GLOCK 17的滑套和下身是什么材质的?

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 12:09:24
当然是钢的,还没见谁用铝做滑套的。 里面是Carbon Steel,外面是Tenifer Treatment,最外面黑的是Parkerizing Finish。。。:)
关于Glock frame的塑料,Glock FAQ网站有介绍。 名字叫做Nylon 6。 我转过来,再把URL留下。。。

What is the Glock frame made of?
The Glock frame is made out of a high-tech plastic polymer called nylon 6. Exactly what that means, I don't know. But our resident engineer [MarkCO] was kind enough to provide some explanation:

Commerical price for hi-grade Nylon 6 is about $3.50/lb. Commerical price for hi-carbon steel is about $1.50/lb. Sounds to me like the Glock is actually a better buy. Anyway, I did a little research and got a smattering of information on the Glock plastic "formula". One source says "more highly guarded than the Coke formula". From 3 human and 5 technical sources, Glock uses an out-sourced proprietary hybrid polymer mix with a base of Nylon 6. The frames are cast and offer high strength, wear resistance, abrasion resistance, and good resiliency, good ductility and toughness. Fracture mechanics are excellent with defect ratios below 1. Do not compare to extruded Nylons because it is different. Casting prices range from $3-$50/pound depending on process and intricacy. The Glock is considered highly-intricate due to imbedded metallic components. Offers long term performance at elevated and depressed temperatures. Chemically stable in a majority of environments, attacked directly by strong acids and bases (better than steel actually). UV exposure results in degradation over an extended period of time. 2-3% carbon black virtually eliminates UV degradation and Carbon-Black does not become readily absorbed in Nylons offering higly increased useful life spans. Loss of mechanical properties with 2% Carbon-Black is less than 0.05% on an elevated UV exposure test equivalent to approximately 100 years. Hyrdolytically attacked by water in excess of 120 degrees. Basically, no hot-tubbing with your Glock and you will be fine. Tupperware is not made from Nylon BTW. Hope this answered some questions.
Good Shooting, MarkCO
就是尼龙6嘛 不过肯定不是一般的尼龙6
而且看上面的说法 除了加入一些其他东西以外 制作工艺也和一般加工尼龙的方法不一样
他说是casting (一般在翻译为流延或者铸造)而不是普通的extruded(一般翻译为挤出)这个我搞不太明白

尼龙 6??
这个材料好像很早以前国内就有用了,我家还有一根这个材料的料棒,我父亲说是拿来作低强度的轴承的,好像还比较贵的,我对材料不太懂,这根料棒鸡蛋般粗细,大概5,60十公分长,打架用倒是十分顺手,好几次“战役”它都是立了功的:D :D
普通的尼龙6的确是一种很通用的工程塑料 没什么非常神奇的
具有较好的韧性和强度 同时还有自润滑性能 但是低温性能不好

但是造格洛克的 肯定不是普通的尼龙6 我估计是一种分子量很大的
这样可以保证更好的强度 但是加工起来麻烦
而且应该是有玻纤增强的 同时还有增韧改性 要不然肯定没法满足枪械的要求
而且你看看他说的价格 $3.5/lb 大概是现在普通尼龙6的2.7倍
现在市面上的尼龙6大概是$2.6/kg 也就是差不多$1.3/lb  这还是石油价格在$70/barrier以上时候的价格 以前应该更便宜的
原帖由 flashsoldier 于 2007-12-27 09:49 发表

俺也不懂啊,那是网上抄来的。 翻译起来头疼,就原样贴过来了。 俺觉得,没必要懂太多的理论。 这玩枪啊,就像进饭馆,有两类人。 一种是厨师,另一种是客人。 俺们是客人,只管吃,吃完交钱。 懂太多那饭菜怎么做的,吃饭的时候也在想,那饭菜的滋味都有可能来不及好好品尝呢。。。:D