(中文翻译)澳洲军事专家库珀:成都歼20原型机隐身性能 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 14:00:41

转自龙腾网:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1





A Preliminary Assessment of Specular Radar Cross Section Performance in the Chengdu J-20 Prototype

Air Power Australia Analysis 2011-03
4th July 2011

A Monograph by
Dr Michael J Pelosi, MBA, MPA,
Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng

Text, computer graphics © 2011 Michael Pelosi, © 2011 Carlo Kopp

澳大利亚空中力量分析 2011-3



迈克尔·J·佩洛西 博士/MBA/MPA


文字,电脑绘图©2011 迈克尔·佩洛西,© 2011 卡罗·库珀

First public flight of the Chengdu J-20 prototype, 11th January, 2011 . The shaping design of the J-20 presents no fundamental obstacles to its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design (Chinese Internet).
2011年1月11日,成都歼20原型机首次公开试飞。歼20的造型设计表明,不会对其改进型的超低可探测性(简称VLO,也就是隐身技术Stealth Technology)。设计造成实质影响。





This study has explored the specular Radar Cross Section of the Chengdu J-20 prototype aircraft shaping design. Simulations using a Physical Optics simulation algorithm were performed for frequencies of 150 MHz, 600 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz and 28 GHz without an absorbent coating, and for frequencies of 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz with an absorbent coating, covering all angular aspects of the airframe. In addition, the performance of a range of Chinese developed radar absorbers was modelled, based on a reasonable survey of unclassified Chinese research publications in the area. None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers. Modelling has determined, that if the production J-20 retains the axisymmetric nozzles and smoothly area ruled sides, the aircraft could at best deliver robust Very Low Observable performance in the nose aspect angular sector. Conversely, if the production J-20 introduces a rectangular faceted nozzle design, and refinements to fuselage side shaping, the design would present very good potential for  robust Very Low Observable performance in the S-band and above, for the nose and tail aspect angular sectors, with good performance in the beam aspect angular sector. This study has therefore established through Physical Optics simulation across nine radio-frequency bands, that no fundamental obstacles exist in the shaping design of the J-20 prototype precluding its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design.

注释:Radar Cross Section(RCS),雷达散射截面是目标的一种折算面积,用来度量在雷达波照射下所产生的回波强度大小。RCS越小,说明反射越小,越不容易被发现,从而达到“隐身”的效果。RCS减缩有两种途径:一种是外形隐身,通过改变机身造型,把雷达波反射到雷达无法接收的方向上;一种是材料隐身,通过对机身敷设吸波涂层,把雷达波的能量损耗掉。通常外形隐身占到整个RCS减缩的90%左右,也就是说,衡量一架飞机隐身性能的优劣,主要看造型设计是否合理。同时,造型设计关乎到飞机的气动布局,所以如何兼顾隐身和气动的性能,成为了隐身设计的一大课题。


·J-20 Prototype Very Low Observable Airframe Shaping Design Features
  Chinese Absorbent Materials Technology
·Radar Cross Section Simulation Method / Simulator Design and Capabilities
  Aircraft Model Features and Limitations
  What the Simulation Does Not Demonstrate
  What the Simulation Does Demonstrate
·Specular Radar Cross Section Simulation Results
  Analysis of Shape Related Specular Radar Cross Section
  Analysis of Specular RCS with a Representative RAM Coating
·Endnotes, References and Bibliography:
·Annex A Scales, Bands, Geometries, and Representative Threats
·Annex B Basic Concepts in Absorbent Coatings Technology
·Annex C Axisymmetric Nozzle RCS Performance
·Annex D Viewing RCS Plots
·Annex E Glossary of Terms

·附录一 减缩、波段、几何和典型威胁
·附录二 吸收材料技术的基本概念
·附录三 轴对称喷口的隐身性能
·附录四 查看RCS图解
·附录五 术语




There has been extensive media speculation about the Radar Cross Section [RCS] of the J-20 stealth fighter, since the PLA-AF first exposed the prototype to the public in late December, 2010. Sadly much of this speculation has no valid scientific basis, yet appears to be regarded seriously enough to have influenced public statements by numerous senior officials in Western defence departments.

Performing a full assessment of the RCS of any Low Observable [LO / -10 to -30 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] or Very Low Observable [VLO / -30 to -40 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] aircraft is not a trivial task, as due consideration needs to be given to all major and minor RCS contributors in the design.
进行任何低可探测(LO / -10到-30 dBSM,参见 表格A.1) 或者超低可探测(VLO / -30到-40 dBSM,参见 表格A.1)飞机的全面评估不是一项简单的任务,需要考虑到设计之中所有主要和次要的RCS贡献。

注释:RCS用σ(Sigma)表示,常用单位为㎡(平方米)或dBSM(分贝平方米),公式为σ=4π *(目标处单位立体角内的散射功率/目标处单位面积上的入射功率),两个单位之间的转换关系是:1000㎡=30dbsm,100㎡=20dbsm,10㎡=10dbsm,1㎡=0dbsm,0.1㎡=-10dbsm,0.01㎡=-20dbsm,也就是说,如果RCS的值是0分贝,那么目标的有效照射面积便是1平方米。(显然,目标的真实面积肯定比1平方米大的多)RCS的“贡献”越大,其值越高。

Moreover, such an assessment, if it is to be useful, must consider the RCS from a range of different angular aspects, this encompassing azimuthal sectors and also elevation or depression angles characteristic of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Figures A.3 and A.4].
另外,要使评估有效,必须考虑一系列不同角度位面的隐身效果,包括旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统在各个方位面以及俯仰角的典型特征。(参见 图表A.3和A.4)(威胁系统指能够搜索、捕获、攻击飞机的雷达、导弹等军事设施)

The assessment of RCS must also be performed at the operating wavelengths typical of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Table A.2].
对RCS的评估也必须建立在旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统的工作波长典型特征之下。(参见 表格A.2)


Definitions of these and other terms employed in this document are summarised in Annex E. Reference data for RCS scales, radio-frequency bands, engagement geometries,  and representative threat systems are summarised in Annex A.

If the RCS assessment does not consider angular and wavelength dependencies properly, it will be almost meaningless, in terms of providing a means of determining or estimating the survivability of the LO/VLO design. The common practice of providing a single RCS value for a single aspect at a single frequency yields little information about the actual effectiveness of the design. Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.

The PLA's J-20 prototype is an important development in terms of grand strategy, as well as technological strategy, and basic technology. It shows that PLA thinking at the strategic level is focussed on defeating opposing IADS [Integrated Air Defence System] and fighter forces. In the domain of technological strategy, it shows a robust grasp of the limitations of Western technology deployed in Asia. In terms of basic technology, it shows that China's academic research and industrial base has mastered advanced LO/VLO shaping techniques.

The intent of this study is to perform a preliminary assessment of the RCS of the J-20 prototype, to establish the potential of the aircraft to be fully developed as an LO/VLO combat asset.

The assessment cannot be more than preliminary for a number of good reasons:

   1. The final airframe shaping remains unknown, and changes may arise through the development cycle, to improve
        aerodynamic performance, operational characteristics, and LO/VLO performance;
   2. The state of Chinese Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM), Radar Absorbent Structures (RAS) and radar absorbent
        coatings technology is not well understood in the West;
   3. The state of Chinese technologies for sensor aperture (radar, EO, passive RF) structural mode RCS reduction is not well
       understood in the West;
   4. The state of Chinese technologies for RCS flare spot reduction, in areas such as  navigation/communications antennas,
       seals, panel joins, drain apertures, cooling vents, and fasteners is not well understood in the West.




转自龙腾网:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1





A Preliminary Assessment of Specular Radar Cross Section Performance in the Chengdu J-20 Prototype

Air Power Australia Analysis 2011-03
4th July 2011

A Monograph by
Dr Michael J Pelosi, MBA, MPA,
Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng

Text, computer graphics © 2011 Michael Pelosi, © 2011 Carlo Kopp

澳大利亚空中力量分析 2011-3



迈克尔·J·佩洛西 博士/MBA/MPA


文字,电脑绘图©2011 迈克尔·佩洛西,© 2011 卡罗·库珀

First public flight of the Chengdu J-20 prototype, 11th January, 2011 . The shaping design of the J-20 presents no fundamental obstacles to its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design (Chinese Internet).
2011年1月11日,成都歼20原型机首次公开试飞。歼20的造型设计表明,不会对其改进型的超低可探测性(简称VLO,也就是隐身技术Stealth Technology)。设计造成实质影响。





This study has explored the specular Radar Cross Section of the Chengdu J-20 prototype aircraft shaping design. Simulations using a Physical Optics simulation algorithm were performed for frequencies of 150 MHz, 600 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz and 28 GHz without an absorbent coating, and for frequencies of 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz with an absorbent coating, covering all angular aspects of the airframe. In addition, the performance of a range of Chinese developed radar absorbers was modelled, based on a reasonable survey of unclassified Chinese research publications in the area. None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers. Modelling has determined, that if the production J-20 retains the axisymmetric nozzles and smoothly area ruled sides, the aircraft could at best deliver robust Very Low Observable performance in the nose aspect angular sector. Conversely, if the production J-20 introduces a rectangular faceted nozzle design, and refinements to fuselage side shaping, the design would present very good potential for  robust Very Low Observable performance in the S-band and above, for the nose and tail aspect angular sectors, with good performance in the beam aspect angular sector. This study has therefore established through Physical Optics simulation across nine radio-frequency bands, that no fundamental obstacles exist in the shaping design of the J-20 prototype precluding its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design.

注释:Radar Cross Section(RCS),雷达散射截面是目标的一种折算面积,用来度量在雷达波照射下所产生的回波强度大小。RCS越小,说明反射越小,越不容易被发现,从而达到“隐身”的效果。RCS减缩有两种途径:一种是外形隐身,通过改变机身造型,把雷达波反射到雷达无法接收的方向上;一种是材料隐身,通过对机身敷设吸波涂层,把雷达波的能量损耗掉。通常外形隐身占到整个RCS减缩的90%左右,也就是说,衡量一架飞机隐身性能的优劣,主要看造型设计是否合理。同时,造型设计关乎到飞机的气动布局,所以如何兼顾隐身和气动的性能,成为了隐身设计的一大课题。


·J-20 Prototype Very Low Observable Airframe Shaping Design Features
  Chinese Absorbent Materials Technology
·Radar Cross Section Simulation Method / Simulator Design and Capabilities
  Aircraft Model Features and Limitations
  What the Simulation Does Not Demonstrate
  What the Simulation Does Demonstrate
·Specular Radar Cross Section Simulation Results
  Analysis of Shape Related Specular Radar Cross Section
  Analysis of Specular RCS with a Representative RAM Coating
·Endnotes, References and Bibliography:
·Annex A Scales, Bands, Geometries, and Representative Threats
·Annex B Basic Concepts in Absorbent Coatings Technology
·Annex C Axisymmetric Nozzle RCS Performance
·Annex D Viewing RCS Plots
·Annex E Glossary of Terms

·附录一 减缩、波段、几何和典型威胁
·附录二 吸收材料技术的基本概念
·附录三 轴对称喷口的隐身性能
·附录四 查看RCS图解
·附录五 术语




There has been extensive media speculation about the Radar Cross Section [RCS] of the J-20 stealth fighter, since the PLA-AF first exposed the prototype to the public in late December, 2010. Sadly much of this speculation has no valid scientific basis, yet appears to be regarded seriously enough to have influenced public statements by numerous senior officials in Western defence departments.

Performing a full assessment of the RCS of any Low Observable [LO / -10 to -30 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] or Very Low Observable [VLO / -30 to -40 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] aircraft is not a trivial task, as due consideration needs to be given to all major and minor RCS contributors in the design.
进行任何低可探测(LO / -10到-30 dBSM,参见 表格A.1) 或者超低可探测(VLO / -30到-40 dBSM,参见 表格A.1)飞机的全面评估不是一项简单的任务,需要考虑到设计之中所有主要和次要的RCS贡献。

注释:RCS用σ(Sigma)表示,常用单位为㎡(平方米)或dBSM(分贝平方米),公式为σ=4π *(目标处单位立体角内的散射功率/目标处单位面积上的入射功率),两个单位之间的转换关系是:1000㎡=30dbsm,100㎡=20dbsm,10㎡=10dbsm,1㎡=0dbsm,0.1㎡=-10dbsm,0.01㎡=-20dbsm,也就是说,如果RCS的值是0分贝,那么目标的有效照射面积便是1平方米。(显然,目标的真实面积肯定比1平方米大的多)RCS的“贡献”越大,其值越高。

Moreover, such an assessment, if it is to be useful, must consider the RCS from a range of different angular aspects, this encompassing azimuthal sectors and also elevation or depression angles characteristic of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Figures A.3 and A.4].
另外,要使评估有效,必须考虑一系列不同角度位面的隐身效果,包括旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统在各个方位面以及俯仰角的典型特征。(参见 图表A.3和A.4)(威胁系统指能够搜索、捕获、攻击飞机的雷达、导弹等军事设施)

The assessment of RCS must also be performed at the operating wavelengths typical of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Table A.2].
对RCS的评估也必须建立在旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统的工作波长典型特征之下。(参见 表格A.2)


Definitions of these and other terms employed in this document are summarised in Annex E. Reference data for RCS scales, radio-frequency bands, engagement geometries,  and representative threat systems are summarised in Annex A.

If the RCS assessment does not consider angular and wavelength dependencies properly, it will be almost meaningless, in terms of providing a means of determining or estimating the survivability of the LO/VLO design. The common practice of providing a single RCS value for a single aspect at a single frequency yields little information about the actual effectiveness of the design. Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.

The PLA's J-20 prototype is an important development in terms of grand strategy, as well as technological strategy, and basic technology. It shows that PLA thinking at the strategic level is focussed on defeating opposing IADS [Integrated Air Defence System] and fighter forces. In the domain of technological strategy, it shows a robust grasp of the limitations of Western technology deployed in Asia. In terms of basic technology, it shows that China's academic research and industrial base has mastered advanced LO/VLO shaping techniques.

The intent of this study is to perform a preliminary assessment of the RCS of the J-20 prototype, to establish the potential of the aircraft to be fully developed as an LO/VLO combat asset.

The assessment cannot be more than preliminary for a number of good reasons:

   1. The final airframe shaping remains unknown, and changes may arise through the development cycle, to improve
        aerodynamic performance, operational characteristics, and LO/VLO performance;
   2. The state of Chinese Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM), Radar Absorbent Structures (RAS) and radar absorbent
        coatings technology is not well understood in the West;
   3. The state of Chinese technologies for sensor aperture (radar, EO, passive RF) structural mode RCS reduction is not well
       understood in the West;
   4. The state of Chinese technologies for RCS flare spot reduction, in areas such as  navigation/communications antennas,
       seals, panel joins, drain apertures, cooling vents, and fasteners is not well understood in the West.




Achievement of credible LO or VLO performance is the result of a design having intended RCS characteristics in all of these
categories.The relative importance of the respective categories should be discussed.

Sound airframe shaping is a necessary prerequisite for good LO or VLO performance. If shaping is poor, no amount of credible materials application and detail flare spot reduction will overcome the RCS contributions produced by the airframe shape, and genuine VLO performance will be unattainable.

If airframe shaping is sound, then careful and well considered application of Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM), Radar Absorbent Structures (RAS), radar absorbent coatings, aperture RCS reductions, and minor flare spot reductions techniques will yield a VLO design.

As a result, modelling of the shape related RCS contributions of any VLO design is of very high value, as it determines not only whether the aircraft can achieve credible VLO category performance, but also where the designers will be investing effort in RAS, RAM and coating application to achieve this effect.

This paper will focus mostly on shape related RCS contributions, due to the uncertainties inherent in estimating the performance of unknown technologies for RAS, RAM, coatings, aperture RCS reductions, and minor flare spot reduction. Where applicable, reasonable assumptions will be made as to the performance of absorbent material related RCS reduction measures. Some tentative modelling of published Chinese RAM coatings will be performed.


J-20 Prototype Very Low Observable Airframe Shaping Design Features



The J-20 prototype designs displays a number of VLO design features, generally based on design rules developed for and employed in the construction of United States VLO combat aircraft. These display a good theoretical and practical understanding of the VLO design rules developed by US researchers in industry and US government research laboratories, between 1975 and 2000.

Overall, the stealth shaping of the J-20 prototype design is without doubt considerably better than that seen in the Russian T-50 PAK-FA prototypes and, even more so, than that seen in the intended production configuration of the United States' F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The J-20 design appears to be mostly constructed around the stealth shaping design rules employed in the US Air Force F-22A Raptor:

1.The chined J-20 nose section and canopy are close in appearance to the F-22, yielding similar specular RCS performance in a mature design.



2.The J-20 trapezoidal edge aligned engine inlets are closest to the F-22, though they appear to be larger and employ an F-35 style DSI (Diverterless Supersonic Inlet) design, obviously intended to improve on F-22 inlet leading edge signature.
2、歼20梯形进气口的对齐方式与F22十分接近,但他们似乎更多地采用了F35的DSI(无附面层隔道超音速进气道 )设计风格,显然他们打算改进F22的进气口边缘的信号特征。

3.The J-20 wing fuselage join, critical for beam and all aspect stealth, is in shaping and angle very similar to the F-22, and clearly superior to both the T-50 PAK-FA prototypes and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.


4.The J-20 flat lower fuselage is optimal for all aspect wideband stealth, and emulates the F-22 design closely. It can produce a significant ground bounce return in some geometries, especially at lower altitudes, or angles approaching the normal.

5.Planform alignment of the J-20 shows exact angular alignment between canard and delta leading edges, and exact crossed (starboard to port, port to starboard) angular edge alignment between canard and delta trailing edges. Leading edge sweep is ~43°, clearly intended for efficient supersonic flight.


6.The J-20 nose and main undercarriage, and cheek weapon bay doors employ C-band through Ku-band optimised edge serration technology, based on F-117A and F-22 design rules.

7.The aft fuselage, tailbooms, fins/strakes and axi-symmetric nozzles are not compatible with high stealth performance, but may only be stop-gap measures to expedite flight testing of a prototype. Performance is notably poorer in the H polarisation.

8.The airframe configuration and aft fuselage shape would be compatible with an F-22A style 2D TVC nozzle design, or a non-TVC rectangular nozzle designed for controlled infrared emission patterns and radio-frequency stealth. Infrared signature will be influenced by other considerations, especially engine bypass ratio.

注释:涵道比(bypass ratio),即涡轮发动机外涵道与内涵道空气流量的比值。内涵道的空气流入燃烧室与燃料混合,燃烧做功,外涵道的空气不进入燃烧室,而是与内涵道流出的燃气相混合后排出。外涵道的空气只通过风扇,流速较慢,且是低温,内涵道排出的是高温燃气,两种气体混合后降低了流速与温度,能够降低噪声,增加推力。

9.The choice of all moving slab stabilators and canards will impact RCS at deflection angles away from the neutral position. If large control deflections are produced in flight regimes other than close combat manoeuvring, the specular RCS of the all moving slab controls would need to be considered.

A qualitative assessment of the J-20 prototype clearly shows that the design has the potential for VLO capability, certainly in the very important forward hemisphere.

Available imagery from similar or identical aspects permits direct comparisons between the J-20 and the United States F-22A and F-35 designs.
汗 才发现有人发过了 版主删帖吧。