
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 04:20:11
ht tp://ww w.ltaaa.c om/wtfy/13428.html

China executes 13 over terrorism, violent crimes

BEIJING (AP) — China executed 13 people on Monday overterrorism and violent crimes in the far western region of Xinjiang, includingthree men accused in an attack that left at least 34 people dead, state mediasaid.
The executions took place on the same day that a Xinjiangcourt sentenced three other people to death for planning a deadly car rammingat Beijing's Tiananmen Gate last year that killed five people. The governmenthas been waging a harsh crackdown after a series of deadly attacks blamed on Muslimseparatists in the Xinjiang region.
The official Xinhua News Agency said the 13 executed peoplewere convicted of crimes such as organizing, leading and participating interrorism groups, arson, murder, burglary, and illegal manufacturing, storageand transporting of explosives.
The government says it faces grave terrorist threats frompeople seeking independence for Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur ethnicminority, and has vowed severe punishments.
Among those executed, three men organized an assault thatkilled 24 people last June in the town of Lukqun, Xinhua said. It said theattack targeted the local police station, a SWAT team, a government officebuilding and the living quarters for officials and their families, a housingconstruction site, a business administration office, as well as a hair salonand a hotel. Xinhua earlier reported that police had killed at least 10 of theattackers and that the three men were sentenced to death last September in aone-day trial.
Xinhua said a fourth person who was executed had detonatedan explosive device at an illegal preaching site in June 2012, killing a child.
It did not provide any details of the remaining nine people.
Simmering ethnic tensions in Xinjiang have escalated in thepast year, as assailants have begun to strike outside the region and atcivilians, a departure from their previous targets of government offices,police stations or other symbols of rule by the ethnic Han Chinese majority.
Beijing says unrest among Uighurs is caused by extremistgroups with ties to Islamic terror groups abroad, but has provided littledirect evidence.
Uighur activists say public resentment against Beijing isfueled by an influx of Han settlers in the region, economic disenfranchisementand onerous restrictions on Uighur religious and cultural practices.
Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the German-based group WorldUyghur Congress, said Beijing has unjustly labeled disgruntled Uighurs asterrorists.
"China's policy has caused extreme acts, and it is theonly fight Uighur people in desperation are willing to wage with theirlives," Dilxat Raxit said.
A court in the Xinjiang regional capital of Urumqi sentencedthree other people to death Monday for planning the deadly car ramming, thefirst attack to strike Beijing in recent years.
The three were accused of providing funds to carry out theOct. 28 attack, in which a car plowed through tourists and ended up in a fierycrash in the heart of Beijing. It killed a Chinese visitor and a tourist fromthe Philippines, along with the vehicle's driver, his wife and mother-in-law,according to Chinese authorities.
Five other people were given prison sentences, with fourreceiving terms of five to 20 years and one getting a life sentence, Xinhuasaid.
They had traveled to Beijing on Oct. 7, 2013, to delivermoney to buy a jeep, gasoline, knives and other materials related to theattack, Xinhua said.
The eight were arrested within days of the incident.

Police give a demonstration during an anti-terror trainingfor students at campus in Beijing, June 1







总部位于德国的世W会发言人迪里夏提(Dilxat Raxit)说道,北京将不满的维族人贴上恐怖分子的标签,这是十分不公平的。


Dilxat Raxit said the speedy trials were politicallymotivated and deprived the defendants of their legal rights.
The Tiananmen Gate attack was followed by similar incidents,including one on May 22 in which men driving off-road vehicles and throwingexplosives plowed through a crowded market in Urumqi, killing 39 people. Policesaid four suspects were killed at the scene and a fifth was caught that eveningin an area about 250 kilometers (150 miles) south of Urumqi.
Death sentences in China are automatically forwarded to theSupreme People's Court for appeal but are rarely overturned. While officialfigures are not released, China is believed to execute more prisoners than therest of the world combined.



Chinhomiah 1 day ago 4 109
A good terrorist is a dead one. The Chinese state shouldaccede to their wish to be reunited with their creator, and to enjoy the 17 virginsor 17 studs that await them in the next world.


支持109 反对4

RICK 1 day ago 29 1.0k
How did they execute them ? I bet they didn't sit around andtalk about whether or not a drug was approved to kill them painlessly--the USshould learn from them and get on with the executions they have waiting.



Schmoozie J 1 day ago 4 87
I'm not a fan of the filthy commie government in China, butI sure do agree with how they deal with terrorist.

支持87 反对4

JeffH 1 day ago 2 34
No chance of recidivism in China.

支持34 反对2

paco 1 day ago 11 475
Finally, they're executing the right people.
支持475 反对11

Commenter 1 day ago 2 42
At last a government that doesnt appease these people

支持42 反对2

Phil 1 day ago 1 49
This will make Texas jealous.

支持49 反对1

Whoever 1 day ago 25 632
I believe the U.S. could learn a thing or two from Chinaabout crime and punishment.
Housing death row inmates for years does not make sense.Tough and swift punishment for violent crime is a deterrent we are lacking inthis country. A slap on the wrist, 3 meals a day, free medical care, and freehousing for life is what they get. Regardless of your politics, keep in mindthat your tax dollars are paying for this. Part of your check is being takenout to pay for food for a child rapist and murderer. We are losing our commonsense in this country.



支持632 反对25

Neal M 1 day ago 20 131
I think this needs to be re-posted here:
Below two percent Muslims are well-behaved citizens andcause little apparent trouble for the host society.
At two percent and three percent Muslims begin toproselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with majorrecruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From five percent on Muslims exercise an inordinateinfluence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They push forthe introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securingfood preparation jobs for Muslims. They increase pressure on supermarket chainsto feature it on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply (UnitedStates, Switzerland, Sweden). At this point, Muslims work to get the rulinggovernment to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. (England,Netherlands, Philippines).
When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, theyincrease lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris—carburning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings andthreats (Amsterdam, Denmark—Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).
After reaching 20 percent of a population expecthair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and churchand synagogue burning (Indonesia, Ethiopia).
After 40 percent you find widespread massacres, chronicterror attacks and ongoing militia warfare (Bosnia, Chad).
From 60 percent you may expect unfettered persecution ofnon-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use ofSharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels(Sudan, Albania).
After 80 percent, expect to find state-run ethnic cleansingand genocide (Syria, Egypt, UAE).
I would credit the original author if I knew who it was...










支持131 反对20

Brian 1 day ago 9 214
China executes people for violent crimes.
What does the U.S. do with people who commit violent crimes?...Well, we put them in a taxpayer-funded jail where they get 3 square meals aday, free health care, a free college tuition, and then we sit around anddeliberate about it if was really them who committed the crime and if they wereclinically insane or not. We make excuses and try to make people feel sorry forthem, then we start idiotic organizations to put the blame on the otherpolitical party, so that anyone who opposes those organizations can be labeledthe "bad guy". I think we should send James Holmes (the Auroratheater shooter) to China.


那美国对犯了这种罪的人是怎么做的?…嗯,我们会把他放到用纳税人血汗钱做成的监狱里,给他们一日三餐,免费医疗,免费大学教育,然后开始讨论他们真的犯罪了吗?他们临床上是不是有精神问题呀?我们制造各种借口,试图让人们对他们感到惋惜,这样我们就可以傻乎乎地发起运动把罪责都推给其他政党,然后只要有人反对我们就会被打成“坏人”。我觉得我们还是把在剧院里犯下枪击案的James Holmes送到中国去吧。

支持214 反对9

and 1 day ago 11 350
Oh so sad, here in america we feed, cloth them, pay forschool and provide medical care.


支持350 反对11

Deborah 1 day ago 6 162
Not that I would want to live in China in this system ofthings but at least when they find you they charge you and when convicted andget the death sentence, they mean it. And they do it as quickly as possible.Maybe we should consider that here in the States. If your a violent rapistmurderer, serial murderer and the DNA proves it and the courts prove their caseand a jury finds you guilty maybe they need to execute them as swiftly as Chinadoes. For one, they won't commit those crimes again after getting released herein the states. And two we the citizens won't have to pay for their upkeep inour pretty decent prisons systems compared to other countries people in ourprisons do fairly well.


支持162 反对6

Southaven Resident 1 day ago 39 97
My first reaction was "Awesome"! I thought theyare one of the few countries unafraid to do the right thing to eliminate thesethugs. Then I thought about how corrupt Obama and his whole platoon of ignorantbuffoons are and that began to worry me that if he had that much power, hewould somehow figure out how to execute innocent people just because he didn'tlike their politics. I mean, I know the Clintons got away with that duringWhiteWater but I think Obama's minions would take it to a whole new level targetingconservative groups as "terrorists".

我的第一反应是“好棒!”我觉得他们真是为数不多的,敢于清理这群暴徒的国家之一了。另外,我一想到奥巴马和他那群无知傻蛋的德行,我就忍不住要担心要是他有了这等权力,是不是就要想法子处决那些不同意他们的政见的无辜群众了。我是说,我知道克林顿家在白水门事件期间逃脱了惩罚,但我觉得奥巴马的奴才们会把这种事提升到一个新高度,将保守派都打成“恐怖分子”。ht tp://ww w.ltaaa.c om/wtfy/13428.html

China executes 13 over terrorism, violent crimes

BEIJING (AP) — China executed 13 people on Monday overterrorism and violent crimes in the far western region of Xinjiang, includingthree men accused in an attack that left at least 34 people dead, state mediasaid.
The executions took place on the same day that a Xinjiangcourt sentenced three other people to death for planning a deadly car rammingat Beijing's Tiananmen Gate last year that killed five people. The governmenthas been waging a harsh crackdown after a series of deadly attacks blamed on Muslimseparatists in the Xinjiang region.
The official Xinhua News Agency said the 13 executed peoplewere convicted of crimes such as organizing, leading and participating interrorism groups, arson, murder, burglary, and illegal manufacturing, storageand transporting of explosives.
The government says it faces grave terrorist threats frompeople seeking independence for Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur ethnicminority, and has vowed severe punishments.
Among those executed, three men organized an assault thatkilled 24 people last June in the town of Lukqun, Xinhua said. It said theattack targeted the local police station, a SWAT team, a government officebuilding and the living quarters for officials and their families, a housingconstruction site, a business administration office, as well as a hair salonand a hotel. Xinhua earlier reported that police had killed at least 10 of theattackers and that the three men were sentenced to death last September in aone-day trial.
Xinhua said a fourth person who was executed had detonatedan explosive device at an illegal preaching site in June 2012, killing a child.
It did not provide any details of the remaining nine people.
Simmering ethnic tensions in Xinjiang have escalated in thepast year, as assailants have begun to strike outside the region and atcivilians, a departure from their previous targets of government offices,police stations or other symbols of rule by the ethnic Han Chinese majority.
Beijing says unrest among Uighurs is caused by extremistgroups with ties to Islamic terror groups abroad, but has provided littledirect evidence.
Uighur activists say public resentment against Beijing isfueled by an influx of Han settlers in the region, economic disenfranchisementand onerous restrictions on Uighur religious and cultural practices.
Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the German-based group WorldUyghur Congress, said Beijing has unjustly labeled disgruntled Uighurs asterrorists.
"China's policy has caused extreme acts, and it is theonly fight Uighur people in desperation are willing to wage with theirlives," Dilxat Raxit said.
A court in the Xinjiang regional capital of Urumqi sentencedthree other people to death Monday for planning the deadly car ramming, thefirst attack to strike Beijing in recent years.
The three were accused of providing funds to carry out theOct. 28 attack, in which a car plowed through tourists and ended up in a fierycrash in the heart of Beijing. It killed a Chinese visitor and a tourist fromthe Philippines, along with the vehicle's driver, his wife and mother-in-law,according to Chinese authorities.
Five other people were given prison sentences, with fourreceiving terms of five to 20 years and one getting a life sentence, Xinhuasaid.
They had traveled to Beijing on Oct. 7, 2013, to delivermoney to buy a jeep, gasoline, knives and other materials related to theattack, Xinhua said.
The eight were arrested within days of the incident.

Police give a demonstration during an anti-terror trainingfor students at campus in Beijing, June 1







总部位于德国的世W会发言人迪里夏提(Dilxat Raxit)说道,北京将不满的维族人贴上恐怖分子的标签,这是十分不公平的。


Dilxat Raxit said the speedy trials were politicallymotivated and deprived the defendants of their legal rights.
The Tiananmen Gate attack was followed by similar incidents,including one on May 22 in which men driving off-road vehicles and throwingexplosives plowed through a crowded market in Urumqi, killing 39 people. Policesaid four suspects were killed at the scene and a fifth was caught that eveningin an area about 250 kilometers (150 miles) south of Urumqi.
Death sentences in China are automatically forwarded to theSupreme People's Court for appeal but are rarely overturned. While officialfigures are not released, China is believed to execute more prisoners than therest of the world combined.



Chinhomiah 1 day ago 4 109
A good terrorist is a dead one. The Chinese state shouldaccede to their wish to be reunited with their creator, and to enjoy the 17 virginsor 17 studs that await them in the next world.


支持109 反对4

RICK 1 day ago 29 1.0k
How did they execute them ? I bet they didn't sit around andtalk about whether or not a drug was approved to kill them painlessly--the USshould learn from them and get on with the executions they have waiting.



Schmoozie J 1 day ago 4 87
I'm not a fan of the filthy commie government in China, butI sure do agree with how they deal with terrorist.

支持87 反对4

JeffH 1 day ago 2 34
No chance of recidivism in China.

支持34 反对2

paco 1 day ago 11 475
Finally, they're executing the right people.
支持475 反对11

Commenter 1 day ago 2 42
At last a government that doesnt appease these people

支持42 反对2

Phil 1 day ago 1 49
This will make Texas jealous.

支持49 反对1

Whoever 1 day ago 25 632
I believe the U.S. could learn a thing or two from Chinaabout crime and punishment.
Housing death row inmates for years does not make sense.Tough and swift punishment for violent crime is a deterrent we are lacking inthis country. A slap on the wrist, 3 meals a day, free medical care, and freehousing for life is what they get. Regardless of your politics, keep in mindthat your tax dollars are paying for this. Part of your check is being takenout to pay for food for a child rapist and murderer. We are losing our commonsense in this country.



支持632 反对25

Neal M 1 day ago 20 131
I think this needs to be re-posted here:
Below two percent Muslims are well-behaved citizens andcause little apparent trouble for the host society.
At two percent and three percent Muslims begin toproselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with majorrecruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From five percent on Muslims exercise an inordinateinfluence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They push forthe introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securingfood preparation jobs for Muslims. They increase pressure on supermarket chainsto feature it on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply (UnitedStates, Switzerland, Sweden). At this point, Muslims work to get the rulinggovernment to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. (England,Netherlands, Philippines).
When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, theyincrease lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris—carburning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings andthreats (Amsterdam, Denmark—Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).
After reaching 20 percent of a population expecthair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and churchand synagogue burning (Indonesia, Ethiopia).
After 40 percent you find widespread massacres, chronicterror attacks and ongoing militia warfare (Bosnia, Chad).
From 60 percent you may expect unfettered persecution ofnon-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use ofSharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels(Sudan, Albania).
After 80 percent, expect to find state-run ethnic cleansingand genocide (Syria, Egypt, UAE).
I would credit the original author if I knew who it was...










支持131 反对20

Brian 1 day ago 9 214
China executes people for violent crimes.
What does the U.S. do with people who commit violent crimes?...Well, we put them in a taxpayer-funded jail where they get 3 square meals aday, free health care, a free college tuition, and then we sit around anddeliberate about it if was really them who committed the crime and if they wereclinically insane or not. We make excuses and try to make people feel sorry forthem, then we start idiotic organizations to put the blame on the otherpolitical party, so that anyone who opposes those organizations can be labeledthe "bad guy". I think we should send James Holmes (the Auroratheater shooter) to China.


那美国对犯了这种罪的人是怎么做的?…嗯,我们会把他放到用纳税人血汗钱做成的监狱里,给他们一日三餐,免费医疗,免费大学教育,然后开始讨论他们真的犯罪了吗?他们临床上是不是有精神问题呀?我们制造各种借口,试图让人们对他们感到惋惜,这样我们就可以傻乎乎地发起运动把罪责都推给其他政党,然后只要有人反对我们就会被打成“坏人”。我觉得我们还是把在剧院里犯下枪击案的James Holmes送到中国去吧。

支持214 反对9

and 1 day ago 11 350
Oh so sad, here in america we feed, cloth them, pay forschool and provide medical care.


支持350 反对11

Deborah 1 day ago 6 162
Not that I would want to live in China in this system ofthings but at least when they find you they charge you and when convicted andget the death sentence, they mean it. And they do it as quickly as possible.Maybe we should consider that here in the States. If your a violent rapistmurderer, serial murderer and the DNA proves it and the courts prove their caseand a jury finds you guilty maybe they need to execute them as swiftly as Chinadoes. For one, they won't commit those crimes again after getting released herein the states. And two we the citizens won't have to pay for their upkeep inour pretty decent prisons systems compared to other countries people in ourprisons do fairly well.


支持162 反对6

Southaven Resident 1 day ago 39 97
My first reaction was "Awesome"! I thought theyare one of the few countries unafraid to do the right thing to eliminate thesethugs. Then I thought about how corrupt Obama and his whole platoon of ignorantbuffoons are and that began to worry me that if he had that much power, hewould somehow figure out how to execute innocent people just because he didn'tlike their politics. I mean, I know the Clintons got away with that duringWhiteWater but I think Obama's minions would take it to a whole new level targetingconservative groups as "terrorists".

Gundammkiv 发表于 2014-6-19 15:52


美国的恐怖分子送 ...
Neal M 1 day ago 20 131
I think this needs to be re-posted here:
Below two percent Muslims are well-behaved citizens andcause little apparent trouble for the host society.
At two percent and three percent Muslims begin toproselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with majorrecruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From five percent on Muslims exercise an inordinateinfluence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They push forthe introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securingfood preparation jobs for Muslims. They increase pressure on supermarket chainsto feature it on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply (UnitedStates, Switzerland, Sweden). At this point, Muslims work to get the rulinggovernment to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. (England,Netherlands, Philippines).
When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, theyincrease lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris—carburning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings andthreats (Amsterdam, Denmark—Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).
After reaching 20 percent of a population expecthair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and churchand synagogue burning (Indonesia, Ethiopia).
After 40 percent you find widespread massacres, chronicterror attacks and ongoing militia warfare (Bosnia, Chad).
From 60 percent you may expect unfettered persecution ofnon-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use ofSharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels(Sudan, Albania).
After 80 percent, expect to find state-run ethnic cleansingand genocide (Syria, Egypt, UAE).
I would credit the original author if I knew who it was...









ToughGear 发表于 2014-6-19 16:04

美国的恐怖分子送 ...
原装国产 发表于 2014-6-19 17:35

Neal M 1 day ago 20 131