
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 17:52:46
China and the United States will hold two days of talks on human rights in Beijing next week, the State Department said Friday.


Michael Posner, the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, will lead the American delegation to China on Wednesday.

美国国务卿助理Michael Posner称:周三即将到达中国的美国代表团将就人权和劳动力展开会谈。

The meetings follow a crackdown on Chinese dissidents in recent months.


The U.S.-China discussions will focus on human rights developments in China, particularly on "forced disappearances, extralegal detentions, and arrests and convictions, " according to the State Department


Officials will also discuss other issues such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression and minority rights.


htp/wwwltaaa.com/wtfy/1896hmlChina and the United States will hold two days of talks on human rights in Beijing next week, the State Department said Friday.


Michael Posner, the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, will lead the American delegation to China on Wednesday.

美国国务卿助理Michael Posner称:周三即将到达中国的美国代表团将就人权和劳动力展开会谈。

The meetings follow a crackdown on Chinese dissidents in recent months.


The U.S.-China discussions will focus on human rights developments in China, particularly on "forced disappearances, extralegal detentions, and arrests and convictions, " according to the State Department


Officials will also discuss other issues such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression and minority rights.


The US should look at her own violations first before pointing fingers at others. Look at how native Americans are being treated. It is shameful to have Indian Reservations which is a form of Apartheid. At least China doesn't have Tibetan reservations. Also, don't sanitize crooks just because they pretend to take an anti-Chinese stance.



What about Americas human right violation? i am pretty sure that infecting guatemalans with Syphilis is a crime against human right.



The americans are doing even worst.



Is two days enough for such a long list of human rights violation by the West? For examples...inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning, torturing prisoners in secret facilities oversea, slaughtering civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers Afghanistan raping women and children, etc.

只用两天够讨论西方人的这么多的人权犯罪事迹吗?例如……对Bradley Manning的非人对待,在海外对罪犯的秘密严刑逼供,残杀伊朗,阿富汗市民,美国士兵强奸妇女小孩,等等。


The Americans are actually there to borrow more money from China, and for a holiday in China paid for with public money. The HR talks agenda is just an excuse to travel.



Tibet was part of China from a long time ago, even before California was part of USA. What would you do if California asked for independence ?



The Indians should focus on feeding its own people and pulling their masses out of poverty instead of trying to create trouble in China.



Political power is all about lies. All the 'world powers' are criminals.
Everyone who seeks to have power over others, whether economic, political, physical, sexual, whatever, is a criminal. Domination is crime.



What talks? Both countries have their own dark sides.



If now asked to be independent again ? If Georgia asked to be independent ?
You had a civil war against secession. Tibet was always part of China.



California was an independent republic before it became a state. It asked to become part of the US.


Tibet was always part of China, even before California was part of USA. But US would never permit California to be independent.



The dalailama system was worse. The peasants were like slaves, giving all their meagre earnings to the dalai king. They had to grovel all the way to the dalai king to kiss his feet



The world police should take care of your own human right problems first at home.



USA only have human rights for their own citizens. In foreign land, the US kill people like a kid kills aliens in a video game. Come to think of it, their pilots feel like they are in a video game actually.



Like the Texas wildfires? Is that what the China human rights report said? Lol.


NewGBush Tibet had been part of China for centuries. In old China, many small kingdoms report to the overall China emperor. The "king" in Tibet would be a small state king, pretty much like a "governor" of a state or province in the republic model. "Princesses were a dime a dozen. The emperor had hundreds of... more

Tibet had been part of China for centuries. In old China, many small kingdoms report to the overall China emperor. The "king" in Tibet would be a small state king, pretty much like a "governor" of a state or province in the republic model. "Princesses were a dime a dozen. The emperor had hundreds of concubines, who in turn give birth to thousands of princesses. So he could easily spare a "princess" to the Tibetan king as part of a PR exercise to improve the loyalty from this small king.



Maybe China can convince the US to have some human rights!


JoeHammer US government talking to China about human rights. Are you kidding me? Our history must have lots of brag about when it comes to human rights. Who is this guy Dr. King Jr? When the old and sick citizens of this our country couldn't afford to live a decent life or seek medical help, is that consi... more

US government talking to China about human rights. Are you kidding me? Our history must have lots of brag about when it comes to human rights. When the old and sick citizens of this our country couldn't afford to live a decent life or seek medical help, is that consider human rights?



they are so shameless to clame that china copies everything. and they shout the same time that chinese people should have human rights.
they despise chinese and pretend to care about chinese human rights.



USA has many friends:
Iraq, Afghan, Serbia, Vietnam, Libya, economic crisis, sex-revolution, debt,..., usa has time to teach the world.


erictks Why US always though the style of they pratice is surely correct and forcing others to take up their stuff , when they have a group of poor neighbour to deal with like mexico, and other central america countries. Besides this US is the largest drugs importer in the world , in directly they are supp... more

Why US always though the style of they pratice is surely correct and forcing others to take up their stuff , when they have a group of poor neighbour to deal with like mexico, and other central america countries. Besides this US is the largest drugs importer in the world , in directly they are supporting all the illegal activities around the world , don’t really see they have the position to teach others when they have tons of problems back in their home country ,Is this a joke , a person who going to bankrupt soon teaching a rich people how to do their stuff ?

为什么美国总是认为自己的做事风格是正确的呢?为什么他们总是强迫其他国家也像他们那样做。美国有一堆贫穷的邻居: 墨西哥,中美洲国家可以教导。同时美国是世界上最大的毒品进口国,也就是美国一直在支持世界上的非法活动。美国自己有这么多的问题,为什么他们现在还有权利可以教导别人呢?这个笑话就好像事一个刚刚破产的人要教导一个富人如何理财一样好笑。


I think the Americans are coming to learn how to do better in abusing human rights... But actually they are doing pretty well already...



I think the Obama regime should be focusing on domestic issues right now instead of international ones.


话题敏感,不发表深层看法,只知道,哪个国家对一件事情对内和对外都有区别的,美国人权是双从标准的,对外人权保障欠缺,但对内相对于对外还是较好。但有些国家对人权也是双从标准,对外几乎在媚外,一百年前的洋大人,如今还是那个洋大人而对内。。。 。。。。笑而不语
乌鸦肉炸酱面 发表于 2011-9-1 19:40
话题敏感,不发表深层看法,只知道,哪个国家对一件事情对内和对外都有区别的,美国人权是双从标准的,对外 ...
sup 发表于 2011-9-1 21:27
老美对于网易 腾讯 凯迪的网友也是这种感觉