
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 06:37:15



Utp45(中): I am considered “Kshatriya” in India,so I was told.
utp45  别人告诉我,我可以算是“刹帝利”种姓

Abotani(藏南): Whoever told you that was lying through his teeth.In Hindu religion,all unbelievers maybe apart from white caucasians automatically qualify for the dalit/low caste status.
Abotani (藏南原住民):谁这么告诉你是明摆着撒谎。在印度教里,非教徒(也许除了白种人)均属于贱民/低种姓

Utp45(中): but I'm really fare skined, whiter than most indians actually.
utp45: 但我的皮肤很白,比大多数印度人都白。

Abotani(藏南): Doesn't matter.As long as you don't look white by your facial structure,you are a low caste.A tad better than a dark skin person but a low caste nonetheless.
After all,almost every person in the Hill regions of NE is fairer but we are low caste as well.Even if we are not Hindu

Utp45: well that's a bummer.
utp45: 失望了!

Dungeness(中美): Are you from NE hill side? Just curious.

Abotani: Yea,actually from a part which PRC claims as it's own territory.

Dungeness: Really?!I have a friend who is from Medog, he is mix of Tibetan and Monba.

Abotani: Really?Must be from the people who fled PLA in the 50s and 60s and settled in Indian hosted 'refugee camps'.

Dungeness: No, his family has been living on the China side of LOC for more than 3 generations. He is probably more patriotic than many of my Han friends. How do you feel to live in India being a NE minority?

Abotani: Aah,my bad.Forgot that there are 50k monbas(monpas) on PRC side as well.Should have known though,most of the tibetans in India are from higher classes and would never marry into lower class monbas or menbas. Well,India is a hellhole for Indians and the lesser said about us who don't really qualify as Indians the better.

Dungeness: Interesting! So the lower castes of the society also self divided into more sub castes? Hard for a person from PRC to grasp the idea of born to be unequal. Heard some stories about NE be ill-treated in Indian mainland a couple of years ago.

Abotani: Well,it's not really the caste system at work alone.Add to that the racism inherent in every race and the Indian "brown sahib mentality"However all that is just minor irritants. Most people in NE hill region want out of India if the option is available.Plain and simple.

Dungeness: Wow, read somewhere a couple years ago, someone from NE wanted out of India, I thought he was in minority. He said that he felt like he was living in Indian colony. Wish you the best, my friend!

Abotani: Let's hope. LOL

Hexagonsnow(中): Have you been in china?

Abotani to Hexagonsnow: Nope.Indian Govt discourages or even outright stops us by citing the issue of stapled visas.
Abotani to Hexugonsnow:没去过。印度政府不鼓励,甚至明目张胆地阻止你去,他们用订书钉签证作为理由。(中国政府对争议地区的居民只发放用订书机钉在护照的签证纸,以示区别印度其他地区)

Luca1 to utp45: Being a Chinese, you are relegate to schedule tribal caste. But you would have quotas in Indian universities.
Luca1 to utp45:作为中国人,你被认为是表列的部落人,但你上大学有保留配额。

Luca1 to Abotani: Are the people of your state desire to remain within India or would you guys rather be free from India
Luca1 to Abotani:你们邦的人是希望留在印度联邦,还是脱离印度?
Dungeness to Luca1: He has answered this question in post #130, loud and clear.
Dungeness to Luca1: 他在上面已经回答过这个问题了,清晰而明确。

Powastick (Malaysia):Indian consider Chinese low caste people btw,I heard it first hand from my neighbor.
Powastick (马来西亚):印度人认为中国人是低种姓,我从我的印度邻居那里听说的,第一手。

Hexagonsnow(中): Sorry to hear that.I know a indian,we called him Uncle,he is a grace gentleman.He has been in china for years .We have our own QQ group online.
Hexugansnow: 遗憾听到这些。我认识一个印度人,我们喊他叔,他是一位绅士。他在中国住了很多年了,我们甚至有自己的QQ群。

Abotani: Ah,an exceptional person then.Indians usually are very fine lot to be with when they are not in power.

Dungeness: You may feel right at home once you come to the other side of LOC. How you guys identify yourself, Indian? North easterner? Oriental Indian?

Abotani: Mostly on the basis of our ancestry and heritage.The closer to macmohan line the closer the people feel to the other side of LAC.

Dungeness: Is there cross line people flow? I don't remember if I read from somewhere or my friend in Medog told me local people can visit cross loc relatives. Sorry for some sensitive questions.

Abotani: Not legally.Some do cross it when the Indian troops leave due to harsh monsoon rains.Mostly to visit relatives but even then the duration is short as it can be troublesome if they get caught.Some cross over from the other side as well to visit and bring in supplies not found here in the hill areas of remote upper regions.
The increasing Indian infrastructure build up may put an end to that short time as well.

Dungeness: I know your region is closed to outsiders. One Chinese traveler somehow made there a few years ago, and he publish his journal on line, and caused quite a stir in online community. People really want to know what is going on there. By the way, what is the percentage people who are online?

Abotani: It's quite hard to say on the percentage of people online.The generation below 30 is almost wholly offline apart from few exceptions.Even that is mostly for official government work.While the generation below that uses the internet or rather want to but can't use it optimally due to lack of availability outside of few urban centres in the lower regions.We are talking about maybe a few clusters of a dozen or so towns in an area of 80000+ km2 where internet is readily available at required speeds constantly.Apart from Tawang township.Almost all upper regions are offline for all purposes. We are talking of a region where there are no networks for voice calls in upper regions apart from spotty Indian Public sector companies which are't really known for reliability.

Dungeness: So in a way, it is pretty isolated from outside world. It is purely infrastructure issue or something else? Hope things will become better in the near future. My friend in Medog has 4g signal, like 5mbps. India administration should improve infrastructure there.

Abotani: Well,sure the Indian Gov. most likely manipulates things on the online front behind the scenes but it is hard to say that without damning facts on hand.
They do keep the region backward so that PRC has a hard time capturing it if they want.Also keeping the local populace in backward conditions suits their agenda of keeping us subservient so that a few doles now and then keeps us from outright support of PRC.

nForce: How dose this look?  
nForce(印): 这个看上去怎么样?(贴了网速测试截图:42Mbps)

Dungeness: In Tawang? That is pretty good! :yahoo: How is speed in india rural region?

nForce: Not so great in rural regions. How is internet connectivity in Western territories of China ?

Dungeness to nForce: Medog is a border town on China india LOC. I am not sure about other places @AndrewJin may have information about this.
Dungeness to nForce:墨脱是中印实控线上的小镇。我不知道中国西部的其他地方网速怎么样。

Dungeness to Abotani: Ha, India government should have more confidence, and let people to have modern facilities. After all, India is a democratic country, it enjoys the support from all western powers.
Dungeness to Abotani:印度政府应该有点自信,让人民享受现代化的设施。不管怎么说,印度好歹是个民主国家,还有西方国家的支持。

Abotani: Tawang will be lucky to get a twentieth of that speed even when speeds are unusually high..

Dungeness: Really? Thought he meant NE internet speed.

AnsrewJin(中): It has 4G.
I don't know the speed of internet. Even Tibet's Everest Base Camp has 4G

Abotani to Dungeness: Nah,that speed is likely from some indian mega city.Like all Indians,the esteemed member couldn't help but turn it into a contest to soothe his ego by comparing a remote mountain region of PRC to a city in Indian mainland.
Abotani to Dungeness:那个速度大概是印度的那个大城市的网速。就像所有的印度人,这些尊贵的会员没办法控制自己,是一定要把印度大城市的网速和中国遥远山村的网速来进行对比,来满足自己的自负的。

AndrewJin: i have already got used to such weird comparison.
I have 50-100M broadband network in my community, 600yuan($94) per year for 50M.
AndrewJin: 我已经习惯于他们玩的这种可笑的对比。我的小区有50-100M 的网络,我的是50M,每年付600元($94).

Dungeness: That is fxxk cheap! I paid $99/M for 100Mbps to comcast, and that is a discounted price!:(
Dungeness: 真TM便宜!我的网速是100M,每个月付$99,这还是合同优惠价!

Abotani to AndrewJin: LOL.So affordable?I pay around 150+% of that for a year at a speeds of under 100 KB/s limited to maybe 50 GB high speed(lol) a year(plan is monthly I am just giving an aggregate) after which I reduced to 4 KB/s at a maximum.
Abotani to AndrewJin:这么便宜?我每年付你那个数的150%,我的“宽带”速度是100Kbps,一年50G流量以后,网速降为4kbps.

Dungeness to Abotani: I thought China is the only major country that use internet censorship, so I was surprised that one Indian state cut off entire internet access a couple weeks ago. They arrested a 22 yo guy for organizing a protest . I think it is modi's state. India is not that free after all. :(
Dungeness to Abotani: 我一直以为中国是主要大国中唯一进行网络审查的国家,直到不久前印度的一个邦切断所有网络,那次他们逮捕了一个22岁的示威领导者,好像就是穆迪的那个邦。印度看来也没有那么自由啊!

Abotani : It was never truly free tbh.Just for example,one can't call a country where one can't eat what one wants as "FREE" It's oxymoronic to do so.Maybe free to live in hell and die.
Abotani: 从来就没有真正的自由。比如说,在这个国家你不能吃你想吃的,把这样的国家称为自由的,那就自相矛盾了。也许你可以自由地死,自由地生活在地狱。

Dungeness: 4K? That is pathetic. Dialup line had 56K, and that is what 30 years ago?

Abotani: LOL,welcome to incredible India that will be superpower in half a decade

Dungeness: Terrible if government regulate what you eat! In some Indian states, it is illegal to eat meat?

Abotani: In most of North India beef is legally banned or forbidden by common folk.(You know eat meat and be beat to meat untill you are dead)Pork as well.
You can't get accommodation if you eat a particular food or dress or look a certain way,particularly your race.

Dungeness: I can't believe this! It is not what I have in mind about India. Indian people are doing so well in the states, and you hear from news channels that India is a IT superpower and back office of the world, etc. 4K!!!!!

Abotani: The India you hear about is the view point of the urban upper classes who seem to have a remarkable superhero power of ignoring the rural reality or the poor even in urban areas.Indian tendency to "save honour" keeps them from openly admitting the gravity of the issue..
Abotani: 你所听到的印度是城市里高种姓印度人眼里的印度。他们具有超凡的能力,能够直接无视农村地区甚至城市里穷人的现实。“好面子”的天性让他们无法正视现实。大家好,超大的长期潜水读者,曾经在2011年1月10日通宵刷超大,和大家一起流泪。



Utp45(中): I am considered “Kshatriya” in India,so I was told.
utp45  别人告诉我,我可以算是“刹帝利”种姓

Abotani(藏南): Whoever told you that was lying through his teeth.In Hindu religion,all unbelievers maybe apart from white caucasians automatically qualify for the dalit/low caste status.
Abotani (藏南原住民):谁这么告诉你是明摆着撒谎。在印度教里,非教徒(也许除了白种人)均属于贱民/低种姓

Utp45(中): but I'm really fare skined, whiter than most indians actually.
utp45: 但我的皮肤很白,比大多数印度人都白。

Abotani(藏南): Doesn't matter.As long as you don't look white by your facial structure,you are a low caste.A tad better than a dark skin person but a low caste nonetheless.
After all,almost every person in the Hill regions of NE is fairer but we are low caste as well.Even if we are not Hindu

Utp45: well that's a bummer.
utp45: 失望了!

Dungeness(中美): Are you from NE hill side? Just curious.

Abotani: Yea,actually from a part which PRC claims as it's own territory.

Dungeness: Really?!I have a friend who is from Medog, he is mix of Tibetan and Monba.

Abotani: Really?Must be from the people who fled PLA in the 50s and 60s and settled in Indian hosted 'refugee camps'.

Dungeness: No, his family has been living on the China side of LOC for more than 3 generations. He is probably more patriotic than many of my Han friends. How do you feel to live in India being a NE minority?

Abotani: Aah,my bad.Forgot that there are 50k monbas(monpas) on PRC side as well.Should have known though,most of the tibetans in India are from higher classes and would never marry into lower class monbas or menbas. Well,India is a hellhole for Indians and the lesser said about us who don't really qualify as Indians the better.

Dungeness: Interesting! So the lower castes of the society also self divided into more sub castes? Hard for a person from PRC to grasp the idea of born to be unequal. Heard some stories about NE be ill-treated in Indian mainland a couple of years ago.

Abotani: Well,it's not really the caste system at work alone.Add to that the racism inherent in every race and the Indian "brown sahib mentality"However all that is just minor irritants. Most people in NE hill region want out of India if the option is available.Plain and simple.

Dungeness: Wow, read somewhere a couple years ago, someone from NE wanted out of India, I thought he was in minority. He said that he felt like he was living in Indian colony. Wish you the best, my friend!

Abotani: Let's hope. LOL

Hexagonsnow(中): Have you been in china?

Abotani to Hexagonsnow: Nope.Indian Govt discourages or even outright stops us by citing the issue of stapled visas.
Abotani to Hexugonsnow:没去过。印度政府不鼓励,甚至明目张胆地阻止你去,他们用订书钉签证作为理由。(中国政府对争议地区的居民只发放用订书机钉在护照的签证纸,以示区别印度其他地区)

Luca1 to utp45: Being a Chinese, you are relegate to schedule tribal caste. But you would have quotas in Indian universities.
Luca1 to utp45:作为中国人,你被认为是表列的部落人,但你上大学有保留配额。

Luca1 to Abotani: Are the people of your state desire to remain within India or would you guys rather be free from India
Luca1 to Abotani:你们邦的人是希望留在印度联邦,还是脱离印度?
Dungeness to Luca1: He has answered this question in post #130, loud and clear.
Dungeness to Luca1: 他在上面已经回答过这个问题了,清晰而明确。

Powastick (Malaysia):Indian consider Chinese low caste people btw,I heard it first hand from my neighbor.
Powastick (马来西亚):印度人认为中国人是低种姓,我从我的印度邻居那里听说的,第一手。

Hexagonsnow(中): Sorry to hear that.I know a indian,we called him Uncle,he is a grace gentleman.He has been in china for years .We have our own QQ group online.
Hexugansnow: 遗憾听到这些。我认识一个印度人,我们喊他叔,他是一位绅士。他在中国住了很多年了,我们甚至有自己的QQ群。

Abotani: Ah,an exceptional person then.Indians usually are very fine lot to be with when they are not in power.

Dungeness: You may feel right at home once you come to the other side of LOC. How you guys identify yourself, Indian? North easterner? Oriental Indian?

Abotani: Mostly on the basis of our ancestry and heritage.The closer to macmohan line the closer the people feel to the other side of LAC.

Dungeness: Is there cross line people flow? I don't remember if I read from somewhere or my friend in Medog told me local people can visit cross loc relatives. Sorry for some sensitive questions.

Abotani: Not legally.Some do cross it when the Indian troops leave due to harsh monsoon rains.Mostly to visit relatives but even then the duration is short as it can be troublesome if they get caught.Some cross over from the other side as well to visit and bring in supplies not found here in the hill areas of remote upper regions.
The increasing Indian infrastructure build up may put an end to that short time as well.

Dungeness: I know your region is closed to outsiders. One Chinese traveler somehow made there a few years ago, and he publish his journal on line, and caused quite a stir in online community. People really want to know what is going on there. By the way, what is the percentage people who are online?

Abotani: It's quite hard to say on the percentage of people online.The generation below 30 is almost wholly offline apart from few exceptions.Even that is mostly for official government work.While the generation below that uses the internet or rather want to but can't use it optimally due to lack of availability outside of few urban centres in the lower regions.We are talking about maybe a few clusters of a dozen or so towns in an area of 80000+ km2 where internet is readily available at required speeds constantly.Apart from Tawang township.Almost all upper regions are offline for all purposes. We are talking of a region where there are no networks for voice calls in upper regions apart from spotty Indian Public sector companies which are't really known for reliability.

Dungeness: So in a way, it is pretty isolated from outside world. It is purely infrastructure issue or something else? Hope things will become better in the near future. My friend in Medog has 4g signal, like 5mbps. India administration should improve infrastructure there.

Abotani: Well,sure the Indian Gov. most likely manipulates things on the online front behind the scenes but it is hard to say that without damning facts on hand.
They do keep the region backward so that PRC has a hard time capturing it if they want.Also keeping the local populace in backward conditions suits their agenda of keeping us subservient so that a few doles now and then keeps us from outright support of PRC.

nForce: How dose this look?  
nForce(印): 这个看上去怎么样?(贴了网速测试截图:42Mbps)

Dungeness: In Tawang? That is pretty good! :yahoo: How is speed in india rural region?

nForce: Not so great in rural regions. How is internet connectivity in Western territories of China ?

Dungeness to nForce: Medog is a border town on China india LOC. I am not sure about other places @AndrewJin may have information about this.
Dungeness to nForce:墨脱是中印实控线上的小镇。我不知道中国西部的其他地方网速怎么样。

Dungeness to Abotani: Ha, India government should have more confidence, and let people to have modern facilities. After all, India is a democratic country, it enjoys the support from all western powers.
Dungeness to Abotani:印度政府应该有点自信,让人民享受现代化的设施。不管怎么说,印度好歹是个民主国家,还有西方国家的支持。

Abotani: Tawang will be lucky to get a twentieth of that speed even when speeds are unusually high..

Dungeness: Really? Thought he meant NE internet speed.

AnsrewJin(中): It has 4G.
I don't know the speed of internet. Even Tibet's Everest Base Camp has 4G

Abotani to Dungeness: Nah,that speed is likely from some indian mega city.Like all Indians,the esteemed member couldn't help but turn it into a contest to soothe his ego by comparing a remote mountain region of PRC to a city in Indian mainland.
Abotani to Dungeness:那个速度大概是印度的那个大城市的网速。就像所有的印度人,这些尊贵的会员没办法控制自己,是一定要把印度大城市的网速和中国遥远山村的网速来进行对比,来满足自己的自负的。

AndrewJin: i have already got used to such weird comparison.
I have 50-100M broadband network in my community, 600yuan($94) per year for 50M.
AndrewJin: 我已经习惯于他们玩的这种可笑的对比。我的小区有50-100M 的网络,我的是50M,每年付600元($94).

Dungeness: That is fxxk cheap! I paid $99/M for 100Mbps to comcast, and that is a discounted price!:(
Dungeness: 真TM便宜!我的网速是100M,每个月付$99,这还是合同优惠价!

Abotani to AndrewJin: LOL.So affordable?I pay around 150+% of that for a year at a speeds of under 100 KB/s limited to maybe 50 GB high speed(lol) a year(plan is monthly I am just giving an aggregate) after which I reduced to 4 KB/s at a maximum.
Abotani to AndrewJin:这么便宜?我每年付你那个数的150%,我的“宽带”速度是100Kbps,一年50G流量以后,网速降为4kbps.

Dungeness to Abotani: I thought China is the only major country that use internet censorship, so I was surprised that one Indian state cut off entire internet access a couple weeks ago. They arrested a 22 yo guy for organizing a protest . I think it is modi's state. India is not that free after all. :(
Dungeness to Abotani: 我一直以为中国是主要大国中唯一进行网络审查的国家,直到不久前印度的一个邦切断所有网络,那次他们逮捕了一个22岁的示威领导者,好像就是穆迪的那个邦。印度看来也没有那么自由啊!

Abotani : It was never truly free tbh.Just for example,one can't call a country where one can't eat what one wants as "FREE" It's oxymoronic to do so.Maybe free to live in hell and die.
Abotani: 从来就没有真正的自由。比如说,在这个国家你不能吃你想吃的,把这样的国家称为自由的,那就自相矛盾了。也许你可以自由地死,自由地生活在地狱。

Dungeness: 4K? That is pathetic. Dialup line had 56K, and that is what 30 years ago?

Abotani: LOL,welcome to incredible India that will be superpower in half a decade

Dungeness: Terrible if government regulate what you eat! In some Indian states, it is illegal to eat meat?

Abotani: In most of North India beef is legally banned or forbidden by common folk.(You know eat meat and be beat to meat untill you are dead)Pork as well.
You can't get accommodation if you eat a particular food or dress or look a certain way,particularly your race.

Dungeness: I can't believe this! It is not what I have in mind about India. Indian people are doing so well in the states, and you hear from news channels that India is a IT superpower and back office of the world, etc. 4K!!!!!

Abotani: The India you hear about is the view point of the urban upper classes who seem to have a remarkable superhero power of ignoring the rural reality or the poor even in urban areas.Indian tendency to "save honour" keeps them from openly admitting the gravity of the issue..
Abotani: 你所听到的印度是城市里高种姓印度人眼里的印度。他们具有超凡的能力,能够直接无视农村地区甚至城市里穷人的现实。“好面子”的天性让他们无法正视现实。
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http://www.santaihu.com/northeas ... ion-into-china.html
草原大雄鹰之九 发表于 2015-9-26 17:25




















一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
wj769 发表于 2015-9-26 19:20
一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
wj769 发表于 2015-9-26 19:20
一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
屠狗英雄 发表于 2015-9-26 21:43
不干涉内政是说给外人看的,不是用来束缚自己手脚的,必须要在他国内积极谋划,有所作为,人权大于主权是 ...
屠狗英雄 发表于 2015-9-26 21:43
xxi 发表于 2015-9-26 18:45
大白熊 发表于 2015-9-26 16:58
中播之音还不如多对三哥长相东亚向的邦 多放放NC偶像剧 综艺娱乐节目. 那些年轻人更关心这些  引领潮流很快的  中国的网络YY种马小说 偶像剧 娱乐节目在越南不就很受欢迎嘛   听说东北邦那边对东亚节目也有感兴趣的倾向.

这样从根本节目上 非政治就影响着他们脱离南亚系.  更加深化与南亚印度主体的矛盾 而倾向于哈中哈东亚文化.   
中播之音还不如多对三哥长相东亚向的邦 多放放NC偶像剧 综艺娱乐节目. 那些年轻人更关心这些  引领潮流很 ...
大白熊 发表于 2015-9-26 23:51

那是因为越南有国家啊.而且是主体民族. 东北邦他们哪有. 就算一定要本土化 也不可能跟印度的南亚系有干系.   君不见那些跪舔土鸡中东的豆奶.
那是因为越南有国家啊.而且是主体民族. 东北邦他们哪有. 就算一定要本土化 也不可能跟印度的南亚系有干 ...
大白熊 发表于 2015-9-27 00:02
估计政治向的广播 也就某些"XX青年"或者某些关心政治反印度的中老年人会喜欢.

大众明显还是娱乐节目 影视剧更容易软侵入.  就像韩剧好莱坞大片一样  洗的一群青年不要不要的.

中越这种有准敌对国家尚且拦不住他们喜欢  像掏粪BOY 鱼塘主之类的 在越南就多受欢迎啊.  那些东北邦的长的跟印度人又不像的 看多了东亚剧 自然会觉得 自己是东亚人不是印度人   不说亲不亲中吧  最起码的年轻人会更抵触印度人 更何况还被歧视压迫呢.   将来独立倾向妥妥的
wj769 发表于 2015-9-26 19:20
一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
一张印度士兵被反抗印度侵略的当地民众打 ...
草原大雄鹰之九 发表于 2015-9-26 17:25