
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 04:25:25


Born in Maryland and raised in Philadelphia, Decatur showed evidence of
the bold and courageous man he would become: he was known to dive from
the tips of jib booms and, at the age of 14, defended his mother
against a drunken ruffian. Commissioned a midshipman in 1798, within a
year he was promoted to acting lieutenant of the UNITED STATES.




Born in Maryland and raised in Philadelphia, Decatur showed evidence of
the bold and courageous man he would become: he was known to dive from
the tips of jib booms and, at the age of 14, defended his mother
against a drunken ruffian. Commissioned a midshipman in 1798, within a
year he was promoted to acting lieutenant of the UNITED STATES.


Praised for a decisive style of leadership during the encounter withthe PHILADELPHIA, Decatur became the most striking figure of theTripolitan Wars. He subsequently received the commission of captain,commanding the CONSTITUTION and later the CONGRESS. Responsibility forthe gunboat flotilla in the Chesapeake, management of the Norfolk NavyYard, and command of all U.S. Naval forces on the Southeast coastfollowed. He also presided over various courts of inquiry for navalaffairs.

他在费城的遭遇战中因坚强的领导作风而被赏识,迪凯特成为的黎波里战争中最著名的人。他随后被任命为船长,指挥CONSTITUTION和CONGRESS号战舰。负责切萨皮克的炮艇舰队,管理诺福克海军码头,以及美国海军在整个东南海岸的力量。他同时还负责海军variouscourts of inquiry的事物。

不知道various courts of inquiry该怎样翻译,从字面上看像是法庭调查的意思。
During the War of 1812, Decatur fought and defeated the MACEDONIAN, thesecond of his three famous frigate encounters. Other notable encountersinclude the battle between the PRESIDENT and a British blockade of NewYork harbor, where Decatur was able to destroy the enemy frigateENDYMION. The PRESIDENT was later captured and Decatur wounded, but thevictory over ENDYMION earned him high praise.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-18 10:32:59编辑过]
Praised for a decisive style of leadership during the encounter with the PHILADELPHIA,</P><P>我觉得是“在与费城号的遭遇战中" 而不是 "在费城的遭遇战中"</P>
In 1815, Decatur commanded a nine-ship squadron headed for Algiers tosettle conflicts which had persisted since 1812. Decatur's abilities asa negotiator were recognized after he secured a treaty with theAlgerians and extracted compensation from the Tripolitans. Duringcelebration of the truce with the North African States, Decaturdeclared his famous line: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreignnations may she always be in the right; but our country right or wrong."

1815年,迪凯特率领由9艘船组成的编队前往阿尔及尔,去解决那里从1812年就发生的冲突。Decatur's abilities as anegotiator were recognized after he secured a treaty with the Algeriansand extracted compensation from theTripolitans.在庆祝与北非国家停战的典礼上,迪凯特发表了他最著名的讲话:“我们的国家!她在与外国的交往中永远站在正义一边,但是我们的国家不管如何(都是正确的)”

Decatur's abilities as a negotiator were recognized after he secured atreaty with the Algerians and extracted compensation from theTripolitans不知道该怎么翻译,好象是说迪凯特作为谈判代表提出将的黎波里赔偿给阿尔及利亚。还有迪凯特说的那句话,翻译的有点不对头。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-18 22:37:10编辑过]
Decatur's death was predictably both heroic and tragic. As NavyCommissioner, he opposed the reinstatement of Captain John Barron whomhe had suspended from service much earlier while serving on an inquiryboard. Barron responded with a challenge to duel with the much youngerDecatur. Ever the honorable warrior, Decatur allowed only a shortdistance of eight paces out of respect for Barron's faulty eyesight andclaimed he would not fire to kill. At the first exchange, Barron wasshot in the thigh, Decatur received a fatal shot. All of Washingtonturned out to mourn the hero who remains today a prominent figure inU.S. Naval history.

迪凯特的死是可以预见的英雄悲剧。作为海军专员,他反对被停职的船长约翰巴伦重新复职。巴伦向比他年轻许多的迪凯特发出决斗挑战。可敬的武士,迪凯特出于对巴伦不良视力的尊重只离他短短的八步远并声明将不开枪打死他,互相对射后,巴伦被射中大腿,迪凯特受到致命的枪击。All of Washington turned out to mourn the hero whoremains today a prominent figure in U.S. Naval history.

he opposed the reinstatement of Captain John Barron whom he hadsuspended from service much earlier while serving on an inquiryboard.我只能简单的翻译成“他反对被停职的船长约翰 巴伦重新复职”,不知谁能完整的翻译出来。

还有就是All of Washington turned out to mourn the hero who remains today a prominent figure in U.S. Naval history这句不知道该怎样翻译。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-18 22:50:12编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-18 23:06:22编辑过]
<B>以下是引用<I>fireman119</I>在2005-1-18 22:21:30的发言:</B>

<P>Decatur's abilities as anegotiator were recognized after he secured a treaty with the Algeriansand extracted compensation from theTripolitans.</P>
<P>"Our country! In her intercourse with foreignnations may she always be in the right; but our country right or wrong."


<P>兄台高手啊!我感觉第5段是最难翻译的,整段可以说是勉强译出来的。比如the Board of Navy Commissioners这句,我把它翻译成海军委员会,不知道对不对。还有就是Successful Naval leaders of Decatur's time were rewarded financially for their exploits,我简单翻译为成功的海军领导人迪凯特因功绩在财政上获得奖赏;既不顺口,也不完整。</P>
From November 1815 until his death, Decatur served on the Board of NavyCommissioners. Successful Naval leaders of Decatur's time were rewardedfinancially for their exploits; Decatur invested his ample prize moneyin the Washington, D.C. area, building Decatur House which still standstoday in Lafayette Square.

从1815年直到去世,迪凯特都是海军委员会专员。成功的海军领导人迪凯特因功绩在财政上获得奖赏。 在华盛顿特区,迪凯特把他充裕的奖金投入到至今仍然耸立在拉斐特广场的迪凯特大楼中。

<P>Successful Naval leaders of Decatur's time were rewarded financially for their exploits.</P><P>在Decatur时代,美国功成名就的海军指挥官们都以其光荣功绩而获得与之相符的大笔奖金。</P>