
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 01:55:06

U.S. Navy To Guard Old Ship With A Laser
The best defense is a good offense, unless you have lasers.

One of the U.S. Navy's oldest ships is about to get a lot more futuristic, thanks to a laser.
The Navy plans to retrofit the USS Ponce, first commissioned in 1971, with a laser weapons system early next year. The system works by using heat to blast through boats and deflect unmanned drones.
The advantages? It's fast, deadly, and incredibly cheap. So cheap, in fact, that it is estimated to cost about $1 a shot. That's less than a wholesale price of a .50 caliber bullet used in Navy machine guns. (The laser system itself is the result of $40 million in research and development, so that part isn't cheap. But the projectile sure does cost virtually nothing.)
Why the Ponce? Ponce spends time near Iran working as a base and might be particularly vulnerable to swarming attacks by small, fast Iranian boats. That all changes, of course, if it is guarded by a laser !

最好的防御就是进攻, 除非你有激光

一艘陈旧的美海军军舰将要变得异常科幻了, 这都要归功于激光.

海军将要改装于1971年服役的美国海军军舰庞斯号, 明年早些将要搭载一款激光武器系统. 该系统的工作原理就是用热量射穿敌船及打偏无人机.

优势在哪? 它快速, 致命, 而且非常便宜. 事实上, 它便宜到打一发激光估计只要1美元. 那可要比海军机枪.50口径弹药的批发价格都便宜. (虽然激光系统本身的研发价格达到4千万, 但是发射它的话那简直就是不要钱)

为什么装在庞斯号上呢? 因为庞斯号作为一个海上基地长时间都在伊朗附近, 而且对于蜂拥而上的伊朗小快艇的攻击尤其脆弱. 不过现在一切都将要改变了, 当然了, 因为庞斯号有激光嘛!

U.S. Navy To Guard Old Ship With A Laser
The best defense is a good offense, unless you have lasers.

One of the U.S. Navy's oldest ships is about to get a lot more futuristic, thanks to a laser.
The Navy plans to retrofit the USS Ponce, first commissioned in 1971, with a laser weapons system early next year. The system works by using heat to blast through boats and deflect unmanned drones.
The advantages? It's fast, deadly, and incredibly cheap. So cheap, in fact, that it is estimated to cost about $1 a shot. That's less than a wholesale price of a .50 caliber bullet used in Navy machine guns. (The laser system itself is the result of $40 million in research and development, so that part isn't cheap. But the projectile sure does cost virtually nothing.)
Why the Ponce? Ponce spends time near Iran working as a base and might be particularly vulnerable to swarming attacks by small, fast Iranian boats. That all changes, of course, if it is guarded by a laser !

最好的防御就是进攻, 除非你有激光

一艘陈旧的美海军军舰将要变得异常科幻了, 这都要归功于激光.

海军将要改装于1971年服役的美国海军军舰庞斯号, 明年早些将要搭载一款激光武器系统. 该系统的工作原理就是用热量射穿敌船及打偏无人机.

优势在哪? 它快速, 致命, 而且非常便宜. 事实上, 它便宜到打一发激光估计只要1美元. 那可要比海军机枪.50口径弹药的批发价格都便宜. (虽然激光系统本身的研发价格达到4千万, 但是发射它的话那简直就是不要钱)

为什么装在庞斯号上呢? 因为庞斯号作为一个海上基地长时间都在伊朗附近, 而且对于蜂拥而上的伊朗小快艇的攻击尤其脆弱. 不过现在一切都将要改变了, 当然了, 因为庞斯号有激光嘛!


http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqg ... ontent_8726401.html

还有下半段也贴出来参考 海军研发部门负责人克隆德透露 每次发射激光束需要的能源成本“低于1美元”,相比其他昂贵的武器装备要优越许多。海军方面透露,过去6年用于研发这种激光武器的投入为4000万美元,而一门能够安装到舰艇上的“激光炮”可能造价在3800万美元左右

一元钱真便宜啊  简直和北京地铁一样啊 如果不考虑挖隧道铺铁轨造地铁车辆和维护工资的话 才2元钱一次....  

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqg ... ontent_8726401.html

还有下半段也贴出来参考 海军研发部门负责人克隆德透露 每次发射激光束需要的能源成本“低于1美元”,相比其他昂贵的武器装备要优越许多。海军方面透露,过去6年用于研发这种激光武器的投入为4000万美元,而一门能够安装到舰艇上的“激光炮”可能造价在3800万美元左右

一元钱真便宜啊  简直和北京地铁一样啊 如果不考虑挖隧道铺铁轨造地铁车辆和维护工资的话 才2元钱一次....  
代号狂风 发表于 2013-4-21 21:13

还有下半段也贴出来参考 海军 ...
面对高新武器 不要吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 鸡蛋里挑骨头
sx250二代 发表于 2013-4-21 21:44
面对高新武器 不要吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 鸡蛋里挑骨头
duanjichenggong 发表于 2013-4-21 22:29

我是航母舰长 发表于 2013-4-21 21:00

