
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 02:02:18
Movement in urban areas is a fundamental
that you must master. To minimize expoto
enemy fire while moving:
Do not silhouette yourself, stay low,
avoid open areas such as streets,
alleys, and parks.
Select your next covered position before
Conceal your movements by using
smoke, buildings, rubble, or foliage.
Move rapidly from one position to
Do not mask your overwatching
covering fire when you move; and stay
alert and ready.

Before moving around a corner, check out
the area beyond it to see if it is clear of obstacles
and the enemy. Do not expose yourself when
checking out that area. Lie flat on the ground
and do not expose your weapon beyond the corner.
With your steel helmet on, look around the
corner at ground level only enough to see around
it. Do not expose your head any more than
necessary. If there are no obstacles or enemy
present, stay low and move around the corner.
When moving past a window on the first
floor of a building, stay below the window level.
Take care not to silhouette yourself in the window,
and stay close to the side of the building.
When moving past a window in a basement,
use the same basic techniques used in
passing a window on the first floor. However,
instead of staying below the window, step or
jump over it without exposing your legs.
When you must move parallel to a building,
use smoke for concealment and have someone
to overwatch your move. Stay close to the side
of the building. Use shadows if possible, and
stay low. Move quickly from covered position
to covered position.
Whenever possible, you should avoid kill
zones such as streets, alleys, and parks. They
are natural kill zones for enemy machine guns.
When you must cross an open area, do it quickly.
Use the shortest route across the area. Use
smoke to conceal your move and have someone
overwatch you.
If you must go from point A to point C,
as depicted in the illustration, do not move
from point A straight to point C. This is the
longest route across the open area and gives
the enemy more time to track and hit you.
Instead of going from point A straight Once on the other side of the open area,
to point C, select a place (point B) to move to, move to point C using the techniques already
using the shortest route across the open area. discussed.
~ so cool~
If forced to use a hallway(走廊), do not present
a large target to the enemy. Hug the wall and
get out of the hallway quickly.
When entering a building, take every precaution(警惕;预防)
to get into it with minimum exposure
to enemy fire and observation. Some basic
rules are:
Select an entry point before moving.
Avoid windows and doors.
Use smoke for concealment(隐藏;隐蔽).
Make new entry points by using
demolitions(破坏) or tank rounds.
Quickly follow the explosion of the
hand grenade(手榴弹).
Have your buddy overwatch you as
you enter the building.
Enter at the highest level possible.

The preferred way to clear a building is to
clear from the top down. That is why you should
enter at the highest level possible. If a defending
enemy is forced down to the ground level, he
Throw a hand grenade through the may leave the building, thus exposing(暴露) himself
entry point before entering. to the fires outside the building.
If the enemy is forced up to the top floor,
he may fight even harder than normal or
escape over the roofs of other buildings.
You can use ropes, ladders, drain pipes(排水管……这……这好像是某人很擅长的技术的说……),
vines(藤蔓), helicopters(直升机), or the roofs and windows of
adjoining(邻近的) buildings to reach the top floor or
roof of a building. In some cases, you can climb
onto another soldier’s shoulders and pull yourself
up. You can attach a grappling hook(抓升钩……这是么么东东……汗) to one
end of a rope and throw the hook to the roof,
where it can snag something to hold the rope in place.
There will be times when you can’t enter
from an upper level or the roof. In such cases,
entry at the ground floor may be your only way
to get into the building. When making low level
entries, avoid entries through windows and
doors as much as possible. They are often
booby trapped(安置了陷阱) and are probably covered by
enemy fire.
When making low level entries, use demolitions,
artillery(炮), tanks, antitank(对抗战车用的) weapons,
or similar means to make an entry point in a
wall. Before entering the entry point, throw
a cooked-off hand grenade through the entry
point to reinforce(增加;加强) the effects of the first blast.
When fighting in built-up areas, use
hand grenades to clear rooms, hallways, and
buildings. Throw a hand grenade before entering
a door, window, room, hall, stairwell, or
any other entry point. Before throwing a hand
grenade, let it cook off for 2 seconds. That
keeps the enemy from throwing it back before
it explodes.(投掷手榴弹之前让它保持拉开的状态2秒,以防止敌人在它爆炸之前把它扔回来~~)
To cook off a hand grenade remove your
thumb from the safety lever; allow the lever to
rotate out and away from the grenade; then
count one thousand one, one thousand two, and
throw it.
The best way to put a grenade into an
upper-story opening is to use a grenade launcher(枪榴弹发射器).
When you throw a hand grenade into an
opening, stay close to the building, using it for
cover. Before you throw the hand grenade, select
a safe place to move to in case the hand grenade
does not go into the opening or in case the
enemy throws it back. Once you throw the hand
grenade, take cover. After the hand grenade
explodes, move into the building quickly.
Fighting positions in urban areas are
different from those in other types of terrain.
They are not always prepared as discussed in
chapter 2. In some cases, you must use hasty
fighting positions which are no more than whatever
cover is available.
When using a corner of a building as a
fighting position, you must be able to fire from
either shoulder. Fire from the shoulder that lets
you keep your body close to the wall of the building
and expose as little of yourself as possible.
If possible, fire from the prone position.
When firing from behind a wall, fire around
it if possible, not over it. Firing around it reduces
the chance of being seen by the enemy.
Always stay low, close to the wall, and fire from
the shoulder that lets you stay behind cover.
When using a window as a fighting position,
do not use a standing position, as it exposes
most of your body. Standing may also silhouette
you against a light-colored interior wall or
a window on the other side of the building. Do
not let the muzzle(枪口) of your rifle extend beyond
the window, as that may give away your position.不要让你的枪口伸出窗外因为这样会暴露你的位置。
The enemy may see the muzzle or the
flash of the rifle.敌人会看见你的枪口或枪焰。
The best way to fire from a window is to
get well back into the room. That prevents the
muzzle or flash from being seen. Kneel to
reduce exposure.
To improve the cover provided by a window,
barricade(设路障) the window but leave a small hole
to fire through. Also barricade other windows
around your position. That keeps the enemy
from knowing which windows are being used for
fighting positions. Use boards from the interior
walls of the building or any other material to
barricade the window. The barricade material
should be put on in an irregular pattern so that
the enemy cannot determine which window is
being used.
Place sandbags below and on the sides of
the window to reinforce it and to add cover.
Remove all the glass in the window to prevent
injury from flying glass.
A peak of a roof can provide a vantage(优势)
point and cover for a fighting position. It is
especially good for a sniper(狙击兵) position. When
firing from a rooftop, stay low and do not silhouette
A chimney, smokestack(烟囱), or any other
structure extending from a roof can provide a
base behind which you can prepare a position.
If possible, remove some of the roofing material
so that you can stand inside the building on
a beam or platform with only your head and
shoulders above the roof. 如果可能的话移动一些屋顶的设施使你能够站在房梁上,并且只有头和肩露在屋顶外。Use sandbags to provide
extra cover.
If there are no structures extending from
a roof, prepare the position from underneath
the roof and on the enemy side. Remove enough
of the roofing material to let you see and cover
your sector through it. Use sandbags to add
cover. Stand back from the opening and do
not let the muzzle or flash of your rifle show
through the hole. The only thing that should be
noticeable to the enemy is the missing roofing
A loophole blown or cut in a wall provides
cover for a fighting position. Using loopholes
reduces the number of windows that have to be
used. Cut or blow several loopholes in a wall so
the enemy cannot tell which one you are using.
When using a loophole, stay back from it. Do
not let the muzzle or flash of your rifle show
through it.
To reinforce加强 a loophole and add cover, put
sandbags around it. If you will be firing from a
prone position on the second floor, put sandbags
on the floor to lie on. That will protect
you from explosions on the first floor. Use a
table with sandbags on it or some other sturdy
structure to provide overhead cover. That will
protect you from falling debris碎片.
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