
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/06 18:33:08
The 2012 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize will be awarded to Professor Zhiwei Yun, who has just completed a C. L. E. Moore Instructorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be taking up a faculty position at Stanford University in California this fall. The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize was established in 2005 and is awarded annually for outstanding contributions by very young mathematicians to areas influenced by the genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. The age limit for the prize has been set at 32 because Ramanujan achieved so much in his brief life of 32 years. Because 2012 is the 125th anniversary of the birth of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the prize will be given in New Delhi (India's capital) on December 22 (Ramanujan's birthday), during the concluding ceremony of the International Conference on the Legacy of Ramanujan conducted by the National Board of Higher Mathematics of India and co-sponsored by SASTRA University and Delhi University. Dr. Yun will also be invited to speak at the International Conference during December 14-16 at SASTRA University in Kumbakonam (Ramanujan's hometown) where the prize has been given annually in previous years.

Dr. Zhiwei Yun has made fundamental contributions to several areas that lie at the interface of representation theory, algebraic geometry and number theory.

Yun's PhD thesis on global Springer theory at Princeton University, written under the direction of Professor Robert MacPherson of The Institute for Advanced Study, is opening up whole new vistas in the Langlands program, which represents one of the greatest developments in mathematics in the last half-century. Springer theory is the study of Weyl group actions on the cohomology of certain subvarieties of the flag manifold called Springer fibers. Yun's global Springer theory deals with Hitchin fibers instead of Springer fibers (taking the lead from earlier work on Hitchin fibers by Gérard Laumon and the 2010 Fields Medalist Bao-Chau Ngô) which he uses to determine the actions of affine Weyl groups on cohomology. His work is expected to lead to a geometric and functorial understanding of the Langlands program. Many papers by him on global Springer theory have arisen from his PhD thesis; one has appeared in 2011 in Advances in Mathematics and another will soon appear in Compositio Mathematica.

Bao-Chau Ngô was awarded the 2010 Fields Medal for his proof of the Fundamental Lemma in the Langlands Program. Yun has made a major breakthrough in the study of the Fundamental Lemma formulated by Jacquet and Rallis in their program of proving the Gross-Prasad conjecture on relative trace formulas. Yun's understanding of Hitchin fibrations enabled him to reduce the Jacquet-Rallis fundamental lemma to a cohomological property of the Hitchin fibration. This work, considered a gem of mathematics, appeared in 2011 in the Duke Mathematical Journal.

Yun has collaborated with Ngô and Jochen Heinloth on a seminal paper on Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups which will appear in the Annals of Mathematics. In this wonderful joint paper, Ngô, Heinloth and Yun reprove a unicity result of Gross on automorphic representations over the rational function field, and use the geometric Langlands theory to the construction of l-adic local systems.

Yun has also done significant work in algebraic geometry. His recent article with Davesh Maulik on the Macdonald formula for curves with planar singularities will appear in The Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Yun's most recent work on the uniform construction of motives with exceptional Galois groups is considered to be a fundamental breakthrough. A construction like Yun's was sought by Fields Medalists Serre and Grothendieck for over 40 years, and Yun's work is considered one of the most exciting developments in the theory of motives in the last two decades.

Zhiwei Yun was born in Changzhou, China in 1982. He showed his flair for mathematics early by winning the Gold Medal in the 41st Mathematical Olympiad in 2000 in Korea. He joined Peking University in 2000 on a Ming-De Fellowship and obtained a bachelor's degree there in 2004. He continued his studies at Princeton University, where he received his PhD in 2009. He was Visiting Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2009-10, and held the C.L. E. Moore instructorship at MIT during 2010-12. In fall 2012, he will join the mathematics faculty at Stanford University. At the age of 30, he has established himself as one of the young leaders of modern mathematics.

The international panel of experts who formed the 2012 Prize Committee were: Krishnaswami Alladi (chair), University of Florida; Frits Beukers, University of Utrecht; Kathrin Bringmann, University of Cologne; Benedict Gross, Harvard University; Kenneth Ribet, University of California, Berkeley; Robert Vaughan, The Pennsylvania State University; and Ole Warnaar, University of Queensland.

Previous winners of the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize are Manjul Bhargava and Kannan Soundararajan in 2005 (two prizes), Terence Tao in 2006, Ben Green in 2007, Akshay Venkatesh in 2008, Kathrin Bringmann in 2009, Wei Zhang in 2010, and Roman Holowinsky in 2011. Thus Zhiwei Yun joins an impressive list of brilliant mathematicians who have made monumental contributions at a very young age.

有三个华人: 陶哲轩2006年,张伟2010年  恽之玮2012年,还有袁新意  朱歆文。。。中国出去的数学家要发达了?下图是ICCM1小时报告人
The 2012 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize will be awarded to Professor Zhiwei Yun, who has just completed a C. L. E. Moore Instructorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be taking up a faculty position at Stanford University in California this fall. The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize was established in 2005 and is awarded annually for outstanding contributions by very young mathematicians to areas influenced by the genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. The age limit for the prize has been set at 32 because Ramanujan achieved so much in his brief life of 32 years. Because 2012 is the 125th anniversary of the birth of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the prize will be given in New Delhi (India's capital) on December 22 (Ramanujan's birthday), during the concluding ceremony of the International Conference on the Legacy of Ramanujan conducted by the National Board of Higher Mathematics of India and co-sponsored by SASTRA University and Delhi University. Dr. Yun will also be invited to speak at the International Conference during December 14-16 at SASTRA University in Kumbakonam (Ramanujan's hometown) where the prize has been given annually in previous years.

Dr. Zhiwei Yun has made fundamental contributions to several areas that lie at the interface of representation theory, algebraic geometry and number theory.

Yun's PhD thesis on global Springer theory at Princeton University, written under the direction of Professor Robert MacPherson of The Institute for Advanced Study, is opening up whole new vistas in the Langlands program, which represents one of the greatest developments in mathematics in the last half-century. Springer theory is the study of Weyl group actions on the cohomology of certain subvarieties of the flag manifold called Springer fibers. Yun's global Springer theory deals with Hitchin fibers instead of Springer fibers (taking the lead from earlier work on Hitchin fibers by Gérard Laumon and the 2010 Fields Medalist Bao-Chau Ngô) which he uses to determine the actions of affine Weyl groups on cohomology. His work is expected to lead to a geometric and functorial understanding of the Langlands program. Many papers by him on global Springer theory have arisen from his PhD thesis; one has appeared in 2011 in Advances in Mathematics and another will soon appear in Compositio Mathematica.

Bao-Chau Ngô was awarded the 2010 Fields Medal for his proof of the Fundamental Lemma in the Langlands Program. Yun has made a major breakthrough in the study of the Fundamental Lemma formulated by Jacquet and Rallis in their program of proving the Gross-Prasad conjecture on relative trace formulas. Yun's understanding of Hitchin fibrations enabled him to reduce the Jacquet-Rallis fundamental lemma to a cohomological property of the Hitchin fibration. This work, considered a gem of mathematics, appeared in 2011 in the Duke Mathematical Journal.

Yun has collaborated with Ngô and Jochen Heinloth on a seminal paper on Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups which will appear in the Annals of Mathematics. In this wonderful joint paper, Ngô, Heinloth and Yun reprove a unicity result of Gross on automorphic representations over the rational function field, and use the geometric Langlands theory to the construction of l-adic local systems.

Yun has also done significant work in algebraic geometry. His recent article with Davesh Maulik on the Macdonald formula for curves with planar singularities will appear in The Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Yun's most recent work on the uniform construction of motives with exceptional Galois groups is considered to be a fundamental breakthrough. A construction like Yun's was sought by Fields Medalists Serre and Grothendieck for over 40 years, and Yun's work is considered one of the most exciting developments in the theory of motives in the last two decades.

Zhiwei Yun was born in Changzhou, China in 1982. He showed his flair for mathematics early by winning the Gold Medal in the 41st Mathematical Olympiad in 2000 in Korea. He joined Peking University in 2000 on a Ming-De Fellowship and obtained a bachelor's degree there in 2004. He continued his studies at Princeton University, where he received his PhD in 2009. He was Visiting Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2009-10, and held the C.L. E. Moore instructorship at MIT during 2010-12. In fall 2012, he will join the mathematics faculty at Stanford University. At the age of 30, he has established himself as one of the young leaders of modern mathematics.

The international panel of experts who formed the 2012 Prize Committee were: Krishnaswami Alladi (chair), University of Florida; Frits Beukers, University of Utrecht; Kathrin Bringmann, University of Cologne; Benedict Gross, Harvard University; Kenneth Ribet, University of California, Berkeley; Robert Vaughan, The Pennsylvania State University; and Ole Warnaar, University of Queensland.

Previous winners of the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize are Manjul Bhargava and Kannan Soundararajan in 2005 (two prizes), Terence Tao in 2006, Ben Green in 2007, Akshay Venkatesh in 2008, Kathrin Bringmann in 2009, Wei Zhang in 2010, and Roman Holowinsky in 2011. Thus Zhiwei Yun joins an impressive list of brilliant mathematicians who have made monumental contributions at a very young age.

有三个华人: 陶哲轩2006年,张伟2010年  恽之玮2012年,还有袁新意  朱歆文。。。中国出去的数学家要发达了?下图是ICCM1小时报告人

生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 15:40

生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 15:40

生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 17:27
花落庭院 发表于 2013-5-4 17:29

生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 17:33

其实现在挺多家长还是希望自己孩子学数学的,我认识一个朋友,自己是北大计算机的,女儿本来 ...
花落庭院 发表于 2013-5-4 18:51

生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 18:55

不过学数学的人多,肯定是好 ...
花落庭院 发表于 2013-5-4 14:11
补一张1小时ICCM报告链接,中科院数学所和清华的大学人数很 ...
看该链接上的人名和工作单位,没有中科院数学所,Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica是台湾中央研究院数学所。
yunlin 发表于 2013-5-4 19:24
看该链接上的人名和工作单位,没有中科院数学所,Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica是台湾中央研 ...
陈翰馥Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
崔贵珍Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
付保华Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
田野Morningside Center of Mathematics, CAS/ AMSS, CAS
花落庭院 发表于 2013-5-4 19:32
陈翰馥Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
崔贵珍Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sc ...
yunlin 发表于 2013-5-4 19:42
花落庭院 发表于 2013-5-4 14:11
补一张1小时ICCM报告链接,中科院数学所和清华的大学人数很 ...
张伟2010年  恽之玮2012年,还有袁新意都是北大本科毕业的吧。
梦想去飞翔 发表于 2013-5-4 20:42
张伟2010年  恽之玮2012年,还有袁新意都是北大本科毕业的吧。
胜临君 发表于 2013-5-5 09:41
gd2812 发表于 2013-5-5 11:56
Dr. Zhiwei Yun has made fundamental contributions to several areas that lie at the interface of representation theory, algebraic geometry and number theory.

Dr. Roman Holowinsky has made very significant contributions to areas which are at the interface of analytic number theory and the theory of modular forms

Dr. Wei Zhang has made far reaching contributions by himself and in collaboration with others to a broad range of areas in mathematics including number theory, automorphic forms, L-functions, trace formulas, representation theory and algebraic geometry

Professor Bringmann has done revolutionary work in the areas of modular forms and mock theta functions by herself and in collaboration with several mathematicians. Mock theta functions were discovered by Ramanujan shortly before he died and he communicated his findings in his last letter to G. H. Hardy of Cambridge University.

Professor Venkatesh has made far reaching contributions to a wide variety of areas in mathematics including number theory, automorphic forms, representation theory, locally symmetric spaces and ergodic theory,

Professor Green has made phenomenal contributions to several important problems in combinatorial additive number theory, by himself and in collaboration with Fields Medalist Terence Tao of UCLA, who won the 2006 SASTRA Prize

fundamental contributions
very significant contributions
far reaching contributions
phenomenal contributions
done revolutionary work
path-breaking contributions


fundamental contributions
very significant contributions
far reaching contributions
phenomenal contributions
done revolutionary work
path-breaking contributions

chenglao2 发表于 2013-5-5 15:12
白色亡灵 发表于 2013-5-5 18:14
魂自商都 发表于 2013-5-5 18:10
人类文明史上需要熠熠生辉的中国数 ...

huor 发表于 2013-5-5 18:53
生bruce 发表于 2013-5-4 17:33

其实现在挺多家长还是希望自己孩子学数学的,我认识一个朋友,自己是北大计算机的,女儿本来 ...


魂自商都 发表于 2013-5-5 18:10
人类文明史上需要熠熠生辉的中国数 ...


stellwah 发表于 2013-5-5 21:27


stellwah 发表于 2013-5-5 21:27
qiantangchao 发表于 2013-5-5 22:09

现在是二流也不算,中国的数学比起荷兰,意大利,日本匈牙利都 ...
qiantangchao 发表于 2013-5-5 22:09

现在是二流也不算,中国的数学比起荷兰,意大利,日本匈牙利都 ...