巴铁网站关于购买新飞机的帖子,小龙BLOCK2\\FC20,居然 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:38:20
Pakistan and China have recently concluded a final agreement for the manufacture of a second batch of JF-17s. According to well-vetted sources from Pakdef (Eagle Hannan), these 50 jets are the final form of the JF-17s. The aircraft will be manufactured at Kamra, Pakistan, but will be flown to China for additional work. This work is said to relate to a new generation of avionics and sensor suite.

The Block II will be the standard version to be used in the PAF with the older Block Is to be retired after the end of production for the first 150 aircraft. This suggests that the structural changes needed to convert the Block Is to Block II standard are significant, suggesting considerable changes to the revised edition. The following are believed to be some of the key changes:

1. AESA radar

2. Comprehensive upgrades for low RCS profile including cockpit glass, RAM paint, refined structure, completely new nose structure for AESA, significant increase in the use of composites and retractable refueling probe.

3. Awaited integration of A-Darter missiles from Brazil / South Africa with HOBS capability and Brazilian HMS.

4. The BVR missile is the SD-10B which has been found more than a match for the AMRAAM-120 C5s. An unknown Meteor class missile is in the works beyond the SD-10Bs.
A significant export order has been secured and an entire squadron is being dedicated for training and familiarization of foreign pilots (Source: Eagle Hannan, Pakdef).

Contrary to conflicting reports in the media, this writer believes that the order for the FC-20s were finalized and that this order has increased to 58 planes. Given the recent crisis post-Abbottabad, the PAF is being beefed up in a hurry and the FC-20s will play a critical role in the defence of the Western sector. Given the nature of the mountainous terrain and the inability to use the F-16s, these platforms along with the JF-17 will prove to be of significant deterrence value. China is believed to be sacrificing its own production requirements to meet PAF's needs in a hurry and unbelievable financial terms appear to have been extended.

These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars, a high degree of composite use, low observability features and an advanced integrated avionics suite. The wide HUD visible on the J-11s are also believed to have been utilized. In Eagle Hannan's recent update, he notes that the wings have been modified and include over 50% composite use. He also makes the surprising claim that the canard fore-planes have been modified. Both these factors indicate a significant structural and aerodynamic revamp that would require significant changes even in the FBW.Such a revamp was already suspected given the canted nose and the DSI bump.

The same source also indicates that the plane (FC-20) has been praised by pilots and capable of incredible maneuvers including the Cobra so famously performed by the FLANKERs. He notes that FC-20 not only performs this maneuver but also performs it better, recovering significantly faster. While this maneuver is not of great military importance, the maneuverability and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) maturity this indicates, suggest that the FC-20 is a well-evolved and lethal machine.

Eagle Hannan also indicates that the Pakistan Navy is interested in the J-11Bs with Russian engines. This appears to be counter-intuitive given the sensitive nature of Russia's copyright relations with China. However, it is possible that Pakistan may attempt to placate this sensitivity by buying Russian engines and paying royalties. It is also possible that Russia is smarting from India's recent rejection of Russian military gear and move towards Western sources. These all make for a great deal of controversy and are likely to keep arm-chair generals and military analysts busy in the foreseeable future.What is clear is that Pakistan and the PAF will get a significant boost, in fact a major leap in capabilities in the next 12-24 months.

感谢DDAA1976大佬提供的网址http://www.grandestrategy.com/20 ... -thunder-fc-20.htmlPakistan and China have recently concluded a final agreement for the manufacture of a second batch of JF-17s. According to well-vetted sources from Pakdef (Eagle Hannan), these 50 jets are the final form of the JF-17s. The aircraft will be manufactured at Kamra, Pakistan, but will be flown to China for additional work. This work is said to relate to a new generation of avionics and sensor suite.

The Block II will be the standard version to be used in the PAF with the older Block Is to be retired after the end of production for the first 150 aircraft. This suggests that the structural changes needed to convert the Block Is to Block II standard are significant, suggesting considerable changes to the revised edition. The following are believed to be some of the key changes:

1. AESA radar

2. Comprehensive upgrades for low RCS profile including cockpit glass, RAM paint, refined structure, completely new nose structure for AESA, significant increase in the use of composites and retractable refueling probe.

3. Awaited integration of A-Darter missiles from Brazil / South Africa with HOBS capability and Brazilian HMS.

4. The BVR missile is the SD-10B which has been found more than a match for the AMRAAM-120 C5s. An unknown Meteor class missile is in the works beyond the SD-10Bs.
A significant export order has been secured and an entire squadron is being dedicated for training and familiarization of foreign pilots (Source: Eagle Hannan, Pakdef).

Contrary to conflicting reports in the media, this writer believes that the order for the FC-20s were finalized and that this order has increased to 58 planes. Given the recent crisis post-Abbottabad, the PAF is being beefed up in a hurry and the FC-20s will play a critical role in the defence of the Western sector. Given the nature of the mountainous terrain and the inability to use the F-16s, these platforms along with the JF-17 will prove to be of significant deterrence value. China is believed to be sacrificing its own production requirements to meet PAF's needs in a hurry and unbelievable financial terms appear to have been extended.

These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars, a high degree of composite use, low observability features and an advanced integrated avionics suite. The wide HUD visible on the J-11s are also believed to have been utilized. In Eagle Hannan's recent update, he notes that the wings have been modified and include over 50% composite use. He also makes the surprising claim that the canard fore-planes have been modified. Both these factors indicate a significant structural and aerodynamic revamp that would require significant changes even in the FBW.Such a revamp was already suspected given the canted nose and the DSI bump.

The same source also indicates that the plane (FC-20) has been praised by pilots and capable of incredible maneuvers including the Cobra so famously performed by the FLANKERs. He notes that FC-20 not only performs this maneuver but also performs it better, recovering significantly faster. While this maneuver is not of great military importance, the maneuverability and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) maturity this indicates, suggest that the FC-20 is a well-evolved and lethal machine.

Eagle Hannan also indicates that the Pakistan Navy is interested in the J-11Bs with Russian engines. This appears to be counter-intuitive given the sensitive nature of Russia's copyright relations with China. However, it is possible that Pakistan may attempt to placate this sensitivity by buying Russian engines and paying royalties. It is also possible that Russia is smarting from India's recent rejection of Russian military gear and move towards Western sources. These all make for a great deal of controversy and are likely to keep arm-chair generals and military analysts busy in the foreseeable future.What is clear is that Pakistan and the PAF will get a significant boost, in fact a major leap in capabilities in the next 12-24 months.

感谢DDAA1976大佬提供的网址http://www.grandestrategy.com/20 ... -thunder-fc-20.html
2011-5-23 14:04 上传




小巴海军对J11B有兴趣, 打算通过装毛发和付专利金的形式取得毛子的谅解......这个,毛子能答应?
rclzg 发表于 2011-5-23 14:11

rclzg 发表于 2011-5-23 14:21

rannymomo 发表于 2011-5-23 14:28

巴基斯坦和中国最近达成一项制造第二批JF-17的协议。根据巴基斯坦国防部的可靠消息来源,这批 50架战机是JF-17机群的最终数量。
3M14E 发表于 2011-5-23 14:18


巴基斯坦和中国最近签订了一个的JF - 17的第二批生产的最终协议。据来自Pakdef(鹰汉南)精心审核来源,这些飞机是50的JF - 17的最终形式。制造这架飞机将在Kamra,巴基斯坦,但将被空运到中国的额外工作。据说这项工作涉及到的航空电子设备和传感器套件的新的一代。


1。 AESA雷达


3。期待已久的整合从巴西/南非的A -标枪手导弹能力与灶台和巴西统计调查。

4。在超视距导弹是SD -已发现比为先进中程空对空导弹,120 C5s匹配更多10B条。一个未知的流星导弹类以外的SD - 10Bs的作品。

相反,在媒体矛盾的报告,笔者认为,为FC - 20为最后确定,而这个订单已增加至58架飞机。鉴于最近的危机后阿伯塔巴德,巴基斯坦空军正在加强了在匆忙和促委会- 20将发挥在西部地区的防空了关键作用。鉴于山区地形和无法使用的F - 16战斗机的性质,随着这些平台的JF - 17将被证明是重大威慑的价值。中国被认为是牺牲自己的生产需求,以应付在匆忙和难以置信的财务条款巴基斯坦空军的需求似乎已得到扩展。

这些功能界别- 20是一种高度致命的原始版本,并纳入AESA雷达,使用的复合材料,低可探测性的功能和先进的航空电子设备高度集成的套件。宽平视显示器上的J - 11也被认为可见已动用。在鹰汉南的最新更新,他指出,翅膀已被修改,其中包括超过50%的复合使用。他还声称,使得令人惊讶的鸭式前,飞机已被修改。这两个因素显示出显着的结构和气动改革,将需要大量的改变,即使在FBW.Such一个怀疑改革已经给予倾斜鼻子和DSI的颠簸。

同一消息来源还表示,这架飞机(的FC - 20)一直深受包括飞行员和著名的侧卫等进行的令人难以置信的眼镜蛇机动能力。他指出,功能界别- 20不仅执行这个动作,但也执行得更好,恢复速度明显加快。虽然这个动作是不是伟大的军事重要性,可操作性和飞建议通过线(电传)到期这表明,这与FC - 20是一种良好的发展和致命的机器。

汉南鹰还表示,巴基斯坦海军在J - 11Bs有意与俄罗斯的发动机。这似乎是反直觉鉴于俄罗斯与中国的版权关系的敏感性质。但是,它有可能试图安抚巴基斯坦可能通过购买俄罗斯发动机和支付专利使用费这种敏感性。它也有可能是来自印度,俄罗斯的军事装备和俄罗斯对西方最近拒绝刺痛来源动议。这些都作出了很大的争议,并有可能继续圈椅将军和军事分析家在可预见的future.What忙碌是清楚的是,巴基斯坦和巴基斯坦空军将得到显着提高,事实上,在功能,在重大飞跃在未来12-24个月。


巴基斯坦和中国最近签订了一个的JF - 17的第二批生产的最终协议。据来自Pakdef(鹰汉南)精心审核来源,这些飞机是50的JF - 17的最终形式。制造这架飞机将在Kamra,巴基斯坦,但将被空运到中国的额外工作。据说这项工作涉及到的航空电子设备和传感器套件的新的一代。


1。 AESA雷达


3。期待已久的整合从巴西/南非的A -标枪手导弹能力与灶台和巴西统计调查。

4。在超视距导弹是SD -已发现比为先进中程空对空导弹,120 C5s匹配更多10B条。一个未知的流星导弹类以外的SD - 10Bs的作品。

相反,在媒体矛盾的报告,笔者认为,为FC - 20为最后确定,而这个订单已增加至58架飞机。鉴于最近的危机后阿伯塔巴德,巴基斯坦空军正在加强了在匆忙和促委会- 20将发挥在西部地区的防空了关键作用。鉴于山区地形和无法使用的F - 16战斗机的性质,随着这些平台的JF - 17将被证明是重大威慑的价值。中国被认为是牺牲自己的生产需求,以应付在匆忙和难以置信的财务条款巴基斯坦空军的需求似乎已得到扩展。

这些功能界别- 20是一种高度致命的原始版本,并纳入AESA雷达,使用的复合材料,低可探测性的功能和先进的航空电子设备高度集成的套件。宽平视显示器上的J - 11也被认为可见已动用。在鹰汉南的最新更新,他指出,翅膀已被修改,其中包括超过50%的复合使用。他还声称,使得令人惊讶的鸭式前,飞机已被修改。这两个因素显示出显着的结构和气动改革,将需要大量的改变,即使在FBW.Such一个怀疑改革已经给予倾斜鼻子和DSI的颠簸。

同一消息来源还表示,这架飞机(的FC - 20)一直深受包括飞行员和著名的侧卫等进行的令人难以置信的眼镜蛇机动能力。他指出,功能界别- 20不仅执行这个动作,但也执行得更好,恢复速度明显加快。虽然这个动作是不是伟大的军事重要性,可操作性和飞建议通过线(电传)到期这表明,这与FC - 20是一种良好的发展和致命的机器。

汉南鹰还表示,巴基斯坦海军在J - 11Bs有意与俄罗斯的发动机。这似乎是反直觉鉴于俄罗斯与中国的版权关系的敏感性质。但是,它有可能试图安抚巴基斯坦可能通过购买俄罗斯发动机和支付专利使用费这种敏感性。它也有可能是来自印度,俄罗斯的军事装备和俄罗斯对西方最近拒绝刺痛来源动议。这些都作出了很大的争议,并有可能继续圈椅将军和军事分析家在可预见的future.What忙碌是清楚的是,巴基斯坦和巴基斯坦空军将得到显着提高,事实上,在功能,在重大飞跃在未来12-24个月。

食腐鸟 发表于 2011-5-23 14:47


冲天火炮 发表于 2011-5-23 16:22

我擦 进来还扣钱?!
食腐鸟 发表于 2011-5-23 16:22

    还真有而且是个07年的帖子 太难找了
“These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars”

C卫星 发表于 2011-5-23 16:35
