
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 22:35:31



翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处




No, Archbishop Sentamu, China is not 'happier and more equal' than Britain, by any measure



The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu
Is China fairer and happier than Britain? Archbishop John Sentamu thinks so.

中国比英国更讲公平更幸福吗?John Sentamu大主教这么认为。

The Archbishop of York told listeners at a Salvation Army that “You need to be a fairer society to be happy – at the moment, Britain is not happy. If you look at the figures globally, China is happiest, then Japan, then the Netherlands – because they are the most equal societies."


I'd love to know where he's getting this stuff. He's right on one thing: there is good evidence to show that beyond a certain level of development, happiness is better linked to equality than it is to absolute wealth. Where he's completely wrong is to suggest that China is a highly equal society, or that Britain is less happy than China.


First things first. One easy way of measuring income equality is to see how much the richest earn compared to the poorest. The UN's Development Report has made that comparison for various countries: it found that the UK's richest 10 per cent earn 13.8 times as much as the poorest 10 per cent. Which is quite a lot. But China wins: its richest 10 per cent earn a whopping 21.6 times as much as the poorest 10 per cent. If you're wondering whether it's just a small number of extremely poor and/or extremely rich people in China distorting that figure, the story is the same if you expand it to the richest and poorest 20 per cent: China's wealthy are more than 12 times as well-paid as the poor, compared to seven times as much in the UK. The CIA's World Factbook also looked at the 10 per cent figures, and found that very similar figures to those of the UN: 21.8 compared to 13.6.



Another inequality measure is the "Gini coefficient", a mathematical representation of the frequency of different levels of income, in which 0 equals perfect equality (everyone has the same income) and 100 equals perfect inequality (one person has all the income). The World Bank and the CIA both found China to be more unequal than the UK; the data in some cases are fairly old, but the CIA's information shows a sharp increase in China's inequality between 2007 and 2009. I've included full figures at the bottom of the piece.


It's fair, I think, to say that there is no sense in which China is a "more equal" society. But is it happier? Well: I'd love to see where Sentamu is getting his figures from, let's put it like that. There are two major happiness measures that I'm aware of, the "Happy Planet Index" and the "Satisfaction With Life" index. The Happy Planet Index says that China has a happiness-rating of 44.7 out of 100, compared to Britain's 47.9. I have no idea how they measured it (and, as Ed West points out, it also seems to think that Syria [47.1] is happier than France [46.5], so however they measured it is strange indeed). The Satisfaction With Life index 2006 ranks Britain 41st out of 178 countries. China ranked 82nd. Japan, another country that the Archbish approves of, is 90th. (The Netherlands are both happier and more equal than Britain, for the record, by some distance.)

我认为有理由说中国不是一个“更加平等”的国家。那么幸福感呢?我想知道Sentamu是根据什么得出他的结论的。我们这么来看吧,据我所知有两种方法衡量幸福感,“快乐星球指数”和“生活满意度指数”。“快乐星球指数”上,中国得到了100分中的44.7分,而英国是47.9分。我不知道他们是怎么算出这个结果来的。(就像Ed West指出的那样,似乎叙利亚(47.1分)比法国(46.5分)更幸福。这个结果看起来挺奇怪的)。在“生活满意度指数”中,英国在所有178个国家中位列第41而中国位列第82. 大主教显示提到的另一个国家日本位列第90.(而根据数据,荷兰更比英国在平等和幸福上领先。)

Again, I don't know where Archbishop Sentamu is getting his information from. But I rather suspect it's a combination of half-remembered facts, a vague approval of the "wisdom of the East" and a sense that Britain is going to the dogs. But as far as I can tell, he's completely wrong. And it's worth noting that, in Britain, while things could get a lot better, we're pretty happy, not too terribly unequal, and best of all, unlike China, we're allowed to vote for different political parties, and complain about things on internet blogs, and we very rarely get put in prison for political beliefs. We've got it OK here, really, and while Archbishop Sentamu may be right that there are things we can learn from China, how to make a happier and more equal society is not one of them.



As promised, those inequality figures:


Ratio of income of richest 10pc compared to poorest 10pc (UN Development Report 2009)
China: 21.6
United Kingdom: 13.8


Ratio of income of richest 20pc compared to poorest 20pc (UN Development report 2008)
China: 12.2
UK: 7.2


Ratio of income of richest 10pc compared to poorest 10pc (CIA World Factbook)
China: 21.8 (2008)
UK: 13.6 (1999)


Gini coefficient (World Bank)
China: 42.5 (2005)
United Kingdom: 36.0 (1998)


Gini coefficient (CIA World Factbook)
China: 48.0 (2009, up from 41.5 in 2007)
United Kingdom: 34.0 (2005)





翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


Today 05:39 AM
I find Zhang Lan's insight was a rather fair and informative. Why did you delete it? Shouldn't you allow Telegraph readers to judge for themselves rather than be primed on what they should know?

我觉得Zhang lan的眼光是非常有远见和清晰的。为什么把她的帖子给删了?你们难道就不能让读者自己去判断而不是给读者灌输思想吗?

Yesterday 08:08 PM
oh come on! did you really have to waste your time writing a response to what some foolish old priest unconsciously spewed out?! i am sure the bishop was just highlighting his stoic/deadpan sense of humour


Yesterday 08:51 AM
I live on the edge of Morecambe Bay, where over 20 illegal Chinese workers were left to drown by their Chinese taskmaster. The places where they were living could only be described as disgusting. I also have a number of Chinese students, who are stressed and far from being the happiest in the university. I once had quite a long chat with Archbishop Sentamu at a reception and he appeared to be perfectly normal. It is difficult to believe that he would come out with such utter rubbish. Perhaps it's the strange clothes he now wears.

我生活在莫比丝湾的附近,这里有20多名劳工被他们的工头淹死,他们生活的地方只能用一个词来描述——令人作呕。我有几名中国学生,在学校里,这些学生的压力都很大,根本就谈不上什么开心。我曾经和大主教 Sentamu在接待会上有过非常长时间的交谈,他看起来是正常的。真的很难相信他会说出这样的废话。难道是他身上穿的那套奇装异服才导致他说了这些话。


Yesterday 06:24 AM
According to a recent programme about porcelain, during the Enlightenment some intellectuals (Voltaire was mentioned) regarded China as a much better-run society than European.
Even when I was young, not so long after WW2, a lot of people regarded other cultures as being happier than our own. The Hippies in particular took this on board, but it was common currency at the time.
The tendency then was to blame our unhappiness on Christianity and its legacy, so it is ironic now that the archbishop seems to have picked up the same view of other societies.



Yesterday 03:44 AM
Sentamu, please think carefully before expressing your idea to public, the idea that China is happier than UK is now being used as propaganda by the Chinese authority, in fact, there are many orphans, miners, tramps dying everyday.


Yesterday 06:45 AM
Don't worry; UK is still considered as a happy nation in view of the binge-drinking phenomena on holiday seasons.


Yesterday 10:16 PM
In terms of this point of view, I think the most happy country is China without doubt, you are able to know through the consumption of baijiu (white wine), and many people can drink a quarter to a kilo high degree one.



Steve Hill
Yesterday 04:38 AM
And many baby girls go "missing" because they were born the wrong sex under the One Child policy...


Yesterday 10:21 PM
sure. and you probably never heard that the staffs in help center built by authority beat and torture the ones, who enter the center and want helps, to force them to sign a paper that they don't need help.


Yesterday 03:19 AM
Define "happiness" and "equality".
Not being able to write rude things about the muppets who claim to rule us would make me decidedly unhappy.


Yesterday 04:57 AM
Why can't you write rude things? Seems to me you can write what you like, short of libel or incitement to violence. (Although you may not be able to write it here, if it's personally abusive, racist, etc. But that's because this is our house and therefore our rules.)



Yesterday 03:18 AM
Aye! I'll bet the Hethan devils euthanize stray dogs too!!!


01/08/2013 01:53 PM
I think he's being paid by the Chinese government or he's just a dumb ass. The inequality between rich and poor is much clearer in China than in the west.
If you think that the west have a problem with racism. Let me tell you, China is much worse.


01/08/2013 01:09 PM
I think I have the answer. My guess is that the Archbishop, like so many in the West, thinks all Chinese people look the same and must therefore be equal. Not sure where he gets the happiness bit from. Maybe he just assumes that, if people are equal, they must be happy.



01/08/2013 12:35 PM
Er the death toll now in Syria is 60,000 and up. So that is a lot of bereaved people and pretty much everyone living in fear.


01/08/2013 11:12 AM
Tom is never more happier than when he's being smug.


. tomchivers
01/08/2013 11:22 AM
bob3 and never smugger than when I'm happy! It's a wonderful life, it really is


01/08/2013 11:28 AM
Would you be so happy if everyone else was equally as smug?


01/08/2013 12:20 PM
bob3 I doubt I'd notice, wandering around in my little self-satisfied bubble, all "Hello clouds, hello sky, look at how completely brilliant I am"



Yesterday 01:24 AM
Actually I know you are actually being very serious when you say that, narcissism is a characteristic of the left.


Yesterday 03:34 AM
Really? Bush was a "Leftie"?? It's the Republican right-wingers who see themselves as the saviors of the world. That's why Willard was so amazed that he didn't win. He's so full of himself, his eyes are brown.

什么?布什是一个左翼分子? 把自己当作救世主的是共和党的右翼分子。这也就是为什么威拉德很惊讶自己竟然没有赢了。他太自以为是了,满眼放光。

01/08/2013 04:00 PM
Tom, stop injecting!!!




翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处




No, Archbishop Sentamu, China is not 'happier and more equal' than Britain, by any measure



The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu
Is China fairer and happier than Britain? Archbishop John Sentamu thinks so.

中国比英国更讲公平更幸福吗?John Sentamu大主教这么认为。

The Archbishop of York told listeners at a Salvation Army that “You need to be a fairer society to be happy – at the moment, Britain is not happy. If you look at the figures globally, China is happiest, then Japan, then the Netherlands – because they are the most equal societies."


I'd love to know where he's getting this stuff. He's right on one thing: there is good evidence to show that beyond a certain level of development, happiness is better linked to equality than it is to absolute wealth. Where he's completely wrong is to suggest that China is a highly equal society, or that Britain is less happy than China.


First things first. One easy way of measuring income equality is to see how much the richest earn compared to the poorest. The UN's Development Report has made that comparison for various countries: it found that the UK's richest 10 per cent earn 13.8 times as much as the poorest 10 per cent. Which is quite a lot. But China wins: its richest 10 per cent earn a whopping 21.6 times as much as the poorest 10 per cent. If you're wondering whether it's just a small number of extremely poor and/or extremely rich people in China distorting that figure, the story is the same if you expand it to the richest and poorest 20 per cent: China's wealthy are more than 12 times as well-paid as the poor, compared to seven times as much in the UK. The CIA's World Factbook also looked at the 10 per cent figures, and found that very similar figures to those of the UN: 21.8 compared to 13.6.



Another inequality measure is the "Gini coefficient", a mathematical representation of the frequency of different levels of income, in which 0 equals perfect equality (everyone has the same income) and 100 equals perfect inequality (one person has all the income). The World Bank and the CIA both found China to be more unequal than the UK; the data in some cases are fairly old, but the CIA's information shows a sharp increase in China's inequality between 2007 and 2009. I've included full figures at the bottom of the piece.


It's fair, I think, to say that there is no sense in which China is a "more equal" society. But is it happier? Well: I'd love to see where Sentamu is getting his figures from, let's put it like that. There are two major happiness measures that I'm aware of, the "Happy Planet Index" and the "Satisfaction With Life" index. The Happy Planet Index says that China has a happiness-rating of 44.7 out of 100, compared to Britain's 47.9. I have no idea how they measured it (and, as Ed West points out, it also seems to think that Syria [47.1] is happier than France [46.5], so however they measured it is strange indeed). The Satisfaction With Life index 2006 ranks Britain 41st out of 178 countries. China ranked 82nd. Japan, another country that the Archbish approves of, is 90th. (The Netherlands are both happier and more equal than Britain, for the record, by some distance.)

我认为有理由说中国不是一个“更加平等”的国家。那么幸福感呢?我想知道Sentamu是根据什么得出他的结论的。我们这么来看吧,据我所知有两种方法衡量幸福感,“快乐星球指数”和“生活满意度指数”。“快乐星球指数”上,中国得到了100分中的44.7分,而英国是47.9分。我不知道他们是怎么算出这个结果来的。(就像Ed West指出的那样,似乎叙利亚(47.1分)比法国(46.5分)更幸福。这个结果看起来挺奇怪的)。在“生活满意度指数”中,英国在所有178个国家中位列第41而中国位列第82. 大主教显示提到的另一个国家日本位列第90.(而根据数据,荷兰更比英国在平等和幸福上领先。)

Again, I don't know where Archbishop Sentamu is getting his information from. But I rather suspect it's a combination of half-remembered facts, a vague approval of the "wisdom of the East" and a sense that Britain is going to the dogs. But as far as I can tell, he's completely wrong. And it's worth noting that, in Britain, while things could get a lot better, we're pretty happy, not too terribly unequal, and best of all, unlike China, we're allowed to vote for different political parties, and complain about things on internet blogs, and we very rarely get put in prison for political beliefs. We've got it OK here, really, and while Archbishop Sentamu may be right that there are things we can learn from China, how to make a happier and more equal society is not one of them.



As promised, those inequality figures:


Ratio of income of richest 10pc compared to poorest 10pc (UN Development Report 2009)
China: 21.6
United Kingdom: 13.8


Ratio of income of richest 20pc compared to poorest 20pc (UN Development report 2008)
China: 12.2
UK: 7.2


Ratio of income of richest 10pc compared to poorest 10pc (CIA World Factbook)
China: 21.8 (2008)
UK: 13.6 (1999)


Gini coefficient (World Bank)
China: 42.5 (2005)
United Kingdom: 36.0 (1998)


Gini coefficient (CIA World Factbook)
China: 48.0 (2009, up from 41.5 in 2007)
United Kingdom: 34.0 (2005)





翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


Today 05:39 AM
I find Zhang Lan's insight was a rather fair and informative. Why did you delete it? Shouldn't you allow Telegraph readers to judge for themselves rather than be primed on what they should know?

我觉得Zhang lan的眼光是非常有远见和清晰的。为什么把她的帖子给删了?你们难道就不能让读者自己去判断而不是给读者灌输思想吗?

Yesterday 08:08 PM
oh come on! did you really have to waste your time writing a response to what some foolish old priest unconsciously spewed out?! i am sure the bishop was just highlighting his stoic/deadpan sense of humour


Yesterday 08:51 AM
I live on the edge of Morecambe Bay, where over 20 illegal Chinese workers were left to drown by their Chinese taskmaster. The places where they were living could only be described as disgusting. I also have a number of Chinese students, who are stressed and far from being the happiest in the university. I once had quite a long chat with Archbishop Sentamu at a reception and he appeared to be perfectly normal. It is difficult to believe that he would come out with such utter rubbish. Perhaps it's the strange clothes he now wears.

我生活在莫比丝湾的附近,这里有20多名劳工被他们的工头淹死,他们生活的地方只能用一个词来描述——令人作呕。我有几名中国学生,在学校里,这些学生的压力都很大,根本就谈不上什么开心。我曾经和大主教 Sentamu在接待会上有过非常长时间的交谈,他看起来是正常的。真的很难相信他会说出这样的废话。难道是他身上穿的那套奇装异服才导致他说了这些话。


Yesterday 06:24 AM
According to a recent programme about porcelain, during the Enlightenment some intellectuals (Voltaire was mentioned) regarded China as a much better-run society than European.
Even when I was young, not so long after WW2, a lot of people regarded other cultures as being happier than our own. The Hippies in particular took this on board, but it was common currency at the time.
The tendency then was to blame our unhappiness on Christianity and its legacy, so it is ironic now that the archbishop seems to have picked up the same view of other societies.



Yesterday 03:44 AM
Sentamu, please think carefully before expressing your idea to public, the idea that China is happier than UK is now being used as propaganda by the Chinese authority, in fact, there are many orphans, miners, tramps dying everyday.


Yesterday 06:45 AM
Don't worry; UK is still considered as a happy nation in view of the binge-drinking phenomena on holiday seasons.


Yesterday 10:16 PM
In terms of this point of view, I think the most happy country is China without doubt, you are able to know through the consumption of baijiu (white wine), and many people can drink a quarter to a kilo high degree one.



Steve Hill
Yesterday 04:38 AM
And many baby girls go "missing" because they were born the wrong sex under the One Child policy...


Yesterday 10:21 PM
sure. and you probably never heard that the staffs in help center built by authority beat and torture the ones, who enter the center and want helps, to force them to sign a paper that they don't need help.


Yesterday 03:19 AM
Define "happiness" and "equality".
Not being able to write rude things about the muppets who claim to rule us would make me decidedly unhappy.


Yesterday 04:57 AM
Why can't you write rude things? Seems to me you can write what you like, short of libel or incitement to violence. (Although you may not be able to write it here, if it's personally abusive, racist, etc. But that's because this is our house and therefore our rules.)



Yesterday 03:18 AM
Aye! I'll bet the Hethan devils euthanize stray dogs too!!!


01/08/2013 01:53 PM
I think he's being paid by the Chinese government or he's just a dumb ass. The inequality between rich and poor is much clearer in China than in the west.
If you think that the west have a problem with racism. Let me tell you, China is much worse.


01/08/2013 01:09 PM
I think I have the answer. My guess is that the Archbishop, like so many in the West, thinks all Chinese people look the same and must therefore be equal. Not sure where he gets the happiness bit from. Maybe he just assumes that, if people are equal, they must be happy.



01/08/2013 12:35 PM
Er the death toll now in Syria is 60,000 and up. So that is a lot of bereaved people and pretty much everyone living in fear.


01/08/2013 11:12 AM
Tom is never more happier than when he's being smug.


. tomchivers
01/08/2013 11:22 AM
bob3 and never smugger than when I'm happy! It's a wonderful life, it really is


01/08/2013 11:28 AM
Would you be so happy if everyone else was equally as smug?


01/08/2013 12:20 PM
bob3 I doubt I'd notice, wandering around in my little self-satisfied bubble, all "Hello clouds, hello sky, look at how completely brilliant I am"



Yesterday 01:24 AM
Actually I know you are actually being very serious when you say that, narcissism is a characteristic of the left.


Yesterday 03:34 AM
Really? Bush was a "Leftie"?? It's the Republican right-wingers who see themselves as the saviors of the world. That's why Willard was so amazed that he didn't win. He's so full of himself, his eyes are brown.

什么?布什是一个左翼分子? 把自己当作救世主的是共和党的右翼分子。这也就是为什么威拉德很惊讶自己竟然没有赢了。他太自以为是了,满眼放光。

01/08/2013 04:00 PM
Tom, stop injecting!!!

战忽局各国都有,局座各不相同。另 天下FQ是一家。
葱花饼 发表于 2013-1-18 01:09