城管大队要出动了,居然有人公然打劫,还把偷来的IPHONE ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 20:57:48
  原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:ericbox 转载请注明出处
  正文翻译:Several brazen thugs have robbed their neighbors and their local shops of everything from basic food stuffs to expensive electronics and they are taking to Twitter to broadcast their spoils.’Check out this laptop I scored,’ SevenleafB tweeted earlier today. ’It’s easy just reach out an grab it.’ It appears the looters are organizing through the hashtag #SANDYLOOTCREW.Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz has called on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to put a stop to the looting ravaging South Brooklyn.

  一群厚颜无耻的暴徒洗劫了邻居和当地的商店。小到基本的生活物资,大到昂贵的电子产品都不放过,抢完后居然还到推特上炫耀他们的“战利品”。“看看我抢到的笔记本电脑,”@SevenleafB今天在推特上说,“顺手牵羊得到的,简直不费吹灰之力。”这些劫匪都在推文中统一打上了“#SANDYLOOTCREW”的标签。布鲁克林区长马丁·马科维茨(Marty Markowitz)呼吁纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)制止这些劫匪抢劫布鲁克林南部。

ooting for clothes: Tevon D’sean Jackson proudly announced on the social network that his mother had stolen him a new shirt

  Tevon D’sean Jackson骄傲地在社交网络上宣称他妈妈为他抢了新衬衣。推文:昨晚我妈妈甚至出去为我抢了新的衬衣。爱你哟妈妈。

: One person using the alias SevenleafB bragged about stealing a cat from a house during a looting-tour of New York


  Found’: Many loot

 ers have targeted stores with electronic goods, with one proud thief pocketing several brand new iPhone 5s and posting a picture on Twitter

  “发现”:许多劫匪瞄准卖电子产品的商店,一名得意的劫匪抢了几台全新的iPhone 5,在推特上张贴照片。

  Police have so far arrested nearly a dozen people for the crime, but Mr Markowitz said that the FDNY, police, and other first responders are overwhelmed in the borough and desperately need relief.Mayor Michael Bloomberg, however, has stated that the only people he wants on the streets are New York’s finest.


  ’Governor Cuomo also acted quickly by activating the National Guard prior to the storm, and I urge him to allocate as many troops as possible to Brooklyn—troops from New York or any other states that can spare them,’ Mr Markowitz said in a statement.Neighborhoods like Brighton Beach and Coney Island are still powerless, literally, and suffering form a lack of basic services, causing residents to fear the worst and either stay inside their ravaged homes or risk the streets.


Gameplay: Clearly not satisfied wi

th a cat, tweeting looter SevenleafB stole video games left behind in an evacuated home


ecruiting: As if the cat and the games was
  not enough, brazen thief SevenleafB also encouraged others to loot in the wake of Hurricane Sandy


  ’During my tours of the hardest hit Brooklyn neighborhoods yesterday and again today, it was apparent that the devastation is so widespread and overwhelming that it’s in the best interest of all of our residents for a more significant National Guard presence to supplement the great work being done by our brave—but overwhelmed—first responders, including our amazing NYPD and FDNY,’ Mr Markowitz said.


  ’In addition to flooding, power outages, lack of utilities, sanitation and water issues, and no transportation in neighborhoods such as Coney Island, Sea Gate, Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Gerritsen Beach, Mill Basin, Sheepshead Bay, DUMBO, Red Hook and others, there have been unfortunate incidents of looting in some locations,’ he said.


  ’All of our resources have been stretched to the limit, but in the name of public safety we need to send more National Guard personnel into Coney Island, Manhattan Beach, Gerritsen Beach, Red Hook and any other locations the governor deems appropriate.’


  beatjunkie_:@bigslim24 @8
  8TilEternity 你们被飓风袭击了吗?集合起来去抢劫吧!

  Threats: The deluge of threatening tweets prompted the New York National Guard to deploy over 1,000 troops to maintain law and order


  Although there have only been reports of a dozen or so arrests related to lootings, media coverage and online accounts indicate the actual problem is much more widespread.Thieves have posted photographs of everything from video games to subwoofers to dehumidifiers.


  Twitter user @OG_MLK posted a photo of a man grabbing hold of a big screen television with the caption "Pics of my boy Demarcus swiping that tv #SANDYLOOTCREW.’Another user posted a photo of a woman running on the street with a mannequin wearing a white shirt with the caption ’Last night even Momma got outta her house to loot me a new shirt... Luv U Momma #SANDYLOOTCREW’


  Some accounts that claim they are participating in the illegal activities are clearly fake with only a few previous tweets. Others appear to be genuine.Other people have used the hashtag to announce their disgust at the actions of the self-proclaimed ’loot crew.’’Can we track down all the people on the #SandyLootCrew and give them the death penalty? Disgusting behavior in a tragic time,’ @randomscreenname said.

  一些账户指出他们参与的这些非法活动明显是假的,是来自以前的推文。而另一些应该是真实的。其他人使用一些标签来表明他们厌恶这些自称是“loot crew”的人。“我们不能追踪这些强盗然后判他们死刑吗?他们在这个悲惨的时候还做出如此恶心的行为。”@randomscreenname说。

  But Mayor Michael Bloomberg has rebuffed Mr Markowitz’s request, saying that the does not want the National Guard in Brooklyn.’The NYPD had 80 light towers up last night in areas with power outages and the goal is to have 100 more for tonight,’ he said earlier today.


  Residents have said they are afraid to leave their apartments, even though they have no hot water nor electricity.’People are turning on each other -- they’re attacking each other,’ Dena Wells, 39, a resident of Ocean Towers said to the Huffington Post, shaking her head.’Even when there’s no disaster, this building is disastrous. But after the hurricane, it just got crazy. We have to get out of here.’

  市民说他们害怕离开家,尽管现在断水断电。“人们互相防范,互相袭击。”Dena Wells,39岁,海洋大厦的一名居民,摇着头对赫芬顿邮报的记者说。“连那些没有受灾的建筑也损失惨重。飓风过后人们都疯了。我们必须离开这儿。”

  Photographs of alleged looters breaking into abandoned stores have been widely published, as well as tweets announcing the illegal intentions of some Brooklynites.’ It’s getting dark, and it’s real dangerous out here -- that’s why there’s a cop on every block,’ one NYPD officer told HuffPost Crime. ’You could get your stuff stolen.’


  The situation has been different in Lower Manhattan, however, and nearby Newark where the police have reported no instances of looting.’There’s been no problems out here,’ said one NYPD officer who asked not to be named to Fox News. ’It’s been really quiet and everyone’s been really helpful.’Some Lower Manhattan residents have said that the neighborhoods above the devastated Financial District bustle as usual during the day and are desolate at night.’It’s like a curfew,” Gina Williams, Lower East Side resident, said. ’As soon as it gets dark everyone goes upstairs because nobody wants to be out here.’

  曼哈顿下城的情况有所不同,接近纽瓦克市(美国新泽西州港市)的地方没有警察报告由抢劫的情况发生。“这里没有问题。”一个未透露姓名的纽约警察局警察对福克斯新闻网说。“这里很安全,每个人都得到了救助。”一些曼哈顿下城居民说受灾的金融区白天和往常一样,晚上很少有人出来。“那种感觉就像是宵禁。”Gina Williams,下东区居民说。“天色暗下来的时候大家都会回去,没人想在外面呆着。”

  Newark Mayor Cory Booker announced on Twitter that his city came together after the hurricane.’Police have reported ZERO looting or crimes of opportunity in Newark. And ceaseless reports of acts of kindness abound everywhere #Gratitude,’ he said yesterday.Looters, however, are becoming more greedy and more clever.


  原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:ericbox 转载请注明出处
  正文翻译:Several brazen thugs have robbed their neighbors and their local shops of everything from basic food stuffs to expensive electronics and they are taking to Twitter to broadcast their spoils.’Check out this laptop I scored,’ SevenleafB tweeted earlier today. ’It’s easy just reach out an grab it.’ It appears the looters are organizing through the hashtag #SANDYLOOTCREW.Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz has called on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to put a stop to the looting ravaging South Brooklyn.

  一群厚颜无耻的暴徒洗劫了邻居和当地的商店。小到基本的生活物资,大到昂贵的电子产品都不放过,抢完后居然还到推特上炫耀他们的“战利品”。“看看我抢到的笔记本电脑,”@SevenleafB今天在推特上说,“顺手牵羊得到的,简直不费吹灰之力。”这些劫匪都在推文中统一打上了“#SANDYLOOTCREW”的标签。布鲁克林区长马丁·马科维茨(Marty Markowitz)呼吁纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)制止这些劫匪抢劫布鲁克林南部。

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2012-11-2 20:28 上传

ooting for clothes: Tevon D’sean Jackson proudly announced on the social network that his mother had stolen him a new shirt

  Tevon D’sean Jackson骄傲地在社交网络上宣称他妈妈为他抢了新衬衣。推文:昨晚我妈妈甚至出去为我抢了新的衬衣。爱你哟妈妈。

: One person using the alias SevenleafB bragged about stealing a cat from a house during a looting-tour of New York


  Found’: Many loot

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2012-11-2 20:28 上传

 ers have targeted stores with electronic goods, with one proud thief pocketing several brand new iPhone 5s and posting a picture on Twitter

  “发现”:许多劫匪瞄准卖电子产品的商店,一名得意的劫匪抢了几台全新的iPhone 5,在推特上张贴照片。

  Police have so far arrested nearly a dozen people for the crime, but Mr Markowitz said that the FDNY, police, and other first responders are overwhelmed in the borough and desperately need relief.Mayor Michael Bloomberg, however, has stated that the only people he wants on the streets are New York’s finest.


  ’Governor Cuomo also acted quickly by activating the National Guard prior to the storm, and I urge him to allocate as many troops as possible to Brooklyn—troops from New York or any other states that can spare them,’ Mr Markowitz said in a statement.Neighborhoods like Brighton Beach and Coney Island are still powerless, literally, and suffering form a lack of basic services, causing residents to fear the worst and either stay inside their ravaged homes or risk the streets.


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2012-11-2 20:29 上传

Gameplay: Clearly not satisfied wi

th a cat, tweeting looter SevenleafB stole video games left behind in an evacuated home


122763216.jpg (42.64 KB, 下载次数: 5)

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2012-11-2 20:29 上传

ecruiting: As if the cat and the games was
  not enough, brazen thief SevenleafB also encouraged others to loot in the wake of Hurricane Sandy


  ’During my tours of the hardest hit Brooklyn neighborhoods yesterday and again today, it was apparent that the devastation is so widespread and overwhelming that it’s in the best interest of all of our residents for a more significant National Guard presence to supplement the great work being done by our brave—but overwhelmed—first responders, including our amazing NYPD and FDNY,’ Mr Markowitz said.


  ’In addition to flooding, power outages, lack of utilities, sanitation and water issues, and no transportation in neighborhoods such as Coney Island, Sea Gate, Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Gerritsen Beach, Mill Basin, Sheepshead Bay, DUMBO, Red Hook and others, there have been unfortunate incidents of looting in some locations,’ he said.


  ’All of our resources have been stretched to the limit, but in the name of public safety we need to send more National Guard personnel into Coney Island, Manhattan Beach, Gerritsen Beach, Red Hook and any other locations the governor deems appropriate.’


122763216.jpg (32.65 KB, 下载次数: 5)

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2012-11-2 20:30 上传

  beatjunkie_:@bigslim24 @8
  8TilEternity 你们被飓风袭击了吗?集合起来去抢劫吧!

  Threats: The deluge of threatening tweets prompted the New York National Guard to deploy over 1,000 troops to maintain law and order


  Although there have only been reports of a dozen or so arrests related to lootings, media coverage and online accounts indicate the actual problem is much more widespread.Thieves have posted photographs of everything from video games to subwoofers to dehumidifiers.


  Twitter user @OG_MLK posted a photo of a man grabbing hold of a big screen television with the caption "Pics of my boy Demarcus swiping that tv #SANDYLOOTCREW.’Another user posted a photo of a woman running on the street with a mannequin wearing a white shirt with the caption ’Last night even Momma got outta her house to loot me a new shirt... Luv U Momma #SANDYLOOTCREW’


  Some accounts that claim they are participating in the illegal activities are clearly fake with only a few previous tweets. Others appear to be genuine.Other people have used the hashtag to announce their disgust at the actions of the self-proclaimed ’loot crew.’’Can we track down all the people on the #SandyLootCrew and give them the death penalty? Disgusting behavior in a tragic time,’ @randomscreenname said.

  一些账户指出他们参与的这些非法活动明显是假的,是来自以前的推文。而另一些应该是真实的。其他人使用一些标签来表明他们厌恶这些自称是“loot crew”的人。“我们不能追踪这些强盗然后判他们死刑吗?他们在这个悲惨的时候还做出如此恶心的行为。”@randomscreenname说。

  But Mayor Michael Bloomberg has rebuffed Mr Markowitz’s request, saying that the does not want the National Guard in Brooklyn.’The NYPD had 80 light towers up last night in areas with power outages and the goal is to have 100 more for tonight,’ he said earlier today.


  Residents have said they are afraid to leave their apartments, even though they have no hot water nor electricity.’People are turning on each other -- they’re attacking each other,’ Dena Wells, 39, a resident of Ocean Towers said to the Huffington Post, shaking her head.’Even when there’s no disaster, this building is disastrous. But after the hurricane, it just got crazy. We have to get out of here.’

  市民说他们害怕离开家,尽管现在断水断电。“人们互相防范,互相袭击。”Dena Wells,39岁,海洋大厦的一名居民,摇着头对赫芬顿邮报的记者说。“连那些没有受灾的建筑也损失惨重。飓风过后人们都疯了。我们必须离开这儿。”

  Photographs of alleged looters breaking into abandoned stores have been widely published, as well as tweets announcing the illegal intentions of some Brooklynites.’ It’s getting dark, and it’s real dangerous out here -- that’s why there’s a cop on every block,’ one NYPD officer told HuffPost Crime. ’You could get your stuff stolen.’


  The situation has been different in Lower Manhattan, however, and nearby Newark where the police have reported no instances of looting.’There’s been no problems out here,’ said one NYPD officer who asked not to be named to Fox News. ’It’s been really quiet and everyone’s been really helpful.’Some Lower Manhattan residents have said that the neighborhoods above the devastated Financial District bustle as usual during the day and are desolate at night.’It’s like a curfew,” Gina Williams, Lower East Side resident, said. ’As soon as it gets dark everyone goes upstairs because nobody wants to be out here.’

  曼哈顿下城的情况有所不同,接近纽瓦克市(美国新泽西州港市)的地方没有警察报告由抢劫的情况发生。“这里没有问题。”一个未透露姓名的纽约警察局警察对福克斯新闻网说。“这里很安全,每个人都得到了救助。”一些曼哈顿下城居民说受灾的金融区白天和往常一样,晚上很少有人出来。“那种感觉就像是宵禁。”Gina Williams,下东区居民说。“天色暗下来的时候大家都会回去,没人想在外面呆着。”

  Newark Mayor Cory Booker announced on Twitter that his city came together after the hurricane.’Police have reported ZERO looting or crimes of opportunity in Newark. And ceaseless reports of acts of kindness abound everywhere #Gratitude,’ he said yesterday.Looters, however, are becoming more greedy and more clever.


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2012-11-2 20:31 上传

这一定是造谣。   高贵的啊美利坚淫民怎么会干出这种事。 公知不是说这种事只有某国才会发生吗。 一定是造谣。
2012-11-2 20:32 上传


  One Twitter user called ’GT: OpTic TUMES’ wrote on Monday: ’Just started a looting clan. LL - Luscious Looters. Message @OpTicPauL. for tryouts must have mask. #HurricaneSandy.’Another, Matt Worman, posted on Sunday: ’Bout to do some looting when this hurricane finally hits...gonna get a new laptop and tv...this hurricane might be the best thing to happen.’Lucas Emil wrote: ’If this hurricane gets real bad I’m looting stores! I always wanted to do that...’

  一位叫做GT: OpTic TUMES的推特用户在周一写道:“刚刚成立一个抢劫组织,叫做甜美掠夺者。想要加入的话就给@OpTicPauL发消息进行选拔,记得带面具。#HurricaneSandy”另一个人,Matt Worman,在星期天说:“飓风过后去抢些东西怎么样?去抢台新笔记本和电视剧。飓风真是好事情。”卢卡斯在邮件写道:“如果飓风真的造成毁坏我就取抢劫商店!我一直想这么做。”

  Looters often take advantage of hurricanes to loot - the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 became notorious for large scale lawlessness in New Orleans.The practice became so commonplace that police officers were eventually told not to stop people ransacking stores.Police were caught on camera looting a Wal-Mart store, later claiming ’they had received permission from superiors to take necessities for themselves and other officers.’


  Abandoned homes were also pillaged during Hurricane Irene last year.Some New Yorkers will remember the city’s 1977 blackout which prompted riots, looting and mayhem that caused millions of dollars worth of damage.Lightning knocked out electricity for 25 hours on July 13, 1977, at a time when the city was suffering from a financial crisis and high unemployment levels.Reports at the time included 50 cars being hot-wired and driven out of the showroom to be dismantled for parts, and hundreds hospitalised after fires and fighting broke out.Around 4,500 people were arrested after the blackout chaos which caused damage estimated at around 61 million.

评论翻译:原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:ericbox 转载请注明出处

  Cockroaches... need exterminating on site, not arresting.
  - dixon, dock green, 31/10/2012 20:05 Rating442

  - dixon, dock green(伦敦东区的一个地方——译注), 31/10/2012 20:05 赞同442

  Dear God, what an earth is wrong with some people, all they can think about is stealing at time like this !! shoot them on site,
  - Casey Jones, Surrey, 31/10/2012 20:03 Rating 362

  - Casey Jones, 萨里郡(英格兰东南的一个地区——译注), 31/10/2012 20:03 赞同 362

  ### No surprises there... welcome to the meltdown. Now we'll see the real difference between an ordered respectful society like Japan after the tsunami and the USA, - Aquilinum , Hong Kong, 31/10/2012 12:04 ### There is a big difference between Japan and the USA (and, indeed, the UK) and we all know what it is!
  - Anubis, In the Dog house, 31/10/2012 20:14 Rating 294

  ###(此处为引用他人发言——译注) 这不令人意外。。。欢迎来到灾区。现在让我们看看一个海啸过后秩序井然的日本和现在的美国的区别。——- Aquilinum , 香港, 31/10/2012 12:04 ###日本和美国(实际上还有英国)是大大不同的。我们都知道这是什么!
  - Anubis, 在狗窝, 31/10/2012 20:14 赞同 294

  I dont think anybody would judge a person who is in need, and loots water/bread for the sake of servival but this is just low!
  - Chris, Manchester, 31/10/2012 20:23 Rating 220

  - Chris, 曼彻斯特, 31/10/2012 20:23 赞同 220

  - SARSFIELDS GHOST, LONDON., United Kingdom, 31/10/2012 21:05 Rating 219

  - SARSFIELDS GHOST, 英国伦敦, 31/10/2012 21:05 赞同219

  To be fair, some of the Katrina "looters" were just looking for food and drinks; many were abandonedby the authorities and had to fend for themselves. The same is not true in NY City now.
  - Kate Evans, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 31/10/2012 20:33 Rating 191

  - Kate Evans, 英国诺丁汉, 31/10/2012 20:33 赞同 191

  vile people
  - Harrace Fartface, Here to laugh at the comments, United Kingdom, 31/10/2012 20:51 Rating 191

  - Harrace Fartface, 在评论里嘲笑, 英国, 31/10/2012 20:51 赞同191

  execute the bas*rds on site ..............................
  - j s, berks, United Kingdom, 31/10/2012 20:59 Rating 187

  - j s, 英国柏克斯郡, 31/10/2012 20:59 赞同 187

  Looks to me like the looters are all kinda similar...You know what I mean?!.......Shoot 'em on sight I say!!
  - NineHoursAway, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 31/10/2012 21:38 Rating 175

  - NineHoursAway, 英国诺丁汉, 31/10/2012 21:38 赞同 175




















我的南海 发表于 2012-11-2 20:37
话说N年前,本地县城被洪水淹了,除了我去考试时看到地上还有泥迹外,一切正 ...



·猎猫age 发表于 2012-11-2 20:57
奥巴马是socialist 这个抢劫其实是在政府默许下的redistribution   
这一刻 我是共和党人
零幺猎人 发表于 2012-11-2 22:55