, utterly brilliant. The ThreeBody Trilogy is nothing short of a masterpiece”--
Lavie Tidhar

Lavie Tidhar【以色列著名科幻作家、科幻文学理论家,2012年世界最佳幻想小说奖获得者。其理论代表作为《蒸汽朋克》,系统详尽地解析了这一流派科幻的历史、特征及深层意义。】

“Vivid, imaginative and rooted in cutting edge science, "The Three Body Problem” ponders several Big Questions of our time. Liu Cixin stands at the top tier of speculative fiction authors in any language. Ken Liu's smooth translation makes this a must-read for any who truly wish to explore bold, new perspectives."
-David Brin

David Brin【美国著名科幻作家、未来学者、空间科学博士、物理学家,NASA顾问,四次获得雨果奖,其作品擅长于将各种奇诡非凡的外星文明文化展现在读者面前。】


Why is it coming up in 2014?Why delay the schedule?
9月28日上午 2:31

Three Body Trilogy:
To get more people be aware of #tb#
9月28日上午 7:28


what?! 2014!! such a long wait
9月23日下午 2:38

Three Body Trilogy:
We just follow the rules and I think you'll have no objections on getting more people to share the same reading experience with you.
9月28日上午 7:33





One of the world's most popular SF novels finally coming in English

How often does an English-language science fiction novel sell 400,000 copies? That's how many copies Liu Cixin's Three Body Trilogy has sold in Chinese — and at last, this pioneering work of science fiction about acivilization that lives in a trinary star system is coming out in English translation, thanks to award-winning author Ken Liu.

Seriously, half of Tor's article is about Ken Liu. I get why, but still. The other Liu wrote the books!

the 'news' isn't about the original book(s) or the original author - the 'news' is the fact that the book(s) are being translated into English.
I'd expect that once they start the PR for the translation just before it comes out is when you'll see tons of 'news' about the author etc...

I think they should have focused more on the author. I get that Ken Liu has a fan base and the author doesn't, but still.

There's still a perception that nobody reads fiction in translation, and that goes doubly so for genre fiction — and, yes, I'm perfectly well aware that there's a metric fuckton of Scandi-noir crime novels and Girls with Dragon Tattoos that would beg to differ. I didn't say it was aparticularly sound perception. So, I'm not inclined to rag too hard on Tor for doing whatever they can to push science fiction in translation onto people's radars.
我觉得还有个重要问题,(我们这儿的)读者对译作从来都是累觉不爱,类型小说更严重。对,我对诸如Scandi-noir犯罪小说、Girls with Dragon Tattoos之类的感觉会有所不同,但这不代表我对其它东西也这样。所以,我不太指望Tor的推广能起很大作用。

I'm sort of sad that Ken Liu gets all the attention for another author's trilogy here. I like Ken quite a bit, but this article ought to highlight the author rather than the translator I think.

Agreed. However, maybe they think a sort of known (read: American) name will help people want to buy something by a Chinese author? I dunno. Sci-fi isn't the most inclusive genre.

I agree. And though I'm looking forward to this, and will get it, I also hope it doesn't take Liu too much away from his own writing. He is a spectacular talent, and I expect to see a lot of good stuff from him in the next while.
Michael Kandel struck me that way. I read a couple of his novels way back when, and then he seemed to get all caught up in translating Stanislaw Lem, and didn't produce all that much original stuff anymore.
Michael Kandel就是反例了。我看了一些他的小说,他现在几乎一直在翻译Stanislaw Lem,自己的东西基本上没了。

On one hand I agree, but at the same time doing a novel translation isn't just a straight word to word; the translator has to capture the nuance of the author and give life to the story - finding the right phrasing and choice of adjectives, etc. It can make or break a story. Reminds me of:

后面的懒得翻了- -

Next year will see the english language publication of THE THREE BODY PROBLEM by the greatest sci fi author ever in China, Liu Cixin. It takes a very dark view of METI, by the way.
I will speak more in coming months about this top-flight, truly exceptional series and its excellent translation by our own Ken Liu.
But when you do read it, you may never think the same about "harmless" METI shouts into the cosmos.



标题:Battles and politics of a Chinese sci-fi opera 关于战争与政治的中国科幻
By Thanos Kalamidas

I love science-fiction and I love sci-fi operas, and Chinese author Liu Cixin’s “Three Body” is a sci-fi opera production that would probably have made Arthur C. Clarke jealous and tempted George Lucas to adapt it for the big screen a few years ago.
导语:我爱科幻,比如古典科幻(原文sci-fi operas直译为“科幻歌剧”),中国作家刘慈欣的《三体》就是这样的小说——也许甚至能让阿瑟克拉克(这位不用介绍了吧,大刘本人的偶像)嫉妒、能让乔治卢卡斯(拍星球大战系列的那个)想要拍电影。

The novel has everything: intrigue, invasion and assimilation plans, bravery and science and thousands of spaceships travelling in the third, fourth and even eleventh dimensions. Yes, there are also politics for the planet with three suns as well as for earth, and all of that in a time mix-up.

If you think that this was complicated then prepare to enter the visionary mind of the technician who created the whole setup.

Starting with the three-body problem, a mathematic theory of a system made-up of three objects interacting with each other, this mathematical predicament is extended to cosmic dimensions by Liu Cixin in a galaxy far, far away…


Liu Cixin life and inspirations

A graduate of the North China Institute of Water Power and Hydroelectric Engineering, Liu Cixin worked until recently as a senior engineer for the China Power Investment Cooperation at the Niangziguan power plan.

For his literary work, Liu Cixin has been awarded the Galaxy Award for Science-Fiction Writing eight times and has been a nominee for the Nebula Award.

His love for space-operas, macrostructures of materials and politics is obvious in his novels, while he is also influenced by his personal experiences of his era filling his stories with paranoia of an alien invasion and social engineering.

His work is mainly focused on the role of China in the future world, and he has already shown his talent to the Western world with the novels“Sun of China” and “Micro Age”.

Help from the internet and popularity of the Three Body Trilogy in China has led to Liu Cixin attracting attention in the West, but the only thing that remains is the translation in English.


A wildly successful Chinese space opera epic is coming to the US courtesy of a new translation in 2014. The Three Body trilogy by Liu Cixin has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in China, renewing interest in hard science fiction in the country.

The new translation comes from from multiple-award winning author Ken Liu, who won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award in 2012 for his translation of ”The Fish of Lijiang”, by Chen Qiufan for Clarksworld Magazine.

According to Liu, “The Three Body Trilogy is a grand, imaginative work probing into the problems facing humanity using the language of hard sci-fi. The first book, The Three Body Problem, is a first-contact story like no other, and questions some blithe, popular assumptions we hold about what it would be like to make contact with alien civilizations. In a sense, I see Liu Cixin as working in the traditions of a hard sci-fi master like Arthur C Clarke, but with a contemporary, non-Western perspective.”

When asked about what the books bring to American audiences, Liu notes that they provide a different perspective on the world: “American readers might be particularly interested in the way the book engages with issues in Chinese history and contemporary Chinese society, and I think they will find the book’s non-US-centric view of twentieth-century history intriguing.”

By: Andrew Liptak

转自 刘慈欣吧 龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

天在某个旮旯偶然看到一段节选翻译的国外作家对刚刚翻译完毕的《三体》第一部的评价,一路追着就追到Three Body Trilogy的非死不可上去了,淘出几段发在那里的评价,翻译并发来本吧。意译为主,不然翻译腔总觉得不舒服。顺便还查了下评价者的身份,个个都是有真货的啊不是什么无脑厨啊……


"THE THREE BODY PROBLEM deserves all of its plaudits. It's an exceptional novel, and Ken Liu's translation is both smooth and unintrusive."
- Mike Resnick

Mike Resnick【著名科幻小说作家。他曾获得二十八次雨果奖提名并拿下其中五次,十一次星云奖提名与一次星云,并在法国、日本、西班牙、克罗地亚、波兰等地获得许多其它奖项。1993年获得科幻小说终身成就奖“云雀奖”。其小说高度关注科幻中的太空殖民与异文明接触等内容。】

"THE THREE BODY PROBLEM is a first for North American readers: a science fiction novel that gets into the hearts and minds of people in the most tumultuous period of Communist China's history. Liu Cixin gives us a rare view of the Bamboo Curtain of the 1960's and combines it with a mysterious conspiracy in presentday Earth. The result is a story where each answer creates more questions."
- Derwin Mak

Derwin Mak【加拿大籍华裔科幻作家,在多伦多长大,曾主编《龙与群星——海外华人科幻奇幻作品集》,加拿大国家科幻小说奖得主,2006年“极光”最佳短篇英文小说奖。】

"Utterly, utterly brilliant. The ThreeBody Trilogy is nothing short of a masterpiece”--
Lavie Tidhar

Lavie Tidhar【以色列著名科幻作家、科幻文学理论家,2012年世界最佳幻想小说奖获得者。其理论代表作为《蒸汽朋克》,系统详尽地解析了这一流派科幻的历史、特征及深层意义。】

“Vivid, imaginative and rooted in cutting edge science, "The Three Body Problem” ponders several Big Questions of our time. Liu Cixin stands at the top tier of speculative fiction authors in any language. Ken Liu's smooth translation makes this a must-read for any who truly wish to explore bold, new perspectives."
-David Brin

David Brin【美国著名科幻作家、未来学者、空间科学博士、物理学家,NASA顾问,四次获得雨果奖,其作品擅长于将各种奇诡非凡的外星文明文化展现在读者面前。】


Why is it coming up in 2014?Why delay the schedule?
9月28日上午 2:31

Three Body Trilogy:
To get more people be aware of #tb#
9月28日上午 7:28


what?! 2014!! such a long wait
9月23日下午 2:38

Three Body Trilogy:
We just follow the rules and I think you'll have no objections on getting more people to share the same reading experience with you.
9月28日上午 7:33





One of the world's most popular SF novels finally coming in English

How often does an English-language science fiction novel sell 400,000 copies? That's how many copies Liu Cixin's Three Body Trilogy has sold in Chinese — and at last, this pioneering work of science fiction about acivilization that lives in a trinary star system is coming out in English translation, thanks to award-winning author Ken Liu.

Seriously, half of Tor's article is about Ken Liu. I get why, but still. The other Liu wrote the books!

the 'news' isn't about the original book(s) or the original author - the 'news' is the fact that the book(s) are being translated into English.
I'd expect that once they start the PR for the translation just before it comes out is when you'll see tons of 'news' about the author etc...

I think they should have focused more on the author. I get that Ken Liu has a fan base and the author doesn't, but still.

There's still a perception that nobody reads fiction in translation, and that goes doubly so for genre fiction — and, yes, I'm perfectly well aware that there's a metric fuckton of Scandi-noir crime novels and Girls with Dragon Tattoos that would beg to differ. I didn't say it was aparticularly sound perception. So, I'm not inclined to rag too hard on Tor for doing whatever they can to push science fiction in translation onto people's radars.
我觉得还有个重要问题,(我们这儿的)读者对译作从来都是累觉不爱,类型小说更严重。对,我对诸如Scandi-noir犯罪小说、Girls with Dragon Tattoos之类的感觉会有所不同,但这不代表我对其它东西也这样。所以,我不太指望Tor的推广能起很大作用。

I'm sort of sad that Ken Liu gets all the attention for another author's trilogy here. I like Ken quite a bit, but this article ought to highlight the author rather than the translator I think.

Agreed. However, maybe they think a sort of known (read: American) name will help people want to buy something by a Chinese author? I dunno. Sci-fi isn't the most inclusive genre.

I agree. And though I'm looking forward to this, and will get it, I also hope it doesn't take Liu too much away from his own writing. He is a spectacular talent, and I expect to see a lot of good stuff from him in the next while.
Michael Kandel struck me that way. I read a couple of his novels way back when, and then he seemed to get all caught up in translating Stanislaw Lem, and didn't produce all that much original stuff anymore.
Michael Kandel就是反例了。我看了一些他的小说,他现在几乎一直在翻译Stanislaw Lem,自己的东西基本上没了。

On one hand I agree, but at the same time doing a novel translation isn't just a straight word to word; the translator has to capture the nuance of the author and give life to the story - finding the right phrasing and choice of adjectives, etc. It can make or break a story. Reminds me of:

后面的懒得翻了- -

Next year will see the english language publication of THE THREE BODY PROBLEM by the greatest sci fi author ever in China, Liu Cixin. It takes a very dark view of METI, by the way.
I will speak more in coming months about this top-flight, truly exceptional series and its excellent translation by our own Ken Liu.
But when you do read it, you may never think the same about "harmless" METI shouts into the cosmos.



标题:Battles and politics of a Chinese sci-fi opera 关于战争与政治的中国科幻
By Thanos Kalamidas

I love science-fiction and I love sci-fi operas, and Chinese author Liu Cixin’s “Three Body” is a sci-fi opera production that would probably have made Arthur C. Clarke jealous and tempted George Lucas to adapt it for the big screen a few years ago.
导语:我爱科幻,比如古典科幻(原文sci-fi operas直译为“科幻歌剧”),中国作家刘慈欣的《三体》就是这样的小说——也许甚至能让阿瑟克拉克(这位不用介绍了吧,大刘本人的偶像)嫉妒、能让乔治卢卡斯(拍星球大战系列的那个)想要拍电影。

The novel has everything: intrigue, invasion and assimilation plans, bravery and science and thousands of spaceships travelling in the third, fourth and even eleventh dimensions. Yes, there are also politics for the planet with three suns as well as for earth, and all of that in a time mix-up.

If you think that this was complicated then prepare to enter the visionary mind of the technician who created the whole setup.

Starting with the three-body problem, a mathematic theory of a system made-up of three objects interacting with each other, this mathematical predicament is extended to cosmic dimensions by Liu Cixin in a galaxy far, far away…


Liu Cixin life and inspirations

A graduate of the North China Institute of Water Power and Hydroelectric Engineering, Liu Cixin worked until recently as a senior engineer for the China Power Investment Cooperation at the Niangziguan power plan.

For his literary work, Liu Cixin has been awarded the Galaxy Award for Science-Fiction Writing eight times and has been a nominee for the Nebula Award.

His love for space-operas, macrostructures of materials and politics is obvious in his novels, while he is also influenced by his personal experiences of his era filling his stories with paranoia of an alien invasion and social engineering.

His work is mainly focused on the role of China in the future world, and he has already shown his talent to the Western world with the novels“Sun of China” and “Micro Age”.

Help from the internet and popularity of the Three Body Trilogy in China has led to Liu Cixin attracting attention in the West, but the only thing that remains is the translation in English.


A wildly successful Chinese space opera epic is coming to the US courtesy of a new translation in 2014. The Three Body trilogy by Liu Cixin has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in China, renewing interest in hard science fiction in the country.

The new translation comes from from multiple-award winning author Ken Liu, who won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award in 2012 for his translation of ”The Fish of Lijiang”, by Chen Qiufan for Clarksworld Magazine.

According to Liu, “The Three Body Trilogy is a grand, imaginative work probing into the problems facing humanity using the language of hard sci-fi. The first book, The Three Body Problem, is a first-contact story like no other, and questions some blithe, popular assumptions we hold about what it would be like to make contact with alien civilizations. In a sense, I see Liu Cixin as working in the traditions of a hard sci-fi master like Arthur C Clarke, but with a contemporary, non-Western perspective.”

When asked about what the books bring to American audiences, Liu notes that they provide a different perspective on the world: “American readers might be particularly interested in the way the book engages with issues in Chinese history and contemporary Chinese society, and I think they will find the book’s non-US-centric view of twentieth-century history intriguing.”

By: Andrew Liptak

Prince_DoDo 发表于 2013-10-23 09:45
我就关心啥时候电影版能出来,不要求一下全出完,能够采用阿凡达那样的超长时间加上123456分情节叙 ...
小前锋 发表于 2013-10-23 20:05
Prince_DoDo 发表于 2013-10-23 09:45
我就关心啥时候电影版能出来,不要求一下全出完,能够采用阿凡达那样的超长时间加上123456分情节叙 ...
我就关心啥时候电影版能出来,不要求一下全出完,能够采用阿凡达那样的超长时间加上123456分情节叙 ...
应该正在准备 是那个青年导演张XX
zhongyu 发表于 2013-10-24 22:39
我鳖最HIGH 发表于 2013-10-24 22:43
应该正在准备 是那个青年导演张XX