印度MMRCA合同再一次推迟决标日期 转载路透社

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 20:14:04
原文就懒得翻译了,标题自明,印度国防部长A.K. Antony说三月底财政年度结束前没结果


No India jet fighter deal before end March

Jan 31 (Reuters) - India will not sign a multi-billion dollar contract to buy European fighter jets before the fiscal year ends in March, the defence minister said about a deal to revamp ageing weapons in line with the country's rising global clout.

However, India will "soon" announce the lowest bidder for the tender for 126 jets worth up to $15 billion, two government sources with knowledge of the deal told Reuters.

The Typhoon fighter made by four-nation consortium Eurofighter EADS is competing with Dassault's Rafale jet to win what is one of the largest weapons contracts currently under negotiation globally.

"Not this financial year," Defence Minister A.K. Antony told Reuters in reply to a question about when the deal that has been in the works since 2007 would be signed.

"It is a long process. The file has not come to my table," he said, adding that the finance ministry and cabinet would have to look at the agreement after he signs off.

Eurofighter EADS represents Germany and Spain, Britain's BAE Systems and Italy's Finmeccanica. Dassault is French.

One defence ministry source with knowledge of the negotiations said each Rafale was $4 million to $5 million cheaper and the plane was preferred by the Air Force.

"Unit-wise, the French plane is much cheaper than the Eurofighter. Moreover, the Indian Airforce, which is well-equipped with French fighters, is favouring the French fighter," said the source, who asked not be named.

The source added the defence ministry was considering further extending the tender to buy an additional 80 or so jets, saying bidders excluded from the current process might be permitted to take part. (Reporting by Manoj Kumar and Nigam Prusty; writing by Frank Jack Daniel; editing by Malini Menon)原文就懒得翻译了,标题自明,印度国防部长A.K. Antony说三月底财政年度结束前没结果


No India jet fighter deal before end March

Jan 31 (Reuters) - India will not sign a multi-billion dollar contract to buy European fighter jets before the fiscal year ends in March, the defence minister said about a deal to revamp ageing weapons in line with the country's rising global clout.

However, India will "soon" announce the lowest bidder for the tender for 126 jets worth up to $15 billion, two government sources with knowledge of the deal told Reuters.

The Typhoon fighter made by four-nation consortium Eurofighter EADS is competing with Dassault's Rafale jet to win what is one of the largest weapons contracts currently under negotiation globally.

"Not this financial year," Defence Minister A.K. Antony told Reuters in reply to a question about when the deal that has been in the works since 2007 would be signed.

"It is a long process. The file has not come to my table," he said, adding that the finance ministry and cabinet would have to look at the agreement after he signs off.

Eurofighter EADS represents Germany and Spain, Britain's BAE Systems and Italy's Finmeccanica. Dassault is French.

One defence ministry source with knowledge of the negotiations said each Rafale was $4 million to $5 million cheaper and the plane was preferred by the Air Force.

"Unit-wise, the French plane is much cheaper than the Eurofighter. Moreover, the Indian Airforce, which is well-equipped with French fighters, is favouring the French fighter," said the source, who asked not be named.

The source added the defence ministry was considering further extending the tender to buy an additional 80 or so jets, saying bidders excluded from the current process might be permitted to take part. (Reporting by Manoj Kumar and Nigam Prusty; writing by Frank Jack Daniel; editing by Malini Menon)







芒果树 发表于 2012-1-31 16:38

芒果树 发表于 2012-1-31 16:38

绿林奸汉 发表于 2012-1-31 16:36



目前为止空军比较青眯台风, 但法国人的飞机单机的价格要低4到6百万, 而且印度有维护法国飞机的经验。
aa 发表于 2012-1-31 19:28


www.lesechos.fr/entreprises-sect ... e-indien-282330.php


31/01 | 12:56 | Updated at 13:53 | Les Echos

Le Rafale de Dassault remporte l'appel d'offres indien
The Dassault Rafale wins the tender Indian

Dassault a proposé le meilleur prix et du coup, remporté l'appel d'offres portant sur l'achat de 126 avions de combat de génération actuelle lancé par New Dehli.

Dassault offered the best price and as a result, won the tender for the purchase of 126 combat aircraft generation launched by New Delhi.
En bourse In stock

Entre le Rafale de Dassault et de l'Eurofighter, du trio BAE-EADS-Finmeccanica New Dehli a finalement tranché ce mardi en faveur du français, selon des sources concordantes. Between the Rafale and the Eurofighter, BAE trio-EADS-Finmeccanica New Delhi on Tuesday finally decided in favor of the French, according to several sources. C'est la première fois que le chasseur français remporte un contrat à l'export.

This is the first time the French fighter wins for export. Le contrat qui porte sur 126 avions de combat de génération actuelle est estimé à une quinzaine de milliards de dollars (près de 10 milliards d'euros). The contract covers 126 combat aircraft generation is estimated at about fifteen billion dollars (10 billion euros).

La décision officielle ne devrait toutefois pas être annoncée avant la clôture de l'année fiscale indienne, fin mars. «Nous avons remporté le contrat mais un certain nombre de choses reste à finaliser» et «on est dans une phase de négociation exclusive»,

The official decision, however, should not be announced before the end of the Indian fiscal year end of March. "We won the contract but a number of things yet to be finalized" and "we are in a period of exclusive negotiations"

a par ailleurs temporisé le secrétaire d'Etat français au Commerce extérieur Pierre Lellouche sur la radio BFM.

has also delayed the French State Secretary for Foreign Trade Pierre Lellouche on BFM radio.

Mais d'ores et déjà, ce mardi, ce premier succès du Rafale faisait décoller le titre Dassault en Bourse.

But already, on Tuesday, the first success of the Rafale Dassault was the title off the stock market.

Peu après la nouvelle, l'action qui avait clôturé la veille à Paris à 612 euros, prenait plus de 20 %.

Shortly after the news, the action that had closed the previous day in Paris to 612 euros, took more than 20%.

Selon le ministère de la Défense Indienne, le Rafale serait de 4 à 5 millions de dollars moins cher que son rival européen.

According to the Indian Ministry of Defence, the Rafale would be 4 to 5 million dollars cheaper than its European rival.

Sur les 126 avions achetés, 18 émaneraient directement de l'usine bordelaise de Mérignac, les autres étant fabriqués en partenariat avec une entreprise indienne.

Of the 126 aircraft purchased, 18 came directly from the factory in Bordeaux Merignac, the others being produced in partnership with an Indian company.

A ce jour, un peu plus d'une centaine de Rafale sont sortis de la chaîne de Mérignac, tous destinés à l'Armée française qui en a commandé 286.

To date, just over a hundred Rafale came out of the chain of Merignac, all for the French Army who ordered 286.

Le ministère de la Défense indien avait ouvert les offres en public au Rafale et L'Eurofighter, le 4 novembre dernier.

The Indian Defense Ministry had opened the bids in public in the Rafale and Eurofighter, on November 4.

Les deux finalistes étaient arrivés en finale après une série de tests techniques très poussés qui ont laissé sur le carreau les américains F-16 (Lockheed Martin) et F-18 (Boeing), le suédois Gripen (Saab) et le russe Mig-35 (Mig).

The two finalists had reached the final after a series of tests very sophisticated techniques that have left on the floor of the U.S. F-16 (Lockheed Martin) and F-18 (Boeing), Swedish Gripen (Saab) and Russian Mig-35 (Mig).

( Relire : Avions de combat : épreuve de vérité pour le Rafale et l'Eurofighter en Inde

( Reread: Combat Aircraft: litmus test for the Rafale and the Eurofighter in India ) )

Le Rafale est également toujours en lice pour des appels d'offres aux Emirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, au Koweït et au Brésil.

The Rafale is still in the running for tenders in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Brazil.

Le président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui s'était beaucoup investi sur 'le dossier Rafale', ne devrait pas manquer de se féliciter de ce premier succès à l'export lors de la traditionnelle cérémonie des voeux à la presse, prévue ce mardi en fin de journée.

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, who had invested heavily in 'folder Rafale', should not fail to welcome this first success in exports during the traditional ceremony of greeting to the press, provided that Tuesday late afternoon.

Plus d'infos à suivre....

More to follow .... 谷歌翻译,英文法文混杂,将就看吧 ..........   

31/01 | 12:56 | Updated at 13:53 | Les Echos

Le Rafale de Dassault remporte l'appel d'offres indien
The Dassault Rafale wins the tender Indian

Dassault a proposé le meilleur prix et du coup, remporté l'appel d'offres portant sur l'achat de 126 avions de combat de génération actuelle lancé par New Dehli.

Dassault offered the best price and as a result, won the tender for the purchase of 126 combat aircraft generation launched by New Delhi.
En bourse In stock

Entre le Rafale de Dassault et de l'Eurofighter, du trio BAE-EADS-Finmeccanica New Dehli a finalement tranché ce mardi en faveur du français, selon des sources concordantes. Between the Rafale and the Eurofighter, BAE trio-EADS-Finmeccanica New Delhi on Tuesday finally decided in favor of the French, according to several sources. C'est la première fois que le chasseur français remporte un contrat à l'export.

This is the first time the French fighter wins for export. Le contrat qui porte sur 126 avions de combat de génération actuelle est estimé à une quinzaine de milliards de dollars (près de 10 milliards d'euros). The contract covers 126 combat aircraft generation is estimated at about fifteen billion dollars (10 billion euros).

La décision officielle ne devrait toutefois pas être annoncée avant la clôture de l'année fiscale indienne, fin mars. «Nous avons remporté le contrat mais un certain nombre de choses reste à finaliser» et «on est dans une phase de négociation exclusive»,

The official decision, however, should not be announced before the end of the Indian fiscal year end of March. "We won the contract but a number of things yet to be finalized" and "we are in a period of exclusive negotiations"

a par ailleurs temporisé le secrétaire d'Etat français au Commerce extérieur Pierre Lellouche sur la radio BFM.

has also delayed the French State Secretary for Foreign Trade Pierre Lellouche on BFM radio.

Mais d'ores et déjà, ce mardi, ce premier succès du Rafale faisait décoller le titre Dassault en Bourse.

But already, on Tuesday, the first success of the Rafale Dassault was the title off the stock market.

Peu après la nouvelle, l'action qui avait clôturé la veille à Paris à 612 euros, prenait plus de 20 %.

Shortly after the news, the action that had closed the previous day in Paris to 612 euros, took more than 20%.

Selon le ministère de la Défense Indienne, le Rafale serait de 4 à 5 millions de dollars moins cher que son rival européen.

According to the Indian Ministry of Defence, the Rafale would be 4 to 5 million dollars cheaper than its European rival.

Sur les 126 avions achetés, 18 émaneraient directement de l'usine bordelaise de Mérignac, les autres étant fabriqués en partenariat avec une entreprise indienne.

Of the 126 aircraft purchased, 18 came directly from the factory in Bordeaux Merignac, the others being produced in partnership with an Indian company.

A ce jour, un peu plus d'une centaine de Rafale sont sortis de la chaîne de Mérignac, tous destinés à l'Armée française qui en a commandé 286.

To date, just over a hundred Rafale came out of the chain of Merignac, all for the French Army who ordered 286.

Le ministère de la Défense indien avait ouvert les offres en public au Rafale et L'Eurofighter, le 4 novembre dernier.

The Indian Defense Ministry had opened the bids in public in the Rafale and Eurofighter, on November 4.

Les deux finalistes étaient arrivés en finale après une série de tests techniques très poussés qui ont laissé sur le carreau les américains F-16 (Lockheed Martin) et F-18 (Boeing), le suédois Gripen (Saab) et le russe Mig-35 (Mig).

The two finalists had reached the final after a series of tests very sophisticated techniques that have left on the floor of the U.S. F-16 (Lockheed Martin) and F-18 (Boeing), Swedish Gripen (Saab) and Russian Mig-35 (Mig).

( Relire : Avions de combat : épreuve de vérité pour le Rafale et l'Eurofighter en Inde

( Reread: Combat Aircraft: litmus test for the Rafale and the Eurofighter in India ) )

Le Rafale est également toujours en lice pour des appels d'offres aux Emirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, au Koweït et au Brésil.

The Rafale is still in the running for tenders in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Brazil.

Le président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui s'était beaucoup investi sur 'le dossier Rafale', ne devrait pas manquer de se féliciter de ce premier succès à l'export lors de la traditionnelle cérémonie des voeux à la presse, prévue ce mardi en fin de journée.

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, who had invested heavily in 'folder Rafale', should not fail to welcome this first success in exports during the traditional ceremony of greeting to the press, provided that Tuesday late afternoon.

Plus d'infos à suivre....

More to follow .... 谷歌翻译,英文法文混杂,将就看吧 ..........   



绿林奸汉 发表于 2012-1-31 16:36

hhiq 发表于 2012-1-31 21:03

f-16e f
阿联酋 80亿美金 60架 还是04的价格
j-10a 以前是2个亿人民币一架 B可能要贵些 但绝不会超过7000万美金
我觉得 印度还是选 mig-35吧
后勤 价格 熟悉度 通用性 都比较好

大家都没钱 不是
RAF 发表于 2012-1-31 21:32



矿泉水沏茶 发表于 2012-1-31 22:19
九鬼 发表于 2012-1-31 22:21
