美国漠视中国寻求太空合作的努力, 称中国\"技术不成熟\"

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 18:04:56
CAPE CANAVERAL, FL -- Despite joining the elite club of nations to have successfully launched humans into space, China remains an outsider with the United State, reaching out to other space faring countries, an expert on Chinese space exploration said Tuesday.

卡拉韦拉尔角, 佛罗里达州 – 周二, 一位了解中国太空探测的专家说, 尽管中国已成为成功实现有人太空探索的精英国家的一员, 但是它仍旧被美国人视为末路, 而不得不向其他有志于太空探测的国家求援.

The Chinese National Space Administration was surprised to receive a cold reaction from the U.S. after the successful flight of taikonaut Yang Liwei in October 2003, said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on China’s space efforts.

这位熟悉中国航天事务的专家John Johnson-Freese 说, 中国的国家航天局对美国人就航天员扬利伟2003年十月的成功飞行所表现出的冷漠表示吃惊.

“The Chinese were shocked to find that now that they had a manned space program the U.S. would not work with them,” Johnson-Freese said during the 41st Space Congress underway here. “They were told their ‘technology was not mature.’”

她在本地举行的第四十一届空间大会中说, 中国震惊地发现即使拥有了自己的载人太空计划美国人还是不愿和他们一起工作, 并且美国人称他们的技术”不成熟”.

For over a decade, China has fueled its human space flight program to the collective tune of $2.2 billion. That figure comes from Zhou Xiaofei, Manager of the Manned Spaceflight Department within the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

据中国航天科技公司太空载人飞行部经理周晓飞透露, 中国十多年来已投入了总计2,200,000,000美元在载人太空飞行项目上.

Zhou revealed the cost number at an International Space Law Seminar 2004, which opened on Apr 26 in Beijing, and was reported by China's People's Daily Online.

据中国的人民日报网络版报道, 该数目是周在四月二十六号北京开幕的2004国际空间法律研讨会上透露的.

A sizeable amount of those dollars, Zhou said, were used on construction of various facilities, including new structures at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, for an astronaut training center, and at the Beijing Spaceflight Center. These facilities not only provide necessary conditions for assembly, test and experiment, but also serve as the foundation for "sustainable development" of China's manned spaceflight project, he reported.

周提到, 这些钱中很可观的一部分被用于象酒泉卫星发射中心, 航天员培训中心, 及北京空间飞行中心的设施建设中. 这些设施不仅为组装, 测试及实验提供了必要条件, 也为中国载人太空计划的”力所能及的发展”打下了基础.

Other funds were detailed to development of the Shenzhou piloted spacecraft, Zhou added, such as the carrier rocket and seven major systems for the project. A hefty chunk of funding was spent on four unpiloted Shenzhou shakeout missions before their first human flight of a Shenzhou V took place last October.

周也提到, 另一些资金被细分到了神州载人飞船的开发中, 比如运载火箭及该项目的七个子系统. 资金中相当一部分被花在了于去年十月神州五号的第一次载人飞行前的四次无人神州测试飞行中.

Despite this investment, and China's cautious approach to the launching of its manned missions, the U.S. remained unmoved. Questions over whether China’s space effort is a civilian program, or a military endeavor that could eventually threaten the U.S., were reportedly responsible for the U.S.’s uncooperative reaction.

尽管中国在它的载人计划上的进行了投资及采取谨慎行事, 美国仍旧一直保持无动于衷. 据传美国的不合作主要来源于对中国的太空努力是民用项目还是一个终将威胁美国的军用项目的质疑.

“China is at least two decades behind the U.S. in military technology and ability,” Johnson-Freese said. But it is possible to develop military space technology through a manned program, there were discussions over whether China’s piloted Shenzhou spacecraft could serve as a reconnaissance platform, she added.

这位专家说, 中国在军事技术及能力上至少落后美国二十年. 但是经由载人航天计划来开发军用太空技术是有可能的, 并且一直存在着是否中国的载人神州飞船能够作为侦察平台的讨论.

Yang’s historic flight carried him around the Earth 14 times during his 21-hour flight aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. The flight’s success made China only the third nation to loft a human into space.

杨搭乘神州五号太空飞船完成了21小时绕地球14圈的历史性飞行. 这次成功的飞行使中国成为将人送上太空的第三个国家.

Anticipating future space cooperation with the U.S., China fitted the Shenzhou craft with a docking ring capable of linking up with the International Space Station (ISS) and has at least one launch site, Jiuquan, located at near the same latitude as NASA’s Cape Canaveral, which would allow similar launch profiles, Johnson-Freese said. She added that the wall between China and U.S. space officials prompted at least one Chinese space official to tears.

Johnson-Freese说, 中国人由于预期着的与美国未来的太空合作, 所以已经在神州太空舱上加入了可与国际空间站对接用的对接口, 并且还建立了至少一个与NASA的卡拉韦拉尔角处于同纬度并有相似作用的发射基地, 如酒泉. 她还补充道, 中美太空官员之间的藩离导致了至少一个中国太空人员的落泪.

The cool reception from the U.S. prompted China to turn to other nations and coalitions like the European Space Agency (ESA), where the country has sunk $259 million in the multinational Galileo project. China is also spending $170 million for a moon rover, she added.

美国的冷淡回应促使中国转向别的国家和象中国已投入了259,000,000美元于多国加利略计划的欧洲太空总署这样的集团. 她还补充道, 中国也花了170,000,000美元于月球漫游车.

Johnson-Freese, who also chairs the National Security Decision Making Department of the U.S. Naval College, routinely tours China to view its launch sites and other space capabilities. China, she said, sees its budding manned space program as a sign of economic development and a way of impressing nearby neighbors like Pakistan and Iran.

身为美国海军学院国家安全决策部门的主席的John Johnson-Freese定期前往中国了解他们的太空发射场及其他太空设施. 她说, 中国将其处于萌芽阶段的载人太空计划视为经济发展的标志及影响如巴基斯坦,伊郎这样的邻国的一种方法.

Chinese space officials are now planning an October 2004 launch for Shenzhou 6, a two-person mission to last up to seven days, Johnson-Freese said. The Chinese space agency also plans to begin recruiting female taikonuts in 2005.

该专家说, 中国航天人正在计划着2004年十月的双人七天的神州六号之旅, 并且也计划在2005年开始招收女航天员.

SPACE.com Senior Space Writer Leonard David contributed to this report.
[em10][em10][em10][em10][em05][em05][em05][em05]CAPE CANAVERAL, FL -- Despite joining the elite club of nations to have successfully launched humans into space, China remains an outsider with the United State, reaching out to other space faring countries, an expert on Chinese space exploration said Tuesday.

卡拉韦拉尔角, 佛罗里达州 – 周二, 一位了解中国太空探测的专家说, 尽管中国已成为成功实现有人太空探索的精英国家的一员, 但是它仍旧被美国人视为末路, 而不得不向其他有志于太空探测的国家求援.

The Chinese National Space Administration was surprised to receive a cold reaction from the U.S. after the successful flight of taikonaut Yang Liwei in October 2003, said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on China’s space efforts.

这位熟悉中国航天事务的专家John Johnson-Freese 说, 中国的国家航天局对美国人就航天员扬利伟2003年十月的成功飞行所表现出的冷漠表示吃惊.

“The Chinese were shocked to find that now that they had a manned space program the U.S. would not work with them,” Johnson-Freese said during the 41st Space Congress underway here. “They were told their ‘technology was not mature.’”

她在本地举行的第四十一届空间大会中说, 中国震惊地发现即使拥有了自己的载人太空计划美国人还是不愿和他们一起工作, 并且美国人称他们的技术”不成熟”.

For over a decade, China has fueled its human space flight program to the collective tune of $2.2 billion. That figure comes from Zhou Xiaofei, Manager of the Manned Spaceflight Department within the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

据中国航天科技公司太空载人飞行部经理周晓飞透露, 中国十多年来已投入了总计2,200,000,000美元在载人太空飞行项目上.

Zhou revealed the cost number at an International Space Law Seminar 2004, which opened on Apr 26 in Beijing, and was reported by China's People's Daily Online.

据中国的人民日报网络版报道, 该数目是周在四月二十六号北京开幕的2004国际空间法律研讨会上透露的.

A sizeable amount of those dollars, Zhou said, were used on construction of various facilities, including new structures at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, for an astronaut training center, and at the Beijing Spaceflight Center. These facilities not only provide necessary conditions for assembly, test and experiment, but also serve as the foundation for "sustainable development" of China's manned spaceflight project, he reported.

周提到, 这些钱中很可观的一部分被用于象酒泉卫星发射中心, 航天员培训中心, 及北京空间飞行中心的设施建设中. 这些设施不仅为组装, 测试及实验提供了必要条件, 也为中国载人太空计划的”力所能及的发展”打下了基础.

Other funds were detailed to development of the Shenzhou piloted spacecraft, Zhou added, such as the carrier rocket and seven major systems for the project. A hefty chunk of funding was spent on four unpiloted Shenzhou shakeout missions before their first human flight of a Shenzhou V took place last October.

周也提到, 另一些资金被细分到了神州载人飞船的开发中, 比如运载火箭及该项目的七个子系统. 资金中相当一部分被花在了于去年十月神州五号的第一次载人飞行前的四次无人神州测试飞行中.

Despite this investment, and China's cautious approach to the launching of its manned missions, the U.S. remained unmoved. Questions over whether China’s space effort is a civilian program, or a military endeavor that could eventually threaten the U.S., were reportedly responsible for the U.S.’s uncooperative reaction.

尽管中国在它的载人计划上的进行了投资及采取谨慎行事, 美国仍旧一直保持无动于衷. 据传美国的不合作主要来源于对中国的太空努力是民用项目还是一个终将威胁美国的军用项目的质疑.

“China is at least two decades behind the U.S. in military technology and ability,” Johnson-Freese said. But it is possible to develop military space technology through a manned program, there were discussions over whether China’s piloted Shenzhou spacecraft could serve as a reconnaissance platform, she added.

这位专家说, 中国在军事技术及能力上至少落后美国二十年. 但是经由载人航天计划来开发军用太空技术是有可能的, 并且一直存在着是否中国的载人神州飞船能够作为侦察平台的讨论.

Yang’s historic flight carried him around the Earth 14 times during his 21-hour flight aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. The flight’s success made China only the third nation to loft a human into space.

杨搭乘神州五号太空飞船完成了21小时绕地球14圈的历史性飞行. 这次成功的飞行使中国成为将人送上太空的第三个国家.

Anticipating future space cooperation with the U.S., China fitted the Shenzhou craft with a docking ring capable of linking up with the International Space Station (ISS) and has at least one launch site, Jiuquan, located at near the same latitude as NASA’s Cape Canaveral, which would allow similar launch profiles, Johnson-Freese said. She added that the wall between China and U.S. space officials prompted at least one Chinese space official to tears.

Johnson-Freese说, 中国人由于预期着的与美国未来的太空合作, 所以已经在神州太空舱上加入了可与国际空间站对接用的对接口, 并且还建立了至少一个与NASA的卡拉韦拉尔角处于同纬度并有相似作用的发射基地, 如酒泉. 她还补充道, 中美太空官员之间的藩离导致了至少一个中国太空人员的落泪.

The cool reception from the U.S. prompted China to turn to other nations and coalitions like the European Space Agency (ESA), where the country has sunk $259 million in the multinational Galileo project. China is also spending $170 million for a moon rover, she added.

美国的冷淡回应促使中国转向别的国家和象中国已投入了259,000,000美元于多国加利略计划的欧洲太空总署这样的集团. 她还补充道, 中国也花了170,000,000美元于月球漫游车.

Johnson-Freese, who also chairs the National Security Decision Making Department of the U.S. Naval College, routinely tours China to view its launch sites and other space capabilities. China, she said, sees its budding manned space program as a sign of economic development and a way of impressing nearby neighbors like Pakistan and Iran.

身为美国海军学院国家安全决策部门的主席的John Johnson-Freese定期前往中国了解他们的太空发射场及其他太空设施. 她说, 中国将其处于萌芽阶段的载人太空计划视为经济发展的标志及影响如巴基斯坦,伊郎这样的邻国的一种方法.

Chinese space officials are now planning an October 2004 launch for Shenzhou 6, a two-person mission to last up to seven days, Johnson-Freese said. The Chinese space agency also plans to begin recruiting female taikonuts in 2005.

该专家说, 中国航天人正在计划着2004年十月的双人七天的神州六号之旅, 并且也计划在2005年开始招收女航天员.

SPACE.com Senior Space Writer Leonard David contributed to this report.




9楼的你的画在那儿弄的   我也想要!


我倒觉得可信度满高的, 想想我们的神州五轨道舱是有与ISS的预留接口, 到现在寿命快到期了也没用上.
大家要顶啊, 我可翻译的很辛苦啊!!
以下是引用中共日本省长在2004-5-4 13:59:00的发言:



以下是引用山之风在2004-5-4 13:00:00的发言:

