(更新完结) CNN上网民关于中日岛争的新闻的评论

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 12:55:51

某位小哥建议我翻译一篇CNN 的新闻评论。随便挑了这篇
Bremmer: Rise of China creating conflict。
ht tp://www. cnn.com/2013/01/23/business/davos-bremmer-china/index.html?hpt=ias_t4#cnn-disqus-area
上次评论时挑选过的,这次尽可能多覆盖,一条一条翻没有跳 。
另外之前在 关于 希拉里克林顿的那个 评论里 不少留言表示 美帝网民 算比较理性的, 不知道这是不是大多数人看了贴之后的感觉。

SayNO • 2 days ago
War between China and Japan will mean destruction to the world economy.
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Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  SayNO • 2 days ago
The world should stop trading with China and then we won't have to worry about either.
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phillip wong  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 2 days ago
Unemployed person, please find work..LOL
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失业的人,先找到工作再说吧。 LOL //吐槽2L

CNNApps  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
still inciting, Mr. Riva Anti-AntiUSPropaganda from India?
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还是很深刻,2L是印度来的么? //继续吐槽,三哥躺枪

ManyGoodFriender  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Listen to advice of made-in-India Anti-AntiUSPropaganda from Bangalore:

Relocate all US factories from US and China to Bangalore, Anti-Anti's hometown.

Of course women executives should not go....
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听听来自班加罗尔的三哥 2L的: 把美国的工厂从md跟TG搬到 2L老家, 当然女工人不行。//三哥中抢成筛子了,典型的美式单口相声

Guest  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Is there internet in india? or you come to the us to use internet?
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印度有网么? 或者你来美帝就是为了蹭网?

ManyGoodFriender  Guest • a day ago
of course there is internet in India.

there are more mobile phones in Anti-Anti's hometown Bangalore than toilets.

So people more can afford a mobile device there can go on world wide web while using some public toilets without roof, like the scene we saw in Slum Dog Millionaire, the wooden toilet atop of a river.
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所以很多人用得起手机上网的但得去露天公厕上厕所,就像 贫民窟的百万富翁里的 河上的露天厕所。

G8KeaPoR  ManyGoodFriender • 5 hours ago
They have few toilets because they just poop in the back alleyways.
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Edwin Chen  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
You are so funny China did not WANT to trade openly with the globalized world in the 19th century. So she was militarily forced to trade.

Now you think the world WANTS to stop trading now? You are delusional. Europeans have been searching for the North West Passage to China through the Arctic for hundreds of years. Now with global warming this route will soon be exploited to full effect.

This will shrink the shipping costs from Europe to China. That is just a huge incentive to INCREASE trade with China.

The real reason to slow this process down is environmental. Shipping goods from China across the globe or any large scale trade for that matter from any nation emits large amounts of pollution. We should focus on local production in order to secure our GREEN future. Local production means local jobs and LESS POLLUTION! Something every nation should consider more of.
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你很逗啊,中国当年不想开放贸易你们武力强迫 。 现在你们觉得想停了? 别YY了。 欧洲人花了数百年想找通过北极的进入中国的西北通道。 随着全球变暖这条路很快就能用了。 这将降低欧洲到中国的运费。 这将刺激与中国的贸易。

Vick Vick  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 16 hours ago
So there's a name-White-pined Pig.
Yes,I am offensive to you.
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BrianJones1234  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 20 hours ago
Go back to Pakistan you hoodrat. White Americans don't need you to speak for us.
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Marxrex  BrianJones1234 • 9 hours ago
Try "go back to India". Bashing China and poking their runny noses into other's affairs is an Indian pastime not Pakistani (who, anyways, have enough of their own problems).
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还是滚回印度吧。 激怒中国戳他们流鼻涕的鼻子 是三哥干过的不是巴基斯坦(虽然他们自己问题也够多)

Chiang Kai Dong  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 7 hours ago
Being a Chinese this is a valid argument that I wholly support till China isn't democratically civilized yet!
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作为中国人这就是为啥我支持中国不民主化 //野生自干五一只

heimdall  SayNO • 2 days ago
These Asians - Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Arabs, Pakis etc are nuts ! They killed all their women through massive female infanticide & gender bias and are now running behind raping & murdering whoever remains ! Over 120 million women exterminated across Asia in the past 40 years. Its the largest genocide in History, 20 times larger than the Holocaust - a mega-genocide ! Bunch of perverted lunatics. They should all be deported to Pluto for the safety of Earth. We should keep all our women locked up & safe from the maniacs ! Asia is finished, will soon be extinct. Good riddance to bad rubbish !
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亚洲人都疯了!他们把女婴都杀了,性别歧视导致了现在的强奸和谋杀女性泛滥。 过去四十年超过1亿2千万亚洲女性这样死掉。 这是史上最大的种族屠杀, 是 希特勒的20倍! 一群堕落的疯子。 为了地球安全应该把他们全都赶到冥王星去。 我们应该保护所有女性不受 这些疯子伤害。  亚洲完了, 最后把这些垃圾都赶走。

Young-hyun Ji  heimdall • 2 days ago
Europe had its fair share of murdering women with the witch-hunts, you know. ^^

In my opinion, it's the racists who should be deported somewhere so that they can be re-educated.
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欧洲人 谋杀女巫的时候也差不多 你懂得 。
我觉得 种族主义者才是 应该被驱逐然后再教育的。 (/野生亚裔一只吐槽楼上)
Edwin Chen  Young-hyun Ji • a day ago
That is not a very historically accurate assessment. Europeans and ALL people have a history of abusing women.

Also who gets to judge or decide which racists, there are racists from EVERY race, get to be deported. Where shall we deport them and which form of re-education should be used.

Freedom means allowing unpopular as well as popular ideas. It sounds like you need to indulge in more of the liberties of the western world rather than just using incorrect facts.
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再说哪个种族都有种族主义者。 怎么驱逐再教育他们?
自由意味着 逊于非主流的存在。  看来你还得 多学习一下西方的自由而不是用不正确的历史事实。

Young-hyun Ji  Edwin Chen • 18 hours ago
A society that allows racism to run rampant isn't 'free', it's an anarchy or an apartheid state.

And screw you. I live in a democratic nation.
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一个允许种族主义妄为的社会不是 ‘自由’,是无政府或者种族隔离的。
还有去你丫的,我生活在民主国家  //

Ace89  Young-hyun Ji • 12 hours ago
Yes. I vote they be deported to space.
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THEGenuineOLiTWiST  heimdall • 2 days ago
Lovely to see gutless cowards doing what they do best while cowering behind the anonymity of the internet.

Such a tough guy you
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很喜感阿:看着这些没种的钓丝 缩在屏幕后 在网上 拼命瞎逼逼。 还真是硬汉阿

reddfrog  THEGenuineOLiTWiST • 2 days ago
Notice he says wants to keep his women "locked up".
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注意这货说 把他的女人锁起来。

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  reddfrog • 2 days ago
Oh well, every society does have a trace elements of pure scums.
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SydneysYousif  heimdall • 2 days ago
hmmm may I suggest a Dr's appointment?
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jimj  heimdall • 2 days ago
You say the same dribble over and over its old. The 1st couple of times I read it , it was tolerable. Now its just a annoying form letter. Do everyone a favor and put this tired horse to bed.
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你把这老段子讲来讲去的,刚开始听还行 能忍。 现在看很烦人啊,帮大家的忙把这货拖走吧

Edwin Chen  heimdall • a day ago
Damn you do not know anything do you? Those nations mentioned are 50% of the world population that you mentioned in your "claim". That is roughly 3.5 billion people. In every country on the planet there is at least one female from one of the nations you mentioned. So your ALL claim does not hold water.
你丫知道个p? 你说到的这些国家占了世界人口一半。 这些国家的人遍布世界所有国家 。你说的纯属瞎扯。

Also infanticide or gendercide actually occurred at a higher percentage of the population under western COLONIALISM. That is with the exception of India because Britain actually tried to stop Indian widows from killing themselves in the sati ritual.
而且西方殖民主义下 杀死女婴的更多, 除了 印度, 因为实际上英国人 尝试 组织印度寡妇 自杀殉夫。

You also mention perverted lunatics. All people have perverted lunatics among their ranks, but none of the nations you mentioned were as perverted as RACIALLY BIASED SEXUAL SLAVERY under the industrial strength of the western imperial colonialists. Africans, Indians, Chinese and Native American women understand that all too well.
你还提到了 堕落的疯子。 所有人相对都是堕落的疯子 ,但你所说的国家都没有 西方殖民者 的种族歧视性奴隶严重。 非洲人印度人中国人和印第安人太明白这个了。
Are you going to try and deport those peoples mentioned like Hitler? Or like Stalin? You don't have the united numbers to deport half the world's population. That is logistically absurd and impossible. Just like your hope that those people are FINISHED or EXTINCT.
你还想向希特勒一样驱逐那些人么? 或者斯大林? 你没那么多人 去 驱逐世界上一半的人 。 这逻辑上也是荒谬的。 就像你希望这些人灭绝一样。

They have the numbers and the HISTORY to prove you wrong. In Harrapan and Mohenjo-Daro in India/Pakistan is the oldest civilization on earth. Historians now credit this civilization with being older and larger than the Egyptian and Mesopotamian combined. China is also considered to be the longest CONTINUOUS CIVILIZATION in ALL of human history. Not to mention it has the largest population in the world. So your many claims are "bad rubbish!"
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他们的数据和历史会证明你是错的。哈莱番 ,Mohenjo-Daro in India/Pakistan 是地球上最早的文明。  历史学家认为这些文明 比 埃及和美索不达米亚加起来还强 。 中国也被认为是史上最长的连续的文明。 更不用提  她是人口最多的。 所以你说的全都是垃圾。

Alex Kim  heimdall • 19 hours ago
Across Asia, nice. You're talking about the largest continent with the largest population, highest density of developing countries, and boasting some of the oldest civilizations in the world. You think genocide didn't/doesn't exist elsewhere? Of course superlatives will come from Asia.

Do you know what genocide even means? It means an active effort to eradicate a population completely. As far as I've checked, nobody on earth is trying to rid themselves of women completely. The Chinese discriminate against women because they can only have one child. It's in their culture, as it was/is almost everywhere else, to favor a son if they had to choose. You think they want to be in that situation? If you were forced to choose one, how would you feel if someone condemned you as sexist no matter what? This isn't genocide.

BEsides, the VAST majority of Asians do not commit these things or, if they do, have any choice.

You want to make generalizations based on the minority of people? Okay, here's one. Judging by the way you talk and think, ALL Westerners are uneducated, barbaric, impractical, racist, and arrogant people who won't last another decade without the help of others.

I doubt you think that way. Then don't be a terrible example.
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全亚洲,好吧。 你在说的是世界上最大的州,拥有最多的人口。 最多的发展中国家 ,孕育了世界上很多最古老的文明。  你觉得其他地方就没种族主义了? 当然 亚洲非常严重。
你知道种族灭绝是什么意思么? 意思是 彻底消灭一个种族。 在我看来, 地球上没有人试过完全消灭他们的女人。 中国人对女性的歧视是因为他们只能有一个孩子。 这已经进入他们的文化 ,就像几乎其它地方一样:如果能选的话就养男孩。  你觉得他们愿意这样么? 如果你也被强迫选择一个, 你被人指责为性别歧视你是什么感受?  这不是 种族灭绝。
此外, 大多数亚洲人不愿这样做,如果他们有选择的话。
你想概括大多数人? 好吧,这就是: 根据你的言论和思维方式: 所有西方人都是野蛮自大傲慢的种族主义者, 脱离别人的帮助10年都活不了。  按你的说法,这是个不错的例子。

rsubhas  heimdall • 20 hours ago
Women rose to the top ranks in politics, business and finance much earlier than the western countries. BTW, why there is no woman president in the US? wheras we have so many in the Asian region..It looks West is more gender biased than the east.
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女性问题在亚洲更早获得重视。 顺便:为何美国没有女性总统? 这在亚洲还挺多...看来西方比东方更性别不平等啊。

JieFang Lee • a day ago
I'd like challenge Mr. Bremmer (who is political scientist?):
1. There has not been any serious conflict since China started to rise, while China had bloody conflicts with Russia, India, Vietnam and even U.S (in Korea over 30 years ago.
2. In contrast, China solved the disputed border issues peacefully with Russia and Vietnam during its rising (1980s and 1990s);
3. author mentioned conflicts with Japan and Philippine, however who "created" the conflicts? It was Japan who arrested and tried Chinese fishermen first, and also tried to change the status of the disputed territory by buying the Islands and forced China to response; As for South China Sea, it was Philippine who only started to claim the Chinese territory in 1997 and used its naval ships to harass Chinese. Author should at least mention who provoked people first into fights.

If author is a politician it is Ok for the article based on his personal opinion; but he is a "scientist", he was supposed to pick up at least one single fact to prove that "rise of China creates conflicts"
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我想质疑一下 bremmer(不记得哪楼的,好像是原文?) 政治学家?:
1。中国开始崛起后没有任何严重冲突,虽然跟苏联 印度越南甚至美国打过 。
2。 相反,中国和平的 与越南和苏联解决了边界问题。
3 作者提到 跟日本和菲律宾的冲突,但是是谁引起的冲突 ? 是日本先逮捕中国渔民的,而且使这单方改变争议岛屿 的状态 迫使中方回应。 对于南 中国海, 首先:是1997年才声明主权的菲律宾 用军舰 侵犯中国。 作者至少应该提一下是谁先挑起战争的。
如果作者是政客的话 没问题, 但是作为政治学家, 他起码应该拿出哪怕一点证据证明是中国先挑起的。 //赞理据服!

jengis  JieFang Lee • a day ago
Bremmer is just one of those popcorn eater, drink coke, watch tv and occasionally do mass shooting.
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Bremmer 就是个吃爆米花喝可乐看电视偶尔枪击的人                    //黑MD

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  JieFang Lee • a day ago
Save it. We know what you are up to. Just, give up.
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ManyGoodFriender  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Save it. We know what you are up to. Just, give up, made-in-India Anti-AntiUSPropaganda.
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Sunandan  ManyGoodFriender • a day ago
Just call him CHUTIYA and see if he reacts :P
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叫他 chutiya 看他应不?(印度话 类似于亲近的人骂煞笔?)

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  Sunandan • 21 hours ago
That sounds like some kind of vegetable. Am I close?
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Sunandan  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 19 hours ago
Yeah.You are a vegetable.
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是的,你是个菜 。   //这哥们儿很逗阿

Editor_in_Charge  ManyGoodFriender • a day ago
The White Chinese troll working hard for his CCP masters.
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Editor_in_Charge  JieFang Lee • a day ago
YOu would like to Challenge? Well, you beta get off your high throne in the CNN comment section my dear CCP troll and get a proper education first.
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你想质疑? 好吧 你这个五毛最好 从 CNN 评论去滚出来 好好接受点教育把。

累了,后面歇一歇改天翻吧。 哪位大大有空要不也帮忙一起翻一翻? 我觉得还挺有意思的。 而且一当锻炼二当攒人品了~
Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
There are two Key documents as evidence that China did not consider the islands to be Chinese. The first is an official letter from a Chinese consul in Nagasaki dated May 20, 1920 that listed the islands as Japanese territory.The second piece of evidence is a Chinese map from 1958 that excludes the Senkaku Islands from Chinese territory. Based on these Historical facts the first Chinese Premier Chou En-lai in an official meeting conceded that these Senkaku Islands belonged to Japan. Chou En-lai also assured the French ambassador that these Islands belonged to Japan. British foreign office has a complete record of it.
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有两个关键文件证明 中国 不认为 钓鱼岛是中国的。  第一份是官方的信函,中国驻长崎的领事在1920, 5月20讲其列为日本领土; 第二份是 1958年的中国地图 讲 尖阁诸岛 从中国领土排除在外。 根据史实, 中国第一份总理 周恩来 再一次正式会议中 承认 尖阁诸岛属于 日本。 周恩来也向法国大使表示这些岛屿属于日本。 英国外交部有此详细记录。

cursaap  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
The Diaoyu islands, known to China at least since 1372 had been
repeatedly referred to as part of Chinese territory since 1534, and later
controlled by the Qing dynasty along with Taiwan. The earliest written record
of Diaoyutai dates back to 1403 in a Chinese book Voyage with the Tail Wind,
which recorded the names of the islands that voyagers had passed on a trip from
the coastal province of Fujian to the Ryukyu Kingdom.
钓鱼岛在1372年被中国发现,而且自1534一直被声明为中国领土。 之后被清朝控制 并划归于台湾。 最早的钓鱼岛书面记录始于1403,鉴于一本叫《顺风相送》的书 , 记录了 从 福建出发到琉球王国 经过的 钓鱼岛。

By 1534, all the major islets of the island group were identified
and named in the book Record of the Imperial Envoy’s Visit to Ryukyu and were
the Ming Dynasty’s (16th-century) sea-defense frontier. One of the
islands, Chihweiyu, marked the boundary of the Ryukyu Islands. This is the
reason why the PRC and ROC maintain that these islands did not belong to the
Ryukyu Islands. Hence, as the demarcation of the boundary by Chihweiyu implies,
the Diaoyu Islands do belong to China or modern day PRC and/or ROC.
到1534,钓鱼岛的主要岛屿的识别命名/卧槽这段不翻了。 有中文翻译成英文的史料。 传送门: ht tp://ww w.24en. com/exam/translate/2012-10-12/149695.html

After losing World War 2, Japan took administration of the island
after signing the Treaty of San Francisco with part of the Allied Powers in
1951. However, China or Taiwan were NOT INVITED and therefore were not part of
the signatory. Even the Soviets protested heavily at that time. It was an
unfair and illegitimate treaty that did not address the claimant side i.e PRC
China and ROC Taiwan.

Japan should therefore return these islands back to China as what
the British have to their colony of Hong Kong.
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hxy  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
No wonder, Taiwan, where Diaoyu belongs, was still a Jananese colony. It returned to China only after the WWII. And the 1958 map is just a copy of a Shanghai map before 1945. The map editor stated it clear in footnote. In fact, there are plenty of official documents issued by the governments of RoC and PRC for decades to claim Diaoyu. A few foreigners' remarks are simply rubbish.
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不奇怪,拥有台湾的钓鱼岛,当时还是日本的殖民地, 在二战后才归还中国。 1958年的那份地图 是一份1945年上海出版的地图的拷贝。 地图作者在脚注上说明了这一点。事实上大量中华民国和中国人民共和国的 官方文件 数十年来一直在声明钓鱼岛主权。 一些外国人的评论真的是垃圾。

heimdall  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
Actually, its NOT land or resources the Chinese want, the want Japanese women ! Japan is one of the very few countries in Asia with surplus women. There is no women left in China, 60 million girls have been eliminated in the past 50 years through female infanticide & gender bias. China will soon be extinct, if they don't grab more women quickly !
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事实上,中国人想要的不是岛或资源。 他们想要日本的女人。 日本是亚洲国家中极少的女性比例高于男性的。  中国没有女人, 6000万女孩在过去50年死于杀害女婴和性别歧视。 中国如果不多抓点女人很快会灭种的,

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  heimdall • 2 days ago
You might want to pluck yourself out of the fantasy land and start to read some real news about the falling Japanese birth rate.since the 80s
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Seymour Holz  THEGenuineOLiTWiST • 2 days ago
THAT problem is because of insufficient testosterone, not lack of women
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问题是 睾丸激素不够,不是女人不够。 //黑脚盆黑的一逼那啥...

reddfrog  heimdall • 2 days ago
American women will sue the Chinese for discrimination.
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Robert_SF  reddfrog • a day ago
Sue India for its indifference to rape/
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起诉印度人对强奸冷漠 //三哥真尼玛躺枪啊,不忍直视了。

Nelson Presque Parfait  heimdall • 2 days ago
Heimdall, you are the best !!! LMAO !!!
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Heimdall,你太屌了! 哥笑的翔的出来了!!

BBadger  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
Old documents, assurances, UN resolutions... these are all things that are easily ignored in modern disputes.
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老文件,声明,联合国协调解决, 这些在当代的争端中很容易被忽略  //野生理性真相哥

EA Marco Polo • a day ago
[Greatest powers from 221 BC to 2025 AD]

From 1769 to 1899 the British had largest GDP on the earth (10 million African black slaves are made by the British, 3 million are tortured to die in British ships). Between 1899 and 2025 the US is largest economy of the world. Who is greatest country on the earth before 1769?

In my research the answer is definite. From 960 AD to 1769 AD (Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, early Qing Dynasty), China is largest economy on the earth continuously. From 581 AD to 907 AD (Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty), China is also the largest economy steadily.

Between 221 BC and 220 AD, China should be also the greatest country on the earth, although there is various thinking for the argument. During the same time the Roman Empire had strong economy, too. However please considering the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta soldiers and paper-making technology.

[The comment is sent from Kinmen Island in the Republic of China (Taiwan), two hours later I will enter Mainland China, then to visit hometown of Goddess Mazu, Putian in Fujian Province.]
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从 1760 到1899, 英国人 有当时世界上最大的GDP,(1000万非洲黑人被奴役,3百万受折磨死于英国的船上。) 在1899到2025年之前 US是世界上最大的经济体。 1769之前谁是最大的呢?
在我的研究里答案很明确: 从公元960到公元1769, (宋元明和早清), 中国是世界上最大的经济体。 从公元581到907 (隋唐), 中国也是最大的经济体。
在公元前221到公元220, 中国应该也是世界上最强大的国家, 虽然对此有争议。 与此同时的罗马帝国经济也很强,但是考虑到长城,兵马俑和造纸术。

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  EA Marco Polo • a day ago
2021, Aliens land, make peace with humans. Mainland Chinese people start cooking and eating the aliens. The aliens then come with an armada and eat all the Chinese people in response. 2022, the world goes on like nothing happened. The top news story is some football riot in UK.
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2021外星人与人类和平相处。 中国大陆人开始 吃 外星人。 然后作为回应外星人全副武装来吃掉全部中国人。 2022世界就像什么都没发生。 头条新闻就是英国流氓。

Fastvue • a day ago
How about " A declining USA will bring world peace".
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不如说 衰落的美国将会带来世界和平

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  Fastvue • a day ago
There is a saying in Asia, a weak China is a peaceful China.
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Ace89  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 11 hours ago −
Same goes with India.
印度也是。  //三哥又中...
总结起来:本文基本就是 有人出来黑土共的时候 自干五负责反黑回去, 老美负责扫射三哥... 我也觉得不科学啊...

这次的翻译没有精选,就是随便摘了原文的一部分评论,没有想到三哥的存在感这么强。 翻译完自己也觉得长了不少见识, 诸位看完之后要是也有收获的话那最好不过了。

初步打算 以后不定期的讲 MD的媒体上方向比较大的关于中国的新闻的评论翻译过来放到 版里, 不知道会不会有些不合主题? 除了CNN和雅虎,如果有其它各位大大觉得好的来源欢迎推荐。
楼主一直想找美帝类似 CD的论坛没找到。

某位小哥建议我翻译一篇CNN 的新闻评论。随便挑了这篇
Bremmer: Rise of China creating conflict。
ht tp://www. cnn.com/2013/01/23/business/davos-bremmer-china/index.html?hpt=ias_t4#cnn-disqus-area
上次评论时挑选过的,这次尽可能多覆盖,一条一条翻没有跳 。
另外之前在 关于 希拉里克林顿的那个 评论里 不少留言表示 美帝网民 算比较理性的, 不知道这是不是大多数人看了贴之后的感觉。

SayNO • 2 days ago
War between China and Japan will mean destruction to the world economy.
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Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  SayNO • 2 days ago
The world should stop trading with China and then we won't have to worry about either.
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phillip wong  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 2 days ago
Unemployed person, please find work..LOL
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失业的人,先找到工作再说吧。 LOL //吐槽2L

CNNApps  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
still inciting, Mr. Riva Anti-AntiUSPropaganda from India?
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还是很深刻,2L是印度来的么? //继续吐槽,三哥躺枪

ManyGoodFriender  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Listen to advice of made-in-India Anti-AntiUSPropaganda from Bangalore:

Relocate all US factories from US and China to Bangalore, Anti-Anti's hometown.

Of course women executives should not go....
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听听来自班加罗尔的三哥 2L的: 把美国的工厂从md跟TG搬到 2L老家, 当然女工人不行。//三哥中抢成筛子了,典型的美式单口相声

Guest  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Is there internet in india? or you come to the us to use internet?
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印度有网么? 或者你来美帝就是为了蹭网?

ManyGoodFriender  Guest • a day ago
of course there is internet in India.

there are more mobile phones in Anti-Anti's hometown Bangalore than toilets.

So people more can afford a mobile device there can go on world wide web while using some public toilets without roof, like the scene we saw in Slum Dog Millionaire, the wooden toilet atop of a river.
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所以很多人用得起手机上网的但得去露天公厕上厕所,就像 贫民窟的百万富翁里的 河上的露天厕所。

G8KeaPoR  ManyGoodFriender • 5 hours ago
They have few toilets because they just poop in the back alleyways.
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Edwin Chen  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
You are so funny China did not WANT to trade openly with the globalized world in the 19th century. So she was militarily forced to trade.

Now you think the world WANTS to stop trading now? You are delusional. Europeans have been searching for the North West Passage to China through the Arctic for hundreds of years. Now with global warming this route will soon be exploited to full effect.

This will shrink the shipping costs from Europe to China. That is just a huge incentive to INCREASE trade with China.

The real reason to slow this process down is environmental. Shipping goods from China across the globe or any large scale trade for that matter from any nation emits large amounts of pollution. We should focus on local production in order to secure our GREEN future. Local production means local jobs and LESS POLLUTION! Something every nation should consider more of.
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你很逗啊,中国当年不想开放贸易你们武力强迫 。 现在你们觉得想停了? 别YY了。 欧洲人花了数百年想找通过北极的进入中国的西北通道。 随着全球变暖这条路很快就能用了。 这将降低欧洲到中国的运费。 这将刺激与中国的贸易。

Vick Vick  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 16 hours ago
So there's a name-White-pined Pig.
Yes,I am offensive to you.
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BrianJones1234  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 20 hours ago
Go back to Pakistan you hoodrat. White Americans don't need you to speak for us.
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Marxrex  BrianJones1234 • 9 hours ago
Try "go back to India". Bashing China and poking their runny noses into other's affairs is an Indian pastime not Pakistani (who, anyways, have enough of their own problems).
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还是滚回印度吧。 激怒中国戳他们流鼻涕的鼻子 是三哥干过的不是巴基斯坦(虽然他们自己问题也够多)

Chiang Kai Dong  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 7 hours ago
Being a Chinese this is a valid argument that I wholly support till China isn't democratically civilized yet!
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作为中国人这就是为啥我支持中国不民主化 //野生自干五一只

heimdall  SayNO • 2 days ago
These Asians - Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Arabs, Pakis etc are nuts ! They killed all their women through massive female infanticide & gender bias and are now running behind raping & murdering whoever remains ! Over 120 million women exterminated across Asia in the past 40 years. Its the largest genocide in History, 20 times larger than the Holocaust - a mega-genocide ! Bunch of perverted lunatics. They should all be deported to Pluto for the safety of Earth. We should keep all our women locked up & safe from the maniacs ! Asia is finished, will soon be extinct. Good riddance to bad rubbish !
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亚洲人都疯了!他们把女婴都杀了,性别歧视导致了现在的强奸和谋杀女性泛滥。 过去四十年超过1亿2千万亚洲女性这样死掉。 这是史上最大的种族屠杀, 是 希特勒的20倍! 一群堕落的疯子。 为了地球安全应该把他们全都赶到冥王星去。 我们应该保护所有女性不受 这些疯子伤害。  亚洲完了, 最后把这些垃圾都赶走。

Young-hyun Ji  heimdall • 2 days ago
Europe had its fair share of murdering women with the witch-hunts, you know. ^^

In my opinion, it's the racists who should be deported somewhere so that they can be re-educated.
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欧洲人 谋杀女巫的时候也差不多 你懂得 。
我觉得 种族主义者才是 应该被驱逐然后再教育的。 (/野生亚裔一只吐槽楼上)
Edwin Chen  Young-hyun Ji • a day ago
That is not a very historically accurate assessment. Europeans and ALL people have a history of abusing women.

Also who gets to judge or decide which racists, there are racists from EVERY race, get to be deported. Where shall we deport them and which form of re-education should be used.

Freedom means allowing unpopular as well as popular ideas. It sounds like you need to indulge in more of the liberties of the western world rather than just using incorrect facts.
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再说哪个种族都有种族主义者。 怎么驱逐再教育他们?
自由意味着 逊于非主流的存在。  看来你还得 多学习一下西方的自由而不是用不正确的历史事实。

Young-hyun Ji  Edwin Chen • 18 hours ago
A society that allows racism to run rampant isn't 'free', it's an anarchy or an apartheid state.

And screw you. I live in a democratic nation.
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一个允许种族主义妄为的社会不是 ‘自由’,是无政府或者种族隔离的。
还有去你丫的,我生活在民主国家  //

Ace89  Young-hyun Ji • 12 hours ago
Yes. I vote they be deported to space.
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THEGenuineOLiTWiST  heimdall • 2 days ago
Lovely to see gutless cowards doing what they do best while cowering behind the anonymity of the internet.

Such a tough guy you
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很喜感阿:看着这些没种的钓丝 缩在屏幕后 在网上 拼命瞎逼逼。 还真是硬汉阿

reddfrog  THEGenuineOLiTWiST • 2 days ago
Notice he says wants to keep his women "locked up".
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注意这货说 把他的女人锁起来。

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  reddfrog • 2 days ago
Oh well, every society does have a trace elements of pure scums.
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SydneysYousif  heimdall • 2 days ago
hmmm may I suggest a Dr's appointment?
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jimj  heimdall • 2 days ago
You say the same dribble over and over its old. The 1st couple of times I read it , it was tolerable. Now its just a annoying form letter. Do everyone a favor and put this tired horse to bed.
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你把这老段子讲来讲去的,刚开始听还行 能忍。 现在看很烦人啊,帮大家的忙把这货拖走吧

Edwin Chen  heimdall • a day ago
Damn you do not know anything do you? Those nations mentioned are 50% of the world population that you mentioned in your "claim". That is roughly 3.5 billion people. In every country on the planet there is at least one female from one of the nations you mentioned. So your ALL claim does not hold water.
你丫知道个p? 你说到的这些国家占了世界人口一半。 这些国家的人遍布世界所有国家 。你说的纯属瞎扯。

Also infanticide or gendercide actually occurred at a higher percentage of the population under western COLONIALISM. That is with the exception of India because Britain actually tried to stop Indian widows from killing themselves in the sati ritual.
而且西方殖民主义下 杀死女婴的更多, 除了 印度, 因为实际上英国人 尝试 组织印度寡妇 自杀殉夫。

You also mention perverted lunatics. All people have perverted lunatics among their ranks, but none of the nations you mentioned were as perverted as RACIALLY BIASED SEXUAL SLAVERY under the industrial strength of the western imperial colonialists. Africans, Indians, Chinese and Native American women understand that all too well.
你还提到了 堕落的疯子。 所有人相对都是堕落的疯子 ,但你所说的国家都没有 西方殖民者 的种族歧视性奴隶严重。 非洲人印度人中国人和印第安人太明白这个了。
Are you going to try and deport those peoples mentioned like Hitler? Or like Stalin? You don't have the united numbers to deport half the world's population. That is logistically absurd and impossible. Just like your hope that those people are FINISHED or EXTINCT.
你还想向希特勒一样驱逐那些人么? 或者斯大林? 你没那么多人 去 驱逐世界上一半的人 。 这逻辑上也是荒谬的。 就像你希望这些人灭绝一样。

They have the numbers and the HISTORY to prove you wrong. In Harrapan and Mohenjo-Daro in India/Pakistan is the oldest civilization on earth. Historians now credit this civilization with being older and larger than the Egyptian and Mesopotamian combined. China is also considered to be the longest CONTINUOUS CIVILIZATION in ALL of human history. Not to mention it has the largest population in the world. So your many claims are "bad rubbish!"
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他们的数据和历史会证明你是错的。哈莱番 ,Mohenjo-Daro in India/Pakistan 是地球上最早的文明。  历史学家认为这些文明 比 埃及和美索不达米亚加起来还强 。 中国也被认为是史上最长的连续的文明。 更不用提  她是人口最多的。 所以你说的全都是垃圾。

Alex Kim  heimdall • 19 hours ago
Across Asia, nice. You're talking about the largest continent with the largest population, highest density of developing countries, and boasting some of the oldest civilizations in the world. You think genocide didn't/doesn't exist elsewhere? Of course superlatives will come from Asia.

Do you know what genocide even means? It means an active effort to eradicate a population completely. As far as I've checked, nobody on earth is trying to rid themselves of women completely. The Chinese discriminate against women because they can only have one child. It's in their culture, as it was/is almost everywhere else, to favor a son if they had to choose. You think they want to be in that situation? If you were forced to choose one, how would you feel if someone condemned you as sexist no matter what? This isn't genocide.

BEsides, the VAST majority of Asians do not commit these things or, if they do, have any choice.

You want to make generalizations based on the minority of people? Okay, here's one. Judging by the way you talk and think, ALL Westerners are uneducated, barbaric, impractical, racist, and arrogant people who won't last another decade without the help of others.

I doubt you think that way. Then don't be a terrible example.
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全亚洲,好吧。 你在说的是世界上最大的州,拥有最多的人口。 最多的发展中国家 ,孕育了世界上很多最古老的文明。  你觉得其他地方就没种族主义了? 当然 亚洲非常严重。
你知道种族灭绝是什么意思么? 意思是 彻底消灭一个种族。 在我看来, 地球上没有人试过完全消灭他们的女人。 中国人对女性的歧视是因为他们只能有一个孩子。 这已经进入他们的文化 ,就像几乎其它地方一样:如果能选的话就养男孩。  你觉得他们愿意这样么? 如果你也被强迫选择一个, 你被人指责为性别歧视你是什么感受?  这不是 种族灭绝。
此外, 大多数亚洲人不愿这样做,如果他们有选择的话。
你想概括大多数人? 好吧,这就是: 根据你的言论和思维方式: 所有西方人都是野蛮自大傲慢的种族主义者, 脱离别人的帮助10年都活不了。  按你的说法,这是个不错的例子。

rsubhas  heimdall • 20 hours ago
Women rose to the top ranks in politics, business and finance much earlier than the western countries. BTW, why there is no woman president in the US? wheras we have so many in the Asian region..It looks West is more gender biased than the east.
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女性问题在亚洲更早获得重视。 顺便:为何美国没有女性总统? 这在亚洲还挺多...看来西方比东方更性别不平等啊。

JieFang Lee • a day ago
I'd like challenge Mr. Bremmer (who is political scientist?):
1. There has not been any serious conflict since China started to rise, while China had bloody conflicts with Russia, India, Vietnam and even U.S (in Korea over 30 years ago.
2. In contrast, China solved the disputed border issues peacefully with Russia and Vietnam during its rising (1980s and 1990s);
3. author mentioned conflicts with Japan and Philippine, however who "created" the conflicts? It was Japan who arrested and tried Chinese fishermen first, and also tried to change the status of the disputed territory by buying the Islands and forced China to response; As for South China Sea, it was Philippine who only started to claim the Chinese territory in 1997 and used its naval ships to harass Chinese. Author should at least mention who provoked people first into fights.

If author is a politician it is Ok for the article based on his personal opinion; but he is a "scientist", he was supposed to pick up at least one single fact to prove that "rise of China creates conflicts"
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我想质疑一下 bremmer(不记得哪楼的,好像是原文?) 政治学家?:
1。中国开始崛起后没有任何严重冲突,虽然跟苏联 印度越南甚至美国打过 。
2。 相反,中国和平的 与越南和苏联解决了边界问题。
3 作者提到 跟日本和菲律宾的冲突,但是是谁引起的冲突 ? 是日本先逮捕中国渔民的,而且使这单方改变争议岛屿 的状态 迫使中方回应。 对于南 中国海, 首先:是1997年才声明主权的菲律宾 用军舰 侵犯中国。 作者至少应该提一下是谁先挑起战争的。
如果作者是政客的话 没问题, 但是作为政治学家, 他起码应该拿出哪怕一点证据证明是中国先挑起的。 //赞理据服!

jengis  JieFang Lee • a day ago
Bremmer is just one of those popcorn eater, drink coke, watch tv and occasionally do mass shooting.
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Bremmer 就是个吃爆米花喝可乐看电视偶尔枪击的人                    //黑MD

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  JieFang Lee • a day ago
Save it. We know what you are up to. Just, give up.
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ManyGoodFriender  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • a day ago
Save it. We know what you are up to. Just, give up, made-in-India Anti-AntiUSPropaganda.
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Sunandan  ManyGoodFriender • a day ago
Just call him CHUTIYA and see if he reacts :P
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叫他 chutiya 看他应不?(印度话 类似于亲近的人骂煞笔?)

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  Sunandan • 21 hours ago
That sounds like some kind of vegetable. Am I close?
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Sunandan  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 19 hours ago
Yeah.You are a vegetable.
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是的,你是个菜 。   //这哥们儿很逗阿

Editor_in_Charge  ManyGoodFriender • a day ago
The White Chinese troll working hard for his CCP masters.
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Editor_in_Charge  JieFang Lee • a day ago
YOu would like to Challenge? Well, you beta get off your high throne in the CNN comment section my dear CCP troll and get a proper education first.
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你想质疑? 好吧 你这个五毛最好 从 CNN 评论去滚出来 好好接受点教育把。

累了,后面歇一歇改天翻吧。 哪位大大有空要不也帮忙一起翻一翻? 我觉得还挺有意思的。 而且一当锻炼二当攒人品了~
Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
There are two Key documents as evidence that China did not consider the islands to be Chinese. The first is an official letter from a Chinese consul in Nagasaki dated May 20, 1920 that listed the islands as Japanese territory.The second piece of evidence is a Chinese map from 1958 that excludes the Senkaku Islands from Chinese territory. Based on these Historical facts the first Chinese Premier Chou En-lai in an official meeting conceded that these Senkaku Islands belonged to Japan. Chou En-lai also assured the French ambassador that these Islands belonged to Japan. British foreign office has a complete record of it.
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有两个关键文件证明 中国 不认为 钓鱼岛是中国的。  第一份是官方的信函,中国驻长崎的领事在1920, 5月20讲其列为日本领土; 第二份是 1958年的中国地图 讲 尖阁诸岛 从中国领土排除在外。 根据史实, 中国第一份总理 周恩来 再一次正式会议中 承认 尖阁诸岛属于 日本。 周恩来也向法国大使表示这些岛屿属于日本。 英国外交部有此详细记录。

cursaap  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
The Diaoyu islands, known to China at least since 1372 had been
repeatedly referred to as part of Chinese territory since 1534, and later
controlled by the Qing dynasty along with Taiwan. The earliest written record
of Diaoyutai dates back to 1403 in a Chinese book Voyage with the Tail Wind,
which recorded the names of the islands that voyagers had passed on a trip from
the coastal province of Fujian to the Ryukyu Kingdom.
钓鱼岛在1372年被中国发现,而且自1534一直被声明为中国领土。 之后被清朝控制 并划归于台湾。 最早的钓鱼岛书面记录始于1403,鉴于一本叫《顺风相送》的书 , 记录了 从 福建出发到琉球王国 经过的 钓鱼岛。

By 1534, all the major islets of the island group were identified
and named in the book Record of the Imperial Envoy’s Visit to Ryukyu and were
the Ming Dynasty’s (16th-century) sea-defense frontier. One of the
islands, Chihweiyu, marked the boundary of the Ryukyu Islands. This is the
reason why the PRC and ROC maintain that these islands did not belong to the
Ryukyu Islands. Hence, as the demarcation of the boundary by Chihweiyu implies,
the Diaoyu Islands do belong to China or modern day PRC and/or ROC.
到1534,钓鱼岛的主要岛屿的识别命名/卧槽这段不翻了。 有中文翻译成英文的史料。 传送门: ht tp://ww w.24en. com/exam/translate/2012-10-12/149695.html

After losing World War 2, Japan took administration of the island
after signing the Treaty of San Francisco with part of the Allied Powers in
1951. However, China or Taiwan were NOT INVITED and therefore were not part of
the signatory. Even the Soviets protested heavily at that time. It was an
unfair and illegitimate treaty that did not address the claimant side i.e PRC
China and ROC Taiwan.

Japan should therefore return these islands back to China as what
the British have to their colony of Hong Kong.
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hxy  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
No wonder, Taiwan, where Diaoyu belongs, was still a Jananese colony. It returned to China only after the WWII. And the 1958 map is just a copy of a Shanghai map before 1945. The map editor stated it clear in footnote. In fact, there are plenty of official documents issued by the governments of RoC and PRC for decades to claim Diaoyu. A few foreigners' remarks are simply rubbish.
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不奇怪,拥有台湾的钓鱼岛,当时还是日本的殖民地, 在二战后才归还中国。 1958年的那份地图 是一份1945年上海出版的地图的拷贝。 地图作者在脚注上说明了这一点。事实上大量中华民国和中国人民共和国的 官方文件 数十年来一直在声明钓鱼岛主权。 一些外国人的评论真的是垃圾。

heimdall  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
Actually, its NOT land or resources the Chinese want, the want Japanese women ! Japan is one of the very few countries in Asia with surplus women. There is no women left in China, 60 million girls have been eliminated in the past 50 years through female infanticide & gender bias. China will soon be extinct, if they don't grab more women quickly !
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事实上,中国人想要的不是岛或资源。 他们想要日本的女人。 日本是亚洲国家中极少的女性比例高于男性的。  中国没有女人, 6000万女孩在过去50年死于杀害女婴和性别歧视。 中国如果不多抓点女人很快会灭种的,

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  heimdall • 2 days ago
You might want to pluck yourself out of the fantasy land and start to read some real news about the falling Japanese birth rate.since the 80s
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Seymour Holz  THEGenuineOLiTWiST • 2 days ago
THAT problem is because of insufficient testosterone, not lack of women
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问题是 睾丸激素不够,不是女人不够。 //黑脚盆黑的一逼那啥...

reddfrog  heimdall • 2 days ago
American women will sue the Chinese for discrimination.
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Robert_SF  reddfrog • a day ago
Sue India for its indifference to rape/
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起诉印度人对强奸冷漠 //三哥真尼玛躺枪啊,不忍直视了。

Nelson Presque Parfait  heimdall • 2 days ago
Heimdall, you are the best !!! LMAO !!!
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Heimdall,你太屌了! 哥笑的翔的出来了!!

BBadger  Frank Robinson • 2 days ago
Old documents, assurances, UN resolutions... these are all things that are easily ignored in modern disputes.
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老文件,声明,联合国协调解决, 这些在当代的争端中很容易被忽略  //野生理性真相哥

EA Marco Polo • a day ago
[Greatest powers from 221 BC to 2025 AD]

From 1769 to 1899 the British had largest GDP on the earth (10 million African black slaves are made by the British, 3 million are tortured to die in British ships). Between 1899 and 2025 the US is largest economy of the world. Who is greatest country on the earth before 1769?

In my research the answer is definite. From 960 AD to 1769 AD (Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, early Qing Dynasty), China is largest economy on the earth continuously. From 581 AD to 907 AD (Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty), China is also the largest economy steadily.

Between 221 BC and 220 AD, China should be also the greatest country on the earth, although there is various thinking for the argument. During the same time the Roman Empire had strong economy, too. However please considering the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta soldiers and paper-making technology.

[The comment is sent from Kinmen Island in the Republic of China (Taiwan), two hours later I will enter Mainland China, then to visit hometown of Goddess Mazu, Putian in Fujian Province.]
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从 1760 到1899, 英国人 有当时世界上最大的GDP,(1000万非洲黑人被奴役,3百万受折磨死于英国的船上。) 在1899到2025年之前 US是世界上最大的经济体。 1769之前谁是最大的呢?
在我的研究里答案很明确: 从公元960到公元1769, (宋元明和早清), 中国是世界上最大的经济体。 从公元581到907 (隋唐), 中国也是最大的经济体。
在公元前221到公元220, 中国应该也是世界上最强大的国家, 虽然对此有争议。 与此同时的罗马帝国经济也很强,但是考虑到长城,兵马俑和造纸术。

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  EA Marco Polo • a day ago
2021, Aliens land, make peace with humans. Mainland Chinese people start cooking and eating the aliens. The aliens then come with an armada and eat all the Chinese people in response. 2022, the world goes on like nothing happened. The top news story is some football riot in UK.
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2021外星人与人类和平相处。 中国大陆人开始 吃 外星人。 然后作为回应外星人全副武装来吃掉全部中国人。 2022世界就像什么都没发生。 头条新闻就是英国流氓。

Fastvue • a day ago
How about " A declining USA will bring world peace".
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不如说 衰落的美国将会带来世界和平

Anti-AntiUSPropaganda  Fastvue • a day ago
There is a saying in Asia, a weak China is a peaceful China.
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Ace89  Anti-AntiUSPropaganda • 11 hours ago −
Same goes with India.
印度也是。  //三哥又中...
总结起来:本文基本就是 有人出来黑土共的时候 自干五负责反黑回去, 老美负责扫射三哥... 我也觉得不科学啊...

这次的翻译没有精选,就是随便摘了原文的一部分评论,没有想到三哥的存在感这么强。 翻译完自己也觉得长了不少见识, 诸位看完之后要是也有收获的话那最好不过了。

初步打算 以后不定期的讲 MD的媒体上方向比较大的关于中国的新闻的评论翻译过来放到 版里, 不知道会不会有些不合主题? 除了CNN和雅虎,如果有其它各位大大觉得好的来源欢迎推荐。
楼主一直想找美帝类似 CD的论坛没找到。
明天再来 发表于 2013-1-25 11:42
后面好像歪回来了,CNN 不是楼,回复一个状态的话就回复在他底下了。
llkklk2 发表于 2013-1-25 11:59
后面歪回去了,翻不动了歇会儿 =。=
集团清洁工 发表于 2013-1-25 12:08
这还真能看出媒体的厉害,去年阿三还是世界的宠儿那,今年一起强奸案经过媒体的宣颜,阿三立刻就成为全世界 ...
我翻到那儿的时候也诧异了。 歪得出乎意料了。
不过发现美帝人民真是闲得蛋疼操不完的心啊,经常看见他们头条是个阿富汗 苏丹 叙利亚 什么的跟他们没啥关系的。 新闻联播最后一句话的新闻他们各种头条。
集团清洁工 发表于 2013-1-25 12:08
这还真能看出媒体的厉害,去年阿三还是世界的宠儿那,今年一起强奸案经过媒体的宣颜,阿三立刻就成为全世界 ...
勇敢的米哈伊 发表于 2013-1-25 12:30
wyh_11 发表于 2013-1-25 12:49


你标题写的是“中日岛争”,下面的翻译砸连“中国”这个词都找不到几个。统 ...
你标题写的是“中日岛争”,下面的翻译砸连“中国”这个词都找不到几个。统 ...
三哥也真惨啊 连雪肤豚 都NM鄙视三哥

三哥千古奇冤 啊
集团清洁工 发表于 2013-1-25 12:32
