
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 20:21:03
<br /><br />挑战者事故:1986年1月28日。同时纪念的还有1967年1月27日阿波罗一号事故中丧生的三名航天员。

Challenger's Crew Remembered, 25 Years After Disaster
:: 28.01.2011

On Friday, a memorial ceremony will be held at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to honor the seven astronauts who died 25 years ago to the day aboard space shuttle Challenger. The ceremony by the Astronauts Memorial Foundation will remember all U.S. astronauts who have died during the history of the space program, including the three Apollo 1 crewmen who died Jan. 27, 1967, in a fire in their capsule during a test.
The Challenger disaster occurred only 73 seconds after the shuttle launched that morning with Mike Smith, Dick Scobee, Ron McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Greg Jarvis, and Judith Resnik aboard. An o-ring failure in the right solid rocket booster caused the explosion, with investigators determining that cold weather at launch was a contributing factor. But the federally appointed commission that investigated the loss also faulted NASA's &quot;silent safety program,&quot; as the commission's report described it.
Its lengthy report said the Commission was &quot;concerned about the symptoms that it sees. The unrelenting pressure to meet the demands of an accelerating flight schedule might have been adequately handled by NASA if it had insisted upon the exactingly thorough procedures that were its hallmark during the Apollo program. An extensive and redundant safety program comprising interdependent safety, reliability and quality assurance functions existed during and after the lunar program to discover any potential safety problems. Between that period and 1986, however, the program became ineffective. This loss of effectiveness seriously degraded the checks and balances essential for maintaining flight safety.&quot;

The commission cited April 3, 1986, testimony by space shuttle program manager Arnold Aldrich at a public hearing in Washington, D.C., where Aldrich described five communication or organization failures that affected the decision to launch the Challenger that day. &quot;Four of those failures relate directly to faults within the safety program,&quot; the report stated. &quot;These faults include a lack of problem reporting requirements, inadequate trend analysis, misrepresentation of criticality and lack of involvement in critical discussions. A properly staffed, supported, and robust safety organization might well have avoided these faults and thus eliminated the communication failures.&quot;

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推荐→第一投注!!倍率高.!存取速度快.国内最好的投注平台<br /><br />挑战者事故:1986年1月28日。同时纪念的还有1967年1月27日阿波罗一号事故中丧生的三名航天员。

Challenger's Crew Remembered, 25 Years After Disaster
:: 28.01.2011

On Friday, a memorial ceremony will be held at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to honor the seven astronauts who died 25 years ago to the day aboard space shuttle Challenger. The ceremony by the Astronauts Memorial Foundation will remember all U.S. astronauts who have died during the history of the space program, including the three Apollo 1 crewmen who died Jan. 27, 1967, in a fire in their capsule during a test.
The Challenger disaster occurred only 73 seconds after the shuttle launched that morning with Mike Smith, Dick Scobee, Ron McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Greg Jarvis, and Judith Resnik aboard. An o-ring failure in the right solid rocket booster caused the explosion, with investigators determining that cold weather at launch was a contributing factor. But the federally appointed commission that investigated the loss also faulted NASA's &quot;silent safety program,&quot; as the commission's report described it.
Its lengthy report said the Commission was &quot;concerned about the symptoms that it sees. The unrelenting pressure to meet the demands of an accelerating flight schedule might have been adequately handled by NASA if it had insisted upon the exactingly thorough procedures that were its hallmark during the Apollo program. An extensive and redundant safety program comprising interdependent safety, reliability and quality assurance functions existed during and after the lunar program to discover any potential safety problems. Between that period and 1986, however, the program became ineffective. This loss of effectiveness seriously degraded the checks and balances essential for maintaining flight safety.&quot;

The commission cited April 3, 1986, testimony by space shuttle program manager Arnold Aldrich at a public hearing in Washington, D.C., where Aldrich described five communication or organization failures that affected the decision to launch the Challenger that day. &quot;Four of those failures relate directly to faults within the safety program,&quot; the report stated. &quot;These faults include a lack of problem reporting requirements, inadequate trend analysis, misrepresentation of criticality and lack of involvement in critical discussions. A properly staffed, supported, and robust safety organization might well have avoided these faults and thus eliminated the communication failures.&quot;

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美国宇航局2011年1月27日纪念日,NASA局长Charles Bolden 在阿灵顿国家公墓敬献了花圈。


The last week of January every year brings us the opportunity to reflect on the sobering realities of our space exploration enterprise. Each time men and women board a spacecraft, their actions carry great risk along with the opportunity for great discoveries and the chance to push the envelope of our human achievement. Today, we honor the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia crews, as well as other members of the NASA family who lost their lives supporting NASA’s mission of exploration. We thank them and their families for their extraordinary sacrifices in the service of our nation.

美国宇航局2011年1月27日纪念日,NASA局长Charles Bolden 在阿灵顿国家公墓敬献了花圈。


The last week of January every year brings us the opportunity to reflect on the sobering realities of our space exploration enterprise. Each time men and women board a spacecraft, their actions carry great risk along with the opportunity for great discoveries and the chance to push the envelope of our human achievement. Today, we honor the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia crews, as well as other members of the NASA family who lost their lives supporting NASA’s mission of exploration. We thank them and their families for their extraordinary sacrifices in the service of our nation.

阿波罗1号是追溯给阿波罗-土星204 (AS-204) 的正式名称。   

Edward White, Command Pilot
Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Commander
Roger Chaffee, Pilot


阿波罗1号是追溯给阿波罗-土星204 (AS-204) 的正式名称。   

Edward White, Command Pilot
Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Commander
Roger Chaffee, Pilot




挑战者号航天飞机在顺利上升:7秒钟时,飞机翻转;16秒钟时,机身背向地面,机腹朝天完成转变角度;24秒时,主发动机推力降至预定功率的94%;42秒时,主发动机按计划再减低到预定功率的65%,以避免航天飞机穿过高空湍流区时由于外壳过热而使飞机解体。这时,一切正常,航速已达每秒677米,高度8000米。50秒钟时,地面曾有人发现航天飞机右侧固体助推器侧部冒出一丝丝白烟,这个现象没有引起人们的注意。52秒时,地面指挥中心通知指令长斯克比将发动机恢复全速。59秒时,高度10000米,主发动机已全速工作,助推器已燃烧了近450吨固体燃料。此时,地面控制中心和航天飞机上的计算机上显示的各种数据都未见任何异常。65秒时,斯克比向地面报告“主发动机已加大”,“明白,全速前进”是地面测控中心收听到的最后一句报告词。第73秒时,高度16600,航天飞机突然闪出一团亮光,外挂燃料箱凌空爆炸,航天飞机被炸得粉碎,与地面的通讯  挑战者号在升空73秒后爆炸

美国“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机发射后不久燃料箱外脱落的一个泡沫碎块,一直是事故调查中的一大疑点。美国宇航局公布的一份分析报告显示,该航天飞机可能曾被多达三块泡沫材料击中,而不是早先所认为的一块。 “哥伦比亚”号航天飞机1月16日发射升空,1月24日航天飞机项目承包商美国波音公司技术人员撰写了这份报告,并于1月27日提交给宇航局飞行控制部门。报告称,在“哥伦比亚”号发射82秒后,有三个泡沫材料碎块从连接外部燃料箱和航天飞机的支架区域脱落,每个碎块长约20英寸(相当于50厘米),它们击中航天飞机后“似乎出现了瓦解”,化为大量更小碎片。 美宇航局在公布这份报告时强调说,根据报告得出的结论,泡沫碎块撞击不会影响航天飞机飞行安全性,宇航局飞行控制部门也“同意这一结论”。 尽管如此,新报告公布之后,泡沫材料撞击在“哥伦比亚”号失事中所起的作用,再次引起人们关注。“哥伦比亚”号2月1日解体坠毁后不久,泡沫碎块问题就浮出水面。虽然美宇航局一直坚持认为,泡沫碎块撞击不会有严重后果,但负责对“哥伦比亚”号事故进行调查的独立委员会,目前仍在对泡沫碎块的影响进行深入分析。 这一独立调查委员会目前得出的最主要结论是“哥伦比亚”号机壳上可能出现孔洞,导致超高温气体进入航天飞机,最终酿成事故。而根据美宇航局21日公布的文件,宇航局一位工程师1月29日就曾在电子邮件中警告说,航天飞机外部隔热瓦受损,有可能导致轮舱或起落架舱门出现裂孔

