10.9/09 苏霍伊总师访谈录--Su-25何去何从

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 01:04:34

09.10.2009, 14:18

Sukhoi Su-25 still serve

Su-25 继续服役

  At a press conference at the MAKS-2009 Air Force Commander Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said that the Su-25 will form the basis of attack aircraft Russia for many years. "Developer of the Su-25 has guaranteed an increase in lifetime of the ground attack to 40 years and resource 4000 hours" - he said.

在Marks2009的新闻发布会上, 泽林大将说: Su-25 作为攻击机的基础很多年不动摇。


Sukhoi Su-25 is considered one of the best in the world. Statistics of its combat use in Afghanistan speaks for itself: implemented more than 60 thousand combat sorties, lost 33 aircraft, that is, one downed aircraft had 2800 hours flying time.

Su-25 堪称攻击机中的翘楚, 统计它在阿富汗中的战机证明了自己:参加了超过6万多次战斗,战损33架, 意味着2800飞行小时的战损率。

The first production Su-25 began to arrive in the parade of the Soviet Air Force in April 1981, and in June they received their baptism of fire in Afghanistan. Built ground attack aircraft plant in Tbilisi. In 1985 he developed a combat trainer variant of Su-25UB, two years later it started to mass-produce aircraft factory in Ulan-Ude. Serial production of the Su-25 was completed in 1992 According to unofficial sources was constructed about 700 aircraft of all modifications. Su-25's in Czechoslovakia, Côte de Vuar and Iraq, currently composed of the Air Forces of Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Peru, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

81年登台,即拥有了战火的洗礼。 85年弄了个教练机版,乐此不疲.....在两年后在乌兰乌德大规模生产。 Su-25的批产一直持续到92年.......一共造了700余架。 

目前服役的国家有:Czechoslovakia, Côte de Vuar and Iraq, currently composed of the Air Forces of Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Peru, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

In 1999, work began on upgrading the aircraft, was considered even the possibility of installing a radar station. As a result, in 2000 appeared Su-25SM with significantly enhanced combat capabilities. This NPC Attack Aircraft Sukhoi adhered to the concept of "just - just - effectively - cheap." Such aircraft are now "produces" 121 th aircraft repair plant in Kubinka, pursuing the modernization of both the repair of drill machines.

在99年, 忙着升级版,还考虑了要安装雷达--气死A10不成。 2000年, 高度升级版25SM出现。 但是本着古老的传统, 成本优势要刚刚的。 目前在升级第121架了。

Two years ago, "Sukhoi Attack Aircraft" demonstrated another new model - Su-25UBM able to effectively carry out combat operations at any time and in virtually any weather conditions in an automated mode.

两年前(2007), 苏氏展示了另一个新的机型-25UBM,能够在展开全天候作战-何时何地并拥有自动模式。 

Work on the weatherproof version started even before the launch of Su-25 in the series, in conjunction with those of specialized anti-tank version of the Su-25T. Soon these works combined. In 1990 the factory in Tbilisi was ready to start series production of such a machine, and planned in 1991 to move fully to produce the Su-25T is gradually turning to the production of the Su-25. For obvious reasons those plans went awry.

其实啊, 对全天候的战机的工作在25批产前就展开了, 和专门的打坦克个兄弟25T一起搞得。 本来在90年就要展开批产工作, 由于大家都知道的原因生产计划没了。 

In 1996, the six-built Su-25T was transferred to the Air Force PPI Lipetsk Russia. Three years later, it is these machines are involved in carrying out targeted killings in Chechnya. In terms of combat application of the Su-25T proved excellent.


In 1995, first demonstrated at MAKS is a better option - the Su-25TM (Su-39). Features of this machine more than once were admired by the military, but no decisions on mass production has not yet been decided.

95年,对25T进行了升级, 在上面弄了更多军队喜欢的特性,但是没有决定什么时候大规模生产。 

But on Oct. 11 last year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held on the basis of JSC "Ulan-Ude aviation plant" expanded meeting on the issue of resuming production of Su-25UBM and Su-25TM, chaired by Deputy DA Manturova. Given the lessons of last year's war in Abkhazia, during which the baptism of fire in a sufficiently powerful air defenses have modernized Su-25SM, such a decision would be quite understandable. The final decision to start serial production will be taken immediately after the Ministry of Defense will determine the number of aircraft required and the timing of their deliveries.

这个决定的确是明智的。  最终决定将很快得出。

Immediate prospects for Russia's attack aircraft "AviaPort" asked to tell the chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, President of NPK Sukhoi Attack Aircraft Vladimir Babak.

于俄罗斯攻击机的前景, 就这个问题我们访问了苏霍伊的总设计师:Vladimir Babak.

- When it became necessary to extend the life of the aircraft Su-25?


- Air Force put before us the task last year.


- What resources will be Su-25?

- Today we are extending the resource up to 2500 hours. In the mean time the front-line single-seater 800-850 hours. But realistically it will be possible to extend the life of the aircraft Su-25 to 4000 hours. We can handle such a decision. It is necessary to understand how to be operational and other systems. Now we take a combatant aircraft, which has long stood for, and create a commission in order to determine the condition of harnesses, cables, etc. Then put the plane on a second static at TsAGI.

我们现在准备弄到2500小时再说。 目前前线单座型为850小时。 
但是,很现实的事情, 可以被延寿到4000小时。 我们可以自行决定这么干。 

目前正在这么干了, 正在把一架老机器,做了手术后,交给TsAGI做第二次静态试验

This will allow us to extend the resource to such a value which will suffice for a couple of upgrades. In general, we concluded that the resource throughout the fleet can be set to 4000 hours. And if you look at survival - and then 10000 hours.

我们将对其延寿,使其在寿限内能够进行几次升级。 总而言之,4000小时是一定的,如果看其整个寿限的话,那是10000个小时.( 那里翻的没把握

We have finished to repeat the static tests fighting-training Su-25UB. Deflection angle maneuver of mechanization on these machines is higher than in a single variant, which causes more significant structural stress. On combat aircraft, these stresses is much smaller and so we are confident that this resource will be.

俺们已经完成了25UB的静态试验, 这些个飞机的偏转角机动能力比单座型要高。 要先对结构造成了更多的应力。 在战斗机上, 这些应力要小得多。 俺们很对延寿的结果很有信心

- How much will serve for Su-25?


- Fifty years.


- That is now Russia's new military developments in ground-attack aircraft, in principle, not interested, they are satisfied Su-25?

是,在攻击机方面,军队对武器新的发展貌似对这个不感兴趣? 他们对25满意么

- As a strike aircraft the Air Force are interested in the Su-34. Application of Yak-130 as a light attack aircraft would be problematic, especially on the experience of last year's fighting in Abkhazia. Really fight there could be only the Su-25.

空军对34很感兴趣作为攻击机来说。 但是用雅克130座位作为轻型攻击机是有点问题的。  特别是在阿布哈兹的经验来说, 真的打战,还得靠25来抗

We have modernized combat trainer variant of Su-25UBM, this machine was demonstrated at the MAKS-2007, is currently undergoing public trials. Defense Minister signed a decision to scale production of these aircraft, but Air Force Commander deems it unnecessary to use double storm troopers on the battlefield.

们升级了25UBM, 在2007年还展示了。  目前正在测试。 

国防部签了合约要规模化生产。 但是空军的大大认为没有必要在战场上用两个人的攻击机

Nevertheless, the resource Su-25UB is coming to an end, these machines flew almost three times more than their single counterparts, and the design, as I said earlier, more intense. And the choice is not there.

管如此,那些25UB老骨头寿命也到头了。  这些机器飞行实数比单座型多三倍。 所以,设计的时候,就不是让他们往死了飞的。 

- What are some new projects still exist?


- At one time we did and had a state test anti-aircraft Su-25T. I believe that this is the aircraft, which now needs the Air Force. We have increased the range of almost two times, installed systems, which are unique in the world no. You can imagine - to demolish the tower tank at a distance of 10 km? Direct hit with laser missiles. This is a surgical strike on the "interesting" targets. You can get to any window, draw a cross there - and we would get there. Now the period selected targets do not need massive carpet bombing. But such targets mainly mobile, well-protected. The experience of last year's fighting air missile system "Osa" and "Cube" after a combat mission in 10 minutes were already elsewhere. Therefore the main task - to find a changing set and destroy it. And today, we have focused on just such a task.

曾经一度,我们做了25T的国家试验。俺认为空军需要这样的JJ,我们对其航程增加了2倍,安装了世界上独一无二的系统。 又可以想象,在10公里外,把坦克炸飞的感觉!

直接用激光制导导弹攻击。 这个JJ就是要对那种感兴趣的目标惊醒手术式打击的利器。 你可以在任何一个窗户,再上面画个十字, 导弹将打倒那里。

目前这个年代,地毯式轰炸不流行了。  特别是那些移动的,得到很好保护的目标。 去年导弹系统OSA 和Cube的经验就是,10分钟后,目标就跑到其它地方去了。  所以主要任务就是发现移动中的目标然后干掉。  今天,俺们就在干这个工作哎。

In principle, we have completed three versions of a completely new aircraft, but they all get heavy. To modernize the Su-25 is more profitable. In addition, you can equip the troops, snipers aircraft Su-25T.

总而言之,我们完成了三个版本的新机型, 但是他们都增重了。 升级25是赚钱的活。 除了这个之外,军队也可以装备空中狙击手--25T。 

- What are Russia's air force to this idea?


- While the Air Force does not have a clear concept. For example, I believe that there is a doctrine that has defined the president - local war. And in local wars better attack aircraft did nobody has yet invented. If you apply more and point solution, the defeat of several targets in a radius ...

目前貌似这些人没有清晰的概念, 军事学说了要搞局部战争..........就是需要这个东西

Usual Su-25 can fly for 350 miles with blocks NAR C-13, let the rocket, as it unloaded, but hit just one or two goals. But the plane sniper Su-25T has precisely reusable, multi-purpose use, it is capable of hitting different targets at the same radius. I hope that we have on this issue will return.


- And in principle, ideally, Russia needs a new attack?

也就是说, 理想情况下,空军想要新型的攻击机?

- The last three decades I proclaim that the attack must be fully automated. Board package should prompt the person taking the maximum of support functions. This is a fundamental feature. Do not go to extremes, believing that the machine must all decide for the pilot.

过去30年,我就申明了, 攻击必须是全自动化的。 但是不要忘了,机器还是由飞行员驾驶的...

- Or no pilot?


- Today, there are means of impeding, incapacitating navigation systems of unmanned vehicles (UAVs). Such devices make Ltd. "Aviakonversiya. Attack drones in such conditions is not capable of accurate navigation in real combat situations are simply hopeless.


Also, never mathematical tool is no substitute for brains pilot. So we still do not know how they work, the situation changed so rapidly that they can not simply standardize and lay in some kind of mathematics. Therefore, the pilot should be possible to simplify its operation and display only the information that he needs at this time.


Su-25T was just and made for this. This was the first more or less automated aircraft after analogue of Su-25 and MiG-27. Of course, today we can make it even better, to simplify, reduce the amount of equipment and significantly expand solvable problems. Even if you put on a plane only one complex, which we have worked on the Su-25SM, it is twice as reduce the volume and weight of equipment.

Su-25T才是他们所要的。 它就是在25/27之后的一个自动化的飞机。今天我们还可以把它打造的更好。 简单点,就是把设备减少,扩展功能。 。。。。。。对25SM动手术,对其设备的重量和体积减少2倍...........

- Foreign countries are showing interest in the extension of the resource and upgrade?


- In principle, within the next ten years, they also need to modernize these aircraft, as we do.

一句话,在以后十年里, 他们必须像我们一样要对他们升级。 

09.10.2009, 14:18

Sukhoi Su-25 still serve

Su-25 继续服役

  At a press conference at the MAKS-2009 Air Force Commander Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said that the Su-25 will form the basis of attack aircraft Russia for many years. "Developer of the Su-25 has guaranteed an increase in lifetime of the ground attack to 40 years and resource 4000 hours" - he said.

在Marks2009的新闻发布会上, 泽林大将说: Su-25 作为攻击机的基础很多年不动摇。


Sukhoi Su-25 is considered one of the best in the world. Statistics of its combat use in Afghanistan speaks for itself: implemented more than 60 thousand combat sorties, lost 33 aircraft, that is, one downed aircraft had 2800 hours flying time.

Su-25 堪称攻击机中的翘楚, 统计它在阿富汗中的战机证明了自己:参加了超过6万多次战斗,战损33架, 意味着2800飞行小时的战损率。

The first production Su-25 began to arrive in the parade of the Soviet Air Force in April 1981, and in June they received their baptism of fire in Afghanistan. Built ground attack aircraft plant in Tbilisi. In 1985 he developed a combat trainer variant of Su-25UB, two years later it started to mass-produce aircraft factory in Ulan-Ude. Serial production of the Su-25 was completed in 1992 According to unofficial sources was constructed about 700 aircraft of all modifications. Su-25's in Czechoslovakia, Côte de Vuar and Iraq, currently composed of the Air Forces of Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Peru, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

81年登台,即拥有了战火的洗礼。 85年弄了个教练机版,乐此不疲.....在两年后在乌兰乌德大规模生产。 Su-25的批产一直持续到92年.......一共造了700余架。 

目前服役的国家有:Czechoslovakia, Côte de Vuar and Iraq, currently composed of the Air Forces of Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Peru, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

In 1999, work began on upgrading the aircraft, was considered even the possibility of installing a radar station. As a result, in 2000 appeared Su-25SM with significantly enhanced combat capabilities. This NPC Attack Aircraft Sukhoi adhered to the concept of "just - just - effectively - cheap." Such aircraft are now "produces" 121 th aircraft repair plant in Kubinka, pursuing the modernization of both the repair of drill machines.

在99年, 忙着升级版,还考虑了要安装雷达--气死A10不成。 2000年, 高度升级版25SM出现。 但是本着古老的传统, 成本优势要刚刚的。 目前在升级第121架了。

Two years ago, "Sukhoi Attack Aircraft" demonstrated another new model - Su-25UBM able to effectively carry out combat operations at any time and in virtually any weather conditions in an automated mode.

两年前(2007), 苏氏展示了另一个新的机型-25UBM,能够在展开全天候作战-何时何地并拥有自动模式。 

Work on the weatherproof version started even before the launch of Su-25 in the series, in conjunction with those of specialized anti-tank version of the Su-25T. Soon these works combined. In 1990 the factory in Tbilisi was ready to start series production of such a machine, and planned in 1991 to move fully to produce the Su-25T is gradually turning to the production of the Su-25. For obvious reasons those plans went awry.

其实啊, 对全天候的战机的工作在25批产前就展开了, 和专门的打坦克个兄弟25T一起搞得。 本来在90年就要展开批产工作, 由于大家都知道的原因生产计划没了。 

In 1996, the six-built Su-25T was transferred to the Air Force PPI Lipetsk Russia. Three years later, it is these machines are involved in carrying out targeted killings in Chechnya. In terms of combat application of the Su-25T proved excellent.


In 1995, first demonstrated at MAKS is a better option - the Su-25TM (Su-39). Features of this machine more than once were admired by the military, but no decisions on mass production has not yet been decided.

95年,对25T进行了升级, 在上面弄了更多军队喜欢的特性,但是没有决定什么时候大规模生产。 

But on Oct. 11 last year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held on the basis of JSC "Ulan-Ude aviation plant" expanded meeting on the issue of resuming production of Su-25UBM and Su-25TM, chaired by Deputy DA Manturova. Given the lessons of last year's war in Abkhazia, during which the baptism of fire in a sufficiently powerful air defenses have modernized Su-25SM, such a decision would be quite understandable. The final decision to start serial production will be taken immediately after the Ministry of Defense will determine the number of aircraft required and the timing of their deliveries.

这个决定的确是明智的。  最终决定将很快得出。

Immediate prospects for Russia's attack aircraft "AviaPort" asked to tell the chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, President of NPK Sukhoi Attack Aircraft Vladimir Babak.

于俄罗斯攻击机的前景, 就这个问题我们访问了苏霍伊的总设计师:Vladimir Babak.

- When it became necessary to extend the life of the aircraft Su-25?


- Air Force put before us the task last year.


- What resources will be Su-25?

- Today we are extending the resource up to 2500 hours. In the mean time the front-line single-seater 800-850 hours. But realistically it will be possible to extend the life of the aircraft Su-25 to 4000 hours. We can handle such a decision. It is necessary to understand how to be operational and other systems. Now we take a combatant aircraft, which has long stood for, and create a commission in order to determine the condition of harnesses, cables, etc. Then put the plane on a second static at TsAGI.

我们现在准备弄到2500小时再说。 目前前线单座型为850小时。 
但是,很现实的事情, 可以被延寿到4000小时。 我们可以自行决定这么干。 

目前正在这么干了, 正在把一架老机器,做了手术后,交给TsAGI做第二次静态试验

This will allow us to extend the resource to such a value which will suffice for a couple of upgrades. In general, we concluded that the resource throughout the fleet can be set to 4000 hours. And if you look at survival - and then 10000 hours.

我们将对其延寿,使其在寿限内能够进行几次升级。 总而言之,4000小时是一定的,如果看其整个寿限的话,那是10000个小时.( 那里翻的没把握

We have finished to repeat the static tests fighting-training Su-25UB. Deflection angle maneuver of mechanization on these machines is higher than in a single variant, which causes more significant structural stress. On combat aircraft, these stresses is much smaller and so we are confident that this resource will be.

俺们已经完成了25UB的静态试验, 这些个飞机的偏转角机动能力比单座型要高。 要先对结构造成了更多的应力。 在战斗机上, 这些应力要小得多。 俺们很对延寿的结果很有信心

- How much will serve for Su-25?


- Fifty years.


- That is now Russia's new military developments in ground-attack aircraft, in principle, not interested, they are satisfied Su-25?

是,在攻击机方面,军队对武器新的发展貌似对这个不感兴趣? 他们对25满意么

- As a strike aircraft the Air Force are interested in the Su-34. Application of Yak-130 as a light attack aircraft would be problematic, especially on the experience of last year's fighting in Abkhazia. Really fight there could be only the Su-25.

空军对34很感兴趣作为攻击机来说。 但是用雅克130座位作为轻型攻击机是有点问题的。  特别是在阿布哈兹的经验来说, 真的打战,还得靠25来抗

We have modernized combat trainer variant of Su-25UBM, this machine was demonstrated at the MAKS-2007, is currently undergoing public trials. Defense Minister signed a decision to scale production of these aircraft, but Air Force Commander deems it unnecessary to use double storm troopers on the battlefield.

们升级了25UBM, 在2007年还展示了。  目前正在测试。 

国防部签了合约要规模化生产。 但是空军的大大认为没有必要在战场上用两个人的攻击机

Nevertheless, the resource Su-25UB is coming to an end, these machines flew almost three times more than their single counterparts, and the design, as I said earlier, more intense. And the choice is not there.

管如此,那些25UB老骨头寿命也到头了。  这些机器飞行实数比单座型多三倍。 所以,设计的时候,就不是让他们往死了飞的。 

- What are some new projects still exist?


- At one time we did and had a state test anti-aircraft Su-25T. I believe that this is the aircraft, which now needs the Air Force. We have increased the range of almost two times, installed systems, which are unique in the world no. You can imagine - to demolish the tower tank at a distance of 10 km? Direct hit with laser missiles. This is a surgical strike on the "interesting" targets. You can get to any window, draw a cross there - and we would get there. Now the period selected targets do not need massive carpet bombing. But such targets mainly mobile, well-protected. The experience of last year's fighting air missile system "Osa" and "Cube" after a combat mission in 10 minutes were already elsewhere. Therefore the main task - to find a changing set and destroy it. And today, we have focused on just such a task.

曾经一度,我们做了25T的国家试验。俺认为空军需要这样的JJ,我们对其航程增加了2倍,安装了世界上独一无二的系统。 又可以想象,在10公里外,把坦克炸飞的感觉!

直接用激光制导导弹攻击。 这个JJ就是要对那种感兴趣的目标惊醒手术式打击的利器。 你可以在任何一个窗户,再上面画个十字, 导弹将打倒那里。

目前这个年代,地毯式轰炸不流行了。  特别是那些移动的,得到很好保护的目标。 去年导弹系统OSA 和Cube的经验就是,10分钟后,目标就跑到其它地方去了。  所以主要任务就是发现移动中的目标然后干掉。  今天,俺们就在干这个工作哎。

In principle, we have completed three versions of a completely new aircraft, but they all get heavy. To modernize the Su-25 is more profitable. In addition, you can equip the troops, snipers aircraft Su-25T.

总而言之,我们完成了三个版本的新机型, 但是他们都增重了。 升级25是赚钱的活。 除了这个之外,军队也可以装备空中狙击手--25T。 

- What are Russia's air force to this idea?


- While the Air Force does not have a clear concept. For example, I believe that there is a doctrine that has defined the president - local war. And in local wars better attack aircraft did nobody has yet invented. If you apply more and point solution, the defeat of several targets in a radius ...

目前貌似这些人没有清晰的概念, 军事学说了要搞局部战争..........就是需要这个东西

Usual Su-25 can fly for 350 miles with blocks NAR C-13, let the rocket, as it unloaded, but hit just one or two goals. But the plane sniper Su-25T has precisely reusable, multi-purpose use, it is capable of hitting different targets at the same radius. I hope that we have on this issue will return.


- And in principle, ideally, Russia needs a new attack?

也就是说, 理想情况下,空军想要新型的攻击机?

- The last three decades I proclaim that the attack must be fully automated. Board package should prompt the person taking the maximum of support functions. This is a fundamental feature. Do not go to extremes, believing that the machine must all decide for the pilot.

过去30年,我就申明了, 攻击必须是全自动化的。 但是不要忘了,机器还是由飞行员驾驶的...

- Or no pilot?


- Today, there are means of impeding, incapacitating navigation systems of unmanned vehicles (UAVs). Such devices make Ltd. "Aviakonversiya. Attack drones in such conditions is not capable of accurate navigation in real combat situations are simply hopeless.


Also, never mathematical tool is no substitute for brains pilot. So we still do not know how they work, the situation changed so rapidly that they can not simply standardize and lay in some kind of mathematics. Therefore, the pilot should be possible to simplify its operation and display only the information that he needs at this time.


Su-25T was just and made for this. This was the first more or less automated aircraft after analogue of Su-25 and MiG-27. Of course, today we can make it even better, to simplify, reduce the amount of equipment and significantly expand solvable problems. Even if you put on a plane only one complex, which we have worked on the Su-25SM, it is twice as reduce the volume and weight of equipment.

Su-25T才是他们所要的。 它就是在25/27之后的一个自动化的飞机。今天我们还可以把它打造的更好。 简单点,就是把设备减少,扩展功能。 。。。。。。对25SM动手术,对其设备的重量和体积减少2倍...........

- Foreign countries are showing interest in the extension of the resource and upgrade?


- In principle, within the next ten years, they also need to modernize these aircraft, as we do.

一句话,在以后十年里, 他们必须像我们一样要对他们升级。
Su-34 那个劳什子,太贵了吧..............
嘿嘿,你问问MD A10何去何从.
俄罗斯版强5,强5 是否也可如此改进
蛇娃宝宝 发表于 2009-10-9 20:54

蛇娃宝宝 发表于 2009-10-9 20:54
强五的效能和SU25没法比,挂弹量比SU25差远了。建议给中国陆航装备SU25 A10一类的固定翼攻击机。
Su-25T 比较BT.........

