[转]英美的法西斯暴行:1945德累斯顿大轰炸 屠杀13万平 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/06 06:47:12
原帖由 马甲1号 于 2007-9-4 11:19 发表

铁血转来的好文啊。。。支持楼主 打到美英帝国主义,这笔帐一定要清算,来个伦敦大审判
无知的哈日哈美分子大概不知道他们两家早已“相逢一笑泯恩仇”,鬼子甘为霉菌效力了。:D ;P
原帖由 中国闪电 于 2007-9-4 11:28 发表
哈西方的5楼终于跳出来了,大家看啊!:P ;P

原帖由 中国闪电 于 2007-9-4 12:13 发表
回去告诉你的日本主子的主子美国佬,[:a16:] [:a16:] [:a16:] 中国人民是爱好和平的憎恨强权的,你们美匪日匪再敢冒天下之大不韪发动侵略,英勇无畏的人民会把你们打得哭爹喊娘的!!!!:victory: :victory: : ...



楼主的下一个文章就是《英美的法西斯暴行:1945广岛长崎原子大轰炸 屠杀××万平民》
告诉LZ 在德国国内说这种话的某政党领导人已经被起诉了.他的政党也多次面临被宣布为非法并取缔的境地,这可是在西方政界很难想象的事.但默老太这回看来是要开先例了.不知道LZ原不愿意和年那个家伙一起去品尝德国的牢饭啊.听说很不错哦:P :P
原帖由 classic 于 2007-9-4 13:24 发表
楼主的下一个文章就是《英美的法西斯暴行:1945广岛长崎原子大轰炸 屠杀××万平民》

哈哈哈哈,LZ这种人要是被抓进平房,肯定要被提取大脑标本,731用来提炼一些“卖国思想基因”,制造炸弹毒害中国人民!;P ;P ;P
731要抓你做实验,恐怕还嫌脏。:D ;P
楼主的下一个文章就是《英美的法西斯暴行:1945广岛长崎原子大轰炸 屠杀××万平民》
:D 说得好!:D
可惜啊,可惜,标题实际上是《魔鬼共舞--美国与731部队战犯的肮脏交易》:D ;P
We in Britain know quite enough about air raids. For ten months your Luftwaffe bombed us. First you bombed us by day. When we made this impossible, they came by night. Then you had a big fleet of bombers. Your airmen fought well. They bombed London for ninety-two nights running. They made heavy raids on Coventry, Plymouth, Liverpool, and other British cities. They did a lot of damage. Forty-three thousand British men, women and children lost their lives; Many of our most cherished historical buildings were destroyed.

You thought, and Goering promised you, that you would be safe from bombs. And indeed, during all that time we could only send over a small number of aircraft in return. But now it is just the other way. Now you send only a few aircraft against us. And we are bombing Germany heavily.

Why are we doing so? It is not revenge-though we do not forget Warsaw, Belgrade, Rotterdam, London, Plymouth and Coventry. We are bombing Germany, city by city, and even more terribly, in order to make it impossible for you to go on with the war. That is our object. We shall pursue it remorselessly. City by city; Liibeck, Rostock, Cologne, Emden, Bremen; Wilhelmshaven, Duisburg, Hamburg - and the list will grow longer and longer. Let the Nazis drag you down to disaster with them if you will. That is for you to decide.

In fine weather we bomb you by night. Already 1000 bombers go to one town, like Cologne, and destroy a third of it in an hour's bombing. We know; we have the photographs. In cloudy weather we bomb your factories and shipyards by day. We have done that as far away as Danzig. We are coming by day and by night. No part of the Reich is safe.

I will speak frankly about whether we bomb single military targets or whole cities. Obviously we prefer to hit factories, shipyards, and railways. It damages Hitler's war machine most. But those people who work in these plants live close to them. Therefore, we hit your houses and you. We regret the necessity for this. The workers of the Humboldt-Deutz, the Diesel-engine plant in Cologne, for instance-some of whom were killed on the night of May 30 last-must inevitably take the risk of war. Just as our merchant seamen who man ships which the U-boats (equipped with Humboldt-Deutz engines) would have tried to torpedo. Were not the aircraft workers, their wives and children, at Coventry just as much 'civilians' as the aircraft workers at Rostock and their families? But Hitler wanted it that way.

It is true that your defences inflict losses on our bombers. Your leaders try to comfort you by 'telling you that our losses are so heavy that we shall not be able to go on bombing you very much longer. Whoever believes that will be bitterly disappointed. I, who command the British bombers, will tell you what our losses are. Less than 5 per cent of the bombers which we send over Germany are lost. Such a percentage does very little even to check the constant increase ensured by the ever-increasing output of our own and the American factories.

America has only just entered the fight in Europe. The squadrons, forerunners of a whole air fleet, have arrived in England from the United States of America. Do you realize what it will mean to you when they bomb Germany also? In one American factory alone, the new Ford plant at Willow Run, Detroit, they are already turning out one four-engined bomber able to carry four tons of bombs to any part of the Reich every two hours. There are scores of other such factories in the United States of America. You cannot bomb those factories. Your submarines cannot even try to prevent those Atlantic bombers from getting here; for they fly across the Atlantic.

Soon we shall be coming every night and every day, rain, blow or snow-we and the Americans. I have just spent eight months in America, so I know exactly what is coming. We are going to scourge the Third Reich from end to end, if you make it necessary for us to do so. You cannot stop it, and you know it.

You have no chance. You could not defeat us in 1940, when we were almost unarmed and stood alone. Your leaders were crazy to attack Russia as well as America (but then your leaders are crazy; the whole world thinks so except Italy).

How can you hope to win now that we are getting even stronger, having both Russia and America as allies, while you are getting more and more exhausted ?

Remember this: no matter how far your armies march they can never get to England. They could not get here when we were unarmed. Whatever their victories, you will still have to settle the air war with us and America. You can never win that. But we are doing so already now.

One final thing: it is up to you to end the war and the bombing. You can overthrow the Nazis and make peace. It is not true that we plan a peace of revenge. That is a German propaganda lie. But we shall certainly make it impossible for any German Government to start a total war again. And is not that as necessary in your own interests as in ours?
原帖由 马赛克 于 2007-9-4 19:30 发表


原帖由 中国闪电 于 2007-9-4 13:31 发表
731要抓你做实验,恐怕还嫌脏。:D ;P

说到空袭,英国本土被德国炸的也很惨,惟独美国没事,因为距离太远,德国飞机够不着!:b ;P