
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 15:39:49
While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother was the Norwegian Vice Counsul in Shanghai and I know several Europeans working there. They are willing to “cope” for the duration of their company term, as the pay is good, but they would never settle there permanently with their families. I remember when I was in Shanghai a few years ago. During my three week stay I had more than 10 people asking me to take a photograph with them. Apparently, the Nordic appearance is a relatively rare sight, especially for rural Chinese visiting the big cities during their vacation. While this can be a charming and even a flattering experience, having a mob of people constantly glaring at you all day long is a psychological burden. An example is when I went to Mc Donalds with my friend, Xun. He is a Norwegian Chinese btw and he was my partner at one point, in Oslo, when I day traded actively. He taught me advanced Chinese candlestick/MACD strategies in relation to stock analysis. Anyway, at Mc Donalds as with anywhere, it is not likely that you will enjoy your meal when you have 50 Chinese constantly glaring at you. During my stay in Shanghai there were 5 attempts to Shanghai me (they target Europeans), one was unfortunately successful (30 Euro demanded for a simple 1 Euro dish).
  As for China on a state level, they actively use demographical warfare against Tibet and areas populated by Muslim Uyghurs. China is a monocultural country, just like African nations and a majority of countries in the Islamic world.
  绝大多 数伊斯兰和穆斯林国家的公民对欧洲人有明显敌意,而中国人则不同,只想要欧洲人的钱。无法忍受住在一个随时会被 “上海掉” 的国家(意指被骗)。我的继母曾是挪威在上海的副领事,所以我知道哪里的欧洲人的情况。因为薪水高,他们会在那里工作,但绝不会在那里长期生活。我在几年 前去过上海。在那里的三个星期中,经常有超过10个的中国人想要找我拍照,特别是那些乡村来上海旅游的,似乎北欧人是稀少的景观。这固然是种让人感受良好 的经历,但长时间被一群人盯着看绝对是种精神负担。比如有一次,和我的中国朋友 Xun 去麦当劳的时候就是如此,Xun 他是一个挪威籍中国人,是我在奥斯陆炒股时的搭档。他教了我许多中国 的投机分析策略。总之,几十个中国人盯着你看,让你无法进食。 在上海的期间,有五次有人想要 “上海” 我 (他们针对欧洲人),一次成功,我为了一道值1欧元的菜付了30欧元。
   Britain/US/France/Germany was now pro Arab/pro Muslim in the cold war environment where you saw India/Russia/China on the axis of “evil”
   What the West should do is to enter into strategic alliances with non-Western states that share some of our political ideals and goals. This includes non-Muslim nations such as Japan and India, perhaps also Thailand, the Philippines and others. We will, however, still need some understanding with Russia and China and some mechanism for consultations with both. Perhaps, instead of any new and formalized organization, the most influential countries will simply form ad hoc alliances to deal with issues as they arise.
   The Chinese blogger Ohmyrus[122] (who also writes very sensible articles about Islam) on his blog ―Reforming Democracy refers to politicians as votepreneur. and points out that democracy has several flaws: ―There are, simply put, more poor people than rich people. What this means is that politicians can prosper at the ballot box by proposing redistributive policies. The result is high taxes.
  来自中国的博客作家Ohmyrus,曾称政治家为选票专家,他说民主有很多缺点,比如因为穷人比富人多,特别欢迎均贫富的政策,为讨好选民,政治家必然会过度提倡二次分配,高赋税。While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother was the Norwegian Vice Counsul in Shanghai and I know several Europeans working there. They are willing to “cope” for the duration of their company term, as the pay is good, but they would never settle there permanently with their families. I remember when I was in Shanghai a few years ago. During my three week stay I had more than 10 people asking me to take a photograph with them. Apparently, the Nordic appearance is a relatively rare sight, especially for rural Chinese visiting the big cities during their vacation. While this can be a charming and even a flattering experience, having a mob of people constantly glaring at you all day long is a psychological burden. An example is when I went to Mc Donalds with my friend, Xun. He is a Norwegian Chinese btw and he was my partner at one point, in Oslo, when I day traded actively. He taught me advanced Chinese candlestick/MACD strategies in relation to stock analysis. Anyway, at Mc Donalds as with anywhere, it is not likely that you will enjoy your meal when you have 50 Chinese constantly glaring at you. During my stay in Shanghai there were 5 attempts to Shanghai me (they target Europeans), one was unfortunately successful (30 Euro demanded for a simple 1 Euro dish).
  As for China on a state level, they actively use demographical warfare against Tibet and areas populated by Muslim Uyghurs. China is a monocultural country, just like African nations and a majority of countries in the Islamic world.
  绝大多 数伊斯兰和穆斯林国家的公民对欧洲人有明显敌意,而中国人则不同,只想要欧洲人的钱。无法忍受住在一个随时会被 “上海掉” 的国家(意指被骗)。我的继母曾是挪威在上海的副领事,所以我知道哪里的欧洲人的情况。因为薪水高,他们会在那里工作,但绝不会在那里长期生活。我在几年 前去过上海。在那里的三个星期中,经常有超过10个的中国人想要找我拍照,特别是那些乡村来上海旅游的,似乎北欧人是稀少的景观。这固然是种让人感受良好 的经历,但长时间被一群人盯着看绝对是种精神负担。比如有一次,和我的中国朋友 Xun 去麦当劳的时候就是如此,Xun 他是一个挪威籍中国人,是我在奥斯陆炒股时的搭档。他教了我许多中国 的投机分析策略。总之,几十个中国人盯着你看,让你无法进食。 在上海的期间,有五次有人想要 “上海” 我 (他们针对欧洲人),一次成功,我为了一道值1欧元的菜付了30欧元。
   Britain/US/France/Germany was now pro Arab/pro Muslim in the cold war environment where you saw India/Russia/China on the axis of “evil”
   What the West should do is to enter into strategic alliances with non-Western states that share some of our political ideals and goals. This includes non-Muslim nations such as Japan and India, perhaps also Thailand, the Philippines and others. We will, however, still need some understanding with Russia and China and some mechanism for consultations with both. Perhaps, instead of any new and formalized organization, the most influential countries will simply form ad hoc alliances to deal with issues as they arise.
   The Chinese blogger Ohmyrus[122] (who also writes very sensible articles about Islam) on his blog ―Reforming Democracy refers to politicians as votepreneur. and points out that democracy has several flaws: ―There are, simply put, more poor people than rich people. What this means is that politicians can prosper at the ballot box by proposing redistributive policies. The result is high taxes.

不开后宫魔理沙 发表于 2015-6-24 22:33

两少一宽 汉族永不翻身
胸有猛虎 发表于 2015-6-24 23:28
兔子很不幸 ...

Jihad in West-China, Xinjiang (Muslims vs. Buddhists)
   Uighur Islamists have waged a low-level campaign against Chinese rule for decades. Turkestan Islamic Party seeks to create an Islamic republic for the Muslim Uighur people. Western media have condemned the actions of the Chinese government counter-campaigns against the “poor outnumbered rebels”.
  维人,在几十年间对中国统治进行低级的冲击。突厥伊斯兰党想在那里建立伊斯兰国度。而西方媒体则指责中国反击那些所谓的 ‘可怜的,被欺凌的造反者“
  Liberation of China Service Medal: Awarded for assisting Chinese nationalist forces to drive out Islam from China.
   Birthrates are falling far below replacement levels in one country after the next -- from China, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, to Canada, the Caribbean, all of Europe, Russia, and even parts of the Middle East.
  Through a process of cultural evolution, societies that adopted this particular social system -- which involves far more than simple male domination -- maximized their population and therefore their power, whereas those that didn’’t were either overrun or absorbed. This cycle in human history may be obnoxious to the enlightened, but it is set to make a comeback.
   A future model, however, similar to the fascio-democratic model of Russia and China has the potency to implement the required cultural and security reforms.
  Pro-China (supports Chinas deportation of Muslims).
  我们的原则之一,与中国站在一起 (赶走穆)
   However, our role models MUST be the great nationalist struggles of the past, because politics is nothing at all but the historical process at work in the present. So we need to study the Wind of Change that blew through Africa in the 1950s, now that we too are living under anti-European discrimination in the EU Colonial Empires (EUSSR).Study Mao Tse-Dong (The Great Helmsman), once a role model for the Left, now a possible Rightist role model: leader of China’’s National Revival. Was he ever a Communist at all?
     The Chinese are not usually very religious, but they have an equally strong, even ruthless nationalism and belief in their own civilisation. If history is any guide, today‘s decadent, bored, post-religious and post-nationalist Europe will be no match for Islam, unless it rediscovers a belief in its own culture and a will to defend it
   Demands will be presented. Study how the current Chinese or Russia handles these issues. Certain foreign news agencies and/or equivalent media companies will be considered hostile political entities (political propaganda centers).
ilovew6678569 发表于 2015-6-25 00:26
Jihad in West-China, Xinjiang (Muslims vs. Buddhists)
   Uighur Islamists have waged a lo ...
The Chinese are not usually very religious, but they have an equally strong, even ruthless nationalism and belief in their own civilisation.



rogerkkk123 发表于 2015-6-24 23:20
WillSiegKane 发表于 2015-6-25 01:06
The Chinese are not usually very religious, but they have an equally strong, even ruthless nationa ...
The Chinese are not usually very religious

一看到 单一国家,就知道是小P孩的观点了
他娘的,看了一下挪威法律,不仅没有死刑,连无期都没有,关7年就可以外出过周末,关14年就可以假释了。 ...