转贴ZH,阿三把18架SU-30KI全部作价卖给白俄罗斯了,一架 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 15:35:33
<p><br/>阿三今年决定把在Cope India 2004被其吹嘘为打得第三联队找不到北的18架SU-30KI全部作价卖给白俄罗斯了,一架不留,据说是为了装备本国的LCA战斗机节省资金和空间。</p><p><font size="2">来自每日国防工业&lt;Defense Industry Daily&gt;</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>To Belarus, With Love: India to Sell 18 Used SU-30Ks for $300M</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>Posted 14-Feb-2006 06:30</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>As part of a USD $4.9 billion deal, Russia and India signed a contract in November 1996 for the delivery of 50 big Su-30 multi-purpose twin-seat fighters, the newest member of Sukhoi's SU-27 Flanker family. The first 18 aircraft had the same capabilities as the Su-30K air superiority variant, but follow-up aircraft offered the multi-role SU-30MKI configuration upgraded with thrust vectoring AL-31FP engines, improved avionics and canards. India received 18 of the early SU-30K standard, and they have been featured at COPE India 2004 and COPE India 2005 exercises with the USA. India has also received 32 of the later-model SU-30MKI aircraft from Irkut and has 140 more on order, to be produced under license by Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) with some assistance from Sukhoi kits.</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/><img src="http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_SU_30K_India_Landing_COPE_India_2004.jpg" border="0" alt=""/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>As HAL production of the SU-30MKI begins, India is now selling off its 18 SU-30K fighters to Belarus for a reported $<b>300 million</b>. At under <b>$17 million per plane</b>, that figure represents a significant bargain to Belarus, which currently operates 23 related SU-27P aircraft and will upgrade the new planes to an SU-30KN standard. India, meanwhile, earns money it can put to other uses, and avoids the need to add an SU-30K upgrade program to its existing full pattern. India Defence has further details.</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[</span></p><p><br/>阿三今年决定把在Cope India 2004被其吹嘘为打得第三联队找不到北的18架SU-30KI全部作价卖给白俄罗斯了,一架不留,据说是为了装备本国的LCA战斗机节省资金和空间。</p><p><font size="2">来自每日国防工业&lt;Defense Industry Daily&gt;</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>To Belarus, With Love: India to Sell 18 Used SU-30Ks for $300M</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>Posted 14-Feb-2006 06:30</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>As part of a USD $4.9 billion deal, Russia and India signed a contract in November 1996 for the delivery of 50 big Su-30 multi-purpose twin-seat fighters, the newest member of Sukhoi's SU-27 Flanker family. The first 18 aircraft had the same capabilities as the Su-30K air superiority variant, but follow-up aircraft offered the multi-role SU-30MKI configuration upgraded with thrust vectoring AL-31FP engines, improved avionics and canards. India received 18 of the early SU-30K standard, and they have been featured at COPE India 2004 and COPE India 2005 exercises with the USA. India has also received 32 of the later-model SU-30MKI aircraft from Irkut and has 140 more on order, to be produced under license by Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) with some assistance from Sukhoi kits.</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/><img src="http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_SU_30K_India_Landing_COPE_India_2004.jpg" border="0" alt=""/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[虚幻天空] [http://www.war-sky.com]</span><font size="2">&nbsp;<br/>As HAL production of the SU-30MKI begins, India is now selling off its 18 SU-30K fighters to Belarus for a reported $<b>300 million</b>. At under <b>$17 million per plane</b>, that figure represents a significant bargain to Belarus, which currently operates 23 related SU-27P aircraft and will upgrade the new planes to an SU-30KN standard. India, meanwhile, earns money it can put to other uses, and avoids the need to add an SU-30K upgrade program to its existing full pattern. India Defence has further details.</font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #e4eaf2;">[</span></p>
阿三傻么?/ 卖重型机换轻型机????
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 这个SU-30MKI,怎么说好呢?三翼面型、发动机问题多多、且喷口是所谓矢量的(毛子自己都正式没有使用过);此外,其航电系统也给整鸟好多法国货在里面,还听说好高务远的阿三又在飞控软件中瞎掺和,不出问题才怪鸟。</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 那个LCA偶看多半也是个绣化枕头滴说哈,别的不说,想用那么多的复合材料来,搞个全世界最轻空重(也想携带4.5的军用载荷),又只有二三百架的产量,那个费用说不定比SU-30MKI还要高。</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-10 13:26:54编辑过]
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 感觉印度这次转让这批SU-30K可能基于这样的原因;这批飞机至97年交付服役以来训练强度比较大,已经到了中修的期限。但这批飞机与30MKI相比技术差距比较大,比如没有鸭翼,航电系统仍旧为旧型的分散式航电系统,发动机也是AL-31F而不是带推力矢量的AL-31FP。这样的话如果SU-30K以SU-30MKI为标准进行升级,不论技术和资金来说都需要较在。另外由于SU-30K和SU-30MKI两者的飞行性能和航电存在的差距也让其无法做为后者的训练转换机型。因此从这个角度来说印度转让SU-30K也不失为明智之举,另外的原因还有可能就是SU-30K在99印巴冲突中表现差劲。</p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">我日,阿三真TMD有钱,SU30再不济也比他装备的MIG23,MIG29好嘛,就算只用来做高教机,用来做战备值班的飞机也行噻.</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">难道阿三只求最贵不求最好?</font></p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>zyz201</i>在2006-4-10 18:47:00的发言:</b><br/><p>阿三聪明了,白俄罗斯就傻啊~~???</p></div><p></p>白俄当然不傻,但没有钱。