俄罗斯正在按照计划进度建造自己的NITKA--全新翻修两条 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 07:45:23





1。  目前正在为了训练飞行员,正在建造全新空战和战斗飞行训练中心。(当然比其他的要好)

2. 正在按照建设规划建设, 完全全新返修了两条跑道, 其中一条已经具备使用条件, 全天候适用于各类飞机。

3. 完成两条跑道后, 将开始建造航母飞行甲板模拟器。

4. 该中心将于2012年投入使用。(模拟器投入使用将会延后)

5. 该中心将具备全新的训练体制

6. 该中心将同时具备民用性质, 为退休的飞行员提供发挥余热的机会, 培训民用飞行员。

7。 年平均飞行小时数一般超过100小时。 (语气是还是不够的)


On the coast of the Azov Sea in Yeisk is building the Center of combat employment and training of flight personnel, which is created with the development of the Russian Armed Forces in the new format. In the future we plan to provide pilots aces for each type of aircraft that will prepare pilots in Yeisk able to perform more complex exercise than others. In the group of excellence crews will be sent to each of the fleet commanders the best crews. On the basis of Yeysk center they will show their ability in piloting, and then the total profit from all the fleets of the pilots will be selected 10, which will continue to engage in the program of higher skill.

Construction of a new training complex there NITKA for pilots palubnikov goes according to plan. We performed a complete renovation of existing two lanes there. One of them is ready for all kinds of aircraft in the third category as all-weather. After repairing the bands begin to build a simulator Threads. I really hope that next year the center was put into operation and will be able to work there.

This is a completely new system of training, we plan to test it in the near future, which will produce a new constellation of pilots professionals. This school of mastery was trying to create another Hero of Russia Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze, the pilot of God, who became the founder of modern carrier-based aircraft.
The second innovation - putting into the center of a civil state Eysk instructor pilot. At these positions we will invite the airmen who have reached the age limit being on military service, but want to continue to work for the benefit of naval aviation and share their experience with young change. I'll tell you straight: very sorry to part with full power and energy professionals, who are 45-50 years old retire because of reaching the age limit. Most of them differ in excellent health, high availability, and, most importantly, a wealth of experience flight operations. These professionals will welcome and Civil Aviation, and Emergency department. But we have to think about who's going to make a new change for naval aviation.
That in order to keep professionals in the Navy and bring new, we are now developing a civilian specialists. They will identify the pilots, which can be prepared by a more complex program, and then deal with them. The rest of the pilots that have not been selected, continue to gain experience. This will create a certain elitism pilots, promising to build the line. We must create a system that allows people to fully express themselves and make maximum use of existing capacity.=============================





1。  目前正在为了训练飞行员,正在建造全新空战和战斗飞行训练中心。(当然比其他的要好)

2. 正在按照建设规划建设, 完全全新返修了两条跑道, 其中一条已经具备使用条件, 全天候适用于各类飞机。

3. 完成两条跑道后, 将开始建造航母飞行甲板模拟器。

4. 该中心将于2012年投入使用。(模拟器投入使用将会延后)

5. 该中心将具备全新的训练体制

6. 该中心将同时具备民用性质, 为退休的飞行员提供发挥余热的机会, 培训民用飞行员。

7。 年平均飞行小时数一般超过100小时。 (语气是还是不够的)


On the coast of the Azov Sea in Yeisk is building the Center of combat employment and training of flight personnel, which is created with the development of the Russian Armed Forces in the new format. In the future we plan to provide pilots aces for each type of aircraft that will prepare pilots in Yeisk able to perform more complex exercise than others. In the group of excellence crews will be sent to each of the fleet commanders the best crews. On the basis of Yeysk center they will show their ability in piloting, and then the total profit from all the fleets of the pilots will be selected 10, which will continue to engage in the program of higher skill.

Construction of a new training complex there NITKA for pilots palubnikov goes according to plan. We performed a complete renovation of existing two lanes there. One of them is ready for all kinds of aircraft in the third category as all-weather. After repairing the bands begin to build a simulator Threads. I really hope that next year the center was put into operation and will be able to work there.

This is a completely new system of training, we plan to test it in the near future, which will produce a new constellation of pilots professionals. This school of mastery was trying to create another Hero of Russia Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze, the pilot of God, who became the founder of modern carrier-based aircraft.
The second innovation - putting into the center of a civil state Eysk instructor pilot. At these positions we will invite the airmen who have reached the age limit being on military service, but want to continue to work for the benefit of naval aviation and share their experience with young change. I'll tell you straight: very sorry to part with full power and energy professionals, who are 45-50 years old retire because of reaching the age limit. Most of them differ in excellent health, high availability, and, most importantly, a wealth of experience flight operations. These professionals will welcome and Civil Aviation, and Emergency department. But we have to think about who's going to make a new change for naval aviation.
That in order to keep professionals in the Navy and bring new, we are now developing a civilian specialists. They will identify the pilots, which can be prepared by a more complex program, and then deal with them. The rest of the pilots that have not been selected, continue to gain experience. This will create a certain elitism pilots, promising to build the line. We must create a system that allows people to fully express themselves and make maximum use of existing capacity.
laozh1020 发表于 2011-7-14 22:49
GE大神 发表于 2011-7-14 23:42


中华海帝 发表于 2011-7-15 08:59
俄语翻译成英文(google处理翻译的) 你都看得出语气,  太牛X了。 :D
GE大神 发表于 2011-7-15 11:38
GE大神 发表于 2011-7-15 12:26
One of them is ready for all kinds of aircraft in the third category as all-weather.

One of them is ready for all kinds of aircraft in the third category as all-weather.   
毛子不是好些年前就想弄这个吗  现在能上裤子的飞飞都没几个
emule 发表于 2011-7-15 12:38
毛子不是好些年前就想弄这个吗  现在能上裤子的飞飞都没几个
都被忽视了, 估计。
GE大神 发表于 2011-7-15 20:31
2011-7-19 11:03 上传
