
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 19:20:26
<p><font face="宋体" size="3">  作者:wwu2143</font></p><p><strong><font face="宋体" color="#ff0066">  一</font></strong></p><p><font face="宋体">  时间:</font>2005-08-02</p><p>  LCA最新进展: <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  1。印度空军司令在今年二月的印度航展上表示准备订购20架。但现在国防部长向国会表示,那只是意向。 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  2。LCA第四架原型机(PV2)原定于去年10月首飞。他将是量产规格的原型机。今年1月研发商DRDO宣布PV2将在二月的航展上首飞。后来首飞日期又改在,3月,5月,6月。7月15日,DRDO的发言人向多家媒体宣布,几天之内就将首飞。现在快3个星期过去了,看来是又放飞机了。 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  3。DRDO今天披露,他们已经作出痛苦但是明智的决定,LCA的KAVERI发动机必须请外援了,否则,2012年前很难装备空军。"印度有足够的技术和资源,但是缺乏信心。国外合作伙伴可以加强我们的信心“。(技术和资源都有,那到底对什么没信心啊?) <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  4。据某位资深印度网友透露(即使是LCA的铁杆支持者也得敬他一分,因为他认识印度空军的人士),印度空军最近从新评估了LCA,至少部份人认为LCA性能不如歼十,F16 50/52。所以他们要求DRDO改进LCA后才下订单。不过DRDO不愿意。现在的办法是先把性能降级的LCA搞出来,装备20-40架再说。(LCA的基本飞行性能,诸如速度,过载,载重等等,都还达不到原来的设计标准,更别说改进了)。印度军迷多年来一直相信LCA是基本与EF2000相当,隐身能力就比F22差点的战机,现在就剩一位还在拼死和M2000比呢。LCA现在是印度军迷的主要企盼。ARJUN已经基本出局了。<br/></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  <strong><font color="#ff0066">二</font></strong></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  时间:2005-11-27</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  LCA现在是没太大进展。试飞也不快。原来的计划是先用TD1,TD2两架技术验证机进行飞行测试,然后用PV1,2,3,4原型机进行高级测试(包括武器雷达等等)。其中最关键的节点是PV2,因为它是量产构型。按计划PV2应该于2004年9月首飞。2005年开始又公开宣布了多个首飞日期,全都错过了。最新的说法是,随时都有可能飞起来,也有可能再过半年都飞不起来。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  而且,不太妙的是,连PV1都自从今年6月开始就没上过天。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  到目前为止的400多次试飞中,有近百次其实是飞行表演,比如每年的印度航展。今年3月的印度航展上,TD1,2和PV1这三架能飞的LCA一起编队飞行,这就加了3个试飞架次。最近的试飞就在两周前,TD1,2编队飞行,又是两个架次,当然,主要是给来访的印度总统应景的。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  不过呢,现在印度的兴趣已经不在LCA上了(至少目前如此)。现在越来越红火的是中型战斗机的外购方案。5年前印度空军提出外购126架幻影2000弥补战机数量不足的问题。幻影2000技术成熟且印度已有后勤体系,不失为一个快捷的解决方式。可是到现在已经演变成准备买200架,候选者到今天为止包括:幻影2000-9,F16-60,Gripen,F18E/F,EF2000,Mig35,Su35。如果再过两月阵风和F15也加入,大家也别奇怪。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  当然最轰动的是今天印度报纸的消息,空军司令说要外购126架轻型战机。这个消息要是真的,那LCA就完蛋了。不过呢,印度报纸的可信度恐怕还比不过咱们的军坛。<br/></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  <strong><font color="#ff0066">三</font></strong></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  时间:2006-01-12</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  说回LCA吧,现在情况挺复杂。 <br/><br/>  1。PV2(第4架原型机)经过一年多的延误终于在去年12月2日首飞了。但一个来月过去了,一直也没飞过。<br/><br/>  2。由于备件缺乏,PV2首飞时不得不从PV1上拆了些零件。而PV1从2005年6月就再没飞过了。为了让PV1飞起来,准备把TD2(2号原型机)拆了。<br/><br/>  3。按照印度的标准,新机有1200个架次的飞行测试需要通过。LCA现在已进行了486架次的飞行,但其中大部份是飞行表演(航展或贵宾观礼),只有5%到10%左右可以算进规定的飞测架次中。<br/><br/>  4。尽管如此,印度还是要尽力按原计划进行LCA,当然必须变通一下。2月份,PV3下线。PV4不造了,改成双座的。PV5改成海军版,06年底前完成。06年6月就开始预量产8架LCA(比咱们歼十那会儿还猛)。08年开始量产20架LCA。<br/><br/>  5。Kaveri发动机现在已经收到了多家国际著名发动机厂商加盟解决问题的标书,但标书截止后一直没有消息了,据说审核标书的委员会还没成立呢。 <br/><br/>  6。在表达了多年购买20架LCA的意向后,印度空军前两天表示现在已经进入深入探讨阶段了,而且以后还可能买多20架。</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-2 17:03:18编辑过]
<p><font face="宋体" size="3">  作者:wwu2143</font></p><p><strong><font face="宋体" color="#ff0066">  一</font></strong></p><p><font face="宋体">  时间:</font>2005-08-02</p><p>  LCA最新进展: <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  1。印度空军司令在今年二月的印度航展上表示准备订购20架。但现在国防部长向国会表示,那只是意向。 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  2。LCA第四架原型机(PV2)原定于去年10月首飞。他将是量产规格的原型机。今年1月研发商DRDO宣布PV2将在二月的航展上首飞。后来首飞日期又改在,3月,5月,6月。7月15日,DRDO的发言人向多家媒体宣布,几天之内就将首飞。现在快3个星期过去了,看来是又放飞机了。 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  3。DRDO今天披露,他们已经作出痛苦但是明智的决定,LCA的KAVERI发动机必须请外援了,否则,2012年前很难装备空军。"印度有足够的技术和资源,但是缺乏信心。国外合作伙伴可以加强我们的信心“。(技术和资源都有,那到底对什么没信心啊?) <br/>&nbsp;<br/>  4。据某位资深印度网友透露(即使是LCA的铁杆支持者也得敬他一分,因为他认识印度空军的人士),印度空军最近从新评估了LCA,至少部份人认为LCA性能不如歼十,F16 50/52。所以他们要求DRDO改进LCA后才下订单。不过DRDO不愿意。现在的办法是先把性能降级的LCA搞出来,装备20-40架再说。(LCA的基本飞行性能,诸如速度,过载,载重等等,都还达不到原来的设计标准,更别说改进了)。印度军迷多年来一直相信LCA是基本与EF2000相当,隐身能力就比F22差点的战机,现在就剩一位还在拼死和M2000比呢。LCA现在是印度军迷的主要企盼。ARJUN已经基本出局了。<br/></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  <strong><font color="#ff0066">二</font></strong></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  时间:2005-11-27</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  LCA现在是没太大进展。试飞也不快。原来的计划是先用TD1,TD2两架技术验证机进行飞行测试,然后用PV1,2,3,4原型机进行高级测试(包括武器雷达等等)。其中最关键的节点是PV2,因为它是量产构型。按计划PV2应该于2004年9月首飞。2005年开始又公开宣布了多个首飞日期,全都错过了。最新的说法是,随时都有可能飞起来,也有可能再过半年都飞不起来。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  而且,不太妙的是,连PV1都自从今年6月开始就没上过天。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  到目前为止的400多次试飞中,有近百次其实是飞行表演,比如每年的印度航展。今年3月的印度航展上,TD1,2和PV1这三架能飞的LCA一起编队飞行,这就加了3个试飞架次。最近的试飞就在两周前,TD1,2编队飞行,又是两个架次,当然,主要是给来访的印度总统应景的。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  不过呢,现在印度的兴趣已经不在LCA上了(至少目前如此)。现在越来越红火的是中型战斗机的外购方案。5年前印度空军提出外购126架幻影2000弥补战机数量不足的问题。幻影2000技术成熟且印度已有后勤体系,不失为一个快捷的解决方式。可是到现在已经演变成准备买200架,候选者到今天为止包括:幻影2000-9,F16-60,Gripen,F18E/F,EF2000,Mig35,Su35。如果再过两月阵风和F15也加入,大家也别奇怪。</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  当然最轰动的是今天印度报纸的消息,空军司令说要外购126架轻型战机。这个消息要是真的,那LCA就完蛋了。不过呢,印度报纸的可信度恐怕还比不过咱们的军坛。<br/></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  <strong><font color="#ff0066">三</font></strong></font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  时间:2006-01-12</font></p><p><font face="宋体" size="3">  说回LCA吧,现在情况挺复杂。 <br/><br/>  1。PV2(第4架原型机)经过一年多的延误终于在去年12月2日首飞了。但一个来月过去了,一直也没飞过。<br/><br/>  2。由于备件缺乏,PV2首飞时不得不从PV1上拆了些零件。而PV1从2005年6月就再没飞过了。为了让PV1飞起来,准备把TD2(2号原型机)拆了。<br/><br/>  3。按照印度的标准,新机有1200个架次的飞行测试需要通过。LCA现在已进行了486架次的飞行,但其中大部份是飞行表演(航展或贵宾观礼),只有5%到10%左右可以算进规定的飞测架次中。<br/><br/>  4。尽管如此,印度还是要尽力按原计划进行LCA,当然必须变通一下。2月份,PV3下线。PV4不造了,改成双座的。PV5改成海军版,06年底前完成。06年6月就开始预量产8架LCA(比咱们歼十那会儿还猛)。08年开始量产20架LCA。<br/><br/>  5。Kaveri发动机现在已经收到了多家国际著名发动机厂商加盟解决问题的标书,但标书截止后一直没有消息了,据说审核标书的委员会还没成立呢。 <br/><br/>  6。在表达了多年购买20架LCA的意向后,印度空军前两天表示现在已经进入深入探讨阶段了,而且以后还可能买多20架。</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-2 17:03:18编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-2 17:08:00编辑过]
<p><font face="Arial" color="#000000">  印度LCA配套发动机KAVERI的情况:</font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#000000">  翻译者:雪海孤枫</font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#000000">  <strong><font size="5">一:</font></strong><br/>  时间:2005年3月</font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#000000">  大家凑合看, 主要是讲KAVERI没法继续,DRDO寻求外界援助, 文中还评价了中国的动力问题. 有空我自己也来慢慢翻 <br/>  ------------------------------------------- <br/>DRDO looking for global technical partner to develop Kaveri engine&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>DRDO 为开发KAVERI引擎寻找全球技术伙伴 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>BANGALORE: The Defence Research and Development Organisation, whose Gas Turbine Research Establishment is developing the Kaveri engine that will power India's Light Combat Aircraft, is actively considering taking on board a global technical partner who will help co-develop the engine.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>班加罗尔: 为印度轻型战斗飞机(LCA)开发KAVERI引擎之燃气涡沦研究院(GTRE)所在的国防研究开发组织(DRDO), 正在积极考虑引入一个全球技术伙伴来帮助其合作开发该引擎. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>A high-power committee — comprising the Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister (who is also the Director-General, DRDO); the Chief Controller (Research and Development), DRDO; and the Director, GTRE, among others — has deliberated the proposal, official sources told The Hindu.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>有官方消息来源告诉我们印地报, 一个高层委员会已经探讨了这个提议. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>DRDO's reasoning is that a global partner with a proven record in combat aircraft engine development will help accelerate the GTRE's long-delayed Kaveri engine programme that started in the late 1980s. According to officials DRDO and GTRE officials, the global tie-up will certainly be "for the betterment and good of the project."&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>DRDO论证认为,一个有战斗飞机引擎开发经验的全球伙伴的引入将会加速GTRE自80年代后期立项以来长期延误的KAVERI引擎计划, 据DRDO和GTRE的官员所述, 这种国际联系必然是"对该项目有好处和补益". <br/>&nbsp;<br/>However, the move has surprised many since the DRDO in the past has repeatedly refused to involve outside agencies to help the GTRE accelerate the development of the engine. It had preferred to leave it to the GTRE, even if it meant not being able to develop the engine in time. Military experts view the decision to now take the global route as admission that the GTRE cannot develop the engine on its own.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>然而, 该动作让许多人吃了一惊,因为在过去DRDO曾不止一次的拒绝扯上外部力量来帮助GTRE开发该引擎. 即使这可能意味着无法及时地开发成功也不为所动. 现在, 军事专家将DRDO的引入伙伴计划视为其承认了GTRE无法自力完成开发. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Mounting costs&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>The GTRE has spent Rs. 1,300 crores on the Kaveri engine project. The Cabinet Committee on Security last December revised the estimate for its future development to Rs. 2,800 crores. But the engine is still not ready for high-altitude flight tests, scheduled to be performed in Russia aboard a Tupolev-16 aircraft. It is also miles away from completing the 8,000 hours of testing necessary to complete the engine development phase.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>GTRE已经花了130亿卢比在KAVERI引擎项目上. 去年十二月内阁安全委员会更将未来开发所需评估修正至280亿卢比. 但是该引擎仍未能为计划中在俄罗斯的图16高空台测试作好准备, 在完成开发引擎必需的8000小时测试环节上也差距甚远. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>While most military aviation experts are in favour of the GTRE taking a partner since this is undoubtedly the only way forward for the engine programme, they are critical of the delay in taking the decision. They feel there is no harm in signing an agreement with any one of the handful of companies worldwide — Rolls-Royce (Great Britain), Snecma Moteurs (France), CFM International (United States), General Electric (GE, United States) or Pratt and Whitney (United States), NPO "Saturn" and MMPP Salut (the last two from Russia) — that posses the technology to develop combat aircraft engines, just as long they are equal partners in the funding and development and sharing the risks/benefits involved.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Snecma shows interest&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>思奈克玛表示干兴趣 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>The GTRE has been in touch with almost all the global players but the collaborations so far have been restricted to only a review of the Kaveri engine and suggestions. Sources told The Hindu that Snecma had recently written to the Defence Ministry indicating its willingness for a possible tie-up with the GTRE, which will include a risk-sharing, joint development/production relationship on the Kaveri or any other engine that can be developed afresh for the LCA. But Snecma has asked that it be allowed to send a fact-finding team to assess the capability available at the GTRE. It also wanted a production house such as the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited to be part of the collaboration.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Indications are that HAL will be keen on such a collaboration since it will not only give their engine division a substantial amount of work, but also a toe-hold in the aircraft engine developing and manufacturing industry which has so far been the preserve of the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia. Chinese fighter-aircraft engines are more a product of reverse engineering. There have been serious slippages in the development schedules of the twin spool, low bypass ratio turbo fan of the Kaveri engine, causing it to be out of synch with the rest of the LCA programme (which itself is behind schedule).&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>迹象显示HAL对于这样的协作非常热心, 因为这不仅为他们的引擎部门带来了工作, 也让其能够在美英法俄的专有领域取得立足之地. 中国的战机引擎更多的象是逆向工程的产品. 双轴,低旁通比涡扇的KAVERI引擎已经在开发日程上严重推迟, 这也导致其与LCA项目(也落后于日程)中别的开发部分脱节. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>According to a report tabled in Parliament by the Standing Committee on Defence in April, the Kaveri engine will be installed on the LCA only by 2012 (the LCA is expected to enter squadron service in 2007) and that too at a revised cost of Rs. 2,839 crores, almost eight times the 1989 initial projected development cost of Rs. 382 crores. Noting the delay in trials and tests of the development of the country's first aero-engine, the report said there were still question marks over the completion of the engine and its financial viability in comparison to other fighter engines in the world market.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>从四月常务国防委员会提交给国会的一份报告指出, KAVERI引擎要到2012年才能装上LCA. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Senior GTRE scientists attribute the delay to the integration of 16,000 components, as in the case of the Kaveri engine, in the propulsion system, the most complex part of a fighter aircraft. "When the GTRE hasn't even developed a high-powered diesel engine, how can you expect us to deliver overnight?"&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>资深GTRE科学家将延误归咎于该引擎16000个部件的组装. 他们抱怨道: "当GTRE甚至还不能开发一个大马力柴油发动机时, 你们怎能期望我们一夜之间就生产出KAVERI呢?" <br/>&nbsp;<br/>But scientists admit that if the engine was not produced by 2006, it would result in serious questions being asked over the continuation of the programme itself. The engine is at present undergoing endurance phase tests.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>但科学家们承认如果该引擎到2006年仍无法投产的话, 是否继续该引擎的开发将成为一个严肃的问题被提出. 该引擎当前正在进行耐久性测试. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>The two LCA technical demonstrators and lone prototype are now powered by GE F404 F2J3 engines. With the Aeronautical Development Agency being asked by the Indian Air Force to make 40 aircraft, India has had to order an additional 57 GE-404 IN20 engines, deliveries of which at the earliest could take a year.</font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#000000"></font>&nbsp;</p><font face="Arial" color="#000000"><p><br/>  <font size="5"><strong>二</strong></font></p><p>  时间:2005年8月</p><p>下文来自8月6日的印度报纸-德干信使报, 地址如下, 我会小翻一下: <br/><a href="http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/aug62005/index202514200585.asp">http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/aug62005/index202514200585.asp</a> <br/>------------------------------------ <br/>Delay in work clips Kaveri wings <br/>延误让KAVERI望天兴叹&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>By Madhuprasad N DH News Service, Bangalore:&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>*The development work on the jet engine, which caught fire during a test last year, has reached nowhere.&nbsp; <br/>*去年测试中着火的该喷气引擎的开发工作前途茫茫.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>India’s first indigenous jet engine, Kaveri, appears to have crashed even before taking off. With it, more than Rs 1,300 crore has effectively been sucked into the air intake of a jet engine. The Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) has already invested more than Rs 1,300 crore for the Kaveri engine project, but the engine is still not ready. And now plans are afoot at GTRE to tie up with Snecma Moteurs to develop the same.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>印度的第一部自制喷气引擎KAVERI似乎已经夭折了. 燃气涡轮研究院(GTRE)超过130亿卢比的投资也随之打了水漂. 现在, GTRE计划引入斯奈克玛动力(Snecma Moteurs)来参与工作. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>The French company already provides components for Kaveri, besides engines for the Advanced Light Helicopter. General Electric and Rolls Royce, Pratt and Whitney of the United States, NPO ‘Saturn’ and MMPP Salut from Russia also figure as possible partners for developing the engine.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>该法国公司以前已为KAVERI提供部件, 并为印度的先进轻型直升机(ALH)提供引擎. GE和RR, 美国的普惠, 饿国的土星局与礼炮局也同时被视为可能的引擎开发伙伴. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>The Kaveri engine caught fire when being tested on board a Tupolev-16 aircraft in Russia last year. The reason for the fire was a miscalculation by the scientists when they cut off the fuel supply to the engine, a scientist said. The entire engine was destroyed in the fire.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>KAVERI在去年于饿国图16上测试时着火. 起火原因, 据说, 是当科学家在切断引擎燃料供应是发生了误算, 整个引擎随之全毁. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Senior GTRE scientists now attribute the delay in developing the engine to the integration of 16,000 and odd components in the propulsion system, the most complex part of a fighter aircraft.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>The Kaveri engine project, which was initiated in 1989, has so far undergone development tests of more than 1,200 hours, the GTRE scientists claim. The Kaveri (K5 engine) prototype had completed phase I and II of high altitude testing on the test bed of M/s CIAM, Russia. The scientists admit that there are “some problems” with the Kaveri engine being developed for the light combat aircraft, but the GTRE claims that it is planning to send the K9 engine for Flying Test Bed trials in December 2005 or early January 2006, to Russia.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>始于1989年的KAVERI工程, 据GTRE的科学家称, 已完成了超过1200个小时的开发测试. KAVERI的原形机K5已在饿国的测试台上完成了高空测试的第一和第二阶段. 他们承认改引擎存在一些问题, 但GTRE声称它正计划将K9原形机于年底12月或明年一月初送到饿国进行飞行台测试. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Flight evaluation&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>According to Comptroller Auditor General sources, the Aero-Engine Development Board approved in July 1993, the flight evaluation of Kaveri engine on an aircraft FTB (Flight Test Bed). The task was assigned to CABS (Centre for Air Borne Systems) in November 1996, for FTB trials in Russia. The flight evaluation was to be completed by May 1999.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>Before delivery for fitment on FTB for flight evaluation, the engine was required to complete at least 2,000 hours of ground and altitude test flights. The Technical Evaluation Committee constituted by CABS had indicated in May 1996 that the engine (and its core engine Kabini) had completed 89 hours of such testing and was expected to be ready for fitment on FTB only between February and June 1998.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>CABS, however, informed the firm in November 1998 that the engine might be delivered only by December 2000. In April 1999, CABS extended the delivery date to February 2001. This necessitated keeping the FTB aircraft serviceable till December 2004.&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;<br/>The CAG sources, however, said they failed to understand how the engine was sent for tests to Russia without even completing the required parameters in 2004.</p></font>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>勇敢在心</i>在2006-4-2 17:58:00的发言:</b><br/>这样看来我还是支持印度采购LCA,越多越好!</div><p>傻呀你 </p><p>LCA再次也是印度的自有技术,如果不采购,LCA死掉不是更好 </p><p>外国军机再好也是国外的,打起来消耗不起(除非欺负小国)</p>
LCA-Tejas has completed 509 Test Flights successfully. (29-Mar-06).<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>LCA&nbsp; has completed 509 Test Flights successfully (TD1-172, TD2-214, PV1-120,PV2-3). <br/>120th flight of Tejas PV1 occurred on 29th&nbsp; Mar 06. <br/>3rd flight of Tejas PV2 occurred on 29th&nbsp; Mar 06.&nbsp; <p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-3 1:38:19编辑过]