
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 11:26:49
今天下午,澳大利亚工党党首(亦即反对党领袖)Bill Shorten针对这次人质事件发表了公开讲话,基本上是代表反对党定了调子:

Our thoughts and prayers today are with the innocent people involved in this morning’s incident in Martin Place, Sydney.
我们的心,以及祷告,都和在今天上午悉尼Martin Place身陷劫持的无辜人民群众们同在。

Our thoughts are also with their families who are seeing this incredibly distressing situation unfold, along with the rest of Australia.

I have full confidence in the skill and professionalism of our police and security agencies.

I have spoken to Prime Minister Tony Abbott this morning and offered him the Opposition’s full support at this time.
今晨我和Tony Abbott首相通话,向他保证反对党在此次事件中提供全力支持。

Australians can be assured that we are one when it comes to keeping Australians safe.


William Rattley I just hope the facts are presented to the public clearly and precisely once the situation is resolved (hopefully without any hostages being harmed). Otherwise the ripple effect this could have could be potentially disastrous.
Now, more than ever, Australians (and I mean all Australians, of all religions, of all races) need to stand together and support one another. Terrorism only works if you allow it to divide you, and stop communication between people.
The worst thing we can do now, is to isolate the Muslim Community. The fanatics are to blame, not the wider Islamic Australian Community. So please, before anyone lets emotion, or outrage dictate rash and irresponsible reaction - be patient, and wait for the facts to be presented - in full.
"I am. You are. We are Australian"



Ishmael Zarkov And the KKK are christian, Vlad. Stalin was an athiest.
Arseholes are arseholes, their religion doesn't matter.

Ishmael Zarkov: 三K党是基督徒,Vlad (弗拉基米尔的缩写,可作列宁,可作普京)和斯大林是无神论者,王八蛋就是王八蛋,和宗教无关。

Corey Wreford It's a decoy to take attention away from the budget statement
Corey Wreford: 这是个诱饵!这是(执政党)把我们的注意力从预算报告(关于削减预算)这件事上吸引开的阴谋!

Emi Leonetti I'm concerned for the hostages but even more concerned for the aftermath. What security policies will follow? What about the rampant racism?
Emi Leonetti: 我固然为人质担忧,但是我更担心这次事件的后续,(执政党)会通过什么样的安保政策?已经猖獗的种族主义又会如何?

Kathryn Anja Davis My thoughts too Emi Leonetti. Concerned for the hostages and the Muslim community who will be the lasting victims of this siege.
Kathryn Anja Davis: 这也是我的想法,Emi Leonetti, 我在想人质和穆斯林社区到底谁将会成为这次事件最终的受害者。

Steve Pederson Thank you for your message of support & concern for the innocent victims. However, never stand as one with the Abbott government. You can express concern without this unnecessary & horrifying claim. Their definition of keeping Australia safe means a near total destruction of democracy & freedom. Never stand as one with that mindset. Ever.
Steve Pederson: 感谢你对这些无辜受害者的支持和关怀,但是,(我)绝不会选择和阿博特政府站在一起。 你本该单纯表达你的关注而不要同时发表这种没有必要而且令人恐惧的声明。 他们对于“保护澳大利亚安全”的定义基本上等同于对民主自由的摧毁。绝不会和那种人站在一起。绝不。

Dan Fort I do hope the Australian community are INTELLIGENT enough to realise that the events taking place in the Sydney Cafe with alleged Isis representative is NOT Muslin motivated. Isis is an EXTREMIST Group they do NOT reflect the Ideals of the Muslin community.
Dan Fort: 我希望澳大利亚人能够足够聪明到意识到在悉尼发生的这次,宣称是ISIS发动的事件不是受穆斯林(的意识形态)的驱动,ISIS是个极端组织,他们不代表穆斯林社区的意识形态。今天下午,澳大利亚工党党首(亦即反对党领袖)Bill Shorten针对这次人质事件发表了公开讲话,基本上是代表反对党定了调子:

Our thoughts and prayers today are with the innocent people involved in this morning’s incident in Martin Place, Sydney.
我们的心,以及祷告,都和在今天上午悉尼Martin Place身陷劫持的无辜人民群众们同在。

Our thoughts are also with their families who are seeing this incredibly distressing situation unfold, along with the rest of Australia.

I have full confidence in the skill and professionalism of our police and security agencies.

I have spoken to Prime Minister Tony Abbott this morning and offered him the Opposition’s full support at this time.
今晨我和Tony Abbott首相通话,向他保证反对党在此次事件中提供全力支持。

Australians can be assured that we are one when it comes to keeping Australians safe.


William Rattley I just hope the facts are presented to the public clearly and precisely once the situation is resolved (hopefully without any hostages being harmed). Otherwise the ripple effect this could have could be potentially disastrous.
Now, more than ever, Australians (and I mean all Australians, of all religions, of all races) need to stand together and support one another. Terrorism only works if you allow it to divide you, and stop communication between people.
The worst thing we can do now, is to isolate the Muslim Community. The fanatics are to blame, not the wider Islamic Australian Community. So please, before anyone lets emotion, or outrage dictate rash and irresponsible reaction - be patient, and wait for the facts to be presented - in full.
"I am. You are. We are Australian"



Ishmael Zarkov And the KKK are christian, Vlad. Stalin was an athiest.
Arseholes are arseholes, their religion doesn't matter.

Ishmael Zarkov: 三K党是基督徒,Vlad (弗拉基米尔的缩写,可作列宁,可作普京)和斯大林是无神论者,王八蛋就是王八蛋,和宗教无关。

Corey Wreford It's a decoy to take attention away from the budget statement
Corey Wreford: 这是个诱饵!这是(执政党)把我们的注意力从预算报告(关于削减预算)这件事上吸引开的阴谋!

Emi Leonetti I'm concerned for the hostages but even more concerned for the aftermath. What security policies will follow? What about the rampant racism?
Emi Leonetti: 我固然为人质担忧,但是我更担心这次事件的后续,(执政党)会通过什么样的安保政策?已经猖獗的种族主义又会如何?

Kathryn Anja Davis My thoughts too Emi Leonetti. Concerned for the hostages and the Muslim community who will be the lasting victims of this siege.
Kathryn Anja Davis: 这也是我的想法,Emi Leonetti, 我在想人质和穆斯林社区到底谁将会成为这次事件最终的受害者。

Steve Pederson Thank you for your message of support & concern for the innocent victims. However, never stand as one with the Abbott government. You can express concern without this unnecessary & horrifying claim. Their definition of keeping Australia safe means a near total destruction of democracy & freedom. Never stand as one with that mindset. Ever.
Steve Pederson: 感谢你对这些无辜受害者的支持和关怀,但是,(我)绝不会选择和阿博特政府站在一起。 你本该单纯表达你的关注而不要同时发表这种没有必要而且令人恐惧的声明。 他们对于“保护澳大利亚安全”的定义基本上等同于对民主自由的摧毁。绝不会和那种人站在一起。绝不。

Dan Fort I do hope the Australian community are INTELLIGENT enough to realise that the events taking place in the Sydney Cafe with alleged Isis representative is NOT Muslin motivated. Isis is an EXTREMIST Group they do NOT reflect the Ideals of the Muslin community.
Dan Fort: 我希望澳大利亚人能够足够聪明到意识到在悉尼发生的这次,宣称是ISIS发动的事件不是受穆斯林(的意识形态)的驱动,ISIS是个极端组织,他们不代表穆斯林社区的意识形态。
这有什么。已经有圣母呼吁明天陪伴msl 出行,以保护他们被人骚扰
nicklee0085 发表于 2014-12-15 21:51
这有什么。已经有圣母呼吁明天陪伴msl 出行,以保护他们被人骚扰


外媒:悉尼人质劫持事件已致2人死亡。 Two people are dead and three are in serious condition, Australian broadcaster ABC reported.
哪个族都有人渣,绿教继续努力加油赶上小鬼子吧 ,什么时候汉人出现极端势力,天下就太平了
Demonhunter 发表于 2014-12-15 23:59

无心郁闷 发表于 2014-12-16 00:45
看 了下最新新闻。驴皮被干掉了。