
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 20:20:54

-------------译者:evansan 审核者:hpyp-------------

It was a scene worthy of a Disney tear-jerker – and had a television audience to match. Leaving his mother behind, Tao Tao, the two-year-old giant panda, walked out of his cage and took his first uncertain steps to freedom in the mountain slopes of south-west China.
Behind him, the keepers who helped raise the cub from his birth in captivity watched as their young charge padded away into the bamboo-rich woodland where his fight to survive would begin.
No detail had been spared in the careful preparation for Tao Tao’s future. His keepers made a model leopard, complete with a roaring sound, to teach him about his potential predators.
When the model was put into his enclosure in June, he dutifully ran for cover. Staff at the breeding centre even dressed in panda outfits to prevent their young charge becoming too familiar with his human captors.
Images of Tao Tao’s release into the remote Liziping Nature Reserve in Sichuan ten days ago were broadcast around the world, just as the authorities intended, portraying an unusually humane side to the Chinese regime and demonstrating its absolute determination to save the giant panda, the national symbol, from extinction.


Today, Tao Tao is the only captive-bred giant panda in the wild. Officials boast that, if his release is a success, more young pandas will follow in his paw prints until the mountain forests of western China are once again home to a flourishing population.
If that is the vision served up to a credulous international audience, the reality is shockingly different. The truth is that wild pandas, their numbers already desperately low, are continuing to die out – their habitat disappearing beneath a tide of concrete as China’s economic juggernaut rolls on. It is entirely possible that there may be just a few hundred left.
Meanwhile the Chinese government makes millions lending captive-bred pandas to overseas zoos – including Edinburgh, which recently paid £6 million in a decade-long loan scheme.
Now one of China’s leading panda experts, with years of experience on the official breeding programme, has spoken out saying wild pandas have been driven to the brink of extinction, and that this much-vaunted programme of captive breeding not only traumatises young pandas, it puts the very survival of the species at risk.


-------------译者:evansan 审核者:tvenana-------------

Dr Sarah Bexell, director of Conservation Education at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, told The Mail on Sunday that captive-bred pandas are no more than a ‘caricature’ of the real thing and are unable to survive in the wild. Meanwhile, their natural habit continues to shrink at an alarming rate, under pressure from industrial development and the ‘raging fire’ of Chinese tourism.
That a senior figure within China should make such an intervention indicates how desperate the situation has become; such a candid portrayal of the panda’s plight is unprecedented. Other critics – those not employed by the Chinese government – are more forthright still, describing the ‘panda factory’ breeding centres as a fraud both on the Chinese public and the wider world.
China is currently conducting a new census to estimate how many giant pandas remain, the first since a decade ago when it was found that there were fewer than 1,600. Dr Bexell says she is ‘petrified’ at what the results might be.
It raises the alarming possibility that there might soon be more captive-bred giant pandas alive than wild ones.

Sarah Bexell博士,就职于成都大熊猫繁殖研究基地的美国环境教育专家,周日接受《每日邮报》采访时说,人工繁育的大熊猫不过是野生大熊猫的“可笑的模仿”,它们无法在野生环境中存活。与此同时,在工业发展的压力和中国如烈火般发展的旅游业下,它们自然的天性也以令人吃惊的速度消失着。

Dr Bexell, an American who has spent more than a decade working with pandas in China, has also expressed her views in a new book, written with Dr Zhang Zhihe, head of the Chengdu centre, who supplied the photographs.
Giant Pandas: Born Survivors will be published next month by Penguin Viking and exposes the failure to preserve the panda’s habitat, while more and more resources are pumped into a lucrative captive-breeding programme that has so far produced more than 300 pandas since 1963 – none of them capable ever of living beyond the confines of a zoo.
Dr Bexell, says she was spurred to write when she witnessed the destruction of panda habitat in Sichuan. She watched, aghast, as lorries belching diesel trundled through one of the reserves where some of the last remaining wild animals live. It is, she says, symptomatic of what is happening to wildlife globally, but the panda is one of the most vulnerable animals of all.
There are those who believe the captive breeding programme, although not a perfect answer, might, at the very least, arrest the decline in panda numbers. But the precedents are not encouraging.

贝可索博士是一个在中国从事了十多年熊猫研究工作的美国人,最近她与成都大熊猫繁育研究基地主任张志和合撰新书《Giant Pandas: Born Survivors》,张先生提供了一些照片。
《Giant Pandas: Born Survivors》下个月将由Penguin Viking出版社出版,书中揭露了在保护大熊猫栖息地方面做得十分失败,然而越来越多的资源却注入到“人工繁育”这个十分盈利的项目中去,自1963年以来,这个项目“生产”了超过300只大熊猫,这其中却没有一只大熊猫有能力生活在动物园之外的地方。

Tao Tao is following in the footsteps of another giant panda Xiang Xiang, the first captive-bred panda released in the wild three years ago. He was found dead ten months later, apparently chased to his death by wild pandas. It was a major embarrassment.
Like Tao Tao, he had been well trained, using videos of leopards so he would recognise his natural enemies and footage of pandas of various sizes and ages.
When he was thought ready, Xiang Xiang was given a collar with a GPS tracking device and moved to the mountainous Quyipeng area of Wolong, home to more than ten wild pandas. He had already been injured in one fight, before he was found dead at the foot of a tree.
Researchers later say they believe he took refuge in a tree after a fight with the wild pandas and then fell to his death. Xiang Xiang’s demise was kept out of China’s tightly controlled state media for three months.
Before the modernisation of China, the giant panda’s habitat was an endless stretch of lush bamboo forests stretching from Burma, through Laos and Vietnam and deep into southwest China.


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Today, the world’s last remaining wild pandas – whose existence Dr Bexell and other experts believe is now in severe jeopardy – are hidden away in small pockets along six mountain ranges flanking the Tibetan plateau.
There are 62 reserves with a combined area of 10,000 square miles, equivalent to the size of Northumberland, in a country 40 times the size of Britain. The pockets of land are fragmented and shrinking due to mining and relentless industrial development, not to mention the demand for housing. Some reserves are less than a mile wide.
Experts agree that so-called bamboo corridors are needed to link the pockets of habitat so pandas can mix and mate and broaden their gene pool, an essential requisite to the survival of the species. But as the captive-breeding programme marches forward, there is scant evidence of anything being done to create these vital connections.
In some cases, the reserves are no more than token gestures. According to Dr Bexell, there are designated panda reserves that don’t have any pandas at all.
As well as mining and agriculture, the panda’s habitat is at increasing risk from Chinese tourists who head out in their droves to western China to revel in the mountain scenery and look for pandas in the wild.


With breathtaking insensitivity, tour groups wolf down meat from red pandas, an unrelated cat-sized mammal that is listed as vulnerable, on their visits to the reserves. Meanwhile, hotels and roads proliferate without any apparent regard for the giant panda’s habitat.
Dr Bexell’s book says that the spread of tourism into the reserves has significantly increased the hazards pushing giant pandas towards extinction.
‘Wealthy new Chinese tourists buy their North Face hiking gear and head into the reserves, staying in home stays and eating wild animals,’ she says. ‘Red pandas are on every menu. That is the new big delicacy now.
‘The tourists all want to eat wild and organic mushrooms and bamboo shoots, more than ever as they are scared of the poison in mass-produced foods. They trample in the experimental zones of nature reserves and take what they can from the land.
‘These tourists also require infrastructure, roads, hotels, electricity, sanitation – the list goes on and on. And then there’s the noise and light pollution.
‘There is karaoke belting out into the night and into the nature reserves. There’s nothing more unsettling to animals than artificial noise and light.’

“富有的新一代中国游客带着他们购买的North Face徒步旅行装备一头扎进了保护区。他们居住在当地居民家中,吃着保护区内的野生动物。”贝可素博士说道,“每个菜单上都列着小熊猫,小熊猫现在成为了新的美味佳肴。这些旅行者们都想吃到野生有机的蘑菇和竹笋,对批量生产的食品的毒性的恐惧感加深了这种需要。他们践踏着实验性质的自然保护区,带走一切他们能从这片土地上获得的东西。这些旅行者们还需要基础设施、道路、酒店、电力设施、卫生设施,这份需求清单还在不断增加。然后就给这里带来了噪音污染和光污染。自然保护区的夜幕下,还有着卡拉OK引吭高歌的声音。没有什么比人工噪音和光线更能让野生动物感到不安的东西了。”

-------------译者:evansan 审核者:tvenana-------------

While the wild pandas are forced further back into their shrinking reserves, captive pandas are being born at the rate of more than 30 a year, their pictures beamed around the world in a succession of cute photo opportunities with every new batch of arrivals.
The captive-bred pandas, says Dr Bexell, are no substitute for the real thing. Moreover, in sucking up attention and investment, they are a distraction from the true plight of pandas in the wild and their ever-shrinking habitat.
‘The creatures we create in captivity are a caricature of wild animals. The cute, fluffy panda stories that we always read, where the scientists are saving the panda and everything is OK, are actually hurting the wild pandas.
‘Wild pandas are switched on and primed all the time to constantly sense all that is going on around them. Captivity, on the other hand, dulls that sense. Their life is pre-programmed. They are bored and have no need to think. It is like being in jail.’
Not that releasing them is any help. Indeed, an increasing number of experts believe that sending  these ‘socially inadequate’ animals into the wild is cruel.


-------------译者:evansan 审核者:hpyp-------------

article-2220591-1598AF29000005DC-744_634x436.jpg (107.09 KB, 下载次数: 160)

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2012-10-26 19:45 上传

It was a scene worthy of a Disney tear-jerker – and had a television audience to match. Leaving his mother behind, Tao Tao, the two-year-old giant panda, walked out of his cage and took his first uncertain steps to freedom in the mountain slopes of south-west China.
Behind him, the keepers who helped raise the cub from his birth in captivity watched as their young charge padded away into the bamboo-rich woodland where his fight to survive would begin.
No detail had been spared in the careful preparation for Tao Tao’s future. His keepers made a model leopard, complete with a roaring sound, to teach him about his potential predators.
When the model was put into his enclosure in June, he dutifully ran for cover. Staff at the breeding centre even dressed in panda outfits to prevent their young charge becoming too familiar with his human captors.
Images of Tao Tao’s release into the remote Liziping Nature Reserve in Sichuan ten days ago were broadcast around the world, just as the authorities intended, portraying an unusually humane side to the Chinese regime and demonstrating its absolute determination to save the giant panda, the national symbol, from extinction.


Today, Tao Tao is the only captive-bred giant panda in the wild. Officials boast that, if his release is a success, more young pandas will follow in his paw prints until the mountain forests of western China are once again home to a flourishing population.
If that is the vision served up to a credulous international audience, the reality is shockingly different. The truth is that wild pandas, their numbers already desperately low, are continuing to die out – their habitat disappearing beneath a tide of concrete as China’s economic juggernaut rolls on. It is entirely possible that there may be just a few hundred left.
Meanwhile the Chinese government makes millions lending captive-bred pandas to overseas zoos – including Edinburgh, which recently paid £6 million in a decade-long loan scheme.
Now one of China’s leading panda experts, with years of experience on the official breeding programme, has spoken out saying wild pandas have been driven to the brink of extinction, and that this much-vaunted programme of captive breeding not only traumatises young pandas, it puts the very survival of the species at risk.


article-2220591-1598AE86000005DC-956_634x516.jpg (87.16 KB, 下载次数: 142)

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2012-10-26 19:45 上传

-------------译者:evansan 审核者:tvenana-------------

Dr Sarah Bexell, director of Conservation Education at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, told The Mail on Sunday that captive-bred pandas are no more than a ‘caricature’ of the real thing and are unable to survive in the wild. Meanwhile, their natural habit continues to shrink at an alarming rate, under pressure from industrial development and the ‘raging fire’ of Chinese tourism.
That a senior figure within China should make such an intervention indicates how desperate the situation has become; such a candid portrayal of the panda’s plight is unprecedented. Other critics – those not employed by the Chinese government – are more forthright still, describing the ‘panda factory’ breeding centres as a fraud both on the Chinese public and the wider world.
China is currently conducting a new census to estimate how many giant pandas remain, the first since a decade ago when it was found that there were fewer than 1,600. Dr Bexell says she is ‘petrified’ at what the results might be.
It raises the alarming possibility that there might soon be more captive-bred giant pandas alive than wild ones.

Sarah Bexell博士,就职于成都大熊猫繁殖研究基地的美国环境教育专家,周日接受《每日邮报》采访时说,人工繁育的大熊猫不过是野生大熊猫的“可笑的模仿”,它们无法在野生环境中存活。与此同时,在工业发展的压力和中国如烈火般发展的旅游业下,它们自然的天性也以令人吃惊的速度消失着。

Dr Bexell, an American who has spent more than a decade working with pandas in China, has also expressed her views in a new book, written with Dr Zhang Zhihe, head of the Chengdu centre, who supplied the photographs.
Giant Pandas: Born Survivors will be published next month by Penguin Viking and exposes the failure to preserve the panda’s habitat, while more and more resources are pumped into a lucrative captive-breeding programme that has so far produced more than 300 pandas since 1963 – none of them capable ever of living beyond the confines of a zoo.
Dr Bexell, says she was spurred to write when she witnessed the destruction of panda habitat in Sichuan. She watched, aghast, as lorries belching diesel trundled through one of the reserves where some of the last remaining wild animals live. It is, she says, symptomatic of what is happening to wildlife globally, but the panda is one of the most vulnerable animals of all.
There are those who believe the captive breeding programme, although not a perfect answer, might, at the very least, arrest the decline in panda numbers. But the precedents are not encouraging.

贝可索博士是一个在中国从事了十多年熊猫研究工作的美国人,最近她与成都大熊猫繁育研究基地主任张志和合撰新书《Giant Pandas: Born Survivors》,张先生提供了一些照片。
《Giant Pandas: Born Survivors》下个月将由Penguin Viking出版社出版,书中揭露了在保护大熊猫栖息地方面做得十分失败,然而越来越多的资源却注入到“人工繁育”这个十分盈利的项目中去,自1963年以来,这个项目“生产”了超过300只大熊猫,这其中却没有一只大熊猫有能力生活在动物园之外的地方。

Tao Tao is following in the footsteps of another giant panda Xiang Xiang, the first captive-bred panda released in the wild three years ago. He was found dead ten months later, apparently chased to his death by wild pandas. It was a major embarrassment.
Like Tao Tao, he had been well trained, using videos of leopards so he would recognise his natural enemies and footage of pandas of various sizes and ages.
When he was thought ready, Xiang Xiang was given a collar with a GPS tracking device and moved to the mountainous Quyipeng area of Wolong, home to more than ten wild pandas. He had already been injured in one fight, before he was found dead at the foot of a tree.
Researchers later say they believe he took refuge in a tree after a fight with the wild pandas and then fell to his death. Xiang Xiang’s demise was kept out of China’s tightly controlled state media for three months.
Before the modernisation of China, the giant panda’s habitat was an endless stretch of lush bamboo forests stretching from Burma, through Laos and Vietnam and deep into southwest China.


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Today, the world’s last remaining wild pandas – whose existence Dr Bexell and other experts believe is now in severe jeopardy – are hidden away in small pockets along six mountain ranges flanking the Tibetan plateau.
There are 62 reserves with a combined area of 10,000 square miles, equivalent to the size of Northumberland, in a country 40 times the size of Britain. The pockets of land are fragmented and shrinking due to mining and relentless industrial development, not to mention the demand for housing. Some reserves are less than a mile wide.
Experts agree that so-called bamboo corridors are needed to link the pockets of habitat so pandas can mix and mate and broaden their gene pool, an essential requisite to the survival of the species. But as the captive-breeding programme marches forward, there is scant evidence of anything being done to create these vital connections.
In some cases, the reserves are no more than token gestures. According to Dr Bexell, there are designated panda reserves that don’t have any pandas at all.
As well as mining and agriculture, the panda’s habitat is at increasing risk from Chinese tourists who head out in their droves to western China to revel in the mountain scenery and look for pandas in the wild.


With breathtaking insensitivity, tour groups wolf down meat from red pandas, an unrelated cat-sized mammal that is listed as vulnerable, on their visits to the reserves. Meanwhile, hotels and roads proliferate without any apparent regard for the giant panda’s habitat.
Dr Bexell’s book says that the spread of tourism into the reserves has significantly increased the hazards pushing giant pandas towards extinction.
‘Wealthy new Chinese tourists buy their North Face hiking gear and head into the reserves, staying in home stays and eating wild animals,’ she says. ‘Red pandas are on every menu. That is the new big delicacy now.
‘The tourists all want to eat wild and organic mushrooms and bamboo shoots, more than ever as they are scared of the poison in mass-produced foods. They trample in the experimental zones of nature reserves and take what they can from the land.
‘These tourists also require infrastructure, roads, hotels, electricity, sanitation – the list goes on and on. And then there’s the noise and light pollution.
‘There is karaoke belting out into the night and into the nature reserves. There’s nothing more unsettling to animals than artificial noise and light.’

“富有的新一代中国游客带着他们购买的North Face徒步旅行装备一头扎进了保护区。他们居住在当地居民家中,吃着保护区内的野生动物。”贝可素博士说道,“每个菜单上都列着小熊猫,小熊猫现在成为了新的美味佳肴。这些旅行者们都想吃到野生有机的蘑菇和竹笋,对批量生产的食品的毒性的恐惧感加深了这种需要。他们践踏着实验性质的自然保护区,带走一切他们能从这片土地上获得的东西。这些旅行者们还需要基础设施、道路、酒店、电力设施、卫生设施,这份需求清单还在不断增加。然后就给这里带来了噪音污染和光污染。自然保护区的夜幕下,还有着卡拉OK引吭高歌的声音。没有什么比人工噪音和光线更能让野生动物感到不安的东西了。”

article-2220591-1598AE50000005DC-642_634x401.jpg (37.9 KB, 下载次数: 156)

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2012-10-26 19:46 上传

-------------译者:evansan 审核者:tvenana-------------

While the wild pandas are forced further back into their shrinking reserves, captive pandas are being born at the rate of more than 30 a year, their pictures beamed around the world in a succession of cute photo opportunities with every new batch of arrivals.
The captive-bred pandas, says Dr Bexell, are no substitute for the real thing. Moreover, in sucking up attention and investment, they are a distraction from the true plight of pandas in the wild and their ever-shrinking habitat.
‘The creatures we create in captivity are a caricature of wild animals. The cute, fluffy panda stories that we always read, where the scientists are saving the panda and everything is OK, are actually hurting the wild pandas.
‘Wild pandas are switched on and primed all the time to constantly sense all that is going on around them. Captivity, on the other hand, dulls that sense. Their life is pre-programmed. They are bored and have no need to think. It is like being in jail.’
Not that releasing them is any help. Indeed, an increasing number of experts believe that sending  these ‘socially inadequate’ animals into the wild is cruel.

-------------译者:daisyhe17 审核者:tvenana-------------

Why does this come as a surprise - the Chinese have always had an evil attitude towards animals.
- Gratters, St Albans, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 14:52


.Why am I not suprised by this article, saddened yes! Just remember when you buy something made in China that this is part of the cost.
- lamacat, truro, 21/10/2012 14:42

.Don't forget this evil bunch also trade in endangered animal parts for their hocus pocus quack remedies AND still have fully operational Bear bile farms. That nation disgusts me.
- wingmaster1, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 14:17


.Thank you, DM, for this sad and enlightening article. The Chinese and their insatiable lust for ivory are responsible for the wholesale slaughter of elephants. These people think that eating the brains out of the skull of a live monkey is a delicacy. And now this. The Chinese are not even above selling counterfeit baby formula to their own children. I have no desire to spend my tourist dollars there, and am sick about the fact that as an American, I am forced to buy their goods. I hope you continue to expose their heinous treatment of animals. "The greatness of a society and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals." ~Mahatma Gandhi.
- dc2uk, washington, United States, 21/10/2012 14:39


.And why are we so surprised about anything China does. They've no respect for people, so there's absolutely no chance for these poor animals. Such a cruel cruel country.
- fordyboy40, CHESTERFIELD, 21/10/2012 15:32


.beautiful animals! this is disgusting behaviour! Let them be, it's just not fair xxxxx
- Just me, UK, 21/10/2012 17:43


.China has an abysmal animal rights record. This needs to be highlighted and dealt with.
- Susan Henry, Sydney, 21/10/2012 11:42


.there is other animals captivity in china they do not care about help stop this now
- c t, coventry, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 17:21


.I have no words but relying on China is like hoping you won't die if you fall off a mile high cliff.
- StellaSF, San Francisco, 21/10/2012 13:58


.China again. No compassion. No care. All rhetoric and show. What a disgrace.
- Patricia, Australia, 21/10/2012 6:46


.People who are cruel to animals seriously make me sick.
- Hannahsays, London, 21/10/2012 6:24


.This breaks my heart. Please save the wild pandas
- Pam, London, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 6:51


.This article is heartbreaking.. China is an evil country and the sooner that is exposed the better
- Alex, East Grinstead, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 6:01


.And the daft, gullible British public buy into this cruelty by ogling at animals in our zoos. We are to blame by encouraging such activities & putting money into these organisations to fund such barbaric practices. It's all commercial - cash in on any creature regardless of the cost to their natural well-being & welfare. When these animals stop being a commercially viable proposition, these "caring" human beings, will soon drop their interest in them. China rakes in a fortune "hiring" out panda's to other countries - & all under the guise of wildlife "preservation".
- dave, london, 21/10/2012 11:28


.Take a vow to avoid all Chinese everything whenever you can. Their treatment of animals is horrifying.
- Stateofmind, Being, 21/10/2012 10:30


.Your comments: My hatred for this country is immense.
- Irene Gizelle, London, 21/10/2012 5:43


.IS anybody seriously Surprised by any human/animal abuse carried out by the Chinese??Be afraid people....Be very afraid.
- keepcalmandcarryon12, NZ and TL, 21/10/2012 10:33


.I am surprised they dont eat them as well , as thy do with frogs and dogs.
- Paul Spider, london, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 6:52


.It is just not panda's, China is cruel to all animals. It's so terrible shocking and sad.
- Anna, London, 21/10/2012 10:15


.Pathetic abuse of animals, I expect nothing less from the Chinese. We need to stop lending them so they stop getting money from their abuse.
- Anderton, Wallasey, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 7:40


- mrtumble, london, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 5:49


.Nobody here thought the Chinese actually CARED or felt COMPASSION did they? With this culture it is always about greed!!!
- superbity, Los Angeles, 21/10/2012 12:34


.Does this surprise anyone? Look at what is happening to other speciess around the World because of the Asian countries practice of Chinese medicine and because some Chinese toff wants ivory chopsticks and ivory household items. What makes me sick is that no country has the guts to publicly say to China that you are wrong in what you do and allow.
- Elaine, Australia, 21/10/2012 6:29


.I despise the Chinese and their cruel culture! They need to be re-educated!
- Pete, Los Angeles, United States, 21/10/2012 9:50


.Yet another reason - if more were needed - to boycott anything made in China
- catladyuk, Paris, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 6:58


.The panda suits are ridiculous. I'm certain the pandas are very aware and sure to know those are humans by their smell, mannerisms etc. etc. what an utterly pointless and more than likely confusing exercise for the pandas. This is all extremely sad.
- jasminelambert09, london, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 6:39


.This is China, does anyone expect anything different?
- mo, carlisle, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 9:25


.Nothing surprises me about these savages anymore.
- John Doe., Galway_Ireland., 21/10/2012 12:15


.Red arrow away: What a sick society China must be. And no, I do not eat meat, dairy or eggs, so don't tell me we do the same thing to cows.
- Freddie Mercury Fan, St. Louis, United States, 21/10/2012 10:49

(回复LS某人)Red arrow away:中国社会多恶心啊。哦不,我不吃肉蛋奶的,所以别告诉我我们对牛做了相同的事。

.So come on do gooder - where is the - "they should be in the wild" now?? This is why animals born in captivity should remain in captivity.
- Mrs Wright, Australia, 21/10/2012 11:15


.In regard to animals, the Chinese can't do a single thing right- and they wouldn't know how or where to start because they don't have it in them to care.
- Penelope, Australia, 21/10/2012 9:12


.Animal Concern and Animal Concern Advice Line raised these very serious issues with Edinburgh Zoo over three years before they embarked on their panda project. Edinburgh Zoo refused to listen then. I wonder if they will now take any notice of what Dr Sarah Bexell has said? No matter what green speak or conservation clap-trap they try to use to confuse the issue Edinburgh Zoo will now find it very hard to deny that they are exploiting their ten million dollar pandas in a very risky gamble to get Edinburgh Zoo out of a financial mess.
- Ratfish, Dumbarton, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 7:40

动物保护组织和动物保护咨询热线三年前就向爱丁堡动物园提出了这些严重的事件,那会儿动物园还没开始他们的熊猫项目。但是爱丁堡动物园没听他们的。我好奇他们现在还会不会听Sarah Bexell博士的话?不论他们要用官腔还是语言陷阱来混淆,爱丁堡动物园会发现他们现在很难否认,他们是在利用价值一千万的熊猫在一场非常危险的赌博中脱离金融危机。

.When it comes to the Chinese and animal welfare, nothing would surprise me.
- Reubenene, Victoria, Australia, 21/10/2012 7:39


- Helen, Wales, 21/10/2012 7:26


Earth quakes, flooding, landslides and drout thank god that these people are dieing, unfortunately just not fast enough.
- Peter, Korea, 21/10/2012 10:19


.This needs to be done by a responsible country definitely NOT china who only seek publicity.
- Eye in the sky, northampton, United Kingdom, 21/10/2012 7:25


.it always amazes me just how small pandas are at birth and the fact that they are pink!! The pic of the baby on the scales is just adorable :o) beautiful creatures!!
- mumof3, notts, 21/10/2012 8:17

是国外媒体洗脑功力强大 还是国外淫民智商不行?这不科学啊 顺便鄙视下中宣部
(回复LS某人)Red arrow away:中国社会多恶心啊。哦不,我不吃肉蛋奶的,所以别告诉我我们对牛做了相同的事。


昊昊 发表于 2012-11-22 19:36


人连自己都保护不好,各种地沟油 毒奶粉 硫磺姜,哪里管的了那么多呀
开始灌水 发表于 2012-10-28 21:40
美国让7名航天员登上有可能爆炸的航天飞机时,美国民众们有没有喷美国“没有人权”、“残忍”、“虐待”啊。 ...
地址风貌 发表于 2012-12-11 10:33
唯物 发表于 2012-11-22 15:58
近年来,甘肃大熊猫自然保护区发展迅速,除原白水江国家级保护区、尖山省级保护区外,又新建了武都裕河、迭 ...