
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 18:50:53
9月18日,星期六,伴随着“打开了”(O'zapft is)的欢呼,慕尼黑市长克里斯汀·乌德打开第一桶啤酒,标志着2010年慕尼黑啤酒节正式在德国慕尼黑开幕。虽然今年的啤酒节是第177届,但是今年是首届啤酒节开办以来的第200周年(由于爆发战争或霍乱疫情而停办过几年)。慕尼黑啤酒节的传统始于1810年,是为庆祝巴伐利亚王储路德维格和撒克森·辛德伯格豪森王国的泰瑞莎公主于10月12日举行的婚礼而举办的庆典活动。慕尼黑市民应邀参加在该市大门前空地上举办的欢庆活动,历时五天多。今年,庆祝活动将持续进行到10月4日。以下为周末开幕期间的一些图片。

1  .A young woman wearing a traditional Bavarian "Dirndl" smiles as she receives a mug of beer in the Hofbrauhaus tent after the opening of the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich, southern Germany, on September 18, 2010. (Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images)

1.  9月18日,在德国南部慕尼黑泰瑞莎广场举办的慕尼黑啤酒节开幕式结束后,一名身穿传统巴伐利亚“紧身边衣裙”的年轻姑娘在皇家啤酒坊帐篷里接过啤酒,笑了。图片来源:Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images

2  Farmer assistant Mariusz Strzelecki reaps hops during the early morning hours in Ebrantshausen near Ingolstadt, southern Germany, September 20, 2010. Bavarian farmer Sebastian Hirmer reaps hops from 18 hectare fields annually. About four hectare of hops are enough for the production of beer for the entire Oktoberfest season. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle) #

2.  9月20日,清晨时分,德国南部因戈尔施塔特附近的Ebrantshausen,农场主助手马瑞斯·斯特莱斯基在采摘啤酒花。巴伐利亚农场主塞巴斯蒂安·希尔默每年都要从18公顷的地里收获啤酒花。大约在四公顷地里收获的啤酒花就足够供应整个啤酒节所需要的啤酒生产。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
9月18日,星期六,伴随着“打开了”(O'zapft is)的欢呼,慕尼黑市长克里斯汀·乌德打开第一桶啤酒,标志着2010年慕尼黑啤酒节正式在德国慕尼黑开幕。虽然今年的啤酒节是第177届,但是今年是首届啤酒节开办以来的第200周年(由于爆发战争或霍乱疫情而停办过几年)。慕尼黑啤酒节的传统始于1810年,是为庆祝巴伐利亚王储路德维格和撒克森·辛德伯格豪森王国的泰瑞莎公主于10月12日举行的婚礼而举办的庆典活动。慕尼黑市民应邀参加在该市大门前空地上举办的欢庆活动,历时五天多。今年,庆祝活动将持续进行到10月4日。以下为周末开幕期间的一些图片。

1  .A young woman wearing a traditional Bavarian "Dirndl" smiles as she receives a mug of beer in the Hofbrauhaus tent after the opening of the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich, southern Germany, on September 18, 2010. (Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images)

1.  9月18日,在德国南部慕尼黑泰瑞莎广场举办的慕尼黑啤酒节开幕式结束后,一名身穿传统巴伐利亚“紧身边衣裙”的年轻姑娘在皇家啤酒坊帐篷里接过啤酒,笑了。图片来源:Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images

2  Farmer assistant Mariusz Strzelecki reaps hops during the early morning hours in Ebrantshausen near Ingolstadt, southern Germany, September 20, 2010. Bavarian farmer Sebastian Hirmer reaps hops from 18 hectare fields annually. About four hectare of hops are enough for the production of beer for the entire Oktoberfest season. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle) #

2.  9月20日,清晨时分,德国南部因戈尔施塔特附近的Ebrantshausen,农场主助手马瑞斯·斯特莱斯基在采摘啤酒花。巴伐利亚农场主塞巴斯蒂安·希尔默每年都要从18公顷的地里收获啤酒花。大约在四公顷地里收获的啤酒花就足够供应整个啤酒节所需要的啤酒生产。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
3  A lion drinking beer, the logo of a brewery, and a ferris wheel silhouette over the Oktoberfest festival ground at the Theresienwiese in Munich, southern Germany, on September 16, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

3.  9月16日,泰瑞莎广场啤酒节庆典场地,喝啤酒的狮子(一家啤酒厂的标志)和一个摩天轮的剪影。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images

4 Women decorate gingerbread Oktoberfest hearts with icing in the "Zuckersucht" bakery in Aschheim near Munich September 16, 2010. Zuckersucht produces about one million gingerbread hearts for very Oktoberfest season. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle) #

4.  9月16日,慕尼黑附近阿希海姆的Zuckersucht面包店,妇女们用糖衣为啤酒节心形姜饼标花。Zuckersucht专为啤酒节季节制作约一百万个心形姜饼。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
5  Alphorn blowers await the beginning of the opening ceremony of the "Historical Wiesn" in Munich on Friday, Sept. 17, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

5.  9月17日,山笛手在等待“历史啤酒节”开幕式开始。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

6  Bavarian riflemen march in the traditional costumes at the riflemen's procession on the occasion of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich, Germany on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

6.  9月19日,慕尼黑啤酒节活动中,身穿传统服装的巴伐利亚步枪手走在行游队伍中。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader
7 Men in traditional Bavarian outfits participate in the traditional riflemen's parade of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Alexandra Beier/Getty Images) #

7.  9月19日,身穿巴伐利亚传统服装的男子参加啤酒节传统步枪手行游。图片来源:Alexandra Beier/Getty Images

8  Musicians of a traditional Bavarian brass band are reflected in the horn of a brass instrument as they take part in the traditional Oktoberfest costume parade through the streets of Munich on September 19, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

8.  9月19日,传统的巴伐利亚铜管乐队乐师参加穿过慕尼黑街道的传统啤酒节着装巡游。他们的影像反射在铜管乐器喇叭上。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images
9  A tired Bavarian boy in traditional dress is pulled by two participants during the traditional costume and riflemen's procession of the Oktoberfest festival in Munich on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

9.  9月19日,在传统服饰和步枪手行游期间,两名参与者拉着一个身穿传统服装的困倦男孩。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

10  Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (right) applauds as Munich Mayor Christian Ude taps the first barrel of beer during the opening ceremony for the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich September 18, 2010. (REUTERS/Michael Dalder) #

10.  9月18日,第177届慕尼黑啤酒节开幕式期间,慕尼黑市长克里斯汀·乌德打开第一桶啤酒时,巴伐利亚州长霍斯特·泽霍费尔鼓掌喝彩。图片来源:REUTERS/Michael Dalder
11  Revelers reach out for a spilling mug of beer in the Hofbrauhaus tent after the opening of the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 18, 2010. (Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images) #

11.  9月18日,啤酒节开幕式结束后,狂欢者在皇家啤酒坊帐篷中伸手去够溢酒来的啤酒杯。图片来源:Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images

12  Overall view shows visitors crowding the Hacker beer tent on the opening day of the 177th edition of the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 18, 2010. (SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images) #

12.   9月18日,啤酒节开幕当天,展示挤满游客的“黑客”啤酒帐篷的全景图。图片来源:SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images
13 Men wearing traditional Bavarian clothes toast with beer during the opening of the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich on September 18, 2010. (REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger) #

13.  身穿传统巴伐利亚服饰的男子用啤酒干杯。图片来源:REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger

14  People wearing traditional Bavarian clothes raise a toast during the opening of the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich on September 18, 2010. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle) #

14. 9月18日,身穿传统巴伐利亚服装的人们举起酒杯干杯。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehl
15 A young woman prepares a booth selling gingerbread hearts for the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 16, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

15.  9月16日,年轻姑娘们在整理卖心形姜饼的货摊。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images

16  Visitors enjoy a tall festival ride at the Oktoberfest in Munich on September 19, 2010. (REUTERS/Michael Dalder) #

16.  9月19日,游客们在高空享受着庆典之旅。图片来源:REUTERS/Michael Dalder
17  Women wearing traditional Bavarian Dirndls scream during an amusement ride at the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on September 18, 2010. (SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images) #

17.  9月18日,身穿传统巴伐利亚紧身连衣裙的女子在游乐场游戏机旋转时尖叫。图片来源:SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images

18  Visitors enjoy a spin during the second day of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

18.  9月19日,啤酒节第二天,游客们享受着疾速旋转。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader
19  Drunk visitors rest in the grass during the opening day of the Oktoberfest at Theresienwiese on September 18, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Alexandra Beier/Getty Images) #

19.  9月18日,喝醉的游客在草地上休息。图片来源:Alexandra Beier/Getty Images

20  A bartender pours beer during the opening of the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich on September 18, 2010. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle) #

20.  9月18日,一名酒吧侍者在开幕式上倒酒。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
21  A man with a curled beard visits the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 19, 2010. (ANDREAS GEBERT/AFP/Getty Images) #

21.  9月19日,一名有卷曲胡子的男子前来参加啤酒节。图片来源:ANDREAS GEBERT/AFP/Getty Images

22  Girls celebrate and drink beer at the Hacker beer tent during the opening day of the Oktoberfest at Theresienwiese on September 18, 2010 in Munich. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

22.  9月18日,啤酒节开幕当天,姑娘们在“黑客”啤酒帐篷喝啤酒庆祝。图片来源:Miguel Villagran/Getty Images
23  A waitress carries a tray with Bavarian dishes through a group of visitors inside the Schottenhamel beer tent during day 2 of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

23.  9月19日,啤酒节第二天,一名女侍者托着装有巴伐利亚菜肴的托盘,从Schottenhamel啤酒帐篷内游客中穿过。图片来源:Miguel Villagran/Getty Images

24  An overview of a crowded beer tent during the second day of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Alexandra Beier/Getty Images) #

24.  啤酒节第二天,一个人头攒动的啤酒帐篷全景图。图片来源:Alexandra Beier/Getty Images
25  A man and a woman pose for a picture behind a photo wall during the first day of the "Historical Wiesn" on September 17, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

25.  9月17日,“历史啤酒节”第一天,一名男子和一名女子在一个布景后摆姿势拍照。图片来源:Miguel Villagran/Getty Images

26 A waitress serves beer during the opening day of the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich on September 18, 2010. (REUTERS/Michaela Rehle POLITICS) #

26.  9月18日,啤酒节开幕当天,一名女侍者在上啤酒。图片来源:REUTERS/Michaela Rehle POLITICS
27  A visitor salutes with beer in a dark tent during the second day of the Oktoberfest in Munich on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

27.  9月19日,啤酒节开幕第二天,一名游客在一顶黑暗的帐篷里举杯致意。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

28  A man in raises a toast with a beer mug during the second day of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Alexandra Beier/Getty Images) #

28.  9月19日,一名男子举起一杯啤酒,提议干杯。图片来源:Alexandra Beier/Getty Images
29  Visitors are seen on an amusement ride in front of St. Pauls church during the second day of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

29. 9月19日,啤酒节第二天,游客在圣保罗教堂前的旋转游戏机上。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

30  Visitors crowd the Theresienwiese fairground for the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on September 19, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

30.  9月19日,游客们聚焦在泰瑞莎露天游乐场。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images
31  An Oktoberfest visitor shows off his might as he hits a strength-meter with a hammer during day 2 of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

31.  9月19日,一名啤酒节游客用铁锤击打力度仪,炫耀自己的力量。图片来源:Miguel Villagran/Getty Images

32  The legs of Oktoberfest visitors dangle from a fun ride during day 2 of the Oktoberfest on September 19, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Miguel Villagran/Getty Images) #

32.  9月19日,啤酒节第二天,乘坐游乐场有趣的游戏厅设施时,游客们的腿垂下来。图片来源:Miguel Villagran/Getty Images
33 Visitors to the Oktoberfest beer festival ride on the "chairoplane" at the fairground at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 19, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

33.  9月19日,泰瑞莎广场游乐场,参加啤酒节的游客们坐在“旋转飞椅”上。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images

34  Girls wearing traditional Bavarian Dirndl dresses scream on a fairground ride at the Theresienwiese fairgrounds at the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on September 19, 2010. (CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images) #

34.  9月19日,身穿传统巴伐利亚紧身连衣裙的姑娘们在乘坐游乐场游戏机时惊恐尖叫。图片来源:CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images
35 A little girl on her father's shoulders eats cotton candy on the Theresienwiese in Munich during Oktoberfest on September 19th, 2010. (Joerg Koch/dapd) #

35.  9月19日,一个骑在爸爸肩上的小姑娘在吃棉花糖。图片来源:Joerg Koch/dapd

36  A couple rests during the second day of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

36.  9月19日,啤酒节第二天,一对情侣在休息。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader
37  Visitors wearing historical dresses drink beer and eat during the second day of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich, southern Germany on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #

37.  9月19日,啤酒节第二天,身穿传统服饰的游客在喝啤酒,吃东西。图片来源:AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

38 Young women cheer with beer mugs after the official opening of the 177th edition of the Oktoberfest beer festival in a tent at the Theresienwiese in Munich on September 18, 2010. (SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images) #

38.  9月18日,啤酒节正式开幕后,年轻姑娘们举杯欢呼。图片来源:SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images、
39  A chairoplane spins near a ferris wheel during the opening day of the Oktoberfest at Theresienwiese on September 18, 2010 in Munich, Germany. (Alexandra Beier/Getty Images) #

39.  9月18日,啤酒节开幕当天,一个旋转飞椅在一个摩天轮旁旋转。图片来源:Alexandra Beier/Getty Images、

40  An overview of the Oktoberfest beer festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich on the evening of September 18, 2010. (SEBASTIAN WIDMANN/AFP/Getty Images) #

40.  9月18日傍晚,慕尼黑泰瑞莎广场,啤酒节庆典全景图。