巴基斯坦空军确实与以色列交手, 巴空参加中东空战的资料 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 11:56:36

'Shahbaz' over Golan 沙赫巴兹在戈兰高地
A Sword For Hussain 候赛因之剑

'Shahbaz' over Golan
Written by: M Kaisar Tufail

Post-haste summons for volunteers found an eager band of sixteen PAF fighter pilots on their way to the Middle East, in the midst of the 1973 Ramadan war. After a gruelling Peshawar-Karachi-Baghdad flight on a PAF Fokker, they were whisked off to Damascus in a Syrian jet. Upon arrival, half the batch was told to stay back in Syria while the rest were earmarked for Egypt. By the time the PAF batch reached Cairo, Egypt had agreed to a cease-fire; it was therefore decided that they would continue as instructors. But in Syria it was another story.


A Sword For Hussain
By: Air Cdre Kaiser M. Tufail

Commitments under the newly signed pact with Egypt, as well as the prevailing atmosphere of anti-Israeli rage in the Arab world forced King Hussein bin Talal's hand at the outbreak of the Six Day War of 1967. Any doubts that he may have had about Jordan entering the war were overcome by a misleading telephone call he received from the Egyptian President at mid-day on 5th June. In a bizarre 'all is well' report, Nasser assured Hussein that scores of Israeli aircraft had been downed and that Egyptian armored columns were pushing across the Negev Desert for a link-up with Jordanian forces in the Hebron Hills. As a matter of fact, the Egyptian Air Force lay in smoking ruins after the Israeli Air Force had delivered a knockout blow! Oblivious of the factual position, King Hussein ordered his armed forces to attack immediately after Nasser's call.


'Shahbaz' over Golan 沙赫巴兹在戈兰高地
A Sword For Hussain 候赛因之剑

'Shahbaz' over Golan
Written by: M Kaisar Tufail

Post-haste summons for volunteers found an eager band of sixteen PAF fighter pilots on their way to the Middle East, in the midst of the 1973 Ramadan war. After a gruelling Peshawar-Karachi-Baghdad flight on a PAF Fokker, they were whisked off to Damascus in a Syrian jet. Upon arrival, half the batch was told to stay back in Syria while the rest were earmarked for Egypt. By the time the PAF batch reached Cairo, Egypt had agreed to a cease-fire; it was therefore decided that they would continue as instructors. But in Syria it was another story.


A Sword For Hussain
By: Air Cdre Kaiser M. Tufail

Commitments under the newly signed pact with Egypt, as well as the prevailing atmosphere of anti-Israeli rage in the Arab world forced King Hussein bin Talal's hand at the outbreak of the Six Day War of 1967. Any doubts that he may have had about Jordan entering the war were overcome by a misleading telephone call he received from the Egyptian President at mid-day on 5th June. In a bizarre 'all is well' report, Nasser assured Hussein that scores of Israeli aircraft had been downed and that Egyptian armored columns were pushing across the Negev Desert for a link-up with Jordanian forces in the Hebron Hills. As a matter of fact, the Egyptian Air Force lay in smoking ruins after the Israeli Air Force had delivered a knockout blow! Oblivious of the factual position, King Hussein ordered his armed forces to attack immediately after Nasser's call.



回复 5# zhang3wood 团结的炸不同教派的QZS?
zhang3wood 发表于 29-11-2010 12:35


[Osprey]阿以空战1947-82 提及过,见第六章 1973:赎罪日战争
“尽管有停火决议,但在埃及前线敌对行动又持续了一个多月,1974 年春在叙利亚前线也恢复了敌对行动。在南方,主要的摩擦点是埃及试图重新补给被围困的第3 军团,而以色列则击落了好几架埃及直升机。1973 年11 月9 日,1架以色列 RF-4E 被一枚 萨姆-2 击落。飞行员吉顿•舍费尔[Gidon Shefer]在飞行高度48,000 英尺,飞行速度1.7 马赫的情况下弹射跳伞生还,但他的导航员奥佛•齐顿[Ofer Tsidon]却没能幸免。在埃及前线的最后一次空战发生在12 月6 日,但却没有埃及飞行员的参与。2架以色列 F-4 击落了1架北朝鲜飞行员驾驶的 米格-21 ,另1架则被埃及防空军误击击落。”
pheonix 发表于 2010-11-29 19:32