转: 中 国 军 队 面 临 双 重 历 史 任 务 译

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 03:20:53
<Kanwa News May 20th 2003> Chinese military claims that it is right now in face of a twofold historical mission and thus needs a leaping-forward development. The PLA should complete the mission of transforming to mechanization and information (Xing Xi Hua) age simultaneously. In his recent remarks, Jiang Zemin reiterated on several occasions that the goal of the Chinese military forces is to complete the strategic task of building up information-oriented troops by the middle of this century. A source from the Chinese military also stresses that the priority task of this campaign is to accelerate the building up an automatic commanding system and to achieve integrated information support among the combat units. A comprehensive information protection and mobilization mechanism should be established as a consequence, and at the same time, information security should be taken as something pertaining to national strategic security.
中国军方宣称他们现在面临双重的历史任务并需要跨越试的发展。 中国人民解放军将同时完成机械化与信息化的任务。 在江泽民在不同场合的近期讲话中, 重申了中国军队将在本世纪中叶完成信息导向部队的建设。 来自中国军方内部的消息也强调这这场运动中的优先任务是加速建立自动化指挥系统和为战斗单位提供完整的信息支持,作为结果, 一个庞大的信息防护和动员机制
将被建立起来。 同时, 信息安全将被提升到国家战略安全的高度。
Chinese military has already listed the information warfare ability as one of the most important standard in the measurement of the "soft combat strength" (Ruan Zhan Li). Such slogans as "information control"(Zhi Xing Xi Quan), "Information is combat strength!" (Xing Xi Jiu Shi Zhan Dou Li) have been put forward.

中国军方已经将信息战能力列为衡量军队软战力的最重要指标之一。 很多口号如:“制信息权”,“信息就是战斗力”得以被大力宣传。
Multiple sources based in Beijing point out that during Jiang Zemin's tenure as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, a new round of military system reform and disarmament will be put on the agenda as soon as the general goal is set. Jiang Zemin recently emphasized personally the necessity of a "military restructuring with Chinese characteristics".

Kanwa's analysis is that Chinese military has many internal problems. Generally speaking, it is still at the motorization stage, and only 15% of the Chinese forces has completed the process of "preliminary mechanization". They still rely on the old-fashioned weapon systems originating from those in 1960s. The proportion of the forces that have completed "advanced mechanization" may only amount to 5% of the total. These units have started to deploy the 1990s new weapon systems. China's "information-based" troops are only limited in the few experimental combat units, especially among those that have already undergone "advanced mechanization" stage.
汉和认为中国军方存在一系列的内在问题。 通常来说, 他还处于摩托化阶段, 并且只有15%的中国军队达到初级的机械化。 他们仍然依赖于60年代的老式武器系统。 真正完成现代机械化的部队只占总数的5%。这些单位已经开始配置90年代的新型武器系统。 中国的信息化部队仅局限于少数的试验性作战单位, 特别是那些已经处于现代机械化阶段的单位。

What is "information-oriented" troop then? According to the definition of Chinese military, this refers to the automation and digitalization of the commanding system. It contains the concepts of "information defense" and "information offense". "Information offense" refers to combat actions like weakening and demolishing the enemy's capability of using information effectively, while "information defense" refers the opposite.
那么,什么是信息化部队呢? 根据中国军方的定义,信息化意味着自动化和数字化的指挥系统。它包括信息防御和信息进攻。 信息进攻包含战术行动如削弱和摧毁敌方有效使用信息的能力,而信息防御则相反。
At the current stage, the Chinese military attaches great importance to the issue of information protection in this information warfare, stressing that this process should also include information restoration and information counterattack. <Kanwa Digest News>
在目前的阶段, 中国军方在信息战中给予信息防护更大的重视, 强调这个过程将同时包括信息恢复和信息反击。<Kanwa News May 20th 2003> Chinese military claims that it is right now in face of a twofold historical mission and thus needs a leaping-forward development. The PLA should complete the mission of transforming to mechanization and information (Xing Xi Hua) age simultaneously. In his recent remarks, Jiang Zemin reiterated on several occasions that the goal of the Chinese military forces is to complete the strategic task of building up information-oriented troops by the middle of this century. A source from the Chinese military also stresses that the priority task of this campaign is to accelerate the building up an automatic commanding system and to achieve integrated information support among the combat units. A comprehensive information protection and mobilization mechanism should be established as a consequence, and at the same time, information security should be taken as something pertaining to national strategic security.
中国军方宣称他们现在面临双重的历史任务并需要跨越试的发展。 中国人民解放军将同时完成机械化与信息化的任务。 在江泽民在不同场合的近期讲话中, 重申了中国军队将在本世纪中叶完成信息导向部队的建设。 来自中国军方内部的消息也强调这这场运动中的优先任务是加速建立自动化指挥系统和为战斗单位提供完整的信息支持,作为结果, 一个庞大的信息防护和动员机制
将被建立起来。 同时, 信息安全将被提升到国家战略安全的高度。
Chinese military has already listed the information warfare ability as one of the most important standard in the measurement of the "soft combat strength" (Ruan Zhan Li). Such slogans as "information control"(Zhi Xing Xi Quan), "Information is combat strength!" (Xing Xi Jiu Shi Zhan Dou Li) have been put forward.

中国军方已经将信息战能力列为衡量军队软战力的最重要指标之一。 很多口号如:“制信息权”,“信息就是战斗力”得以被大力宣传。
Multiple sources based in Beijing point out that during Jiang Zemin's tenure as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, a new round of military system reform and disarmament will be put on the agenda as soon as the general goal is set. Jiang Zemin recently emphasized personally the necessity of a "military restructuring with Chinese characteristics".

Kanwa's analysis is that Chinese military has many internal problems. Generally speaking, it is still at the motorization stage, and only 15% of the Chinese forces has completed the process of "preliminary mechanization". They still rely on the old-fashioned weapon systems originating from those in 1960s. The proportion of the forces that have completed "advanced mechanization" may only amount to 5% of the total. These units have started to deploy the 1990s new weapon systems. China's "information-based" troops are only limited in the few experimental combat units, especially among those that have already undergone "advanced mechanization" stage.
汉和认为中国军方存在一系列的内在问题。 通常来说, 他还处于摩托化阶段, 并且只有15%的中国军队达到初级的机械化。 他们仍然依赖于60年代的老式武器系统。 真正完成现代机械化的部队只占总数的5%。这些单位已经开始配置90年代的新型武器系统。 中国的信息化部队仅局限于少数的试验性作战单位, 特别是那些已经处于现代机械化阶段的单位。

What is "information-oriented" troop then? According to the definition of Chinese military, this refers to the automation and digitalization of the commanding system. It contains the concepts of "information defense" and "information offense". "Information offense" refers to combat actions like weakening and demolishing the enemy's capability of using information effectively, while "information defense" refers the opposite.
那么,什么是信息化部队呢? 根据中国军方的定义,信息化意味着自动化和数字化的指挥系统。它包括信息防御和信息进攻。 信息进攻包含战术行动如削弱和摧毁敌方有效使用信息的能力,而信息防御则相反。
At the current stage, the Chinese military attaches great importance to the issue of information protection in this information warfare, stressing that this process should also include information restoration and information counterattack. <Kanwa Digest News>
在目前的阶段, 中国军方在信息战中给予信息防护更大的重视, 强调这个过程将同时包括信息恢复和信息反击。