ZT,美国Monarex Hollywood Co.制片公司摄制的 《西藏真 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 18:46:40
美国Monarex Hollywood Co.制片公司摄制的 《西藏真相》
制片人:Chris Nebe - "Mysterious China" (《神秘中国》系列片的制片人)。以下是他在youtube发布的《西藏真相》的前言:

The West is trying to demonize China. Why? To ensure an upper-handed position economically, politically, and socially.


Too many harbor strong opinions about Tibet, yet know nothing more than the few slogans offered by the mass-media outlets.


The media screams:


"They killed innocent monks!" - but those "innocent" monks and other young hooligans killed innocent Chinese before a single shot was fired on them.

“他们屠杀无辜的僧侣!”--- 但是真相是,那些所谓的“无辜的”僧侣和其他年轻的流氓暴徒在杀害无辜的民众,虽然政府从来没有对他们射出一颗子弹。

"The Chinese are oppressive" - do you consider freeing over 95% of Tibetans from slavery, building a state of the art infrastructure, and a new economy oppressive?

“中国政府是压迫人民的政府” -- 你难道认为一个把95%的藏族人从奴隶制度解放出来,在西藏建设了现代化的基础设施,并且使西藏经济焕然一新的政府是个压迫人民的政府吗?

"The Chinese suppress Tibetan Buddhism" - then why have the Chinese spent a fortune restoring ancient monasteries and places of religious significance?

“中国政府和谐藏传佛教”--- 那么为什么中国政府又斥巨资修复古刹和重要的宗教建筑呢?

China doesn't SPIN NEWS like we do. Their silence is too often mistaken as admission of guilt. Don't be another uninformed drone. Do everyone a favor and learn truths before forming opinions.


Here's to Peace & Harmony! The 2008 Beijing Olympics deserve support!


Youtube原始地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsoc4-QnplY美国Monarex Hollywood Co.制片公司摄制的 《西藏真相》
制片人:Chris Nebe - "Mysterious China" (《神秘中国》系列片的制片人)。以下是他在youtube发布的《西藏真相》的前言:

The West is trying to demonize China. Why? To ensure an upper-handed position economically, politically, and socially.


Too many harbor strong opinions about Tibet, yet know nothing more than the few slogans offered by the mass-media outlets.


The media screams:


"They killed innocent monks!" - but those "innocent" monks and other young hooligans killed innocent Chinese before a single shot was fired on them.

“他们屠杀无辜的僧侣!”--- 但是真相是,那些所谓的“无辜的”僧侣和其他年轻的流氓暴徒在杀害无辜的民众,虽然政府从来没有对他们射出一颗子弹。

"The Chinese are oppressive" - do you consider freeing over 95% of Tibetans from slavery, building a state of the art infrastructure, and a new economy oppressive?

“中国政府是压迫人民的政府” -- 你难道认为一个把95%的藏族人从奴隶制度解放出来,在西藏建设了现代化的基础设施,并且使西藏经济焕然一新的政府是个压迫人民的政府吗?

"The Chinese suppress Tibetan Buddhism" - then why have the Chinese spent a fortune restoring ancient monasteries and places of religious significance?

“中国政府和谐藏传佛教”--- 那么为什么中国政府又斥巨资修复古刹和重要的宗教建筑呢?

China doesn't SPIN NEWS like we do. Their silence is too often mistaken as admission of guilt. Don't be another uninformed drone. Do everyone a favor and learn truths before forming opinions.


Here's to Peace & Harmony! The 2008 Beijing Olympics deserve support!


this video is fabricated piece of shit, derived from film of communist propaganda to justify for massacres .who ever applaud such action will be judged by history,like nazis.this fake tibetan scholar is obviously on chinese payroll, his loyalty to totalitarianism will be defeated by ever burning spirit of freedom. bunch of like minded people will light the passion of propaganda,share the dream of dictators, journey of disharmony and smother the flame of olympic.what shame
This is all ancient history; England and the U.S. and all the rest of the world had slaves at one time. None of what is discussed this video gives Communist China the right to occupy and murder Tibetans. Period.
http://www.youtube.com/get_video ... IpCo20dMetSx-gMq3PE
http://www.youtube.com/get_video ... fjPpF247ujx04JuQmdO