生肉搬运: 毛子冷战时期四种激光坦克介绍图片与测试视频

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Laser Tanks USSR
1. KDHR-1H "Dal"
The main purpose of KDHR-1H is a remote detection and monitoring of chemical contamination of ground layer of the atmosphere. The complex is designed to detect aerosols of toxic substances. For detection using a laser radar. For each cycle of the machine allows you to control an area of ​​70 square kilometers. The time of one cycle is 60 seconds. If you find poison clouds, the machine determines the coordinates and the linear dimensions of the clouds and gives warning signals. Time of issue of the coordinates and dimensions of the clouds with poisonous substances does not exceed 10 seconds, while the error in the measurement range and depth of the cloud is not more than 30 meters. Additionally KDHR-1H equipped with an automatic gas detectors GSA-12 semi-automatic gas detector and the CHR-11. In addition there is a possibility of radiation reconnaissance, this machine has a power meter doses of IMD-21B, as well as individual and collective protection of the crew. the total time KDHR-1H in automatic mode without refueling up to 130 h, and after the change of the dislocation of 500 miles - up to 3 h [2].

2. SLK 1K11 "Stiletto"
K11 "Stiletto" - a Soviet self-propelled laser system for the suppression of optical and electronic devices of the enemy. Mass manufactured not produced. The development of terrestrial version of the laser complex "Stiletto" has led NGOs 'Astrophysics'. Chief Designer in the direction of a ND Ustinov. Chassis design and installation of a special board was engaged in a complex "Uraltransmash", under the direction of Y. Tomaszów. In the process of creation were manufactured two prototypes. 1K11 machine was tested and was accepted on arms in 1982.

3. SLK "sanguine"
"Sanguine": at the height of
The development of laser weapons in the NGO "Astrophysics" was a Stakhanovite pace, and in 1983 was put into service SLK "sanguine." Its main difference from the "Stiletto" lay in the fact that the fighting was aimed a laser at the target without the use of large mirrors. Simplification of the optical system had a positive effect on the killing power of weapons. But the most important improvement was the increased mobility of the laser in the vertical plane. "Sanguine" was intended to defeat electro-optical systems, aerial targets.

Laser system, "Sanguinius" mounted on the chassis of a self-propelled anti-aircraft installation "Shilka". In addition to combat laser turret mounted a low-power probe laser and receiver pointing system, the locking of the probe beam reflected from the glaring object.

Three years after the "sanguine" arsenal of the Soviet army added to the ship's laser complex "Aquilon" with the principle of action, similar to terrestrial SLK. Sea basing is an important advantage over ground: Energy System warship can provide significantly more power to the pump laser. So, you can increase capacity and rate of gun. The complex of "Aquilon" intended to defeat electro-optical systems, the coast guard of the enemy.

4. SLK 1K17 "compression" laser rainbow
SLK 1K17 "compression" was put into service in 1992 and was far superior, "Stiletto." The first difference which strikes the eye - the use of a multichannel laser. Each of the 12 optical channels (upper and lower number of lenses) have individual guidance system. Multi-channel scheme is allowed to make a multiband laser installation. As such systems to counter enemy could defend their optics filters that block the radiation of a certain frequency. But at the same time defeat against the rays of a wavelength filter sraznoy powerless.

Self-propelled laser systems

Lenses in the middle row are aiming systems. Small and large lens on the right - a probe laser and the receiving channel auto-guidance system. The same pair of lenses on the left - it's optical sights: small day and great nightlife. Night sight equipped with two laser-range finders highlighter. In the stowed position ioptika guidance systems, radiators and closed armored shields.

In the SLK "compression" used solid-state laser pumping with fluorescent lamps. These lasers are compact and reliable enough for use in mobile devices. This is evidenced by international experience: the American system of ZEUS, mounted on the Humvee all-terrain vehicle and designed to "ignite" the enemy mines from a distance, the laser was used mainly with hard working body.

In amateur circles, walking the bike on a 30-kilogram ruby ​​crystal grown specifically for the "compression". In fact, ruby ​​lasers are outdated almost immediately after his birth. Nowadays they are used except for the creation of holograms and information tattoos. The working fluid in the 1K17 well have been with the addition of yttrium aluminum garnet Nd. The so-called YAG-laser in pulsed mode can develop impressive power.

The generation of YAG occurs at a wavelength of 1064 nm. This infrared radiation, which is subject to weather conditions vslozhnyh dissipation is less than visible light. Thanks to the high power YAG-laser on the nonlinear crystal can be obtained harmonics - pulses with a wavelength twice, thrice, four times shorter than the original. Thus formed A multi-radiation.

The main problem of any laser is the extremely low efficiency. Even in the most modern and sophisticated gas lasers, the ratio of radiation energy to the energy of the pump does not exceed 20%. Lamp pumping require a lot of electricity. Power generators and auxiliary power unit occupied the greater part of a larger cabin 2S19 self-propelled artillery, "MSTA-S" (already rather big) on ​​the basis of which was built SLK "Compression." Generator charge the battery of capacitors, which, in turn, provides a powerful pulsed discharge in the lamp. On the "refueling" capacitor takes time. Rate SLK "Compression" - is perhaps one of the most mysterious of its parameters, and perhaps one of the major tactical disadvantages.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________PART 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C early seventies of the last century, the military leadership of the Soviet Union showed a great interest in developments related to laser weapons. Laser installation was planned to place on space platforms, stations and aircraft.

All of the new units were attached to stationary sources of energy and did not meet the demand of the main military space - full autonomy, it also does not allow designers to complete the test. Government of the USSR, the task of testing and testing of autonomy was given to the Navy. Laser gun, which was held in all the documents under the symbol LSG (a powerful propulsion system), it was decided to establish a surface ship.

In 1976 Sergei Gorshkov, the commander in chief of the Soviet Navy, for the CDB "Chernomorets" approved a special assignment for the conversion project 770 landing ship SDK-20 in the towing vessel, which has received a designation of the project 10030 "Foros". On the "Foros" planned to test the laser complex "Aquilon", whose task was to defeat electro-optical means and the crews of the enemy.

The process of conversion was delayed for eight years, mass, and a decent size "Aquilon" demanded a significant increase in the ship's hull and superstructure increases. And at the end of September 1984 the ship under the designation OS-90 "Foros" entered the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR.

The ship's hull suffered a really big change. Replaced the bow ramp and bow section. Were formed boule board widths up to 1.5 meters. Topside was installed one module with full equipment and facilities positions, was installed crane hundred tons. To reduce the noise all residential and office space of the vessel were treated with sound-absorbing insulation, for the same purpose on the ship appeared cofferdams (narrow horizontal or vertical compartment on the vessel for the separation of the neighboring buildings).

With great precision mounted all units of the complex "Aquilon", particularly the increased requirements for the design of the bearing surfaces.

In October, 1984 in Feodosia test range with a towing vessel "Foros" for the first time in the history of the Soviet Navy had conducted test firing of the laser gun. Shooting as a whole was successful, low-flying missile was promptly discovered and destroyed by the laser beam.

But it showed a number of drawbacks - the attack only lasted a few seconds, but preparations for the shooting took more than a day, the efficiency was very low, only five percent. The undoubted success was the fact that during the tests scientists were able to gain experience in combat use of lasers, but the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent economic crisis has halted development work, not allowing to follow through.

"Foros" was not the only ship of the Soviet Navy, which were tested laser systems.

At the same time, in parallel with the conversion of "Foros" in Sevastopol for the Nevsky PKB project has started the modernization of the fleet auxiliary dry cargo ship "Dixon." Work on the modernization of the "Dixon" began in 1978. Simultaneously with the beginning of the conversion of the ship to the Kaluga Turbine Works began assembling the laser setup. All work on the creation of a new laser guns were kept secret, it had become the most powerful Soviet military laser system, the project was called "Aydar".

Work on the modernization of the "Dixon" demanded a huge amount of resources and money. In addition, in the course of the designers are constantly faced with the problems of scientific and technical nature. For example, in order to equip the ship tanks for compressed air of 400 pieces, from both sides had to completely remove the metal casing. Then it turned out that the associated firing hydrogen can accumulate in enclosed spaces, and accidentally blow up, I had to mount an enhanced ventilation. Specifically for the installation of the laser upper deck of a ship constructed in such a way that she had the opportunity to unfold in two parts. As a result, had lost the strength to strengthen the body. To enhance the ship's propulsion system it was installed three jet engines of the Tu-154.

At the end of 1979, "Dickson" was transferred to the Crimea, to Theodosia, on the Black Sea. Here at the shipyard Ordzhonikidze ship was equipped with a laser gun and control systems. Here on the ship settled by the crew.

The first tests, "Dickson" took place in the summer of 1980. During the test was given to the laser volley fired at a target located on the shore at a distance of 4 kilometers. Hit the target was the first time, but most of the beam and the visible destruction of the target none of those present could not see. Contact has been fixed thermal sensor installed on the target itself. Efficiency of the beam was still the same 5%, all the energy of the beam absorbed by the evaporation of moisture from the sea surface.

However, the tests were considered excellent. Indeed, on a plan of laser developers intended for use in space, where, as we know, is in full vacuum.

In addition to low efficiency and combat characteristics of the installation was just a great size and was difficult to use.

The tests continued until 1985. As a result, further testing was to obtain data, which can be configured as a military laser systems, in which classes of warships is best to install them, even managed to increase the combat power of the laser. All planned tests for 1985 were successfully completed.

But despite the fact that the tests were found to be successful, the creators of the installation, both military and designers were well aware that to launch such a monster in the next 20-30 years udastsya unlikely. These arguments were voiced to the top party leadership, which, in turn, voiced concerns in addition to excited yet huge, multimillion-dollar costs and timing of construction lasers.

By the time the overseas potential adversary like the Soviet Union faced the same problems. Space arms race is stalled at the very beginning, the result is essentially never started the race, began negotiations "on Defense and Space," which served as an impetus to bilateral curtail military space programs. The Soviet Union deliberately stopped all work on several military space programs. The "Aydar" has also been minimized and a unique ship, "Dickson" forgotten.

Both ships were part of the 311 Division towing vessels. In 1990, laser systems have been dismantled, the technical documentation is destroyed, and themselves unique ships "Foros" and "Dixon" - Pioneers of Soviet lazerostroeniya - went to the scrap heap.

In the late 70's - early 80-ies of the XX century the entire world "democratic" community dreamed of Hollywood under the euphoria of "Star Wars." At the same time for the "iron curtain" of secrecy under the canopy of the Soviet "evil empire" on the sly, by little Hollywood to translate dreams into reality. Soviet cosmonauts flew into space, armed with laser guns, "blasters» (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лазерный_пистолет), designed the station and space combat fighters, and to Mother Earth crawled Soviet "laser tanks."

The aim was to provide a set of laser opto-electronic counter surveillance and control systems, battlefield weapon in harsh climatic and operational conditions imposed on the armor. Co-executor of topics on the chassis design office acted "Uraltransmasha" from Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) - the leading developer of almost all (with rare exceptions) of the Soviet self-propelled artillery.

One of the organizations engaged in the development of military laser systems, an NGO, "Astrophysics". Director General of "Astrophysics" was Igor V. Ptitsyn, and General Designer - Nikolai Ustinov, the son of the powerful member of the Politburo and, concurrently, the Minister of Defence - Dmitri Ustinov. With such a powerful patron, "Astrophysics" almost never experienced any problems with resources: financial, material, personnel. This is bound to affect - as early as 1982, nearly four years after the reorganization of the CDB in the NGOs and the appointment of ND Ustinov's chief designer (he directed the CDB in the direction of the laser ranging) has been SLK 1K11 "Stiletto."

Formally, this system is in service to this day. However, the fate of the experimental machines for a long time nothing was known. Upon completion of testing, they were in fact not needed. Vortex collapse of the USSR scattered them on the post-Soviet space and brought to the state of metal. Thus, one of cars in the late 1990s - early 2000s, was identified by amateur historians at the disposal of BBT in the sump 61 th BTRZ near St. Petersburg.

As the ideas of "Stiletto" was designed and built the new SLK, "Sanguinius"

Highest percentage fell to yet another, without a doubt a unique device, a joint production of "Astrophysics" and "Uraltrasmasha." As the ideas of "Stiletto" was designed and built the new SLK 1K17 "Compression." It was a complex of new generation with automatic search and pointing to the object of the radiation glare multichannel laser (solid-state laser on aluminum oxide Al2O3) in which a small portion of the aluminum atoms zameschena ions of trivalent chromium, or simply - in a ruby ​​crystal.

To create a population inversion using optical pumping, ie, light ruby ​​crystal powerful flash of light. Rubin, shaped into a cylindrical rod whose ends carefully polished, silvered, and serve as mirrors for the laser.

To illuminate the ruby ​​rod used pulsed xenon discharge flash lamp, through which the discharged battery of high voltage capacitors. Flash lamp is shaped like a spiral tube, twisted around the ruby ​​rod.

Under the influence of a powerful pulse of light in the ruby ​​rod and the population inversion is created due to the presence of mirrors excited by laser generation, the duration of which is slightly less than the duration of the flash lamp pumping. Especially for the "Squeeze" was grown in an artificial crystal weighing about 30 kg - "laser gun" in this sense flew "a lot of money."

New installation and require large amounts of energy. To supply used power generators, battery-operated auxiliary power unit (APU).

As a base for the complex was used bulked latest gear at the time of self-propelled gun 2S19 "MSTA-S" (article 316). To accommodate the large amount of power and electro-optical equipment cabin "Msta" was substantially increased in length.

Her stern was placed MAT. Front, rather than the barrel was placed optical unit that includes 15 lenses. The system precision lenses and mirrors in the field conditions was covered with protective armor covers. This unit had the opportunity to pointing vertically. In the middle of the cabin housed operator workstations. For self-defense on the roof was installed anti-aircraft machine gun with a 12.7-mm machine gun.

The machine frame has been assembled to "Uraltransmashe" in December 1990. In 1991, the complex received a military code 1K17 went to trial and the next, in 1992 was accepted for service. As before, we work to create complex "compression" was highly appreciated by the Government of the country: a group of employees "Astrophysics", and subcontractors has been awarded the State Prize. In the field of lasers we did ahead of the world, at least 10 years.

However, this "star" of Nikolai Dmitrievich Ustinov waned. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Communist Party overthrew the old authorities. With a collapsed economy underwent a major revision, many defense programs.

Is this fate is not passed and "Compression" - prohibitive cost of the complex, despite the advanced, breakthrough technologies, and a good result led leadership of the Ministry of Defence to question its effectiveness. Super secret "laser gun" remained unfulfilled.

The only instance of a long time, hiding behind high fences, until all of a sudden in 2010, was not truly miraculously in the exhibition "The Military Technical Museum", which is located in the suburban village of Ivanovo. We must pay tribute and thank the people who managed to get this valuable artifact from a neck of perfect secrecy and made this unique machine in the public domain - a good example of advanced Soviet science and engineering, our witness to the forgotten victory.

Second, a decade later, as connoisseurs of stories found on the BBT tank repair factory in Kharkov.

In both cases, the laser system with the machines had long since been dismantled. The "St. Petersburg" lasted only a car body, "Kharkov", "wagon" is in the best condition. Currently, the efforts of enthusiasts in coordination with the plant's management attempts to preserve it for the purpose of "museification." Unfortunately, the "St. Petersburg's" car, apparently, so far disposed of, "What we have, do not store as crying after losing ...".

SLK 1K17 "compression" was put into service in 1992 and was far superior, "Stiletto." The first difference which strikes the eye - the use of a multichannel laser. Each of the 12 optical channels (upper and lower number of lenses) have individual guidance system. Multi-channel scheme is allowed to make a multiband laser installation. As such systems to counter enemy could defend their optics filters that block the radiation of a certain frequency. But at the same time defeat against the rays of a wavelength filter sraznoy powerless.

Lenses in the middle row are aiming systems. Small and large lens on the right - a probe laser and the receiving channel auto-guidance system. The same pair of lenses on the left - it's optical sights: small day and great nightlife. Night sight equipped with two laser-range finders highlighter. In the stowed position ioptika guidance systems, radiators and closed armored shields

In the SLK "compression" used solid-state laser pumping with fluorescent lamps. These lasers are compact and reliable enough for use in mobile devices. This is evidenced by international experience: the American system of ZEUS, mounted on the Humvee all-terrain vehicle and designed to "ignite" the enemy mines from a distance, the laser was used mainly with hard working body.

In amateur circles, walking the bike on a 30-kilogram ruby ​​crystal grown specifically for the "compression". In fact, ruby ​​lasers are outdated almost immediately after his birth. Nowadays they are used except for the creation of holograms and information tattoos. The working fluid in the 1K17 well have been with the addition of yttrium aluminum garnet Nd. The so-called YAG-laser in pulsed mode can develop impressive power.

The generation of YAG occurs at a wavelength of 1064 nm. This infrared radiation, which is subject to weather conditions vslozhnyh dissipation is less than visible light. Thanks to the high power YAG-laser on the nonlinear crystal can be obtained harmonics - pulses with a wavelength twice, thrice, four times shorter than the original. Thus formed A multi-radiation.

The main problem of any laser is the extremely low efficiency. Even in the most modern and sophisticated gas lasers, the ratio of radiation energy to the energy of the pump does not exceed 20%. Lamp pumping require a lot of electricity. Power generators and auxiliary power unit occupied the greater part of a larger cabin 2S19 self-propelled artillery, "MSTA-S" (already rather big) on ​​the basis of which was built SLK "Compression."

Generator charge the battery of capacitors, which, in turn, provides a powerful pulsed discharge in the lamp. On the "refueling" capacitor takes time. Rate SLK "Compression" - is perhaps one of the most mysterious of its parameters, and perhaps one of the major tactical disadvantages.

The most important advantage of laser weapons-firing point-blank range. Independence from the vagaries of wind and an elementary scheme aiming ballistic corrections means no shooting accuracy, inaccessible conventional artillery.

If you believe the official brochure of NGOs "Astrophysics", which states that "sanguine" could hit targets at a distance of more than 10 km, the range of "compression" at least twice the range of, say, a modern tank. So, if the tank is close to the hypothetical 1K17 in the open, it will be torn down before the open fire. It sounds tempting.

However, direct pointing - this is the main advantage and main disadvantage of laser weapons. It requires line of sight. Even if the fight in the desert, 10-kilometer mark will disappear over the horizon. To welcome guests blinding light, lazer-propelled be put on the mountain for all to see.

In real terms this tactic is contraindicated. In addition, the vast majority of theaters of war have at least some relief.

But when the same hypothetical tanks are firing at a distance from the SLK, they immediately receive benefits in the form of rate of fire. "Compression" can defuse a tank, but as long as capacitors charged again, and the second will be able to avenge his blinded comrade.

In addition, there is much more long-range weapon than artillery. For example, the Maverick missile with radar (dazzle) guidance system is run from a distance of 25 km, and to view the SLK neighborhood on the hill - great for her target.

Do not forget that the dust, fog, precipitation, smoke screens, if not nullify the effect of infrared laser, then at least significantly reduce the range of validity. So what propelled laser system has to put it mildly, a very narrow range of tactical applications.

Why were born SLK "Compression" and its predecessors? On this account, there are many opinions. Perhaps these devices were considered as test beds for testing of future military and space technologies. Perhaps the military leadership of the country was ready to invest in technology, efficiency is at the moment is questionable, in the hope of empirically find super-weapon of the future. Or maybe three mysterious machine with the letter "C" were born, because the general designer was Ustinov. More precisely, the son of Ustinov.

There is a version that SLK "Compression" - a weapon of psychological action. The mere presence of the likelihood of such a machine on the battlefield makes the gunners, observers, snipers wary of optics in fear of losing vision. Contrary to popular opinion, "Compression" is not covered by the UN Protocol prohibiting the use of blinding laser weapons, as intended to defeat electro-optical systems, rather than personnel. The use of weapons, for which blinding people is a possible side effect, is not prohibited.文章:https://sites.google.com/site/tankslaser/laser-tanks-ussr

视频 百度盘 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link? ... 8&uk=3154723180

Laser Tanks USSR
1. KDHR-1H "Dal"
The main purpose of KDHR-1H is a remote detection and monitoring of chemical contamination of ground layer of the atmosphere. The complex is designed to detect aerosols of toxic substances. For detection using a laser radar. For each cycle of the machine allows you to control an area of ​​70 square kilometers. The time of one cycle is 60 seconds. If you find poison clouds, the machine determines the coordinates and the linear dimensions of the clouds and gives warning signals. Time of issue of the coordinates and dimensions of the clouds with poisonous substances does not exceed 10 seconds, while the error in the measurement range and depth of the cloud is not more than 30 meters. Additionally KDHR-1H equipped with an automatic gas detectors GSA-12 semi-automatic gas detector and the CHR-11. In addition there is a possibility of radiation reconnaissance, this machine has a power meter doses of IMD-21B, as well as individual and collective protection of the crew. the total time KDHR-1H in automatic mode without refueling up to 130 h, and after the change of the dislocation of 500 miles - up to 3 h [2].

2. SLK 1K11 "Stiletto"
K11 "Stiletto" - a Soviet self-propelled laser system for the suppression of optical and electronic devices of the enemy. Mass manufactured not produced. The development of terrestrial version of the laser complex "Stiletto" has led NGOs 'Astrophysics'. Chief Designer in the direction of a ND Ustinov. Chassis design and installation of a special board was engaged in a complex "Uraltransmash", under the direction of Y. Tomaszów. In the process of creation were manufactured two prototypes. 1K11 machine was tested and was accepted on arms in 1982.

3. SLK "sanguine"
"Sanguine": at the height of
The development of laser weapons in the NGO "Astrophysics" was a Stakhanovite pace, and in 1983 was put into service SLK "sanguine." Its main difference from the "Stiletto" lay in the fact that the fighting was aimed a laser at the target without the use of large mirrors. Simplification of the optical system had a positive effect on the killing power of weapons. But the most important improvement was the increased mobility of the laser in the vertical plane. "Sanguine" was intended to defeat electro-optical systems, aerial targets.

Laser system, "Sanguinius" mounted on the chassis of a self-propelled anti-aircraft installation "Shilka". In addition to combat laser turret mounted a low-power probe laser and receiver pointing system, the locking of the probe beam reflected from the glaring object.

Three years after the "sanguine" arsenal of the Soviet army added to the ship's laser complex "Aquilon" with the principle of action, similar to terrestrial SLK. Sea basing is an important advantage over ground: Energy System warship can provide significantly more power to the pump laser. So, you can increase capacity and rate of gun. The complex of "Aquilon" intended to defeat electro-optical systems, the coast guard of the enemy.

4. SLK 1K17 "compression" laser rainbow
SLK 1K17 "compression" was put into service in 1992 and was far superior, "Stiletto." The first difference which strikes the eye - the use of a multichannel laser. Each of the 12 optical channels (upper and lower number of lenses) have individual guidance system. Multi-channel scheme is allowed to make a multiband laser installation. As such systems to counter enemy could defend their optics filters that block the radiation of a certain frequency. But at the same time defeat against the rays of a wavelength filter sraznoy powerless.

Self-propelled laser systems

Lenses in the middle row are aiming systems. Small and large lens on the right - a probe laser and the receiving channel auto-guidance system. The same pair of lenses on the left - it's optical sights: small day and great nightlife. Night sight equipped with two laser-range finders highlighter. In the stowed position ioptika guidance systems, radiators and closed armored shields.

In the SLK "compression" used solid-state laser pumping with fluorescent lamps. These lasers are compact and reliable enough for use in mobile devices. This is evidenced by international experience: the American system of ZEUS, mounted on the Humvee all-terrain vehicle and designed to "ignite" the enemy mines from a distance, the laser was used mainly with hard working body.

In amateur circles, walking the bike on a 30-kilogram ruby ​​crystal grown specifically for the "compression". In fact, ruby ​​lasers are outdated almost immediately after his birth. Nowadays they are used except for the creation of holograms and information tattoos. The working fluid in the 1K17 well have been with the addition of yttrium aluminum garnet Nd. The so-called YAG-laser in pulsed mode can develop impressive power.

The generation of YAG occurs at a wavelength of 1064 nm. This infrared radiation, which is subject to weather conditions vslozhnyh dissipation is less than visible light. Thanks to the high power YAG-laser on the nonlinear crystal can be obtained harmonics - pulses with a wavelength twice, thrice, four times shorter than the original. Thus formed A multi-radiation.

The main problem of any laser is the extremely low efficiency. Even in the most modern and sophisticated gas lasers, the ratio of radiation energy to the energy of the pump does not exceed 20%. Lamp pumping require a lot of electricity. Power generators and auxiliary power unit occupied the greater part of a larger cabin 2S19 self-propelled artillery, "MSTA-S" (already rather big) on ​​the basis of which was built SLK "Compression." Generator charge the battery of capacitors, which, in turn, provides a powerful pulsed discharge in the lamp. On the "refueling" capacitor takes time. Rate SLK "Compression" - is perhaps one of the most mysterious of its parameters, and perhaps one of the major tactical disadvantages.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________PART 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C early seventies of the last century, the military leadership of the Soviet Union showed a great interest in developments related to laser weapons. Laser installation was planned to place on space platforms, stations and aircraft.

All of the new units were attached to stationary sources of energy and did not meet the demand of the main military space - full autonomy, it also does not allow designers to complete the test. Government of the USSR, the task of testing and testing of autonomy was given to the Navy. Laser gun, which was held in all the documents under the symbol LSG (a powerful propulsion system), it was decided to establish a surface ship.

In 1976 Sergei Gorshkov, the commander in chief of the Soviet Navy, for the CDB "Chernomorets" approved a special assignment for the conversion project 770 landing ship SDK-20 in the towing vessel, which has received a designation of the project 10030 "Foros". On the "Foros" planned to test the laser complex "Aquilon", whose task was to defeat electro-optical means and the crews of the enemy.

The process of conversion was delayed for eight years, mass, and a decent size "Aquilon" demanded a significant increase in the ship's hull and superstructure increases. And at the end of September 1984 the ship under the designation OS-90 "Foros" entered the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR.

The ship's hull suffered a really big change. Replaced the bow ramp and bow section. Were formed boule board widths up to 1.5 meters. Topside was installed one module with full equipment and facilities positions, was installed crane hundred tons. To reduce the noise all residential and office space of the vessel were treated with sound-absorbing insulation, for the same purpose on the ship appeared cofferdams (narrow horizontal or vertical compartment on the vessel for the separation of the neighboring buildings).

With great precision mounted all units of the complex "Aquilon", particularly the increased requirements for the design of the bearing surfaces.

In October, 1984 in Feodosia test range with a towing vessel "Foros" for the first time in the history of the Soviet Navy had conducted test firing of the laser gun. Shooting as a whole was successful, low-flying missile was promptly discovered and destroyed by the laser beam.

But it showed a number of drawbacks - the attack only lasted a few seconds, but preparations for the shooting took more than a day, the efficiency was very low, only five percent. The undoubted success was the fact that during the tests scientists were able to gain experience in combat use of lasers, but the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent economic crisis has halted development work, not allowing to follow through.

"Foros" was not the only ship of the Soviet Navy, which were tested laser systems.

At the same time, in parallel with the conversion of "Foros" in Sevastopol for the Nevsky PKB project has started the modernization of the fleet auxiliary dry cargo ship "Dixon." Work on the modernization of the "Dixon" began in 1978. Simultaneously with the beginning of the conversion of the ship to the Kaluga Turbine Works began assembling the laser setup. All work on the creation of a new laser guns were kept secret, it had become the most powerful Soviet military laser system, the project was called "Aydar".

Work on the modernization of the "Dixon" demanded a huge amount of resources and money. In addition, in the course of the designers are constantly faced with the problems of scientific and technical nature. For example, in order to equip the ship tanks for compressed air of 400 pieces, from both sides had to completely remove the metal casing. Then it turned out that the associated firing hydrogen can accumulate in enclosed spaces, and accidentally blow up, I had to mount an enhanced ventilation. Specifically for the installation of the laser upper deck of a ship constructed in such a way that she had the opportunity to unfold in two parts. As a result, had lost the strength to strengthen the body. To enhance the ship's propulsion system it was installed three jet engines of the Tu-154.

At the end of 1979, "Dickson" was transferred to the Crimea, to Theodosia, on the Black Sea. Here at the shipyard Ordzhonikidze ship was equipped with a laser gun and control systems. Here on the ship settled by the crew.

The first tests, "Dickson" took place in the summer of 1980. During the test was given to the laser volley fired at a target located on the shore at a distance of 4 kilometers. Hit the target was the first time, but most of the beam and the visible destruction of the target none of those present could not see. Contact has been fixed thermal sensor installed on the target itself. Efficiency of the beam was still the same 5%, all the energy of the beam absorbed by the evaporation of moisture from the sea surface.

However, the tests were considered excellent. Indeed, on a plan of laser developers intended for use in space, where, as we know, is in full vacuum.

In addition to low efficiency and combat characteristics of the installation was just a great size and was difficult to use.

The tests continued until 1985. As a result, further testing was to obtain data, which can be configured as a military laser systems, in which classes of warships is best to install them, even managed to increase the combat power of the laser. All planned tests for 1985 were successfully completed.

But despite the fact that the tests were found to be successful, the creators of the installation, both military and designers were well aware that to launch such a monster in the next 20-30 years udastsya unlikely. These arguments were voiced to the top party leadership, which, in turn, voiced concerns in addition to excited yet huge, multimillion-dollar costs and timing of construction lasers.

By the time the overseas potential adversary like the Soviet Union faced the same problems. Space arms race is stalled at the very beginning, the result is essentially never started the race, began negotiations "on Defense and Space," which served as an impetus to bilateral curtail military space programs. The Soviet Union deliberately stopped all work on several military space programs. The "Aydar" has also been minimized and a unique ship, "Dickson" forgotten.

Both ships were part of the 311 Division towing vessels. In 1990, laser systems have been dismantled, the technical documentation is destroyed, and themselves unique ships "Foros" and "Dixon" - Pioneers of Soviet lazerostroeniya - went to the scrap heap.

In the late 70's - early 80-ies of the XX century the entire world "democratic" community dreamed of Hollywood under the euphoria of "Star Wars." At the same time for the "iron curtain" of secrecy under the canopy of the Soviet "evil empire" on the sly, by little Hollywood to translate dreams into reality. Soviet cosmonauts flew into space, armed with laser guns, "blasters» (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лазерный_пистолет), designed the station and space combat fighters, and to Mother Earth crawled Soviet "laser tanks."

The aim was to provide a set of laser opto-electronic counter surveillance and control systems, battlefield weapon in harsh climatic and operational conditions imposed on the armor. Co-executor of topics on the chassis design office acted "Uraltransmasha" from Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) - the leading developer of almost all (with rare exceptions) of the Soviet self-propelled artillery.

One of the organizations engaged in the development of military laser systems, an NGO, "Astrophysics". Director General of "Astrophysics" was Igor V. Ptitsyn, and General Designer - Nikolai Ustinov, the son of the powerful member of the Politburo and, concurrently, the Minister of Defence - Dmitri Ustinov. With such a powerful patron, "Astrophysics" almost never experienced any problems with resources: financial, material, personnel. This is bound to affect - as early as 1982, nearly four years after the reorganization of the CDB in the NGOs and the appointment of ND Ustinov's chief designer (he directed the CDB in the direction of the laser ranging) has been SLK 1K11 "Stiletto."

Formally, this system is in service to this day. However, the fate of the experimental machines for a long time nothing was known. Upon completion of testing, they were in fact not needed. Vortex collapse of the USSR scattered them on the post-Soviet space and brought to the state of metal. Thus, one of cars in the late 1990s - early 2000s, was identified by amateur historians at the disposal of BBT in the sump 61 th BTRZ near St. Petersburg.

As the ideas of "Stiletto" was designed and built the new SLK, "Sanguinius"

Highest percentage fell to yet another, without a doubt a unique device, a joint production of "Astrophysics" and "Uraltrasmasha." As the ideas of "Stiletto" was designed and built the new SLK 1K17 "Compression." It was a complex of new generation with automatic search and pointing to the object of the radiation glare multichannel laser (solid-state laser on aluminum oxide Al2O3) in which a small portion of the aluminum atoms zameschena ions of trivalent chromium, or simply - in a ruby ​​crystal.

To create a population inversion using optical pumping, ie, light ruby ​​crystal powerful flash of light. Rubin, shaped into a cylindrical rod whose ends carefully polished, silvered, and serve as mirrors for the laser.

To illuminate the ruby ​​rod used pulsed xenon discharge flash lamp, through which the discharged battery of high voltage capacitors. Flash lamp is shaped like a spiral tube, twisted around the ruby ​​rod.

Under the influence of a powerful pulse of light in the ruby ​​rod and the population inversion is created due to the presence of mirrors excited by laser generation, the duration of which is slightly less than the duration of the flash lamp pumping. Especially for the "Squeeze" was grown in an artificial crystal weighing about 30 kg - "laser gun" in this sense flew "a lot of money."

New installation and require large amounts of energy. To supply used power generators, battery-operated auxiliary power unit (APU).

As a base for the complex was used bulked latest gear at the time of self-propelled gun 2S19 "MSTA-S" (article 316). To accommodate the large amount of power and electro-optical equipment cabin "Msta" was substantially increased in length.

Her stern was placed MAT. Front, rather than the barrel was placed optical unit that includes 15 lenses. The system precision lenses and mirrors in the field conditions was covered with protective armor covers. This unit had the opportunity to pointing vertically. In the middle of the cabin housed operator workstations. For self-defense on the roof was installed anti-aircraft machine gun with a 12.7-mm machine gun.

The machine frame has been assembled to "Uraltransmashe" in December 1990. In 1991, the complex received a military code 1K17 went to trial and the next, in 1992 was accepted for service. As before, we work to create complex "compression" was highly appreciated by the Government of the country: a group of employees "Astrophysics", and subcontractors has been awarded the State Prize. In the field of lasers we did ahead of the world, at least 10 years.

However, this "star" of Nikolai Dmitrievich Ustinov waned. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Communist Party overthrew the old authorities. With a collapsed economy underwent a major revision, many defense programs.

Is this fate is not passed and "Compression" - prohibitive cost of the complex, despite the advanced, breakthrough technologies, and a good result led leadership of the Ministry of Defence to question its effectiveness. Super secret "laser gun" remained unfulfilled.

The only instance of a long time, hiding behind high fences, until all of a sudden in 2010, was not truly miraculously in the exhibition "The Military Technical Museum", which is located in the suburban village of Ivanovo. We must pay tribute and thank the people who managed to get this valuable artifact from a neck of perfect secrecy and made this unique machine in the public domain - a good example of advanced Soviet science and engineering, our witness to the forgotten victory.

Second, a decade later, as connoisseurs of stories found on the BBT tank repair factory in Kharkov.

In both cases, the laser system with the machines had long since been dismantled. The "St. Petersburg" lasted only a car body, "Kharkov", "wagon" is in the best condition. Currently, the efforts of enthusiasts in coordination with the plant's management attempts to preserve it for the purpose of "museification." Unfortunately, the "St. Petersburg's" car, apparently, so far disposed of, "What we have, do not store as crying after losing ...".

SLK 1K17 "compression" was put into service in 1992 and was far superior, "Stiletto." The first difference which strikes the eye - the use of a multichannel laser. Each of the 12 optical channels (upper and lower number of lenses) have individual guidance system. Multi-channel scheme is allowed to make a multiband laser installation. As such systems to counter enemy could defend their optics filters that block the radiation of a certain frequency. But at the same time defeat against the rays of a wavelength filter sraznoy powerless.

Lenses in the middle row are aiming systems. Small and large lens on the right - a probe laser and the receiving channel auto-guidance system. The same pair of lenses on the left - it's optical sights: small day and great nightlife. Night sight equipped with two laser-range finders highlighter. In the stowed position ioptika guidance systems, radiators and closed armored shields

In the SLK "compression" used solid-state laser pumping with fluorescent lamps. These lasers are compact and reliable enough for use in mobile devices. This is evidenced by international experience: the American system of ZEUS, mounted on the Humvee all-terrain vehicle and designed to "ignite" the enemy mines from a distance, the laser was used mainly with hard working body.

In amateur circles, walking the bike on a 30-kilogram ruby ​​crystal grown specifically for the "compression". In fact, ruby ​​lasers are outdated almost immediately after his birth. Nowadays they are used except for the creation of holograms and information tattoos. The working fluid in the 1K17 well have been with the addition of yttrium aluminum garnet Nd. The so-called YAG-laser in pulsed mode can develop impressive power.

The generation of YAG occurs at a wavelength of 1064 nm. This infrared radiation, which is subject to weather conditions vslozhnyh dissipation is less than visible light. Thanks to the high power YAG-laser on the nonlinear crystal can be obtained harmonics - pulses with a wavelength twice, thrice, four times shorter than the original. Thus formed A multi-radiation.

The main problem of any laser is the extremely low efficiency. Even in the most modern and sophisticated gas lasers, the ratio of radiation energy to the energy of the pump does not exceed 20%. Lamp pumping require a lot of electricity. Power generators and auxiliary power unit occupied the greater part of a larger cabin 2S19 self-propelled artillery, "MSTA-S" (already rather big) on ​​the basis of which was built SLK "Compression."

Generator charge the battery of capacitors, which, in turn, provides a powerful pulsed discharge in the lamp. On the "refueling" capacitor takes time. Rate SLK "Compression" - is perhaps one of the most mysterious of its parameters, and perhaps one of the major tactical disadvantages.

The most important advantage of laser weapons-firing point-blank range. Independence from the vagaries of wind and an elementary scheme aiming ballistic corrections means no shooting accuracy, inaccessible conventional artillery.

If you believe the official brochure of NGOs "Astrophysics", which states that "sanguine" could hit targets at a distance of more than 10 km, the range of "compression" at least twice the range of, say, a modern tank. So, if the tank is close to the hypothetical 1K17 in the open, it will be torn down before the open fire. It sounds tempting.

However, direct pointing - this is the main advantage and main disadvantage of laser weapons. It requires line of sight. Even if the fight in the desert, 10-kilometer mark will disappear over the horizon. To welcome guests blinding light, lazer-propelled be put on the mountain for all to see.

In real terms this tactic is contraindicated. In addition, the vast majority of theaters of war have at least some relief.

But when the same hypothetical tanks are firing at a distance from the SLK, they immediately receive benefits in the form of rate of fire. "Compression" can defuse a tank, but as long as capacitors charged again, and the second will be able to avenge his blinded comrade.

In addition, there is much more long-range weapon than artillery. For example, the Maverick missile with radar (dazzle) guidance system is run from a distance of 25 km, and to view the SLK neighborhood on the hill - great for her target.

Do not forget that the dust, fog, precipitation, smoke screens, if not nullify the effect of infrared laser, then at least significantly reduce the range of validity. So what propelled laser system has to put it mildly, a very narrow range of tactical applications.

Why were born SLK "Compression" and its predecessors? On this account, there are many opinions. Perhaps these devices were considered as test beds for testing of future military and space technologies. Perhaps the military leadership of the country was ready to invest in technology, efficiency is at the moment is questionable, in the hope of empirically find super-weapon of the future. Or maybe three mysterious machine with the letter "C" were born, because the general designer was Ustinov. More precisely, the son of Ustinov.

There is a version that SLK "Compression" - a weapon of psychological action. The mere presence of the likelihood of such a machine on the battlefield makes the gunners, observers, snipers wary of optics in fear of losing vision. Contrary to popular opinion, "Compression" is not covered by the UN Protocol prohibiting the use of blinding laser weapons, as intended to defeat electro-optical systems, rather than personnel. The use of weapons, for which blinding people is a possible side effect, is not prohibited.
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