
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 17:19:03
澳洲国防物资局(DMO)与西班牙Navantia船厂签署关于澳洲替换纽澳军团级的新护卫舰的合同,进行降低风险设计(Risk Reduction Study Design),为时9个月。新的设计以西班牙F100护卫舰(也就是霍巴特级的母型)为基础,换上澳洲的CEA有源相控阵系列以及瑞典SAAB的战系火控(纽澳军团级跟坎陪拉级两栖舰都用SAAB 9LV系列)。这意味著澳洲在2009年版国防白皮书提到的替换纽澳军团级的SEA 5000计画正式浮上台面。使用与霍巴特级相同的舰体,可以降低风险与成本。


另外,敲定SEA 5000应该也是澳洲自由党为了补偿准备把ASC集团拆解、把潜艇订单给日本造的措施,以后ASC就专心在水面舰艇事业上。

http://pacificsentinel.blogspot. ... -navantia-firm.html

24 October 2014
Industry: Australia NAVANTIA firm a contract to develop new frigates
Navantia's F-100: Base design for the Hobart class AWD &
possibly the future "SEA 5000" ASW Frigate         

Navantia has signed with the Australian DMO A contract on 23 October, for the realization of the RRDS (Risk Reduction Study Design) from its future frigate program, called SEA 5000 program.

The contract was signed at the offices of DMO in Canberra by Francis Baron, director of Australia and Navantia Paddy Fritzpatrick, director of Naval Programs DMO. The management and coordination of activities under this contract will be conducted from the operations center of Adelaide, Navantia has opened a few weeks ago.

The contract, which will take approximately 9 months to analyze the impact the installation of an Australian air CEA radar and a control system and control of Saab in the design of the frigate F -105 and the compliance with a number of specific requirements Australians.

This is the first step in the acquisition program of future frigates for the Australian Navy, of which is planned to build 8 units. These studies are intended to demonstrate the feasibility of meeting all operational requirements of Australia and make an assessment of the impact on the design that would introduce new requirements on the ship. Once these studies would enter another phase to develop a broader and more suitable for the acquisition contract documents, the duration could be a year.

The Australian ** is committed to build ships in the shipyards in Australia Adelaide, where he is currently being built AWD type frigates, designed by Navantia from F-100 frigates. Importantly, the appearance of the commonality of systems and equipment with the other ships of the Australian Navy, being undoubtedly this a great competitive Navantia argument that reinforces their options in other programs that are opting Navantia.

This is a key program for Navantia whose complexity and volume, and provides another sign of confidence by the Australian ** in Navantia and design capacity. It means keeping an important activity for more than 15 years in Australia, as well as having the opportunity to generate a variant of the frigate F-100, which can be very attractive on the world market.
澳洲国防物资局(DMO)与西班牙Navantia船厂签署关于澳洲替换纽澳军团级的新护卫舰的合同,进行降低风险设计(Risk Reduction Study Design),为时9个月。新的设计以西班牙F100护卫舰(也就是霍巴特级的母型)为基础,换上澳洲的CEA有源相控阵系列以及瑞典SAAB的战系火控(纽澳军团级跟坎陪拉级两栖舰都用SAAB 9LV系列)。这意味著澳洲在2009年版国防白皮书提到的替换纽澳军团级的SEA 5000计画正式浮上台面。使用与霍巴特级相同的舰体,可以降低风险与成本。


另外,敲定SEA 5000应该也是澳洲自由党为了补偿准备把ASC集团拆解、把潜艇订单给日本造的措施,以后ASC就专心在水面舰艇事业上。

http://pacificsentinel.blogspot. ... -navantia-firm.html

24 October 2014
Industry: Australia NAVANTIA firm a contract to develop new frigates
Navantia's F-100: Base design for the Hobart class AWD &
possibly the future "SEA 5000" ASW Frigate         

Navantia has signed with the Australian DMO A contract on 23 October, for the realization of the RRDS (Risk Reduction Study Design) from its future frigate program, called SEA 5000 program.

The contract was signed at the offices of DMO in Canberra by Francis Baron, director of Australia and Navantia Paddy Fritzpatrick, director of Naval Programs DMO. The management and coordination of activities under this contract will be conducted from the operations center of Adelaide, Navantia has opened a few weeks ago.

The contract, which will take approximately 9 months to analyze the impact the installation of an Australian air CEA radar and a control system and control of Saab in the design of the frigate F -105 and the compliance with a number of specific requirements Australians.

This is the first step in the acquisition program of future frigates for the Australian Navy, of which is planned to build 8 units. These studies are intended to demonstrate the feasibility of meeting all operational requirements of Australia and make an assessment of the impact on the design that would introduce new requirements on the ship. Once these studies would enter another phase to develop a broader and more suitable for the acquisition contract documents, the duration could be a year.

The Australian ** is committed to build ships in the shipyards in Australia Adelaide, where he is currently being built AWD type frigates, designed by Navantia from F-100 frigates. Importantly, the appearance of the commonality of systems and equipment with the other ships of the Australian Navy, being undoubtedly this a great competitive Navantia argument that reinforces their options in other programs that are opting Navantia.

This is a key program for Navantia whose complexity and volume, and provides another sign of confidence by the Australian ** in Navantia and design capacity. It means keeping an important activity for more than 15 years in Australia, as well as having the opportunity to generate a variant of the frigate F-100, which can be very attractive on the world market.
开始怀疑澳洲这个SEA 5000有没有可能跟西班牙自己F110变成联合计画了,西班牙提供载台,澳洲CEA提供相控阵。

为英国紧张了,英国Type 26输出澳洲的大梦受强力威胁,毕竟纳凡提亚先前已经拿下澳洲AWD防空护卫舰跟坎陪拉两栖突击舰这两个大单在那里。英国造舰业对外竞争力真是日益悲摧啊!连一些中东跟东南亚客户都逐渐给韩国啦新家坡啦抢走,更别提英国有自己的造舰单子也给韩国拿去了。