
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 08:21:52
http://www.computerworld.com/act ... 1&intsrc=kc_top


China dominates NSA-backed coding contest
Chinese student, 18, wins, prompting call for earlier math and science education in U.S.
By Patrick Thibodeau
June 8, 2009

Computerworld - Programmers from China and Russia have dominated an international competition on everything from writing algorithms to designing components.

Winner: Bin Jin, or 'crazyb0y.

'Whether the outcome of this competition is another sign that math and science education in the U.S. needs improvement may spur debate. But the fact remains: Of 70 finalists, 20 were from China, 10 from Russia and two from the U.S.

TopCoder Inc., which runs software competitions as part of its software development service, operates TopCoder Open, an annual contest.

About 4,200 people participated in the U.S. National Security Agency-supported challenge. The NSA has been sponsoring the program for a number of years because of its interest in hiring people with advanced skills.

Participants in the contest, which was open to anyone -- from student to professional -- and finished with 120 competitors from around the world, went through a process of elimination that finished this month in Las Vegas.

China's showing in the finals was also helped by the sheer volume of its numbers, 894. India followed at 705, but none of its programmers were finalists. :D :D Russia had 380 participants; the United States, 234; Poland, 214; Egypt, 145; and Ukraine, 128, among others.

Of the total number of contestants, 93% were male, and 84% were aged between 18 and 24.

Rob Hughes, president and COO of TopCoder, said the strong finish by programmers from China, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere is indicative of the importance those countries put on mathematics and science education.

"We do the same thing with athletics here that they do with mathematics and science there," Hughes said. He said the U.S. needs to make earlier inroads in middle schools and high school math and science education.

That's a point Hughes is hardly alone on. President Barack Obama, as well as many of the major tech leaders including Bill Gates, have called for similar action.

Of the participants in the contest, more than 57% had bachelor's degrees, most in computer science, and of that 20% had earned a masters degree, and 6% a PhD.

But the winner of the algorithm competition was an 18-year-old student from China, Bin Jin, who went by the handle "crazyb0y". Chinese programmers have a history of doing very well in this contest.

Mike Lydon, TopCoder's CTO, said Jin's future in computer science is assured. "This gentleman can do whatever he wants," he said.

The participants are tested in design, development, architecture, among others, but one of the most popular is the algorithm coding contest.

To give some sense of difficulty, Lydon provided a description of a problem that the contestants were asked to solve:

"With the rise of services such as Facebook and MySpace, the analysis and understanding of such networks is a particularly active area of current computer science research. At an abstract level, these networks consist of nodes (people), connected by links (friendship).

"In this problem, competitors were given the description of two such networks, but with the names of all the nodes removed from each. The networks were each scrambled up before given to the competitors. The task was to determine if the two networks could possibly be from the same group of people.

"The competitors were to unscramble and label the two networks so that if Alice was connected to Bob in one of the two networks, then Alice was also connected to Bob in the other network. This problem is known as the network isomorphism problem, and solving it for large networks is a major unsolved problem in the realm of theoretical computer science."

Lydon said the overall problem is unsolved for larger networks, and what's considered a correct answer for this problem would not be considered large enough for the solution in this case to be groundbreaking.

Two people solved the problem.http://www.computerworld.com/act ... 1&intsrc=kc_top


China dominates NSA-backed coding contest
Chinese student, 18, wins, prompting call for earlier math and science education in U.S.
By Patrick Thibodeau
June 8, 2009

Computerworld - Programmers from China and Russia have dominated an international competition on everything from writing algorithms to designing components.

Winner: Bin Jin, or 'crazyb0y.

'Whether the outcome of this competition is another sign that math and science education in the U.S. needs improvement may spur debate. But the fact remains: Of 70 finalists, 20 were from China, 10 from Russia and two from the U.S.

TopCoder Inc., which runs software competitions as part of its software development service, operates TopCoder Open, an annual contest.

About 4,200 people participated in the U.S. National Security Agency-supported challenge. The NSA has been sponsoring the program for a number of years because of its interest in hiring people with advanced skills.

Participants in the contest, which was open to anyone -- from student to professional -- and finished with 120 competitors from around the world, went through a process of elimination that finished this month in Las Vegas.

China's showing in the finals was also helped by the sheer volume of its numbers, 894. India followed at 705, but none of its programmers were finalists. :D :D Russia had 380 participants; the United States, 234; Poland, 214; Egypt, 145; and Ukraine, 128, among others.

Of the total number of contestants, 93% were male, and 84% were aged between 18 and 24.

Rob Hughes, president and COO of TopCoder, said the strong finish by programmers from China, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere is indicative of the importance those countries put on mathematics and science education.

"We do the same thing with athletics here that they do with mathematics and science there," Hughes said. He said the U.S. needs to make earlier inroads in middle schools and high school math and science education.

That's a point Hughes is hardly alone on. President Barack Obama, as well as many of the major tech leaders including Bill Gates, have called for similar action.

Of the participants in the contest, more than 57% had bachelor's degrees, most in computer science, and of that 20% had earned a masters degree, and 6% a PhD.

But the winner of the algorithm competition was an 18-year-old student from China, Bin Jin, who went by the handle "crazyb0y". Chinese programmers have a history of doing very well in this contest.

Mike Lydon, TopCoder's CTO, said Jin's future in computer science is assured. "This gentleman can do whatever he wants," he said.

The participants are tested in design, development, architecture, among others, but one of the most popular is the algorithm coding contest.

To give some sense of difficulty, Lydon provided a description of a problem that the contestants were asked to solve:

"With the rise of services such as Facebook and MySpace, the analysis and understanding of such networks is a particularly active area of current computer science research. At an abstract level, these networks consist of nodes (people), connected by links (friendship).

"In this problem, competitors were given the description of two such networks, but with the names of all the nodes removed from each. The networks were each scrambled up before given to the competitors. The task was to determine if the two networks could possibly be from the same group of people.

"The competitors were to unscramble and label the two networks so that if Alice was connected to Bob in one of the two networks, then Alice was also connected to Bob in the other network. This problem is known as the network isomorphism problem, and solving it for large networks is a major unsolved problem in the realm of theoretical computer science."

Lydon said the overall problem is unsolved for larger networks, and what's considered a correct answer for this problem would not be considered large enough for the solution in this case to be groundbreaking.

Two people solved the problem.
歼击机07 发表于 2009-6-9 16:41
就世界上最高水平的programmer contest主要指算法+程序这一块来说
基本看不懂  :')


cxzizou 发表于 2009-6-9 20:45
6626626 发表于 2009-6-9 22:14
4# caisanchun



liangkangping 发表于 2009-6-10 00:38


liangkangping 发表于 2009-6-10 00:38

liangkangping 发表于 2009-6-10 00:38


阿三真丢人  700多人参加比赛 进决赛的一个都没   中国800多人 进了20个  俄罗斯10  美国2

印度还好意思号称什么软件大国  世界办公室  我呸{:3_77:}

贪污腐败比中国厉害的多  文盲超多 人均寿命比中国少10多年  9成包办婚姻
还敢号称世界最大民主国家 真是不要脸


Topcoder的大统领Rob Hughes表示,来自中国、俄罗斯、东欧等地选手如此彪悍的战绩说明了在这些地方数学和科学教育是灰常灰常的受重视的。




但是这些人都是废柴!算法比赛的冠军是一位来自中国的18岁学生,Bin Jin,网名crazyb0y。中国人在该项比赛中一直是大大的厉害。

TopCoder的CTO,Mike Lydon说:“在计算机的世界里,对Bin来说已经是没有什么是不可能的了。”

江苏省常州高级中学高三(13)班学生金斌,在美国当地时间6月4日下午举行的Topcoder Open (简称TCO)Algorithm(算法)冠军争夺战中,击败各路好手,一举夺得世界冠军。这是继他今年一月夺得Topcoder High School(简称TCHS,即高中生比赛)世界冠军后,一年内取得的第二个Topcoder系列赛冠军。金斌是进入现场比赛的唯一的高中生,也是参加最终决赛的唯一一名中国选手,同时也成为了历史上第一个一年内取得TCHS和TCO两项冠军的选手和历史上最年轻的世界冠军。

对于算法类程序设计竞赛,被全世界广泛公认的有3项大赛,分别是于1989年创办,代表了高中生学科竞赛最高荣誉的IOI(International Olympiad in Informatics,国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛);由美国Topcoder公司从2001年开始举办,在个人程序设计竞赛中最具权威的Topcoder Algorithm比赛(TCO是这项系列赛的年度总决赛);以及于1970年创办的,在团队程序设计竞赛中最具权威的ACM/ICPC(国际大学生程序设计竞赛)。参加TCO比赛的选手有许多都是ACM世界冠军队成员,或者是IOI的金牌获得者,可以说都是计算机程序设计竞赛领域的精英人士。


此时与金斌对抗的,大都是身披无数荣誉的大学生,甚至是职业程序员。超过57%的参赛者具有学士学位,其中大部分为计算机专业,20%为硕士学历,6%拥有博士学位。在决赛中,面对Topcoder Algorithm的世界第一、三届TCO冠军的Petr(来自Moscow State Univ,曾率队两获ACM世界亚军);ACM世界冠军队成员WiNGeR(来自St.Pertersburg Univ. IFMO)、Marek(来自Warsaw Univ.);来自加拿大的职业程序员Snapdragon(topcoder排名第6);来自俄罗斯Novosibirsk State Univ的syg96;来自挪威的Im2Good和来自阿根廷的lucasr等世界顶尖高手,金斌发挥非常出色,凭借成功的解题策略,最终取得了梦幻般的胜利——他也成为了历史上第一个一年内取得TCHS和TCO两项冠军的选手和历史上最年轻的世界冠军。现场赛的出色表现也让金斌在Topcoder的排名进入了世界前十——可以说创造了一个奇迹。

初中毕业于常州外国语学校的金斌从小对信息学就情有独钟,曾屡获全国信息学奥林匹克竞赛江苏赛区一等奖,2008年入选国家集训队,在最终选拔时遗憾地与国家队擦肩而过。他从高一开始接触Topcoder比赛,虽说一开始默默无闻,但在一年的时间内靠自己不懈而刻苦的努力在中国排进了前十名,超过了许多比他年长的信息学奥林匹克中国国家队成员和很多IOI金牌选手,成为了Topcoder Algorithm中冉冉升起的新星。凭借自己聪颖的天资和勤勉的训练,他的实力与日俱增。本次在TCO中取得世界冠军,无疑是对他几年来默默付出的肯定。“这个第一名远比国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛金牌分量重,成色足!”省常中金牌教练曹文评价说。TopCoder的首席技术官Mike Lydon则称赞金斌在计算机方面的前途不可限量:“这个男孩可以完成任何他想做的事。”


超大123 发表于 2009-6-11 18:33   中国确实缺少系统的人才发展计划啊。
