
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/01 03:46:01

Boston Residents Prefer Life in Prison for Bombing Suspect, if Guilty, Poll Says
By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE March 24, 2015

BOSTON — Despite this city's immersion in a trial that is replaying the horrific details of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the vast majority of Bostonians say in a new poll that if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the admitted bomber, is found guilty, he should be sent to prison for life and not condemned to death.

波士顿——重现2013年波士顿马拉松赛爆炸案恐怖细节的审判,在这座城市引发了街谈巷议。不过最新的民调表明,大部分波士顿人都认为,如果承认实施爆炸的被告人焦哈尔·萨纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)被判罪名成立,那么他应该被判处终身监禁,而非死刑。

Given the choice, 62 percent of Boston voters said they would sentence Tsarnaev to prison for the rest of his life without the possibility of parole, while 27 percent said he should be put to death, according to a poll released Monday by WBUR, Boston's NPR news station.


Previous polls have shown Bostonians opposing the death penalty for Tsarnaev. A Boston Globe survey conducted in September 2013, five months after the bombings, found that 57 percent favored life in prison while 33 percent wanted him put to death.

以前的一些民调也显示,波士顿人反对处死萨纳耶夫。2013年9月,爆炸案发生五个月后,《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)做过一次民调,其结果显示,57%的受访者认为萨纳耶夫应该被判终身监禁,33%的受访者认为他应该被判死刑。

But the WBUR poll is the first to be conducted since Tsarnaev's lawyers admitted this month that he had participated in the crimes. And it was conducted in the midst of his trial.


The poll clearly shows that Boston voters have nonetheless not changed their minds about his potential punishment, pointing to the enduring depth of sentiment here against the death penalty.


Steve Koczela, president of MassINC Polling Group, which conducted the survey for WBUR, said he initially expected to find that support for the death penalty had intensified, given the grim testimony about the bombings, the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.

WBUR的这项调查是由MassINC民调集团(MassINC Polling Group)操作的。该集团主席史蒂夫·考泽拉(Steve Koczela)称,波士顿马拉松赛爆炸案是2011年9月11日以来,美国本土发生的最严重的恐怖袭击,鉴于该案的证词非常可怕,他起初预计,支持判处萨纳耶夫死刑的受访者会大幅增加。

But, he said, the poll's results reflect the region's fundamental liberalism and its longtime opposition to capital punishment.


“It seems voters stuck to their core values,” Koczela said.


Massachusetts banned execution in 1984. But the state has not carried out an execution since 1947. Tsarnaev is facing death now because he has been charged under federal law, not state law. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who personally opposes the death penalty, nonetheless authorized it for Tsarnaev more than a year ago, saying that “the nature of the conduct at issue and the resultant harm compel this decision.”

马萨诸塞州在1984年废止了死刑。但自从1947年开始,该州就没有再执行过死刑。萨纳耶夫之所以有被判死刑的可能性,是因为他是根据联邦法律受到起诉的,而非马萨诸塞州的法律。司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(Eric H. Holder Jr.)本人反对死刑,但他在一年多以前就批准,寻求对萨纳耶夫判处死刑。霍尔德说,“其行动的性质及造成的危害,迫使我不得不做出这样的决定。”

The poll interviewed a total of 504 registered voters from March 16-18 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. It interviewed 229 voters in the city of Boston; that portion of the poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 7 percentage points.

Boston Residents Prefer Life in Prison for Bombing Suspect, if Guilty, Poll Says
By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE March 24, 2015

BOSTON — Despite this city's immersion in a trial that is replaying the horrific details of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the vast majority of Bostonians say in a new poll that if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the admitted bomber, is found guilty, he should be sent to prison for life and not condemned to death.

波士顿——重现2013年波士顿马拉松赛爆炸案恐怖细节的审判,在这座城市引发了街谈巷议。不过最新的民调表明,大部分波士顿人都认为,如果承认实施爆炸的被告人焦哈尔·萨纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)被判罪名成立,那么他应该被判处终身监禁,而非死刑。

Given the choice, 62 percent of Boston voters said they would sentence Tsarnaev to prison for the rest of his life without the possibility of parole, while 27 percent said he should be put to death, according to a poll released Monday by WBUR, Boston's NPR news station.


Previous polls have shown Bostonians opposing the death penalty for Tsarnaev. A Boston Globe survey conducted in September 2013, five months after the bombings, found that 57 percent favored life in prison while 33 percent wanted him put to death.

以前的一些民调也显示,波士顿人反对处死萨纳耶夫。2013年9月,爆炸案发生五个月后,《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)做过一次民调,其结果显示,57%的受访者认为萨纳耶夫应该被判终身监禁,33%的受访者认为他应该被判死刑。

But the WBUR poll is the first to be conducted since Tsarnaev's lawyers admitted this month that he had participated in the crimes. And it was conducted in the midst of his trial.


The poll clearly shows that Boston voters have nonetheless not changed their minds about his potential punishment, pointing to the enduring depth of sentiment here against the death penalty.


Steve Koczela, president of MassINC Polling Group, which conducted the survey for WBUR, said he initially expected to find that support for the death penalty had intensified, given the grim testimony about the bombings, the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.

WBUR的这项调查是由MassINC民调集团(MassINC Polling Group)操作的。该集团主席史蒂夫·考泽拉(Steve Koczela)称,波士顿马拉松赛爆炸案是2011年9月11日以来,美国本土发生的最严重的恐怖袭击,鉴于该案的证词非常可怕,他起初预计,支持判处萨纳耶夫死刑的受访者会大幅增加。

But, he said, the poll's results reflect the region's fundamental liberalism and its longtime opposition to capital punishment.


“It seems voters stuck to their core values,” Koczela said.


Massachusetts banned execution in 1984. But the state has not carried out an execution since 1947. Tsarnaev is facing death now because he has been charged under federal law, not state law. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who personally opposes the death penalty, nonetheless authorized it for Tsarnaev more than a year ago, saying that “the nature of the conduct at issue and the resultant harm compel this decision.”

马萨诸塞州在1984年废止了死刑。但自从1947年开始,该州就没有再执行过死刑。萨纳耶夫之所以有被判死刑的可能性,是因为他是根据联邦法律受到起诉的,而非马萨诸塞州的法律。司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(Eric H. Holder Jr.)本人反对死刑,但他在一年多以前就批准,寻求对萨纳耶夫判处死刑。霍尔德说,“其行动的性质及造成的危害,迫使我不得不做出这样的决定。”

The poll interviewed a total of 504 registered voters from March 16-18 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. It interviewed 229 voters in the city of Boston; that portion of the poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 7 percentage points.

1 一个问题:你是否支持对波士顿爆炸案主犯实行死刑?
2 两个问题:a波士顿从1947年以来从未实行死刑,你认为应该恢复死刑吗?

神奇呆呆猪 发表于 2015-3-28 19:52
无话可说了 脑子里都是什么么么么? 成天不干正事!