
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 20:07:04

Dick Winters dies; WWII hero commanded 'Band of Brothers'




By T. Rees Shapiro
Dick Winters, a decorated Army officer whose World War II service was recounted in the best-selling book and HBO mini-series "Band of Brothers," died Jan. 2. News reports listed his age at 92.

Based on the 1992 book by historian Stephen E. Ambrose, the HBO mini-series came out in 2001 and was produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.

The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, E Company.

To Mr. Winters, these citizen-soldiers came to be known as the men of Easy Company -- paratroopers who jumped into combat on June 6, 1944 above Normandy, France.

According to Ambrose's account, Easy Company suffered 150 percent casualties throughout the war.

One of the soldiers who served in Easy Company, David Webster, once wrote that among his colleagues the Purple Heart "was not a decoration but a badge of office."

Mr. Winters, who separated from the Army at the rank of major, and his men fought together through D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge and later occupied Adolf Hitler's mountainside retreat, the Eagle's Nest, near Berchtesgaden.

A charismatic officer who led by example, Mr. Winters received the Distinguished Service Cross, the country's second highest decoration for valor, while conducting combat operations on D-Day.

Mr. Winters led a small group of men on a raid of German cannon emplacements near Utah beach on Normandy's coastline.

While taking out the heavily fortified bunker, Mr. Winters and his men killed 15 German soldiers and took 12 more as prisoners, helping to save countless American lives from the withering cannon fire.

Later in the war, one of Mr. Winters's soldiers, Floyd Talbert, wrote a letter to the officer from a hospital in Indiana expressing gratitude for his loyalty and leadership.

"You are loved and will never be forgotten by any soldier that ever served under you," Talbert wrote to Mr. Winters in 1945. "I would follow you into hell."

For Mr. Winters, his soldiers were his Band of Brothers and their experiences together in the war "created a bond between the men of E company that will last forever."

If you have any memories about Mr. Winters please feel free to leave your comments below. A full obituary is on the way.

In the meantime, check out this clip from HBO's "Band of Brothers," where Mr. Winters describes a letter he received from Myron "Mike" Ranney.

http://voices.washingtonpost.com ... s-wwii-hero-co.html

Dick Winters dies; WWII hero commanded 'Band of Brothers'




By T. Rees Shapiro
Dick Winters, a decorated Army officer whose World War II service was recounted in the best-selling book and HBO mini-series "Band of Brothers," died Jan. 2. News reports listed his age at 92.

Based on the 1992 book by historian Stephen E. Ambrose, the HBO mini-series came out in 2001 and was produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.

The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, E Company.

To Mr. Winters, these citizen-soldiers came to be known as the men of Easy Company -- paratroopers who jumped into combat on June 6, 1944 above Normandy, France.

According to Ambrose's account, Easy Company suffered 150 percent casualties throughout the war.

One of the soldiers who served in Easy Company, David Webster, once wrote that among his colleagues the Purple Heart "was not a decoration but a badge of office."

Mr. Winters, who separated from the Army at the rank of major, and his men fought together through D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge and later occupied Adolf Hitler's mountainside retreat, the Eagle's Nest, near Berchtesgaden.

A charismatic officer who led by example, Mr. Winters received the Distinguished Service Cross, the country's second highest decoration for valor, while conducting combat operations on D-Day.

Mr. Winters led a small group of men on a raid of German cannon emplacements near Utah beach on Normandy's coastline.

While taking out the heavily fortified bunker, Mr. Winters and his men killed 15 German soldiers and took 12 more as prisoners, helping to save countless American lives from the withering cannon fire.

Later in the war, one of Mr. Winters's soldiers, Floyd Talbert, wrote a letter to the officer from a hospital in Indiana expressing gratitude for his loyalty and leadership.

"You are loved and will never be forgotten by any soldier that ever served under you," Talbert wrote to Mr. Winters in 1945. "I would follow you into hell."

For Mr. Winters, his soldiers were his Band of Brothers and their experiences together in the war "created a bond between the men of E company that will last forever."

If you have any memories about Mr. Winters please feel free to leave your comments below. A full obituary is on the way.

In the meantime, check out this clip from HBO's "Band of Brothers," where Mr. Winters describes a letter he received from Myron "Mike" Ranney.

http://voices.washingtonpost.com ... s-wwii-hero-co.html

今天在雅虎上看见的。 逝世时间是1月2日,但他去世前要家人等葬礼结束后再公布。 温特斯是“兄弟连”里角色的原型。 在二战中是101空降师506团2营E连的中尉副连长。 在D Day犹他海滩登陆战中成功袭击德军105毫米炮兵阵地,被授予杰出服务十字勋章(Distinguished Service Cross,低于荣誉勋章),并成为西点军校至今仍在沿用的以13个人打50个人的固定阵地袭击教材。 他平时为人谦逊低调。 因为“兄弟连”剧的成功,他成为当地名人。 被问及他是不是认为自己是个英雄,他回答,不是,我只是在一个英雄的连队里战斗过("No. But I served in a company of heroes.")。。。

双筒 发表于 2011-1-11 15:20
临场应变能力 适应力 为A+++
致敬 致敬

车车 发表于 2011-1-11 04:11

    现在有个国会议员提了个议案,要求奥巴马总统补授(提案是09年提出的,现在老头去世了,就成了追授了。 现在还没通过)温特斯荣誉勋章。 这老头的那次袭击德军的炮兵阵地,救了成百上千的美国兵的命。 要是那四门105毫米榴弹炮,对着犹他海滩一齐狂轰滥炸,恐怕那场面不会比奥马哈海滩(“拯救大兵瑞恩”)好看多少。 他还得了一份德军防御的火力部署图,这也让联军少死了不少。 他差点就得了荣誉勋章,结果美国人办事也讲名额分配。 他们部队里有了一个得荣誉勋章的了,把这老头硬是给降级成了杰出服务十字勋章。。。

今儿才知道,这荣誉勋章有一个跟别的章不一样的地方: 军队里永远是士兵向军官先敬礼,下级军衔向上级先敬礼。 荣誉勋章的得主(如果佩带了勋章别人能看见),军官,哪怕是将军看见了,也得先给荣誉勋章得主敬礼。。。
车车 发表于 2011-1-11 04:11

    现在有个国会议员提了个议案,要求奥巴马总统补授(提案是09年提出的,现在老头去世了,就成了追授了。 现在还没通过)温特斯荣誉勋章。 这老头的那次袭击德军的炮兵阵地,救了成百上千的美国兵的命。 要是那四门105毫米榴弹炮,对着犹他海滩一齐狂轰滥炸,恐怕那场面不会比奥马哈海滩(“拯救大兵瑞恩”)好看多少。 他还得了一份德军防御的火力部署图,这也让联军少死了不少。 他差点就得了荣誉勋章,结果美国人办事也讲名额分配。 他们部队里有了一个得荣誉勋章的了,把这老头硬是给降级成了杰出服务十字勋章。。。

今儿才知道,这荣誉勋章有一个跟别的章不一样的地方: 军队里永远是士兵向军官先敬礼,下级军衔向上级先敬礼。 荣誉勋章的得主(如果佩带了勋章别人能看见),军官,哪怕是将军看见了,也得先给荣誉勋章得主敬礼。。。