中美军事对比 翻译贴转自龙腾

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 04:27:48
新闻链接:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/fr ... ilita_b_850986.html
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com正文翻译:
The People's Republic of China recently released its 2011 White Paper on National Defense. As a result, there were a lot of discussions on the impact of the rise of China's military power and the perception of its threat to United States interest. It is interesting to observe that there is a lack of comparisons of the military capacity between these two countries. It will be helpful to take a look at China and the United States military budgets and see how much each side has devoted to defend its land, protect its people, and ensure no disruption to its economy.










原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

Vernondelray   13 hours ago (6:35 PM) 24 Fans
Thank you for the article. I have always had an ambiguous opinion of China based in ignorance. However, what totally leaps off the page for me are the statistics regarding U.S. military spending. Given America's current economic situation (massive debt), I do not see how this military spending can in any context be considered sustainable, nor is it necessary (in my opinion). Perhaps we wield our influence and might too freely. Almost every state in our country is so cash starved they are gutting education spending and social programs, the federal government is being pushed politically to follow suit, all the while the military budget, which is far greater than education and social programs combined, is apparently politically untouchable. This cannot be sustained for much longer. We need an educated generation to follow this one (which could be viewed as massively uneducated based on pop culture), lest we all risk our future being handled by a generation of dullards.
Fred Teng   19 minutes ago (7:38 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Vernondelr ay, you have touched a point which I often made.
Education is America investment in itself, building freeways and internet freeways (by freeways I do mean FREE) is an investment in our infrastructure. But unfortunat ely, Congress and the White House look at them as spending. Together we have to change the mind set of our politicians.
Howardxue   16 hours ago (4:05 PM) 0 Fans
I feel amused everytime when some hawkishs called China's military modernization and navy and air force surfing near their coastline "assertive ", "aggressive" or "bullying" , while US keep sending swarms of jet fighters, aircraft carriers, and spy ships thousands of miles away from US homeland, to China's door step, to hold lots of military exercises.
I can remember that during the WW2 the Japanese army used to accusing resisting Chinese army "aggressive". According to the Japanese war criminals' theory during WW2, the Chinese army should give up to avoid more casualties whenever they are attacked by Japan, otherwise they will be labelled "aggressive" and should be punished and held responsible for the casualty of civilants killed by the always-rig ht Japanese Royal Army.
It is China, not any other country, that experience d the "century of humiliation", when the country was too weak to protect itself from foreigners using their gunships to assert their wills and loot treasures and resources. China has learned the history lesson in the hardest way,  that it has to build enough defence to avoid repeating the "century of humiliation". Thank you Mr. Teng for your informativ eanalysis and strong messges. I pray for more understanding between the two people of US and China. May peace triumph.
每当我看到一些鹰派主张中国的现代化军事,海军、空军到其海岸线附近做“炫耀”、“挑衅”或“欺负”的运动就觉得好笑。然而美国人不断地往千里迢迢之外的中国地界输送大量喷气式战斗机,航空母舰,间谍船, 不断地进行军事演习。



Fred Teng   17 minutes ago (7:40 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Howardxue, apparently you have been studying China for a while.
you too should write your opinion on blogs such as the Huffington Post
回复Howardxue, 显然你一直在研究中国: 你也应写出您的意见发到博客上,如赫芬顿邮报。
(编者译:赫芬顿邮报(The Huffington Post)是美国当今最具影响力新闻博客网站。网站兼具有博客自主性与媒体公共性,通过“分布式”的新闻发掘方式和以WEB2.0为基础的社会化新闻交流模式而独树一帜。通过对赫芬顿邮报的报道内容进行分析,可以发现其在聚合网络社群,推动公共交流等方面的积极作用。)

AndrewCiccone   08:25 PM on 4/19/2011 114 Fans
Follow China has been wagging an economic war with the western world since the Nixon Administration. Regan smashed The Berlin Wall fell, The Russian Republic is no more. China is embracing capitalism . Not really. Russia has tactfully parked their tanks a stones throw from Iraq. The Chinese are building and manufactur ing products and services like crazy. Thankfully China has no interest in the rest of the world, the Great Wall still keeps the west out.

Fred Teng   09:57 PM on 4/19/2011 130 Fans
Follow  Andrew, It was Kissinger and Nixon wanted to open China. Why, for two reasons, one to balance out USSR, the other is trade. Actually it has been a win-win situation for both nations. During the earlier years, the U.S. was actually selling more to China. Why the recent down falls, because American consumers want cheaper prices, and higher wages, so American companies go to developing nations to produce the product to sell to American consumers. When American consumers run out of money the government cut its own tax revenue and borrow from other countries to keep up its own economy.
You are right, China has no interest in rest of the world, because it wants to take of of its own people first.
回复 Andrew,是基辛格和尼克松想要打开中国市场。为什么,两个原因,一个为了制抵苏联,另一种是贸易。实际上对两国来说都是一个双赢的政策。早期,美国实际上是更多的出口中国。为什么近来的情况却相反呢?因为美国的消费者希望更低的价格,更高的薪水, 所以美国的公司到发展中国家生产产品卖给美国消费者。当美国消费者的钱花光了,政府就减少税收,并向其他国家借款来保持自己的经济不滑坡。
Dknight99   15 hours ago (4:35 PM) 17 Fans
I would disagree that China has no interest in the rest of the world.
China has invested heavily in Africa and is pouring capital into the continent, and attempting to re create a win-win situation between China and Africa through trade. China also has trade deals with Asean counties and in South America. I remember reading about China's interest in creating a fast rail connecting China to Europe. So I would say China is very interested in the world but in securing resources and promoting global trade.
我不支持中国对世界上其它国家没有兴趣的观点。中国有大量投资在非洲,往欧洲大陆注入大量资金 ,试图通过中非之间的贸易再创一个双赢的局面。中国与东南亚国家和南美之间也有贸易往来。我记得有看到过报道,中国有意向在中国和欧洲之间建立高速铁路。所以我认为, 中国对世界是很感兴趣, 目的在于在获取资源,推动全球贸易。

Yeuk Moy   18 hours ago (1:48 PM) 15 Fans
There is an asian concept of "The Way". You must seek the "The Way" to attain your goals. Bruce Lee tried (with varying success) to inform the general public of "The Way" with respect to martial arts. Many, who do not have a concept of "The Way", think of it as the one way of thinking that allows trenscendence, or the one martial arts technique that will make you invincible , etc. In actuality, seeking "The Way" means seeking "what works". It is a variation on the journey vs the destination.
China has been seeking "The Way". Communism has brought them this far.
They now know that Communism can take them no further. They seek another path and sees Capitalism and Democracy as potential paths. What makes them different than others who have failed in the transition is that they are purposely taking a slow and steady pace. Too often, it is the rate of change that does the most damage, rather than the change itself (i.e. It isn't the falling frome a skyscraper that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end).
有一种亚洲精神“道”。你必须寻求“道路”来实现自己的目标。李小龙试图(获得过不同的成功)通过军事艺术向公众传播武术之“道”。 没有任何一个概念可以准确的描述出“道”,它是一种精神,让你不断的追求进步,或一个武功招式,让你立于不败之地,等等。在现实生活中,追求“道”其实就是追求“方法”。这是通往成功之路的艰巨过程。


Fred Teng   15 minutes ago (7:42 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Yeuk, I love what you have said "Too often, it is the rate of change that does the most damage, rather than the change itself (i.e. It isn't the falling frome a skyscraper that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end). " I might use that sometimes. Long live The Way :-)
回复 Yeuk,我非常喜爱你说的那句“急功近利,转型的速度太快,这样会导致更严重的损失,而不是在于改变(即:并不是从摩天大楼上坠落让你丧命,而是在要到终点时忽然停止才导致丧命。”
Richard Pearce   05:41 PM on 4/19/2011 447 Fans
The writer has ignored or overlooked two essential points about China.
The first is that China is the definition of evil.  (After all, the size of its economy, the size of its population , its possession of nuclear weapons, and its form of government allows it to refuse to knuckle under to the US and remain immune to the economic, military, or social pressures the US is used to using to make a country at least bend to it.  That makes it evil)
The second is that China is the definition of a threat to the US.
(After all, it is going to want to secure for itself, by either 'destabali sing' government s that refuse to allow it to have those resources on terms favourable to China, or directly overthrowing them.
It is also going to use its economic and military might to pressure other nations into declaring those actions a good thing for the world)
第一种是中国是邪恶的。(毕竟,其经济规模的大小,人口总数, 核武器资源。中国政府允许其拒绝屈服于美国、制抵美国惯用的使得一个国家屈服于它的方法,使得本国经济、军事、社会压力不受影响。这使得中国邪恶。)

Fred Teng   10:00 PM on 4/19/2011 130 Fans
Follow Richard, it is easy to call other countries "evil" but some people in those other countries are calling us the same names. The point is to better understand each other and build trust. This is no different than from one neighbor to another. It will take time.
回复 Richard, 将其他国家定义为“邪恶”是很容易的, 但那些国家的人也会同样地认为我们是邪恶的。问题在于更好地了解对方,相互信任。这跟从一个邻居到另一个的道理是一样

Richard Pearce   21 hours ago (10:33 AM) 447 Fans
Thought I'd laid the sarcasm on heavily enough to come through the limitation s of print.
I think in future I will start using a wink at the beginning and end of
sarcastic comments and hope the convention catches on.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
DAE   04:27 PM on 4/19/2011 263 Fans
Whenever a comprehensive article that attempts to put China in a
proper and reasonable perspective is published few people comment.
Could it be that they realize that their biased views don't stand up
under scrutiny?
当一篇分析全面,试图将中国定位得当,观点透彻的文章,人们的评论却很少。 是不是因为他们意识到,他们的观点在没有被审查通过之前并不会得到支持?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com新闻链接:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/fr ... ilita_b_850986.html
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com正文翻译:
The People's Republic of China recently released its 2011 White Paper on National Defense. As a result, there were a lot of discussions on the impact of the rise of China's military power and the perception of its threat to United States interest. It is interesting to observe that there is a lack of comparisons of the military capacity between these two countries. It will be helpful to take a look at China and the United States military budgets and see how much each side has devoted to defend its land, protect its people, and ensure no disruption to its economy.










原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

Vernondelray   13 hours ago (6:35 PM) 24 Fans
Thank you for the article. I have always had an ambiguous opinion of China based in ignorance. However, what totally leaps off the page for me are the statistics regarding U.S. military spending. Given America's current economic situation (massive debt), I do not see how this military spending can in any context be considered sustainable, nor is it necessary (in my opinion). Perhaps we wield our influence and might too freely. Almost every state in our country is so cash starved they are gutting education spending and social programs, the federal government is being pushed politically to follow suit, all the while the military budget, which is far greater than education and social programs combined, is apparently politically untouchable. This cannot be sustained for much longer. We need an educated generation to follow this one (which could be viewed as massively uneducated based on pop culture), lest we all risk our future being handled by a generation of dullards.
Fred Teng   19 minutes ago (7:38 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Vernondelr ay, you have touched a point which I often made.
Education is America investment in itself, building freeways and internet freeways (by freeways I do mean FREE) is an investment in our infrastructure. But unfortunat ely, Congress and the White House look at them as spending. Together we have to change the mind set of our politicians.
Howardxue   16 hours ago (4:05 PM) 0 Fans
I feel amused everytime when some hawkishs called China's military modernization and navy and air force surfing near their coastline "assertive ", "aggressive" or "bullying" , while US keep sending swarms of jet fighters, aircraft carriers, and spy ships thousands of miles away from US homeland, to China's door step, to hold lots of military exercises.
I can remember that during the WW2 the Japanese army used to accusing resisting Chinese army "aggressive". According to the Japanese war criminals' theory during WW2, the Chinese army should give up to avoid more casualties whenever they are attacked by Japan, otherwise they will be labelled "aggressive" and should be punished and held responsible for the casualty of civilants killed by the always-rig ht Japanese Royal Army.
It is China, not any other country, that experience d the "century of humiliation", when the country was too weak to protect itself from foreigners using their gunships to assert their wills and loot treasures and resources. China has learned the history lesson in the hardest way,  that it has to build enough defence to avoid repeating the "century of humiliation". Thank you Mr. Teng for your informativ eanalysis and strong messges. I pray for more understanding between the two people of US and China. May peace triumph.
每当我看到一些鹰派主张中国的现代化军事,海军、空军到其海岸线附近做“炫耀”、“挑衅”或“欺负”的运动就觉得好笑。然而美国人不断地往千里迢迢之外的中国地界输送大量喷气式战斗机,航空母舰,间谍船, 不断地进行军事演习。



Fred Teng   17 minutes ago (7:40 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Howardxue, apparently you have been studying China for a while.
you too should write your opinion on blogs such as the Huffington Post
回复Howardxue, 显然你一直在研究中国: 你也应写出您的意见发到博客上,如赫芬顿邮报。
(编者译:赫芬顿邮报(The Huffington Post)是美国当今最具影响力新闻博客网站。网站兼具有博客自主性与媒体公共性,通过“分布式”的新闻发掘方式和以WEB2.0为基础的社会化新闻交流模式而独树一帜。通过对赫芬顿邮报的报道内容进行分析,可以发现其在聚合网络社群,推动公共交流等方面的积极作用。)

AndrewCiccone   08:25 PM on 4/19/2011 114 Fans
Follow China has been wagging an economic war with the western world since the Nixon Administration. Regan smashed The Berlin Wall fell, The Russian Republic is no more. China is embracing capitalism . Not really. Russia has tactfully parked their tanks a stones throw from Iraq. The Chinese are building and manufactur ing products and services like crazy. Thankfully China has no interest in the rest of the world, the Great Wall still keeps the west out.

Fred Teng   09:57 PM on 4/19/2011 130 Fans
Follow  Andrew, It was Kissinger and Nixon wanted to open China. Why, for two reasons, one to balance out USSR, the other is trade. Actually it has been a win-win situation for both nations. During the earlier years, the U.S. was actually selling more to China. Why the recent down falls, because American consumers want cheaper prices, and higher wages, so American companies go to developing nations to produce the product to sell to American consumers. When American consumers run out of money the government cut its own tax revenue and borrow from other countries to keep up its own economy.
You are right, China has no interest in rest of the world, because it wants to take of of its own people first.
回复 Andrew,是基辛格和尼克松想要打开中国市场。为什么,两个原因,一个为了制抵苏联,另一种是贸易。实际上对两国来说都是一个双赢的政策。早期,美国实际上是更多的出口中国。为什么近来的情况却相反呢?因为美国的消费者希望更低的价格,更高的薪水, 所以美国的公司到发展中国家生产产品卖给美国消费者。当美国消费者的钱花光了,政府就减少税收,并向其他国家借款来保持自己的经济不滑坡。
Dknight99   15 hours ago (4:35 PM) 17 Fans
I would disagree that China has no interest in the rest of the world.
China has invested heavily in Africa and is pouring capital into the continent, and attempting to re create a win-win situation between China and Africa through trade. China also has trade deals with Asean counties and in South America. I remember reading about China's interest in creating a fast rail connecting China to Europe. So I would say China is very interested in the world but in securing resources and promoting global trade.
我不支持中国对世界上其它国家没有兴趣的观点。中国有大量投资在非洲,往欧洲大陆注入大量资金 ,试图通过中非之间的贸易再创一个双赢的局面。中国与东南亚国家和南美之间也有贸易往来。我记得有看到过报道,中国有意向在中国和欧洲之间建立高速铁路。所以我认为, 中国对世界是很感兴趣, 目的在于在获取资源,推动全球贸易。

Yeuk Moy   18 hours ago (1:48 PM) 15 Fans
There is an asian concept of "The Way". You must seek the "The Way" to attain your goals. Bruce Lee tried (with varying success) to inform the general public of "The Way" with respect to martial arts. Many, who do not have a concept of "The Way", think of it as the one way of thinking that allows trenscendence, or the one martial arts technique that will make you invincible , etc. In actuality, seeking "The Way" means seeking "what works". It is a variation on the journey vs the destination.
China has been seeking "The Way". Communism has brought them this far.
They now know that Communism can take them no further. They seek another path and sees Capitalism and Democracy as potential paths. What makes them different than others who have failed in the transition is that they are purposely taking a slow and steady pace. Too often, it is the rate of change that does the most damage, rather than the change itself (i.e. It isn't the falling frome a skyscraper that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end).
有一种亚洲精神“道”。你必须寻求“道路”来实现自己的目标。李小龙试图(获得过不同的成功)通过军事艺术向公众传播武术之“道”。 没有任何一个概念可以准确的描述出“道”,它是一种精神,让你不断的追求进步,或一个武功招式,让你立于不败之地,等等。在现实生活中,追求“道”其实就是追求“方法”。这是通往成功之路的艰巨过程。


Fred Teng   15 minutes ago (7:42 AM) 130 Fans
Follow Yeuk, I love what you have said "Too often, it is the rate of change that does the most damage, rather than the change itself (i.e. It isn't the falling frome a skyscraper that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end). " I might use that sometimes. Long live The Way :-)
回复 Yeuk,我非常喜爱你说的那句“急功近利,转型的速度太快,这样会导致更严重的损失,而不是在于改变(即:并不是从摩天大楼上坠落让你丧命,而是在要到终点时忽然停止才导致丧命。”
Richard Pearce   05:41 PM on 4/19/2011 447 Fans
The writer has ignored or overlooked two essential points about China.
The first is that China is the definition of evil.  (After all, the size of its economy, the size of its population , its possession of nuclear weapons, and its form of government allows it to refuse to knuckle under to the US and remain immune to the economic, military, or social pressures the US is used to using to make a country at least bend to it.  That makes it evil)
The second is that China is the definition of a threat to the US.
(After all, it is going to want to secure for itself, by either 'destabali sing' government s that refuse to allow it to have those resources on terms favourable to China, or directly overthrowing them.
It is also going to use its economic and military might to pressure other nations into declaring those actions a good thing for the world)
第一种是中国是邪恶的。(毕竟,其经济规模的大小,人口总数, 核武器资源。中国政府允许其拒绝屈服于美国、制抵美国惯用的使得一个国家屈服于它的方法,使得本国经济、军事、社会压力不受影响。这使得中国邪恶。)

Fred Teng   10:00 PM on 4/19/2011 130 Fans
Follow Richard, it is easy to call other countries "evil" but some people in those other countries are calling us the same names. The point is to better understand each other and build trust. This is no different than from one neighbor to another. It will take time.
回复 Richard, 将其他国家定义为“邪恶”是很容易的, 但那些国家的人也会同样地认为我们是邪恶的。问题在于更好地了解对方,相互信任。这跟从一个邻居到另一个的道理是一样

Richard Pearce   21 hours ago (10:33 AM) 447 Fans
Thought I'd laid the sarcasm on heavily enough to come through the limitation s of print.
I think in future I will start using a wink at the beginning and end of
sarcastic comments and hope the convention catches on.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
DAE   04:27 PM on 4/19/2011 263 Fans
Whenever a comprehensive article that attempts to put China in a
proper and reasonable perspective is published few people comment.
Could it be that they realize that their biased views don't stand up
under scrutiny?
当一篇分析全面,试图将中国定位得当,观点透彻的文章,人们的评论却很少。 是不是因为他们意识到,他们的观点在没有被审查通过之前并不会得到支持?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
lookshe 发表于 2011-4-30 15:50



fengshh1383 发表于 2011-4-30 16:38

    960  不算海域,美国的算海域
liqvan 发表于 2011-4-30 17:27

eeray 发表于 2011-4-30 16:25


zc1945 发表于 2011-4-30 17:43

回复 8# emileqian1

回复 13# redstorm
