原创翻译:专家预言三年内福岛问题将会因为(几乎)必然发 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 00:46:25

简单地翻译了一篇关于福岛问题的报道, 去年11月发出来的, 某专家预言三年内福岛问题将会因为(几乎)必然发生的地震而彻底爆发. 如果后面有时间我会把相关的报道和新闻都翻译在这个帖子里.

Top Scientist: Another Fukushima Quake Would Mean US Evacuation, ‘Bye Bye Japan’
Anthony Gucciardi


November 6, 2013

Award winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in a public talk posted online just days ago in saying that in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, it would mean a complete evacuation of North America and ‘bye bye Japan’.
[本段为全文翻译--因为只有一句话...]颇有声望的科学家大卫 铃木最近在一次公开的讲话中提到, 如果再发生一场七级或者以上的地震, (其再次引起的福岛核泄漏问题)将会迫使整个北美西海岸的民众撤离, 同时我们也要彻底和日本说"拜拜"了, 而据他说, 这样一场地震在未来的三年里发生的几率是95%(注: 从统计学角度说可以说是必然要发生了)
I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it's bye bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” he said.
[大概意思]这是大卫铃木的原话, 意思和上一段一致

As a recipient of 16 significant academic awards and a host of the popular CBC Television program entitled 'The Nature of Things', Suzuki was a headline speaker at the 'Letting in the Light' scientific symposium that was focused around water ecology at the University of Alberta. But instead of simply discussing marine or freshwater ecosystems, Suzuki began issuing a very serious warning regarding the future of Fukushima and its overall predicted consequences for the entire planet.
[大概意思]介绍了这位科学家的背景和成就, 参加过哪些电视节目

Specifically speaking to the nature of Fukushima's ticking time bomb, Suzuki began the breakdown of the plant's numerous threats with stating the very real concept that Fukushima is perhaps the largest threat to both humanity and the planet that we face in the immediate future.
[大概意思]这位科学家认为福岛是一颗"全人类和整个地球的定时炸弹", 是迫在眉睫的威胁.

"Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine,” he said before delving into the issue. ”Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake and in the tsunami. The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is, if there's another earthquake of a seven or above that, that building will go and then all hell breaks loose… And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is over 95 per cent.”
[大概意思]铃木说, 四个反应堆里的三个在11年的地震里就被毁掉了, 剩下的一个也受到了严重损坏. 一旦这最后一个反应堆也由于一场几乎是必然要发生的地震而出问题, 一切就完了.

And it's that 95% chance of another seven or above earthquake within the next three years that signals a completely dark scenario. But, as right as Suzuki is on this entire issue, he is also forgetting of another threat — TEPCO's mission to launch their cleanup operation of the Fukushima site.  Specifically, their move to begin the extraction of fuel rods from the fourth reactor at the plant as early as the middle of this month. It is here where we also see yet another looming danger in regards to the cleanup process that is expected to ultimately take decades: the possibility of two rods colliding and generating a massive release of radiation as a result.
[大概意思]另一个隐患是现在对核污染物质的清理工作, 由于两个(原文说的就是两个)燃料棒可能还在碰撞并发生反应, 继续释放放射性物质, 期望按期把事故现场清理完毕可能要花上数十年时间.

Experts like Dr Helen Caldicott have spoken to the media on this subject in the past, stating that:
"Two rods could touch each other in this process which has been done before and there could be a fission reaction and a very large release of radiation.”
[大概意思]引述另一个专家的意见, 证实了前一段.

Ultimately, the fact of the matter is that the Fukushima plant is teetering on the equivalent of nuclear life support, and the notoriously incompetent plant operators at TEPCO are about to go in and perform surgery. In the event that Suzuki is right, and another earthquake hits within the next three years before TEPCO is able to perform a cleanup (which may very well be even more dangerous) and leads to a complete meltdown, it would absolutely lead to a radioactive disaster internationally — well beyond the United States.
[大概意思]最后的结果就是, 要么东电的"臭名昭著"的水平低下的员工进入反应堆进行清理, 要么等着地震袭击把一切摧毁. 而美国将不可避免地受到显著影响.

But don't count on your government health bodies to inform you of the risk, or even tell you how you can better prepare yourself. Instead, they will likely once again start shutting off their radiation counters and raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply. For now, it is up to us to prepare ourselves and our family — making an effort also to also spread the word and call on the public to demand action be taken in Fukushima under the guidance of top independent scientists.
[大概意思]不要相信政府会给你提供什么帮助, 目前他们能做的就是偷偷关掉检测核辐射的盖革计数器, 提高食物中允许的核辐射上限. 呼吁民众重视此事, 自行做好准备, 相信专家的先见之明云云.

注:哎, 本来看到论坛里有同志发了相关的帖子并没有觉得什么, 刚刚想起来认识的一个妹子正在东大念书, 就去问了问她, 她说日本国内完全没有听到相关消息. 然后我就多看了几眼新闻. 越看越担心. 想想翻译一下就发在这里好了, 给各位一点参考吧. 还有更多的消息, 我会尽量翻译好了发上来.


US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide
标题: 美帝政府订购1400万份碘化钾         

Huge purchase linked to ongoing Fukushima crisis?
副标题: 这跟福岛危机有关吗?

Paul Joseph Watson
January 1, 2014

The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.
卫生与公众服务部已经订购了1400万分碘化钾, 这种化合物可以在核事故之后防止人体受到核辐射伤害, 这一采购将在二月前完成.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.
[大概意思]碘化钾是如何防止核辐射伤害的, 以及通常来说在核电站周围10英里范围内的人被推荐服用.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.
The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.
[大概意思]一旦福岛出事, 美国将会不可避免受到影响, 尤其是西海岸地区.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”
政府面对灾难的态度是很相似的, 第一步就是避免恐慌, 从这一点上来说, 日本人既不想让世界恐慌, 也不愿意丢自己的面子. 日本政府的这种消极态度让他们的民众乃至世界人民都陷入了危险之中.

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”
[大概意思]美国政府也不想正面面对这个问题, 只是默默买好碘化钾以防万一.

Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.
[大概意思]上个月查出来的, 当时参与救灾的王师有71个人得了癌症或者肿瘤

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.
在降低福岛核泄漏威胁的具体实施和效果上, 东电一直在撒谎. 去年九月在核电炸附近的实际辐射值是他们报出数字的18倍. 八月的时候, 300吨污水泄漏, 地下水的辐射值也达到了11年事故发生以来的新高.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.


简单地翻译了一篇关于福岛问题的报道, 去年11月发出来的, 某专家预言三年内福岛问题将会因为(几乎)必然发生的地震而彻底爆发. 如果后面有时间我会把相关的报道和新闻都翻译在这个帖子里.

Top Scientist: Another Fukushima Quake Would Mean US Evacuation, ‘Bye Bye Japan’
Anthony Gucciardi


November 6, 2013

Award winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in a public talk posted online just days ago in saying that in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, it would mean a complete evacuation of North America and ‘bye bye Japan’.
[本段为全文翻译--因为只有一句话...]颇有声望的科学家大卫 铃木最近在一次公开的讲话中提到, 如果再发生一场七级或者以上的地震, (其再次引起的福岛核泄漏问题)将会迫使整个北美西海岸的民众撤离, 同时我们也要彻底和日本说"拜拜"了, 而据他说, 这样一场地震在未来的三年里发生的几率是95%(注: 从统计学角度说可以说是必然要发生了)
I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it's bye bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” he said.
[大概意思]这是大卫铃木的原话, 意思和上一段一致

As a recipient of 16 significant academic awards and a host of the popular CBC Television program entitled 'The Nature of Things', Suzuki was a headline speaker at the 'Letting in the Light' scientific symposium that was focused around water ecology at the University of Alberta. But instead of simply discussing marine or freshwater ecosystems, Suzuki began issuing a very serious warning regarding the future of Fukushima and its overall predicted consequences for the entire planet.
[大概意思]介绍了这位科学家的背景和成就, 参加过哪些电视节目

Specifically speaking to the nature of Fukushima's ticking time bomb, Suzuki began the breakdown of the plant's numerous threats with stating the very real concept that Fukushima is perhaps the largest threat to both humanity and the planet that we face in the immediate future.
[大概意思]这位科学家认为福岛是一颗"全人类和整个地球的定时炸弹", 是迫在眉睫的威胁.

"Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine,” he said before delving into the issue. ”Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake and in the tsunami. The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is, if there's another earthquake of a seven or above that, that building will go and then all hell breaks loose… And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is over 95 per cent.”
[大概意思]铃木说, 四个反应堆里的三个在11年的地震里就被毁掉了, 剩下的一个也受到了严重损坏. 一旦这最后一个反应堆也由于一场几乎是必然要发生的地震而出问题, 一切就完了.

And it's that 95% chance of another seven or above earthquake within the next three years that signals a completely dark scenario. But, as right as Suzuki is on this entire issue, he is also forgetting of another threat — TEPCO's mission to launch their cleanup operation of the Fukushima site.  Specifically, their move to begin the extraction of fuel rods from the fourth reactor at the plant as early as the middle of this month. It is here where we also see yet another looming danger in regards to the cleanup process that is expected to ultimately take decades: the possibility of two rods colliding and generating a massive release of radiation as a result.
[大概意思]另一个隐患是现在对核污染物质的清理工作, 由于两个(原文说的就是两个)燃料棒可能还在碰撞并发生反应, 继续释放放射性物质, 期望按期把事故现场清理完毕可能要花上数十年时间.

Experts like Dr Helen Caldicott have spoken to the media on this subject in the past, stating that:
"Two rods could touch each other in this process which has been done before and there could be a fission reaction and a very large release of radiation.”
[大概意思]引述另一个专家的意见, 证实了前一段.

Ultimately, the fact of the matter is that the Fukushima plant is teetering on the equivalent of nuclear life support, and the notoriously incompetent plant operators at TEPCO are about to go in and perform surgery. In the event that Suzuki is right, and another earthquake hits within the next three years before TEPCO is able to perform a cleanup (which may very well be even more dangerous) and leads to a complete meltdown, it would absolutely lead to a radioactive disaster internationally — well beyond the United States.
[大概意思]最后的结果就是, 要么东电的"臭名昭著"的水平低下的员工进入反应堆进行清理, 要么等着地震袭击把一切摧毁. 而美国将不可避免地受到显著影响.

But don't count on your government health bodies to inform you of the risk, or even tell you how you can better prepare yourself. Instead, they will likely once again start shutting off their radiation counters and raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply. For now, it is up to us to prepare ourselves and our family — making an effort also to also spread the word and call on the public to demand action be taken in Fukushima under the guidance of top independent scientists.
[大概意思]不要相信政府会给你提供什么帮助, 目前他们能做的就是偷偷关掉检测核辐射的盖革计数器, 提高食物中允许的核辐射上限. 呼吁民众重视此事, 自行做好准备, 相信专家的先见之明云云.

注:哎, 本来看到论坛里有同志发了相关的帖子并没有觉得什么, 刚刚想起来认识的一个妹子正在东大念书, 就去问了问她, 她说日本国内完全没有听到相关消息. 然后我就多看了几眼新闻. 越看越担心. 想想翻译一下就发在这里好了, 给各位一点参考吧. 还有更多的消息, 我会尽量翻译好了发上来.


US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide
标题: 美帝政府订购1400万份碘化钾         

Huge purchase linked to ongoing Fukushima crisis?
副标题: 这跟福岛危机有关吗?

Paul Joseph Watson
January 1, 2014

The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.
卫生与公众服务部已经订购了1400万分碘化钾, 这种化合物可以在核事故之后防止人体受到核辐射伤害, 这一采购将在二月前完成.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.
[大概意思]碘化钾是如何防止核辐射伤害的, 以及通常来说在核电站周围10英里范围内的人被推荐服用.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.
The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.
[大概意思]一旦福岛出事, 美国将会不可避免受到影响, 尤其是西海岸地区.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”
政府面对灾难的态度是很相似的, 第一步就是避免恐慌, 从这一点上来说, 日本人既不想让世界恐慌, 也不愿意丢自己的面子. 日本政府的这种消极态度让他们的民众乃至世界人民都陷入了危险之中.

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”
[大概意思]美国政府也不想正面面对这个问题, 只是默默买好碘化钾以防万一.

Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.
[大概意思]上个月查出来的, 当时参与救灾的王师有71个人得了癌症或者肿瘤

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.
在降低福岛核泄漏威胁的具体实施和效果上, 东电一直在撒谎. 去年九月在核电炸附近的实际辐射值是他们报出数字的18倍. 八月的时候, 300吨污水泄漏, 地下水的辐射值也达到了11年事故发生以来的新高.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.

民主的信息管制来自: Android客户端
停止日本游, 很容易做到,停止办理手续即可
herox3000 发表于 2014-1-3 22:36
斑竹乱扣分 发表于 2014-1-3 22:38
不管发不发生地震,只要福岛反应堆里的链式反应不停下来,福岛的灾难就会继续恶化。就目前的情况来看,链式 ...

2014-1-3 22:57 上传

ArthurVon 发表于 2014-1-3 22:30
ArthurVon 发表于 2014-1-3 22:41

但是日本人的尿性...看到报道说他们正在街头招募流浪汉去 ...


车迷19 发表于 2014-1-3 22:14

nhgime 发表于 2014-1-3 23:22

无小咸 发表于 2014-1-3 23:37

海        地
啸        震
福        东
冈        京
奥        一
运        堆
福        辐
娃        射
万        千
年        古
留        照
三年以内地震。。95%。。。。靠。。。。。各国把日本定为下一届奥运会举办地。。。。是怎么想的。。。。。 ...