
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 02:59:52
<P>1。五星级:Geriec is making a 5-episode serie of short <B>WWII-related movies</B> under a common title <B>"The Color of War</B>. Movies, in a brief documental style, will shortly familiarize us with the story of World War II, reminding us the main motives.

The first episode, <B>"The Fall of France"</B>, has been released. It summarizes the beginnings of the world, conquering Neatherlands, Belgium and France, and ends with the story of French Resistance.
<P>3.有关苏联二战到现代的武器SHOW: </P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-19 18:13:16编辑过]
<P>1。五星级:Geriec is making a 5-episode serie of short <B>WWII-related movies</B> under a common title <B>"The Color of War</B>. Movies, in a brief documental style, will shortly familiarize us with the story of World War II, reminding us the main motives.

The first episode, <B>"The Fall of France"</B>, has been released. It summarizes the beginnings of the world, conquering Neatherlands, Belgium and France, and ends with the story of French Resistance.
<P>3.有关苏联二战到现代的武器SHOW: </P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-19 18:13:16编辑过]
<P>我也表示道歉.因为8月初学院服务器出毛病之后连域名都换了。现在只是暂时的域名,服务器下载更不可能。虽然可以通过FTP下载,但大家也闲麻烦。</P><P>由于PLA MOD的研制,我便迅速通过论坛来宣传。到正式版推出后,应该没有下载问题了。即使服务器仍有问题,我们也会试着在CZ上传,大家可以去那下载。</P><P>感谢大家对PLA的支持。如果原来有什么不便的请谅解!谢谢。</P>