专家说 \'抵制佛罗里达\' 不是那么简单

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专家说 '抵制佛罗里达' 不是那么简单

CNN    2013年7月27日

(CNN) - 许多愤怒的美国人正在敦促"抵制佛罗里达"以声援特雷沃恩·马丁被杀案。

音乐家Stevie Wonder的将不会在佛州表演。路德·金三世像他着名的父亲一様 - 抵制佛罗里达橙汁等产品。社会媒体活动抵制官方旅游网页的脸书。





'Boycott Florida' isn't so simple, experts say

By Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 8:49 AM EDT, Sat July 27, 2013

(CNN) -- Many angry Americans are urging a punishment on Florida in the killing of Trayvon Martin: a boycott.

Musician Stevie Wonder won't perform there. Martin Luther King III is considering deploying the tactic -- often used by his famous father in the civil rights era -- against Florida products like orange juice. Social media activists advance boycott plans even on the state's official tourism page on Facebook.

Their actions seek the repeal of Florida's "stand your ground" self-defense law, which was at the center of a national debate in the wake of Martin's shooting death. George Zimmerman's lawyers didn't invoke Florida's "stand your ground" law in court, but it was included in the instructions to the jury that acquitted him.

But will a boycott work? And when are they effective?

'Stand your ground' laws up to states, not Obama or Congress

The win column is spotty for boycotts against controversial state laws, experts say. The matter becomes further complicated by the fact that more than 20 states -- not just Florida -- have such a law.

http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/27/us ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_c3
.专家说 '抵制佛罗里达' 不是那么简单

CNN    2013年7月27日

(CNN) - 许多愤怒的美国人正在敦促"抵制佛罗里达"以声援特雷沃恩·马丁被杀案。

音乐家Stevie Wonder的将不会在佛州表演。路德·金三世像他着名的父亲一様 - 抵制佛罗里达橙汁等产品。社会媒体活动抵制官方旅游网页的脸书。





'Boycott Florida' isn't so simple, experts say

By Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 8:49 AM EDT, Sat July 27, 2013

(CNN) -- Many angry Americans are urging a punishment on Florida in the killing of Trayvon Martin: a boycott.

Musician Stevie Wonder won't perform there. Martin Luther King III is considering deploying the tactic -- often used by his famous father in the civil rights era -- against Florida products like orange juice. Social media activists advance boycott plans even on the state's official tourism page on Facebook.

Their actions seek the repeal of Florida's "stand your ground" self-defense law, which was at the center of a national debate in the wake of Martin's shooting death. George Zimmerman's lawyers didn't invoke Florida's "stand your ground" law in court, but it was included in the instructions to the jury that acquitted him.

But will a boycott work? And when are they effective?

'Stand your ground' laws up to states, not Obama or Congress

The win column is spotty for boycotts against controversial state laws, experts say. The matter becomes further complicated by the fact that more than 20 states -- not just Florida -- have such a law.

http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/27/us ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_c3