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【红剑出鞘】北京(终于)直面反潜顽疾龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
Beijing Confronts Long-Standing Weakness in ASW
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com


07-04-2012        #1  
Jeff Head
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Join Date Sep 2005
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【红剑注,姐夫头头,此网友至少5,60几岁了,美国海军退伍老兵,优秀的CG制图者,中国网络上传开的瓦良格航母高清CG透视图的原始作者;优秀的模型制作者;类似于汤姆·克兰西一样的正在架空YY军事小说创造的道路上越陷越深的业余作家,著有描述美国与西方联合起来对抗中国和阿拉子民的进攻的YY小说 DRAGON'S FURY 龙之怒,并且已经以此盈利无数,有自己的专业军事资料网站——        www.jeffhead.com         手里关于中国人民解放军的完备资料也许会让“中国男人某某某”都流冷汗。

Mr. Head is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and a member of the U.S. Naval Institute. He worked as a designer, manager, director, and consultant for over twenty-five years in the defense, nuclear power, and computer industries where he was involved in various engineering, support, and management capacities. Projects he has been involed with have included the A-7 attack aircraft program, the MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) program, the San Onofre Nuclear Power Project, the South Texas Nuclear Power Project, and the Theater High Altitude Air Defense System (THAADS).

头头先生是一个“美国革命之子”美国爱国主义教育基地成员和美国海军研究所成员。他在防务,核能,电脑工业以设计者,经理,主管和顾问的身份在多项工程,支持和管理岗位上工作了25年。参与了如下工程:A-7攻击机项目,(Multiple Launch Rocket System) MLRS 项目,San Onofre 核能项目,南得克萨斯州核能项目,Theater High Altitude Air Defense System  战区高空空防系统 (THAADS) 项目。

详见 http://www.jeffhead.com/about.htm】

引用 Intelligence Quarterly 《情报季刊》 文章:Beijing Confronts Long-Standing Weakness in ASW 北京(终于)直面反潜顽疾




Observers of China’s naval development generally accept that Chinese anti-submarine warfare (ASW) remains an Achilles’ Heel of the otherwise highly methodical and quite remarkable evolution of Chinese maritime power. While Beijing will soon be able to boast about its first aircraft carrier and continues to upgrade an already respectable array of lethal anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), the Chinese fleet nevertheless remains acutely vulnerable to submarine attack. The July 2011 issue ofXiandai Jianchuan [Modern Ships] ran under the cover story of “The ASW Crisis of China’s Aircraft Carrier,” suggesting Chinese naval analysts appreciate this weakness. Moreover, a Chinese Navy captain writing in the same journal demonstrated the PLA Navy’s concern with the U.S. Navy submarine force when he described the deployment of one of America’s newest nuclear attack submarines to the western Pacific as an “event of no small significance” for the regional security situation.

观察中国海军发展的观察家们基本上公认——对于高度有条不紊的超然进化的中国海上力量来说,Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)反潜作战能力,就是其长堤蚁穴,墙根松砖和木桶短板。【中国翻译,就是不用“阿基里斯之踝”这种六个字的拗口舶来品,怎么着?】当北京即将耀武扬威地推出它的第一艘航母并继续在业已致命的 Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCM) 反舰巡航导弹 的征途上越走越远时,中国舰队依然深深受到潜艇的威胁。2011年7月的《现代舰船》封面故事——“中国航母的反潜危机” 透露出中国海军分析人士也认同这个缺陷。此外,一位中国海军 舰长(或者上校?captain)在同期杂志中的撰文提到美国最新型核攻击潜艇在西太平洋的部署是对于地区安全“不可忽视的一件事情”,展示了解放军海军对于美国海军潜艇力量的担忧。

Symbolic of China’s major weakness in ASW, Beijing seems to have less than a dozen maritime patrol aircraft (MPA)—the ASW workhorse of most advanced navies. No wonder the submarine market in East and South Asia has been so dynamic over the last decade, as smaller neighbors, such as Vietnam, and other regional competitors, such as Australia, reach for an answer to China’s naval buildup. Based on recent Chinese naval writings, Chinese defense analysts are quite concerned about the challenge foreign submarines may pose to Chinese maritime interests and ambitions. Indeed, available evidence suggests China is laying the foundation for a considerably more advanced ASW capability that could emerge one or two decades hence.

中国反潜实力的标志性缺陷——北京手里只有少于一打的 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) 海事巡逻机——大多数先进海军国家的反潜作战的生力军。当小一点的邻居,如越南,或者区域竞争对手,如澳大利亚,皆上下求索于解答中国海军扩张的难题时,难怪东亚和东南亚最近十年的潜艇市场异常火爆。基于近期中国海军的文章,中国防务分析家们对于外国潜艇对中国海事利益和野心的挑战,相当忧心。是的,有证据证明中国正在为未来10到20年的更加先进的反潜作战能力埋下伏笔。


Among many other items in this article, they talk about a PLAN "<i>qianshe fanqian daodan</i>" rocket launched ASW weapon for the Song Class SS vessels.


I am not aware of the specs for this weapon, but apparently there is something for the subs which would beg the question as to whether the PLAN have developed a surface vessel launched version.


The reference for the discussion regarding that weapon is this:

Chen Guangwen, “Bu sheng zhuo ying: zhongguo haijun fanqian zhanli de fazhan” [Catching a Sound to Seize a Shadow: Development of China's ASW Combat Power] Jianzai wuqi [Shipborne Weapons], December 2010, p. 25

Which I have not been able to obtain and read in English yet. Anyone familiar with it? Franko-Russe, Tphuang, etc?
我还没有找到英文版(的消息)。有人熟悉吗?Franko-Russe, Tphuang,?(叫了几个考据党网友的名字)


07-04-2012        #2
asif iqbal        (中巴友好的苏格兰人)
Junior Member Join Date Apr 2006
Location Scotland
Posts 900

nice find Jeff, just one question, where is that picture taken, a Z9C with a Tico in the background? what was going on there

I always said the best way to fight submarine is to deploy your own killer attack submarine, everything else is just a aid

amd i think some people need to give China just a little bit of time, let them grow for heavens sake

anyhow MPA is in the works we have already seen the pics

Z15 medium lift helo is in the works which will bring advantage over Z9C

towed array sonars are also now evident but i am not sure about bigger and more advanced hull based sonars?

current Type 056 dont have hangers but may do in the future, even if they do they will only manage a Z9C sized helo, how they are geared for ASW i am not quite sure, have we seen TAS on them? they wont hold much of a hull based sonar because of their size, plus they will be used for close shore patrol not as escorts


when ex-Varyag is deployed hopefully it will have a carrier based AWACS, along with ASW Z8 air wing, in addition to Type 052C, Type 054A and a Type 095 SSN, what more anti-submarine warfare do they want?
当 前瓦良格 部署时希望她有舰载(Airborn Warning And Control System, AWACS)预警机,跟反潜 Z8 机群一起,以及052C, 054A 和 095 SSN 攻击核潜艇一起,反潜战能力还想要怎样啊?

i think the situtaion is far from ideal but not that critical, with long range armed Maritime patrol aircraft under development the situation will soon change


theres only one thing i think is of concern, lack of helos for the Navy, we will soon have more new ships than helos in PLAN, that is something they really need to addresss


I think China should put on high priority the development of a NH-90 or Merlin sized helo designed specifically for the Navy, then deploying them in large numbers

我认为中国应该把研发 NH-90 或 Merlin 大小的海军专用直升机当作重点,然后大量部署。


07-04-2012        #3  
Senior Member Join Date Jul 2010
Posts 1,224


“我认为中国应该把研发 NH-90 或 Merlin 大小的海军专用直升机当作重点,然后大量部署。”
If only they can domestically manufacture turbine engines of the same class and grade, with similar performance ratings, but they still unable to do so; in terms of helicopter models China has a class gap between the Z-9 and Z-8 (which those like the NH-90 or SH-60 would fit in): Z-9 is too small for an effective payload whereas Z-8 is too big for most PLAN surface combatants.

只要他们能自主生产同样级别和做工,相似的效能的涡轮引擎,但是他们现在依然不行;就直升机系列来说中国在 Z-9 和 Z-8 之间还缺少一个机型(跟 NH-90 或 SH-60一样就行):Z9太小没有足够运载量而 Z-8 又太大,大多海军水面作战舰只搭载不下。


07-04-2012        #4  
Senior Member Join Date Oct 2007
Posts 1,742

Is anyone able to find the reference section? Cannot seem to locate it for some reason...



07-04-2012        #5
New Member  Join Date Jul 2012
Posts 1


(Hi everyone.)

You can find the reference section at the end of the original article, which appeared in the Jamestown Foundation's China Brief July 29 2011 issue; (available & googlable online).


你们能从原文最后找到参考资料引用,Jamestown Foundation's China Brief 詹姆斯敦基金中国概况 2011年7月29日发布。(谷歌能找到)


07-05-2012        #6  
Member  Join Date Mar 2009
Posts 335


Why has the PLAN neglected ASW? Submarines are nothing new to East Asia. I guess helicopters are in very short supply, but there's no excuse for having so few maritime patrol aircraft and submarine chasing patrol boats.



07-05-2012        #7  
Senior Member


Well, I think the article Jeff linked does a fairly good analysis of the historical and practical reasons for this, with the most important factors being:

- The vast gulf in capabilities between the PLA and potential adversaries until as late as a few years ago. It is only in the last 5 or so years that the PLAAF has grown strong enough to have a realistic chance of holding off enemy air power far enough out, and for long enough to allow things like AWACS and MPAs to operate with any degree of security. As the article pointed out, what is the point in investing vast sums and resources in a large MPA fleet if said fleet will get shot down as soon as they tried to do their job?

- 解放军与其潜在敌人之间直到最近几年才(能现实面对的)实力的鸿沟。直到最近5年或者左右的时间,解放军空军才具有了把敌人的空中势力阻挡在足够远的范围以外的实力,从而可以能使自己的预警与反潜机能在这个区域内相对安全的运作。就像文章指出的,如果将大把的精力和资源投入到庞大的反潜机部队,而此部队一出门就会被击落,那又有何意义呢?

- The PLAN puts a great deal of emphasis on creative mine warfare, and they may well see that as sufficient to reducing enemy sub operations to a manageable level.

- 解放军海军在创意性的水雷战上相当重视,而且他们很认为以此可以把敌人潜艇的活动限制到一个可以勉强接受的程度。

- The new evidence brought up by that article suggests that the PLAN may well have been following the odd adage that the best hunter of a sub is another sub.

- 文章提出最新的证据暗示解放军可能遵从那句著名的谚语:最好的反潜手段就是另一艘潜艇。(最好的反XX手段就是另一个XX)

I feel that the article does not examine this aspect in as much detail as maybe it should. This may well be because they were looking at it from a US stand point instead of truly putting themselves in China's shoes.


If a major conflict does break out, and the only likely example would be Taiwan, the PLAN would have a very specific mission in a relatively small area.


In addition, it needs to be stressed that for China, even today, it's best defense against attack from a superior force like the USN is the economic co-dependancy between America and China. If hostilities does break out, it will be in everyone's interest to try and keep it as localized, contained and short-lived as possible.


This means that initially at least, the Americans would not be looking at trying to cut off China's Sea Lines of Communication (SLC) by attacking merchant shipping, especially since the majority of that shipping will carrying manufactured goods destined for American and European shops, or the raw materials to make said goods.

这就意味着至少在最初期,美国不会想要掐断中国的 Sea Lines of Communication (SLC 或者SLOC) 海上交通线而攻击商船,尤其是当这些商船载着前往美国和欧洲的制造业商品或者制造这些商品的原材料的时候。

The PLAN has no hope of keeping China's sea lines open if the USN really wants to cut them off, so they don't even try to develop that capacity and instead make it such that America will be hurting itself as much as China if it went down that road.


Thus, the PLAN's ASW burden is massively reduced to where it only needs to be able to keep a relatively small section of the Chinese coast, namely the Taiwan Straits and it's immediate surrounding waters, free from enemy subs.


In this context, the PLAN's preferred tactic of mine warfare and using it's large SSK fleet as mobile screens to lay and wait would have a far greater chance of success.

在这个背景下,解放军海军所善于的水雷战和其庞大的 SSK 柴电潜艇舰队做为活动水下扫描能力,坐等敌军入阵,要具有更大的成功性可能。

The PLAN's subs were never intended to out to sweep all enemy subs away like their USN counterparts. As far as they are concerned, USN subs can go anywhere they like and do whatever they liked so long as they do not enter the Taiwan straits to threaten the PLA landing forces.


Something else to consider is that until the last decade or so, the PLAN actually did not really have many surface combatants worth sinking. Especially in the context of them operating in a heavily defended small stretch of water.


When the PLAN only have Jianweis and the few Luhus, I think they would have happily traded one or more of those for a USN LA/Virgina or Seawolf. As such, all the PLAN would need to do is set up a perimeter patrolled by their SSKs, use lots of small landing craft so none would make for a good target and escort them with Jianweis and Luhus to provide point defense against shore based AShMs.

当解放军海军只有少数的江卫级和旅沪级的时候,我想他们会很乐于以一艘或者多艘损失比来交换美国一艘洛杉矶 / 弗吉尼亚级 或海狼级潜艇。如此,解放军海军所需要做的就是建立一个由柴电潜巡航构筑的防线,因为用小型登陆舰只所以没有一个值得攻击,再用江卫旅沪们护航提供对抗岸基 AShMs Anti-Ship Missiles 反舰导弹的点防御。

Even if an enemy SSN does manage to slip past the SSK sentries, as soon as it opens fire it will expose it's position and be effectively bottled in and have very little chance of getting out again alive. Would a USN sub skipper give the order to sink one or two ships, when he knows it won't matter one bit on the grand scheme of things, and that doing so would almost certainly mean he and his ship gets sunk in return? There would be no doubt if this was an invasion fleet heading for America, but would he do it for Taiwan? I have my doubts. But the point is, even if he does fire, the trade off still favours the PLAN.

即使敌人 SSN 攻击核潜艇真的成功穿透这层 SSK 柴电潜艇哨兵,一旦其开火就会暴露自己的位置而被有效包围猎歼从而很难有成功活着逃脱的机会。当美国潜艇舰长击沉一两艘舰船而他自己知道对于大局来说完全于事无补,而为此却几乎肯定要付出自己被击沉的代价时,他会发出这么做的命令吗?他们毫无疑问会这么做如果这是一支入侵美国的舰队,但是他们会为台湾这么做吗?我有疑虑。但是重点是,即使他真的开火,损失比也是极其有利于解放军。

Now, that might seem cruel and callouss, and you would be right. But that is the price of fighting a technologically superior foe. That is something America has not had to do since WWII, and I really don't think Americans today can easily get into that mindset and think that way and make those kind of calls.


It is only recently, now that tensions with Taiwan has receded and the PLA is confident that they could take the island no matter what, that the PLAN has started to set it's sights beyond Taiwan. That is the main driving force behind the recent massive build up of it's surface fleet, the acquisition of LPDs and carriers and possible LHDs, and it is only with this extended scope that the PLAN is looking at ASW anew.


However, it should still be stressed that it is important to look at this build up in terms of what the PLAN plans to do with it's new fleet and who it is aimed at.


The hawks, defense contracts and military in America automatically assumes that the build up is aimed at challenging America, or tries to make it seem that way as a means to drum up a threat to justify America's frankly ridiculously over-sized defense budget. But they would be wrong.


The PLAN will not be in a position to challenge the USN for supremacy of the oceans for decades to come if ever, because China does not see the justification for such massive spending on the military. Even when China's GDP is the same as America's China's defense spending will still be smaller because China spends about half as much in terms of GDP as America on defense, and I do not see that as changing much any time soon.

解放军海军于数十年内甚至永远将无法处于挑战美国海军大洋优势的位置上,因为中国不会认为像那种【美国那种】军事开销有正当理由。即使当中国的 GDP 与美国一样的时候中国的国防开支也依然会少得多。因为中国按 GDP 百分比国防开支只有美国一半,而且我不认为短期内会改变。

China's new fleet is aimed at protecting China's interest in South East Asia and Africa. If the PLAN ever uses it's fleet in anger, it will be to protect Chinese interests on Africa, or to slap down land grabs in the South China Sea like the PLAN has done before. Against those kinds of foes, the PLAN's current and projected ASW assets are just about passable. It is still an area that needs major investment, and the PLAN does recognize this, and seems to be doing the right things to address this deficiency. But in the context of the kinds of foes the PLAN might realistically face, it's ASW is not as quite as inadequate as it would seem at first glance.



07-05-2012        #8  
The Capitalist
Join Date Aug 2005 Location Bristol UK
Posts 1,383


It looks a s though Plawolf has largely shot my fox on this one.

I still see China as a land power first and a maritime power only in the long term. Clearly the main maritime phase of China's military modernisation is only just starting to get going and the PLAN is nowhere near being realistically capable of going head to head against the USN far beyond territorial waters.


In that sense, spending money on something expensive like capable ASW systems would be premature and diverting resources away from where they can be better spent.
As others have noted, ASW is a capability to develop for the coming decades, once a navy is in place that warrants the protection.



07-05-2012        #9
asif iqbal
Junior Member

i think a point is also being missed here


no doubt all this is for war, but like in the Cold War, world Navys do tit for tat all the time, they always play cat and mouse with each other and through these games in peacetime you make or break respect for ones opponents


China will very soon find itself playing these games with its foes and friends, and when it does it has to be prepared to make a impact, otherwise its drawsbacks and weaknesses will be descovered and that is something China cant afford


the last thing you want is to be building up ur capability and then when it comes to test time you are let down, US and China will never go to war, but Cold War style engagments will be something of teh future and China needs to be prepared for it

你最不希望见到的事情是你辛苦建设起来的能力到了要用时经受不住考验,美国与中国永远不会步入战争,但是冷战式样的 engagement 接触 将是必然,而中国最好能有所准备。


【红剑出鞘】北京(终于)直面反潜顽疾龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
Beijing Confronts Long-Standing Weakness in ASW
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com


07-04-2012        #1  
Jeff Head
Senior Member
Join Date Sep 2005
Location Idaho - Beautiful Rocky Mountains
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【红剑注,姐夫头头,此网友至少5,60几岁了,美国海军退伍老兵,优秀的CG制图者,中国网络上传开的瓦良格航母高清CG透视图的原始作者;优秀的模型制作者;类似于汤姆·克兰西一样的正在架空YY军事小说创造的道路上越陷越深的业余作家,著有描述美国与西方联合起来对抗中国和阿拉子民的进攻的YY小说 DRAGON'S FURY 龙之怒,并且已经以此盈利无数,有自己的专业军事资料网站——        www.jeffhead.com         手里关于中国人民解放军的完备资料也许会让“中国男人某某某”都流冷汗。

Mr. Head is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and a member of the U.S. Naval Institute. He worked as a designer, manager, director, and consultant for over twenty-five years in the defense, nuclear power, and computer industries where he was involved in various engineering, support, and management capacities. Projects he has been involed with have included the A-7 attack aircraft program, the MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) program, the San Onofre Nuclear Power Project, the South Texas Nuclear Power Project, and the Theater High Altitude Air Defense System (THAADS).

头头先生是一个“美国革命之子”美国爱国主义教育基地成员和美国海军研究所成员。他在防务,核能,电脑工业以设计者,经理,主管和顾问的身份在多项工程,支持和管理岗位上工作了25年。参与了如下工程:A-7攻击机项目,(Multiple Launch Rocket System) MLRS 项目,San Onofre 核能项目,南得克萨斯州核能项目,Theater High Altitude Air Defense System  战区高空空防系统 (THAADS) 项目。

详见 http://www.jeffhead.com/about.htm】

引用 Intelligence Quarterly 《情报季刊》 文章:Beijing Confronts Long-Standing Weakness in ASW 北京(终于)直面反潜顽疾




Observers of China’s naval development generally accept that Chinese anti-submarine warfare (ASW) remains an Achilles’ Heel of the otherwise highly methodical and quite remarkable evolution of Chinese maritime power. While Beijing will soon be able to boast about its first aircraft carrier and continues to upgrade an already respectable array of lethal anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), the Chinese fleet nevertheless remains acutely vulnerable to submarine attack. The July 2011 issue ofXiandai Jianchuan [Modern Ships] ran under the cover story of “The ASW Crisis of China’s Aircraft Carrier,” suggesting Chinese naval analysts appreciate this weakness. Moreover, a Chinese Navy captain writing in the same journal demonstrated the PLA Navy’s concern with the U.S. Navy submarine force when he described the deployment of one of America’s newest nuclear attack submarines to the western Pacific as an “event of no small significance” for the regional security situation.

观察中国海军发展的观察家们基本上公认——对于高度有条不紊的超然进化的中国海上力量来说,Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)反潜作战能力,就是其长堤蚁穴,墙根松砖和木桶短板。【中国翻译,就是不用“阿基里斯之踝”这种六个字的拗口舶来品,怎么着?】当北京即将耀武扬威地推出它的第一艘航母并继续在业已致命的 Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCM) 反舰巡航导弹 的征途上越走越远时,中国舰队依然深深受到潜艇的威胁。2011年7月的《现代舰船》封面故事——“中国航母的反潜危机” 透露出中国海军分析人士也认同这个缺陷。此外,一位中国海军 舰长(或者上校?captain)在同期杂志中的撰文提到美国最新型核攻击潜艇在西太平洋的部署是对于地区安全“不可忽视的一件事情”,展示了解放军海军对于美国海军潜艇力量的担忧。

Symbolic of China’s major weakness in ASW, Beijing seems to have less than a dozen maritime patrol aircraft (MPA)—the ASW workhorse of most advanced navies. No wonder the submarine market in East and South Asia has been so dynamic over the last decade, as smaller neighbors, such as Vietnam, and other regional competitors, such as Australia, reach for an answer to China’s naval buildup. Based on recent Chinese naval writings, Chinese defense analysts are quite concerned about the challenge foreign submarines may pose to Chinese maritime interests and ambitions. Indeed, available evidence suggests China is laying the foundation for a considerably more advanced ASW capability that could emerge one or two decades hence.

中国反潜实力的标志性缺陷——北京手里只有少于一打的 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) 海事巡逻机——大多数先进海军国家的反潜作战的生力军。当小一点的邻居,如越南,或者区域竞争对手,如澳大利亚,皆上下求索于解答中国海军扩张的难题时,难怪东亚和东南亚最近十年的潜艇市场异常火爆。基于近期中国海军的文章,中国防务分析家们对于外国潜艇对中国海事利益和野心的挑战,相当忧心。是的,有证据证明中国正在为未来10到20年的更加先进的反潜作战能力埋下伏笔。


Among many other items in this article, they talk about a PLAN "<i>qianshe fanqian daodan</i>" rocket launched ASW weapon for the Song Class SS vessels.


I am not aware of the specs for this weapon, but apparently there is something for the subs which would beg the question as to whether the PLAN have developed a surface vessel launched version.


The reference for the discussion regarding that weapon is this:

Chen Guangwen, “Bu sheng zhuo ying: zhongguo haijun fanqian zhanli de fazhan” [Catching a Sound to Seize a Shadow: Development of China's ASW Combat Power] Jianzai wuqi [Shipborne Weapons], December 2010, p. 25

Which I have not been able to obtain and read in English yet. Anyone familiar with it? Franko-Russe, Tphuang, etc?
我还没有找到英文版(的消息)。有人熟悉吗?Franko-Russe, Tphuang,?(叫了几个考据党网友的名字)


07-04-2012        #2
asif iqbal        (中巴友好的苏格兰人)
Junior Member Join Date Apr 2006
Location Scotland
Posts 900

nice find Jeff, just one question, where is that picture taken, a Z9C with a Tico in the background? what was going on there

I always said the best way to fight submarine is to deploy your own killer attack submarine, everything else is just a aid

amd i think some people need to give China just a little bit of time, let them grow for heavens sake

anyhow MPA is in the works we have already seen the pics

Z15 medium lift helo is in the works which will bring advantage over Z9C

towed array sonars are also now evident but i am not sure about bigger and more advanced hull based sonars?

current Type 056 dont have hangers but may do in the future, even if they do they will only manage a Z9C sized helo, how they are geared for ASW i am not quite sure, have we seen TAS on them? they wont hold much of a hull based sonar because of their size, plus they will be used for close shore patrol not as escorts


when ex-Varyag is deployed hopefully it will have a carrier based AWACS, along with ASW Z8 air wing, in addition to Type 052C, Type 054A and a Type 095 SSN, what more anti-submarine warfare do they want?
当 前瓦良格 部署时希望她有舰载(Airborn Warning And Control System, AWACS)预警机,跟反潜 Z8 机群一起,以及052C, 054A 和 095 SSN 攻击核潜艇一起,反潜战能力还想要怎样啊?

i think the situtaion is far from ideal but not that critical, with long range armed Maritime patrol aircraft under development the situation will soon change


theres only one thing i think is of concern, lack of helos for the Navy, we will soon have more new ships than helos in PLAN, that is something they really need to addresss


I think China should put on high priority the development of a NH-90 or Merlin sized helo designed specifically for the Navy, then deploying them in large numbers

我认为中国应该把研发 NH-90 或 Merlin 大小的海军专用直升机当作重点,然后大量部署。


07-04-2012        #3  
Senior Member Join Date Jul 2010
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“我认为中国应该把研发 NH-90 或 Merlin 大小的海军专用直升机当作重点,然后大量部署。”
If only they can domestically manufacture turbine engines of the same class and grade, with similar performance ratings, but they still unable to do so; in terms of helicopter models China has a class gap between the Z-9 and Z-8 (which those like the NH-90 or SH-60 would fit in): Z-9 is too small for an effective payload whereas Z-8 is too big for most PLAN surface combatants.

只要他们能自主生产同样级别和做工,相似的效能的涡轮引擎,但是他们现在依然不行;就直升机系列来说中国在 Z-9 和 Z-8 之间还缺少一个机型(跟 NH-90 或 SH-60一样就行):Z9太小没有足够运载量而 Z-8 又太大,大多海军水面作战舰只搭载不下。


07-04-2012        #4  
Senior Member Join Date Oct 2007
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Is anyone able to find the reference section? Cannot seem to locate it for some reason...



07-04-2012        #5
New Member  Join Date Jul 2012
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(Hi everyone.)

You can find the reference section at the end of the original article, which appeared in the Jamestown Foundation's China Brief July 29 2011 issue; (available & googlable online).


你们能从原文最后找到参考资料引用,Jamestown Foundation's China Brief 詹姆斯敦基金中国概况 2011年7月29日发布。(谷歌能找到)


07-05-2012        #6  
Member  Join Date Mar 2009
Posts 335


Why has the PLAN neglected ASW? Submarines are nothing new to East Asia. I guess helicopters are in very short supply, but there's no excuse for having so few maritime patrol aircraft and submarine chasing patrol boats.



07-05-2012        #7  
Senior Member


Well, I think the article Jeff linked does a fairly good analysis of the historical and practical reasons for this, with the most important factors being:

- The vast gulf in capabilities between the PLA and potential adversaries until as late as a few years ago. It is only in the last 5 or so years that the PLAAF has grown strong enough to have a realistic chance of holding off enemy air power far enough out, and for long enough to allow things like AWACS and MPAs to operate with any degree of security. As the article pointed out, what is the point in investing vast sums and resources in a large MPA fleet if said fleet will get shot down as soon as they tried to do their job?

- 解放军与其潜在敌人之间直到最近几年才(能现实面对的)实力的鸿沟。直到最近5年或者左右的时间,解放军空军才具有了把敌人的空中势力阻挡在足够远的范围以外的实力,从而可以能使自己的预警与反潜机能在这个区域内相对安全的运作。就像文章指出的,如果将大把的精力和资源投入到庞大的反潜机部队,而此部队一出门就会被击落,那又有何意义呢?

- The PLAN puts a great deal of emphasis on creative mine warfare, and they may well see that as sufficient to reducing enemy sub operations to a manageable level.

- 解放军海军在创意性的水雷战上相当重视,而且他们很认为以此可以把敌人潜艇的活动限制到一个可以勉强接受的程度。

- The new evidence brought up by that article suggests that the PLAN may well have been following the odd adage that the best hunter of a sub is another sub.

- 文章提出最新的证据暗示解放军可能遵从那句著名的谚语:最好的反潜手段就是另一艘潜艇。(最好的反XX手段就是另一个XX)

I feel that the article does not examine this aspect in as much detail as maybe it should. This may well be because they were looking at it from a US stand point instead of truly putting themselves in China's shoes.


If a major conflict does break out, and the only likely example would be Taiwan, the PLAN would have a very specific mission in a relatively small area.


In addition, it needs to be stressed that for China, even today, it's best defense against attack from a superior force like the USN is the economic co-dependancy between America and China. If hostilities does break out, it will be in everyone's interest to try and keep it as localized, contained and short-lived as possible.


This means that initially at least, the Americans would not be looking at trying to cut off China's Sea Lines of Communication (SLC) by attacking merchant shipping, especially since the majority of that shipping will carrying manufactured goods destined for American and European shops, or the raw materials to make said goods.

这就意味着至少在最初期,美国不会想要掐断中国的 Sea Lines of Communication (SLC 或者SLOC) 海上交通线而攻击商船,尤其是当这些商船载着前往美国和欧洲的制造业商品或者制造这些商品的原材料的时候。

The PLAN has no hope of keeping China's sea lines open if the USN really wants to cut them off, so they don't even try to develop that capacity and instead make it such that America will be hurting itself as much as China if it went down that road.


Thus, the PLAN's ASW burden is massively reduced to where it only needs to be able to keep a relatively small section of the Chinese coast, namely the Taiwan Straits and it's immediate surrounding waters, free from enemy subs.


In this context, the PLAN's preferred tactic of mine warfare and using it's large SSK fleet as mobile screens to lay and wait would have a far greater chance of success.

在这个背景下,解放军海军所善于的水雷战和其庞大的 SSK 柴电潜艇舰队做为活动水下扫描能力,坐等敌军入阵,要具有更大的成功性可能。

The PLAN's subs were never intended to out to sweep all enemy subs away like their USN counterparts. As far as they are concerned, USN subs can go anywhere they like and do whatever they liked so long as they do not enter the Taiwan straits to threaten the PLA landing forces.


Something else to consider is that until the last decade or so, the PLAN actually did not really have many surface combatants worth sinking. Especially in the context of them operating in a heavily defended small stretch of water.


When the PLAN only have Jianweis and the few Luhus, I think they would have happily traded one or more of those for a USN LA/Virgina or Seawolf. As such, all the PLAN would need to do is set up a perimeter patrolled by their SSKs, use lots of small landing craft so none would make for a good target and escort them with Jianweis and Luhus to provide point defense against shore based AShMs.

当解放军海军只有少数的江卫级和旅沪级的时候,我想他们会很乐于以一艘或者多艘损失比来交换美国一艘洛杉矶 / 弗吉尼亚级 或海狼级潜艇。如此,解放军海军所需要做的就是建立一个由柴电潜巡航构筑的防线,因为用小型登陆舰只所以没有一个值得攻击,再用江卫旅沪们护航提供对抗岸基 AShMs Anti-Ship Missiles 反舰导弹的点防御。

Even if an enemy SSN does manage to slip past the SSK sentries, as soon as it opens fire it will expose it's position and be effectively bottled in and have very little chance of getting out again alive. Would a USN sub skipper give the order to sink one or two ships, when he knows it won't matter one bit on the grand scheme of things, and that doing so would almost certainly mean he and his ship gets sunk in return? There would be no doubt if this was an invasion fleet heading for America, but would he do it for Taiwan? I have my doubts. But the point is, even if he does fire, the trade off still favours the PLAN.

即使敌人 SSN 攻击核潜艇真的成功穿透这层 SSK 柴电潜艇哨兵,一旦其开火就会暴露自己的位置而被有效包围猎歼从而很难有成功活着逃脱的机会。当美国潜艇舰长击沉一两艘舰船而他自己知道对于大局来说完全于事无补,而为此却几乎肯定要付出自己被击沉的代价时,他会发出这么做的命令吗?他们毫无疑问会这么做如果这是一支入侵美国的舰队,但是他们会为台湾这么做吗?我有疑虑。但是重点是,即使他真的开火,损失比也是极其有利于解放军。

Now, that might seem cruel and callouss, and you would be right. But that is the price of fighting a technologically superior foe. That is something America has not had to do since WWII, and I really don't think Americans today can easily get into that mindset and think that way and make those kind of calls.


It is only recently, now that tensions with Taiwan has receded and the PLA is confident that they could take the island no matter what, that the PLAN has started to set it's sights beyond Taiwan. That is the main driving force behind the recent massive build up of it's surface fleet, the acquisition of LPDs and carriers and possible LHDs, and it is only with this extended scope that the PLAN is looking at ASW anew.


However, it should still be stressed that it is important to look at this build up in terms of what the PLAN plans to do with it's new fleet and who it is aimed at.


The hawks, defense contracts and military in America automatically assumes that the build up is aimed at challenging America, or tries to make it seem that way as a means to drum up a threat to justify America's frankly ridiculously over-sized defense budget. But they would be wrong.


The PLAN will not be in a position to challenge the USN for supremacy of the oceans for decades to come if ever, because China does not see the justification for such massive spending on the military. Even when China's GDP is the same as America's China's defense spending will still be smaller because China spends about half as much in terms of GDP as America on defense, and I do not see that as changing much any time soon.

解放军海军于数十年内甚至永远将无法处于挑战美国海军大洋优势的位置上,因为中国不会认为像那种【美国那种】军事开销有正当理由。即使当中国的 GDP 与美国一样的时候中国的国防开支也依然会少得多。因为中国按 GDP 百分比国防开支只有美国一半,而且我不认为短期内会改变。

China's new fleet is aimed at protecting China's interest in South East Asia and Africa. If the PLAN ever uses it's fleet in anger, it will be to protect Chinese interests on Africa, or to slap down land grabs in the South China Sea like the PLAN has done before. Against those kinds of foes, the PLAN's current and projected ASW assets are just about passable. It is still an area that needs major investment, and the PLAN does recognize this, and seems to be doing the right things to address this deficiency. But in the context of the kinds of foes the PLAN might realistically face, it's ASW is not as quite as inadequate as it would seem at first glance.



07-05-2012        #8  
The Capitalist
Join Date Aug 2005 Location Bristol UK
Posts 1,383


It looks a s though Plawolf has largely shot my fox on this one.

I still see China as a land power first and a maritime power only in the long term. Clearly the main maritime phase of China's military modernisation is only just starting to get going and the PLAN is nowhere near being realistically capable of going head to head against the USN far beyond territorial waters.


In that sense, spending money on something expensive like capable ASW systems would be premature and diverting resources away from where they can be better spent.
As others have noted, ASW is a capability to develop for the coming decades, once a navy is in place that warrants the protection.



07-05-2012        #9
asif iqbal
Junior Member

i think a point is also being missed here


no doubt all this is for war, but like in the Cold War, world Navys do tit for tat all the time, they always play cat and mouse with each other and through these games in peacetime you make or break respect for ones opponents


China will very soon find itself playing these games with its foes and friends, and when it does it has to be prepared to make a impact, otherwise its drawsbacks and weaknesses will be descovered and that is something China cant afford


the last thing you want is to be building up ur capability and then when it comes to test time you are let down, US and China will never go to war, but Cold War style engagments will be something of teh future and China needs to be prepared for it

你最不希望见到的事情是你辛苦建设起来的能力到了要用时经受不住考验,美国与中国永远不会步入战争,但是冷战式样的 engagement 接触 将是必然,而中国最好能有所准备。


07-05-2012        #10  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Ageed. but not for the reasons you state. I think that they just did not have enough info on the real capabilities of the Yuan and new SSNs.







“即使敌人 SSN 攻击核潜艇真的成功穿透这层 SSK 柴电潜艇哨兵,一旦其开火就会暴露自己的位置而被有效包围猎歼从而很难有成功活着逃脱的机会。当美国潜艇舰长击沉一两艘舰船而他自己知道对于大局来说完全于事无补,而为此却几乎肯定要付出自己被击沉的代价时,他会执行这么做的命令吗?他们毫无疑问会这么做如果这是一支入侵美国的舰队,但是他们会为台湾这么做吗?我有疑虑。但是重点是,即使他真的开火,损失比也是极其有利于解放军。”
The America skipper will follow orders, and if those orders are to get pass the SS s and sink segments of the invasion fleet, he will pick the highest value targets and do so and then try to egress...thaat is, if he has to egress.



Technically superior in the sense that they have high quality and technologically advanced equipment...not in the sense that they are nesessarily superior to the US. And I will say again, the US Naval officer corps and carreer NCOs are very disciplined and very dedicated. They will follow orders.


The real question is, whether the US subs can get out of there once they inflict the maximum damage they can.


In all likelihood, they wont have to. Their strategy will be to deal with the undersea threat first.

The likely strategy for the US will be to respond with massive force using 20 or more nuclear attack subs to clear the straits of PLAN subs. With those types of numbers, with the types of training they already perform, regularly, and with the equipment and weapons they have...this will be the real challenge for the PLAN...to avoid this. I do not think at this moment they will be able to. No doubt it will be a visious fight under the waves...but the US simply has too many advanced, very quiet nuclear attack subs and the Straits are too small to effectively hide from a pincer the likes of which that the US will likely set up, using blocking forces of even more subs to prevent any PLAN reinforcements from coming to the aid of those that get trapped in the Straits.


The PLAN will have to build more and better AIP SSs and more quiet SSNs to be able to defend against those numbers.

解放军海军需要建造更多 AIP SS, Air-Independent Powered SS, 空气独立动力电潜和更安静的攻击核潜,才有可能抵挡那样的数量攻势。


“解放军海军于数十年内甚至永远将无法处于挑战美国海军大洋优势的位置上,因为中国不会认为像那种【美国那种】军事开销有正当理由。即使当中国的 GDP 与美国一样的时候中国的国防开支也依然会少得多因为中国按 GDP 百分比国防开支只有美国一半,而且我不认为短期内会改变。

Agreed if it is not the US or pulls the US in. But with the numbers of SSNs and DDGs the US has (which will be near 60 or more of each), the PLAN still needs to progress in my opinion to be able to pull it off successfully aganist a determined US aministration. Now...outside of the military technology, a LOT will depend on who occupies the Whie House and the PRC knows this full well...just as Putin and other leaders do.

如果说的不是美国或者被拖下水的美国,同意。但是随着美国拥有的核攻击潜艇和驱逐舰(每种都达到或者超过60艘),依我的见解当面对一个下定决心的美国政府班子的时候解放军依然需要大力发展才能成功达成这么一件事情【7楼说的解放军海军今后任务这件事情】。然而……除去军事科技之外,很大程度 将取决于谁将占据白宫的位置,PRC很清楚这一点……就像普京和其他领导人一样。


07-06-2012        #11  
Member  Join Date Sep 2010
Posts 488


The reason ASW has been 'neglected' is not because you see China as a land power BUT because most Chinese see

China as a land power. That may be true for the past 2000 years of Chinese civilizations but it is less true

today. Everyone here knows the might of the Chinese naval forces 3, 4 500, years ago.. naval historians even

believe they are mightier than the European powers BUT unlike the European naval powers the Chinese ones never

really got into any big or at least historically significant naval battles.

反潜能力被“忽视”的原因不是因为你把中国当成一个陆权强国 而是 大多数中国人把中国当作一个陆权强国。这在过去2000年


认为可能比欧洲海权还要强大, 但是 不像欧洲人一样中国人没有真正步入任何大型或者历史显著意义的海战之中。

I think that plays a role in the 'psychii' of China today concentrating mainly on air and land... they are

obviously ramping up their naval capabilities BUT ASW remains the red headed step child. The keyword is SLOCs and

trade routes which is obviously vital to China's economic intereast and that is probably one of the reasons for

the significant expansion in PLAN

我想那个事实在今日中国的潜意识里起作用主要只考虑天空和陆地……显然他们在调整他们的海军实力 但是 反潜依然是后妈的

孩子没人疼。关键词就是 SLOC 海上交通线和贸易航线,显然对于中国的经济利益至关重要而显然是解放军海军大肆扩展的能力


I think part of it is ASW is one of those areas of defense that only matters when it comes to actual total war.

Unless Somali pirates or other 'rogue' nations is arming themselves with sophisticated boats, I think China

realizes that at this time in history no nation who has any significant submarine fleet is planning on sinking

any PLAN or cargo ships in peacetime or even in time of tension short of full scale war and that's why it has

been neglected until now.





07-06-2012        #12  
Senior Member





Well, as I understand it, and iirc, as well-informed sources such as yourself and Popeye has pointed out in the

past, American commanders have a great deal of leeway in terms of making operational decisions.

呐,如我所理解,以及 iirc, If I Recall Correctly 如果我没记错的话,就像相当了解行情和情势的人士,比如你自己以及

Popeye 【大力水手波波安,论坛常驻大版主,同样是5,60岁美国退伍海军老兵】所在过去指出过的一样,美国指挥官们很会根


As I stressed, if this was an invasion fleet heading towards American soil, American politicians and commanders

would absolutely not hesitate to do what needs to be done even if it means them laying their lives on the line.



However, when Americans go to the aid of others out of choice, I somehow do not see the politicians issuing the

kind of 'stop them at all costs' orders that would massively constrain the operational decision making of it's

individual commanders, or American commanders interpreting their orders in such a way as to put the destruction

of enemy elements as a higher priority than the safety of his ship and crew.



It was never meant to be a suggestion that USN personnel would act in an unprofessional or unbecoming way, just a

deduction based on basic human nature.



Now, can you honestly tell me that if you were a USN SSN skipper, given orders to try and cause maximum

disruption to a PLAN landing, you would be so aggressive in trying to attack the enemy that you would put your

boat and crew in a position where it is very likely or even almost a certainty that you will not survive the

attack? When you are fighting someone else's battle?









I don't want this great debate to turn into a verses contest, so please don't take this the wrong way, but have

you considered the logistics of what you are suggesting?


How long would it take the USN to deploy 20 of it's SSNs to the Taiwan straits?

I don't need specifics, but would you say it would take more or less time for the PLAN to mobilize as much of the

sub and surface fleets as they can and set them up in the Taiwan straits and surrounding waters?



Against the kind of numbers of SSKs, surface ships and helos that the PLAN can muster (which would pretty much be

their entire deployable fleets), 20 SSNs doesn't really seem like that many. Especially when all these assets

would be concentrated in a very small body of water, where the PLAN has the advantage of home turf by knowing the

underwater topography and conditions better than anyone else including the USN; in shallow waters that would

massively reduce the effectiveness of SSNs; in addition to all that, you can expect extensive PLAN mine fields be

to laid and waiting by the time USN SSNs get on scene, where the mine fields are so close to the Chinese coast

that there is simply no way USN mine clearing ships could get close enough to clear a path; and in a position

where the PLAN is purely on the defensive and not out to actively hunt USN subs?











The USN has unparalleled training and experience in hunting for enemy subs and ships in the wide open expanse of

the world's oceans, but have they ever trained to try and breach an underwater fortress set up like this?



The whole point to the PLA's doctrine of unconventional warfare can be perfectly expressed with this example,

whereby the PLAN refuse to fight on terms the enemy knows and are obviously superior at. Instead, the PLAN seek

to use technologies available and unconventional tactics to re-define the game whereby they maximize their own

advantages while neutralizing the enemy's greatest strengths.



The PLAN knows they would have a hard time trying to detect enemy subs far enough to intercept them before they

are in a position to fire, so they won't try to. They will instead present themselves in massive numbers with

built in redundancy to take a hit and then strike back after the enemy has given up their greatest advantage of

stealth by revealing themselves.



USN subs can be completely undetectable to passive sonar, but as soon as they open fire, the PLAN would know

where to ping with their active sonars, and then it won't matter how quiet your boat is.


声纳 ping,这时无论你的船多么安静都没用了。







In such a scenario, the USN SSN's superior quieting technologies and mobility of SSNs would count for very little

because the PLAN fully expects to get punched hard in the face. Instead of tying themselves in nots trying to

avoid the blow as conventional wisdom suggests, and allowing the USN to out-dance them and wear them down through

attrition and outmaneuvering (as the USN has trained to fight), the PLAN instead presents their face to the enemy

and gets ready to seize the hand after the blow lands and break the enemy's arm.






It's not pretty or sporting or honourable, but this is war, not a show fight, and you beat the enemy in any way

you can.


The USN can try to gradually punch a hole through all that by methodically taking out the outer layers of the

defenses, but that takes time, and the PLAN can still re-deploy and re-enforce to prolong the fighting as much as

possible. The USN would be fighting against the clock remember, as the longer they take, the more time the PLAAF

has to clear the beaches and the PLAN to actually launch the invasion.




The PLAN does not need to defeat the USN, merely keep them at arms length long enough to launch the invasion.

After that, it's a win for the PLAN even if the USN kills dozens of ships and SSKs for no loss, and the PLAN

would be ok with that.


大堆水面舰只和潜艇并自己全身而退,解放军也胜利了,而解放军对此很 ok。

While you can considering all this, you need to remember that this is not America's fight. They will be in it by

choice, and that means there is only so high a price the US would be prepared to pay.



Even if you think the USN's sub fleet could technically punch through such a set up in time to stop an invasion,

you have already acknowledged that it won't be an easy fight by any means. That means heavy casualties and

losses, so it could easily become a case whereby even though the USN has the numbers and capability to force a

breach, they do not have the stomach to pay the butcher's bill necessary to win such a fight.


战的苦战,那意味着高度损失与伤亡,也就是说很容易变成这样一种境地——美国有数量与科技 的能力 来突破这样的壁垒,但

没有支付这笔屠夫账单 的胃口。【请读者自行品尝作者的意味】

The threshold has never been about the PLAN being able to outright defeat the USN if they intervened, it is about

the PLAN being able to make the price of intervention so high that America will choose not to intervene in an

ideal scenario, or holding the USN off long enough to take Taiwan and render their intervention meaningless.



That was what I meant when I said the PLA has already reached the point where they feel confident that they could

take Taiwan no matter what, in hindsight, I should have picked my words more carefully. But I feel the PLA has

developed to a point whereby the can achieve those objectives already, and now they are setting their sights on

broader goals beyond merely reclaiming Taiwan.






07-06-2012        #13  
Jeff Head
Senior Member

Plawolf, the US commanders will simply follow orders and within their ROE and discreation. They certainly will

not committ suicide...but they will conduct operations meant to maximize their survival and, as I stated, cleanse

the straits before hand if possible, and in any event inflict as much damage as possible. They will not feel like

they are committing suicide if they get through to the shipping and sink several of them. They will feel that

their training and knowledge will allow them to get away cleanly. And they will have a number of advantages in

doing so.

解放军之狼,美国指挥官塄是会在 ROE, Rules of Engagement 接火规则 和自己的判断状况以内,遵从命令。他们当然不是来自




Do not doubt that the US Navy knows the underwater topography and terrain as good as if not better then the PLAN.

The US has been plying and mapping those waters with much more modern equipment for decades longer than the PLAN

has. It is only realtively recently, in terms of modern sub operations, that the PLAN has had the boats and the

mapping capabilities associated with them to do so.



You can bet that the US also knows and understands the signatures and capabilities of all the newer (and older)

PLAN SSs and SSNs better too. They have simply been at this a lot longer and have been tracking and collecting

data on each new PLAN sub as it has left port and ventured out anywhere in the China or South China Sea where US

subs have been lurking for decades now. The only way to avoid it is to keep them very, very close to shore or in

port...but that's not what they are built for, and that would mean no operational experience. So they must

venture out.

你也可以为此打赌,美国已经比中国自己更加知道和了解所有中国海军的 新的,旧的,常规潜 与 核潜 的声纹、能力、指标。




And the US will have seaded sensors even along the shore and in the ports, not to mention the sat capabilities of

the yards and ports themselves.

而美国【应该是拼写错误,seaded - seeded】也会沿着海岸线甚至在港口里面,埋下了探测阵列,更不用说卫星对于港口和港院


So, it is very likely that the US will know about any buildup or movement of PLAN submaries as soon as they


The US has the numbers, without stretching things much at all, to put 20 SSNs into the Taiwan Straits area very

quickly if necessay...starting with 6-8 boats within a day or two to restrict the PLAN buildup and hamper it

significantly if conflict breaks out, and then the others following in a week after that to scour the area. The

surge into the Pacific, for the sub force, began a good while before things were more officially announced

lately...back in the Bush years.

美国拥有——完全不需要捉衿见肘的,一旦需要迅速在台湾海峡部署20艘核攻潜的能力,的数量…… 从一两天内6~8艘到位开始



As to whether the US has the stomach...do not underestimate US resolve. Even in these times the US has spent over

10 years in a couple of strategic and necesssary (military wise) wars that have lately become more unpopular. The

US spent 10 years in Vietnam in an even more unpopular confrontation.



So, a naval confrontation, even one that costs US lives, is much more likely to be one that is carried out on a

time scale measured in years if necessary rather than months...and, though it sounds callous, the types of

casualties we are talking about here with the silent services, are not as verifiable or as clear cut as they are

in land or air warfare...or even navy surface warfare for that matter. It's always been that way and takes longer

to officially state or list sub crews as lost when they miss comms. They become "missing" for significant lengths

of times, and after that the word comes out slowly. Again, it's always been that way and US personnel in those

services are warned and schooled in that reality coming in.






So, though there would be a fight...and though it would certainly be more difficult than it would have been say

10, or even 5 years ago...I still believe for another 5-10 years until the PLAN sub force matures and expands s

lot more...and until they PLAN develops very good ASW capabilities with ASW vessels, helos, and aircraft along

its own coasts...I believe the US would relatively quickly gain an underwater "dominance" effect like one would

talk about in terms of air dominance, which, quite frankly would be harder to achieve and maintain in the air

because the PLAAF is advancing more rapidly and with greater numbers.





But if the US and ROC only gain air superiority or even air parity, it will not make any difference to the

invasion if they do not have clear superiority or dominance in the air. The invasion will fail if the US gains

any superiority at all under the waves.

但是如果美国和 ROC,Republic of China 中华民国仅仅取得制空权或者甚至空中焦灼平手,没有完全制空权对于入侵登陆来说



...and at the present time, and for several years to come, unless the PLAN begins pumping out even better SSs

with very fine AIP and quieting along the lines of some of the best modern European designs (which the US has

leased for years at a time and honed not only their surface ASW abilities against, but also their submarine ASW

capabilites) and similarly improved SSNs, I do not expect the PLAN to be able to prevent it...all that said even

though the PLAN is far better now than they were a few years ago and continuing to improve.

……而目前来说,以及可以预见的将来,除非解放军海军井喷出更多更好的 AIP 的,更安静的跟很多现代欧洲设计一样的(而美





07-08-2012        #14  
Senior Member

Sorry about the delay in response, but I wrote a very detailed reply a couple day back but the internet browser

eat it and I have been too busy to make a proper attempt till now.


Well, Jeff old buddy, I have already said I do not want to make this a verses discussion. We generally agree with

each other, and the main sticking points are of personal opinion, and I really do not see either of us being able

to present the kind of water-tight case that could convince the other.



You have absolute faith in the abilities if the USN sub service, and I am sure you have very good reasons to be

so confident with your connections. However, as I am sure you are well aware, too much exposure and familiarity

could easily affect one's objectivity. This is particularly true in this case, because on the one hand, the US

has perfected the art of using military muscle flexing to inspire their own troops and cow opponents, yet on the

other, the Chinese are the true masters at hiding their true capabilities.




The USN has undisputed superior equipment, training and experience to play cat and mouse in the deep oceans, but

any war over Taiwan will take them out of their comfort zone and into the PLAN's domain.



You have already touched on the experience the USN gained training with the Dutch, but I think you kinda skipped

over the part where for all the USN's equipment, training and skills, they were still subject to plenty of

unpleasant surprises when they first entertained the Dutch. And that was with the Dutch playing in America's back

yard, I dare say the results might have been worse for the USN had they held those exercises in the home waters

of the Dutch, where their skippers had superior knowledge about the underwater conditions and topography that he

could have exploited to his advantage.

你已经谈及了美国海军跟 Dutch 德国(或者荷兰,这里没记错的话应该是德国)的训练中的经验,但是我想你可能忽略了诚如美




That just goes to show that no-one has a perfect playbook for ASW. For sure, the USN has massively improved for

the experiences gained with the Dutch and are far better prepared to deal with SSKs as a result. However, one

must remember that the PLAN use very different equipment and tactics compared to the Dutch, and having experience

'fighting' against one is no guarantee of being able to effectively counter the other. In addition, the USN will

not be fighting one SSK, but dozens, with surface ships, airborne ASW and sea mines just to name a few others to

contend with.




You think the USN could still sweep all before them for all that, I have my doubts. Let's just leave it at that

and hope we never get to find out for real which one of us is right.  



07-09-2012        #15  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Some people may base their opinions and open talk on conjecture and subjective reasoning because of over-

familiarity, emotions, or just plain arrogance...and sadly, as in all nations and peoples, we have ample

individuals, some of them within the military, who are beset by that last quality. It took a year in Word War II

(as my Dad who fought in that conflict related to me) to glean such out of the US Navy...and it occurred either

through it being apparent beforehand and those individuals being removed from forward areas, or, too many times

when their feelings about a particular foe led them to underestimate, to presume, and then to establish planning

based on that only to have it result in the death and injury of too many personnel, oft times including






But I do not think ore presume in that way. Mine are based on things I know to be true and have gained from my

own experience or from people who I trust unequivocally...and then throw in a very large measure of cution and

respect for the foe into that mix.



Even if you have a significant "edge" you can never underestimate a determined adversary...ever.


Now, the US Navy has the best maps of the underwater topography in that region (and I am not talking about the

bloue water...I am talking about the Straits and all of the littoral areas around them on bothe sides) that can

be found and the experience using them operationally...and not just in training execises...which they have

improved upon and updated over the years when anything changed.



As I said, this does not mean any operation like this would be a cake walk...nor does it mean there would not be

difficulties or surprises...if pitted against any modern foe who has strong capabilitie and steely determination.

It does mean that there is, at the present, becasue of the inequities in all of the areas you mentioned, a very

strong chance, if the US takes careful advantage of those inequities or advantages, and does not underestimate

what an adversary may be able to do to try and level the playing field, that in any true conflict they would then

be abe to use those very things to gain dominance.




Now, in a few more years if the trends continue they way they are now, that margin and that type of surety can

certainly narrow.


As to the Dutch, the US was involved in training exercises when these things happened. And they were a

surprise...but they also occurred where the parameters were set and things allowed to occur in a certaian manner

so that the objectives of the exercise could be met...for example, knowing there was a "red team" AIP sub in the

area and having the carrier battle group itself try to penetrate that area in any case. In a real life scenario,

no US carrier will venture into any circumstance where an AIP vessel could have a shot at it, nor do they need

to. Those vessels cannot keep up with the carrier and have little hope of intercepting them in the open sea where

they would work in such a scenrio as this.





Until the adversary vessels were accounted for, the carriers would lend their air support from long distyance and

a direction best likely to assure no interception by the slower DE. The attack subs I speak of would be the ones

dealing with those threats and it would not be in a manner that has been scripted for training.



Having said that, the US Navy has spent the time and resources necessary...and not just with the Dutch now...to

learn fropm them how to work in those environs against precisely those types of platforms...and from people who

are very good at it and have been using that level of technology for about as long as anyone has had it




You are correct, it was not the PLAN, and that has to be thrown into the mix I spke of before, with great respect

for its capabilities and intentions to acquire and get the golden shot.



In the end, like you, I just hope and pray we never have to find out...now or later. That the differences can be

workled out amiably.




07-13-2012        #16
Red___Sword        【红剑三道杠】
Junior Member Join Date Dec 2010
Posts 828

While this is a short thread by far ("only" 16 posts), it is a great one that fully demostrated SDF's prowess of having people reasoning each other with systematical and methodical analyse - a rare attribute among Cyber space - I would like to add my point to the apparent "right or wrong" thinking atmosphere, that

这虽然到目前为止是个短短的帖子(“才”16楼),却完全展现了 SDF 论坛的系统性地和条理性地以理服人的讨论风气——互联网上一个难得的属性——而我希望在现在“非对即错”的氛围中加入一点我的见解:



The American continental militia, seized victory NOT by totally annihilate the British Empire's military, in fact, even after its defeat at America, British military still sits at the throne of global domination. But it was a good enough VICTORY for American people at America, and I dare say they did so by methodically reduce the global doninator called the red coats' strategic gain to a level lower enogh to its strategic loss, and thus the war on America cease to go on.

美洲大陆民兵,非以全歼大英帝国的军力而取得胜利,事实上,即使英国从美国败退以后,它依然处于世界统治霸权地位的宝座之上。但这对处于美国的美国人来说,是个足够好的胜利,我斗胆说他们是以消减当时世界霸权——“红衫”【当时英国皇家海军制服为鲜艳全红衫,当时所有讨厌英国的人都以 Red Coat 红衫来指称英军,红剑注】的战略利好至一个低于战略损失的位置之上,从而使对美战争自然停止进行下去的。

Vietnamese WINS its own country back from foreign boots, while US pretty much DID NOT loss the war and I dare say if judging US's original stratgic goal is to "stop communism spreading through the whole asia", US somewhat achieved that goal too. Then what else is the point of continue the war? So the war between US and Vietnam ceased.

越南人从外国军靴之下 赢 回了自己的国家,而美国当时事实上 并没有 输掉战争,而我斗胆说考虑到美国最原始的战略目的“阻止共产主义在全亚洲的蔓延”一定程度上甚至也得到了满足。那么继续打下去还有什么意义呢?所以美越之间的战争停止进行下去。

In the context of PRC's ASW operations against possible god-like foreign intervention over possible military efforts in Chinese-sphere-of-influence, its goal is never TO DEFEAT the intervention force wholesale. Its goal is to make that kind of intervention CEASE TO OPERATE after a certain amount of exchage of ... understanding.

说到人民共和国在自己的影响范围以内可能的战争行为受到可能的神一样的外国干涉势力的干涉而进行的反潜作战,他的目标从来就不是当场击败干涉军。他的目标是 在一定程度上互相“交换了意见,了解了长短,知道了深浅”【注,内涵话语】以后,使得那样的干涉行为 停止进行下去。

I believe Jeff and many other proud service people's perspective is that the "exchange rate" should be (and probably will be), vastly in US's favor, and should the opponent lazy and weak enough, victorious benifits to the USA can be vastly grabbed before any cease fire took place.

我相信 Jeff 和其他很多骄傲的服役人士的观点是,这种“交换率”应该(而且也很可能)会对美国极为有利,而且如果对手一旦够懒够弱的话,对于美国来说的足够大的胜利果实便会在停火以前掠取。

But the point is as long as the intervention CEASE TO OPERATE took place, PRC's ASW operations has achieved its goal, and Chinese people are already willing to bear the cost for that - they (we) now are just building up the capability for it.


Foes can walk away from each other with certain understandings, the stratgic gain and loss ratio determines how each values it. - And by the gods let's hope we don't find out.



07-13-2012        #17  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Well said. And in that context, whether there is a confrontation or not (and as you stated, let's pray not), one of the key elements (among several) that the PLAN needs to develop to increase its capability its its long-range, long-endurance maritime ASW patrol aircraft.


The U S has long had close to 200 P-3C Orions which are now aging and reaching the end of their service life.

美国很早以来就拥有接近200架 P-3C猎户座,现在已经老旧并接近服役年限。

What is the US Navy doing about it?


Recognizing that such aircraft are a crticial supplement to ASW capabilities of surface vessels, submarines, and shorter range aircraft off of carriers and other vessels, they have developed a very suitable and modern replacement, the P-8A Poseidon.


This is the very type of thing the PLAN needs to also address, as the artice mentions.



07-14-2012        #18
Member Join Date Jan 2007
Posts 438

The PLAN at the very least has been developing the Y-8 ASW/MPA aircraft, it just needs to get them into mass production to fully cover this aspect. I'd consider mass purchases of Il-38's as a possible stopgap in the meantime if they were still in production, or modified Be-200s for that matter.

解放军海军至少在开发 Y-8 反潜/海事巡逻 机,现在需要批量生产来完全照顾到这个问题。我认为批量生产 Il-38 可以做为一个可行的临时措施,如果它们还有生产的话,或者也可以改装 Be-200。


07-14-2012        #19
Member Join Date Aug 2011
Posts 371

If Shaanxi can convert the Y8C line to Y8F600 production the rate will dramatically increase. Look at Boeing, the Renton plant will soon be able to push out 60 737s per month.

如果陕西可以把 Y8C 生产线改成 Y8F600 产量可以极大提高。看看波音,Renton 厂即将推出60架737每月的产量。


07-14-2012        #20  
Super Moderator
Join Date Aug 2005
Posts 5,917



What is Shaanxi at right now for all variants of Y-8? 2 per months? It can't be higher than that. I just wonder how much they can increase it to.

陕西现在 Y-8 系列的状况怎样?2架每月?不会比那高。我只想知道他们能增产到多少?




07-13-2012        #16
Red___Sword        【红剑三道杠】
Junior Member Join Date Dec 2010
Posts 828

While this is a short thread by far ("only" 16 posts), it is a great one that fully demostrated SDF's prowess of having people reasoning each other with systematical and methodical analyse - a rare attribute among Cyber space - I would like to add my point to the apparent "right or wrong" thinking atmosphere, that

这虽然到目前为止是个短短的帖子(“才”16楼),却完全展现了 SDF 论坛的系统性地和条理性地以理服人的讨论风气——互联网上一个难得的属性——而我希望在现在“非对即错”的氛围中加入一点我的见解:



The American continental militia, seized victory NOT by totally annihilate the British Empire's military, in fact, even after its defeat at America, British military still sits at the throne of global domination. But it was a good enough VICTORY for American people at America, and I dare say they did so by methodically reduce the global doninator called the red coats' strategic gain to a level lower enogh to its strategic loss, and thus the war on America cease to go on.

美洲大陆民兵,非以全歼大英帝国的军力而取得胜利,事实上,即使英国从美国败退以后,它依然处于世界统治霸权地位的宝座之上。但这对处于美国的美国人来说,是个足够好的胜利,我斗胆说他们是以消减当时世界霸权——“红衫”【当时英国皇家海军制服为鲜艳全红衫,当时所有讨厌英国的人都以 Red Coat 红衫来指称英军,红剑注】的战略利好至一个低于战略损失的位置之上,从而使对美战争自然停止进行下去的。

Vietnamese WINS its own country back from foreign boots, while US pretty much DID NOT loss the war and I dare say if judging US's original stratgic goal is to "stop communism spreading through the whole asia", US somewhat achieved that goal too. Then what else is the point of continue the war? So the war between US and Vietnam ceased.

越南人从外国军靴之下 赢 回了自己的国家,而美国当时事实上 并没有 输掉战争,而我斗胆说考虑到美国最原始的战略目的“阻止共产主义在全亚洲的蔓延”一定程度上甚至也得到了满足。那么继续打下去还有什么意义呢?所以美越之间的战争停止进行下去。

In the context of PRC's ASW operations against possible god-like foreign intervention over possible military efforts in Chinese-sphere-of-influence, its goal is never TO DEFEAT the intervention force wholesale. Its goal is to make that kind of intervention CEASE TO OPERATE after a certain amount of exchage of ... understanding.

说到人民共和国在自己的影响范围以内可能的战争行为受到可能的神一样的外国干涉势力的干涉而进行的反潜作战,他的目标从来就不是当场击败干涉军。他的目标是 在一定程度上互相“交换了意见,了解了长短,知道了深浅”【注,内涵话语】以后,使得那样的干涉行为 停止进行下去。

I believe Jeff and many other proud service people's perspective is that the "exchange rate" should be (and probably will be), vastly in US's favor, and should the opponent lazy and weak enough, victorious benifits to the USA can be vastly grabbed before any cease fire took place.

我相信 Jeff 和其他很多骄傲的服役人士的观点是,这种“交换率”应该(而且也很可能)会对美国极为有利,而且如果对手一旦够懒够弱的话,对于美国来说的足够大的胜利果实便会在停火以前掠取。

But the point is as long as the intervention CEASE TO OPERATE took place, PRC's ASW operations has achieved its goal, and Chinese people are already willing to bear the cost for that - they (we) now are just building up the capability for it.


Foes can walk away from each other with certain understandings, the stratgic gain and loss ratio determines how each values it. - And by the gods let's hope we don't find out.



07-13-2012        #17  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Well said. And in that context, whether there is a confrontation or not (and as you stated, let's pray not), one of the key elements (among several) that the PLAN needs to develop to increase its capability its its long-range, long-endurance maritime ASW patrol aircraft.


The U S has long had close to 200 P-3C Orions which are now aging and reaching the end of their service life.

美国很早以来就拥有接近200架 P-3C猎户座,现在已经老旧并接近服役年限。

What is the US Navy doing about it?


Recognizing that such aircraft are a crticial supplement to ASW capabilities of surface vessels, submarines, and shorter range aircraft off of carriers and other vessels, they have developed a very suitable and modern replacement, the P-8A Poseidon.


This is the very type of thing the PLAN needs to also address, as the artice mentions.



07-14-2012        #18
Member Join Date Jan 2007
Posts 438

The PLAN at the very least has been developing the Y-8 ASW/MPA aircraft, it just needs to get them into mass production to fully cover this aspect. I'd consider mass purchases of Il-38's as a possible stopgap in the meantime if they were still in production, or modified Be-200s for that matter.

解放军海军至少在开发 Y-8 反潜/海事巡逻 机,现在需要批量生产来完全照顾到这个问题。我认为批量生产 Il-38 可以做为一个可行的临时措施,如果它们还有生产的话,或者也可以改装 Be-200。


07-14-2012        #19
Member Join Date Aug 2011
Posts 371

If Shaanxi can convert the Y8C line to Y8F600 production the rate will dramatically increase. Look at Boeing, the Renton plant will soon be able to push out 60 737s per month.

如果陕西可以把 Y8C 生产线改成 Y8F600 产量可以极大提高。看看波音,Renton 厂即将推出60架737每月的产量。


07-14-2012        #20  
Super Moderator
Join Date Aug 2005
Posts 5,917



What is Shaanxi at right now for all variants of Y-8? 2 per months? It can't be higher than that. I just wonder how much they can increase it to.

陕西现在 Y-8 系列的状况怎样?2架每月?不会比那高。我只想知道他们能增产到多少?


07-14-2012        #21  

“解放军海军至少在开发 Y-8 反潜/海事巡逻 机,现在需要批量生产来完全照顾到这个问题。我认为批量生产 Il-38 可以做为一个可行的临时措施,如果它们还有生产的话”

How many of these have they actually built? Are any in service? I thought it was still in test.


Is it this aricraft:


or this one:


I am under the impression it is the latter.


The latter appears to be a newer airframe and a production run of these in good numbers with strong ASW capabilities and armament would be a good answer for the PLAN.



07-14-2012        #22  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

What is the last picture? Looks like its a modern aircraft and can carry a bomb bay easily



07-14-2012        #23  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Ok, the first photo is the Y-8X, a maritime/ASW patrol aircraft in service since the 1980s. I do not know how many were built, byt apparently there is consensus that the PLAN is lacking in long range ASW so their capabilities must be outdated.

哦剋,第一张照片是 Y-8X,一型自80年代以来服役的海事/反潜巡逻机。我不知道具体造了多少,但显然大家对于解放军缺乏远程反潜拥有共识所以它们的能力可能落后了。

This is the second aircraft:


A newer Matirime/ASW patrol aircraft first seen in the last year or two. I do not know how many have been built and what stage of testing they are. I do not think any are in service yet, but do not know. I've seen it refered to as the Y-8Q GX6 and the Y-9, but again, do not know. Apparently it is thought that this will be a stronger ASW platform, that is much newer and if the PLAN builds a good number of them they will begin addressing that long range ASW need.

一型去年左右首见的新款海事/反潜巡逻机。我不知道造了多少以及测试到什么阶段了。我不认为其已经服役,但说不准。我看到过它被称为 Y-8Q GX6 和 Y-9,但再一次,说不准。显然这被认为是一个更强更新的反潜平台,如果解放军造了不少,那么就是在回应那个远程反潜不足。

Notice the MAD boom on the tail, the chin mounted surface radar, and the bomb bays.



07-14-2012        #24  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

That platform looks more similar to Y-9, but then the platform for ZDK-03 looks like Y-9

这个看上去更像Y-9,但是 ZDK-03 平台看上去像 Y-9。

Clearly China Is addressing the ASW issue with this aircraft



07-15-2012        #25

It's GX6 ASW plane which is based on the Y8F600/Y9 transport plane platform, the same platform is used for all other newer specialty aircraft (AEW&C, ELINT, EW, C&C, etc). The basic Y9 transport variant has also been recently sighted. Currently there are 41+ GX series aircraft. Out of them only about half are variants of the Y8F600/Y9 platform. Initially production rate was extremely limited at 1 per month, the recent surge of numbers of GX5, 6, and Y9 suggest production rate picked up significantly, my guess would be 3-4 per month, if the Y8C line is converted to Y8F600/Y9 production I expect that number to jump to 5-6 per month. But I don't see that happening until late 2013 or early 2014 at the earliest.

是基于 Y8F600/Y9 运输机平台的 GX6 反潜机,同一款平台被用于其他所有特殊用途飞机(预警,电侦,电子战,指控,等等)。基本Y9运输型最近也被翻墙到了。现在有41多架 GX 系列飞机,其中只有一半左右是 Y8F600/Y9 平台。初期产能被极度限定在一架每月,最近井喷的 GX5,6,Y9 意味着产能极大提高,我猜3-4架每月,如果 Y8C 生产线被转成 Y8F600/Y9,我期望其跳到5-6架每月的产能。但我想那最快要到2013末或2014初。


07-15-2012        #26  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

Rather than getting ex-US PC-3s I think it would be good if Pakisan bought this type of aircraft from China, establishing a ASW squadron of these aircraft would be great assets for the navy and a great addition to the current 4 x ZDK-03 we already operate

与其搞美国 PC3 我想巴基斯坦还不如买中国的这款,建立一个这样机型的反潜中队将是在我们现有的4架 ZDK-03 的基础上给海军的重大加强。

If it has a bomb bay and chin mounted radar it looks like China knows exactly what kind of ASW aircraft it needs, in addition the seas and coast around Pakistan have very dramatic change in salinity and using towed arrays has been a petty difficult task as Pakistan has already tested, having one of these aircraft would address that challenge and also help development of this aircraft



07-15-2012        #27  
Senior Member


Are Pakistan paying cash for their PC3s? I was under the impression that they were being provided as part of America's military assistance package to Pakistan. If that is the case, then it is easy to see why Pakistan is going for PC3s instead of trying to get airframe commonality between their AWACS and MPA fleets.

巴基斯坦给 PC3 付现金吗?我印象中它们是美国对巴军援的一部分。如果是那样的话,那么很容易就能明白为什么巴基斯坦会要 PC3 而不是试着给他的预警与海事巡部队找个通用机体。

In addition, it could easily be that even if Pakistan wants this MPA, they might have to wait many years to take delivery since I would expect the PLANAF to be placing a quite substantial order once this bird becomes operational.


On top of that, this MPA is still new and untested. For the Pakistanis, given the choice between a mature, proven and very well established and respected MPA and a newly designed one still in development, one could easily see why they would go with the proven choice.


A more suspicious person might also suggest that China might have also preferred it if Pakistan went the PC3 as given the close relationship between Pakistan and China, they might be hoping that Pakistan might give them some performance benchmarks, design solutions and other useful info they might have gleamed from the PC3 design that could massively aid the development of China's own MPA. Maybe Chinese engineers might even get first hand access to PC3s.

一个怀疑论者可以更进一步认为也许中国会希望巴基斯坦搞来 PC3,鉴于中巴紧密关系,他们可能希望巴方能提供一些测试基准值,设计方案和其他能管窥 PC3 设计并极大帮助中国自己的海事巡研发的有用信息。也许中国工程师甚至能拿到 PC3 一手资料。


07-16-2012        #28
New Member

PN P3-Cs were acquired via $1.3+ Billion Military aid, not cash by Pak, F-16s Block 52+ and MLU is/were paid by Pak.

巴海军 P3-C 是通过13多亿美元军援,而不是巴军现金支付;F-16 Block 52+ 和 MLU 是巴军买的。


07-16-2012        #29  
asif iqbal
Junior Member


That is incorrect

Pakistan orders as follows

3 x P-3C Orion Update-2.5 ordered in 1988 embargod but then finally deliverd between 1996-1997 for $139 million
3架P-3C Orion Update-2.5,1988年订购,被制裁禁运了不过后来在1996到97年以1.39亿美元交付。

8 x P-3CUP Orion orderd in 2005 and delivered between 2007-2011 paid by $970 million in US aid
8架P-3CUP Orion 2005年订购并在2007到2011年以9.7亿美元援助交付。

the 8 selected are ex-US

PCN BuNo C/n Arrival Date Previous Unit
AN2P0165 159511 5629 13-JUL-95 VP-92, NAS Brunswick, ME.
AN2P0166 159890 5641 10-AUG-95 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0171 159883 5634 21-SEP-95 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0174 159505 5623 30-MAY-96 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0175 159510 5628 30-MAY-96 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0176 159509 5627 06-AUG-96 VP-65, NAS Point Mugu, CA.
AN2P0178 159508 5626 17-SEP-96 VP-94, NAS New Orleans, LA.
AN2P0184 160289 5652 16-DEC-97 VP-30, NAS Jacksonville, FL.


07-16-2012        #30  
asif iqbal
Junior Member


well P-8 isnt going to India in a hurry, and the appearance of this type of aircraft with that MAD tail boom says alot, clearly China is looking for a serious patrol aircraft here and the fact we see bomb bays is just amazing

额 P-8 不会立马到印度,而这款飞机带着 (MAD,Magnetic Analyse Dune)磁探测鼓【红剑注,缩写瞎猜的】尾翼现身本身就说明了很多事,显然中国需要一款够劲的巡逻机,而这飞机竟然带着炸弹仓本身就碉堡了。

P-3C are good but they are getting on, plus India is buying more and more American equipment the shift to Chinese systems is a natural transition for all branches of Pakistans military, getter something that can work in wartime and prone to sanctions, P-3C are ok for peacetime and training etc but we could do with a advanced Chinese MPA

P-3C 不错但时过境迁了,另外印度正买来越来越多美国货,巴军所有分支都渐渐往中国系统转移是一个自然的事情,需要一些在战时容易被禁运又能用的东西。P-3C在和平时期不错,但是我们也可以过拥有中国先进海事巡的日子。

Pakistan has operated P-3Cs for over 15 years i dont think China can learn anything new from them although they are great aircraft

巴方已经使用 P-3C 超过15年了我不认为中国还能从中学到什么新东西,尽管这是款不错的飞机。

i just wonder how good the radar is on this aircraft and also the IR camera, P-8 can see a snorkal in the dark from miles away, but i think the systems will be advanced after seeing ZDK-03 so means its a top end aircraft

我只想知道这飞机的雷达有多好,红外相机也是。P-8 能在黑暗中很远以外看到潜望镜,但是在看到 ZDK-03 有多碉堡以后我想这个的系统会很先进。


07-22-2012        #31
Junior Member

Damn, Jeff, as you maybe noticed, I have now ventured into the inside of the Great Firewall. Your pics at posts #21 and #23 - for the constant flambite and potential instigate of mass anti-socialism rebellion efforts, imageshack and blogspot has been officially set into the nation's cyber dustbin.

靠,劫夫,如你可能注意到的,我已经突破进入 绿坝 的里面了。你在 21楼,23楼的图片——因为长期挑衅性和可能煽动大规模反社会主义报动【报动,报纸运动】,imageshack 和 blogspot 被正式扔到了我国的赛博垃圾堆里面了。

However, I noticed as the author of DRAGON'S FURY, our friendly geo-political public relation cooperation partner, your jeffhead.com domain is considered safe to our national security and the pic at post #17, I can clearly see.

但是,我注意到做为 DRAGON'S FURY 龙之怒 【红剑注,红色中国与阿拉子民联合向美国和西方世界发动进攻的军事架空小说,亚马逊上有售,坑爹35美元一本】 的作者的你——我国地缘政治与公共关系的友好合作伙伴,你的 jeffhead.com 域名被我们的国安认为是人畜无害的,你17楼的照片,我能清楚看到。

Can you re-post the #21 and #23 pics to your domain?


PS. - And maybe they are secretly making a knock-off version of EAGLE'S FURY from your idea of DRAGON'S FURY, the PSB has blocked the dragonsfuryseries.com domain as well.

另外,也许是经你启发,他们可能在秘密制作一部 EAGLE'S FURY 鹰之怒 的山寨版小说,公共安全专家局把你的小说专属地址 dragonsfuryseries.com 也给斧正了。


本文将以同名 ID 发往超大,供国内读者好生研判。


龙腾原贴:: http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-73296-1-1.html

07-14-2012        #21  

“解放军海军至少在开发 Y-8 反潜/海事巡逻 机,现在需要批量生产来完全照顾到这个问题。我认为批量生产 Il-38 可以做为一个可行的临时措施,如果它们还有生产的话”

How many of these have they actually built? Are any in service? I thought it was still in test.


Is it this aricraft:


or this one:


I am under the impression it is the latter.


The latter appears to be a newer airframe and a production run of these in good numbers with strong ASW capabilities and armament would be a good answer for the PLAN.



07-14-2012        #22  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

What is the last picture? Looks like its a modern aircraft and can carry a bomb bay easily



07-14-2012        #23  
Jeff Head
Senior Member


Ok, the first photo is the Y-8X, a maritime/ASW patrol aircraft in service since the 1980s. I do not know how many were built, byt apparently there is consensus that the PLAN is lacking in long range ASW so their capabilities must be outdated.

哦剋,第一张照片是 Y-8X,一型自80年代以来服役的海事/反潜巡逻机。我不知道具体造了多少,但显然大家对于解放军缺乏远程反潜拥有共识所以它们的能力可能落后了。

This is the second aircraft:


A newer Matirime/ASW patrol aircraft first seen in the last year or two. I do not know how many have been built and what stage of testing they are. I do not think any are in service yet, but do not know. I've seen it refered to as the Y-8Q GX6 and the Y-9, but again, do not know. Apparently it is thought that this will be a stronger ASW platform, that is much newer and if the PLAN builds a good number of them they will begin addressing that long range ASW need.

一型去年左右首见的新款海事/反潜巡逻机。我不知道造了多少以及测试到什么阶段了。我不认为其已经服役,但说不准。我看到过它被称为 Y-8Q GX6 和 Y-9,但再一次,说不准。显然这被认为是一个更强更新的反潜平台,如果解放军造了不少,那么就是在回应那个远程反潜不足。

Notice the MAD boom on the tail, the chin mounted surface radar, and the bomb bays.



07-14-2012        #24  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

That platform looks more similar to Y-9, but then the platform for ZDK-03 looks like Y-9

这个看上去更像Y-9,但是 ZDK-03 平台看上去像 Y-9。

Clearly China Is addressing the ASW issue with this aircraft



07-15-2012        #25

It's GX6 ASW plane which is based on the Y8F600/Y9 transport plane platform, the same platform is used for all other newer specialty aircraft (AEW&C, ELINT, EW, C&C, etc). The basic Y9 transport variant has also been recently sighted. Currently there are 41+ GX series aircraft. Out of them only about half are variants of the Y8F600/Y9 platform. Initially production rate was extremely limited at 1 per month, the recent surge of numbers of GX5, 6, and Y9 suggest production rate picked up significantly, my guess would be 3-4 per month, if the Y8C line is converted to Y8F600/Y9 production I expect that number to jump to 5-6 per month. But I don't see that happening until late 2013 or early 2014 at the earliest.

是基于 Y8F600/Y9 运输机平台的 GX6 反潜机,同一款平台被用于其他所有特殊用途飞机(预警,电侦,电子战,指控,等等)。基本Y9运输型最近也被翻墙到了。现在有41多架 GX 系列飞机,其中只有一半左右是 Y8F600/Y9 平台。初期产能被极度限定在一架每月,最近井喷的 GX5,6,Y9 意味着产能极大提高,我猜3-4架每月,如果 Y8C 生产线被转成 Y8F600/Y9,我期望其跳到5-6架每月的产能。但我想那最快要到2013末或2014初。


07-15-2012        #26  
asif iqbal
Junior Member

Rather than getting ex-US PC-3s I think it would be good if Pakisan bought this type of aircraft from China, establishing a ASW squadron of these aircraft would be great assets for the navy and a great addition to the current 4 x ZDK-03 we already operate

与其搞美国 PC3 我想巴基斯坦还不如买中国的这款,建立一个这样机型的反潜中队将是在我们现有的4架 ZDK-03 的基础上给海军的重大加强。

If it has a bomb bay and chin mounted radar it looks like China knows exactly what kind of ASW aircraft it needs, in addition the seas and coast around Pakistan have very dramatic change in salinity and using towed arrays has been a petty difficult task as Pakistan has already tested, having one of these aircraft would address that challenge and also help development of this aircraft



07-15-2012        #27  
Senior Member


Are Pakistan paying cash for their PC3s? I was under the impression that they were being provided as part of America's military assistance package to Pakistan. If that is the case, then it is easy to see why Pakistan is going for PC3s instead of trying to get airframe commonality between their AWACS and MPA fleets.

巴基斯坦给 PC3 付现金吗?我印象中它们是美国对巴军援的一部分。如果是那样的话,那么很容易就能明白为什么巴基斯坦会要 PC3 而不是试着给他的预警与海事巡部队找个通用机体。

In addition, it could easily be that even if Pakistan wants this MPA, they might have to wait many years to take delivery since I would expect the PLANAF to be placing a quite substantial order once this bird becomes operational.


On top of that, this MPA is still new and untested. For the Pakistanis, given the choice between a mature, proven and very well established and respected MPA and a newly designed one still in development, one could easily see why they would go with the proven choice.


A more suspicious person might also suggest that China might have also preferred it if Pakistan went the PC3 as given the close relationship between Pakistan and China, they might be hoping that Pakistan might give them some performance benchmarks, design solutions and other useful info they might have gleamed from the PC3 design that could massively aid the development of China's own MPA. Maybe Chinese engineers might even get first hand access to PC3s.

一个怀疑论者可以更进一步认为也许中国会希望巴基斯坦搞来 PC3,鉴于中巴紧密关系,他们可能希望巴方能提供一些测试基准值,设计方案和其他能管窥 PC3 设计并极大帮助中国自己的海事巡研发的有用信息。也许中国工程师甚至能拿到 PC3 一手资料。


07-16-2012        #28
New Member

PN P3-Cs were acquired via $1.3+ Billion Military aid, not cash by Pak, F-16s Block 52+ and MLU is/were paid by Pak.

巴海军 P3-C 是通过13多亿美元军援,而不是巴军现金支付;F-16 Block 52+ 和 MLU 是巴军买的。


07-16-2012        #29  
asif iqbal
Junior Member


That is incorrect

Pakistan orders as follows

3 x P-3C Orion Update-2.5 ordered in 1988 embargod but then finally deliverd between 1996-1997 for $139 million
3架P-3C Orion Update-2.5,1988年订购,被制裁禁运了不过后来在1996到97年以1.39亿美元交付。

8 x P-3CUP Orion orderd in 2005 and delivered between 2007-2011 paid by $970 million in US aid
8架P-3CUP Orion 2005年订购并在2007到2011年以9.7亿美元援助交付。

the 8 selected are ex-US

PCN BuNo C/n Arrival Date Previous Unit
AN2P0165 159511 5629 13-JUL-95 VP-92, NAS Brunswick, ME.
AN2P0166 159890 5641 10-AUG-95 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0171 159883 5634 21-SEP-95 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0174 159505 5623 30-MAY-96 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0175 159510 5628 30-MAY-96 VP-69, NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
AN2P0176 159509 5627 06-AUG-96 VP-65, NAS Point Mugu, CA.
AN2P0178 159508 5626 17-SEP-96 VP-94, NAS New Orleans, LA.
AN2P0184 160289 5652 16-DEC-97 VP-30, NAS Jacksonville, FL.


07-16-2012        #30  
asif iqbal
Junior Member


well P-8 isnt going to India in a hurry, and the appearance of this type of aircraft with that MAD tail boom says alot, clearly China is looking for a serious patrol aircraft here and the fact we see bomb bays is just amazing

额 P-8 不会立马到印度,而这款飞机带着 (MAD,Magnetic Analyse Dune)磁探测鼓【红剑注,缩写瞎猜的】尾翼现身本身就说明了很多事,显然中国需要一款够劲的巡逻机,而这飞机竟然带着炸弹仓本身就碉堡了。

P-3C are good but they are getting on, plus India is buying more and more American equipment the shift to Chinese systems is a natural transition for all branches of Pakistans military, getter something that can work in wartime and prone to sanctions, P-3C are ok for peacetime and training etc but we could do with a advanced Chinese MPA

P-3C 不错但时过境迁了,另外印度正买来越来越多美国货,巴军所有分支都渐渐往中国系统转移是一个自然的事情,需要一些在战时容易被禁运又能用的东西。P-3C在和平时期不错,但是我们也可以过拥有中国先进海事巡的日子。

Pakistan has operated P-3Cs for over 15 years i dont think China can learn anything new from them although they are great aircraft

巴方已经使用 P-3C 超过15年了我不认为中国还能从中学到什么新东西,尽管这是款不错的飞机。

i just wonder how good the radar is on this aircraft and also the IR camera, P-8 can see a snorkal in the dark from miles away, but i think the systems will be advanced after seeing ZDK-03 so means its a top end aircraft

我只想知道这飞机的雷达有多好,红外相机也是。P-8 能在黑暗中很远以外看到潜望镜,但是在看到 ZDK-03 有多碉堡以后我想这个的系统会很先进。


07-22-2012        #31
Junior Member

Damn, Jeff, as you maybe noticed, I have now ventured into the inside of the Great Firewall. Your pics at posts #21 and #23 - for the constant flambite and potential instigate of mass anti-socialism rebellion efforts, imageshack and blogspot has been officially set into the nation's cyber dustbin.

靠,劫夫,如你可能注意到的,我已经突破进入 绿坝 的里面了。你在 21楼,23楼的图片——因为长期挑衅性和可能煽动大规模反社会主义报动【报动,报纸运动】,imageshack 和 blogspot 被正式扔到了我国的赛博垃圾堆里面了。

However, I noticed as the author of DRAGON'S FURY, our friendly geo-political public relation cooperation partner, your jeffhead.com domain is considered safe to our national security and the pic at post #17, I can clearly see.

但是,我注意到做为 DRAGON'S FURY 龙之怒 【红剑注,红色中国与阿拉子民联合向美国和西方世界发动进攻的军事架空小说,亚马逊上有售,坑爹35美元一本】 的作者的你——我国地缘政治与公共关系的友好合作伙伴,你的 jeffhead.com 域名被我们的国安认为是人畜无害的,你17楼的照片,我能清楚看到。

Can you re-post the #21 and #23 pics to your domain?


PS. - And maybe they are secretly making a knock-off version of EAGLE'S FURY from your idea of DRAGON'S FURY, the PSB has blocked the dragonsfuryseries.com domain as well.

另外,也许是经你启发,他们可能在秘密制作一部 EAGLE'S FURY 鹰之怒 的山寨版小说,公共安全专家局把你的小说专属地址 dragonsfuryseries.com 也给斧正了。


本文将以同名 ID 发往超大,供国内读者好生研判。


龙腾原贴:: http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-73296-1-1.html
美国佬的 核潜艇优势 实在是太大了…

我感觉至少最近10年 如果 东海 或者 南海打起来, 我们的航母 也就是  马岛战争时期 阿根廷那航母的 角色 -----  远离战区 打酱油~
吃肉兔 发表于 2012-7-25 02:40
07-14-2012        #21  
爷爷的儿子 发表于 2012-7-25 09:12
美国佬的 核潜艇优势 实在是太大了…

我感觉至少最近10年 如果 东海 或者 南海打起来, 我们的航母 也就 ...
在j20出现前我们也认为MD的空中优势“实在是太大了”。如果中美发生热战的话那将是两个体系的对抗,某某优 ...
不可能  美中现在是相爱相杀  不会有哪一方主动扩大冲突规模的
暗白 发表于 2012-7-26 01:54
就目前公布的那些核潜艇的技术水平 来说~


看完了,又学会了新的姿势- -~~
昨天看过了啊 回复被吃掉了吗。。还是说是别人发的。。
http://lt.cjdby.net/thread-1423858-1-2.html 找到了 我就说我昨天看过这个。。 翻译的很好啊
中美在搞基,打得起来吗?另外台湾人现在独立与不独立有什么区别?除了脑残的绿营谁愿意只为换个口号而别灭?我怀疑绿营有日本背景,是日本鬼子对付我们的牌。 谁愿意为台湾接受付出那么长的账单?除了TG外没人愿意
爷爷的儿子 发表于 2012-7-26 08:58
就目前公布的那些核潜艇的技术水平 来说~
