
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 05:33:06

Shabi1:Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:22 PM


magnus:Posted 25 December 2012 - 11:08 AM

Y-20 / C-17 / IL-76
Kooldawghd2:Posted 25 December 2012 - 05:04 PM
Looks like they combined the C-17 with the Ilyushin. Heavy lift capabilities are an important part of China's capabilities. Interesting to see if they begin branching out to commercial passenger jet production.


Tipu-786:Posted 25 December 2012 - 10:48 PM

aamirzs:Posted Yesterday, 06:28 AM
China confirms it's developing large transport aircraft
China is developing Y-20 large transport aircraft to meet its military modernization drive, a Ministry of Defense spokesman said Thursday.
"We are developing large transport aircraft on our own to improve the capability of air transport," spokesman Yang Yujun said at a monthly news briefing held days after photos of a Y-20 appeared online.
The advanced long-range carrier is being developed to serve the military modernization drive, as well as to meet demands in disaster relief work and humanitarian aid in emergency situations, he added.
The spokesman did not say when the Y-20s will be fitted out in force, only saying "the research and development of the large transport aircraft is going forward as planned."There will be a series of steps before the carriers are fitted out, "as the technology is complicated," he added.

中国证实发展大型运输机“为了满足现代化军队建设,中国正在研发大型运输机”,就在Y20照片在网上出现的几天之前, 国防部新闻发言人杨宇军在每月例行发布会说:“为了提高空中投送能力,我们正在自主研发大型运输机。” “先进远程投送平台的研发,不仅是为了服务军队现代化,同时也是为了满足抢险救灾和紧急情况的人道主义援助的需求,他补充道. 这名发言人并没有说Y-20何时装备部队,只提到”大型运输机的研发速度超过了预期.”同时他补充道:”在运输机装备之前还有很多路要走.”

Pakshah:Posted Yesterday, 06:34 AM
Quite and interesting plane design we have here.
Sure the Chinese got inspiration from other designs, but it is an indigenous design indeed.
I wonder what their indigenous passenger planes looks like. I heard of Comac.

安静,又有趣的设计在我们这里.当然中国可以从别的设计得到灵感, 但那确实是自主设计.我很好奇他们自主设计的客机(应该指C919)是什么样的.我听说过中国商用飞机有限公司(Comac).

aamirzs:Posted Yesterday, 06:45 AM
It was hardly on the level of the J-20's appearance two years ago, but the advent of the Xian J-20 transport over the Christmas holidays was nonetheless important. If nothing else, it's the third all-new Chinese military aircraft to emerge in two years, a pace of innovation unknown since the Cold War. It is also by far the largest indigenously developed Chinese aircraft.


A lot of people are pointing out that the Y-20 looks a lot like most other military jet cargo aircraft, as indeed it does, because few people so far have successfully diverted from the formula that Lockheed-Georgia used with the C-141.


The aircraft is roughly the size of the Il-76 and uses the same engines for now (Saturn D-30KPs, also imported for the H-6K bomber). It is widely predicted that the production version will have a Chinese-produced high-bypass-ratio engine. Other significant details are yet to be revealed, including the design of the landing gear and the high-lift system, which determine the aircraft's ability to use short and soft runways.

这架运输机和ll-76差不多大小,并且使用相同的发动机,( Saturn D-30KPs,也是为轰六引进的).普遍的预测是,中国将有国产高涵道比发动机的量产版.其他显著细节有待被发现,包括起落架和爬升的设计,这些设计关系到运输机使用短而软的跑道的能力.

Some see the Y-20 as the start of a family of special-purpose variants, including an all-domestic airborne early warning and control aircraft, but a large military transport - relatively heavy and draggy - is not really an optimized platform for AEW. The Soviets used the Il-76 because it was the best they had.


. So what is the strategic mission for the Y-20? The US developed large airlifters primarily for the reinforcement of Europe, secondly for long-range strategic interventions. Russia developed them (along with a family of air-droppable vehicles) because of a strong belief in the power of airborne combined-armed forces. Some nations, more recently, have acquired them for a mix of missions, ranging from armed intervention to operations other than war - non-combatant evacuations and humanitarian/disaster relief. Exactly what mission mix the PLA has in mind is yet to be revealed.


duduong 3:44 PM on 12/26/2012:Actually, there are two parallel development programs for domestic turbofan engines destined for both Y-20 and C-919.


The first is the WS18, a high bypass version of the WS10A, being developed by Shengyang Liming. It was originally due out last year, but like most other Shengyang projects, it is way behind schedule, thus necessitating the substitution of the Russian engines for now.


The second one is the mythical WS20, purported to be the high bypass version of WS15. Given that the latter is not scheduled for release until the 2015-2016 time frame, we probably won't see WS20 until the end of the decade, by which time an improved and enlarged version of the Y-20 should be ready. This "Y-20G" is rumored to match C-17 ton for ton in lifting capability.


Y20.jpg (55.1 KB, 下载次数: 5)

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2012-12-28 20:24 上传

Shabi1:Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:22 PM


magnus:Posted 25 December 2012 - 11:08 AM

Y-20 / C-17 / IL-76
Kooldawghd2:Posted 25 December 2012 - 05:04 PM
Looks like they combined the C-17 with the Ilyushin. Heavy lift capabilities are an important part of China's capabilities. Interesting to see if they begin branching out to commercial passenger jet production.


Tipu-786:Posted 25 December 2012 - 10:48 PM

6wBsE.jpg (30.39 KB, 下载次数: 5)

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2012-12-28 20:25 上传

aamirzs:Posted Yesterday, 06:28 AM
China confirms it's developing large transport aircraft
China is developing Y-20 large transport aircraft to meet its military modernization drive, a Ministry of Defense spokesman said Thursday.
"We are developing large transport aircraft on our own to improve the capability of air transport," spokesman Yang Yujun said at a monthly news briefing held days after photos of a Y-20 appeared online.
The advanced long-range carrier is being developed to serve the military modernization drive, as well as to meet demands in disaster relief work and humanitarian aid in emergency situations, he added.
The spokesman did not say when the Y-20s will be fitted out in force, only saying "the research and development of the large transport aircraft is going forward as planned."There will be a series of steps before the carriers are fitted out, "as the technology is complicated," he added.

中国证实发展大型运输机“为了满足现代化军队建设,中国正在研发大型运输机”,就在Y20照片在网上出现的几天之前, 国防部新闻发言人杨宇军在每月例行发布会说:“为了提高空中投送能力,我们正在自主研发大型运输机。” “先进远程投送平台的研发,不仅是为了服务军队现代化,同时也是为了满足抢险救灾和紧急情况的人道主义援助的需求,他补充道. 这名发言人并没有说Y-20何时装备部队,只提到”大型运输机的研发速度超过了预期.”同时他补充道:”在运输机装备之前还有很多路要走.”

Pakshah:Posted Yesterday, 06:34 AM
Quite and interesting plane design we have here.
Sure the Chinese got inspiration from other designs, but it is an indigenous design indeed.
I wonder what their indigenous passenger planes looks like. I heard of Comac.

安静,又有趣的设计在我们这里.当然中国可以从别的设计得到灵感, 但那确实是自主设计.我很好奇他们自主设计的客机(应该指C919)是什么样的.我听说过中国商用飞机有限公司(Comac).

aamirzs:Posted Yesterday, 06:45 AM
It was hardly on the level of the J-20's appearance two years ago, but the advent of the Xian J-20 transport over the Christmas holidays was nonetheless important. If nothing else, it's the third all-new Chinese military aircraft to emerge in two years, a pace of innovation unknown since the Cold War. It is also by far the largest indigenously developed Chinese aircraft.


A lot of people are pointing out that the Y-20 looks a lot like most other military jet cargo aircraft, as indeed it does, because few people so far have successfully diverted from the formula that Lockheed-Georgia used with the C-141.


The aircraft is roughly the size of the Il-76 and uses the same engines for now (Saturn D-30KPs, also imported for the H-6K bomber). It is widely predicted that the production version will have a Chinese-produced high-bypass-ratio engine. Other significant details are yet to be revealed, including the design of the landing gear and the high-lift system, which determine the aircraft's ability to use short and soft runways.

这架运输机和ll-76差不多大小,并且使用相同的发动机,( Saturn D-30KPs,也是为轰六引进的).普遍的预测是,中国将有国产高涵道比发动机的量产版.其他显著细节有待被发现,包括起落架和爬升的设计,这些设计关系到运输机使用短而软的跑道的能力.

Some see the Y-20 as the start of a family of special-purpose variants, including an all-domestic airborne early warning and control aircraft, but a large military transport - relatively heavy and draggy - is not really an optimized platform for AEW. The Soviets used the Il-76 because it was the best they had.


. So what is the strategic mission for the Y-20? The US developed large airlifters primarily for the reinforcement of Europe, secondly for long-range strategic interventions. Russia developed them (along with a family of air-droppable vehicles) because of a strong belief in the power of airborne combined-armed forces. Some nations, more recently, have acquired them for a mix of missions, ranging from armed intervention to operations other than war - non-combatant evacuations and humanitarian/disaster relief. Exactly what mission mix the PLA has in mind is yet to be revealed.


duduong 3:44 PM on 12/26/2012:Actually, there are two parallel development programs for domestic turbofan engines destined for both Y-20 and C-919.


The first is the WS18, a high bypass version of the WS10A, being developed by Shengyang Liming. It was originally due out last year, but like most other Shengyang projects, it is way behind schedule, thus necessitating the substitution of the Russian engines for now.


The second one is the mythical WS20, purported to be the high bypass version of WS15. Given that the latter is not scheduled for release until the 2015-2016 time frame, we probably won't see WS20 until the end of the decade, by which time an improved and enlarged version of the Y-20 should be ready. This "Y-20G" is rumored to match C-17 ton for ton in lifting capability.

不能对畜牲好 发表于 2012-12-28 20:32
这配图哪来的?经常会在国外的网站上看到在国内没看到的图,特别是近距离拍的图,总能看到以前没看到 ...
yummism_china 发表于 2012-12-28 20:31
支持楼主 该死的逆光~~~还要感谢山大大~~~
yummism_china 发表于 2012-12-28 20:31
中国龙爪 发表于 2012-12-28 21:02
Tschuess 发表于 2012-12-28 21:55
小僧法号乱来 发表于 2012-12-28 22:44
JJ是C17不假 貌似是在C17到土鳖家卸货的时候拍的
雨衣 发表于 2012-12-28 21:06
不能对畜牲好 发表于 2012-12-28 20:32
这配图哪来的?经常会在国外的网站上看到在国内没看到的图,特别是近距离拍的图,总能看到以前没看到 ...
yummism_china 发表于 2012-12-28 22:04
摄友约克 发表于 2012-12-29 00:16
微博上某加V的人乘灰机时,看到了MD的C17,好象当时正好MD总统访华,于是拍了下来,然后发上微博,问大家 ...
wshdyyyy 发表于 2012-12-29 00:16
guanxin5269 发表于 2012-12-29 02:59