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China --- Earth’s black hole
作者: 寒灯 发布日期: 2011-05-25 11:49:57 浏览: 556 评分: 0.0
译文简介: 一个ID来自中国的网友发表了一些中国黑洞的言论,看各国各地址的网民是如何回复的? 译文来源: 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com翻译:寒灯
http://www.historum.com/asian-hi ... ths-black-hole.html 正文翻译:
  Historum 有 ip 国家显示功能,以下评论的国家将用橙红色在 id 旁标注。
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  楼主 aihumon 中国
  Black hole, is the form of the planet death ,with loss of vitality ,meaning of the death of things.And China, as the black hole in our planet,is a form of community,with ceaseless annexation , is like a cancer of the earth .it’s threatening life on Earth and human society’s future.
  黑洞,一种行星毁灭后 , 死气沉沉的形态,意味着某种事物的死亡。而中国,就如我们星球上的黑洞一般,作为一种社会形态,它无休止的吞并着他人,可谓是“地球之癌”。对于地球还是人类社会的未来而言,这都是一种危险的存在。
  Geographically, china is on the eastern end of themainland , surrounded by the tallest mountain on the west and the south, and endless desert on the north, by the east is the vast Pacific,adn only in the northwest panhandle, could communicate with Eurasia.
  从地理位置上说 , 中国位于欧亚大陆的东端,西部与南部被世界上最高的山所环绕,北部则有着无边无际的荒漠,而东部沿海则与广袤的太平洋西北部交接。(因而)只有西北部的狭长地带可以与欧亚其他国家进行交流。
  Geographically obturated, the original ancestors of the Han nationality here got maximum space for their own development to a large social organizations.The same organizations fusion ultimately, became a largest country of single ethnic . With the effect ofcentripetal force, the country’s organizations were increasingly dense, adn strong national pressure droped in each person, everyone’s mind are unclenched, what the monster country’s tentacles are tied to ,and people tied the ropes each other so that they couldnt act freely.
  Because of the strong integration capabilities,China is like agroup of slaves in hypnosis,such as ants orrobots,so its invincible.People at the bottom of chinese society,as a separate person,have no personality,ignorance,weak,but when they are mobilized ,they become strong and depressing.The whole community,is a pool of stagnat water,can not bestirred.In its history,vibrant nomadic nations impacted and conquer the central plains many times.Although their military strength was strong ,once entering thechinese cultural sphere,they were immediately assimilated like a object being teared on entering the border ofa black hole.Beginning they became a nominanl victory,finally being eventually the slaves of this huge ideology.
  由于强有力的整合能力 , 中国人就如同一群沉浸在睡眠中的奴隶,又或是一群机器人或蚂蚁。也因此,中国是无法被征服的。那些身处社会底层的人们,作为个体时,他们没有个性,无知,弱小,但当别人试图动员他们(进行反抗)的时候,他们又变得强韧而令人沮丧。中国的整个社会就如同一潭死水,无法人为的激起涟漪。在中国的历史上,游牧民族曾多次影响和征服中原地区。然而,尽管他们拥有强大的军事力量,一旦进入了中国文化圈,他们就会被立刻同化,好似被扯碎吸入了黑洞的物质一般。一开始他们能有个名义上的胜利,但到了最后他们终将沦为这个巨大意识形态的奴隶。
  This painful process, in every process of childood to adulthood repeat again and again. The process of a child like ones of all parts of the world ,to a Chinese adult ,loss the curiosity and joy and independent personality, and add the accept of black and white reversed, bully the weak ,and acceptance of corrupt quality as the guide of life specification,to integrate into this black hole, become a particles soup without shape.Or they would be crushed.
  China, the mammoth monster, the human tumors, in the 19th century should have been dismembered and melted in Western civilization, but even as strong as the Western civilization controlling the whole world, defeating the Qing state hundreds of millions of people by thousands of soldiers, couldnt melt China’s potential power into a piece of normal human tissues.
  中国,这个庞然大物、人类的肿瘤,应该在 19 世纪就被西方文明所直接并消融,但即使强如西方文明 —— 她控制着整个世界,曾以几千兵马就击败了清朝数以亿计的人民,也无法消融掉中国潜在的力量,将其变为一块正常的人体组织。
  Again, china are controlled by a group , return to the form of the familiar black hole. Now, this black hole has been recovered, and began to spray to the civilized world by its long-tongued, to meet the desires of its absorption. The whole world cant concentrate to struggle to china.
  再说一次,中国是由少部分人所控制的。现在我们回到黑洞这个老话题上来。现在中国这个黑洞缓过劲儿了,开始向文明世界吐出长舌 ( spray to the civilized world by its long-tongued ) 以满足它的贪欲。而世界却并无法团结一致反抗中国。
  Western civilization is fine, but the individualism of each country makes they work each for himself.This infighting with each other, by the Chinese money inducements, they all yield.Even the United States, the standard-bearer of Western civilization has graduallyabandoned.
  西方文明是很好,但是国家的个人主义使他们各行其是。他们在中国的金钱诱饵下混战内讧,最后一一屈服于中国。就连美国 —— 西方文明的支柱,也渐渐地被抛弃了。
  Although the Islamic civilization is more despotic than europe, butthe state did not develop into a black hole, still it has a bright future. But China want to ally with the Islamic , to absorb it first.If so ,the west has less ablitily to respond,and would be absorbed shamefully.
  尽管伊斯兰文明比欧洲更为专横 , 但其国家还未能发展成为黑洞 , 它还是有着光明的前景。但是中国想要和伊斯兰世界结为盟友,抢先一步将其吸纳。如果中国做成了这件事 , 西方世界就会少掉一股对抗中国的力量,并终将十分丢脸地被中国所吸收吞并。
  I am deeply concerned about human civilization.If the next 50 years, the rise of China can not be stopped, the Earth will once again come to the Dark Ages. when the power of democracy and freedom could be reconstructed, even if they could be reconstructed,will be unknown.
  我深深地关心着人类文明。在下一个 50 年里 , 倘若中国的崛起无法被遏制 , 地球将会再一次进入“黑暗时代” . 届时民主和自由自然可以重建 , 但是即使他们能被重建 , 也将会默默无闻,不为人所知。
  Jake10 香港
  Pretty harsh words, man. What exactly are you suggesting? That the culture needs to be killed?
  China has her problems, but this sounds extreme.
  相当刺耳的话啊,老兄。 , 你到底想建议什么呢 ? 中国的文化需要被抹杀 ?
  中国有确实有她自己的问题 , 但你的话听起来极端的。
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  alitalent 中国
  come on. i support you saving the earth.
  Mandate of Heaven 湾湾
  So why are you in China? You have a fetishfor black holes?
  那你为什么还在中国 ? 你对黑洞有什么特殊的癖好么 ?
  Indy11 美国
  Uighur maybe?
  也许( lz )是WWE族人?
  (以下 n 楼呈无语状态,在此略去。)
  Tennenbaum 美国
  (回 lz 第一句话)
  Actually a black hole is astar death
  scholar 美国
  More specifically a black hole is a remnant of a star or stars. Basically, ablack hole is formed when a very, very large star has a supernova event which can result in a neutron star or a blackhole. If the star is large enough it will form a black hole. This black hole is essentially fromedwhen the star collapses and it’s gravity goes unceasing towards it’s center. Basically Gravity Wins an otherwise tug-a-war that exists in every other star or star remnant. The gravity is so intense that light cannot escape the black hole meaning quite literally it appears black because all forms of visible light are sucked into it.
  更确切地说黑洞是一颗或多颗恒星的残留。基本上 , 黑洞都脱胎于恒星,如果这颗恒星爆发成一颗非常 , 非常硕大的超新星 , 那么就可能会产生中子星或黑洞。如果恒星够大 , 它就会成为一个黑洞。黑洞本质上是在恒星崩塌时形成的 , 并且它的重力不断地向中心聚集。基本上 , 重力牵引存在于所有的恒星和恒星残骸中。由于重力极大,光线都无法逃脱。“黑”洞的名字还是挺形象的,因为所有形态的可见光都会被吞没入其中。
  In regards to the article itdisplays nothing but total ignorance towards the subject matter it putsforward. Most of it is flagrantly skewed or incorrect. Even in Geography it is wrong.
  Galladrim 澳大利亚
  So as I gather it you arguing that Chinese culture will swallow up or assimilate that of other cultures
  Mandate of Heaven 湾湾
  Chinese eat Big Macs, drink Coke, and listen to Rock. Who’s assimilatingwho?
  中国人吃巨无霸 , 喝可乐 , 听摇滚乐。谁吸收了谁?
  Lucius 美国
  aihumon is apparently less interested in discussion of his ideas than he is in just broadcasting them to theworld.
  比起好好讨论一下他的观点, lz 显然更关心怎么把他的观点宣扬给全世界听。
  I think his general idea is that as the world continues to "shrink," one-party dictatorship and command economy will replace liberal democracy and capitalism/socialism(I think that’s his general idea - it’s not easy to say. Maybe he’s talking about outright military/naval conquest - like I say, it’s hard to say).
  My thought is that the opposite is closer to the truth. As the world continues to shrink, the Chinese people will look at, say, Switzerland, and decide, "THAT’S WHAT WE WANT TOO!"
  我认为 lz 的大意是:随着这个世界的不断“缩水”,一党专制和计划经济将取代自由民主以及资本主义 / 社会主义(我觉得这就是 lz 的大意了,但这些可不是什么浅显易懂的议题)。或许他是在直接讨论军事 / 海军征服 —— 就像我说的,这些也不太好说。
  我认为与 lz 想法的观点可能更接近真相。随着世界的不断缩水,中国人将会看上一眼,然后说,瑞士,并且作出决定“这也是我们想要的!”
  There will be some bumps on that road, justas there have ever been.
  aihumon 中国
  I don’t want a self-absorbed, left, brutalforce dominat China, while the people here are laughing at me, with patriotism the rascal signs !
  Below are posts in an international Chinese BBS to show you China domestic atmosphere
  以下是一个中国国际 BBS 上的帖子,它们会让你领略到中国的国内氛围:
  http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/art....shtml) (the bbs iscalled tianya bbs , 天涯社区 ,
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  Debunk the huge international scam: western-style democracycannot make any country strong
  Democracy is a good thing, but western-style democracy is not what purpose
  Democracy and Wall Street together subjugate - the United States clung analyze!
  President electoral is the democratic cancer of America and the world
  Actually, democracy is the real brainwashed tools
  what nations’ rise is because of democracy?
  the us with Democracy slaughter nine children inAfghanistan ! Commit iniquity!
  why democratic will destroy India?
  The first war to rising----unplug Guam U.S. military base
  China will rise of excellent race quality
  the system of democracycan not power
  China’s rise, let us-european encirclementand suppression became century jokes
  China is a socialist country, can concentratethe power do great things
  Yang: the United States must end the arms sales to Taiwan
  How to destroy America (3) - U.S. defense defectsand to U.S. military impact
  Let history also you witha sense of justice - mourning slobodan milosevic
  Yang jiechi deny police attack reporter ,didn’t want anyone to tell stories
  The lawyers don’t understand Chinese and are fired out, accused of chinese-american boss racial discrimination
  A north American indians indigenous ’s talkto Chinese
  RMB in 2020, become the biggest currency in the world
  Capitalist democracy is really weaker than feudalhereditary system。
  China hasn’t actually necessary in yellow sea and fought against the United States , we can fire in Mexico
  Genghis khan is Chinese historical figures, wars about jin and song are China civil wars
  west culture is savage culture, the Chinese culture is the best
  "Greek civilization" - fictitiousing zero (Deceive lies)
  (这个 id Naomasa298 译者还比较熟,似乎是日本人)英国
  Mmm. Looks like the kindof virulent nationalism that you can find in a lot of threads on this board.
  China, much like many nations who were on the wrong end of European expansionism, is suffering from an inferiority complex and islooking to make up for decades of perceived humiliating treatment, much like the Japanese did at the start of the 20th century - except 100 years later and with ten times the population.
  中国,就像很多曾遭受欧洲殖民侵略的国家一样,有着浓浓的自卑情结,并且正试图一雪前耻。这很像日本在 20 世纪初所做的那样 —— 只不过晚了 100 年,还有着 10 倍的人口。
  And who can blame them? A case of "it’s ok when we did it to you but not when you do it to us"?
  Wastedgrunt36 美国
  回复楼上天涯上的贴“成吉思汗是中国历史人物,蒙与金宋战史也是中国内战史 ( 脚踏教皇剑西方 )”
  ?This part gave me a laugh. But really, it’s just a bbs as you say. As long as the leaders of china aren’t saying this. If they are, what right dowe have to stop them?
  看到这个,俺笑了。但是像你说的,这只是一个 BBS 上的论调。只要中国的领导人没这么说 (这就不能证明什么) 。不过如果他们这么说了,我们又有什么权力才能阻止他们呢?
  Rosi 英国
  I once heard someone say that Genghis Khan was a Buddhist, and I thought what a great advert for Buddhism he was.
  我有一次听人说啊 , 成吉思汗是个佛教徒。我想,对佛教来说成吉思汗是个多么牛叉的广告啊。
  Erm, sorry. What’s"bbs"?
  呃 , 对不起 , 什么是“ bbs ” ?
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  imperialmen 印度
  印度人看到了“ 民主何以终将毁灭印度? ( 转载 ) ”
  Explain it to me, what this means?
  Ok, I translated it to:"Why India will eventually destroy democracy?"...... I don’t understand why people will give up their freedom....
   告诉我 , 这是什么意思 ?
  好的 , 我把它翻译为 : “为什么印度最终将会破坏民主 ? ”……我不明白为什么人们会放弃他们的自由 ....
  ( “中华崛起第一战 拔掉关岛美军基地这颗钉子 ( 转载 )”)
  This is a worrying thing....
  这真是让人担忧的论调啊 ....
  (说说希腊文明 --- 子虚乌有)
  LOL! Its the world’s end when Thess sees this!
  哈哈 ~ ~ ! 要是 帖撒罗尼迦人 看到了这这些,那会是世界的末日!
  “ 帖撒罗尼迦 ”(THESsALONICA) 城,是马其顿省一个重要的城市。
  Naomasa298 英国
  (回 ls 英国人)
  . It’s an ancient term from the pre-historic days when the internet was young and men courted women by bashing them over the head with a club. You’d use your dial-up connection to connect to a closed system where you could post messages. They didn’t have graphics or anything.
  Nowadays, the term is usually used to refer to forums, much like this one.
  And that IS history.
  "Bulletin board"
  意为“布告栏区”( Bulletin board )。这个术语来自史前时代,在互联网刚刚发展并且男人们还在用棍棒打女人的时候一度被使用过。你用你的拨号上网链接到互联网上一个封闭的系统,在那里你可以张贴消息。在那上面你无法贴图,也不能使用其他许多功能。
    如今 , 这个术语通常指论坛 , 就像 lz 所举的这个一样。
  Mandate of Heaven 台湾
  Mongolia had been a part of China until fairly recently(I think in the late40’s of last century). Even today, there are way more Mongolians who were also Chinese(living in China) than those in the Outer Mongolia.
  蒙古一直是中国的一部分,直到近代才发生了变化。(我认为是在上个世纪 40 年代)甚至到了今天,生活在中国的蒙古人也远远多于生活在外蒙古的人。
  Moreover, Ghengis Khan did rule over the northern half of China. So, I can understand if he is seen as a Chinese historical figure. I am sure Persians consider Alexander to be a figure of Persian history.
  Lord_of_Gauda 加拿大
  Mongolia only became part of China for a very brief period of time- the Qing dynasty period. Much like Tibet, China’s claim to include mongoliainto its historical and cultural domain is spurious.
  aihumon 楼主,中国
  while,i have found chinese "5mao"s---Communist propagandists to be hired by china government,with one post 0.5yuan ,have be full of famous web-sites all over the world.
  They are propaganding all of the views i have Pasted above on every foreign web-sites ,not only in chinese web-sites.They slander Democracy and west civilization,declare that china is the unique civilization in the world,ridicule india ,the us, Australia,Japan,and South Korea.
  china has generous military forums in which the Nationalists imagine attacking the US by atomic weapons,to govern the world by the unique civilized system-- tribute system
  嘛,我发现了好多中国“五,毛,党” —— 中国政府,雇人为GCD做宣传,一贴 0.5 元 (原文 one post 0.5yuan ) ,这些人看来现在已经充斥了全球的知名网络。
  而在中国豪情万丈的军事论坛里,国家主义者想象着用原子弹攻击美国,并将世界纳入他们奇特的统治体系 —— 朝贡体系。
  ?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  Lucius 美国
  Wait a minute. Do you mean that you are mocking Chinese nationalism?
  Look, there are nationalist people all over the world. They all think their tribe/nation/whatever is the most wonderful, etc, and no amount of statistics will sway them. Why should the Chinese be any different?
  I welcome China’s arrival on the world stage and I expect great things of them. Chinese people are smart.
  Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture.
  But this time, make it for real. That’s how everybody else did it.
  等一下。你的意思是你在嘲笑中国的民族,主义吗 ?
  看 , 全世界都有民族主义者嘛。他们都认为他们的部族 / 国家 / 什么是最棒的,摆出资料也无法让他们改变心意。为什么事情到了中国这儿就不同了 ?
  Mandate of Heaven 台湾
  Qing dynasty is not a brief period of time. It ranfrom 1644 to 1912, almost 3 centuries. Counting ROC and PRC, Tibet has been Chinese for almost 400 years today.
  清朝的统治时间可不短。它从 1644 延续到 1912 年,统治了中国将进 3 个世纪呢。要是再算上中,华,民,国和中华人民共和国,到今天西藏作为中国的一部分已经有近四百年的历史了。
  USA’s hold on its territories is much briefer. Does US have a sprious hold on California, which has only been in the Union for little more than 100 years?
  Current India’s hold on the different subcontinent territories is even briefer. Can we say its claim to the different regions which used to be independent states and had distinct cultures/languages/histories spurious?
  Lord_of_Gauda 加拿大
  it is a brief period of timein the context of the civilization we are talkingabout. In their recorded history, Tibet and Mongolia have spent the bulk of their time independent of Chinese influence than being subordinates or conquered.
  Irrelevant- California’s history is predominantly Mexican/American for the last several hundred years, before which, its history is completely indeterminate and unknown.
  加州的历史无关 —— 主要是墨西哥和美国的在过去的几百年的时间 , 在那之前 , 它的历史是完全不确定性和未知。
  Virtually all the regions held by India has a strong Indian cultural and political influence and the concept of India is not a mono-ethnic/mono-linguistic/mono-cultural domination like China’s isexplicitly (Han supremacy).
  截止到译者开始着手翻译的时候,原帖已达到 131 楼。
China --- Earth’s black hole
作者: 寒灯 发布日期: 2011-05-25 11:49:57 浏览: 556 评分: 0.0
译文简介: 一个ID来自中国的网友发表了一些中国黑洞的言论,看各国各地址的网民是如何回复的? 译文来源: 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com翻译:寒灯
http://www.historum.com/asian-hi ... ths-black-hole.html 正文翻译:
  Historum 有 ip 国家显示功能,以下评论的国家将用橙红色在 id 旁标注。
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  楼主 aihumon 中国
  Black hole, is the form of the planet death ,with loss of vitality ,meaning of the death of things.And China, as the black hole in our planet,is a form of community,with ceaseless annexation , is like a cancer of the earth .it’s threatening life on Earth and human society’s future.
  黑洞,一种行星毁灭后 , 死气沉沉的形态,意味着某种事物的死亡。而中国,就如我们星球上的黑洞一般,作为一种社会形态,它无休止的吞并着他人,可谓是“地球之癌”。对于地球还是人类社会的未来而言,这都是一种危险的存在。
  Geographically, china is on the eastern end of themainland , surrounded by the tallest mountain on the west and the south, and endless desert on the north, by the east is the vast Pacific,adn only in the northwest panhandle, could communicate with Eurasia.
  从地理位置上说 , 中国位于欧亚大陆的东端,西部与南部被世界上最高的山所环绕,北部则有着无边无际的荒漠,而东部沿海则与广袤的太平洋西北部交接。(因而)只有西北部的狭长地带可以与欧亚其他国家进行交流。
  Geographically obturated, the original ancestors of the Han nationality here got maximum space for their own development to a large social organizations.The same organizations fusion ultimately, became a largest country of single ethnic . With the effect ofcentripetal force, the country’s organizations were increasingly dense, adn strong national pressure droped in each person, everyone’s mind are unclenched, what the monster country’s tentacles are tied to ,and people tied the ropes each other so that they couldnt act freely.
  Because of the strong integration capabilities,China is like agroup of slaves in hypnosis,such as ants orrobots,so its invincible.People at the bottom of chinese society,as a separate person,have no personality,ignorance,weak,but when they are mobilized ,they become strong and depressing.The whole community,is a pool of stagnat water,can not bestirred.In its history,vibrant nomadic nations impacted and conquer the central plains many times.Although their military strength was strong ,once entering thechinese cultural sphere,they were immediately assimilated like a object being teared on entering the border ofa black hole.Beginning they became a nominanl victory,finally being eventually the slaves of this huge ideology.
  由于强有力的整合能力 , 中国人就如同一群沉浸在睡眠中的奴隶,又或是一群机器人或蚂蚁。也因此,中国是无法被征服的。那些身处社会底层的人们,作为个体时,他们没有个性,无知,弱小,但当别人试图动员他们(进行反抗)的时候,他们又变得强韧而令人沮丧。中国的整个社会就如同一潭死水,无法人为的激起涟漪。在中国的历史上,游牧民族曾多次影响和征服中原地区。然而,尽管他们拥有强大的军事力量,一旦进入了中国文化圈,他们就会被立刻同化,好似被扯碎吸入了黑洞的物质一般。一开始他们能有个名义上的胜利,但到了最后他们终将沦为这个巨大意识形态的奴隶。
  This painful process, in every process of childood to adulthood repeat again and again. The process of a child like ones of all parts of the world ,to a Chinese adult ,loss the curiosity and joy and independent personality, and add the accept of black and white reversed, bully the weak ,and acceptance of corrupt quality as the guide of life specification,to integrate into this black hole, become a particles soup without shape.Or they would be crushed.
  China, the mammoth monster, the human tumors, in the 19th century should have been dismembered and melted in Western civilization, but even as strong as the Western civilization controlling the whole world, defeating the Qing state hundreds of millions of people by thousands of soldiers, couldnt melt China’s potential power into a piece of normal human tissues.
  中国,这个庞然大物、人类的肿瘤,应该在 19 世纪就被西方文明所直接并消融,但即使强如西方文明 —— 她控制着整个世界,曾以几千兵马就击败了清朝数以亿计的人民,也无法消融掉中国潜在的力量,将其变为一块正常的人体组织。
  Again, china are controlled by a group , return to the form of the familiar black hole. Now, this black hole has been recovered, and began to spray to the civilized world by its long-tongued, to meet the desires of its absorption. The whole world cant concentrate to struggle to china.
  再说一次,中国是由少部分人所控制的。现在我们回到黑洞这个老话题上来。现在中国这个黑洞缓过劲儿了,开始向文明世界吐出长舌 ( spray to the civilized world by its long-tongued ) 以满足它的贪欲。而世界却并无法团结一致反抗中国。
  Western civilization is fine, but the individualism of each country makes they work each for himself.This infighting with each other, by the Chinese money inducements, they all yield.Even the United States, the standard-bearer of Western civilization has graduallyabandoned.
  西方文明是很好,但是国家的个人主义使他们各行其是。他们在中国的金钱诱饵下混战内讧,最后一一屈服于中国。就连美国 —— 西方文明的支柱,也渐渐地被抛弃了。
  Although the Islamic civilization is more despotic than europe, butthe state did not develop into a black hole, still it has a bright future. But China want to ally with the Islamic , to absorb it first.If so ,the west has less ablitily to respond,and would be absorbed shamefully.
  尽管伊斯兰文明比欧洲更为专横 , 但其国家还未能发展成为黑洞 , 它还是有着光明的前景。但是中国想要和伊斯兰世界结为盟友,抢先一步将其吸纳。如果中国做成了这件事 , 西方世界就会少掉一股对抗中国的力量,并终将十分丢脸地被中国所吸收吞并。
  I am deeply concerned about human civilization.If the next 50 years, the rise of China can not be stopped, the Earth will once again come to the Dark Ages. when the power of democracy and freedom could be reconstructed, even if they could be reconstructed,will be unknown.
  我深深地关心着人类文明。在下一个 50 年里 , 倘若中国的崛起无法被遏制 , 地球将会再一次进入“黑暗时代” . 届时民主和自由自然可以重建 , 但是即使他们能被重建 , 也将会默默无闻,不为人所知。
  Jake10 香港
  Pretty harsh words, man. What exactly are you suggesting? That the culture needs to be killed?
  China has her problems, but this sounds extreme.
  相当刺耳的话啊,老兄。 , 你到底想建议什么呢 ? 中国的文化需要被抹杀 ?
  中国有确实有她自己的问题 , 但你的话听起来极端的。
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  alitalent 中国
  come on. i support you saving the earth.
  Mandate of Heaven 湾湾
  So why are you in China? You have a fetishfor black holes?
  那你为什么还在中国 ? 你对黑洞有什么特殊的癖好么 ?
  Indy11 美国
  Uighur maybe?
  也许( lz )是WWE族人?
  (以下 n 楼呈无语状态,在此略去。)
  Tennenbaum 美国
  (回 lz 第一句话)
  Actually a black hole is astar death
  scholar 美国
  More specifically a black hole is a remnant of a star or stars. Basically, ablack hole is formed when a very, very large star has a supernova event which can result in a neutron star or a blackhole. If the star is large enough it will form a black hole. This black hole is essentially fromedwhen the star collapses and it’s gravity goes unceasing towards it’s center. Basically Gravity Wins an otherwise tug-a-war that exists in every other star or star remnant. The gravity is so intense that light cannot escape the black hole meaning quite literally it appears black because all forms of visible light are sucked into it.
  更确切地说黑洞是一颗或多颗恒星的残留。基本上 , 黑洞都脱胎于恒星,如果这颗恒星爆发成一颗非常 , 非常硕大的超新星 , 那么就可能会产生中子星或黑洞。如果恒星够大 , 它就会成为一个黑洞。黑洞本质上是在恒星崩塌时形成的 , 并且它的重力不断地向中心聚集。基本上 , 重力牵引存在于所有的恒星和恒星残骸中。由于重力极大,光线都无法逃脱。“黑”洞的名字还是挺形象的,因为所有形态的可见光都会被吞没入其中。
  In regards to the article itdisplays nothing but total ignorance towards the subject matter it putsforward. Most of it is flagrantly skewed or incorrect. Even in Geography it is wrong.
  Galladrim 澳大利亚
  So as I gather it you arguing that Chinese culture will swallow up or assimilate that of other cultures
  Mandate of Heaven 湾湾
  Chinese eat Big Macs, drink Coke, and listen to Rock. Who’s assimilatingwho?
  中国人吃巨无霸 , 喝可乐 , 听摇滚乐。谁吸收了谁?
  Lucius 美国
  aihumon is apparently less interested in discussion of his ideas than he is in just broadcasting them to theworld.
  比起好好讨论一下他的观点, lz 显然更关心怎么把他的观点宣扬给全世界听。
  I think his general idea is that as the world continues to "shrink," one-party dictatorship and command economy will replace liberal democracy and capitalism/socialism(I think that’s his general idea - it’s not easy to say. Maybe he’s talking about outright military/naval conquest - like I say, it’s hard to say).
  My thought is that the opposite is closer to the truth. As the world continues to shrink, the Chinese people will look at, say, Switzerland, and decide, "THAT’S WHAT WE WANT TOO!"
  我认为 lz 的大意是:随着这个世界的不断“缩水”,一党专制和计划经济将取代自由民主以及资本主义 / 社会主义(我觉得这就是 lz 的大意了,但这些可不是什么浅显易懂的议题)。或许他是在直接讨论军事 / 海军征服 —— 就像我说的,这些也不太好说。
  我认为与 lz 想法的观点可能更接近真相。随着世界的不断缩水,中国人将会看上一眼,然后说,瑞士,并且作出决定“这也是我们想要的!”
  There will be some bumps on that road, justas there have ever been.
  aihumon 中国
  I don’t want a self-absorbed, left, brutalforce dominat China, while the people here are laughing at me, with patriotism the rascal signs !
  Below are posts in an international Chinese BBS to show you China domestic atmosphere
  以下是一个中国国际 BBS 上的帖子,它们会让你领略到中国的国内氛围:
  http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/art....shtml) (the bbs iscalled tianya bbs , 天涯社区 ,
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  Debunk the huge international scam: western-style democracycannot make any country strong
  Democracy is a good thing, but western-style democracy is not what purpose
  Democracy and Wall Street together subjugate - the United States clung analyze!
  President electoral is the democratic cancer of America and the world
  Actually, democracy is the real brainwashed tools
  what nations’ rise is because of democracy?
  the us with Democracy slaughter nine children inAfghanistan ! Commit iniquity!
  why democratic will destroy India?
  The first war to rising----unplug Guam U.S. military base
  China will rise of excellent race quality
  the system of democracycan not power
  China’s rise, let us-european encirclementand suppression became century jokes
  China is a socialist country, can concentratethe power do great things
  Yang: the United States must end the arms sales to Taiwan
  How to destroy America (3) - U.S. defense defectsand to U.S. military impact
  Let history also you witha sense of justice - mourning slobodan milosevic
  Yang jiechi deny police attack reporter ,didn’t want anyone to tell stories
  The lawyers don’t understand Chinese and are fired out, accused of chinese-american boss racial discrimination
  A north American indians indigenous ’s talkto Chinese
  RMB in 2020, become the biggest currency in the world
  Capitalist democracy is really weaker than feudalhereditary system。
  China hasn’t actually necessary in yellow sea and fought against the United States , we can fire in Mexico
  Genghis khan is Chinese historical figures, wars about jin and song are China civil wars
  west culture is savage culture, the Chinese culture is the best
  "Greek civilization" - fictitiousing zero (Deceive lies)
  (这个 id Naomasa298 译者还比较熟,似乎是日本人)英国
  Mmm. Looks like the kindof virulent nationalism that you can find in a lot of threads on this board.
  China, much like many nations who were on the wrong end of European expansionism, is suffering from an inferiority complex and islooking to make up for decades of perceived humiliating treatment, much like the Japanese did at the start of the 20th century - except 100 years later and with ten times the population.
  中国,就像很多曾遭受欧洲殖民侵略的国家一样,有着浓浓的自卑情结,并且正试图一雪前耻。这很像日本在 20 世纪初所做的那样 —— 只不过晚了 100 年,还有着 10 倍的人口。
  And who can blame them? A case of "it’s ok when we did it to you but not when you do it to us"?
  Wastedgrunt36 美国
  回复楼上天涯上的贴“成吉思汗是中国历史人物,蒙与金宋战史也是中国内战史 ( 脚踏教皇剑西方 )”
  ?This part gave me a laugh. But really, it’s just a bbs as you say. As long as the leaders of china aren’t saying this. If they are, what right dowe have to stop them?
  看到这个,俺笑了。但是像你说的,这只是一个 BBS 上的论调。只要中国的领导人没这么说 (这就不能证明什么) 。不过如果他们这么说了,我们又有什么权力才能阻止他们呢?
  Rosi 英国
  I once heard someone say that Genghis Khan was a Buddhist, and I thought what a great advert for Buddhism he was.
  我有一次听人说啊 , 成吉思汗是个佛教徒。我想,对佛教来说成吉思汗是个多么牛叉的广告啊。
  Erm, sorry. What’s"bbs"?
  呃 , 对不起 , 什么是“ bbs ” ?
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  imperialmen 印度
  印度人看到了“ 民主何以终将毁灭印度? ( 转载 ) ”
  Explain it to me, what this means?
  Ok, I translated it to:"Why India will eventually destroy democracy?"...... I don’t understand why people will give up their freedom....
   告诉我 , 这是什么意思 ?
  好的 , 我把它翻译为 : “为什么印度最终将会破坏民主 ? ”……我不明白为什么人们会放弃他们的自由 ....
  ( “中华崛起第一战 拔掉关岛美军基地这颗钉子 ( 转载 )”)
  This is a worrying thing....
  这真是让人担忧的论调啊 ....
  (说说希腊文明 --- 子虚乌有)
  LOL! Its the world’s end when Thess sees this!
  哈哈 ~ ~ ! 要是 帖撒罗尼迦人 看到了这这些,那会是世界的末日!
  “ 帖撒罗尼迦 ”(THESsALONICA) 城,是马其顿省一个重要的城市。
  Naomasa298 英国
  (回 ls 英国人)
  . It’s an ancient term from the pre-historic days when the internet was young and men courted women by bashing them over the head with a club. You’d use your dial-up connection to connect to a closed system where you could post messages. They didn’t have graphics or anything.
  Nowadays, the term is usually used to refer to forums, much like this one.
  And that IS history.
  "Bulletin board"
  意为“布告栏区”( Bulletin board )。这个术语来自史前时代,在互联网刚刚发展并且男人们还在用棍棒打女人的时候一度被使用过。你用你的拨号上网链接到互联网上一个封闭的系统,在那里你可以张贴消息。在那上面你无法贴图,也不能使用其他许多功能。
    如今 , 这个术语通常指论坛 , 就像 lz 所举的这个一样。
  Mandate of Heaven 台湾
  Mongolia had been a part of China until fairly recently(I think in the late40’s of last century). Even today, there are way more Mongolians who were also Chinese(living in China) than those in the Outer Mongolia.
  蒙古一直是中国的一部分,直到近代才发生了变化。(我认为是在上个世纪 40 年代)甚至到了今天,生活在中国的蒙古人也远远多于生活在外蒙古的人。
  Moreover, Ghengis Khan did rule over the northern half of China. So, I can understand if he is seen as a Chinese historical figure. I am sure Persians consider Alexander to be a figure of Persian history.
  Lord_of_Gauda 加拿大
  Mongolia only became part of China for a very brief period of time- the Qing dynasty period. Much like Tibet, China’s claim to include mongoliainto its historical and cultural domain is spurious.
  aihumon 楼主,中国
  while,i have found chinese "5mao"s---Communist propagandists to be hired by china government,with one post 0.5yuan ,have be full of famous web-sites all over the world.
  They are propaganding all of the views i have Pasted above on every foreign web-sites ,not only in chinese web-sites.They slander Democracy and west civilization,declare that china is the unique civilization in the world,ridicule india ,the us, Australia,Japan,and South Korea.
  china has generous military forums in which the Nationalists imagine attacking the US by atomic weapons,to govern the world by the unique civilized system-- tribute system
  嘛,我发现了好多中国“五,毛,党” —— 中国政府,雇人为GCD做宣传,一贴 0.5 元 (原文 one post 0.5yuan ) ,这些人看来现在已经充斥了全球的知名网络。
  而在中国豪情万丈的军事论坛里,国家主义者想象着用原子弹攻击美国,并将世界纳入他们奇特的统治体系 —— 朝贡体系。
  ?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯
  Lucius 美国
  Wait a minute. Do you mean that you are mocking Chinese nationalism?
  Look, there are nationalist people all over the world. They all think their tribe/nation/whatever is the most wonderful, etc, and no amount of statistics will sway them. Why should the Chinese be any different?
  I welcome China’s arrival on the world stage and I expect great things of them. Chinese people are smart.
  Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture.
  But this time, make it for real. That’s how everybody else did it.
  等一下。你的意思是你在嘲笑中国的民族,主义吗 ?
  看 , 全世界都有民族主义者嘛。他们都认为他们的部族 / 国家 / 什么是最棒的,摆出资料也无法让他们改变心意。为什么事情到了中国这儿就不同了 ?
  Mandate of Heaven 台湾
  Qing dynasty is not a brief period of time. It ranfrom 1644 to 1912, almost 3 centuries. Counting ROC and PRC, Tibet has been Chinese for almost 400 years today.
  清朝的统治时间可不短。它从 1644 延续到 1912 年,统治了中国将进 3 个世纪呢。要是再算上中,华,民,国和中华人民共和国,到今天西藏作为中国的一部分已经有近四百年的历史了。
  USA’s hold on its territories is much briefer. Does US have a sprious hold on California, which has only been in the Union for little more than 100 years?
  Current India’s hold on the different subcontinent territories is even briefer. Can we say its claim to the different regions which used to be independent states and had distinct cultures/languages/histories spurious?
  Lord_of_Gauda 加拿大
  it is a brief period of timein the context of the civilization we are talkingabout. In their recorded history, Tibet and Mongolia have spent the bulk of their time independent of Chinese influence than being subordinates or conquered.
  Irrelevant- California’s history is predominantly Mexican/American for the last several hundred years, before which, its history is completely indeterminate and unknown.
  加州的历史无关 —— 主要是墨西哥和美国的在过去的几百年的时间 , 在那之前 , 它的历史是完全不确定性和未知。
  Virtually all the regions held by India has a strong Indian cultural and political influence and the concept of India is not a mono-ethnic/mono-linguistic/mono-cultural domination like China’s isexplicitly (Han supremacy).
  截止到译者开始着手翻译的时候,原帖已达到 131 楼。
开放寨观战团 发表于 2011-5-26 12:20

“Chinese eat Big Macs, drink Coke, and listen to Rock. Who’s assimilatingwho?
中国人吃巨无霸 , 喝可乐 , 听摇滚乐。谁吸收了谁?”

哈哈 JY高呼TG输出五毛  培养洋五毛
这个帖子前几天我就 转载过
    我觉得老外  真的比中国那些JY 更懂民主 至少不会一听到反对意见就
   我发现了好多中国“五,毛,党” —— 中国政府,雇人为GCD做宣传,一贴 0.5 元 (原文 one post 0.5yuan ) ,这些人看来现在已经充斥了全球的知名网络。
