
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 21:42:52
Taiwan unlikely to move to reunify with China, despite Ma Ying-jeou’s reelection

TAIPEI, Taiwan — At the 228 Memorial Museum, a shrine to the victims of a 1947 massacre by Chinese troops, staff members were in mourning Sunday over the reelection of Ma Ying-jeou, a president they think wants to turn Taiwan over to China.



“China has us by the throat, and now he’s going to surrender,” said Ang Hwih Hwih, a diehard advocate of independence for Taiwan, an island of 23 million people that Beijing views as a wayward Chinese province. Ang cried at the news that Ma – whose Kuomintang party orchestrated the slaughter of 1947 — had won a second four-year term and thus a mandate to press ahead with a policy of rapprochement with Beijing.

死硬台独人士Ang Hwih Hwih称:"中国扼我咽喉,马英九就要投降了。"台湾岛拥有二千三百万人口,在北京眼中是一个脱缰的省份。马英九获胜的消息传来,Ang Hwih Hwih失声痛哭。马英九所在的国民党导演了1947年的屠杀,马再任四年势将继续推进与北京交好的政策。

But although Saturday’s election results may have dispirited Ang and fellow believers in independence — and delighted Communist Party leaders in Beijing who want unification — there is little sign that Ma has any intention of moving toward, or has any public backing for, a political settlement with China on Taiwan’s status.

尽管周六的选举结果或令Ang Hwih Hwih及其他台独人士失望、令希望统一的北京欢欣,但是,几乎没有迹象表明马英九意图(或拥有任何大众支持)与中国在政治上确定台湾的地位。

“There is no rush to open up political dialogue,” Ma said shortly after declaring victory over Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party . “It’s not a looming issue.”


It is not a popular issue, either. Public support for unification, which Beijing views as the aim of political discussions, has withered to insignificance, according to public opinion surveys by the Election Study Center at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University. Independence is not popular either, but it enjoys far more support than a merger with China.


In a 2011 poll, only 1.4 percent of respondents said they wanted swift unification, and 60 percent favored keeping the status quo either indefinitely or until some undecided future date. Only 8.7 percent said they prefer the status quo with eventual unification, compared with 23 percent who want either immediate independence or the status quo with moves toward independence.


Beijing has repeatedly said it will use all means, including force, to block any move by Taiwan, already a separate state in all but name, to declare formal independence.


Even Ma’s fervent fans dismiss the idea of joining China anytime soon. “When the Communist Party is gone and they have democracy, we can talk about it,” said Lin Chun-ching, an elderly Kuomintang supporter. He spent Election Day feeding birds outside a giant memorial hall to Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese leader who, defeated by Mao Zedong in China’s civil war, decamped to Taiwan in 1949.

即使是马英九的狂热追随者也不齿与中国迅速统一的主意。支持国民党的老人Lin Chun-ching表示:"等中共下台、实现民主之后,我们再来谈论这个话题。"选举当日,他在宏大的蒋介石纪念堂外喂鸟,蒋曾是中国领导人,在内战中被毛泽东所败,于1949年移师台湾。

Chiang, who dreamed of reconquering China and was hailed for decades in Taiwan as a hero, is now widely dismissed as delusional, a dictator or simply irrelevant. The grounds of his memorial hall used to be named in his honor but are now called Freedom Square. Most of the visitors these days are tourists, many from China.


Chiang’s old — and the Communist Party’s current — dream of a single, united China holds little appeal for most people in Taiwan, said Su Chi, the former head of Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council. Both unification and independence are “issues of faith” best left to one side.

台湾行政院大陆委员会前会长Su Chi表示:蒋的旧梦及中共当今的梦想——统一的中国在台湾没有什么号召力,但独统乃"信仰问题",最好留于一方。

(注:不大清楚left to one side具体指什么)

Business across the Taiwan Strait has grown steadily for two decades and is set to surge further following a landmark 2010 trade accord. Taiwan’s sense of separateness, however, also has grown.


Between 1992 and 2011, according to surveys by the Election Study Center, the proportion of people describing themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese soared from 17 percent to 54 percent. The share identifying themselves as Chinese, meanwhile, plunged from 25 percent to 4 percent.


“The growth of Taiwanese identity is very, very significant” and “makes it more and more difficult for Ma to maneuver vis-a-vis China,” said Bruce Jacobs, an expert on Taiwan at Australia’s Monash University. Having quietly backed Ma during the election campaign, Beijing is “now expecting a payoff, but Ma is really constrained.”

澳大利亚Monash大学台湾问题专家Bruce Jacobs称:"台湾身份意识的成长非常非常显著,令马英九更难与中国面对面协商。在暗中力挺马英九之后,北京希望有所回报,但马英九实在是受多方牵制。"

When Jacobs first came to Taiwan in 1965, the island was under martial law, talk of a separate identity for Taiwan was taboo and the Kuomintang was dominated by refugees from China yearning for their homeland. Now, he said, even the “KMT is overwhelmingly Taiwanese” and any bid by Ma to reach a political deal with Beijing “would be stopped cold in his own party.”

当Bruce Jacobs于1965年首次访台时,该岛仍处于军统之下,关于台湾独立地位的讨论被视为禁忌,国民党掌握在思乡的难民手中。但现如今,国民党大多是台湾人,马英九任何关于与北京达成政治协定的提议在党内都无法通过。

China, though still prone to rhetoric about the “sacred mission” to unify the “motherland” and the occasional menacing propaganda blast from the military, has dropped a push from the 1990s for unification and shifted its focus under party leader Hu Jintao to preventing independence.


China’s official Xinhua news agency Sunday welcomed Ma’s victory and said it “may open new chances.” But it acknowledged that the “situation in the island is still complicated” and that “there are still some long-term disputes and divergences existing between the two sides.” The issue of independence, it added, “will continue to haunt the cross-Strait relations development.”


As the presidential campaign reached its climax last week, Ma, who was born in then-British-ruled Hong Kong to parents who had fled China’s 1949 communist takeover, scoffed at warnings by his opponents that he might rush to Beijing for a political deal.


“If I win this election, I will not be visiting China,” he said. China would like him to visit, but only as the representative of “Taiwan province,” not as the head of the Republic of China, Taiwan’s official name. “I will not change my identity to visit China,” he said.


华盛顿邮报原文链接http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/taiwan-wants-a-separate-peace-with-china/2012/01/15/gIQA3ufF1P_story.html?hpid=z4Taiwan unlikely to move to reunify with China, despite Ma Ying-jeou’s reelection

TAIPEI, Taiwan — At the 228 Memorial Museum, a shrine to the victims of a 1947 massacre by Chinese troops, staff members were in mourning Sunday over the reelection of Ma Ying-jeou, a president they think wants to turn Taiwan over to China.



“China has us by the throat, and now he’s going to surrender,” said Ang Hwih Hwih, a diehard advocate of independence for Taiwan, an island of 23 million people that Beijing views as a wayward Chinese province. Ang cried at the news that Ma – whose Kuomintang party orchestrated the slaughter of 1947 — had won a second four-year term and thus a mandate to press ahead with a policy of rapprochement with Beijing.

死硬台独人士Ang Hwih Hwih称:"中国扼我咽喉,马英九就要投降了。"台湾岛拥有二千三百万人口,在北京眼中是一个脱缰的省份。马英九获胜的消息传来,Ang Hwih Hwih失声痛哭。马英九所在的国民党导演了1947年的屠杀,马再任四年势将继续推进与北京交好的政策。

But although Saturday’s election results may have dispirited Ang and fellow believers in independence — and delighted Communist Party leaders in Beijing who want unification — there is little sign that Ma has any intention of moving toward, or has any public backing for, a political settlement with China on Taiwan’s status.

尽管周六的选举结果或令Ang Hwih Hwih及其他台独人士失望、令希望统一的北京欢欣,但是,几乎没有迹象表明马英九意图(或拥有任何大众支持)与中国在政治上确定台湾的地位。

“There is no rush to open up political dialogue,” Ma said shortly after declaring victory over Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party . “It’s not a looming issue.”


It is not a popular issue, either. Public support for unification, which Beijing views as the aim of political discussions, has withered to insignificance, according to public opinion surveys by the Election Study Center at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University. Independence is not popular either, but it enjoys far more support than a merger with China.


In a 2011 poll, only 1.4 percent of respondents said they wanted swift unification, and 60 percent favored keeping the status quo either indefinitely or until some undecided future date. Only 8.7 percent said they prefer the status quo with eventual unification, compared with 23 percent who want either immediate independence or the status quo with moves toward independence.


Beijing has repeatedly said it will use all means, including force, to block any move by Taiwan, already a separate state in all but name, to declare formal independence.


Even Ma’s fervent fans dismiss the idea of joining China anytime soon. “When the Communist Party is gone and they have democracy, we can talk about it,” said Lin Chun-ching, an elderly Kuomintang supporter. He spent Election Day feeding birds outside a giant memorial hall to Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese leader who, defeated by Mao Zedong in China’s civil war, decamped to Taiwan in 1949.

即使是马英九的狂热追随者也不齿与中国迅速统一的主意。支持国民党的老人Lin Chun-ching表示:"等中共下台、实现民主之后,我们再来谈论这个话题。"选举当日,他在宏大的蒋介石纪念堂外喂鸟,蒋曾是中国领导人,在内战中被毛泽东所败,于1949年移师台湾。

Chiang, who dreamed of reconquering China and was hailed for decades in Taiwan as a hero, is now widely dismissed as delusional, a dictator or simply irrelevant. The grounds of his memorial hall used to be named in his honor but are now called Freedom Square. Most of the visitors these days are tourists, many from China.


Chiang’s old — and the Communist Party’s current — dream of a single, united China holds little appeal for most people in Taiwan, said Su Chi, the former head of Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council. Both unification and independence are “issues of faith” best left to one side.

台湾行政院大陆委员会前会长Su Chi表示:蒋的旧梦及中共当今的梦想——统一的中国在台湾没有什么号召力,但独统乃"信仰问题",最好留于一方。

(注:不大清楚left to one side具体指什么)

Business across the Taiwan Strait has grown steadily for two decades and is set to surge further following a landmark 2010 trade accord. Taiwan’s sense of separateness, however, also has grown.


Between 1992 and 2011, according to surveys by the Election Study Center, the proportion of people describing themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese soared from 17 percent to 54 percent. The share identifying themselves as Chinese, meanwhile, plunged from 25 percent to 4 percent.


“The growth of Taiwanese identity is very, very significant” and “makes it more and more difficult for Ma to maneuver vis-a-vis China,” said Bruce Jacobs, an expert on Taiwan at Australia’s Monash University. Having quietly backed Ma during the election campaign, Beijing is “now expecting a payoff, but Ma is really constrained.”

澳大利亚Monash大学台湾问题专家Bruce Jacobs称:"台湾身份意识的成长非常非常显著,令马英九更难与中国面对面协商。在暗中力挺马英九之后,北京希望有所回报,但马英九实在是受多方牵制。"

When Jacobs first came to Taiwan in 1965, the island was under martial law, talk of a separate identity for Taiwan was taboo and the Kuomintang was dominated by refugees from China yearning for their homeland. Now, he said, even the “KMT is overwhelmingly Taiwanese” and any bid by Ma to reach a political deal with Beijing “would be stopped cold in his own party.”

当Bruce Jacobs于1965年首次访台时,该岛仍处于军统之下,关于台湾独立地位的讨论被视为禁忌,国民党掌握在思乡的难民手中。但现如今,国民党大多是台湾人,马英九任何关于与北京达成政治协定的提议在党内都无法通过。

China, though still prone to rhetoric about the “sacred mission” to unify the “motherland” and the occasional menacing propaganda blast from the military, has dropped a push from the 1990s for unification and shifted its focus under party leader Hu Jintao to preventing independence.


China’s official Xinhua news agency Sunday welcomed Ma’s victory and said it “may open new chances.” But it acknowledged that the “situation in the island is still complicated” and that “there are still some long-term disputes and divergences existing between the two sides.” The issue of independence, it added, “will continue to haunt the cross-Strait relations development.”


As the presidential campaign reached its climax last week, Ma, who was born in then-British-ruled Hong Kong to parents who had fled China’s 1949 communist takeover, scoffed at warnings by his opponents that he might rush to Beijing for a political deal.


“If I win this election, I will not be visiting China,” he said. China would like him to visit, but only as the representative of “Taiwan province,” not as the head of the Republic of China, Taiwan’s official name. “I will not change my identity to visit China,” he said.


蓦然回首 国军还在海对岸啊。。。。
你不过来 我便过去吧
stands0 发表于 2012-1-16 09:21
指望国民党统一,不如慢慢调教绿营,看没看过日本重口味爱情动作片?得调教,一切都有可能,让它明白谁能上 ...
马娘娘  一直都是隐独的  
我到更希望蔡上台 直接梧桐 时不待我 谁知道下一刻又有会来指手画脚 唱大戏
yuval 发表于 2012-1-16 10:56
2l 。。。。。

蓝绿的区别也就是缓独和急独的区别, 我们没指望马娘娘, 我们指望的是解放军


至于谁在不在台上,who care?