
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 12:28:30
<br /><br />第十一个成员。
Organization Focused On Development Of Space Data Systems

The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) announced Monday the China National Space Administration (CNSA) has been accepted as the eleventh full member agency of the organization -- and the first addition to the group since 1997.

Billed as the leading international organization for space communication standardization, CCSDS relies on agency members to provide technical engineering support to its working groups. The addition of CNSA to the membership of CCSDS indicates the continued, broad international support for space communication standardization necessary to promote greater cooperation and interoperability among the space and ground assets of the major space exploration agencies around the world.

&quot;Adding China's expertise to the technical knowledge base of the CCSDS working groups will further enable the CCSDS mission of enhancing worldwide governmental and commercial interoperability and cross-support, while reducing operational risk, development time, and project costs,&quot; said Mike Kearney, CMC Chair.

Cheng Wang, CNSA's primary representative to CCSDS, added &quot;The China National Space Administration expresses its willingness to participate in and contribute to CCSDS. We look forward to supporting the work of CCSDS and contributing to the interoperability of international space missions.&quot;

CNSA was created in 1993 to define China's national space policies and priorities. It has quickly become an important player in the international space arena, with cooperative agreements between more than ten international space agencies. CNSA's membership in CCSDS continues this trend of increased exposure and cooperation with the broader space community.

CNSA's has already begun implementation of CCSDS standards on some of its spacecraft. CCSDS protocols were successfully used to enable interoperability between CNSA and ESA in 2007. In November of that year the CNSA Chang'e 1 lunar-orbiting spacecraft transmitted telemetry signals to ESA tracking stations which then relayed telecommands back to the satellite. ... f-b957-3e84a5d33bae<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
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<br /><br />第十一个成员。
Organization Focused On Development Of Space Data Systems

The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) announced Monday the China National Space Administration (CNSA) has been accepted as the eleventh full member agency of the organization -- and the first addition to the group since 1997.

Billed as the leading international organization for space communication standardization, CCSDS relies on agency members to provide technical engineering support to its working groups. The addition of CNSA to the membership of CCSDS indicates the continued, broad international support for space communication standardization necessary to promote greater cooperation and interoperability among the space and ground assets of the major space exploration agencies around the world.

&quot;Adding China's expertise to the technical knowledge base of the CCSDS working groups will further enable the CCSDS mission of enhancing worldwide governmental and commercial interoperability and cross-support, while reducing operational risk, development time, and project costs,&quot; said Mike Kearney, CMC Chair.

Cheng Wang, CNSA's primary representative to CCSDS, added &quot;The China National Space Administration expresses its willingness to participate in and contribute to CCSDS. We look forward to supporting the work of CCSDS and contributing to the interoperability of international space missions.&quot;

CNSA was created in 1993 to define China's national space policies and priorities. It has quickly become an important player in the international space arena, with cooperative agreements between more than ten international space agencies. CNSA's membership in CCSDS continues this trend of increased exposure and cooperation with the broader space community.

CNSA's has already begun implementation of CCSDS standards on some of its spacecraft. CCSDS protocols were successfully used to enable interoperability between CNSA and ESA in 2007. In November of that year the CNSA Chang'e 1 lunar-orbiting spacecraft transmitted telemetry signals to ESA tracking stations which then relayed telecommands back to the satellite. ... f-b957-3e84a5d33bae<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
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啥 意 思?

CCSDS是空间数据系统咨询委员会(Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems)的缩写,是世界各空间组织为了相互支持而建立的技术协商性机构:十多年来它推出了一整套技术建议书一其中一部分己直接转化为国际标准化组织的正式国际标准。 CCSDS标准不仅为实现开放互连的国际空间数据系统网奠定了技术基础,而且还反映了世界空间数据系统的最新技术发展动态.我国的航天技术要走向世界,航天测控与数据系统体制就一定要与CCSDS标准接轨.

2、 CCSDS组织及其出版物类别简介


CCSDS是一个由各国空间组织管理部门联合正式组建的国际协调机构,成立于1982年1月.只有各国空间组织才可以成为其成员或观察员,科学或工业机构只能作为非止式成员.成员必须参加CCSDS的全部活动并提供支持,且在其内部使用CCSDS的标准,有权参加CCSDS的内部表决;观察员则可少量参加其活动,鼓励采用与CCSDS标准兼容的内部标准,观 察员不直接参加表决;非正式成员可以只注意CCSDS的活动,建议其采用CCSDS的标准并提出 建议.目前该组织有9个正式成员,22个观察员和101个非正式成员。

该组织的宗旨是通过技术协商方式,建立一整套空间数据系统的标准,以便实现广泛 的国际合作和相互支持.随着空间事业的发展,空间任务越来越多,系统也越来越复杂, 有些任务要求测控不间断地跟踪航天器,但全球步站又不可能,故开始考虑把几个任务的 测控集中设计,使用统一的跟踪系统,进一步使不同国家在航天器测控方面,包括测控传 输格式及频率等,采用统一的或相互兼容的测控体制,形成标准化,以达到相互支持的日 的.其主要活动方式是定期开会讨论各国共同关心的数据系统问题,并对存在的问题进行 技术研究及攻关,从而实现广泛的国际合作,相互支持,即地球站与地球站,地球站与航 天器,航天器与航天器之间都能够连接和通信,一国的航天器的跟踪,测量,数据采集, 通信和控制均可借助国际力量,从而大大节省人力,财力,物力,并有可能扩大航天器的 发射窗口增多挽救航天器的机会.提高航天器的利用率等。

g.数据链路小组(PIG) =

2、2 CCSDS出版物类别

CCSDS的主要文件有白皮书(WB),红皮书(RB) ,蓝皮书(BB) ,绿皮书(GB) ,黄皮书(YB)和粉皮书(PB).白皮书为建议书或报告用的原始草稿,是新工作的概念性文章或建议,无需会员或观察员的认可或赞同;红皮书是正式建议书的草稿,各会员国还可以提出修改意见;蓝皮" 是经批准的正式建议书,在未作新的修改之前,各会员国要遵照执行;绿皮书是经理事会批准的报告,属解释性的技术文件,提供技术参考;黄皮书是非技术文件,属管理文件或 报告:粉皮书是对现有的蓝皮书进行修改的建议.目前CCSDS组织已出版的蓝皮书及其内容概要.

遥测系统(Panel 1):
a. CCSDS 101.0-B-3: Telemetry Channel Coding. 遥测信道编码,1992年5月.
b. CCSDS 102.0-B-4: Packet Telemetry 分包遥测,1995年11月.
c. CCSDS 103-B-1: Packet Telemetry Services. 分包遥测业务,1996年5月,
遥控系统(Panel 1):
a. CCSDS 201.0-B-2: Telecommand Part 1-Channel Service. 遥控第一部分一信道业务,1995年n月
b. CCSDS 202.0-B-2: Telecommand Part 2-Data Routing Service. 遥控第二部分一数据路由业务,1992年11月.
c. CCSDS 201.0-B-1:Telecommand Part 2.1-Command Operation Procedure. 遥控第2. 1部分一命令操作步骤,1991年10月.
d. CCSDS 203.0-B-1: Telecommand Part 3-Data Management Service. 遥控第三部分一数据管理业务,1987年1月.
a. CCSDS 301.0-B-2: Time Code Format. 时间码格式,1990年4月,
b. CCSDS 320.0-8-1: CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identification Field Code Assignment Control Procedures. CCSDS全球航天器标识域码分配控制步骤,1993年10月.
射频和调制系统(Panel 1):
a. CCSDS 401.0-B-1: Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems一Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft. 射频和调制系统一第一部分:地球站和航天器.1993年6月
跟踪和导航系统(Panel 4):
a. CCSDS 501.0-B-1: Radio Metric and Orbit Data.无线电测量和轨道数据,198了年1月
信息存取和交换系统(Panel 2):
a. CCSDS 620.0-B-2: Standard Formatted Data Units一Structure and Construction Rules.标准格式化数据单元一结构和构成规则,1992年5月.
b. CCSDS 630.0-B-1: Standard Formatted Data Units一Control Authority Procedures, 标准格式化数据单元一控制机构步骤,工993年6月.
c. CCSDS 632.0-B-1: Standard Formatted Data Units一Control Authority Data Structure 标准格式化数据单元一控制机构数据结构,1994年11月.
d. CCSDS 641.0-B-1: Parameter Value Language Specification (CCSDO006). 参数值语言规范(CCSD0006),1992年5月
e. CCSDS 643.0-B-1:ASCII Encoded English(CCSD0002). ASCII编码英语(CCSD0002). 1992年11月.
高级在轨系统(Panel 1):
a. 遥控第一部分一信道业务,1995年n月
b. CCSDS 202.0-B-2: Telecommand Part 2-Data Routing Service. 遥控第二部分一数据路由业务,1992年11月.
c. CCSDS 201.0-B-1:Telecommand Part 2.1-Command Operation Procedure. 遥控第2. 1部分一命令操作步骤,1991年10月.
d. CCSDS 203.0-B-1: Telecommand Part 3-Data Management Service. 遥控第三部分一数据管理业务,1987年1月.
a. CCSDS 301.0-B-2: Time Code Format. 时间码格式,1990年4月,
b. CCSDS 320.0-8-1: CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identification Field Code Assignment Control Procedures.CCSDS全球航天器标识域码分配控制步骤,1993年10月.
射频和调制系统(Panel 1):
a. CCSDS 401.0-B-1: Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems一Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft.射频和调制系统一第一部分:地球站和航天器.1993年6月
跟踪和导航系统(Panel 4):
a. CCSDS 501.0-B-1: Radio Metric and Orbit Data. 无线电测量和轨道数据,198了年1月
信息存取和交换系统(Panel 2):
a. CCSDS 620.0-B-2: Standard Formatted Data Units一Structure and Construction Rules. 标准格式化数据单元一结构和构成规则,1992年5月.
b. CCSDS 630.0-B-1: Standard Formatted Data Units一Control Authority Procedures, 标准格式化数据单元一控制机构步骤,工993年6月.
c. CCSDS 632.0-B-1: Standard Formatted Data Units一Control Authority Data Structure 标准格式化数据单元一控制机构数据结构,1994年11月'
d. CCSDS 641.0-B-1: Parameter Value Language Specification (CCSDO006). 参数值语言规范(CCSD0006),1992年5月
e. CCSDS 643.0-B-1:ASCII Encoded English(CCSD0002). ASCII编码英语(CCSD0002). 1992年11月.