
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:08:04
原创翻译:龙腾网  翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处



The host of last week's presidential debate, the University of Denver, either doesn't understand how to support American workers or doesn't care.

The University's souvenir bag, given to all campus visitors, had a series of "presidential debate 2012" items that were "made in China." That's right. At the very site of one of the most important and symbolic political events this year -- the host campus gave U.S. textile and manufacturing workers the shaft. The baseball cap sporting a mountain/university logo and the words "Presidential Debate 2012 -- University of Denver" has a label inside that says "Made in China." The water bottle featuring that same University/debate logo also says "Made in China." The reporter's notebook doesn't say where it was produced but features the debate logo and a quote from Benjamin Franklin that says, "Where liberty dwells, there is my country."

How ironic.

Liberty doesn't dwell in China. Workers in that nation are exploited and denied basic human rights. Furthermore, Chinese companies rarely show any concern for the environment. But even if Chinese companies were required to provide the same wages, standards, and conditions that we demand in the United States, wouldn't we still prefer to support the American worker?

American workers are part of our communities -- they are our family members, neighbors, and friends. And one of the easiest ways we can support our own communities and bolster the U.S. economy is to buy products that are "Made in the USA."

I suspect the University of Denver didn't consciously or deliberately choose Chinese manufacturers over their American counterparts. It appears the university's publicity and souvenir efforts were handed over to a "subcontractor/vendor" who decided to buy the products on the university's behalf as cheaply as possible.

However, none of us -- whether we are a university or an individual -- can continue to stay "uninvolved," or look the other way about where we are spending and investing. Over the last 12 years, the American textile industry has lost over a million jobs, thanks primarily to American consumers seeking out comparatively cheaper clothes made overseas. While it's less expensive to make something by exploiting workers, as textile companies do in places like China and Malaysia, that's not our standard in America. We stand for basic human decency and dignity. And we should be supporting our fellow citizens, not undermining them


All of us have an opportunity to make a difference, whether you are a university choosing a debate souvenir vendor or a broadcast journalist buying a suit jacket to wear that night on TV. As I've discussed on my show Take Action News (sign up for the podcast here), I buy my suits from high quality U.S. manufacturers that proudly sport a label inside that says "Made in the USA" and "UNITE" (Union of Needlepoint and Industrial Textile Employees.)

无论你是在选择辩论会纪念品的供货商的大学,还是广播电视记者买穿在晚间电视的西装外套,所有的人都有机会选择让事情改变,变得不同。我买优质的美国西装,就像我已经在Take Action新闻讨论过的(发表博客)。制造商骄傲的炫耀这个标签:美国制造和UNTIE(美国绣花针和纺织品工业雇员工会)。

The fact is our purchasing power has an impact on products across the spectrum. Whether we are choosing clothes, food, gasoline, or toothpaste -- we have the opportunity every day to make a difference. And it's now easier than ever to learn which products and companies stand for corporate and social responsibility and which do not.


It may be too late for the debate hosts the next two weeks to make sure their logos are plastered on hats, bottles, notebooks, and pens that were "made in the USA." Still, it's never too late for all of us to stand up, take action, and declare that buying products made in the U.S. matters.



23 minutes ago ( 1:41 PM)
Wake up, people. It is not "Chinese Companies" who are the villians here. Our very own American corporations (Ralph Lauren, Lands End...) are the ones who have decided to offshore all of their manufacturing to the lowest bidder: China. The only way to stop this is to stop buying products made there, and boycott the companies who insist on doing business there. But sont blame Chinese companies or their people. our guys are the ones bringing this junk into the country.

醒醒,人们。中国公司不是恶棍。我们真正拥有的美国企业(如拉尔夫劳伦,Lands End)决定离岸制造商最低的投标人是中国。这是唯一的办法阻止购买中国制造的产品,制抵那些坚持和中国贸易的美国公司。但是责备美国公司和他们人民(无用),我们的人才是把中国垃圾带入美国的人。

10 hours ago ( 4:07 AM)
USA, the first post-industrial country in history!

14 hours ago (12:03 AM)
The article is so true.. Should be seen by every big box retailers customers. We do need a lot more manufacturing here in America and we are all responsible for making it happen


10 hours ago ( 4:08 AM)
Just as long as you are willing to pay $80.00 for a pair of underwear and $300 for children's shoes, cool!

17 hours ago ( 8:46 PM)
Made in China could not be more appropriate for the corporatist candidates debate.

08:03 PM on 10/08/2012
I take great pains to buy american whenever I can. the problem is it becomes more dificult by the day to find domestic made products. clothing, shoes, tools, toys, appliances, personal care items - even food.
the savings isn't that great with the imported goods, and the quality is inferior and safety is suspect.
companies also pull the "distributed by" label rather than made in. a deliberate obfuscation. yoou have no idea where the stuff really came from. or the country of origin is marked inside a sealed package, as is the case with medicines and health care products.


there are moves afoot to weaken country of origin labelling, at a time when it needs to be strengthened. it would be inpossible to be an informed consumer without country of origin labelling


04:14 AM on 10/09/2012
almost impossible today to not buy something made in another country, one time I filled a whole room full of furniture, everything was made in china. I could not believe it, even the italian leather sofa was made in china



08:01 PM on 10/08/2012
You have to objectively assess the NATURE of the elections. They are ENTERTAINMENT, designed to trick the populance into thinking that actually matter, and that they can change things. As such, it is no different from a movie, or cable TV, etc. As such, there really is no substance to it, and thus the costs of accessories (buttons, etc.), SHOULD be kept low. Well made Made in China had for decades improved the living standards of Americans. And if these buttons make the Americans who buy them feel good, just thank China.

07:59 PM on 10/08/2012
Welcome to Outsourced, USA!

Nick Vanocur
07:57 PM on 10/08/2012
As I say in my book, "Some people just don't give thinking a second thought."
How dumb does this make us look to the world?
Unfortunately, I know the answer.

07:45 PM on 10/08/2012
MADE IN CANADA, MADE IN MEXICO, OR MADE IN BRITISH is never a sensitive matter until MADE IN CHINA. What is wrong about that to meet a labeling requirement to be sold in U.S. ? For that made in China do some American politicians want to bomb China back to the stone age as so many times China be warned before and recently ? What else to do beating up China again like what happened 200 years ago ? By all that, What would you do if you are the people of China ? Standing still to get kill is not people of China prefer to do. The only choice is fight back for the survival of people of China.China is not American enemy SO FAR if Americans do not want to be. A lot of American politicians are NOVICE to International affairs. They are lacking the knowledge of co-existence rather than war in this Nuclear Age. Keep your fingers cross until they understand that. TOO BAD FOR THE WORLD PEACE.

Ames Robert
07:29 PM on 10/08/2012
Time we just got used to it.

07:27 PM on 10/08/2012
Terrible. Cheap labor at the conventions as well. One Union group, that had noise makers produced had them made in America but not with Union Labor. Buttons same way. Where did the jobs go, the same place are brains went. Got an IPOD?



07:27 PM on 10/08/2012
I'm sure Mitt Romney's "blind trust" is busy investing in more Chinese prison camps....I mean sweatshops.....I mean gleaming factories where the Chinese equivalent of Mr. Burns is eagerly rubbing his hands together in glee. I'm sure the prisoners.....I mean smiling workers will be sending all their best to Mitt as they but in another long grueling make 2012 campaign Romney souvenirs.

07:11 PM on 10/08/2012
Ironic isn't it? The Government will never say, "Buy only American!" There are too many trade agreements in place to adhere to plus any lawsuits brought by the WTC. That does not mean we as citizens can't be picky as to what we buy. The USA is the biggest economy in the world. If we as Americans change our buying habits, more things will be made here. This is something we can do without ANY assistance from the government. As our politicians have taught us, "money talks and bullsh*t walks." Next time you want to buy something, try to find one "Made in the USA."
很讽刺,不是吗? 政府永远不会说,“只买美国的产品!”加上世贸中心所带来的诉讼案件,有太多的贸易协定需要遵守。但那并不意味着,作为美国人的我们不能对我们所购买的东西挑剔。 美国是世界上最大的经济体。如果我们美国人改变自己的购买习惯,那么就会有更多的东西会在美国生产。而这是唯一不要政府帮忙我们就可以做的事情。正如我们的政治家教我们的那样“金钱是万能的”。下次你去要买某件东西的时候,尽量去找美国制造的。译文简介:
原创翻译:龙腾网  翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处



The host of last week's presidential debate, the University of Denver, either doesn't understand how to support American workers or doesn't care.

The University's souvenir bag, given to all campus visitors, had a series of "presidential debate 2012" items that were "made in China." That's right. At the very site of one of the most important and symbolic political events this year -- the host campus gave U.S. textile and manufacturing workers the shaft. The baseball cap sporting a mountain/university logo and the words "Presidential Debate 2012 -- University of Denver" has a label inside that says "Made in China." The water bottle featuring that same University/debate logo also says "Made in China." The reporter's notebook doesn't say where it was produced but features the debate logo and a quote from Benjamin Franklin that says, "Where liberty dwells, there is my country."

How ironic.

Liberty doesn't dwell in China. Workers in that nation are exploited and denied basic human rights. Furthermore, Chinese companies rarely show any concern for the environment. But even if Chinese companies were required to provide the same wages, standards, and conditions that we demand in the United States, wouldn't we still prefer to support the American worker?

American workers are part of our communities -- they are our family members, neighbors, and friends. And one of the easiest ways we can support our own communities and bolster the U.S. economy is to buy products that are "Made in the USA."

I suspect the University of Denver didn't consciously or deliberately choose Chinese manufacturers over their American counterparts. It appears the university's publicity and souvenir efforts were handed over to a "subcontractor/vendor" who decided to buy the products on the university's behalf as cheaply as possible.

However, none of us -- whether we are a university or an individual -- can continue to stay "uninvolved," or look the other way about where we are spending and investing. Over the last 12 years, the American textile industry has lost over a million jobs, thanks primarily to American consumers seeking out comparatively cheaper clothes made overseas. While it's less expensive to make something by exploiting workers, as textile companies do in places like China and Malaysia, that's not our standard in America. We stand for basic human decency and dignity. And we should be supporting our fellow citizens, not undermining them


All of us have an opportunity to make a difference, whether you are a university choosing a debate souvenir vendor or a broadcast journalist buying a suit jacket to wear that night on TV. As I've discussed on my show Take Action News (sign up for the podcast here), I buy my suits from high quality U.S. manufacturers that proudly sport a label inside that says "Made in the USA" and "UNITE" (Union of Needlepoint and Industrial Textile Employees.)

无论你是在选择辩论会纪念品的供货商的大学,还是广播电视记者买穿在晚间电视的西装外套,所有的人都有机会选择让事情改变,变得不同。我买优质的美国西装,就像我已经在Take Action新闻讨论过的(发表博客)。制造商骄傲的炫耀这个标签:美国制造和UNTIE(美国绣花针和纺织品工业雇员工会)。

The fact is our purchasing power has an impact on products across the spectrum. Whether we are choosing clothes, food, gasoline, or toothpaste -- we have the opportunity every day to make a difference. And it's now easier than ever to learn which products and companies stand for corporate and social responsibility and which do not.


It may be too late for the debate hosts the next two weeks to make sure their logos are plastered on hats, bottles, notebooks, and pens that were "made in the USA." Still, it's never too late for all of us to stand up, take action, and declare that buying products made in the U.S. matters.



23 minutes ago ( 1:41 PM)
Wake up, people. It is not "Chinese Companies" who are the villians here. Our very own American corporations (Ralph Lauren, Lands End...) are the ones who have decided to offshore all of their manufacturing to the lowest bidder: China. The only way to stop this is to stop buying products made there, and boycott the companies who insist on doing business there. But sont blame Chinese companies or their people. our guys are the ones bringing this junk into the country.

醒醒,人们。中国公司不是恶棍。我们真正拥有的美国企业(如拉尔夫劳伦,Lands End)决定离岸制造商最低的投标人是中国。这是唯一的办法阻止购买中国制造的产品,制抵那些坚持和中国贸易的美国公司。但是责备美国公司和他们人民(无用),我们的人才是把中国垃圾带入美国的人。

10 hours ago ( 4:07 AM)
USA, the first post-industrial country in history!

14 hours ago (12:03 AM)
The article is so true.. Should be seen by every big box retailers customers. We do need a lot more manufacturing here in America and we are all responsible for making it happen


10 hours ago ( 4:08 AM)
Just as long as you are willing to pay $80.00 for a pair of underwear and $300 for children's shoes, cool!

17 hours ago ( 8:46 PM)
Made in China could not be more appropriate for the corporatist candidates debate.

08:03 PM on 10/08/2012
I take great pains to buy american whenever I can. the problem is it becomes more dificult by the day to find domestic made products. clothing, shoes, tools, toys, appliances, personal care items - even food.
the savings isn't that great with the imported goods, and the quality is inferior and safety is suspect.
companies also pull the "distributed by" label rather than made in. a deliberate obfuscation. yoou have no idea where the stuff really came from. or the country of origin is marked inside a sealed package, as is the case with medicines and health care products.


there are moves afoot to weaken country of origin labelling, at a time when it needs to be strengthened. it would be inpossible to be an informed consumer without country of origin labelling


04:14 AM on 10/09/2012
almost impossible today to not buy something made in another country, one time I filled a whole room full of furniture, everything was made in china. I could not believe it, even the italian leather sofa was made in china



08:01 PM on 10/08/2012
You have to objectively assess the NATURE of the elections. They are ENTERTAINMENT, designed to trick the populance into thinking that actually matter, and that they can change things. As such, it is no different from a movie, or cable TV, etc. As such, there really is no substance to it, and thus the costs of accessories (buttons, etc.), SHOULD be kept low. Well made Made in China had for decades improved the living standards of Americans. And if these buttons make the Americans who buy them feel good, just thank China.

07:59 PM on 10/08/2012
Welcome to Outsourced, USA!

Nick Vanocur
07:57 PM on 10/08/2012
As I say in my book, "Some people just don't give thinking a second thought."
How dumb does this make us look to the world?
Unfortunately, I know the answer.

07:45 PM on 10/08/2012
MADE IN CANADA, MADE IN MEXICO, OR MADE IN BRITISH is never a sensitive matter until MADE IN CHINA. What is wrong about that to meet a labeling requirement to be sold in U.S. ? For that made in China do some American politicians want to bomb China back to the stone age as so many times China be warned before and recently ? What else to do beating up China again like what happened 200 years ago ? By all that, What would you do if you are the people of China ? Standing still to get kill is not people of China prefer to do. The only choice is fight back for the survival of people of China.China is not American enemy SO FAR if Americans do not want to be. A lot of American politicians are NOVICE to International affairs. They are lacking the knowledge of co-existence rather than war in this Nuclear Age. Keep your fingers cross until they understand that. TOO BAD FOR THE WORLD PEACE.

Ames Robert
07:29 PM on 10/08/2012
Time we just got used to it.

07:27 PM on 10/08/2012
Terrible. Cheap labor at the conventions as well. One Union group, that had noise makers produced had them made in America but not with Union Labor. Buttons same way. Where did the jobs go, the same place are brains went. Got an IPOD?



07:27 PM on 10/08/2012
I'm sure Mitt Romney's "blind trust" is busy investing in more Chinese prison camps....I mean sweatshops.....I mean gleaming factories where the Chinese equivalent of Mr. Burns is eagerly rubbing his hands together in glee. I'm sure the prisoners.....I mean smiling workers will be sending all their best to Mitt as they but in another long grueling make 2012 campaign Romney souvenirs.

07:11 PM on 10/08/2012
Ironic isn't it? The Government will never say, "Buy only American!" There are too many trade agreements in place to adhere to plus any lawsuits brought by the WTC. That does not mean we as citizens can't be picky as to what we buy. The USA is the biggest economy in the world. If we as Americans change our buying habits, more things will be made here. This is something we can do without ANY assistance from the government. As our politicians have taught us, "money talks and bullsh*t walks." Next time you want to buy something, try to find one "Made in the USA."
很讽刺,不是吗? 政府永远不会说,“只买美国的产品!”加上世贸中心所带来的诉讼案件,有太多的贸易协定需要遵守。但那并不意味着,作为美国人的我们不能对我们所购买的东西挑剔。 美国是世界上最大的经济体。如果我们美国人改变自己的购买习惯,那么就会有更多的东西会在美国生产。而这是唯一不要政府帮忙我们就可以做的事情。正如我们的政治家教我们的那样“金钱是万能的”。下次你去要买某件东西的时候,尽量去找美国制造的。