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John Milius to Write the The Chosen Few ScreenplaySend Article Discuss Article Text Version Submit Scoops

2929 Entertainment co-owner and CEO Todd Wagner announced that the company has optioned the story Task Force Faith by Julie Precious and hired John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Clear and Present Danger) to adapt it into a full length feature film. The film, which will be titled The Chosen Few, is a passion project for Wagner, who will produce.

The Chosen Few will tell of the Chosin Reservoir Battle early in the Korean War where a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops. The Chinese troops had surrounded a mere 15,000 U.S. Marines and 2,500 U.S. Army soldiers on different sides of the Chosin reservoir. After several furious days of fighting in sub-zero temperatures, the heroic actions of the U.S. soldiers allowed the Marines to battle their way out.

"For many years, these U.S. Army troops were thought to have 'cut and run' and were shunned for cowardice while the Marine troops received a Presidential Unit Citation but, over the years, a group of survivors and historians fought to shed a light on what really happened during this battle," says Wagner. "This is an extraordinary and powerful story about a 'forgotten war' and a piece of our nation's history, and I am proud to be a part of the team bringing this to life."

Milius is a writer and director who worked on such legendary films as Jeremiah Johnson (writer), The Wind and The Lion (writer/director), Jaws (writer), Big Wednesday (writer/director), Apocalypse Now (writer), Conan the Barbarian (writer/director), Red Dawn (writer/director), Farewell to the King(writer/director) and Clear and Present Danger (writer).

Precious, who is an Army veteran and former Korea analyst, is currently an employee with the Department of Defense in Washington D.C. She participates in creativeprojects on a freelance basis in an unofficial capacity. She is also completing a documentary on the 31st Regimental Combat Team battle这个英文网站(该网站有屏蔽,需代理才可以访问)说的;




John Milius to Write the The Chosen Few ScreenplaySend Article Discuss Article Text Version Submit Scoops

2929 Entertainment co-owner and CEO Todd Wagner announced that the company has optioned the story Task Force Faith by Julie Precious and hired John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Clear and Present Danger) to adapt it into a full length feature film. The film, which will be titled The Chosen Few, is a passion project for Wagner, who will produce.

The Chosen Few will tell of the Chosin Reservoir Battle early in the Korean War where a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops. The Chinese troops had surrounded a mere 15,000 U.S. Marines and 2,500 U.S. Army soldiers on different sides of the Chosin reservoir. After several furious days of fighting in sub-zero temperatures, the heroic actions of the U.S. soldiers allowed the Marines to battle their way out.

"For many years, these U.S. Army troops were thought to have 'cut and run' and were shunned for cowardice while the Marine troops received a Presidential Unit Citation but, over the years, a group of survivors and historians fought to shed a light on what really happened during this battle," says Wagner. "This is an extraordinary and powerful story about a 'forgotten war' and a piece of our nation's history, and I am proud to be a part of the team bringing this to life."

Milius is a writer and director who worked on such legendary films as Jeremiah Johnson (writer), The Wind and The Lion (writer/director), Jaws (writer), Big Wednesday (writer/director), Apocalypse Now (writer), Conan the Barbarian (writer/director), Red Dawn (writer/director), Farewell to the King(writer/director) and Clear and Present Danger (writer).

Precious, who is an Army veteran and former Korea analyst, is currently an employee with the Department of Defense in Washington D.C. She participates in creativeprojects on a freelance basis in an unofficial capacity. She is also completing a documentary on the 31st Regimental Combat Team battle
等中国现在这批导演死绝了咱也拍几部 要不搁现在导演们的脑子 长津湖也得拍成生死恋....
战长津湖 长津湖是朝鲜北部最大的湖泊,由发源于黄草岭的长津江向北在柳潭里和下碣隅里之间形成长津湖,最后注入鸭绿江。公元1950年11月中美两支王牌军在这里展开的一场改变历史进程的战斗。当时志愿军的第一次战役刚刚结束,“联合国军”虽遭志愿军迎头阻击,但仍然认为中国是“象征性出兵”,“并不是不可悔的势力”。 因此即迅速集中其全部侵朝部队兵力,发动一次能“结束朝鲜战争的总攻势”,企图将志愿军赶过鸭绿江,占领全朝鲜,并要在十二月二十五日前结束朝鲜战争。 为了查清志愿军参战兵力和意图,从11月6日开始,“联合国军”以部分兵力对朝鲜进行试探性进攻,东线美军主要是海军陆战队第1师和步7师,还编有英国、土耳其各一个旅共约9万余人沿黄草岭推进。美军步兵第七师一部沿丰山向北,南韩军首都一师据守明川。蛰伏在长津湖地区,准备攻击这支强大的”联合国军”部队的是志愿军九兵团。该兵团由20军、26和27军组成。 在11月21日,20军隐蔽进到柳塘里西南,27军潜到柳塘里和新兴里北部,26军作为预备队由厚昌地区向长津湖靠近。九兵团的部队是准备台湾战役的主力,每个军都是四四制加强营甚至都是五五制,共计有近15万人。由于长期在南方作战,部队没有任何寒区作战经验和思想准备,很多人都还是第一次看到雪。美国形容这支经验丰富的部队行动非常诡秘,在美军24小时不间断的侦察中,也能将10多万人的部队神不知鬼觉地潜到长津湖周围志愿军虽然人数优势,但其给养和装备极其缺乏,部队防寒装备是空白```````````````````````````````
``````````````````狂追而来的中国人却保持着东方人特有的含蓄和耐性,先期到达兴南的小股部队只是用拣来的迫击炮闷头向城内美军开火。此时,兴南附近的山头全部在美国海军舰艇的炮火射程内,神经过敏的美国巡洋舰只要稍微发现山上有动静便开始进行炮击,那些美军的运输舰和驱逐舰也紧跟着开火。其实志愿军的26和27军主力部队还在几十公里外,冻饿得体力消耗到了极限,都快爬不动了,官兵们靠拣食品和武器弹药勉强支撑着追击美军。那些掉队的美军士兵在遇到这些消瘦得像骷髅一般的中国士兵后,他们没有被俘的沮丧,更多的是获救的欣喜,因为如果不找到交战的任何一方并被收容的话,是很难在荒凉的冰天雪地里生存下去的。尽管战斗残酷和自己补给不足,美军俘虏被志愿军宽厚的收容对待。那些连续作战断粮已经20余日的志愿军,却千方百计搜罗食物让美军被俘人员填饱肚子。 中华民族宽容善良和坚忍不拔的优良品质在这些军人身上体现得很完美,以至于被俘的一些美军士兵战后选择永久定居在中国。同样被冻得半死的美军终于分批撤上了船,但在兴南港口堆积的大批军需物资没有时间装载撤走,于是在最后一批美军登船后,陆战队的工兵们进行爆破,这大概是二战以来,除原子弹外的最大的一次爆炸,整个港口飞上了天,仓库和码头的钢梁被抛到数百米的空中。那些在几公里外山头上的志愿军士兵都被震倒,看着就快到手的大批的给养被这样毁掉,把这些20余天没有吃过几顿饭的这些士兵快心痛死了。 十二月二十四日,志愿军先头部队终于进入元山港、兴南地区及沿海港口,整个地区已经找不到任何一个美军士兵了。至此,这场历史上最悲壮艰苦的战役全部结束。 向伟大的志愿军全体指战员致以崇高的敬意!
就战争片来说 美国拍的比我们的真实客观多了
where a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops.

美军还叫“ill-equipped ”不只到志愿军是什么装备?
a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops
原帖由 墨燃 于 2007-4-25 00:07 发表
where a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops.

美军还叫“ill-equipped ”不只到志愿军是什么装备?

     :handshake 英雄所见略同
原帖由 士大夫惹是非 于 2007-4-24 21:08 发表

如果美国人真把那段历史拍得不能看的话,我们也不妨拿来 “恶搞” 一把,而且要出英文版的。:D
Stan Smith s Chosin Few Card.jpg

长津少数派 的荣誉卡

Chosin Few
原帖由 songgong 于 2007-4-25 09:49 发表

原帖由 墨燃 于 2007-4-25 00:07 发表
where a group of undertrained and ill-equipped U.S. Army soldiers fought back against the surprise attack of over 100,000 Chinese troops.

美军还叫“ill-equipped ”不只到志愿军是什么装备?

那直接就是打狗棒了。:@ :@ :@
我们的ZF会不会说老美拍这片子不河蟹啊;P :D :L
;P ;P ;P :P :P :P :D :D :D
原帖由 hbao 于 2007-4-25 14:41 发表

不过忘了在哪里看的,美军的战斗意志和空中支援是成正比的,空中支援越久没有到位,战斗意志下降的越厉害,北极熊团在被包围后,费斯中校迟迟没有下令撤退而是采取了就地固守,主要是天气不好空中支援无法按时到位.其实Marine I 在撤退的途中也是200架以上的战机密切保护的